Chapter 89

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Lexie's pov
I opened my eyes and the first thing I realized was that I was laying on Jaden's chest while Josh's arms were wrapped around him, then I turned around towards the night table and I unplugged my phone and decided to check my notifications and noticed that James texted me so I decided to text him back.
End of pov
Text convo
James: hey lex I just wanted to check in on you since you haven't been to school this week and competition is literally two weeks away
Lexie: hey James, I know competition is two weeks away and I am sorry I haven't been able to practice, I just have a lot of family stuff going on right now and I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to go dance
James: Lex I know your family is important and everything but if you really want a career in this then you have to stop worrying about everyone else and focus on you
Lexie: that's easier said then done and tbh I have a lot of other stuff going on right now so if dance isn't at the top of my list then I am sorry if you want Odalie to be your partner then talk to miss Cassidy
James: no we put so much work into it, I am not going to start from scratch with a whole new routine, you know what it's fine but when you get back we are going to practice in and out of school the whole week before deal?
Lexie: fine deal, look I got to go I'll talk to you later
James: okay have fun
Lexie: thanks :)
(Lexie ends the text convo and then goes to the girls gc)
Girls gc
Clare: Lexie!! How's Hawaii, I saw your insta story and I am jealous lol
Dani: girl same
Amy: I am not jealous, I just wish you were here Odalie has tried taking over the school since your gone and needs someone to put her in her place
Lexie: well don't look at me she's dating Quinton now and manages to make my life hell outside of school
Clare: what if she just randomly went missing one day 🤔
Dani: you've been watching to many episodes of criminal minds 😂
Clare: I am just saying we could accidentally knock her out then she accidentally falls into a lake and declared missing 🤷🏻‍♀️
Lexie: and accidentally go to jail, nah I'll leave that to my brother 😂, but your right Odalie needs to be put in her place, we'll figure something out when I am back
Dani: okay have fun!
Lexie: thanks!
End of text convo
Lexie's pov
I put my phone down and felt josh moving in his sleep until he woke up.
End of pov
Josh: good morning, how long have you been awake?
Lexie: just a few minutes, how did you sleep
Josh: good this bed is so comfortable
Lexie: yeah we should get the mattress for our house (laughs)
Josh: we totally should
(Jaden mumbles in his sleep and a few minutes later he opens his eyes)
Jaden: morning my loves (smiles)
Josh: morning babe (pecks him on the lips)
Jaden: morning baby sis
Lexie: morning (hugs him) so what's on the agenda today?
Jaden: snorkeling and dinner at the restaurant that's on the water
Lexie: cool what time?
Jaden: we have to be at the boat by one so we pretty much have the morning to ourselves
Lexie: can we FaceTime the boys?
Josh: sure
(pulls out his phone and calls them and the first few seconds of the call is Noah and Blake arguing over the TikTok they were supposed to make)
Bryce: guys shut up i am trying to talk on the phone!
Jaden: we can cal back...
Bryce: no! You know I hate you guys for leaving me here to deal with the chaos while you three are off on a tropical island (playfully glares)
Josh: next time everyone can come alright?
Bryce: still doesn't make up for you guys leaving me here with them
Blake: we are not that bad (comes into the frame)
Bryce: you two were literally just arguing over a shrek TikTok
Griffin: and you needed help using the toaster this morning so I don't know who's more dumb
Lexie: I am sorry did you say he needed help using the toaster as in he didn't know how to push the button?
Kio: no dumb ass forgot to plug it in (facepalms) when do you guys get here
Josh: aww you miss us
Griffin: more like I need your help to control them
Jaden: soon we fly back on Monday
Griffin: (looks at the boys) you think you can behave for a couple more days
Them: no
Lexie: I miss you guys (pouts)
Them: we miss you too
Jaden: where's Q?
Kio: probably having morning sex with Odalie
Josh: you guys met her?
Griffin: yeah she came over last night and he introduced her to us
Josh: what's she like?
Kio: a bitch, probably bitchier then ness
Jaden: oh come on she's not that bad
Kio: she's a plastic Barbie Jaden
Jaden: okay maybe a little but she makes Q happy and that's what matters right?
Guys: (mumbles) I guess
Lexie: well I don't like her
Josh: why not?
Lexie: no reason I just don't like her
Josh's pov
I could tell lex was lying to me, I think she seems to forget that when she's lying she doesn't look someone in the eyes and when I asked her she was looking at the ground which was a dead give away that she was lying but I am not going to push it now. We talked to the boys for a little longer before getting off of FaceTime and cuddling in bed before getting ready to have breakfast.
