Chapter 65

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Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep
Lexie's pov
I woke up hearing my phone going crazy and looked around the room to see I was in my bed but josh and Jaden weren't in theirs so they were probably downstairs. I leaned across to the night table that was by the bed and grabbed my phone to see why people were blowing it up and when I saw I was getting tagged on Instagram and twitter while also getting texts from Clare so I clicked on hers first.
End of pov
Text convo
Clare: hey lex I just wanted to check in on you I just heard mads on call her daddy I am so sorry Jaden did that
Lexie: what are you talking about? What did Jaden do?
Clare: you mean you don't know?
Lexie: no I just woke up
Clare: damn I am sorry but check your socials and you'll see it everywhere
Lexie: okay...
end of text convo
I got out my text messages and I went onto Instagram and the first thing I checked was TikTok room because that's usually where all the scandals are on and I saw they posted a clip of mads being on a podcast and rolled my eyes but I wanted to know what she said about my brother, so I clicked on it and there was this whole clip about how Jaden and Nessa have been going to Laguna beach and dating since she was even with him and that he's been sneaking around with her behind Josh's back and mads felt she needed to finally tell the truth. My blood was boiling I can't believe after everything that literally happened two days ago she had the audacity to pull this shit! I quickly put my phone in my pocket and ran downstairs to see the boys all sitting on the couch and they were quiet, the cameras were off so they weren't filming which was weird because ever since sway started the show the cameras are around unless there was a legitimate reason to have them on.
End of pov
Lexie: Jaden have you seen what your ex is saying online!?
Jaden: (sighs) yeah lex sit down we need to talk
Lexie: why? It's not like it's true
(The boys stay quiet)
Lexie: it's not true right someone tell me it's not true
Jaden: I can't tell you that...
Lexie: please tell me your lying you wouldn't cheat on josh especially with nessa! This is a joke please tell me this is some stupid prank!!
Josh: it's not lex please just sit down so we can talk
Lexie: I don't want to sit down just tell me what's really going on
Josh: (looks at Jaden and then looks at Lexie) we are breaking up...
Lexie: no you can't break up that's not how this is supposed to happen you guys are supposed to stay together because you love each other!
Jaden: Lexie... There's no easy way to say this but Nessa apologized for everything and once we started hanging out with each other feelings grew...
Lexie: no you didn't, this isn't happening I am in the matrix or I am dreaming yeah that's what this it's one big nightmare
Bryce: I am sorry lex but this is real, it's not a prank, it's not some sort of joke we are playing on you it's real
Lexie: then why aren't you beating him up right now?
Josh: I asked him not too okay he's restraining himself but listen this doesn't mean that Jaden and I don't love you and we agreed that it wouldn't be fair to you if we took you away from me or the boys
Lexie: (shakes her head) please don't say what I think your about to say josh I don't want to leave you or the boys and especially not with Jaden after he decided to fuck nessa!
Jaden: it's not like that lex I didn't kiss or fuck nessa but I do have feelings and it wasn't like I intended to catch them but I did
Lexie: you know what Jaden fuck you (starts to walk away)
Griffin: hold on we aren't done talking
Lexie: I don't want to hear anything else you have to say
Noah: we need to talk about this Lexie please sit down on the couch so we can talk this through
Lexie: no now leave me alone (walks upstairs and slams the door to her bedroom)
Quinton: do you want me to go talk to her?
Anthony: no just give her her space for now it's a lot to process
Quinton: so what happens now then?
Jaden: well the guys and I talked and since your spending most of your time at the studio with me now we think it's easier if you just moved in with Lexie and I plus I talked to cooper and he said he's down to live with us too
Quinton: sure I guess it does make the most sense (looks at the guys) what does that mean for sway?
