Chapter 98

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Ring ring ring
Josh: (groans) who's phone is that?
Jaden: (mumbles) not mine
Lexie: ugh it's mine (opens her eyes and grabs it and answers it)
Phone convo
Lexie: you better have a good reason for waking me up Landon
Landon: I do me you breakfast what do you say?
Lexie: right now?
Landon: well thirty minutes but yeah
Lexie: okay sounds good, call me when you are here
Landon: okay later
Lexie: bye
End of convo
Lexie: Jae
Jaden: hmm
Lexie: can I go have breakfast with Landon today?
Jaden: yeah but don't forget to be back by two you have your first photoshoot with hot topic today
Lexie: damnit I forgot about that
Jaden: it's okay I am taking you since I have to go sign some papers and then we have rehearsals
Lexie: okay busy day got it (gets off the bed)
Josh: don't forget to take your anxiety pill before you leave
Lexie: yeah I got it no worries (walks over to her room)
Lexie's pov
I opened my door and the first thing I did was put food and water into kitty's bowls and then walked to the closet to look for what I was going to wear. After a few minutes I decided on something simple, a red cropped hoodie with a pair of black leggings, I brushed out the knots but left it down and a pair of vans and five minutes after I was ready Landon texted me. I went downstairs and tried reaching for my meds when Quinton grabbed it for me.
End of pov
Lexie: thanks
Quinton: where are you off too?
Lexie: breakfast with Landon
Quinton: does Jaden know?
Lexie: yeah
Quinton: cool have fun
Lexie: thanks see you later (grabs a cup of water, takes her pill and heads out the door to Landon's car) good morning
Landon: morning lex (puts the car in drive)
Lexie: so how did the proposal go?
Landon: she said yes
Lexie: which means you are going to have a kardashian as a step mom that's crazy
Landon: tell me about it
Lexie: does that mean you are going to be on the show now too?
Landon: I didn't think so but now that they got picked up by Hulu probably, how did you deal with the cameras being at your house?
Lexie: at first it was weird not going to lie, I didn't like the idea of having cameras in my house but eventually I forgot they were even there sometimes, why? Are you worried?
Landon: I am not really worried it's more of like how you felt about the cameras being in our house, you know it's one thing to have Travis barker as your dad and it's another to have cameras inside your home you know?
Lexie: yeah but like I said you'll get used to it eventually
Landon: yeah I guess, how about you, how did therapy go yesterday?
Lexie: emotional but good I guess... I was tempted to get high at one point but I didn't
Landon: good that's a good step in the right direction
Lexie: yeah that's the way I see it too
Lexie's pov
A few minutes later we arrived at a French bakery which I thought was cute, it's a nice change from what I usually have. Landon parked the car and we got out and we walked inside and the inside was all decorated with French paintings and had different designs and there was an area where you can sit outside which was decorated like a garden. It was so pretty I loved it already.
End of pov
Lexie: can we sit outside?
Landon: yeah whatever you want
Lexie: okay
(Landon puts his arm around Lexie's waist and guides her outside and grabs two menus on the way before they sit down)
Landon: so do you like the place?
Lexie: I love it (smiles) it looks straight out of a story book
Landon: (smiles) good that's what I was going for plus it's a little outside of LA meaning no paparazzi
Lexie: thank god for that (looks at the menu) what are thinking of getting?
Landon: they have a croissant sandwich so I think that's what I am going to pick what about you?
Lexie: hmm three butter croissants with a hot chocolate sounds good to me
Landon: okay I'll order and be right back
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I was looking around the bakery and just taking it all in when I saw a sign underneath a pastry that said bite me. Hmm bite me I don't know why but for some reason that intrigued me, because when you think about it bite me can mean a couple things it can be bite me like in a cute flirty way or it could mean revenge. I looked at Landon who was still ordering the food so I took out my phone and started thinking about what can go with bite me? Wifey... yeah but there has to be something that comes before that hmm what about ay you, you should've known better to fuck with someone like me forever and ever you're going to wish I was your wifey. Hey that doesn't sound to bad, I looked up at Landon and saw that he was waiting on the food now so I figured I could get a few more lines in... don't act so innocent this was no accident you planned this in the end and now it's over, say what you want to say, you lied and I got played you threw it all away and now it's over. I looked over it in my notes and decided that I didn't hate it so I took a screen shot and sent it to Jaden to see what he would think and then put my phone away since Landon was coming back.