End of pov
Lexie's pov
I wasn't about to tell josh the reason that I didn't like her was because she bullied me in school, I know I should have but I have a better plan to expose her in mind so I am just going to wait for the right moment. Instead we hung up on the boys and I walked to my suitcase and pulled out a black lace romper with some sandals and decided to leave my hair down and then packed a Cora colored floral designed bikini in my bag with a change of clothes for after snorkeling, and then looked at Jaden and josh were making out with each other on the bed, it didn't take a genius to figure out what they were in the mood to do so I grabbed my headphones and cleared my throat and they pulled away from each other.
End of pov
Lexie: meet me down in the lobby, I am going to look at the buffet
Jaden: are you sure?
Lexie: yeah
Josh: you have your phone on you?
Lexie: hmm just do me a favor don't take that long (smirks and walks out of the room)
Jaden's pov
As soon as Lexie shut the door, I got on top of josh and started kissing him, his tongue was pressed up against my lips but before he could slip his tongue in I pushed mine into his staying dominant. I brought my hands up to his hair while he brought his to my waist and quickly got on top of me, he stopped kissing me and brought his lips to my neck and started to suck causing me to let out a groan and flip us over once again and this time pulled down his shorts and boxers and he did the same to me.
End of pov
Josh: b b babe
Jaden: hmm (stops kissing his neck)
Josh: we s should probably just do it in the shower... since we are going to have to one after anyway
Jaden: who said we can't have round two (looks at him and then thrusts in)
Josh: or we could just do that... (let's out a groan after)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Two hours that's how long I have been sitting at this buffet table and have managed to eat two croissants and some strawberries with Nutella until I saw both of them dressed and walk over to me with hickey's on their necks.
End of pov
Lexie: it's a good thing I said don't take to long
Jaden: I would apologize but considering I walked in on you and Mike consider it revenge (smirks at her)
Lexie: okay you know how we used to pretend I didn't hook up with guys let's just pretend that never happened
Josh: too late princess
Lexie: (pouts and crosses her arms) whatever eat something so we can go snorkeling
Jaden: wait a minute is Lexie actually telling us to eat something instead of us telling her, babe did we jump into another dimension
Josh: seems like it, but she's right let's go look for something
Jaden: okay
Lexie's pov
Five minutes later they came back with their food and sat down to eat while I just scrolled through my phone and decided to make a TikTok since I haven't posted in a few days and afterward I decided to check my emails since I had like a hundred in my inbox and the little bubble was starting to annoy me. Most of it was just junk mail but then I came across an email that said "hot topic modeling opportunity" I clicked on it and decided to read it and it stated "dear Lexie hossler as you know your brother is one of our main promoters for the store and we are looking for models to promote our clothing and we would love for you to be part of it so please give us a call and get back to us as soon as you can, your truly: Margaret head manager of hot topic" I wasn't sure if it was real or fake so I decided to ask Jaden.
End of pov
Lexie: hey J you work with hot topic right?
Jaden: yeah sometimes why?
Lexie: do you know a Margaret who's head manager?
Jaden: yeah I have talked to her a few times what's up?
Lexie: I just got an email from them asking if I want to model for hot topic
Josh: wow lex that's awesome do you want to do it?
Lexie: I don't know (shrugs her shoulders) should I?
Jaden: it's up to you sis, do you think your ready for that step?
Lexie: I mean wasn't the whole reason I dropped out of school was so that I could take opportunities like this, I think it would be stupid not to..
Josh: good point, I think you should do it, I think it would be cool for you to at least try and if you don't like it you don't have to do it again
Lexie: what if they want us to sign a contract?
Jaden: don't worry we'll talk to her when we get home, right now we are on vacation which means no work
Josh: okay well before we stop talking about work completely we do need to talk about who we are going to have as a quote on quote manager since we fired Michel
Jaden: why not just hire Rafy and give her a raise
Josh: that's a fucking great idea, I am going to text her (pulls out his phone and texts her) okay now I am unplugging (puts it in his pocket)
Jaden: what do you guys want to do after breakfast?
