Chapter 88

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Beep beep beep
Jaden's pov
I groaned and rolled over to turn the alarm off and saw it was nine thirty and I had something planned for us today so I looked over at josh and pecked him on the lips knowing it would wake him up but he stayed sleeping, so I left a little kiss on his cheek, then his jaw, and then his neck and he let out a groan and opened his beautiful blue eyes so I looked up at him and he smiled at me.
End of pov
Josh: good morning love
Jaden: morning babe how did you sleep?
Josh: (running his fingers through Jaden's hair) better then I have slept in a while, how about you?
Jaden: same and as much as I love cuddling with you we have stuff to do today
Josh: what do you have planned?
Jaden: you'll see let's wake up lex
Josh: are you thinking of what I am thinking
Jaden: let's do it
Lexie's pov
I was woken up from my sleep when I felt several pairs of hands start tickling my side and I immediately woke up and started squealing.
End of pov
Lexie: no no please stop (laughing)
Jaden: nah I don't think so (keep tickling her)
Lexie: please I am awake, I am awake (squeals)
Josh: fine we'll let you go, but you have to get ready because we are going to do stuff today
Lexie: what are we doing?
Jaden: surprise
Lexie: ugh you and your surprises (gets off the bed)
Jaden: you'ok love it trust me now go get ready but don't bother showering because we are going to be outside and sweat anyway
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I got off the bed and walked over to my suitcase and decided on a pair of ripped grey shorts that stopped mid thigh with a pink army bustier crop top and some sneakers. Since we are going to be outside I also decided to put my hair in a high pony and some gray and pink high top converse, I decided to post a TikTok since I haven't posted in a couple days with the caption "jungle cutie" and then took a mirror pic for insta and put my phone in my pocket and walked out to see both josh and Jaden in tank tops, shorts and sneakers kissing. Ever since they got back together they haven't been able to keep their hands off each other but I am not complaining I am happy they are together again.
End of pov
Lexie: should I just chill at the pool and leave you guys in the room or are we going?
Them: we are going
Lexie: don't do that it's creepy (grabs her little backpack)
Josh: oh hush and let's go
Lexie's pov
We walked down to the lobby where they had a buffet full of fruits and croissants so I grabbed two and filled a bowl with pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, mango and cantaloupe while the boys got smoothies, we sat, ate and talked until we were done.
End of pov
Lexie: how are we getting there? We don't have a car
Jaden: there's a rental car place here so we are going to rent a car and then use a GPS
Lexie: why not just take an Uber?
Jaden: because I don't trust taking an Uber in a foreign place to us
Lexie: but you'd rather get lost in the jungle good to know big brother (starts walking towards the front doors of the hotel)
Josh: haha very funny we aren't going to get lost
Lexie: heard that before
Josh: well I am not the one driving
Lexie: thank god
Josh: watch it missy
Jaden: come on children the rental car is up front
Josh: who are you calling a child?
Jaden: you for bickering with a fifteen year old
Lexie: I am literally sixteen in a few days
Jaden: (groans) don't remind me
Josh: now who's bickering
Jaden: oh hush (pecks him on the lips)
Lexie's pov
After Jaden kissed josh we walked out of the hotel and towards the rental car which was a silver jeep and got in. Jaden driving, josh in the passenger, and me in the back, Jaden put the car and drive and we started going down the hotel that the hotel was pretty much sitting on and not going to lie it felt a little scary just because going down felt a little like a rollercoaster in the jungle. Once we were off the hill we drove past trees, trees and more trees but the ocean was also in our view and I had my window rolled down so the smell of the salt water hit my nose and the breeze felt amazing against my skin. It's not like California which is all city life and cars surrounding you in every corner, here the cars give you enough space so you don't feel suffocated and the scenery was beautiful. I lost count for how long we drove for but I knew it was a while and eventually we pulled into a place called Kualoa Ranch, Jaden parked the jeep and we all got down and started walking towards the entrance when a girl in a jungle uniform approached us.
?: aloha welcome to Kualoa ranch my name is Leilani and I am guessing your Jaden we spoke on the phone correct?
Jaden: yeah and this is my boyfriend josh and little sister
Josh: hi (smiles)
Lexie: hello, I love your name by the way it's so pretty (waves)
Leilani: thank you I love your name too and your outfit is super cute
Lexie: (smiles) thank you
Leilani: alright if you guys follow me we are going to get started on our first adventure which is the jungle expedition tour which will take us through the rainforest and which will take us to Jurassic park
Lexie: Jurassic park?
