Chapter 86

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Knock knock knock
Griffin: (mumbles) who the hell is knocking on our door at this time in the morning
Kio: (laying on griffin's chest) I don't know but make them go away
Griffin: if you want me to be the one then you need to get off babe (runs his fingers through his hair)
Kio: ugh fine but hurry (moves his head on a pillow)
Knock knock knock
Griffin: (groans) I am coming hold on! (Throws on a pair of sweats and walks over to the door and opens it) oh hey Travis, Landon what are you guys doing here
Travis: surprising Jaden with this (holds up a gold platinum record for angels and demons) oh and get dressed because we are all spending the day in Disney today before tonight for Jaden's album release
Griffin's pov
I just stood staring at the front door trying to process what Travis was saying in my half asleep state but honestly the man's crazy so I am not surprised.
End of pov
Griffin: come on in then, I'll get the rest of the boys up and you can go upstairs Jaden's room is the first door on the right
Travis: okay
Landon: sup griffin
Griffin: morning
Landon: where's Lexie?
Griffin: in Jaden's room just follow Travis
Landon: okay
(Travis and Landon walk upstairs to the room and Travis opens his door blasting angels and demons on his phone right next to Jaden's ear)
Jaden: what the actual fuck! (Sits up and looks at them) not that I am not happy to see you Travis but can I know why your standing in my bedroom waking me up with my song
Travis: surprise mother fucker!!! (Pulls out the platinum record of angels and demons)
Jaden: NO WAY YOUR LYING!! (Stands up from the bed and walks over to look at it)
Josh: what is with all the screaming (opens his eyes)
Jaden: babe angels and demons went GOLD!!!
Josh: (smiles) congrats rockstar I knew you could do it (stands up and walks over to him and wraps his arms around his waist and whispers in his ear) I am so proud of you
Jaden: thank you for standing by me this entire time and believing in me before I could believe it myself (pecks him on the lips)
Landon: (looks at Travis) shame on you for making them break up the last two months
Travis: it wasn't my fault how many times do I have to say it, my hands were tied
Landon: yeah yeah excuses excuses (jokes) congrats bro
Jaden: thanks man (looks over at Lexie who's still sleeping) there could be an earthquake and that girl wouldn't even know she's dead asleep
Landon: can I wake her up?
Josh: yes but keep your hands where we can see them
Jaden: (rolls his eyes) come on let's go downstairs and leave the love Birds alone (pulls josh out of the room with Travis)
Josh: okay where did the real Jaden go because I know he wouldn't want Lexie alone in the room with a boy
Jaden: I like and trust Landon (he says as they walk downstairs)
Landon's pov
I looked over at Lexie surprised she was still fast asleep under the covers but I walked over to her anyway and decided to kiss her on the cheek.
End of pov
Lexie: hmm (mumbles)
Landon: wake up sleeping beauty
Lexie: (opens her eyes) what are you doing here?
Landon: you missed the show but long story short your brother went gold on angels and demons and we are spending the day at Disney so go get ready
Lexie: a little confused but okay I'll meet you downstairs
Landon: okay (smiles and walks out of the room)
Lexie's pov
After Landon left the room I couldn't help but blush a little at the fact that he woke me up with a kiss on the cheek and felt little butterflies in my stomach which has never happened before. This is definitely new territory and I don't know how to feel about it but I decided to forget it for the time being and got off the bed and walked over to my room and opened my closet to pull out my outfit I have specifically for Disney. It's a white crop top with Minnie Mouse on the front with a pair of red high rise shorts that have five buttons to give it a little bit of an edgier look with matching high top converse, and for my hair I put it in two braids and put on a gold locket of the Disney symbol that I got the last time we were in Disney. I grabbed my little backpack and walked downstairs to see everyone standing around the counter ready to go but I walked over to Jaden and gave him a hug.
End of pov
Lexie: congrats bubba I am proud of you
Jaden: (smiles) thanks baby (kisses the top of her head)
Blake: so are we going to eat breakfast here or there?
Travis: we are going to meet up with kells, Casey, megan, Bama and Kourtney for breakfast by the beach
Noah: you planned out this whole day didn't you?
