Chapter 33

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Lexie's pov
I woke up cuddled next to Joshy and saw that he was still sleeping so I turned around and saw bubba was sleeping too and on the other bed were griffy and Kiki who were sleeping too but I am awake and now I am bored. I sat up and looked for tabby or Clifford and couldn't find them anywhere so I started crying which woke up bubba.
End of pov
Jaden: what's wrong Lexie did you have another nightmare?
Lexie: I can't find tabby or Clifford they disappear (cries)
Jaden: shh shh no they didn't I have them in my bag I'll get it but you have to stop crying okay? Otherwise your going to wake up the other boys
Lexie: okay bubba (stops crying)
(Jaden gets off the bed and opens the bag and pulls out the stuffed animals and hands them to her)
Lexie: tv
Jaden: okay but the volume has to be low
Lexie: okay
(Lexie plays with tabby and Clifford while Jaden flips through the channels)
Lexie: mermaid! (Points at the tv)
Jaden: okay (turns the volume up a little)
Lexie's pov
I was playing with tabby and Clifford on the bed pretending they were talking to each other and moving them around while bubba got up to use the bathroom and I looked over at Joshy who was still sleeping him but I wanted him to wake up so I picked up tabby and started poking Joshy with it until he opened his eyes.
End of pov
Lexie: yay Joshy awake! (Claps her hands)
Josh: good morning to you too little one (kisses the top of her head) where's bubba?
Lexie: bathroom
Josh: okay
Lexie: I want bottle
Josh: let me talk to Jaden and see how to make it here okay?
Lexie: okay
(Josh walks to the bathroom)
Lexie's pov
Now they Joshy is awake it's time to wake up griffy and Kiki but how when they are on the other bed? Oh I know I'll just jump to the other bed. I looked behind me to see bubba and Joshy still in the bathroom so I stood up and started jumping to Griffy's bed but I didn't jump high enough and landed on the floor and hit my knee against the nightstand and started crying.
End of pov
Griffin's pov
I woke up when I heard Lexie crying and thinking she was having another nightmare so I quickly sat up and was about to leave my bed when I looked down and saw Lexie crying and holding onto her knee while josh and Jaden were getting out of the bathroom but I kneeled down to her level since I was closer.
End of pov
Griffin: what happened? Are you okay?
Lexie: you and Kiki were still sleeping and I wanted to wake you up by jumping on the bed but then I fell and hurt my knee (cries)
Griffin: aw it's okay look I'll make it go away?
Lexie: how?
(Griffin starts rubbing Lexie's knee until it stops hurting)
Griffin: better?
Lexie: yeah thanks griffy (hugs him)
Jaden: no more jumping on the beds okay Lexie?
Lexie: okay bubba
(Kio opens his eyes and looks confused)
Kio: what's going on?
Lexie: Kiki your awake!! (Gets off from the floor and jumps on the bed towards him)
Josh: Lexie didn't bubba just say not to jump on the bed
Lexie: I sorry
Josh: it's okay just don't do it again we don't want you getting hurt
Lexie: okay... can I have bottle now?
Jaden: yeah but it's gonna have to be cold because we don't have anything to warm it up with
Lexie: okay, I bored with tabby and Clifford I want play something else
Kio: you want to color?
Lexie: yeah!
(Kio gets off the bed and walks over to the bag that Jaden packed and pulls out a coloring book and some crayons)
Kio: only on paper okay?
Lexie: okay Kiki
Jaden's pov
I watched Lexie start coloring in the book and grabbed her bottle and started pouring the milk in it and handed it to her to see if she wanted to drink it herself which she did because she wanted to keep coloring. After we just scrolled through our phones for a bit until there was a knock on the door and I knew it was the rest of the group because griffin told us they were coming and we were gonna have breakfast and decide what to do for the day, so I let them in but also let them know Lexie was in little space right now.
End of pov
Lexie: ant,vani come color with me!!!
Avani: (laughs) okay coming
Cynthia: (turns to Quinton and whispers in his ear) so how long does she have to this whole age play therapy thing?
