Chapter 55

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Beep beep beep
(Jaden groans and turns off his alarm and lightly shakes Lexie)
Lexie: hmm
Jaden: wake up baby you have therapy this morning
Lexie: (whines) noooo
Jaden: (sighs) Lexie Marie I am not doing this with you every time we have an appointment wake up and start getting ready
Lexie: no (pulls the sheets over her and hides her head under the pillow)
Josh: Lexie listen to Jaden and get up
Lexie: no fuck therapy
Lexie: ow (whines)
Jaden: that was for the language now I suggest if you don't want to start this morning with a sore ass you get up
(Lexie pulls her head out of the pillow and glares at him)
Josh: wipe that look off your face
Lexie: what? You have your eyes closed still how do you know
Josh: I can feel you glaring at him and now your stalling
Lexie: fine you want me to go to stupid therapy I'll go to stupid therapy (gets off the bed and curses under her breath on the way out of the room)
Jaden: that attitude better be gone by the time your downstairs! (Looks at josh) you want to come today?
Josh: sure but don't forget we still have to go to Mads and Nessa's today
Jaden: yeah I was thinking we'll take lex to therapy then drop her back off to do school with Rafy while we go over there
Josh: okay sounds like a plan (pecks him on the lips)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Stupid therapy stupid Callie with her stuffed animal tactic what's next? Is she going to force a bottle down my throat too not that I would ever let her but you get my point. I was looking through my closet and debated on sneaking out through the window but I knew it was pointless so I just started looking for something to wear and decided on a pink tie dye off the shoulder crop top with blue ripped skinny jeans and adidas, then put my hair half up half down and walked downstairs to see the boys doing their morning routine.
End of pov
Quinton: jacket much lex?
Lexie: no thanks I look cute and a jacket will kill the look
Bryce: Lexie that shirt literally shows your stomach and your chest
Lexie: actually no it makes my chest look flat because of the bra I am wearing
Bryce: I didn't need to know all that (shakes his head)
Lexie: you were the one that made the comment
Griffin: anyways eat something before the boys come down
Lexie: I am not hungry
Blake: what's up with you? This month you haven't been hungry are you feeling okay?
Lexie: yeah just haven't had much of an appetite
Noah: well not eating isn't an option so have something
Lexie: fineee (opens the cabinet) I'll have a granola bar
Noah: what else?
Lexie: banana? (Picks one up)
Griffin: fine but your having a better lunch and the only reason your getting away with it is because your leaving
(Lexie is about to sit down when the boys walk downstairs ready to go)
Josh: (sighs) would it kill you to put on a jacket?
Lexie: no and you can't say anything because technically the only thing I am showing is my stomach which isn't a crime
Jaden: fine whatever let's just go so we aren't late
Lexie: wouldn't be the end of the world if we were (mumbles)
Jaden: heard that let's go
Lexie's pov
I followed the boys out to Josh's car where he got in the drivers seat, Jaden got in the passenger and I sat in the back. I pulled out my headphones and my phone and put my music on shuffle when I went to my insta and decided to post a pic from my camera roll since I haven't posted in a while. I decided to post a pic of Clare, Dani, Amy and I at high water and tagged them with the caption "my new besties" and as always the comments start flooding in some were "I am so happy for you!" "You should post more!" "You look happy!" "Love you lex so glad your back!" But as always the nicer comments were nothing compared to the hate "watch her drop these girls like she did her old friends" "you only got into high water because your brothers famous" "don't think for a second you have any talent!" "You know what they say there's always the ugly friend in the group and that's definitely Lexie" and someone responded that comment with "for real why would they even want to hangout with her" and someone else replied "probably for clout no one is going to want to actually be friends with her" then they started commenting about Clare and I but I couldn't read them because josh put the car in park and we were at the therapy center. Ugh kill me please, I got out of the car and debated on running but josh would have caught me in five seconds and I would just end up in trouble so I decided to just follow then inside. Jaden went to sign me in while I sat with josh playing with my stress ball that was in my purse.