Blake: nothing we are still going to do the show, we are still sway like we've always said sway is a family just because some of us aren't going to be living together doesn't mean that changes
Quinton: and your okay with this josh? After everything that happened with chase your just Letting this slide
Josh: I am not letting it slide Quinton yes it hurts like a bitch and I am heart broken but Jaden's not chase we have a much stronger relationship then chase and I ever did number one and number two I just want him to be happy so if he wants to explore whatever feelings he has for nessa then I can't hold him back, my main priority right now is making sure that Lexie is taken care of no matter what
Scene change
Lexie's pov
As soon as I got to my room I pulled out my phone and decided to send a text to Jason who's Clare's friend that I met in Vegas we didn't get close or anything but I know he has weed and that's exactly what I want right now.
End of pov
Text convo
Lexie: hey Jason it's Lexie
Jason: hey lex what's up?
Lexie: I need weed how much do you have?
Jadon: I am out of weed right now but if your looking to get high I can give you something else
Lexie: is it strong?
Jason: yeah
Lexie: meet me in the corner of my house (sends address)
Jason: I'll be there in twenty
End of text convo
Lexie's pov
I know this isn't a good idea but clearly I don't give a fuck I mean why should I? It's not like Jaden gave a fuck when he caught feelings for nessa without even thinking how it was going to affect and hurt everyone else especially me. The thought of them even together makes me sick but you know what I am just going to push that thought out of my mind and instead get ready for when Jason texts me. I changed out of my pajama and put on a black tight tube top with some white ripped short shorts and some sandals and I was putting my hair in a ponytail when I heard a knock on my door.
End of pov
Jaden: Lexie please let me in
Lexie: fuck off jaden
Jaden: listen I get that your mad but don't be disrespectful
Lexie: (walks over and opens the door) don't you dare talk to me about disrespect when you went behind Josh's back and caught feelings for the bitch who physically hurt me
Jaden: she apologized and she'll apologize to you too
Lexie: I don't give a fuck if she apologizes or not and I am not moving out of sway you can't make me
Jaden: your fifteen and under my custody yes I can
Lexie: I am under Josh's custody too though
Jaden: and we both agreed one week with me and one week over here that way we both get equal time with you and nothing has to change
Lexie: (scoffs) yeah right nothing has to change everything's changing and it's all your fault so just leave me alone (closes the door in his face)
Jaden's pov
I was going to knock on her door again but I decided against she wants her space so I am going to give her space. I was on my way up to my room when I got a call from Janet, I really don't want to speak to her right now but I know if I don't she'll either call or text me and I am going to have to respond so I answered the call.
End of pov
Phone convo
Jaden: hey Janet what's up
Janet: hey Jaden I just wanted to let you know that I emailed you the address of the house and left the keys in the mailbox your going to love it, it has open windows to let the sun in an amazing pool and jacuzzi oh and the rooms are also pretty spacious so your all set, just make sure to be moved in by the end of the day
Jaden: you do realize it takes more then one day to move into a house right
Janet: yeah but the house is already furnished so don't worry about it just bring what you actually need besides you'll probably be back at sway as soon as the album is out anyway
Jaden: yeah okay let me get my stuff together, tell cooper and text Quinton
Janet: alright bye Jaden
Jaden: bye
End of phone convo
Jaden's pov
I put my phone back in my pocket and opened the door to my room and saw josh sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone but he looked up as soon as he heard the door open and he opened his arms and I walked over to him and immediately wrapped my arms around him and put my head in the crook of his neck while he ran his fingers through my hair.
End of pov
Josh: we are going to be okay it's just for a few months, your album is pretty much done anyway it's just getting your label to release it and then you'll be back here with us
Jaden: (looks up at him) you really think we'll be able to pull this off?
Josh: yes and you know why?
Jaden: why?
Josh: because I love you and It's not like we are actually breaking up, we can still call each other and text on our free time and your going to come and drop off Lexie and we can make an excuse to talk to each other because as far as Lexie knows we are going to have to co parent meaning we still need to talk okay? Everything is going to be okay I promise (pecks him on the lips)
Jaden: I love you, you know that right? (Looks into his eyes and strokes his cheek) no matter what's said by paparazzi and the media I love you and that's not going to change
Josh: I know that now how about I help you pack?