End of pov
Scene change
(Bryce is filming a video in the backyard with the boys)
Bryce: alright so the first challenge is the banana and sprite challenge, you supposedly puke after eating a banana and drinking a liter of sprite we are going to debunk that today and prove that that's just false as fuck probably going to puke from the sprite I don't drink soda
Josh: no you drink ANI Energy
Bryce: that is true so buy Ani today in your local Walmart
Jaden: imagine if this was just a horrible Ani commercial (laughs)
Bryce: I know right no one would buy, just kidding but anyways Jaden you doing this challenge with me?
Jaden: uh no I never agreed to that
Bryce: fine josh will you do it
Josh: not really in the mood to puke today bud
Bryce: come on it's for the fans
Josh: well in that case fine dude (gets up from the chair he was sitting on and walks over to Bryce)
Bryce: should we deep throat the banana or will that turn Jaden on?
Jaden: Bryce shut up before I throw you in the pool
Bryce: I'd love to see you try and carry me rockstar
(Jaden is about to respond when his phone vibrates)
Jaden's pov
I pulled out my phone and saw that lex had texted me, at first I was confused as to what she was sending me since it was just a screen shot of her notes but at the bottom of the text she asked me what I thought about it. I read over the words again and I realized they could be song lyrics so I texted her back.
End of pov
Text convo
Jaden: are these songs lyrics?
Lexie: I don't know 🤷🏻‍♀️ do you think they are good enough to be?
Jaden: I think it's a good start if you want them to be, what would it be called?
Lexie: bite me
Jaden: I like the name, if you want when you get back we can try and come up with more
Lexie: okay see you in a bit
Jaden: later sis
End of text convo
(Jaden looks up as josh is done throwing up)
Jaden: normally I'd feel bad for you but I knew it was a bad idea from the start
Josh: oh thanks your such a supportive boyfriend (says sarcastically)
Jaden: love you (smiles)
Josh: (playfully glares) love you too
Bryce: anyways that's the end of this bit now onto the next one
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Landon and I talked the rest of breakfast and it surprised me how easily conversation just flowed between us. I was genuinely smiling whenever he complimented me or laughed at something funny he said, I could feel butterflies erupt in my stomach but as soon as o felt the butterflies my anxiety kicked in. Ugh I can't do this I am not ready, I don't want to fall for him because I'll just get hurt in the end, I decided to let it go for now and ignore the anxiety and just tried to be present with him. Thirty minutes later we finished eating and drinking our hot chocolate and decided to walk around the area a bit before getting back in his car so he could drop me off and I could get ready for my photoshoot with hot topic.
End of pov
Landon: so hot topic that's awesome!
Lexie: I know but I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous...
Landon: you are going to kill it and those pictures are going to come our sick because your beautiful
Lexie: (blushes) you mean it?
Landon: yeah
Lexie: thanks
Landon: your welcome
Lexie's pov
A little while later we pulled up to the sway house and I got out to give Landon a hug, part of me wanted to kiss him but the other part knew I wasn't ready and I think he knew too so instead he just hugged me a little longer before I thanked him for breakfast and walked inside.
End of pov
Blake: sooo how was your date?
Lexie: geez Blake you scared me! Don't sneak up on a girl like that
Blake: sorry I didn't mean to scare you but seriously how did it go?
