Chapter 96

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Monday (11 Am)
Jake: put that down babygirl you don't know what your doing
Lexie: d d don't come near me
Jake: or what? You wouldn't shoot me
Lexie: a a are you sure about that?
Jake: yeah I am sure princess and even if you wanted to you don't know how to use it so give me the gun and I'll let this little tantrum of yours slide (he stands up and walks towards her)
Lexie: I said don't come near me (pointing the gun with her fingers on the trigger)
Jake: last chance babygirl put the gun down
(Lexie shoots and a few minutes later the cops arrived)
Lexie: I I am s s sorry
Cop: doesn't matter you are under arrest for the murder of Jake Martinez
Lexie: I I didn't m mean too I am sorry! He was going to kidnap me!!
End of dream
Lexie: I DIDN'T MEAN TO KILL HIM!! (Screams and sits up on the bed and starts crying until she feels arms wrap around her and the light being turned on)
Lexie: (mumbles) I killed him, I am a murderer, I am going yo jail it's all my fault (puts her head in her hands)
Jaden: baby no, no you're not look at me (lifts her chin up) your not going to jail, your not being arrested or anything they knew it was self defense
Lexie: h h how?
Josh: they say he was trying to kidnap you with the chloroform
Lexie: (her breathing is slowly back to normal) s s so it's over now? (Looks at both of them)
Jaden: yeah it's over
Lexie's pov
The minute after Jaden said that I felt a weight being lifted off my chest and I couldn't help but let out a sob and hug Jaden as tightly as I could. I can handle the nightmares, I can handle whatever problems come my way as long as I have the boys by my side and knowing that they were safe and for the first time since Jake came back into my life I felt okay. I wasn't better but I was okay and that was good enough for me right now.
End of pov
Lexie: it's over, it's really over
Jaden: yeah baby you don't have to worry about anything anymore (runs his fingers through her hair)
Lexie: thank god (cries)
Josh: aww princess (hugs her too) I am so glad your okay now or at least yourself
Lexie: what do you mean? (Looks at him)
Josh: for the past two days you were either in shock or in little space
Lexie: oh that explains the fuzzy feeling in my brain again
Jaden: it'll go away but do you want to talk about the dream?
Lexie: I was reliving the night after competition except this time I got arrested by the c c cop a and I w w was called a murderer, am I one Jaden? I mean I killed someone so doesn't that make me a killer?
Jaden: look at me right now Lexie Marie (lifts her chin) you are not a killer, you did the only thing you knew would save your life... he was going to kidnap you lex and I'd rather him be dead then lose you so no you are not a killer do you understand me?
Lexie: yeah (nods her head)
Josh: good now let's go downstairs and see the boys they've been worried about you (picks her up off the bed)
Lexie: I can walk
Josh: oh hush you and I both know you like being carried
Lexie: fine there's no point in arguing that
Josh: good
(The three of them walk downstairs and see griffin and Kio in the kitchen making breakfast while the rest of the boys are sitting on the couch watching tv)
Griffin: morning, how's lex doing?
Lexie: okay for now
Kio: Lexie your back! (Runs up and takes her out of Josh's arms) we were worried about you kid you've been out of it for two days
Lexie: I know josh told me upstairs I am sorry I worried you guys
Anthony: it's okay as long as your feeling better now
Lexie: I am as good as I can be I guess
Griffin: good so now that your better sit down and eat breakfast
Lexie: (laughs) nothing changes (sits down at the table)
Griffin: here you go (hands her a plate of pancakes with bacon on the side)
Lexie: thanks (takes a bite)
Knock knock knock
Blake: who's that?
Jaden: I don't know it's eleven thirty in the morning are you guys expecting someone?
Griffin: I don't think so... Noah is Dixie coming over?
Noah: she said she had some photoshoot but that her and charli were going to stop by later
Josh: I'll go open the door, it's probably some kind of package or something (walks over to the front door and opens it)
Josh: you guys do realize it's eleven in the morning right?
Thomas: yeah but we heard you were back in LA and we wanted to see lex how's she doing?
Josh: good right now, come on in (opens the door wider)
Charli: Lexie! (Runs across to the kitchen and hugs her)
Lexie's pov
My body tensed up for a second and I flinched from her screaming but I let her hug me and eventually felt myself relax again but then every member from hype wanted to hug me and i didn't want to flinch or tense up every time but it was like something in me couldn't help it and I think Anthony noticed because he was looking at me.