Lexie: we can walk around they have little shopping tents a little outside the hotel
Josh: sure why not it's only eleven thirty we can kill time for like an hour
Jaden: okay
Lexie's pov
The boys finished eating and we walked out of the hotel and down the street where we saw a few colorful tents set up some were paintings, some were doing braids on girls, others had some jewelry and my eye caught a dolphin necklace that had purple and blue crystals on the body and then the head, fin and tail of the dolphin were silver. I started walking over to the stand to get a closer look at it, it was really pretty I couldn't stop looking at it.
End of pov
Lexie: excuse me how much for the dolphin necklace?
Employee: it's fifty because it's all hand made
Lexie: you made it yourself?
Employee: yes mam
Lexie: it's beautiful (looks at Jaden) can I get it?
Jaden: yeah (takes out his wallet and hands her a hundred dollar bill)
Employee: thanks I'll just give you the fifty back one second (turns around to get her wallet)
Josh: keep it
Employee: are you sure?
Josh: yeah don't worry about it
Employee: thank you (smiles at them and then looks at Lexie) do you want me to put it on you?
Lexie: yes please
Employee: (grabs the necklace and puts it around her neck) did you know the dolphin represents protection, playfulness and joy, resurrection, peace and harmony and inner strength?
Lexie: no I didn't but it makes me love the necklace even more now
Employee: good whenever you feel uncertain or scared or whatever it may be just remember what the dolphin represents
Lexie: how did you...
Employee: intuition (smiles) have a good day
Lexie: you too
Lexie's pov
After we left that tent we walked around a few more before heading to our rental car since the boys had what they needed too and started driving off to where the boat. It was about thirty minutes later when we arrived at a place that said fringing reef Molokai and parked the car and started walking towards the boat where a guy with snorkeling gear was standing and getting the boat ready.
End of pov
Jaden: hi are you mark we spoke on the phone
Mark: yes hi you must be Jaden right?
Jaden: yeah and this is my boyfriend josh and my little sister Lexie
Them: hi
Mark: welcome it's great to meet you so before we get this going we need you in your bathing suits or whatever your going to wear in order to go snorkeling
Lexie: I have a bikini is that okay?
Mark: yeah there's a bathroom right below deck in case you need to change
Lexie: thanks
Lexie's pov
I walked to where the bathroom was and changed into my bikini and then put the rest of my clothes in a bag, I also replaced my sandals with water shoes and put my hair in a high ponytail and walked back to the deck where both the boys just had to take their shirts off since they were in their swim shorts. Once we were all sitting down on the boat, mark started it and we were sailing into the ocean, I felt the sun on my face, the wind blowing against my skin and the smell of salt water and I felt happy for the first time since I found out Jake was back. I looked at the boys who were busy taking pictures and filming with the vlog camera and I realized that as long as I am with one of them Jake won't be able to find me, I shook my head not wanting to think about him and walked over to the boys and gave them a hug.
End of pov
Jaden: what was that for?
Lexie: no reason, just because I love you
Josh: aww we love you too bud (kisses the top of her head)
One hour later
Mark: okay so this where I am going to stop the boat because as you can see the water is crystal clear which makes it the perfect place to start snorkeling
Josh: lex you should probably put your necklace in your bag you wouldn't want to lose it or get it wet
Lexie: good idea I almost forgot about that (takes the necklace off and puts it in her bag)
Mark: alright lex your first, here are your goggles and you can start swimming
Lexie: okay (takes the goggles)
Lexie's pov
Mark helped me off the boat and soon I was in the warm water and I started swimming and then I dived down and it was like I entered a whole different world. The corals were so colorful and there were a couple of fish that looked like Nemo swimming out of it and then I saw one that looked like dory too oh and a starfish, it was a literal aquatic paradise. I came up for air just as josh was getting in the water so I swam over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
End of pov
Lexie: you have to swim down there it's beautiful Joshy
Josh: okay let's wait for Jaden and then we'll go together
Lexie: okay
(Jaden gets in the water and swims over to them)
Jaden: so are we doing this or not?
Lexie: yess let's go
Jaden: okay
Lexie's pov
We started diving under again and this time we also saw a stingray which scared me so I grabbed onto Jaden's arm and we let the stingray just pass by until it was further away and began swimming again. We came up for air and then just swam around for a bit until our hour ended and we had to get back on the boat. Snorkeling was fun though, I got to do something I have never done and when we made it back to shore it was around four now and we had to get back to the hotel to get ready for the dinner which was at seven. When we finally got back to hotel I called dibs on the shower first since it would take me the longest to get ready. I washed off all the salt water and sand that found it's way into my bikini, and when I was done I wrapped a towel around myself and started blow drying it which took about fifteen minutes since my hair was getting long again. Once it was dry I grabbed my curling iron and started curling it which also took fifteen minutes and walked out of the bathroom.
