Chapter 72

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Ring ring ring ring
Lexie: (groans) answer it josh
Josh: (mumbles) that's not my phone lex
Lexie: ughh (turns over and answers it with her eyes still closed) hello
?: hey lex it's James
Lexie: James what are you doing calling me at nine in the morning
James: it's ten thirty
Lexie: okay well I am still sleeping what's up?
James: can I come over to work on the choreo we really should practice it, we only have till Wednesday and I can't practice tomorrow
Lexie: so what you want to spend all day practicing?
James: a majority of it yeah
Lexie: alright let me talk to josh and I'll text you, I am supposed to do class with Rafy in the morning but i'll see if I can push it
James: okay text me
Lexie: will do bye
James: later
End of phone convo
Josh: who was it?
Lexie: James, mrs. Cassidy wants us to have half the choreo done by Wednesday and we haven't practiced anything in almost two weeks and I know I have school with Rafy but can I do it with her tomorrow please please please
Josh: (opens his eyes) on one condition
Lexie: what?
Josh: you spend all morning cooperating with Rafy, you do your work and if you have any homework you do it now before James comes got it?
Lexie: yeah okay deal
Josh: alright get dressed and look through your bag to see if you have any assignments, I have a business calls starting at eleven until three
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I left Josh's room and walked to mine and didn't bother showering because I am going to be dancing and I am going to sweat so instead I put on a pink velvet sports bra with matching shorts since it was set, put my hair in a high pony, brushed my teeth and took out my phone to text James.
End of pov
Text convo
Lexie: I am going to do school with Rafy tomorrow so you can come over whenever
James: alright let me get ready and I'll be over in thirty
Lexie: sounds good :)
End of text convo
Lexie's pov
I put my phone in my pocket then grabbed my bag that had all of my homeschool things inside and walked downstairs to the kitchen to see Noah and Bryce making smoothies and then Bryce looked at me.
End of pov
Bryce: I didn't know you had to go to high water today
Noah: yeah don't you have school with Rafy today?
Lexie: nope josh is letting me do school tomorrow because James and I have to practice our routine for competition
Noah: oh okay well eat something before you practice
Lexie: yes sirrr
Lexie's pov
I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk from the fridge and then the cereal from the pantry and poured myself some, then I opened my binder and started doing English which took about ten minutes because it was multiple choice on a short story that we read last class, after that I did social studies which was take notes on the chapter which I didn't read and I didn't have time to read the whole thing so I literally just skimmed it and wrote down ten bullet points and put it back in my binder after that it was science and math which I didn't even bother with because those subjects I have just given up on. Will I be in trouble for it tomorrow? Probably but I'll deal with that tomorrow but for right now I am leaving it in binder and pretending it doesn't exist. I took my bag back up to my room and walked downstairs just as heard a knock on the door so I opened and it and let James in.
End of pov
James: hey (hugs her)
Lexie: hi
James: how are you?
Lexie: let's not even go there, let's just go to the backyard and practice
James: okay
(Lexie and James walk outside where griffin, Bryce and Noah are working out)
Griffin: hey James
James: hey guys
Lexie: we are going to be on the other side practicing so don't bother us
Bryce: attitude much
Lexie: just saying I can't be getting distracted by your "gains"
Noah: you should warm up before dancing lex
Lexie: I will don't worry we are going to stretch
Noah: okay
Lexie's pov
James and I walked to the other side of the backyard where I hooked up my speaker and we started with a quick warm up that consisted of jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, crunches, and did twenty sets of each and then stretched to make sure we wouldn't pull a muscle.
End of pov
James: okay so do you want to go full out first or do you want to mark it?
Lexie: we don't have time to mark it, so let's just run the music and stop where we were last time
James: okay
Lexie's pov
I pressed play on the music and took my place on the floor and started swaying while James stood across from me almost like we were on opposite sides and stepped in place until he looked over at me and started walking towards me and then gets in a crawling position almost like he's hovering over me while I fell on the ground and rolled over. When I was done rolling over I sat up and held my hand out which James grabbed my hand and pulled me up and lead me into five spins across the floor but I didn't travel too far obviously because I needed to stay close to him. Then he pulled me back to him and flipped me where I held onto his lower back so it looked like I was laying on his lap until he pulls me back up and turns me around, I style my hands so it looks like I am reaching and he pulls me back towards him again and that's I cut the music.