End of pov
Josh: hey bud I know your still having a hard time with this but please try and get used to it
Lexie: I don't want too
Josh: (shakes his head) your so stubborn
Lexie: I prefer the word determined
(Jaden walks over to them and sits down until Mariana calls Lexie's name)
Jaden: Lexie Mariana called you
Lexie: I know
Josh: so get up
Lexie: I can't
Jaden: what do you mean you can't?
Lexie: Casper glued my jeans to the chair I can't get up
Mariana: Lexie Marie hossler (looks around the room again)
Jaden: Lexie I swear if you don't get your ass from the chair it's going to get you in trouble
Lexie: I already told you Casper glued me to my chair
Jaden's pov
I was getting fed up with Lexie I know she was stalling on purpose and having Mariana just standing there was really rude so I walked over to her, pulled her off the chair and turned her around.
End of pov
Jaden: (stops and turns her back around) oh look at that your not stuck anymore now are you going to stop stalling or am I going have to drag you to the family bathroom
Lexie: I'll go (mumbles)
Jaden: speak up
Lexie: I said I'll go
Jaden: good and don't be giving her attitude
Lexie's pov
Jaden let me go so I was able to walk over to Callie and silently thanked god the waiting room was empty or that would have been more embarrassing not that he would have cared whether there was people there or not. I followed Mariana to the room and this time I saw Callie just sitting on the couch like normal except she had a paper and pencil with her... is it to late to run?
End of pov
Callie: oh there you are lex I was starting to think you didn't show
Mariana: I'll leave you guys to it, good luck Lexie (smiles and walks away)
Callie: you can come in all the way lex
Lexie: oh right (walks away from the door and sits on the couch across)
Callie: so how are you Lexie?
Lexie: fine
Callie: anything new happen lately? I heard you got into a dance school that's awesome congrats
Lexie: thanks...
Callie: do you like it? Have you made any friends?
Lexie: yeah
Callie: that's good do you want to tell me about them?
Lexie: well there's Clare
Callie: (smiles) Clare Jonas right?
Lexie: (nods) yeah
Callie: I had a feeling you two would meet at some point and get along she's a lot like you and just as stubborn
Lexie: (laughs) yeah we definitely cause trouble for Jaden and Justin
Callie: I can imagine, how's your sleeping been? Are you still having nightmares?
Lexie: they come and go... some nights are worse than others
Callie: what makes them worse?
Lexie: sometimes I have them twice instead of once a night
Callie: oh do you know what triggers them? Like in your dream
Lexie: yeah...
Callie: can you tell me about them?
Lexie: (squeezes her stress ball) h h how m much d detail d do you want?
Callie: well I have an idea how about instead of you telling me in detail since I can tell your nervous we do something different
Lexie: like what?
Callie: I am going to give you a word regarding your nightmares and your going to give me the word that first pops into your head okay and I am going to write it down
Lexie: okay
Callie: first word nightmare
Lexie: flashback
Callie: relationship
Lexie: abusive, controlling, scarring
Callie: trust
Lexie: no one
Callie: the boys
Lexie: safe
Callie: alone
Lexie: unsafe, scared, overthinking
Callie: school
Lexie: bullying
Callie: girls
Lexie: mean
Callie: LA
Lexie: home
Callie: triggered
Lexie: flashbacks about Jake and school
Callie: why?
Lexie: they still have control over me
Callie: (puts down the paper) good job now that I know more or less I can tell you one thing
Lexie: what?
Callie: Jake and the girls from school are in your past, you don't have to be afraid of them anymore and they don't control you at all because you know who controls you
Lexie: who?
Callie: you, you control your thoughts, actions, and you decide whether you want them to be in your mind because you are letting people who are not in your life still control your mind and that doesn't seem fair does it?
Lexie: no.. so what do I do?
Callie: before I tell you that let me ask you something
Lexie: okay...
Callie: do you think that after everything they put you through they have a right to control your mind too, why give them that power?