End of pov
Anthony: guys let the kid breathe give her some space
Kouvr: sorry we are just so happy you are okay
Lexie: thanks I appreciate it but uh maybe keep physical contact to a minimum right now I just.. I don't know
Jaden: it's okay don't worry about it (looks at the hype members) are you guys hungry griff made breakfast
Chase: starving
Kio: sit down and eat (looks at Olivia) hey Liv
Olivia: hey kio (looks at the floor)
Lexie: okay well before this gets anymore awkward tell me how have you been Charli we haven't seen each other in a while
Charli: I know I am so sorry we've been busy filming the Hulu show and I haven't had a chance to come see you
Lexie: it's okay I have been pretty busy too with dancing and stuff
Charli: that's right you go to high water right?
Lexie: yeah your a professional dancer aren't you?
Charli: I wouldn't say professional, it's just ballet and contemporary
Lexie: well you should totally audition for next season
Charli: yeah maybe
Knock knock knock
Kio: I'll get it (stands up and opens the door) what are you doing here?
?: nice to see you too Kio (smiles) I hope Josh and jaden wouldn't mind me stopping by I just wanted to give lex this (holds up a stuffed animal)
Kio: as generous as that is Nessa i don't think that's a good idea
Nessa: oh come on Kio can't we put it in the past
Kio: you telling them that I flirted you to cause drama? No I can't put that past me but if you really want to give the stuffed animal to Lexie then fine come in (opens the door wider)
Nessa: thanks (walks inside the house towards the kitchen) oh I didn't know you already had company
Charli: hey ness (smiles)
Nessa: hey Charli.. chase
Chase: hi
Jaden: what are you doing here?
Nessa: I just stopped by to give lex this I figured since we are kind of on better terms... (hands her a stuffed dog)
Lexie: thanks ness (grabs it) uh you can't stay if you want...
Nessa: I would but I have to record a music video for vevo but we'll be in touch.. if you want too obviously
Lexie: yeah I'd like that
Nessa: okay see you guys later, bye
Them: bye
Lexie's pov
I looked at the stuffed dog and the only thing that came to mind was who would have thought I would have grown to like nessa but once I got over the whole thing and realized it wasn't really her fault that Jaden and josh split I managed to forgive her from the things that happened in the past. After breakfast we all went to the living room to chill and I just sat with Charli, Dixie, Avani, kouvr, Olivia and Amelie who got here like ten minutes ago when there was another knock on the door.. great more people.
End of pov
Jaden: I got it (gets up and opens the door) hey Trav, Landon, Bama come on in (opens the door)
Travis: hey dude how are you?
Jaden: I am good how are you guys?
Travis: good I am sorry for just stopping by without texting Landon hasn't stopped asking about Lexie since he found out about what happened
Jaden: it's okay you guys aren't the only one to stop by unannounced we are just chilling in the living room come in
Travis: okay
(They walk into the living room and lexie has her back turned since she's talking to the girls so Landon walks up behind her and wraps her arms around his waist)
Lexie: Ahh!!! (Turns around and looks at Landon) don't do that you scared me half to death (lightly smacks him on the shoulder)
Landon: sorry I didn't mean to forgive me? (Holds out his arms for a hug)
Lexie's pov
I let him hug me but only for a minute or less because I was too busy trying to calm down my racing heart from the scare he just gave me. Ugh what's wrong with me now? I didn't mind when he hugged me before in fact I loved when he hugged me but maybe it's the fact that he snuck up behind me and held me without me knowing who it was that freaked me out, but whatever I'll let it go.
End of pov
Landon: how are you? I wanted to come see you yesterday but my dad said it wasn't a good idea and to let you settle first
Lexie: well your here now (smiles)
Landon: that's true
Alabama: lex how are you? (Hugs her)
Lexie's pov
I swear if one more person asks me how I am and tries to hug me or treats me like a piece of glass I am going to lose it. I just told bama I was okay and then there was another knock on the door and kells along with Cassie and Megan showed up and then twenty minutes after that Taylor and the compound house came so now we had a full house and Bryce was bringing out white claws and I was almost tempted to grab one, but I knew I am not in the right head space so I probably shouldn't.
End of pov
Kelianne: Lexie it's been so long since we saw you! (Hugs her)
Lexie: yeah I know how is everything?
Kelianne: good how are you feeling after everything?