Lexie: it was nice and for the record wasn't a date
Blake: it totally was a date
Lexie: nope it was just breakfast with a friend because we are just friends
Blake: I remember when Amalie and I were just friends
Lexie: yeah well that's not going to happen with me and Landon
Blake: hmm keep telling yourself that
Lexie: ugh where's Jaden?
Blake: Probably upstairs with josh
Lexie: okay
(Lexie walks upstairs and knocks on their door)
Josh: (heavy breathing) just a second!
Lexie: yeah no never mind I'll be in my room when Jaden's ready to leave!
Josh: (gasps) o okay
Lexie's pov
I shook my head in disgust and walked to my room where I pulled out an empty notebook and wrote down the words that were on my notes and then thought some more. I picked up my pencil and wrote just face it we didn't make it you bit off more than you could chew can you taste it, ay you you should have known better to fuck with someone like me, ay you forever and ever you going to wish I was your wifey, should've held on should've treated me right I gave you one chance you don't get it twice ay you we'll be together never so baby you can bite me. I started humming it to see if I can get some kind of tune but it was harder then I thought so I just kept humming in different ways until my door opened and Jaden walked in.
End of pov
Lexie: are you and josh done fucking or you going for round two (jokes)
Jaden: haha very funny, you working on the song?
Lexie: I think so.. I am just having a hard time getting a tune for it
Jaden: can I see it?
Lexie: hmm (hands it to him)
Jaden: definitely something pop punk these lyrics scream revenge
Lexie: are you sure? I don't want people to think I am copying you...
Jaden: your my sister people should have seen it coming at some point, maybe before rehearsal we can play around with the sounds and see if something fits but for now you have a photoshoot to get to so let's go
Lexie: okay
(Closes her notebook and follows Jaden downstairs)
Josh: good luck bud you'll do great
Lexie: I hope so...
Josh: just smile and be confident (hugs her)
Lexie: okay I'll see you guys later
Josh: alright and you have to tell me everything deal?
Lexie: deal
Josh: good (pecks Jaden on the lips) call me later
Jaden: I will
Lexie's pov
We left the house and got back in the car and started driving to the studio where they do the pictures for hot topic. It was about an hour drive so during that hour Jaden and I were just talking about tour and how we were going to make it work. Josh was going to come with us but fly to LA for work whenever he needed too and if I have to do something down here then I'll fly up with him. We decided to give dancing a little break so I could try other thinks for example the modeling and maybe singing... I don't know yet too soon to tell but we'll see. An hour later we arrived at the studio where they had us give them our name so we can sign in and then lead us to a room where Jaden and I had to sign some legal papers and the manager then lead us to the hair and makeup room.
End of pov
?: everyone this is Lexie Hossler she's our newest model and she will be starting today so do her hair and makeup as soon as possible
?: hi Lexie my name is destiny and I am going to be doing your hair today sound good?
?: and I am Farrah and I'll be doing your makeup so just have a seat
Lexie: okay it's nice to meet both of you
Them: you too
Lexie's pov
I always thought the teen hair and makeup meant they do your hair first and then your makeup but turns out it means two different people doing it at the same time. The first makeup look was very simple it was just a bunch of foundation, concealer, primer etc with eye liner, mascara and dark purple lipstick with my hair straight and parted to my left side. Then it was time for wardrobe where Jaden waited outside while they gave me a black top with a sheer white skull tunic top, black leggings and combat boots, and matched it with a choker you tie around your neck but the strings stay in the front. When I was ready they brought me back out to where the photographer was.
End of pov
Destiny: Lexie this is James he's our director and photographer
Lexie: hi (smiles)
James: hello dear are you ready to take some pictures?
Lexie: sure why not
James: alright so for this look I want you to give me sensual you have pouty lips and the purple lipstick makes them pop and I want your eyes looking straight into the camera with your left shoulder leaned back and your right shoulder forward like your giving attitude got it?
Lexie: yeah...