End of pov
James: okay so I was thinking after I pull you close to me I let your hands go and I put one hand on your forehead and the other on your jaw and I move it towards the side
Lexie: for which measure?
James: when the lyrics say hold onto me because I am a little unsteady right there when the music breaks your head goes to the side and then comes right back
Lexie: so almost like a whip last effect
James: exactly
Lexie: sounds dope let's do it
(They go over the move)
James: okay let's run it with the music
Lexie: okay (plays the song)
(The music plays and they run the routine)
James: okay now what should we do?
Lexie: I don't know let's listen to the song and see if anything comes to mind
James: sounds good (plays the song)
Lexie's pov
I tried listening to the music and the lyrics and you know what I resonate with it because right now I am a little unsteady but despite the fact that I am resonating with it I am coming out blank for any moves. I can't think of any moves because all I am thinking about is the shit that's happened last week and instead of channeling all my feelings into dance like I usually do I just can't and I am frustrated and I know James wants me to be present with him and do this choreography together but I can't be.. not right now my head isn't in the right space.
End of pov
Lexie: you know what James maybe you should ask Cassidy to switch partners
James: what? No I don't a new partner lex, the choreo is coming out dope how about we just feel out the song and improvise, we keep what we like and keep what we don't
Lexie: I can't feel the song James, why do you think I can't think of any moves, I resonate with the song I really do but I am not feeling inspired
James: look we've been practicing for forty five minutes why don't we take a water break and come back to it okay?
Lexie: (rolls her eyes) fine
(She gets up from the floor and walks inside the house slamming the door and let's out a scream in the process)
Kio: you do know these doors made out of glass right?
Lexie: I don't give a fuck (opens the fridge and grabs a water bottle)
Anthony: how's the dance coming along?
Lexie: don't even talk to me about it, we are going to fail, Cassidy's probably going to kick me out, James is going to hate me and we won't even qualify for competition
Kio: okay lex take a breath have you taken your anxiety pill today?
Lexie: no Kio I haven't taken my anxiety pills today? Does it look like I have taken my anxiety pills (takes a sip of water)
Kio: okay we'll start off by taking them, breathe and calm down you still have the whole day you'll get it
Lexie: no I won't, I should just quit I am not that good anyway (sits down and takes another sip)
Anthony: you stop that right now Lexie Marie Hossler, you are a great dancer and i will not let you talk down to yourself like that, get those thoughts out of your head
Lexie: whatever you guys don't get it now if you'll excuse me I have a choreo that I need to finish that I am going to fail anyway
Kio: take your anxiety pill first
(Lexie gets off the chair and goes to the cupboard where her pills are)
Lexie: there at Jaden's
Anthony: what's at Jaden's?
Lexie: my anxiety pills dumb ass what else would I be talking about
Anthony: I am going to let that slide and I'll tell josh to stop at Jaden's when he's done with his meeting
Lexie: whatever you want is fine by me (takes her bottle and goes outside to see James stretching)
James: ready to go again?
Lexie: sure let's run it from the top
James: okay
(They run it from the top and stop after the whiplash effect)
James: alright so after that I bring you back to me and I lead you into a leap across the floor with me right behind you
Lexie: okay let's see how it comes out
(They practice it)
James: that looks good should let's do it with the music and see how it comes out
Lexie: okay let's just play the music, and not announce it every five minutes please
James: okay seriously Lexie what is up with you?
Lexie: I don't know okay I really don't and I am sorry but today I am just on edge and I really don't see this working out so just tell Cassidy I am done or better yet I'll save you the time and do it myself (starts walking away)
James: so that's what you do every time things get hard? You just walk away
Lexie: excuse you (walks back to him)
James: last time I was here you got frustrated with eating and left, you've literally left me on delivered for days and now that we are finally practicing your leaving again because your frustrated, I hate to say it lex but you can't just leave every time you get frustrated!