End of pov
Josh: finally you took like an hour
Lexie: hmm maybe that's because I am a girl
Jaden: still we only have an hour left before the reservation
Lexie: then stop talking to me and you two save some water, I am not stopping you (walks over to her suitcase)
Jaden: fine come on babe (pulls on Josh's arm)
Lexie: if I hear one moan from either of you I am going to the lobby just saying
(They ignore her and walk into the bathroom)
Lexie's pov
After rummaging through my suitcase I decided on wearing a mint green body con wrap dress with some matching sandals, my dolphin necklace and then sat on the carpet by the mirror and decided to put on a little makeup and when I was done I decided to make another TikTok. I was scrolling through the trending page when I saw throwback songs were trending and then I found a no guidance bachata version so I clicked record and started with a basic step and then did a body roll and a few side laterals and body isolation before finishing the TikTok and captioned it "any bachata dancers out there 🤔" and after ending the tik tok I went on YouTube and just played the song because it really is a good song not going to lie. When the song finished the boys stepped out josh was in a white shirt with pink velvet pants with white, pink and gold sneakers while Jaden wore a red plaid pants, a white shirt and a leather jacket with boots.
End of pov
Lexie: and then you say I take forever
Jaden: because you do, are you ready to go?
Lexie: I should be asking you that question
Josh: haha I see buddy thinks she's funny eh
Lexie: very now let's go
Jaden: okay miss bossy
Lexie's pov
We left the hotel and started driving to the restaurant which didn't take long since it was pretty close, we parked, walked inside where josh gave the host our names and we got sat outside where there was like a platform and tables right by the water, it was so pretty we just had to take pictures and then Jaden asked the host to get a picture of the three of us and after we sat down to wait for our waiter or waitress and in the meantime I scrolled through the menu.
End of pov
Lexie: the calamari looks good
Josh: yeah or the crab
Lexie: ew no
Jaden: you've never even tried it
Lexie: doesn't matter I wouldn't eat crab
Josh: what about clams?
Lexie: ha no
?: excuse me we asked for a table by the water and I see two empty ones right over there
Host: yes well unfortunately that area has been booked for the night but I can get you seated inside
?: this is ridiculous we've been coming here for almost six months now and we always sit by the water, what do we have to pay you so we can get a table
Host: that's not really an option however you can make a reservation for tomorrow night
?: unbelievable I am going over there and talking to them (walks over to Jaden, josh, and Lexie's table) excuse me I don't know who you think you are but renting out
Jaden: (looks up at them) mom...
Annie: oh it's you, hi Jaden how are you (smiles at him)
Jaden: are you serious right now?
?: oh look it's our son and our daughter, I would have thought you dropped her off at an orphanage by now
Josh: what the fuck did you just say? (Stands up from the chair)
Lexie's pov
My blood ran cold and my mind went blank as I stared at the people who left me almost a year ago. I could see the smug looks on their faces while the boys looked pissed. I wanted to say something but it was like my voice was just stuck in my throat.
End of pov
Liam: so considering you managed to rent out our favorite place I am guessing the music thing is working out for you
Jaden: music career and yeah it's working out great, I am actually about to go on tour, how's like since you know you abandoned your kids
Annie: oh honey don't be so dramatic we didn't abandon you guys, your already twenty
Jaden: yeah but lex isn't, I mean seriously mom did you ever stop to think how this could affect her! You both left her!
Annie: it doesn't really matter though she was a mistake, didn't you read the letter I sent you?
Lexie: you heartless bitch!! (Stands up from her chair)
Annie: that is no way to speak to your mother! Has Jaden taught you nothing, or is he still letting you run around like a drug addicted slut
Josh: alright that's enough we are calling security
Lexie: no wait I have something to say (walks over to her and stands in front of her) you are not and never will be my mother, you left me alone as soon as you hired a nanny!! You have never once been there for me!! Not when I was getting bullied in school, not when I was in an abusive relationship!! I mean you literally kicked me out at fourteen, you are a pathetic excuse for a mother
Liam: take back what you said about your mother you ungrateful little brat!