Jaden: okay
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I was sitting on my bed waiting for Jason to text me and finally my phone vibrated and I knew it was him because I turned off my notifications for the time being I don't want to hear what anyone else has to say. I put my phone in my pocket and opened my window to climb out of it which is something I haven't done in a long time but whatever I don't care. I climbed out of my window and started walking to the curb of the house where I saw Jason leaning against his car with something in his hand.
End of pov
Jason: hey lex
Lexie: hey Jason what do you have for me?
Jason: OxyContin (holds up the pill) have you ever tried it?
Lexie: no but as long as it gets me high I don't care
Jason: yeah it'll give you a really nice high
Lexie: how much?
Jason: two hundred fifty
Lexie: done (pulls out her wallet and pulls out cash and hands it to him)
Jason: listen Lexie I saw the rumors and everything this morning and I just want to tell you to be careful these are strong pills if your going to take one do it once a day and for a legitimate reason
Lexie: is finding out that your brother went back behind his boyfriend's back to fuck a girl that physically hurt me enough of a reason to use it?
Jason: shit I didn't think it was true
Lexie: yeah well turns out it is (shrugs her shoulders)
Jason: you know what why don't you come to a beach party with me, get your mind off of everything
Lexie: like right now?
Jason: no tomorrow (says sarcastically) yes now
Lexie: I don't have a bikini
Jason: go grab one from your house and come back I'll wait
Lexie: okay I'll be right back
Jason: okay
Lexie's pov
Is this a good idea? Nope, do I care? Fuck no if Jaden can go ahead and do whatever he wants and ruin my life then I have no reason to give a fuck anymore. I climbed back up to my room and pulled out a black bikini that I had in my closet and quickly climbed out of my window again and ran to the corner where Jason was now sitting in the drivers seat and I got in the passenger seat.
End of pov
Jason: ready to go?
Lexie: hell yeah
(Jason starts driving the car and Lexie rolls down the window)
Lexie: can I take the pill now?
Jason: do whatever you want
Lexie: yes! (Takes out one pill from the bottle and pops it into her mouth and swallows it with a bottle of water)
Scene change
One hour later
Josh: I think that's about everything I mean your still leaving stuff here too right?
Jaden: yeah I am just going to take clothes, shoes, stuff like that anything else can stay here
Josh: okay do you want to check on lex and maybe convince her to start packing or do you want to do it
Jaden: can you? She might actually listen to you and I'll tell Quinton to start packing
Josh: okay
Josh's pov
I left our room and knocked on Lexie's door but didn't get a response so I knocked again and still nothing. I sighed and called her name thinking she would answer when she realized I wasn't Jaden but I still didn't get a response... okay now I am getting worried.
End of pov
Josh: Bryce!
Bryce: yeah (walks upstairs)
Josh: do you have Lexie's spare key?
Bryce: no why? Is she not answering again?
Josh: yeah
Bryce: let me try (knocks on the door) Lexie Marie open this door right now
Bryce: I am not kidding Lexie I'll break the door down like I have done in the past
Bryce: okay don't say I didn't warn you (kicks open her door only to see kitty sleeping on his throne)
Josh: where is she?
Bryce: maybe downstairs?
Josh: she hasn't been downstairs
Bryce: maybe she has we just didn't know because you were up here and I was playing pong with Noah
Josh: okay let's go downstairs
(Josh and Bryce walk downstairs to the kitchen where they see griffin making out with Kio who's sitting on the counter)
Bryce: oh come on we actually eat on there you know!
Griffin: (quickly pulls away) sorry it's just the camera's literally just left to film Anthony and Blake for something
Josh: so you took advantage of making out on the place we eat? Gross dude
Kio: sorry but what's up?
Bryce: you wouldn't have happened to see Lexie come down here while you were practically eating kio's face would you?
Griffin: I thought she got pissed and went to her room
Josh: that's what we thought too
Kio: check in the backyard maybe she went to dance to cool off some steam
Bryce: good idea
(Josh and Bryce walk out of the kitchen to the backyard)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Jason and I got to the beach and I felt a slight buzz but it was good feeling, a feeling I haven't felt in a really long time, I missed it, not having to think or care about anything omg I need a drink!