Lexie: your the therapies aren't you supposed to tell me that
Callie: I can't answer those questions for you, only you can answer them so I am going to give you a little assignment
Lexie: you can give it to me doesn't mean I'll do it
Callie: (sighs) okay either way I want you to meditate on that question, reflect on why you think they have so much control and when you know the answer we can talk about it next session okay?
Lexie: sure whatever are we done for the day?
Callie: yeah let me just call josh and Jaden in to talk to them as well
Lexie: go ahead
(Callie gets Mariana to call the boys in and a few minutes later they walk inside the room)
Josh: so how did it go today? (Asks hesitantly)
Callie: (smiles) well I am happy to say that we are slowly but surely making progress isn't that right lex?
Lexie: I guess...
Jaden: that's good to hear (smiles)
Callie: now obviously I can't tell you word for word what we spoke about because of patient confidentiality but I just wanted to update you guys about the progress and see if there's anything you want to talk to me about?
Josh: other then the nightmares I don't think we've noticed anything too out of the ordinary right Jaden?
Jaden: not at the moment I mean her eating has been a little off but we are keeping an eye on her
Callie: what do you mean her eating?
Lexie: it's nothing I am just eating healthier and more conscientiously then before because I am a legit dance student now so I have to be aware of what I put in my body
Callie: I can agree with that as long as you are still eating
Lexie: yeah I just had a banana and a granola bar this morning
Callie: well that's good (looks at the boys) if you notice anything suspicious though feel free to reach out to me as I am aware she does have an eating disorder
Lexie: oh my fucking god listen just because I am becoming more aware of my food and not wanting fast food all the time doesn't mean I am relapsing!! Stop making it seem like I am!!! (Storms out of the waiting room and towards the car)
Josh: (sighs) I am sorry about that Callie
Callie: it's alright... she did get quite defensive though
Jaden: should we be worried?
Callie: not yet just keep an eye on her for now i don't want us to jump to conclusions just yet
Jaden: okay thank you so much Callie
Callie: of course any time
(The boys walk out of the center and see Lexie leaned against the car and she looks up at them)
Lexie: look I am sorry for my outburst just then but it's really frustrating that you guys don't trust me when I haven't given you a reason not too... not since I threw it away in the trash which was months ago you haven't even given me a real chance to prove it to you guys because one of you is always sitting with me at the table (opens the car door and sits inside while the boys go to the front of the car and Jaden looks over at Lexie)
Jaden: I am not happy that you stormed out like that but I understand you want us to be able to trust you and your right the only thing your doing is becoming health aware
Josh: and we should support that so how about we start looking for recipes together and we start cooking more but we aren't going to promise that you can sit alone at the table, as much as we want to support you we are still scared you might do something you'll regret okay?
Lexie: fine whatever
Jaden: hey stop giving us attitude when we are actually trying to have a conversation
Lexie: (sighs) your right I am sorry thank you for seeing my point of view and understanding it
Josh: your welcome, we love you and just want what's best
Lexie: I love you guys too
Twenty minutes later
(Jaden pulls into the driveway of the sway house and looks at them)
Lexie: aren't you coming?
Jaden: no we have an errand to run and you have school with Rafy today
Lexie: oh okay..
josh: we'll bring back lunch tell the boys
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
As soon as Jaden said I had school the only thing I could think of was shit shit shit I didn't do my math homework again.. or my science... or my social studies.. or my okay you get the point I didn't do my homework. I walked inside the house to see Bryce filming with B Dave, J rod and Nick bean who I haven't seen in a while but I didn't see Rafy anywhere so maybe I have time before she comes to catch up on my homework.
End of pov
Nick: look who it is, baby hossler! Come here give me a hug kid (walks over to her and hugs her)
Lexie: Nick it's twelve and you already smell like alcohol
Bryce: he shot gunned one before we started filming
Lexie: that explains it sup B Dave, J Rod
Them: hey
Lexie: what stupid stunt is Bryce making you do this time?