Quinton: I don't know I guess until the doctors say her stress levels are back to normal (shrugs his shoulders)
Cynthia: she's fifteen what does she need to be so stressed about? I am sixteen and a social media influencer which is stressful but you don't see me acting like a little kid
Quinton: hey I get that you might not understand it but you also don't know her past so don't make comments like that babe
Cynthia: fine sorry (rolls her eyes and walks over to Addison)
Bryce: what did she just say? (Turns to Quinton)
Quinton: don't worry about it
Bryce: hmm okay
Lexie: bice!! (Stops coloring and runs over to him)
Bryce: hey princess (hugs her)
Lexie: I coloring with ant and vani want to see!
Bryce: haha sure
(Lexie grabs Bryce's hand and leads him to the table she's sitting at and shows him a flower she's coloring in)
Lexie: see I used red, pink and blue it's pretty right?
Bryce: yeah honey it's beautiful
Lexie: thank you (smiles)
Blake: so are we gonna talk about breakfast because I am starving
Amelie: when aren't you starving
Blake: never
Amelie: exactly
Noah: no but for real blake has a point what are we eating?
Lexie: chocolate chip pancakes and cheese sticks!
(Jaden smiles when he hears Lexi talk about what she wants to eat)
Jaden: okay baby what does everyone else want?
Josh: want to split the Belgian waffles it comes with whip cream and strawberries
Jaden: sounds good to me how many waffles does it come with?
Josh: four
Jaden: okay that's perfect
Dixie's pov
Everyone ordered their food and I was cuddled up with Noah on one of the couches just watching Lexie color in her book but then she got bored and stopped coloring and went over to her stuffed animals and brought them over to Noah and I. At first I felt a little awkward because I don't really do well with kids and I didn't want to say the wrong thing and hurt her feelings even though she's not really a kid her mind is right now so she's more sensitive, but Noah on the other hand handled it so naturally and just let her babble on about her cat and dog while I just smiled and occasionally jumped in when she would ask me something until she finished talking to us and went over to Blake and Amelie.
End of pov
Lexie's pov
I was introducing tabby and Clifford to Blake and Amelie since they hadn't met yet and then I heard a knock on the door and bubba got up to get it and it was the food and he placed a cheese stick on my plate with some pancakes and cut them for me I took a bite and instead of feeling happy with the taste of chocolate in my mouth it was like something in my brain stopped me and realized I don't want to be fat and that's what's going to happen if I eat the pancake. Then I looked around the room and saw everyone else eating and saw a coloring book on the table, the stuffed animals on the floor and an empty bottle right next to them.. Damnit I was in little space again!!!
End of pov
Lexie: alright which one of you mother fuckers put me in little space last night? (Puts the fork down and crosses her arms glaring at the people in front of her)
Jaden: hey watch the language I don't care if your mad or not stop cursing
Lexie: then answer my question
Jaden: I put you in little space last night and I know you don't like it but
Lexie: yeah yeah it's what the fucking doctor said I heard it all before (rolls her eyes)
Griffin: I don't know if you realize this Lexie but since you started being in little space at night you haven't gotten a nightmare
Lexie: so what? I'd rather have a nightmare and a panic attack than wake up and play with kid toys
Kio: no you don't your just saying that now eat your pancakes
Lexie: no way do you know how many calories these pancakes have?
Dixie: but you wanted them (says confused)
Lexie: no I didn't that wasn't normal me because normal we would never ask for pancakes anymore not after knowing how much weight I could gain
Amelie: lex you don't have to worry about your weight, your beautiful exactly the way you are
Lexie: (scoffs) of course you would say that, your beautiful and by the way that was the most cliche speech I have ever heard
Addison: but it's true you are beautiful mama
Lexie: (gasp) not the queen of TikTok telling me that I am beautiful when I know it's a lie
Bryce: come on lex don't be like that she's telling the truth
Lexie: no she's not none of you are because if you did you would look in the mirror and see what I see
Noah: what do you see when you look in the mirror Lexie?
Lexie's pov
After Noah asked me that question I realized that he was trying to get me to open up and talk about my feelings and if you know me at all that's the last thing I want so I ignored the question and took out my phone and texted the group chat.
End of pov
Group chat
Lexie: what room are you guys in?
Silver: 512 why?
Lexie: the boys are bothering me I am gonna try and sneak out earlier than planned
Grace: okay just don't get caught
Lexie: yeah yeah also did you end up talking to Leo?