End of pov
Lexie: please tell me there's going to be alcohol here Jason
Jason: what party wouldn't
Lexie: yes! (Squeals)
Jason: (laughs) that high is hitting you isn't?
Lexie: hmm (smiles) come on let's go I want to a drink (pulls on Jason's arm)
?: yo Jason you made finally made it (daps him up and looks at Lexie) who's this sexy girl you have with you? You finally got a girlfriend (jokes)
Jason: haha funny no she's just a friend, Lexie this is Zack, Zack this is Lexie
Lexie: hi (smiles) where are the drinks?
Zack: straightforward I like it come on I'll show you
(Zack walks Jason and Lexie over to the drinks where there's more people)
Zack: guys meet Lexie, Lexie welcome to the crew (smirks)
Lexie: hi (looks at Zack) can I get that drink now?
Zack: (laughs) damn okay I hope you can hold it
Lexie: I'll have you know I have a really high tolerance
Zack: is that so? I am going to have to test that out, what would you like?
Lexie: hmm a strawberry mojito sounds good right now
Zack: you got it (makes the drink and hands it to her)
Lexie's pov
The second it was in mr hand i put the glass to my mouth and tilted the liquid into my mouth and could feel it burn my throat since I haven't had a drink since Vegas which was several months ago now but I still chugged the drink and finished it and got another one and another one and another one until I lost count of how many drinks I have had. All I know is the high went away but that's fine because I am so drunk right now! I was dancing with these group of people jumping up and down and vibing with them. For the first time In months I once again felt free like I could do whatever I wanted when I wanted and I was free and I loved it. I was dancing when I felt hands wrap around my waist and looked up to see a tan boy not much taller then me with black hair and brown eyes. He was kind of cute not going to lie so I decided to let him keep his hands on my waist and I moved my hips against his to the rhythm of the song until I heard a whisper in my ear.
End of pov
?: the names Gabriel what about you cutie?
Lexie: Lexie nice to meet you
Gabriel: you have some good moves Lexie maybe you could show me what other moves you got (winks)
Lexie: nice try but I am not that easy, the dance was fun though (walks away)
Gabriel: tease
Lexie's pov
I walked away from the crowd and checked my phone to see it was already almost five thirty and I have so many missed calls and texts from the boys, but do I care? No I do not, I am to drunk to give a shit speaking of drunk let me just get another strawberry mojito.
End of pov
Scene change
Cooper: have you tried calling her?
Quinton: no why would he have tried to call her if he doesn't know where she is, of course he called her dumb ass
Cooper: I am just saying maybe she's not answering her phone for a reason
Jaden: yeah she's pissed at me and decided to go do something stupid (pulls out his phone)
Anthony: dude she's not going to answer, you know that this isn't the first time she's done something like this
Jaden: (groans out of frustration) what if we call the cops
Kio: no she's going to come back she always does
Noah: no anything could happen to her we can't just sit and wait for that to happen
Quinton: what if some of us drive around looking for her and some of you stay here in case she comes back?
Griffin: good idea you, cooper, josh and Jaden go look for her and we'll stay here
Josh: we go look for her together or separately?
Bryce: separately obviously
Blake: oh look Bryce is all of a sudden smart
(Bryce smacks Blake in the back of the head)
Blake: ow
Bryce: you deserved it
Quinton: alright cooper and I are out (grabs his keys) griff I am taking your car
Griffin: alright
Josh: let's go look for our little troublemaker yeah (looks at Jaden)
Jaden: yeah okay (puts his phone down
Quinton's pov
Cooper followed me out of the house and to the car where I got in driver's seat and put the car in drive while cooper got in the passenger and I put the car in reverse once josh and Jaden pulled out of the driveway and then I put the car in drive.
End of pov
Cooper: where do we go first?
Quinton: knowing Lexie anywhere there's alcohol
Cooper: isn't she fifteen?
Quinton: doesn't matter whenever she's upset alcohol is her escape
Cooper: so where do we go?