B Dave: I don't but it's probably going to be something stupid
Bryce: oh it's definitely going to be stupid
Lexie: alright well I am going to head upstairs before
Knock knock knock
Bryce: that's probably Rafy lex why don't you open the door and then get your school stuff
Lexie: right my school stuff... okay (walks over and opens the door to see Rafy and Michael)
Lexie: hey guys
Them: hey
Rafy: I'll meet you in the dining room sound good?
Lexie: sure
Lexie's pov
I walked upstairs to my room and grabbed my books, notebook and pens and kept thinking to myself shit shit shit maybe just maybe she'll forget she even gave me homework. I walked back downstairs and was walking slowly to stall when I bumped into someone and saw Anthony.
End of pov
Lexie: hey ant
Ant: hey shouldn't you be in the dining room with rafy?
Lexie: hmm heading there now (stands looking at him)
Ant: we'll go ahead girly get to it
Lexie: (groans) okay
(Walks to the dining room to see Rafy has everything set up and she sits down along with Lexie)
Rafy: alright let's start with grading the homework since we are going to continue it in today's lesson
Lexie: (mumbles) shit
Scene change
(Josh pulls up to nessa and Mads apartment and they get out of the car and knock on the door)
Mads: coming! ( opens the door) oh hey guys
Jaden: hey can we talk?
Mads: yeah I guess, nessa josh and Jaden are here!
Nessa: (walks over to them and looks at josh) hey...
Josh: hi
Mads: come on in (opens the door wider and let's them in) what are you doing here?
Jaden: we need to talk to you guys one on one
Mads: okay we can go upstairs and josh and nessa can have downstairs
Jaden: okay
(Mads and Jaden walk up to her room and it's quiet for a few moments)
Jaden: why did you do it? (Looks at her)
Mads: honestly Jaden I was upset and I blamed her.. I came home last night after you yelled at me and I felt horrible (starts crying)
Jaden: save the tears Madison I am not here to make you feel better about yourself, I came here because we need to talk and apparently you need closure even though we had already done that when we originally broke up
Mads: that wasn't closure Jaden I know I made a mistake by cheating on you and I am sorry but you didn't even want to forgive me after that
Jaden: would you forgive me if it was me?
(Mads stays quiet)
Jaden: exactly you wouldn't, and after yesterday that's definitely not going to happen and I came here to make that clear because I don't want you texting josh and putting lies into his head, and I don't ever want you near my sister again... you know I thought what chase did was bad but what you did was so much worse, you hurt my family Mads and I won't forgive you for that but I will say that this doesn't have to be broadcasted everywhere as long as you promise to leave us alone from now on
Mads: (sighs and wipes her tears) okay I get it you love him... I won't interfere anymore and I really am sorry about everything Jaden... I just really wanted you back
Jaden: that's not an excuse... look Mads I know who you are the person you've been is not you I understand you were heartbroken but for your own sake move on because there is no future with us
Mads: I understand now Jaden really I do
Jaden: good
Mads: can I have one last hug?
Jaden: (sighs) okay (hugs her)
Nessa: josh I
Josh: Ness I really don't want you to apologize and I am sorry if that sounds harsh because I have never been like that with you but after what happened yesterday I don't have it in me to be nice to you
Nessa: I understand
Josh: do you? Because putting thoughts into my boyfriend's head and hurting one of the girls I consider a daughter doesn't seem sound like you understand anything
Nessa: I have been horrible I know and I am not that person Joshy I just really thought that you still loved me as much as I loved you...
Josh: (sighs) I am always going to love you ness but I don't want to be with you again and I need you to understand and respect that, now both Jaden and I agreed that we won't take this to social media but you have to promise me your going to leave the both of us alone
Nessa: I promise josh really if you guys say something it could ruin my career.. but I don't care about that I just feel really bad for the way I have been acting.. I love you josh and I just want you to be happy even if it's not with me I understand now
Josh: I hope so
(Jaden and Mads walk downstairs)
Jaden: are we good?
Josh; yeah bye girls
Nessa: wait josh... can I have a hug?
Josh: (looks at Jaden and then back at nessa and walks over to her and hugs her) bye ness
Nessa: bye josh
(The boys leave the apartment and start driving somewhere to get food)
Scene change
Rafy: so your telling me you didn't do your homework again?