Lexie: listen to me you little shit you don't half the shit I have been through or why I do the things that I do, I left that day because I was struggling to eat in front of you and a fucking camera crew! I left you on delivered because while your worried about this fucking competition, my family is falling apart so I am sorry if this stupid dance is the last thing on my mind right now!
James: good now channel that frustration and anger and put it to good use
Lexie: no and you know what get the fuck out I am done
James: really your done? You really want to tell Cassidy that your quitting
Lexie: yes because I am not even that good anyway so what does it fucking matter if I quit (starts walking away again)
James: you are so frustrating you know that! You can't let go of your problems for at least a few hours to do what you love and don't try and deny and say you don't love dance because I know you do, your just too wrapped up in your mind right now so you know what I am going to leave and get lunch and I want you to at least put some kind of effort to get out of your own damn head and forget your problems (walks inside the house)
Lexie: (follows him) how about you leave and just not come back and let the door hit you on the way out!!
(The front door closes and Lexie throws her water bottle on the ground just as josh walks downstairs)
Josh: what was with all the screaming? And where's James
Lexie: he left and hopefully he won't be coming back (crosses her arms)
Josh: alright sit down and talk to me
Lexie: I don't want to talk (starts walking upstairs but josh pushes her back)
Josh: your sitting and we are talking (gently pushes her on the couch) now what's going on?
Lexie: (mumbles) I left my anxiety pills at Jaden's
Josh: what?
Lexie: I left my anxiety pills at Jaden's and I have been on edge and In my head the whole morning.. and I got into an argument with James
Josh: why?
Lexie: because I am not being present with him and I have dancers block
Josh: I am guessing that's like writers block?
Lexie: hmm (nods her head)
Josh: okay well I have a break so how about we go get your pills from Jaden and you tell James to come back in an hour so you two can practice again, I am not letting you fail or quit this especially after you wanting to skip school with Rafy today
Lexie: (sighs) okay let's go
Josh: let me grab my keys and we'll head out (walks upstairs to grab his keys)
Lexie's pov
We got in the car and started driving to Jaden's house without telling him because if he's not home then Quinton or coop will be home so we just decided to drive there. Twenty minutes later josh parked in the driveway and I got out of the car and knocked on the door while josh said he would stay in the car because and I quote "he doesn't want to intrude on the new house" personally I think it's a bull shit excuse but whatever. I got out of the car and knocked on the door and to my luck nessa was the one that opened the door, my day just keeps getting better and better.
End of pov
Nessa: oh hey Lexie what are you doing here?
Lexie: move emo Barbie (pushes her out of the way)
Nessa: okay rude
Lexie: don't care (Lexie walks over to the kitchen area where the boys are)
Quinton: hey kiddo what are you doing here?
Lexie: came to get my stupid anxiety pills where are they?
Jaden: my room but they are high up so I'll go with you (stands up from the couch)
Lexie: of course they are (rolls her eyes)
(They walk to the room and Jaden gets the pills from the high shelf)
Jaden: no hug for your big brother? (Hands her the pills)
Lexie: no bye (starts walking out of the room)
Jaden: hey no wait a minute (pulls her back) what's up with you?
Lexie: why does everyone keep asking me that as if the answer isn't obvious (crosses her arms)
Jaden: (sighs) come on I'll walk you out
Lexie: no thanks I am good bye (starts walking out of the house and back to Josh's car) let's go
Josh: first take your pill (gives her the water bottle)
Lexie: fine (takes out one of the pills and swallows it)
Josh: did you text James
Lexie: nope and I am not going to
Josh: text him and stop being stubborn
Lexie's pov
I plugged in mr headphones after that and ignored josh the rest of the drive home and when we got to the driveway of the house I saw James' car parked, damnit he came back. I got out of the car and walked inside the house to see James eating with the boys.