Leilani: yes now come on let's get in the jeep
Josh: okay
Lexie's pov
We got in the jeep and I sat between the boys, we decided to take a couple pics just to post and then get off and enjoy the rest of the day. As we were driving we started nearing the ran forest and I don't think I have ever seen so many trees in one place all at once and next to each other, there were so many birds all different colors and chirping at one another like they were holding a conversation in their own language. There were even a few monkeys just swinging on the trees, after going through the rainforest we got to plain grassy area which had a few skull bones on the ground.
End of pov
Lexie: isn't that the platform from the Jurassic movie? You know the gate that holds the "dinosaurs"
Leilani: yes which means we have arrived at our destination come on
(The four of them get off the jeep and start walking towards the movie set)
Lexie: those aren't just hills are they?
Leilani: no there are volcanoes but they have been dormant for years
Jaden: doesn't that make filming dangerous in case it wakes up?
Leilani: yeah but the actors know that, come on we are close to the sets
(They start climbing up these metal stairs and into a building)
Leilani: so this is the building that was used to film when they were looking at the indominous Rex
Lexie: cool (looks out the window) you can see the whole park from here
Leilani: yeah that was the idea
Josh: this is sick
Jaden: yeah
(They walk around the set for a few more minutes before getting back in the jeep again and drive until they come across a group of cattle)
Lexie: look there's a baby one right there j (points at the baby who was hopping over one of the other ones)
Josh: it's so cute, do they have names?
Leilani: no but if you want to name the little one you can
Lexie: how about rose it's the smallest one of the group which makes it fragile
Josh: your so deep when you want to be you know that
Lexie: yup
(They start driving until they come across an ocean in the park)
Lexie: it's so cool how there are so many oceans here
Leilani: it's all the same ocean we just choose not to put barriers and let nature be nature
Lexie: I love that
Leilani: now this is our second stop this is the area where they filmed journey to the mysterious island
Lexie: that movie deserved more credit honestly and a third one
Josh: you think so?
Lexie: yeah
Josh: it was alright but I have seen better
Lexie: shush
Leilani: and now we've arrived to our next activity which is the zip line
Lexie: zip line!? How high is it?
Leilani: it's a thirty minute zip line through the trees and the mountains and the beautiful lake it's about 200 feet
Lexie's pov
My eyes widened when I heard that it was 200 feet and when I saw what it looked like I realized I was going to be sitting in a mini seat which would only hold my ass and the rest of my body would be in the air and the only thing keeping me from death was thin straps.
End of pov
Josh: what's up lex?
Lexie: do we have to go by ourselves...
Leilani: you can but you don't have too if you want share one we have that option to but you would still have to go in the front to equalize the weight
Lexie: okay Jaden can you do this with me (looks back at him)
Jaden: yeah of course princess
Josh: (playfully glares) I am going to pretend not to be offended by that (playfully jokes)
Lexie: sorry Joshy you can do the next one with me
Josh: okay
Leilani: alright let me get you situated come on up
(Lexie sits in the front and holds onto the ropes tightly while Jaden gets behind)
Jaden: lex we haven't even started it your grabbing the rope tightly let go
Lexie: but what if
Jaden: nothings going to happen I got you (wraps his arms around her)
Lexie: don't let go
Jaden: I won't
Leilani: alright you guys are good to go
(Pushes them and then goes behind them)
Lexie's pov
The zip line didn't go as fast I thought it would go which made it less scary, we zipped through the trees which was part of the rainforest we saw earlier just up close, and then we saw the beautiful ocean again but this time we were able to look at all the sea creatures since the water was crystal blue and eventually the zip line ended.
End of pov
Josh: see that wasn't so bad
Lexie: yeah I guess I was expecting it to go faster and I didn't like being in the harness but anyways what's next?
Leilani: horseback riding (smiles) so follow me
Lexie's pov
We got back in the little jeep and rode towards the ranch area and got down, we walked around the stables until I saw a beautiful white stallion so I walked up to it and started petting it's fur.
End of pov
Lexie: can I ride this one?
Leilani: yes but she can be a bit wild sometimes so I suggest riding with one of the boys
Lexie: josh you want to ride since I did the zip-line with Jay?