Lexie: yeah (looks down)
Rafy: I am going to have to tell griffin you know that right
Lexie: I guess...
(Rafy walks out of the dining room and walks over to griffin who's talking with blake in the living room)
Rafy: griffin can I talk to you for a minute
Griffin: yeah sure
(Griffin walks away from Blake and follows Rafy)
Rafy: so Lexie just admitted that she didn't do her homework again
Griffin: are you serious?
Rafy: yeah
Griffin: Lexie Marie Hossler get over here right now!!!
Lexie's pov
Damn it I walked out of the living room and walked over to where griffin and Rafy were and griffin had his arm crossed and was looking down at me.
End of pov
Griffin: why didn't you do your homework?
Lexie: (mumbles) I didn't want to
Griffin: speak up!
Lexie: I didn't want too
Griffin: hmm and what did we talk about on Tuesday?
Lexie: to ask you guys for help...
Griffin: hmm so why didn't you?
Lexie: (mumbles) I didn't want too
Griffin: how many times do I need to tell you to speak up Lexie Marie hossler!!
Lexie: I didn't want to do the stupid fucking homework okay!!
Noah: Lexie language!!!
Griffin: you know what go upstairs and wait for me
Lexie: no wait griffin I am sorry
Griffin: I don't care go upstairs
Lexie: ugh I hate you! (Walks upstairs and slams the door)
Griffin: consider that added to your punishment!!
Lexie: (opens her door) fuck off!! (Slams it again)
Griffin: that's added too!! (Looks at Rafy) I am sorry Rafy
Rafy: it's okay I'll do it with her now in an hour or so
Griffin: still she shouldn't be taking advantage like that, I'll take care of it and be right back (walks upstairs and opens her door) alright what's up with you today? Your attitude has been worse than usual and on top of that you didn't do your homework after our conversation on Tuesday why? And don't give me a BS answer like you did downstairs
Lexie: that wasn't a BS answer I genuinely didn't feel like doing it so I didn't bother asking for help besides it's not like I am smart enough anyway so why should I try if I am going to fail regardless
Griffin's pov
My heart softened a bit after hearing her talk down about herself so much so I put the frustration aside and sat down next to her and pulled her in for a hug.
End of pov
Griffin: lex just because your mind processes things differently doesn't make you not smart it just means you need time to understand and just like we said on Tuesday we will help you if you just ask us but not doing it because you don't feel like it is not an excuse okay?
Lexie: okay... am I still getting in trouble?
Griffin: for not doing it and giving me hella attitude yes you are
Lexie: ugh it was worth a shot
Griffin: I'll go easy and give you twelve okay?
(Lexie sighs but lays over his lap regardless and he starts)
SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK (griffin pulls Lexie up who has tears in her eyes and looks at her)
Griffin: no more attitude or skipping homework on purpose got it?
Lexie: okay
Griffin: and no more talking so low about yourself or Jaden and I are going to have to come up with a method to stop, maybe putting a dollar into a jar every time you do it (jokes)
Lexie: haha very funny
Griffin: come on let's go downstairs and I want you to apologize to Rafy yeah?
Lexie: okay
(Lexie and griffin walk downstairs just as the front door opens and Jaden and josh walk in with subway)
Josh: we got subway since that was the healthier op (looks at Lexie who's eyes are red from crying) what happened?
(Lexie stays quiet and griffin nudges her)
Griffin: go on and tell them
Jaden: what did you do now Lexie Marie?
Lexie: I may or may not have gotten in trouble for skipping homework on purpose and giving griffin attitude just now
Jaden: I take it that griffin just punished you then?
Lexie: yeah...
Jaden: okay don't do it again or it's going to be me punishing you, understand?