Quinton: (stays quiet to think and then starts driving)
Cooper: where are we going?
Quinton: the beach it's spring break for college kids
Cooper: good thinking
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I finished my strawberry mojito and then went back to the dance floor and saw that Gabriel kid again so I walked over to him and started swaying my hips and dancing in front of him to the best of the song that was playing and walked over to him when the song finished.
End of pov
Gabriel: your just a little tease aren't you? (Grabs her hips and pulls her towards him)
Lexie: maybe but it's fun
Gabriel: how about we have a little more fun (leans into kiss her)
Quinton: Lexie Marie Hossler don't even think about it!! (Walks over and pulls her away from Gabriel)
Lexie: what are you guys doing here (whines)
Quinton: a better question is what are you doing here, Jesus Lexie are in insane
Gabriel: who are you?
Quinton: her big brother now walk away
Gabriel: whatever man I don't want any drama she's not that hot anyway (walks away)
Lexie: why did you do that we were just about to have fun (crosses her arms)
Quinton: no you weren't that guy looked like he could be in college now let's go home
Lexie: I don't want to go home (whines)
Quinton: I wasn't asking now let's go do you have any idea how worried Jaden's been
Lexie: I don't give a fuck how he feels and I don't want to see him
Quinton: to bad we are leaving now (gently pulls her arm)
Lexie: no
(Quinton sighs and picks her up and carries her to the car when Lexie notices cooper)
Lexie: oh hi cooper I didn't see you there, where did you come from? Omg did you teleport here?
Cooper: (laughs and shakes his head) you are so out of it right now aren't you
Lexie: maybeeee
Quinton: coop can you sit with her in the back? (Places Lexie in the back of the car)
Cooper: yeah I got you bro (sits next to her)
Quinton: thanks and text Jaden and tell him we have Lexie (gets into the drivers seat)
Cooper: alright (pulls out his phone)
Lexie: your hair is so fluffy (looks at coopers hair and pulls on it)
Cooper: ow okay that's enough (pulls her hand away from his hair)
Lexie: but I want to play with it whines
Cooper: sorry kid not my hair
Lexie: ughhhh fine (looks at Quinton) take me somewhere else please I don't want to see Jaden
Quinton: sorry kiddo why don't you take a nap and I'll wake you up when we get there
Lexie: no
Cooper's pov
The rest of the car ride was spent with Lexie arguing with Quinton about not wanting to go home, Quinton telling her to take a nap and her getting distracted and playing with my hair again. Finally we pulled up to the sway house and Quinton picked up Lexie who was complaining the entire time up until we got to the living room where all the boys including josh and Jaden were sitting.
End of pov
Jaden: thank god your okay (walks over to her and is about to pull her into a hug)
Lexie: no I don't want you to hug me (backs away)
Jaden: please Lexie I know your mad but
Lexie: but nothing I don't give a fuck about what you have to say (glares at him)
Josh: alright that's enough Lexie Marie now I understand your upset and this situation sucks but it is what it is and it does NOT give you a reason to treat everyone with disrespect, sneak out of the house, and go drink now go upstairs and take a bath while we discuss your punishment
Lexie: I don't want to take a shower
Josh: I wasn't asking, I am telling you go take a bath and sober up now
Lexie: no
Bryce: alright that's enough listen to josh right now!
Lexie: no (glares at him)
(Bryce has enough and walks over to her and turns her around)
Bryce: (stops and turns her around to face him) are you going to listen now or do you want to keep being rude?
Lexie: fine whatever (hobbles upstairs to take a bath)
Jaden: (sighs) what time is it?
Noah: (looks at his phone) six thirty
Jaden: alright I have to pack some of her stuff along with her little stuff so that we can get to the new house and feed her
Josh: just have dinner here that's one less thing to stress about
Kio: and we'll help you pack her stuff
Jaden: okay thanks guys
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I just got done with my bath and I was a little more sober then before and I remembered what I did and all I could think was I am so fucked and just as I was about to figure out a way to get out of this situation there was a knock on my bedroom door so I quickly got dressed and opened the door to see josh. He walked into the room and sat down on my bed and motioned me to sit next to him so I did.