Josh: I love you lex but this is my first time riding a horse and if I happen to fall off it or somehow my ass gets hurt I wouldn't you getting hurt too so ride with Jaden
Lexie: okay
Leilani: alright what horse do you want josh?
Josh: the gray one looks nice
Leilani: that's faith and she's our sweetest horse on the ranch
Josh: then I'll ride her
Leilani: okay I'll get them situated while you guys grab helmets and meet you out there
Them: okay
A few minutes later
Jaden: do you remember how to get on or do you need help?
Lexie: I got it (lifts her left foot over the horse, grabs onto the handle and pulls herself up) see just like old times
Jaden: yeah (gets on the horse)
Leilani: okay so like I said she can be a wild one so if you feel her going to fast just pull her reigns harder and she'll stop
Lexie: what's her name?
Leilani: diamond
Lexie: okay (pets diamond) you'll be good I know you will (kisses her fur)
Leilani: okay so first you want to warm her up so just walk in a circle with them for a few minutes
Lexie's pov
After horseback riding it was three in the afternoon and we were starving so we thanked Leilani and left the ranch and Jaden searched up addresses for restaurants that were nearby. After some driving we found one called L&L Hawaiian grill, it was right by the water and the waitresses were hula girls which added to the experience. After we got seated and looked through the menu.
End of pov
Lexie: (whines) I don't like anything here
Josh: you've never even been here
Lexie: I don't care I don't like it (crosses her arms)
Jaden: there's shrimp you eat shrimp
Lexie: no I don't shrimp tastes gross
Josh: have you ever tried it?
Lexie: (mumbles) no but I know I won't like it
Josh: no you don't since you've never tried it
Jaden: what about a breaded fried fish sandwich?
Lexie: ew
Jaden: there's also fried katsu chicken you can try that
Lexie: what is it?
Jaden: it's literally just fried chicken
Lexie: they probably cook it different though
Waitress: hi my name is Nani and I will be your waitress today what can I start you off with?
Lexie: Nani as in lilo and stitch?
Nani: (laughs) yes but unfortunately I don't have a little sister, but if you guys are ready to order then I'll take it
Jaden: thank you and I am going to go with the seafood and grill combo with a coke please
Nani: okay
Josh: I'll have the grilled chicken bowl with a sprite please, (looks at lex) what do you want finally?
Lexie: nothing
Josh: pick now or I am picking for you
(Lexie stays quiet)
Josh: she'll have the garlic shrimp with a coke
Nani: okay sounds good I'll be right back with the drinks (walks away)
Lexie: I don't want garlic shrimp though
Jaden: too bad he gave you a choice and you didn't take it
Lexie: I am not going to eat it
Josh: yes you are and your going to stop with the attitude because we are in public
Lexie's pov
The whole time until the food came I was just pouting with my arms crossed, childish I know but I don't care. It wasn't my idea to come to a seafood place when there were burgers literally right across. When Nani brought the food I kind of just started poking it with my fork.
End of pov
Jaden: stop playing with it and eat Lexie Marie
Lexie: but bubba (whines)
Josh: stop it and take a bite right now, I already told you we are in public and you are causing a scene, take a bite of the shrimp now
(Lexie picks up her fork with a piece of shrimp on it and takes a bite but grabs a napkin and spits it out)
Lexie: it tastes too fishy
Jaden: well it's fish what did you expect
Lexie: I don't like it
Jaden: your just not used to it because your used to eating the same thing almost everyday, so I'll make you a deal if you eat half of it I'll let you finish
Lexie: but I don't like it (whines)
Josh: Lexie this is the last warning I am giving you before I pick you up from the seat and drag you to the family bathroom
Lexie: I am not eating it (sits back and crosses her arms)
Josh: (picks up the fork with a piece of shrimp on it and puts it in front of her mouth) last chance lex take a bite
(Lexie shakes her head)
Josh: okay don't say I didn't warn you (walks over to her and picks her up)
Lexie: josh put me down! We are in public you can't do this! (Hits his back)
josh: stop hitting and you should have thought about it before doing it
(They walks into the family restroom and josh pulls her over his lap)
Lexie: fine I am sorry Joshy but please don't
Josh: I gave you multiple chances and you still continued so your getting a spanking it's that simple (starts)
Lexie: fine josh I'll eat the stupid shrimp
Josh: do I hear attitude? (Continues)
Lexie: okay okay i am sorry (cries) I caused a scene in public
Josh: good that's all I wanted to hear (pulls her up and looks at her) now if you really don't like the shrimp then you can have my grilled chicken but you have to eat everything deal?