Lexie: no and you have no room to talk to me because you are just as pathetic as she is
(Liam raises his hand to hit her but josh grabs his wrist)
Josh: don't even think about laying a hand on our daughter
Annie: oh don't tell me you two are actually dating
Jaden: yeah we are and your opinion doesn't really matter at this point because we are better parents to Lexie then you ever were
Annie: no you two are just sick that's what you are, and taking care of a mistake
Jaden: I dare you to call her a mistake one more time and I'll have you arrested for child neglect and abuse
Liam: come on honey they aren't worth our time, a gay son and a bitch for a daughter
Annie: your right we should just pretend we never had children since they were both a disappointment
Lexie: you know what call us what you want but you will never get to be part of our lives again! You will never get to see Jaden become the world's biggest rockstar and celebrate a number one album, and you'll never get to see your daughter grow up to be the person she's meant to be so do us a favor and just leave!! (Cries) I never want to see you guys again!!
Josh: shh baby it's okay (pulls her in for a hug and looks at them) you heard her leave before one of us calls security and kicks you out
Jaden: and not another word or I have the police on speed dial
(Annie and Liam glare at them and start walking away while lex let's out another cry and Jaden turns to her and brings her in his arms)
Jaden: I am so sorry for what just happened baby, you know your not a mistake right?
(Lexie stays quiet and josh lifts her chin up)
Josh: Lexie Marie hossler you are not a mistake, you are the best blessing the boys and I could ever ask for and we love you no matter what and if they can't see how great you are, they are the fucking idiots
(Lexie doesn't say anything and just lays her head in the crook of Jaden's neck)
Waiter: hi welcome to Honolulu island restaurant what can I get for you to drink
Jaden: you know what I am really sorry but we are going to have to go, my little sister isn't feeling good
Waiter: oh I am sorry to hear that would you like me to get something to drink?
Josh: no thank you we are just going to head out
(Josh picks up Lexie's bag while Jaden carries lex until they get to the car and Jaden sits lex down in the backseat)
Lexie: no stay with me (grips onto his shirt)
Jaden: babe do you mind driving? (Hands the keys over)
Josh: no (takes the keys) but we still need to eat
Jaden: just stop at McDonald's
Josh: okay
Lexie's pov
My parents words kept swarming around my head, her calling me a mistake countless times, my father saying I was a disappointment.. I don't get it, what did I ever do to them... as a little girl I just wanted their love and attention which is something they never gave me. It hurts to know that they just didn't want me, that they could give two shits about me, I mean my dad literally wondered why I wasn't in an orphanage right now. Tears stung my eyes again and I didn't realize I started crying again until Jaden wiped my tears away and was calming me down by just rocking me back and forth in his arms. He slipped a pacifier into my mouth and I closed my eyes, when I opened them I realized we were back in the hotel room and I was laying on the bed.
End of pov
Jaden: hey sweetheart are you in little space?
Lexie: no I wish I was though..
Josh: how about you eat something and then we watch a movie yeah?
Jaden: or we can talk about
Lexie: I don't want to talk about it, Joshy can you hand me a chicken nugget
Josh: yeah (passes her the box of chicken nuggets)
Lexie's pov
I ate my chicken nuggets and then we got under the covers and put enchanted which was on Disney plus, halfway into the movie though I felt my eye lids get heavy and fell asleep.
End of pov
Josh: is she asleep?
Jaden: yeah
Josh: good can we talk about earlier?
Jaden: yeah but let's go out to the balcony
(Loosens Lexie's grip from his shirt and gets up with josh following behind)
Jaden&josh: you first (they let out a small laugh)
Josh: no but seriously you first
Jaden: on one hand I am pissed wish we never ran into them and on the other hand I am glad we ran into them because I got to say what was on my mind and In a way get closure how about you?
Josh: I was pissed, I don't think it was fair for your parents to take it so far especially in front of her and say the shit that they said and then when they started insulting you I seriously thought I was going to get arrested for beating him up and the only thing that stopped me is not wanting lex to see me act like that
Jaden: to get fair if my mom wasn't a girl I probably would have slapped her for saying half the shit she said to you
Josh: yeah but like you said you got the closure you needed and I think it's best we move on
Jaden: I agree as far as I am concerned you and I are her parents and they mean nothing to me anymore (pecks him on the lips) it's late we should get some sleep
Josh: alright let's go
Jaden's pov
As soon as my head hit the pillow I realized how mentally and physically drained I felt, I wrapped my arms around lex and pulled her close to me while josh had his arms around my waist and I closed my eyes and fell asleep with the two people who mean the world to me.
End of pov

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