Lexie: yeah
Griffin: good now go back to apologizing to Rafy
Lexie's pov
I walked over to Rafy who was doing a bit for Bryce's vlog but Bryce cut the camera once I came over to them and I apologized to Rafy who forgave me not that she wouldn't but yeah. Then she told me I could have lunch while she finished filming with Bryce so I walked back over to the kitchen and picked up one of the sandwiches from subway but the smell instantly made me sick to my stomach and I put it down and just stared at it. I didn't want to eat it but I also knew there was no getting out of it... but the comments this morning about me not being pretty came in my mind so I was just staring at it not wanting to pick it up as if it were a dangerous weapon.
End of pov
Quinton: you know it's not going to crawl legs and walk away right?
Lexie: (turns around) where did you come from?
Quinton: me? Oh I was just standing here the last five minutes looking you stare at the sandwich
Lexie: I don't want it...
Quinton: tell you what, why don't you eat half and I'll eat the other half (sits down next to her and grabs the half of her sandwich and puts it up to her lips)
Lexie: hmmm (keeps them closed)
Quinton: well then I guess I am going to have to tell the boys.. (stands up)
Lexie: no you won't (takes the half of the sandwich and bites into it) see I am eating
Quinton: good
Lexie's pov
I finished my half of the sandwich when I told Quinton I was going to look for Rafy and he bought it but instead I went upstairs to the bathroom, turned the sink on, walked over to the toilet and leaned over it and purged for a second time. When I was done I flushed and brushed my teeth then sat on the ground with my head in my hands. It's been a few days since I relapsed and I told myself I wouldn't do it again but how else am I supposed to lose weight? How else can I lose weight and be as pretty as the girls on my team if I am the fattest one on it? I cried silently and let the tears stream down my face until I heard my name being called so I quickly washed my face to make it look like I wasn't crying and walked downstairs to finish school with Rafy. Two excruciatingly hours later we were done and it was now only four in the afternoon but I couldn't find the strength to do anything except watch Disney plus. I scrolled until I saw Sofia the first and looked around the living room to see I had it to myself because the boys were taking business calls and Jaden was doing an interview outside so since I was by myself I clicked on the show because it was my favorite as a kid and got under the covers and started watching it.
End of pov
One hour later
Jaden's pov
I had just finished doing an interview about my new album and walked inside the house and heard what sounded like a cartoon in the living room and walked over to find Lexie curled under the covers in entranced by the show so I snuck up behind her and picked her up.
End of pov
Lexie: bubba!! I watch princess put down!!
Jaden: can bubba have a hug first?
Lexie: bubba cuddle and watch too?
Jaden: okay (sits on the couch with her)
Lexie: bubba talking wabbit (points at the tv)
Jaden: hmm
Lexie: me want one
Jaden: maybe if you ask Santa (jokes)
Lexie: no you get me talking wabbit
Jaden: baby bunnies don't talk
Lexie: but that one does!
(Kio walks into the living room)
Jaden: finally decided to come out of your cave (jokes)
Kio: f
Jaden: little ears!
Kio: oh my bad (sticks his middle finger out instead)
Lexie: Kiki can you buy talking wabbit bubba say no
Kio: I would princess but talking animals are only in movies and books
Lexie: oh (pouts)
Kio: your so cute (walks over and kisses the top of her head)
Jaden's pov
The rest of the day lex stayed in little space I thought she would have snapped out of it but by dinner she has regressed to the point she was in little little space and just wanted a bottle. We figured since she had the sandwich earlier we were okay with her having the bottle and afterwards she fell asleep in my arms. Josh and I hung out with the boys till eleven and then called it a night and went upstairs where I tried to put her in her bed but lex had a tight grip on my hoodie and would whine every time I went to put her down until finally I decided to just lay her in between Jaden and I.
End of pov
Josh: we suck at putting her in her own bed you know that? (Looks at him)
Jaden: yeah but what else can we do? She was this close to waking up after I tried putting her down a fifth time and then we would have had a crying little Lexie instead
Josh: true but still we gotta figure out something
Jaden: I know (pecks him on the lips) let's go to sleep we don't know if we're going to wake up tonight so it's better to sleep when we can
Josh: good point (turns the LED lights off) I love you babe
Jaden: I love you too

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