James: great stand in front of the wall and do it
Lexie's pov
The first time I heard the click of the camera it felt weird but after the second and third time I was getting more comfortable and James noticed because he kept complimenting me and saying that the camera loved me. We took a few pictures in that outfit and then I put on the second one which was a black top with fishnet sleeves, a red velvet skirt with leggings underneath and high top black boots. The makeup look for this one was a little more dramatic because they did a Smokey eye and put red lipstick on me, and finally the accessories was a black ring choker with a long beaded necklace. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and for once felt happy and confident in what I looked like which was a bad ass but still in a modest way. I walked back out and this time James directed me to cross my left arm over my right and stand with my left leg popped out while my right leg stayed straight with my mouth slightly opened. We took like seven shots in this this outfit and then the last outfit was a black nirvana t shirt with a black leather shirt that had a chain around the waist and the accessories were also chains and long earring.
End of pov
James: alright for this one i want you to be playful and flirty, show off the skirt, smile, play with your etc
Lexie: okay (stands with one leg a little in front of the other, with her left arm she grips the end of the skirt her right arm is twirling her hair and smiling)
James: perfect just like that the camera loves you sweetheart (takes a few more pictures) and that's a wrap, you did great do you want to come look at them?
Lexie: sure, Jaden come see (waves him over)
Jaden: coming
Lexie's pov
I looked at each of the pictures and I think the first outfit and the last outfit came out best, the second one was good too but it wasn't my favorite. I could see my body didn't compliment it very well... my arms looked like sticks with the fishnet sleeves, but James seemed to love them and so did the manager which is what counts at the end of the day. I got taken back to hair and makeup where faith took it all off, but I told destiny to leave my hair alone because I liked it to the side like that, then I changed back into my red hoodie and leggings, Jaden and I said bye to everyone and we left.
End of pov
(In the car)
Jaden: we are stopping at in and out before the studio
Lexie: you have an obsession with in and out
Jaden: that is a fact
Lexie's pov
I playfully rolled my eyes as we got to in and out and I got a cheeseburger with a small coke and fries and started eating, Jaden parked the car so he could eat too and twenty minutes later we arrived at the studio. The parking lot was empty so we figured we were the first ones here which is kind of what I wanted so I could try out the song, Jaden opened the door and we walked inside.
End of pov
Jaden: do you want to try and find the sound for the song?
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: alright let me hear you sing it first so I can get a vibe on the tone and then I'll put down a beat and you can tell me what you think
Lexie: how will I know?
Jaden: (smirks) trust me you'll know, go with your instinct
Lexie: okay... if you say so (grabs the microphone and turns it on)
Jaden: ready?
Lexie: (takes a deep breath) yeah (starts)
Ay you, you should have known better to fuck with someone like me forever and ever you are going to wish I was your wifey! Don't act so innocent, this was no accident you planned this is in the end and now it's over
Jaden's pov
I couldn't help but smile like a proud older brother in that moment, I knew eventually she was going to find her voice and this is that moment. I caught onto her tone which was definitely a revenge style so it had to be something edgy so I clicked a sound on the soundboard to see if she would like it.
End of pov
Jaden: what do you think?
Lexie: I like it (smiles) let's keep going with it just to see how it sounds with the rest of the lyrics
Jaden: okay whenever you're ready
Lexie: okay (starts again) say what you want to say you lied and I got played you threw it all away and now it's over
(The doors to the studio open and kells and Travis, kenji and Tom walk in but lex doesn't notice and Jaden motions for them to stay quiet)
Lexie: just face it we didn't make it you bit off more than you could chew can you taste it, Ay you you should have know better to fuck with someone like me forever and ever you going to wish I was your wifey! Should've held on, should've treated me right I gave you one chance you don't get it twice (stops)
Kells: (claps his hands) that's what I am talking about, I knew there was a superstar in you I just knew it!
Travis: did you write that lex? It didn't sound familiar
Lexie: (blushes) h how long were you guys standing there?