Travis: yeah so let's get going
Bryce: wait what car should we take?
Anthony: let's just take the triller van it'll be easier, Travis you want to ride with us or take your car?
Travis: I'll take mine but if Landon wants to ride with you guys for a certain someone it's fine with me (teases)
Landon: dad...
Lexie: it's cool you can ride with us, if you want...
Landon: (smirks) okay
Travis: alright then let's go
Lexie's pov
We left the house and got in the triller van griff drove, Kio was in the passenger, then in the back josh and Jaden sat next to each other, Anthony, Blake and Noah were on the same side and then on the opposite side was Quinton, Landon and I. I wanted to sit next to Landon but Quinton decided to be protective all of a sudden and sat in the middle, and let's just say if looks could kill he would be underground by now, but I'll remember this the next time he decides to bring odalie around.
End of pov
Lexie: you suck (looks at quinton)
Quinton: I am just making sure you two don't get handsy
Lexie: I am not going to do anything with josh and Jaden right across from us, you just wanted to be annoying
Quinton: not true
Lexie: yeah it is
Quinton: I am just being protective
Lexie: okay remind me to be protective the next time you want to bring Odalie around
Cooper: alright you two knock it off
(Lexie is about to make a comeback when her phone vibrates)
Text convo
Landon: it's okay we'll just ride all the rides together :)
Lexie: fineee but on the way back I want to sit next to you 🥺
Landon: let's sprint to the van then or we can go in my car
Lexie: okay I prefer your car anyway 😂
End of text convo
Anthony: are you two texting each other when your in the same car?
Lexie: what no (scoffs)
Blake: hmm suree
Lexie: we wouldn't need to be texting each other if Quinton let us sit next to each other
Jaden: (shakes his head) let it go we are almost there anyway
Lexie: fine (playfully crosses her arms when her phone vibrates again)
Text convo
Landon: you look cute when your annoyed
Lexie: shut up 🙈
Landon: even through text your cute
End of text convo
Landon's pov
I looked across from me and saw lex trying to hide her blush, i know it's only been a couple days since we've met but I have known about her because of social media and I always thought she was cute. I have wanted my dad to introduce her to me for a while now but the timing just never matched up until the beach party but it was like an instant connection. I want to get to know her more though and take things slow, I know about her past and I know that I don't want to be just another hook up for her. We finally pulled into the restaurant and got out of the triller van and noticed that kourtney's car was there along with uncle kells.
End of pov
Lexie's pov
We got out of the van and started walking inside when Landon walked over to me and he gently grabbed my hand as we were walking inside as we followed the rest of the group to the table. The first person I saw was Kourtney so I said hi to her and then bama, along with kells, Casey who insisted on sitting next to us which I was fine with because she's adorable. Jaden introduced the boys to everyone and I am pretty sure if Megan wasn't with kells Bryce would have tried to flirt with her because his jaw definitely dropped when he saw her but then Blake hit him in the stomach and brought him back to reality. We all sat down and I started looking at the menu, thankfully there was a variety of foods so I didn't have to go for pancakes like always and could pick something healthier on the menu or at least something with not as many calories, I know I should probably eat something more but we are in a group setting and the last thing I need is to let my stupid anxiety get in the way of things.
End of pov
Jaden: lex have you thought about what your going to have?
Lexie: yeah I think I am going to go with the berry quinoa salad
Kourtney: that's my favorite here you'll love it (smiles)
Lexie: yeah I am looking at the ingredients and it looks good
Noah: since when do you eat quinoa lex?
Lexie: since now, now hush
Jaden: as long as you eat everything it's fine with me
Lexie: okay, what about you bama?
Alabama: I love the Belgian waffles here there so good with whip cream and strawberries
Landon: do you want to split it because I am in the mood for eggs and bacon but the waffles are gas here too
Alabama: fine you can have two
Landon: thanks sis
Alabama: hmm, what about you Casey (looks at her)
Casey: chocolate chip pancakes
Josh: oh look lex you and Casey can be twins
Casey: you like chocolate chip pancakes too (looks at Lexie)
Lexie: there my favorite especially from IHop
Casey: so why don't you get that instead?