Ariana: yeah he's here
Lexie: great tell him to have his famous strawberry mojito ready
Naomi: you got it girly
End of chat
Josh: Lexie Marie Noah asked you a question and you've been ignoring him for three minutes
Lexie: because I don't want to talk about it
Jaden: if you don't want to talk about it that's fine but what I do need you to do is eat at least half the pancake
Lexie: fine whatever (rolls her eyes and picks up five pieces of pancake with her fork) done now I am going to shower while you guys decide what the plan is
Jaden: (sighs) okay
Lexie's pov
I got up from the table and grabbed my towel along with a mint green v neck crop cami and a pair of ripped short shorts and walked into the bathroom and turned the temperature to the hottest temperature and stepped in and bit my lip to stop myself from screaming from the water touching my scalp but eventually I got used to it and washed myself and got dressed and walked back outside to see everyone still in the room sitting around the room talking.
End of pov
Griffin: we decided to walk around Lincoln road and probably get some ice cream
Lexie: okay
Quinton: lex why is your skin so red?
Lexie: oh I guess the water was hotter than I thought
Quinton: hmm okay
Jaden: normally I would tell you to change but because Miami is hot as hell I won't
Lexie: oh well in that case thank god for Miami (jokes)
Blake: okay well we are going to our rooms to get ready so meet in the lobby?
Griffin: yeah
(Everyone says okay and leaves the room)
Lexie: can I go walk around the pool area while you guys get ready?
(Jaden and josh look at each other and then back at Lexie)
Jaden: I guess but you better have your phone on you and not on vibrate and when I tell you to go to the lobby you better be there understand?
Lexie: yes sirrr
Jaden: okay go ahead
Lexie's pov
I grabbed my phone, purse and headphones before heading out the door and walked to the elevator and clicked on the fifth floor and then walked to room 12 and knocked on the door and immediately got tackled into a hug by Naomi and the smell of weed hitting my nose.
End of pov
Naomi: omg I can't believe you made it!!
Lexie: haha I can't stay long but I wanted to see you guys and then hopefully we can sneak out somewhere tonight
?: well regardless we are going to ball and chain tonight
Lexie: Cameron nice to see you again (walks over and hugs him)
Cameron: you too mini how's Hollywood treating you?
Lexie: ugh let's not even talk about that
?: I heard someone was in need of one of my martini's
Lexie: Leo!!
(Lexie Runs up and hugs him while he spins her around)
Leo: how's my favorite fuck buddy
Lexie: ugh pig (lightly smack him upside the head but then whispers in his ear) I wouldn't mind having some fun tonight though
Leo: (smirks) good to know
?: well it isn't Tennessee's will they or won't they couple
Lexie: hi to you too Grant
Grant: that's all I get? I hook you up with weed and all I get is a hi
Lexie: I miss you too
Silver: and you remember by boyfriend Dixon
Lexie: boyfriend now? Last time I heard he didn't have the balls to ask you out
Silver: (laughs) well he finally grew a pair and we've been together for two months now
Lexie: and you brought him on vacation (turns to Dixon) you must be pretty special if she did that but hurt her and I will find you
Dixon: yeah okay shorty
Lexie: anywaysss Leo are you gonna make me that martini (puts on a puppy dog face)
Leo: you know I can't resist when you make that face (pecks her lips and starts making it)
Jenny: omg it's about time you two get together!!
?: you know just as well as do they will never be anything more then fuck buddies Jenny
Jenny: funny you said the same thing about me Eric and look where we are (kissed him)
Lexie's pov
I watched leo make my strawberry mojito while Naomi and her boyfriend Zack were sharing a blunt together, silver and Dixon were cuddling on the couch, Ariana and Beck were arguing over what radio station they wanted Alexa to play, Grace and Jack were making out in the corner while Sarah, Cameron, Jenny and Eric were getting high from who knows what and then Leo handed me my drink and I started sipping on it while Leo took a seat next to me.
End of pov
Leo: what are you thinking about?
Lexie: (sighs) this is the first time I feel free and myself since I moved (looks at him)
Leo: i am sorry we haven't talked as often as we could have
Lexie: don't apologize not like we were a couple or anything we were simply fuck buddies and occasionally got high together
Leo: (jokes) occasionally more like all the time
Lexie: true (takes another sip and closes her eyes) I miss this you know I do love the boys but they are just so... suffocating sometimes
Leo: in what way?