Travis: long enough to know that sounded awesome
Lexie: thanks and y yeah I w wrote it today
Travis: tell you what, you finish that song and we'll get you in the studio to record it
Lexie: I don't know if it's that good, I was just playing around with words today and it sort of just happened
Travis: you have talent kid whether you see it or not is a different story, trust me finish the song and we'll get in the studio deal?
Lexie: okayyy
Travis: alright now we got some work to do for tour so let's start
Lexie's pov
I sat down on the couch while Jaden started rehearsing and took out my notes again to see what could come next don't hold your breath, cause you're still choking on your words... those things you said might be the last ones that I heard... Thirty minutes later my mind went blank so I decided to stop for now because nothing was coming to me and Jaden was almost done which meant it would be my turn with kells so I just watched Jaden perform. I noticed how even in rehearsal he gave it his all it was a hundred percent or nothing and I really admired him for that, he knew what his fans expect from him and he's giving it to them. I don't think I'll ever be half as good as he is, hell I might not even ever release this song but I know I have to at least try. Turns out when your in your thoughts time goes by fast because before I knew it kells was calling me up to sing forget you so I got up and we started. Three minutes later it was over and I sat with Jaden on the couch as we watched kells, I could tell Jaden wasn't just watching him but he was observing him kind of like how I was minutes ago with him, who knew you could learn so much by just watching people. Two hours later and they were finally done for the day and we were heading home and as we pulled up to the driveway I saw the she devil's car here. Ugh my day was going so good.. but then again this is my chance to get footage for tomorrow's video so I have to make sure I get her alone with me at some point today... maybe get josh to help me since he's in on it. We walked inside and the first thing that happens is I get pulled into a hug by Noah.
End of pov
Noah: soo how did your first photoshoot go?
Lexie: it was cool actually I had fun with the outfits
Blake: did you feel confident?
Lexie: yes I did (smiles)
Blake: good that's what counts at the end of the day
Griffin: did you eat already?
Lexie: yes daddd Jaden and I stopped at in and out
Griffin: good just making sure
Lexie: yeah who could forget your wannabe nurse duties
Griffin: hey!
Lexie: just playing
Griffin: I know but that's not nice
Jaden: where's josh?
Griffin: upstairs somewhere think he's on a business call
Jaden: okay catch you guys later (walks upstairs)
Lexie's pov
I walked into the living room to see Quinton and the wife of Voldemort sitting on the couch, I was about to make my exit when Quinton called me over.
End of pov
Quinton: hey lex how'd it go?
Lexie: good... I had fun but since you guys are watching a movie I am just going to go
Quinton: no stay watch it with us, I know you like Harry Potter and it's a good chance for you and Odalie to get along
Lexie: I really don't
Odalie: yeah Lexie come join us (fake smiles)
Lexie: I uh you know what fine why not (fake smiles back) but just give me a second I am going to run to the bathroom
Quinton: okay
Lexie's pov
I wasn't really going to the bathroom, I was going to get my mini camera in my room and place it somewhere they wouldn't notice it. I grabbed it from my drawer and walked back to the living room and placed it near one of the vases that faced the tv but not directly so no one will notice it. Then I sat down with Quinton on the opposite side of the couch and pulled the covers close to my chest.
End of pov
Twenty minutes later
Quinton: I am going to make popcorn do you guys want?
Odalie: no but can you cut me some pineapple please?
Quinton: sure I'll be right back, don't kill each other (looks at Lexie)
Lexie: why do you look at me?