Lexie: as good as I can be, If you excuse me I am just going to go grab a drink of water
Kelianne: yeah of course go for it
Lexie: thanks (walks over to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of water when Colson walks up to her)
Kells: hey kid
Lexie: hey kells (takes a sip of water)
Kells: how
Lexie: please don't finish that sentence, I have been asked that so many times today and I really don't want to have to answer the same response again (sits up on the counter and takes another sip of water)
Kells: don't worry about it I won't ask then (winks at her)
Lexie: thanks (smiles) how's the preparation for tour coming?
Kells: good now we just need to get your brother practicing and we should be going on the road in about a month, have you decided if your going to go yet?
Lexie: uh we haven't really talked about it in detail yet but I wouldn't mind going on tour, it could be fun
(Landon walks into the kitchen)
Landon: it is I always loved sight seeing when we stop places
Lexie: what's your favorite place you've gone?
Landon: hmm anywhere that's in the UK is dope
Lexie: well I have always wanted to visit London oh hey I just realized your name sounds a lot like London (jokes)
Landon: haha very funny
Kells: well I'll leave you two to flirt, use protection kids
Lexie: shut up Kells!
(Colson laughs as he walks out of the kitchen and lex takes another sip of water)
Landon: so what brings you to the kitchen away from everyone?
Lexie: water (holds up her cup)
Landon: what's the real reason?
Lexie: that is the real reason
Landon: really?
Lexie: yeah (lies and takes another sip)
Landon: okay well chase and Charli are about to do karaoke in the living room so let's go watch them
Lexie: bet let's go
(Lexie gets off the counter, grabs her water and they walk out of the kitchen when the front door opens and Quinton and Odalie walk through the door)
Quinton: hey kid (walks over and hugs Lexie)
Lexie: where have you been? We got back yesterday
Quinton: I stayed over Odalie's house sorry but don't worry I am back now
Lexie: yeah and you brought the wicked bitch with you
Quinton: lex come on be nice she wanted to see you after everything
Oadlie: he's right (fake smiles) also Quinton told me you won the competition congrats
Lexie: (fake smiles) yeah I did and where does he think you were this weekend
Oadlie: (glares) a photoshoot in New York obviously
Lexie: funny what a coincidence that we were both in New York at the same time
Quinton: alright that's enough you two, come on babe I'll introduce you to the rest of the group
Oadlie: okay, bye Lexie (follows Quinton)
Lexie: I really don't like her, I want her out of my house (crosses her arms and looks at Landon)
Landon: am I missing something?
Lexie: she wasn't in New York for a photoshoot, she was in New York because she was my opponent in the competition since we go to the same school, she's also my enemy
Landon: and Quinton has no idea?
Lexie: nope
Landon: you should tell him
Lexie: I will I am just waiting for the moment to catch her in the act
Landon: that's your devious look what do you have in mind?
Lexie: I don't know yet but when I think of something I'll put it into action, come on you said chase and Charli were doing karaoke
Landon: yeah let's go
Lexie's pov
We walked back into the living room and charli and chase were hopping on the mic and I took a seat on the couch, Landon sat next to me and then on the opposite side of the couch next to me was Taylor, chase and Markell while everyone else was scattered around the living room drinking white claws and talking. Charli and chase sang flames by Avril Lavigne and Modsun, but my mind wondered elsewhere. I was back in the hotel after competition and with Jake pinning me on the floor while I was struggling to get away from him. I felt my palms start to sweat, my heart start to race and I knew my anxiety had spiked.
End of pov
Lexie: uh would you excuse me I'll be right back
Landon: yeah are you okay?
Lexie: yeah I just need to use the bathroom (gets off the couch and runs upstairs)
Jaden's pov
I was sitting on one of the barstools drinking a white claw and talking to josh, Bryce and cooper when I saw out of the corner of my eye lex practically sprint upstairs so I knew something was wrong.
End of pov
Jaden: guys I'll be right back
Josh: you good?
Jaden: yeah I am just going to go check on Lex (gets up from the barstool)
Josh: okay call me if anything
Jaden: okay (starts walking upstairs)
Lexie's pov
I went up to my the bathroom in my room and gripped the sink with my hands while trying to control my breathing and rid my mind from the flashbacks that decided to crawl it's way into my mind for no reason. I was still trying to catch my breath when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
End of pov
Lexie: who is it?
Jaden: it's me can you let me in?
Lexie: uh yeah one sec (opens the door)
Jaden: hey are you okay?