Lexie: well for starters they never let me avoid my problems they make me talk about them like I don't want to talk about my issues you know I buried them for years and I was totally fine with that (takes another sip but then her phone starts ringing) ugh it was nice while it lasted (answers the phone)
Phone convo
Lexie: what's up?
Jaden: everyone's ready meet us at the lobby
Lexie: okay I'll be right down
Jaden: okay
(Lexie hangs up the phone and chugs the mojito)
Leo: wait are you sure that's not gonna get you drunk?
Lexie: ha you know my tolerance level by now anyways the big brother summoned me and I must be off but I really want to go to ball and chain so I'll try my best to make that happen
Leo: okay (pecks her on the lips again)
Lexie: bye everyone!
Them: bye Lexie
Lexie: wait silver do you have body splash in case I smell like weed?
Silver: yeah hold on a second
(She gets off the couch and grabs the bottle of perfume and Lexie sprays herself, hugs silver and walks to the elevator and meets everyone in the lobby)
Bryce: hey lex how was your walk?
Lexie: it was nice the pool is so pretty here
Addison: yeah it is
Griffin: everyone ready to go? We just got a limo for the week while we are here and it fits all of us
Them: okay
Lexie's pov
We got in the limo and I sat in between Blake and Amelie while everyone else sat with their partners and we rolled the windows down and Bryce told the limo driver to blast the music so we sang and vibed on the way to Lincoln road and ten minutes later we were there. We walked into some of the stores they had, took pictures and then a few fans started to recognize them and eventually there was a whole line of fans waiting to take pictures with them. I should have known this was going to happen because it always does it's not like we can go anywhere without of them getting recognized. I walked away because I didn't feel like getting insulted by anyone today and instead I walked towards the beach area of Lincoln road and kicked off my sandals and felt the sand between my toes and looked off at the ocean and got lost in my thoughts until I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Anthony.
End of pov
Ant: what are you doing over here by yourself?
Lexie: didn't want to be part of the meet and greet line
Ant; oh that makes sense well do you want some company?
Lexie: aren't you going to take more pictures?
Ant: nah besides they seem to be more interested in Avani (jokes)
Lexie: see everyone loves your girlfriend more than you (jokes back)
Ant: yeah I hope no one tries to steal her, did you see anything in the stores you like?
Lexie: not really they are all high brand places and not my style
Ant: oh okay well you want that ice cream still and we tell the boys and girls to meet us when they are done?
Lexie: sure (shrugs her shoulders)
Ant: come on let's go
Lexie's pov
I walked with Ant to a cold stone and just got a small cup of cookie dough ice cream and took a bite and savored the flavor for a bit but then I remembered how sweet this was and I started playing with the spoon.
End of pov
Ant: Lexie I know you want to eat the ice cream I can see it on your face
Lexie: yeah but I don't want to fat...
Ant: lex look up at me (lifts her chin up) eat the ice cream and tell the voices in your head to fuck off right now
Lexie: (laughs) okay (takes a bite)
Jaden's pov
We finally finished taking a picture with the last fan and I looked around to see Anthony and Lexie weren't by the water so I took the phone out and texted him and he told me they went to cold stone so I told the group and we started walking to cold stone and when we walked inside I saw Lexie with a smile on her face as she took a bite of the ice cream and I smiled. Not because ice cream was healthy or anything but she was at least eating something because I was starting to get worried thinking that her eating disorder was getting bad again. We ordered our own ice cream and then we walked along the beach while we ate the ice cream but then I heard Lexie scream and saw Bryce spilled some of his ice cream on her shirt.
End of pov
Lexie: Bryce
Bryce: yeah (says nervously)
Lexie: run
Bryce: hold this babe (hands Addy the ice cream and starts running)
Lexie: this was my favorite shirt Bryce!! (Catches up to him and jumps on him causing the both of them to fall on the sand and start laughing)
Bryce: I am sorry but I'll come off
Lexie: if it doesn't you owe me a new shirt (gets off of Bryce)
Blake: damn Bryce how did Lexie manage to tackle you when she's tiny
Lexie: (glares) say it again grey and your next
Blake: okay okay I surrender (puts his hands up)
Lexie's pov
We spent the rest of the day on the beach and then took the limo and headed back to the hotel where we went to our separate rooms and the boys took showers first since I already took one but after getting sand on me I took another one using hot water once again and when I stepped out and looked at the mirror I realized how hot the temperature must have been because my face was red, my shoulders and back were also red and when I touched my skin it hurt for a few seconds but then it went away. I threw on a pair of sweats and a crop and laid on the bed between josh and Jaden.