Lexie: I am in the mood for something different today
Casey: oh okay
Kells: so Jaden I heard angels and demons went gold how are you feeling?
Jaden: honestly speechless, I am in shock
Kells: get used to that feeling but stay humble you never want to forget that it's the fans who give it to you
Kio: don't worry he knows we'll slap him upside the head if he starts to get cocky
Jaden: kio's right plus with you guys by my side to remind me I don't think I could
Kells: I know that but I also know how the industry is thankfully you have the right people to keep you grounded
Jaden: yeah your right
(Then the waitress shows up and takes everyone's orders)
Thirty minutes later
Lexie's pov
Eventually the food was brought out and I looked at the bowl of quinoa and blueberries in front of me and I was starting to second guess my decision, Noah was right i have never even tried quinoa so how am I supposed to know if I like it? But I wasn't about to overthink it to much even though I was already overthinking it even before I ordered food. Wait a minute I have been overthinking a lot today, did I take my pill this morning? The answer is no, no I did not.. well shit the one day where I should have taken my meds because we are going to be at a theme park with crowds of people is the one day I don't take it. I mentally slapped myself for it.
End of pov
Blake: lex, lex, Lexie
Lexie: hmm (looks at him)
Blake: you good?
Lexie: yeah (picks up her spoon and takes a bite of her food)
Kourtney: so what do you think? I told you it was good
Lexie: yeah your right it is (takes another bite)
After breakfast
Lexie: I call going with Travis and Landon in there car to Disney
Casey: I want to go too
Megan: why don't you stay with us case we'll see them at the park
Casey: but I want to hang out with the big kids
Alabama: tell you what case I'll go with you in your car and we'll let lex and Landon go with uncle Travis deal? (Looks at Lexie and Landon)
Lexie: (mouths) thank you
Alabama: (nods her head)
Kells: okay then let's go
Josh: Landon don't get handsy with the baby
Lexie: I am not a baby josh
Griffin: your still sway's baby even when you turn sixteen
(Lexie shakes her head)
Travis: don't worry I'll make sure they don't do anything
Jaden: I know, (looks at the boys) let's go we'll see you at the park
Them: okay
Scene change (triller van)
Anthony: why are you so okay with Lexie going with Landon? We barely know the kid
Jaden: exactly you guys don't know him but I do and like I told josh earlier I trust him, he hasn't done anything to make me think otherwise, besides josh was the one that said we need to give her room to grow isn't that right (looks at josh)
Josh: well I take it back now
Bryce: you can't do that, Jaden's right we need to start trusting her and I'd rather her be with Landon then some problematic fuck boy tik toker
Kio: good point
Josh: fine I just don't want her to get hurt again...
Jaden: don't worry she'll be fine
Scene change
Landon: so your telling me that you watched paradise city and didn't know the main character was the lead singer of black veil brides (asks shocked)
Lexie: what's black veil brides?
Landon: you know we are going to pretend we didn't have this conversation and you didn't say that (looks at his dad) dad can you put on scarlet cross
Travis: I don't know if you can see but I am driving
Landon: fine, Kourtney can you pass me the aux?
Kourtney: yeah here (passes it to him)
Landon: you are listening to black veil brides and your going to like them trust me
Lexie: if you say so (shrugs his shoulders)
They listen to a few more songs
Lexie: okay I'll admit their music is good but I like scarlet cross better then field of bones
Landon: no way field of bone has a better message
Lexie: that might be true but Scarlett cross has better lyrics
Landon: okay fair point
Lexie: plus the instruments sound better
Landon: now that I disagree with
Travis: okay you two are going to have to put your little debate on hold because we are here (parks the car)
Lexie's pov
We got out of the car and made sure that all three cars were close in proximity and started walking towards the entrance to the park to buy the tickets and then go on the monorail.
End of pov
Lexie: this monorail looks so futuristic compared to the one in Miami
Landon: I know the other one is just like a normal bus this ones more colorful
Casey: it's cooler
Lexie: agreed
(They get on the monorail)
Lexie's pov
After five minutes we got off the monorail and started walking to the real main entrance and then decided to get a map and look at where we were going to go first. I tried not to pay attention to the amount of people that were here and just focus on our core group but my mind still kept thinking about what happened the last time we went to a theme park. Stop it Lexie that was months ago there's no way your going to run into anyone this time, but no matter how many times I tried to reassure myself of that I still had a weird feeling in my stomach but i concluded it was just because I didn't take my anxiety meds, yeah that's what it is, I didn't take my meds.