End of pov
Josh: you know that your behavior was completely unacceptable right?
Lexie: I don't care
Josh: well I do listen I know your mad about the break up.. so am It sucks but we are young and this is just how life is sometimes things work and sometimes they don't I still love Jaden and I always will but he deserves to explore other connections
Lexie: I don't want him too especially not with nessa
Josh: (sighs) I know but listen I want you to still listen to him okay? Stop being cold and harsh towards him because when you have feelings for someone it just happens not on purpose but it just does and once you actually meet someone you'll see that
Lexie: (lays her head on his shoulder) I don't want to leave you (cries)
Josh: hey hey I am not leaving you okay? Look at me (lifts her chin to look her in the eyes) I am still here for you and so are the boys, you can always call me and I'll answer I promise and your still going to spend a whole week with us
Lexie: it's not going to be the same
Josh: I know but I'll make you a deal
Lexie: what?
Josh: we'll let today's incident slide if you promise to stop being so difficult okay?
Lexie: okay
Josh: good now pack up kitty's things because you guys are going to have dinner and then go to the new house okay?
(Lexie doesn't say anything and shrugs her shoulders so josh leans over and tickles her side)
Lexie: fine okay okay just stop (laughs)
Josh: there's that smile I have been wanting to see now let's pack your stuff and go downstairs
Lexie: okay
Scene change
Jaden's pov
The guys and I finished packing some stuff Lexie would need in little space and a few minutes after we finished Lexie and josh came down and Lexie didn't really say anything to me. During dinner I tried to talk to her and she would answer with short answers without attitude, my guess is that josh talked her into calming down a bit with me but it's obvious she was still upset. Finally eight thirty came around and it was time to go to the new house. Lexie gave the boys a hug and followed Quinton and cooper to the driveway and the boys left josh and I alone to say bye.
End of pov
Josh: remember what I told you this morning we are going to be okay
Jaden: I know.. and I trust you and I love you (pecks him on the lips and lifts his hand) and you remember what I told you right?
Josh: the ring stays on don't worry (kisses him) now go before they get suspicious
Jaden: (laughs) okay I'll text you tonight
Josh: okay
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Jaden walked into the car and got into the driver seat with cooper in the passenger and Quinton in the back. Jaden put whatever the address was on the GPS and fifteen minutes we pulled into the driveway of a decent looking house but it wasn't home. We got out of the car and started walking into the house since cooper opened it and I walked around and came to the conclusion that it was a decent looking house but I still didn't like it. Jaden showed me my room but let me know I could sleep with him if I wanted but I just ignored him because I figured if I can't give him attitude then the next best thing is to just ignore him. I changed into my pajamas and walked into the living room to see the boys were setting up the gaming system.
End of pov
Jaden: lex it's getting late and you have school with Rafy tomorrow so if you want go up to my room and I'll be there in a bit
Lexie: (looks at Quinton) can I stay with you?
Quinton: sure kiddo if that's what you want
Lexie: yup goodnight cooper (walks to Quinton's room)
Cooper: remind me not to get on her bad side (jokes)
Jaden: she's going to be like this towards me for a while i already know
Quinton: I am sorry bro
Jaden: it's okay, do me a favor though when she's asleep give her this (passes him a pink pacifier)
Quinton: okay I am going to head up now I am tired so goodnight guys
Boys: night
Quinton's pov
I walked into my new room and saw Lexie under the covers and heard her crying so i quickly got under the covers and pulled her into my arms.
End of pov
Quinton: hey her what's wrong?
Lexie: I want to go home (cries) I want Jaden and josh to be together and I just want be at home (cries)
Quinton: I know honey I know (runs his fingers through her hair) do you want me to get Jaden?
Lexie: no it's his fault we are here right now
Quinton's pov
I sighed and didn't say anything except comfort her because I knew she was right but eventually she fell asleep and I put the pacifier in her mouth and when I was sure she was sleeping I closed my eyes from this long and exhausting day.
End of pov

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