Quinton: you know why
Lexie: fine I promise I won't kill her go make the popcorn
Quinton: okay (gets up from the couch and leaves the living room)
Odalie: you know if you want to be a model you have to look like one and sweetheart from where I am standing your not exactly model material
Lexie: alright you know what I am tired of this, I have never done anything to you and you've hated me since day one
Odalie: I don't like how you think your better then everyone else just because of who your brother is, you always make yourself out to be the victim it's always poor Lexie she's was almost killed or poor Lexie she suffers from an eating disorder you are an attention whore
Lexie: me! Really Odalie that's low even coming from you, you're the one pretending not to know me! Coming into my house dating a guy who's like an older brother all because you want to torture me! If anyone's the attention whore it's you
Odalie: take that back you rich slutty bitch! (Stands up)
(Josh and Jaden walk downstairs and hear yelling in the living room so they walk towards it and Jaden is about to intervene but josh stops him and tells him to be quiet)
Lexie: I am warning you to back the fuck off before you leave this house in a stretcher
Odalie: go ahead I dare you, you'll just be adding to the list of how much of a disappointment to your family you are
(The other boys look at josh and Jaden who quietly motion for them to walk over but stay quiet)
Lexie: you know what Odalie I might be a lot of things but I have learned that I am not a disappointment so I'll give you a pass for that one
Odalie: you sure about that? Your such a burden your own parents didn't even want you! And now your just a burden to the boys and using them so they can feel sorry for you, do everyone a favor and just kill yourself, your supposed to be dead anyway
Jaden: (intervenes) get the fuck out of my house, I don't care who you are, you will not disrespect my little sister like that
Odalie: j Jaden I was just
Josh: just what? Insulting her telling her she should kill herself
Odalie: n no you misunderstood me I said
Anthony: pretty sure everyone heard you perfectly clear so like Jaden said get the fuck out of our house
Odalie: no Quinton doesn't want me to leave right baby?
Quinton: are you serious right now? This entire time you made me think Lexie was the problem and it was you! What else did you hide from me!?
Josh: she's the one that's been bullying Lexie at high water, she's the reason she got suspended for defending herself
Jaden: (looks at josh) you knew about this?
Josh: in my defense I found out yesterday
Jaden: okay we are going to talk about that later but as for you (turns to Odalie) if I find out that you keep messing with Lexie I'll have you arrested for harassment I don't care if your a minor now leave
Odalie: fine whatever (rolls her eyes and walks out of the house)
Lexie's pov
I wish I could have said one last thing to her but her words were swimming around in my brain. No Lexie you just realized in therapy yesterday that you are not a mistake or a burden what Annie and Liam say about you doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter I kept thinking that instead of letting her words get to me and eventually I was fine.
End of pov
Griffin: lex you good?
Lexie: yeah (takes a deep breath) her words don't matter
Kio: exactly
Lexie: now if you'll excuse me I have a video to edit (smirks and grabs the hidden camera)
Blake: your kidding right?
Lexie: nope it's time she gets a taste of her own medicine, you aren't going to stop me right bubba (looks at Jaden)
Jaden: after what she said fuck no do what you want as long as your actually okay?
Lexie: I am good, see you upstairs (walks away)
Josh: I don't know if I should be proud of the way she handled that or worried...
Jaden: me either honestly but I trust what she says now you sir (looks at him) why didn't you tell me?
Josh: because she didn't want me too she wanted you to find out when she exposed her, and I was going to help her with that but I guess she didn't need me too
Jaden: okay fair enough but no more secrets especially if it's about her we are a team remember?
Josh: yeah I know (pecks him on the lips) I love you
Jaden: love you too
Twenty minutes later
Knock knock
Lexie: come in
Quinton: hey (opens the door)
Lexie: hey what's up?
Quinton: I just want to apologize for not believing you, we've lived in the same house for a year now and you've become my little sister I should have believed you when you told me she wasn't trust worthy
Lexie: yeah you should have... but it's okay I forgive you (hugs him)
Quinton: I love you lex
Lexie: love you too now leave so I can finish this video
Quinton: way to ruin the moment (laughs) but yeah I'll leave you to it
Lexie's pov
An hour later I finished editing the video and even put in the voice recordings that I had on my phone from the other day. After it was completely editing and ready to upload for tomorrow I joined the boys downstairs and we finished watching Harry Potter, griffin made chicken and rice for dinner and around midnight we were all exhausted so we said goodnight to each other and went to bed.
End of pov

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