Chapter 50

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Lexie's pov
I woke up and for a second I didn't know where I was and had a mini freak out but then I remembered that I was at Kells' house because the boys were gone not only that but I pretty much embarrassed myself last night after drinking that damn bottle. Ugh what is wrong with you Lexie? Can you really not go one day without the boys? Have I really turned that pathetic? I need to do something I can't face Kells after last night I rolled over to where the nightstand was and saw that it was nine in the morning I got seven hours of sleep.. I mean that's better then nothing right? I grabbed my phone and decided that if I didn't want to face Kells today I was going to have to do something so I texted Clare hoping she was awake.
End of pov
Text convo
Lexie: hey girly I know it's early but are you up?
Clare: yeah my parents just woke me up to say bye because they have to go to San Francisco for two nights
Lexie: why?
Clare: they want to do one more concert before Selena and Demi have the baby
Lexie: so your saying that you have the whole house to yourself?
Clare: yeah shocking do you want to come over? I was planning on throwing a party anyway
Lexie: hell yeah but can I go now?
Clare: yeah of course do you want me to pick you up?
Lexie: sure but I am MGK's house so don't come up to the driveway just park a little further from the house and text me when your here
Clare: okay sounds good
Lexie's pov
I got up from the bed and walked over to my suitcase and changed into a white tank top with a pair of shorts since I can't wear skinny jeans yet and some sneakers then I decided to write on a post it saying that I went to hang out with a friend because I didn't want to scare Kells too much and then left my number not that I would answer but yeah. I made sure to put some clothes in a smaller bag that I brought and twenty minutes later I got a text from Clare and quietly walked downstairs and opened the front door and walked over to Clare who pulled me in for a hug.
End of pov
Clare: hey lex how's the leg?
Lexie: oh you know I'll live
Clare: haha at least you can walk without being in pain
Lexie: yeah that's what I keep telling myself anyways where are we off to?
Clare: the store to buy things for the party
Lexie: I hope that includes liquor
Clare: duh who parties without liquor
Lexie: do you have a fake? We can't get caught
Clare: don't worry I have a hook up at the store
Lexie: cool then let's go (gets in the car)
Scene change (one hour later)
(Kells, Megan and Cassie are awake in the kitchen making breakfast)
Kells: hey Cass can you go upstairs and tell lex breakfast is ready
Cassie: yeah sure
(Cassie walks upstairs and notices no one is in the room or the bathroom but sees a note and walks back to the kitchen)
Cassie: hey dad
Kells: yeah?
Cassie: lex left a note saying she was going to hangout with a friend
Kells: she did? Let me see (takes the note)
Megan: why didn't she just tell you in person? We would have let her go
Kells: I don't know but I am going to give her a call (pulls out his phone and dials her number)
Phone convo
Lexie: hello?
Kells: hey Lexie I know I am not your brother or anything but I would appreciate you actually coming and telling me you were leaving instead of a sticky note
Lexie: I am sorry I didn't want to wake you guys up... it's okay if I am out for the day though right?
Kells: (sighs) I guess but be back by ten pm the latest
Lexie: okay thanks Kells
Kells: no problem I'll see you later
Lexie: okay
End of phone convo
Clare: we good?
Lexie: yup
Clare: awesome
Lexie's pov
We blasted music in the car on the way to the store when I remembered that I put the vape pen in my purse that I brought and took a hit. I let the pink lemonade stay in my mouth a bit because it's been a while since I have taken a hit and I wanted to savor the flavor. I took a few more hits and then handed it to Clare who took a couple hits as well and then we got to the store. Clare put the car in park and we walked inside.
End of pov
?: hey Clare what's up (walks over and dabs her up)
Clare: hey Mike I want you to meet my new friend Lexie she's new in town
Mike: oh yeah I have seen you on TikTok your part of that sway house group right?
Lexie: unfortunately (jokes)
Mike: well it's nice to meet you, you going to be at Clare's party later?
Lexie: hmm
Mike: cool maybe you can save me a dance
Clare: alright lover boy stop flirting we have shit to buy
Mike: okay you know where it is just grab what you want
Clare: thanks
Lexie's pov
I followed Clare down to the aisle where we saw the different flavored vodka's, tequilas, beer, white claws you get the point. Clare picked out a peach flavored vodka along with strawberry lemonade, blue raspberry and mango pineapple then we grabbed some shot glasses and a couple beers for the guys and put them in the cart. Then we went to the register where Mike was and paid for the drinks. The next stop we made was Publix to actually get food we decided that we would just get chips and a bunch of frozen pizzas, by the time we made it back to the house and set everything up we were sitting on the couch talking and pre gaming before the actual party later tonight, and I am on my third cup of strawberry vodka and have been taking hits of the vape in between.