Lexie: deal
Josh: come on let's go
Lexie's pov
I ate the rest of the chicken while josh had the shrimp and then we left the restaurant and started driving back to the hotel.
End of pov
Jaden: we could chill in the jacuzzi when we get there if you guys want
Them: okay
Lexie's pov
We got to the hotel room and I grabbed my mint green bikini with a pair of shorts and walked into bathroom and took off my clothes and put the bikini on and as I was about to walk out of the bathroom I heard my phone vibrate.
Unknown number: enjoy your last family vacation babygirl because when I have you back in my arms I am never letting you go
I looked at the text message and it took me a second to think of it who that could be when all of a sudden memories from last night came rushing to my mind. The Disney park, him pinning me against the wall. I felt my breath pick up, I looked down at my phone and felt anger take over.
End of pov
Lexie: NO NOT AGAIN!! (Picks up her phone and throws it against the wall, her knees give out and she falls to the floor curling into a ball)
(Jaden and josh stop kissing when they hear the crash and get up from the bed to knock on the door)
Jaden: lex are you okay? What was that noise?
(Lex doesn't answer)
Josh: lex please answer or we are going to open the door
Lexie's pov
My mind was racing, he's back, he's actually back last night wasn't some twisted nightmare it was real, he's back and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I heard josh and Jaden calling my name but I didn't have the strength to stand up and open the door. I heard the door open and saw the boys walk in, I could tell they were trying to talk to me but I couldn't even process what they were saying because I was to busy realizing that my biggest nightmare is becoming a reality again. I don't want to go back with him, I don't want anything to do with him, and I am terrified.
End of pov
Jaden's pov
Josh and I were trying to talk to lex but she wasn't able to respond, her body was curled up with her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around them and she was shaking. It scared me I don't think I have ever seen her in this state before and I don't know what to do, I looked around to find out where at least the noise came from and my eyes landed on the phone that was now broken.
End of pov
Jaden: hey josh look at this (grabs the phone and passes it to him)
Josh: lex can you tell us why you threw the phone (crouches down to her level and looks her in the eyes)
(Lex stays quiet)
Josh: babe call griffin, I'll stay with her
Jaden: okay (stands up and starts walking away)
Lexie's pov
I saw Jaden start walking out of the bathroom and even though I felt like I didn't have the strength to get up I knew one thing and that was I didn't want him to leave so I reached my hand out and grabbed onto his shorts to stop him from leaving. He turned around and got down to my level and I just wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and hid my face in the crook of his neck.
End of pov
Lexie: d d don't l l leave m me a alone
Jaden: I would never baby why did you think that?
Lexie: j j just p p promise m me p p please b bubba
Jaden: I promise sweetheart (kisses her head)
Jaden's pov
I looked over at josh who nodded his head so I carefully picked up lex off the ground and started walking to back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed, I was glad that she was at least able to talk now but I still want to know what scared her so much and why she felt the need to throw her phone, but I didn't want to push her into becoming a statue again either so I think the best approach is to get her to relax first and then ask her.
End of pov
Jaden: josh can you pass me her pacifier
Lexie: I don't want it (whines)
Josh: here (passes it to her)
Lexie: I d don't w want t to b be I in l little s space r right n now
Jaden: I know and I don't want to put you in little space yet, I just want you to relax (takes the pacifier and puts it in her mouth)
Lexie: but bubba
Jaden: shh (starts rubbing her back)
Fifteen minutes later
Josh: lex you don't have to tell us everything but can you at least tell us why you threw the phone
Lexie's pov
After josh asked me my breathing started to pick up again and I could feel my heart beat quicker but before I could go into a panic attack I felt Jaden rubbing my back again which calmed me down, I took the pacifier out of my mouth and opened my mouth to speak.
End of pov
Lexie: j j j Jake (buries her head in Jaden's chest)
Jaden's pov
Lexie didn't need to say anything else after that I knew what she meant and by the look on Josh's face he knew what she meant to and as much as I wanted fo punch a hole in the wall I knew lex needed me more so I just wrapped my arms tighter around her.