End of pov
Kells: Lexie lex
Lexie: hmm what?
Megan: we are waiting on your vote what should we do first?
Lexie: I am down for whatever honestly
Kells; okay then I guess we'll start at fantasy land then
Casey: yay!
(The group starts walking)
Josh: is it just me or is lex spacing out more today?
Jaden: no I am noticing it too, (looks over at lex who's walking with Landon) lex! Come here for a second
Lexie: okay (looks at Landon) be right back
Landon: okay
Lexie: (walks over to them) what's up?
Jaden: are you okay?
Lexie: yeah why?
Josh: it's just your spacing out a lot today
Lexie: I am fine I promise
Jaden: okay... do you have your stress ball in case?
Lexie: yeah it's inside my bag
Josh: okay use it if you feel like your getting overwhelmed
Lexie: okay can I go back now?
Jaden: yeah
Lexie's pov
That was close I didn't want to tell Jaden that I didn't take my pills because then he'll be worrying about the whole day and today's supposed to be his day, I don't want to cause any stress for him so I am just doing my best to behave and not cause problems. I walked back over to Landon and we continued following the group to fantasyland which was pretty much like the one in Miami except with a few different rides but after exiting fantasyland we ended up in radiator springs.
End of pov
Casey: let's do the racing one first
Alabama: okay
Lexie: I call riding sally! (Runs towards the car)
Casey: that's fine I wanted McQueen anyway
Landon: I wanted McQueen
Casey: to bad go with your girlfriend (teases)
Landon: she's not my girlfriend
Alabama: yet
Landon: haha very funny (walks after Lexie) oh come on I call the drivers side
Lexie: you were to slow (teases)
Landon: fine but the next ride we go on, we take front row
Lexie: deal
Lexie's pov
We cruised through radiator springs and when it finished we went finished up radiator springs and ended up in adventure land where we on pirates because that was Josh's favorite ride and he insisted on me riding with him and Jaden saying that I have been with Landon this whole time, I playfully rolled my eyes and decided to just do a couple rides with them and when we ended up in the next world which I forgot the name of because it's not in Miami but they had Astro orbiter which was like a more intense version of space mountain. We got on it and this time I sat with Landon since I promised we would go front row but as soon the ride started Landon passed out.
End of pov
Lexie: uh Travis (looks behind her)
Travis: yeah?
Lexie: Landon fainted
Travis: don't worry he'll wake up once the ride ends, this happens at six flags
Lexie: uh okay...
The ride finishes and Landon wakes up
Landon: what happened?
Lexie: oh nothing but you forgot to mention you PASS OUT ON ROLLER COASTERS!!
Landon: oops did I forget that little detail (Laughs)
Lexie: yes you did dummy (smacks him upside the head)
Landon: ow (whines and rubs the back of his head)
(They get off the ride and walk outside)
Noah: okay what's next?
Kells: we can either go towards Pixar world or haunted mansion
Kids: haunted mansion!
Megan: haunted mansion it is then (laughs)
Lexie's pov
We started walking towards haunted mansion but the weird feeling my stomach started to come back so I looked behind me but I just saw the boys, I looked to my left and I didn't see anything, so I looked to my right and at first I didn't see anyone that I recognized. Ugh it's my stupid anxiety it's making me paranoid, I have to forget about it. We walked towards haunted mansion and we got on the ride but for some reason my anxiety just wouldn't go away on that ride, then we went towards Pixar and did a few rides before calling a lunch break. So we headed to alien pizza planet. It was the quickest since we only had a few more hours before we had to leave the park and go back home to get ready for the release party tonight.
End of pov
Landon: hey are you okay? You've been quiet since haunted mansion
Lexie: yeah I am fine (looks around the park)
Landon: are you sure? Because you don't look like it
Lexie: if I tell you something you have to promise you won't tell the guys
Landon: okay...