Lexie: yeah (looks down at the floor)
Jaden: no your not what's wrong? (Lifts her chin)
Lexie: I don't know Jaden... I have been on edge all day and it's not that I don't like everyone being here in fact it's the opposite I love that everyone's here and they want to support me it's just I feel
Jaden: overwhelmed
Lexie: yeah how did you know?
Jaden: I felt that way this morning, everyone showing up just unannounced literally a day after we are back and you just got out of being in a state of shock I didn't know if you could handle it, but then I saw you talking to the girls and smiling so I figured you were okay and I relaxed a bit
Lexie: yeah and I was okay but then Landon walked up and hugged me out of nowhere which I don't mind usually... but I just don't want any physical contact right now and fast forward to me sitting on the couch I was sitting in between Landon, Taylor and chase and for some reason my mind just brought me back to when I was p p pinned on t the f floor, which makes no sense (sits on the floor and takes a few deep breaths again)
Jaden: you were probably feeling overwhelmed and claustrophobic and your PTSD kicked in
Lexie: your telling me I am going to have PTSD from this too...
Jaden: it's possible or maybe it was just a one time thing, if you want we can ask everyone to leave
Lexie: no no that's rude I don't want to do that
Jaden: then what do you want to do?
Lexie: I'll just stay clear of tight spaces
Jaden: you can stay by me and josh if you want
Lexie: okay
Jaden: you feeling better now?
Lexie: yeah let's go (stands up)
Jaden's pov
I held her hand as we walked back downstairs and now Blake and Amelie were singing some song from high school musical and I walked back to Bryce, cooper and josh and I let lex sit on the barstool and just stood and took a sip from my white claw again.
End of pov
Taylor: who's down to go eat at saddles for dinner tonight?
Thomas: I am
Ryland: sure why not
Travis: I have a date with Kourt but Landon you can stay if you want since you have your car
Landon: okay, bama you want to stay or go?
Alabama: I'll go with dad, my friends and I are going to a party tonight anyway
Travis: okay we should probably head out now then
Alabama: okay
Jaden: thanks for coming bro (daps him up)
Travis: yeah no problem
(Travis and bama leave along with kells, and Cassie since him and Megan are also going on a date)
Mia: lex we are going to start getting ready to go to saddle do you want to get ready with us?
Lexie's pov
I really don't want to go to saddle ranch because then there's going to paparazzi and more of a crowd and I don't want to deal with that. I looked at Jaden and fidgeted with my fingers and I think he got the hint.
End of pov
Jaden: hey guys I think we are going to sit this one out, if we go to saddle or boa there's going to be a bunch of paparazzi and I don't think any of us want to deal with that right now
Taylor: you sure?
Jaden: yeah
Taylor: okay
Lexie: (looks at Landon) you can still go with them if you want
Landon: nah we can just order pizza and watch a movie if you want
Lexie: (smiles) yeah I'd like that
Thomas: okay well we should get going then since they get full pretty quick and I don't want to have to wait an hour or more
Taylor: good point
Lexie's pov
A few minutes later hype and triller had finally left and it was just sway, Dixie, Avani, Amelie and Sab who got here late oh and I can't forget Quinton and his bitch but she's keeping her distance from me so I won't kick her out... yet.
End of pov
Lexie: I'll be right back I am going to shower and change real quick
Landon: want some company (smirks)
Lexie: haha very funny I'll be twenty minutes tops
Landon: okay I'll just chill with your brother
Lexie: okay (gets off the barstool and walks upstairs)
Bryce: so Landon tell me what exactly do you want with lex? (Looks at him)
Landon: honestly I want to be her boyfriend eventually
Noah: you know she isn't ready for that yet though right?
Landon: yeah
Josh: and you are willing to wait even if that takes her a while
Landon: yeah josh... look i don't want to be just another hook up for lex we haven't even had sex
Jaden: yeah okay that's enough of that I really don't want to know about you and my sisters sex life
Landon: but I just said we haven't
Josh: good keep it that way till she's ready emotionally and physically got it? (Looks at him)
Landon: yeah I just want to be her friend right now that's it
Bryce: good I think that's it right guys
Kio: yeah I think that's it
Griffin: one more thing promise not to hurt her, she's been hurt enough if you don't have feelings for her at some point don't lead her on
Landon: I won't
Lexie's pov
I took a quick shower since I didn't want the boys interrogating Landon for too long and then changed into Josh's gray Taranto hoodie with a pair of black sweats and left my hair down and walked back downstairs and saw Landon and Jaden were now having a guitar session in the living room with the rest of the boys so I sat down on the couch next to Landon.