End of pov
James: I got you a chicken Cesar salad
Lexie: uh thanks but why...
James: it's a peace offering I know we had our argument before but that's normal I don't expect us to get along all the time
Lexie: I am sorry for being a bitch... your right I do run a lot and usually people listen when I tell them to stay away
James: you aren't getting rid of me that easily
Lexie: (smiles) so I guess we should finish the routine huh
Josh: not before you sit down and eat something, now I have another meeting so please don't kill one another (kisses the top of Lexie's head and walks upstairs)
James: I am also sorry for seeming like an insensitive asshole about your family stuff going on
Lexie: it's okay (shrugs her shoulders) I don't want to talk about it though
James: I respect that so how about we just ask each other questions to get to know one another
Lexie's pov
After we asked each other questions and finished eating we went to the backyard again and ran the routine and after the little leap across the floor I did a turn because it felt Kildare it would flow and after my turn, I styled my arms like I was throwing him back with my back turned to him. James took the hint and fell onto the floor while I closed my eyes and did another leap moving away from him that lead right into a turn that would travel closer towards him, and stood right between his body and bent my back so that he could support me while I did a bridge. James then took the lead again and held my body up for a few seconds before lowering me back down so that I was now sitting in his lap only to have his arms around my waist and push me away from him.
End of pov
James: where did those moves come from? (Looks at Lexie)
Lexie: I just did what felt natural and went with it
James: it's good and it's flowing let's do it from top to bottom and this time record it so we don't forget
Lexie: alright
Two hours later
James: alright I think we have enough to impress miss Cassidy
Lexie: me too good work
James: you too, you really stepped up to the plate and got out of your head which I knew wasn't easy but you did it
Lexie: yeah I guess I did (laughs) come on I'll walk you out
James: thanks
Lexie's pov
I walked James out to his car and walked back into the house to see the boys just chilling on the couch playing video games and walked over to griffin and wrapped my arm around his and put my head in the crook of his neck.
End of pov
Griffin: you okay honey?
(Lexie nods her head)
Blake: your being quiet all of a sudden what's wrong?
Lexie: nothing I just don't feel like talking and I want to cuddle for a few minutes before going up to take a shower
Anthony: how about you go shower first and then you can cuddle with whoever you want for the rest of the day
Lexie: okay (gets off the couch)
Lexie's pov
Once I got off the couch and I walked outside to grab my speakers and walked upstairs I put my speakers in the bathroom and then went to my room and grabbed a pink and purple onesie since I haven't worn one in a while and walked back to the bathroom. I put the temperature on high and then decided do play unsteady to see if I could gain anymore inspiration and think of some moves. Except as soon as I stepped into the shower and let the hot water hit my skin, that's when the lyrics sunk in especially the part of the song where it says "this house don't feel like home." That's when everything I held in from last week, all the anger that I felt towards Jaden and Nessa, all the hurt and betrayal I held onto came crashing onto me like a wave, I slid down to the shower wall and I buried my head in my hands and let out a cry and once I started I couldn't stop. This stupid dance has forced me to come face to face with my emotions, I don't have anything to numb the pain, I didn't have my vape pen or my weed because I haven't had a chance to buy one again, I don't have the alcohol to distract me from my thoughts and that's all I have done today is be stuck in my mind and I hate it. I hate it with a passion, I hate feeling shit, I'd rather just be numb. I don't want to think about Jaden and Josh's separation, I don't want to think about the new house and living with Quinton and coop, I don't want to think about how nessa is in my life now. I don't want to think about any of it I just want to feel numb to everything, I want to shut everyone out but it's easier said then done because now that I was able to let everyone in, I can't imagine pushing them back out except for Jaden because I am angry at him. It's easier to push him away more than anyone else because this is all his fault. And with that the anger returned and I wiped my tears, I took several deep breaths to calm myself down and i realized the water had turned cold so I quickly washed myself and my hair and dried off. I put on the onesie and walked back downstairs to see josh was now with the boys so I walked over to him and sat on his lap laying my head on his chest.