End of pov
Jaden: damn lex you really have to pay attention to how hot your using the water (looks at her shoulders)
Lexie: oops my bad sorry
Jaden: it's okay just be more careful
Josh: hey Bryce just texted me and asked if we wanted to go out with the group to the club space tonight?
Jaden: who would stay with Lexie?
Griffin: we can it's not like we are in a relationship
Kio: yeah we would be like.. I don't even know if there is number but we would definitely be wheeling something
Jaden: (looks at Lexie) you okay staying with them if we go out for the night?
Lexie: yeah but they don't have to stay with me I know they probably want to have fun to so how about I stay by myself
Josh; yeah right
Lexie: why not? I haven't snuck out since the night at Taylor's and besides what am I going to do in Miami... actually that's a dumb question but still I'll just stay here and watch Netflix
Jaden: and what about your separation anxiety?
Lexie: it's a great way to test it out don't you think?
Josh: I don't know lex what If you fall asleep and have a nightmare and we aren't here
Lexie: I won't fall asleep you know I can't sleep without either one of you besides it's not like your gonna stay out the entire night
Jaden: griffin what do you think?
Griffin: (looks at Lexie then back at Jaden) we could give her the benefit of the doubt and if she needs us we are a phone call away plus space is five minutes from the hotel I looked it up
Jaden: (sighs) okay fine but you do NOT step foot out of this room do you understand me? and you call me if you need anything and I will call to check on you because I am staying sober
Josh: I'll stay sober with you
Lexie: okay I promise
Jaden: okay and we'll be back by two am the latest
Lexie: okay
Jaden: I still don't feel comfortable with this
Kio: come on jay we have to start trusting her at some point
Jaden: okay your right (looks at Lexie) this is your ONLY and I mean ONLY chance to prove to me that you can be by yourself otherwise your never staying alone again am I clear?
Lexie: crystal now go get ready you need one night of parenting off
(Jaden shakes his head but gets up anyways and walks to his suitcase to grab some clothes and the other boys do the same)
Lexie's pov
The boys finally left the hotel around ten o clock which is perfect because everyone was going to ball and chain at eleven and were going to get ready over there so I walked over to my suitcase and realized I didn't have anything club worthy anymore so I would have to borrow from one of the girls so instead I just grabbed my purse and phone making sure I still had my fake ID in one of the zippers and walked to the room. When I got to room 512 everyone was already pre gaming and the music was playing in the room, I had another strawberry mojito before getting dressed with the girls. Naomi handed me this red skin tight dress that didn't need to have a bra with it and some black heels to match. Silver did my makeup and then we took pictures but obviously didn't post them since god forbid I get seen by social media tonight. We hung out in the room for an hour before Cameron got an Uber for us and we got in and started driving to ball and chain and the first thing I did was take a shot then another one and another one and another until I felt wasted enough and ran to the dance floor. I was dancing with my girls on the dance floor but eventually their boys pulled them away and I looked across to see Leo making out with this red head which is so typical, so I just kept dancing and feeling the music and allowing myself to fully let go for the first time in three months. My hips were swaying to the music and then I felt hands around my waist and I just kept swaying my hips when I felt a light nibble on my ear and turned around to see Leo.
End of pov
Lexie: weren't you just kissing that red head?
Leo: why jealous?
Lexie: (scoffs) as if but I am gonna go get another drink?
Leo: nah I am good I am gonna go ask that girl in the black dress to dance
Lexie: man whore
Leo: yup and don't forget it (pecks her lips and walks away)
Lexie's pov
I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bar and asked the bar tender for another shot and I took it and went back to the dance floor but a few minutes later my stomach started to hurt, my vision was getting blurry and I couldn't find any of my friends not even Leo because he wasn't with the girl in the black dress anymore. All of a sudden my lungs started to feel tight and I couldn't breathe right, I started walking off the dance floor towards the front door but my balance was off and I was stumbling. Something wasn't right I have been drunk before and my stomach never hurt like this right now, I know I barely had any food in my system today but that doesn't explain the blurred vision I rubbed my eyes to see if it would clear but it didn't and as much as I didn't want to call Jaden I knew I was going to have too... I felt around my purse until I found my phone and saw ten missed calls from Jaden, ten text messages and ten missed calls from josh and other calls and texts from some of the other boys. I am so dead... but I clicked on Jaden's number anyway and not even two rings later he answered.