End of pov
Landon: (smiles) hey how was your shower?
Lexie: warm, I hope the boys didn't bother you too much
Landon: no not at all (says sarcastically)
Lexie: (shakes her head) they are just protective
Landon: and they should be, I am that way with Alabama
Lexie: yeah I know (lays her head on his shoulder and wraps her arm around his arm) bubba
Jaden: yeah?
Lexie: can you sing tell me about tomorrow?
Jaden: yeah (plays tell me about tomorrow acoustically)
Landon: we need to make a collab soon
Jaden: bet let me know when you want to get in the studio
Blake: hey guys I am ordering the pizza, half cheese half pepperoni?
Everyone: yeah
Blake: okay (pulls out his phone)
Cooper: what movie should we watch? (Grabs the remote and scrolls through Netflix)
Lexie: there's nothing on Netflix, go to paramount plus or Amazon
Sab: they have Harry Potter on HBO max
Lexie: yes! Harry Potter marathon
Cooper: really sab (looks at her)
Sab: you heard the girl
Cooper: fine Harry Potter it is (puts it on)
Lexie's pov
I was cuddling with Landon on one of the couches and this time it didn't bother me, I actually felt relaxed in his arms instead of tense which felt nice. Josh and Jaden were cuddling on the couch next to us along with griffin and Kio and then on the opposite couch there was Noah and Dixie with Blake and Amelie, then cooper and Sab with Quinton and the bitch who still hasn't left but like I said she's not bothering me at the moment so I won't kick her ass even if I want to. Forty minutes into the movie the pizza showed up and we ate, and then continued watching the movie until I felt my eyelids heavy and I closed them.
End of pov
Landon's pov
I looked over at lex who had fallen asleep ten minutes before the movie ended and I couldn't help but admire her for a minute. She's been through so much and she's still fighting instead of giving up and that's something I admire and respect. She's not like the other girls I have been with and that's why I don't want her to be just another hook up.
End of pov
Landon: I should probably get going it's midnight
Jaden: do you want to stay in one of the guest rooms?
Landon: nah it's okay thanks though, I'll just put her in the bed and then head out
Josh: you can put her in our room since she has her bed there
Landon: okay (picks her up in his arms) night guys
Them: night
Lexie's pov
I felt myself being lifted up and I immediately tensed up but then felt Landon shh ing me and I laid my head comfortably on his chest until I felt myself being put down and my head being laid on a pillow.
End of pov
Lexie: (mumbles) goodnight
Landon: night lex (pecks her on the cheek)
Landon's pov
I walked downstairs and said bye to the guys one more time before getting in the car and driving to my house.
End of pov
Jaden: we are going to call it a night
Bryce: same
Griffin: alright night guys, (looks at Quinton) is Odalie staying tonight?
Quinton: yeah if that's cool?
Griffin: yeah just don't be too loud
Quinton: (blushes) shut up (pulls Odalie off the couch) night guys
Them: night
(Everyone goes upstairs to go to sleep and josh sees Landon had put lex in her bed so he looks over at Jaden)
Josh: should we move her to our bed?
Jaden: (looks at Lexie) nah she's passed out she'll be okay and we are right here if anything but I think we can cuddle tonight without worrying about anything (pulls his hoodie off and gets in bed)
Josh: okay (takes his t shirt off and gets in bed)
Jaden's pov
I brought josh closer to my chest and ran my fingers threw his hair which is getting kind of long but still makes him look sexy. I felt josh tracing the sword tattoo I had on my chest and then the spider web and the crown and last the butterfly tattoo above my Adam's apple and then felt him leave a kiss on it and then left a kiss on my shoulder and lastly he kissed my lips and I reciprocated. We kissed for a few minutes until we both needed to breathe and pulled away from each other.
End of pov
Josh: I love you (looks at him)
Jaden: I love you too, I know I have said this a million times but I really wouldn't know how to handle any of this without you being by my side and I am so so grateful (lifts his hand up and kisses his ring)
Josh: I am grateful for you too babe, I have never fallen in love with anyone as much as I have with you before
Jaden: me too
Josh: (pecks him on the lips one last time and smiles at him) goodnight babe
Jaden: goodnight love
Josh's pov
I laid my head on Jaden's chest and fell asleep to him running his fingers through his hair and eventually felt him stop so I knew he had fallen asleep too.
End of pov

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