End of pov
Josh's pov
The second I saw Lexie walk down the stairs and saw her red eyes I knew she had cried in the shower but she didn't say anything instead she just walked over to me and sat down and I wrapped my arms around her. I knew how long and emotional the day had been for her especially after her fight with James so I didn't push her to talk about it instead I just held her and she let me.
End of pov
Josh: hey guys what if we watch a Disney movie I think that will cheer our princess up a bit yeah?
Kio: sure any ideas?
Lexie: Ariel
Griffin: we've seen the little mermaid about a thousand times how about something else
(Lexie shakes her head)
Kio: Ariel it is (turns it on)
Ten minutes later
Lexie: dada
Josh: hmm
Lexie: bottle pease
Josh: okay I'll go make it (starts standing up)
Lexie: no stay (holds onto him)
Griffin: I'll make it
Josh: thanks bud
Bryce: so Lexie who do you like more flounder or Sebastian
Lexie: founder, sebstation's to serus
Bryce: (laughs) yeah I agree
Lexie: pince Eric is cute dough
Noah: hey no boys until your thirty
Lexie: but I wike pince Eric
Blake: you don't need prince Eric when you have your brothers
Lexie: hmm tue
(Griffin comes back with the bottle and hands it to her but she hands it to josh so he gives it to her)
Josh's pov
The little mermaid ended and afterward the boys and I made grilled chicken with rice and I have lex a few pieces but not to much since she ate chicken for lunch already and she had her milk like an hour ago. After we all ate lex started getting fussy and wanted to go upstairs so I said night to the boys and took her to our room.
End of pov
Lexie: we call bubba?
Josh: yeah we can call him (pulls out his phone and hands it to Lexie)
FaceTime convo
Lexie: bubba!!!
Jaden: (smiles) hey princess how are you?
Lexie: good I miss you dough
Jaden: I miss you too but are you having a good time with dada?
Lexie: yeah we watch mermaid and I had bottle and den we ate some chicken
Jaden: good I am happy you ate baby
Nessa: Jaden they are calling us for tech rehearsal (walks over to them) hey Lexie
Lexie: go away witch I talk to bubba alone (crosses her arms)
Josh: Lexie Marie, sorry about that ness she's in little space
Nessa: I figured after she called me a witch
Jaden: you go ahead ness give me a few more minutes yeah?
Nessa: okay (walks away)
Jaden: alright princess I have to go because I am working but I'll call you in the morning
Lexie: otay love you bubba
Jaden: love you too, I'll text you josh
Josh: sounds good later bro
Jaden: later
End of FaceTime call
Lexie: I wanted bubba sing to me (pouts)
Josh: how about we put bubba on the tv but you have to close your eyes okay?
Lexie: otay
(Josh turns off the lights and turns on the tv and plays the clean version of angels and demons)
Josh's pov
Forty five minutes later lex was asleep with the pacifier in her mouth and laying on my chest while I turned off the tv and was about to go to sleep my phone vibrated and I got a text from Jaden.
End of pov
Text convo
Jaden: sorry babe that the phone call had to be short
Josh: it's okay are you done with tech?
Jaden: yeah I just got home and I am going to shower but I just wanted to text you 🥺 and ask how lex was today after she left the house
Josh: aww I love you and she was okay, I think since she didn't take her pills till later she was more emotional then anything but that's probably because her anxiety sparked and I know she cried in the shower but I didn't want to push her to talk about it
Jaden: why was she crying?
Josh: probably the choreo she's doing, the songs pretty heavy
Jaden: that makes sense, don't forget she has to see Callie tomorrow and maybe you can mention it to her, hopefully she gets her to open up this week since she's with you
Josh: yeah I'll mention it to her
Jaden: alright I am going to jump in the shower love you and I'll call you tomorrow 😘
Josh: love you too and okay ❤️
End of text convo
Josh's pov
I put my phone down on the nightstand and wrapped my arms around lex, closed my eyes and fell asleep.
End of pov

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