End of pov
Jaden: we won't let him near you baby I promise
Lexie: I I it's t to too l late h h he f found m me a a already
Josh: when? (Tries to keep his voice calm)
Lexie: l l last n night a at t t the b bar, I I t thought i I it w w was j j just a d dream or I d d didn't r remember t this m morning b but a after I g g got a t text just n now I r r remembered I I am s s sorry I I d didn't t tell you e earlier (cries)
Jaden: aww baby it's not your fault you didn't remember it's okay at least you told us now and you know that the boys and I will do everything to protect you, that son of a bitch will be put in jail before he can touch you again
Lexie: y you p p promise
Jaden: yes baby
Josh: I am going to go outside and call the boys
Jaden: okay i am going to stay with her
Josh: I figured (grabs his phone and goes outside)
Lexie: bubba (looks up at Jaden)
Jaden: yeah princess
Lexie: I am scared
Jaden's pov
My heart broke for her, I just wanted to tell her that everything was going to be okay and that nothing was going to happen but I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little scared either. My sister's psycho abusive Ex tracked her down from Tennessee to LA and i don't know what this guy is capable of. So I just wrapped my arms tighter around her and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. I carefully put her head on the pillow and walked outside to see josh still on FaceTime with the boys who I could tell were pissed, Bryce looked like he would go to jail for murdering him if he could.
End of pov
Bryce: I'll track down the bitch myself if I have to
Griffin: guys we have to think rationally okay, for now it's probably better that lex broke her phone and I don't think we should get her a new one until Jake is put away for good, it'll be harder for him to find her
Kio: what about her social media, she's gotten so much better and she's enjoying it are we really going to tell her not to post
Jaden: I don't care about the social media right now, hell We'll leave LA if We have too
Noah: you won't have to do that Jaden, she'll be safe with all of us, we already told Rafy to up the security system and we'll just be extra cautious from now on
Josh: what about putting a restraining order on him
Griffin: for that you guys have to be here so once your back in LA we can do it
Jaden: okay
Josh: alright we are going to let you guys go have fun on your date with Riley Bryce
Bryce: not a date!
Josh: yeah sureee
Jaden: later boys
Them: bye
(Jaden sighs and wraps his arms around Josh's waist)
Jaden: just when life was finally starting to get back to normal
Josh: (laughs and shakes his head) I wouldn't expect anything less, our lives aren't normal and they probably never will be again but you know what
Jaden: what?
Josh: I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world because if it never happened I would have never met the boys and started talent X and I never would have met you (grabs his hand) I know that together we can get through anything
Jaden: how do you know what to say when to say it all the time
Josh: it's a gift (pecks his lips)
Jaden: I love you
Josh: I love you too, now let's go cuddle with our baby yeah?
Jaden: okay
(They walk inside the room and josh wraps his arms around Lexie while Jaden wraps his arms around josh and they close their eyes)
One hour later
Lexie: bubba (pokes his cheek) bubba up
Jaden: hmm (groans)
Lexie: I hungry
Jaden: (groans) okay what time is it
Lexie: I no no
(Jaden turns over to grab his phone and sees it's six o clock and lightly shakes josh)
Josh: hmm
Jaden: babe it's six we got to wake up and have dinner
Lexie: woom service
Josh: I like that idea
Jaden: okay I'll call what do you guys want?
Lexie: pasta with red sauce!
Jaden: okay, babe what about you?
Josh: fettuccine Alfredo
Jaden: you want me to get a large and we split?
Josh: yeah that sounds good
Jaden: okay I'll call now (picks up the phone)
Lexie: dada (crawls over to josh across the bed) hi dada
Josh: hi baby what's up?
Lexie: I no no I just want say hi (shrugs her shoulders)
Josh: your so cute, who's the cutest little girl in the world (starts tickling her)
Lexie: me dada stop (laughs)
Josh: okay okay (stops tickling her and hugs her) you know I love you right?
Lexie: I wuv you too dada (wraps her arms around his neck)
Josh's pov
Lex stayed in my lap while I scrolled through Netflix and found Yes Day and just put that on until the room service came and I helped lex eat her pasta because she insisted on one of us feeding her and since she was cuddling with me it was just easier for me to feed her. After the movie lex snapped out of little space and went to take a shower and we cuddled up together and fell asleep.
End of pov

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