Lexie: I didn't take my anxiety pills so I guess I am just feeling a little paranoid
Landon: (holds her hand) hey it's okay your with us don't worry okay?
Lexie: (nods your head) your right (takes a bite of her pizza)
Lexie's pov
We finished eating and started walking towards guardians of the galaxy, we walked into the building and in one of the rooms it was darker then the others and I instinctively found myself holding onto Landon's hand but the line started moving and I felt someone bump into me.
End of pov
?: sorry babygirl I'll watch where I am going next time (walks away)
Lexie's pov
I felt my breath hitch that nickname, that voice... no no it's impossible he's back in Tennesse, your okay Lexie it was just a coincidence, it had to be... unless he managed to find me. I felt my breathing increase, the nightmare I had a few nights ago, the feeling I have had in my stomach it wasn't my anxiety, it was my intuition. No no it couldn't have been because If it was my intuition that would mean he's back and that's impossible... but my intuition is never wrong. My breathing kept increasing and I looked around and realized the boys were ahead of the line and I didn't see them. I was about to start panicking.
End of pov
Jaden: Lexie what are you doing all the way back here! (Moving through the crowd of people)
Lexie: I I am s s sorry I j just g got l lost
Jaden: Lexie did you take your meds this morning?
Lexie: (sighs) no I forgot
Jaden: damnit it lex you know what happens when you do that
Lexie: I know I am sorry
Jaden: it's okay just stay with us yeah?
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
We finished guardians of the galaxy and noticed it was five o clock and the release party started at eight which gave us four hours to get ready. We said bye to everyone even though we were going to see them later and Landon gave me a kiss on the cheek before getting in the car with Travis. On the way home my mind was spiraling but I tried my best to stay calm if I told the boys that I saw him or heard him since it was dark and I couldn't really see him they would probably just think I was paranoid.
End of pov
Jaden: lex when we get home I want you to take your pill and get ready okay? (Looks at her)
Lexie: hmm (nods her head)
Jaden: hey look at me (lifts her chin) what's going on baby are you okay?
Lexie: yeah don't worry about me please this is your day okay?
Jaden: I don't care if something is bothering you I want to know about it
Lexie: it's probably nothing my mind just spiraling
Josh: about what?
Lexie: nothing okay? It's fine I am fine (gets out of the van because they are home)
Bryce: she's lying
Josh: I know, do you think you could talk to her?
Bryce: I'll try but I'll do it before we leave
Jaden: okay
Lexie's pov
I took my anxiety pill and then took a few deep breathes to calm down before going up to my room to take a shower. I let the hot water burn my skin which felt relaxing after feeling my body tense the whole day. Once I felt relaxed, I washed myself and my hair. Once I was done I got out and wrapped a towel around myself, blow dried my hair and then curled it which took an hour in of itself, I walked into my closet and decided to wear a black wrap dress since black is pretty much his signature color with some heels, I kept my makeup light and looked myself in the mirror and told myself I was going to forget about what happened at the park. It was just my anxiety and my mind playing tricks on me and walked downstairs. We all took pictures and then left the house and drove to the restaurant where paparazzis was already surrounding the restaurant and when they saw us get out of the triller van with Jaden and josh holding hands paparazzi started going crazy.
End of pov
Fletcher: Jaden what's going on? Where's nessa?
Kevin: are you and josh back together! 
Daily stardust: how do you feel about your album coming out in less then two hours!
Fletcher: you look beautiful tonight Lexie!
Lexie: (smiles) thank you
Landon: (walks over to her and wraps his arm around her waist and whispers in her ear) you look stunning
Lexie: thank you (kisses his cheek)
Fletcher: wait Lexie, Landon are you two dating!?
Kevin: are you guys the newest couple in social media?!
(Then other cars pull up ness steps out with Shannon)
Fletcher: nessa why didn't you and Jaden arrive together? Did you two break up?
Jaden: we decided to stay friends, I am not going to get into it but sometimes it takes being away from the person you love in order to realize you loved that person all along
Kevin: are you referring to josh?
Josh: I don't know is he (smirks and pecks Jaden on the lips)
Blake: well that's one way to tell the world I guess (walks over to Amelie) hey baby
Amelie: hey (smiles)
?: I am here bitches!