End of pov
Phone convo
Jaden: Lexie Marie hossler why the fuck weren't you answering your phone!!!
Lexie: (slurs) j j Jaden I I d d did something stupid I am sorry (cries)
Jaden: what did you do? Where are you!?
Lexie: I i c came t to t this c club c called b b ball and c c chain a and I w w was t taking shots b but I t think s someone p put s something I in my d dr drink b because m my s stomach h hurts a and my v vision is b blurry p please c come g g get m me I am a scared
Jaden: Damnit Lexie!! Okay where are you right now?
Lexie: o o outside o of t the c club o on the s side w walk and t there's a s security g guard b by the door
Jaden: okay stay there the boys and I will be there in ten minutes and I don't have to tell you that you are in huge trouble right?
Lexie: I k know I am s s sorry (cries)
Jaden: (sighs) stay on the phone with me we are getting in the car now
Lexie: o o okay
Ten minutes later
(Jaden gets out of the limo and sees Lexie sitting on the side walk hunched over and trying to catch her breath)
Jaden: oh my god Lexie (runs over to her and pulls her in his arms)
Lexie: I I am s s sorry
Jaden: shh it's okay we'll deal with it later I am just glad your safe let's get you in the car okay?
Lexie: o o okay
(Jaden picks her up and sits her in the car with him on her lap and the limo driver starts driving)
Josh: not right now Bryce
Jaden: griff what do you think should we take her to the hospital or just go straight to the hospital?
Lexie: n n no h h hospital p p please
Griffin: check her forehead does she have a fever?
Jaden: (Feels her forehead) no how's your vision Lexie?
Lexie: I i it's o okay
Jaden: are you lying to me?
Lexie: n no
Kio: how many fingers am I holding up? (Holds two fingers up)
Lexie: t t two
Griffin: okay we'll go to the hotel for now but If she gets a fever in the middle of the night we need to take her in
Jaden: okay
Lexie: p p pull o o over
(Griffin tells the driver to pull over and Lexie throws up and Addison holds her hair back as she starts crying again)
Jaden: shh shh it's okay
Jaden's POV
Ten minutes later we arrived at the hotel and josh picked up Lexie from my arms while I got out of the van and we said goodnight to the boys and girls and went to our room and josh sat Lexie on top of the bathroom counter and grabbed the toothbrush since she had just thrown up but she was losing her balance so I had to hold her still and josh brushed her teeth and she spit in the sink but five minutes later she threw up again so he brushed it for her again and put her hair in a ponytail and I grabbed a shirt and some shorts for her. I put the shirt on top of the dress and then slid the straps off her shoulders and then slid her shorts underneath the dress and pulled the rest of it off and looked at the dress for a second because I know for a fact I would never let her wear this and last I checked this wasn't in her closet so where did she get the dress? She didn't have any of the other room key cards so it can't be one of the girls.. I'll have to ask her in the morning. Once she was dressed in pj's I laid her down in bed and she was already past out asleep but I couldn't sleep and neither could the other boys.
End of pov
Josh: why would she sneak out after we specifically told her we were trusting her?
Jaden: (shakes his head) I don't know but we should have known better then to trust her I told you guys it wasn't a good idea
Griffin: look the good thing is she called us okay? If she didn't things could have been a lot worse tonight
Jaden: I don't even want to think about what could have happened
Kio: she's still in trouble though right?
Jaden: oh yeah she's never leaving our sight again and we'll make sure she knows never to do sometime so stupid again
Josh: yeah but let's just be glad she's safe okay? It's literally four in the morning and we need to sleep at some point
Griffin: okay let's go to sleep then
(Griffin turns off the lights and Jaden places Lexie in the middle of him and josh and strokes her cheek)
Jaden: babe I can't sleep what if she throws up in her sleep and chokes...
Josh: baby I know you were scared and I was too but look she's sleeping and breathing normally everything's gonna be okay it's just your anxiety talking right now
Jaden: okay your right (leans over and pecks him on the lips) I love you
Josh: I love you too (they both close their eyes and go to sleep)

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