Lexie: Tana! (Smiles and hugs her)
Tana: you just get more beautiful every time I see you (hugs her)
Bryce: sup Tana
Tana: hey 0 and 1 boxer (jokes)
Bryce: (shakes his head and pulls her in for a hug)
Lexie: not going to lie you two are cute
Quinton: they would be the most problematic couple on the internet
Kio: which is why they would be perfect together
Travis: guys come on let's head inside now (waves at the group standing outside)
Anthony: how much longer till the album comes out?
Jaden: forty five minutes
Anthony: bro that's crazy
Avani: congrats Jaden (smiles)
Jaden: thanks vani
Taylor: ay there's the world's next rockstar!! Proud of you bro
Jaden: thanks tay, is everyone from the compound here?
Taylor: everyone except Kellianne and chase they booked a get away for themselves
Jaden: finally wanted some alone time (jokes)
Taylor: yeah (laughs)
Kells: everyone tell me about tomorrow drops in twenty minutes!!
Jaden: I am going to go live I'll catch you guys later (walks away and pulls out his phone)
Lexie's pov
My brother went live on insta and I was just hanging out with Landon and Bama since Casey stayed with her babysitter since we were going to be out late tonight. I decided to finally get out of my head since I was in it all day today and actually be present with everyone. Landon and I pretty much just talked the whole night and then we did a count down till the album was out and the boys took shots, and let's just jaden and josh were definitely more then tipsy and were very touchy feely for the night, I had to look away a few times because if not I was going to be sick. Finally the night was coming to an end and we were about to leave.
End of pov
Lexie: wait I am going to use the restroom really quick
Griffin: okay but don't take to long you know where the car is right
Lexie: yeah
Griffin: okay the paparazzi have pretty much left so you should be fine
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
Griffin walked out and I went to the restroom really quick, washed my hands and started walking out when I felt hands wrap around my waist and pin me to the wall with my back facing towards them so I couldn't see who it was but I felt my heart stop and I knew those hands anywhere.
End of pov
Lexie: (eyes closed) what are you doing here? And how did you find me?
Jake: so many questions to bad you won't be getting any answers, I just came to tell you that I am back and this time you won't get rid of me that easy, now your going to walk out of here and pretend like everything's fine got it (whispers in her ear)
Lexie: (whispers) okay just let me go
Jake: don't turn around until I walk away understand?
Lexie: (whispers) yeah
Jake: good girl (kisses her cheek and walks out of the restaurant)
Lexie's pov
I stood frozen in fear in the hallway of the restaurant, I looked around to see he was gone it was like he was there one minute and the next he disappeared. I slid against the wall with my head in my hands and I stayed there until I heard footsteps walking towards me and I quickly looked up to see griffin.
End of pov
Griffin: Lexie, Lexie what's wrong?
(Lexie stays quiet)
Griffin: Lexie did something happen? Talk to me
(Lexie shakes her head)
Griffin: okay let's just get you home (picks her up and carries her out of the restaurant)
Kio: what took so long?
Griffin: I don't know but stay in the back with lex, the boys are too drunk to watch out for her
Kio: okay (takes Lexie out of griffin's arms and sits down)
Kio's pov
Lexie's been acting weird this entire day but right now she was just staying still, she wasn't saying anything, it was like she was in shock and not going to lie it scared me. We got to the house and I was about to get us out of the car when lex finally moved but she gripped onto me to let me know that she didn't want me to put her down so I just kept her in in my arms while griffin got the boys out of the car and each of them went up to their rooms. I knew lex probably wanted to be with Jaden but he was to drunk to even pay attention to what was going on around him and same with josh. So I just carried her to our room, I put on one of griffin's hoodies that fit her like a dress and then took off the dress she was wearing because she was still in a frozen state. I lay her in the middle of the bed and wrap my arms around her and a few minutes later griffin comes in with a bottle in his hand and he put up to Lexie's mouth but she didn't even start sucking on it, she was just staring at the ceiling until finally she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I hope that Lexie can at least speak tomorrow so she can tell us what happened and with that last thought I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
End of pov

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