End of pov
Lexie: what time is everyone supposed to come?
Clare: like nine I think
Lexie: are your cousins coming?
Clare: no ever since Alena and Hayden broke up along with Valentina and Jake they have been keeping their distance and I wasn't going to just stop being friends with them
Lexie: that makes sense
Clare: what about you? Any guys catch your eye?
Lexie: other then Brandon Rowland not really... and even then I am not ready for a relationship (takes a sip of her vodka) how about you?
Clare: I don't know I broke up with Ricky since he cheated but a few days ago we hooked up again...
Lexie: shut up! Did you really!?
Clare: yeah it was stupid but I don't regret it and we've been texting sense
Lexie: is he coming tonight?
Clare: yeah
Lexie: (dramatically gasps) I get to meet the famous Ricky your on and off lover for what two years now (jokes)
Clare: yeah yeah two years but don't forget we've known each other since I was fourteen
Lexie: if you guys don't get married in the future real love doesn't exist (takes another sip of her vodka)
Scene change (Texas)
Jaden's pov
I woke up with my head pounding on the couch and saw a sleeping josh laying on my chest probably past out after getting black out drunk but I am not in the best shape either while everyone else was scattered around the living room sleeping too. I ran my fingers through his hair and a few moments later he opened his beautiful blue green eyes that I could easily get lost in and he smiled at me leaning in for a kiss. I could still taste the alcohol on his lips from last night but i didn't care and I started kissing him back.
End of pov
?: if you two want to have morning sex go upstairs and do it no one wants to see none of that
Josh: (stops kissing jaden) as Markell are you jealous
Markell: of you two horny mother fuckers no
Jaden: (laughs) okay suree
Josh: what time is it?
(Taylor walks into the living room)
Taylor: twelve thirty
Josh: ugh my head's hurting
Griffin: that's because you and Bryce blacked out last night
Jaden: where is Bryce by the way?
Blake: past out on the bathroom floor
Noah: typical Bryce
Nate: I thought he was going to stop partying so hard
Kio: oh he has I think this is the first time since lex moved in with us that he's gotten this drunk right?
Jaden: yeah josh too
Anthony: anyways what time is this event at?
Chase: seven o clock
Josh: thank god we have time to sober up and eat I am starving
Chase: Thomas just post mated food for everyone
Jaden: oh okay wait did you say it was twelve?
Chase: yeah
Jaden: shoot I need to call lex (pulls out his phone)
Blake: do you think she slept last night?
Jaden: I hope so (dials her number) she didn't answer
Noah: try Kells
Jaden: good idea (dials Kells number)
Phone convo
Kells: hey Jaden how are you?
Jaden: I am good how is everything?
Kells: good how's Texas?
Jaden: let's just say we went too hard last night
Kells: (jokes) good I'd be worried if you didn't let lose every once in a while
Jaden: (laughs) where's lex I tried calling her but she didn't answer
Kells: oh she's spending the day with one of her friends I told her it was okay as long as she was back by ten
Jaden: which friend? Charli's down here
Kells: oh I think she said her name was Clare on the note
Jaden: (sighs in relief) okay good that's fine, did she have a nightmare last night?
Kells: no but that's because she barely slept I caught her in the kitchen around three am and eventually I gave her a bottle and she feel asleep but I left the room because I wasn't sure how comfortable she would have been if I stayed
Jaden: okay maybe tonight you can give her the bottle earlier so she can get some sleep and can you have her call me
Kells: yeah no problem I'll talk to you later
Jaden: thanks man appreciate it
End of phone convo
Josh: how is she?
Jaden: she's spending the day with Clare
Josh: oh that's good I am glad she's making a friend
Jaden: me too
Josh: want to cuddle and go back to sleep till the food comes?
Jaden: hmm
(Jaden runs his fingers through Josh's hair and they both close their eyes again)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Clare and I just spend the day eating chips and drinking and watching teen wolf until it was time for get ready. We went up to Clare's room and she started looking through her closet before passing me a black runched velvet dress that went to my thighs with a pair of heels and then showed me where the bathroom was. If I wasn't buzzed right now I would probably be overthinking every possible scenario that could happen but instead I just got in the bathtub and made sure to keep my cast from getting wet and making sure my balance was secure before washing myself. I didn't bother washing my hair because i washed it yesterday so instead I put it in a bun. Once I was done with my shower I dried myself off did my makeup and then curled my hair and last but not least got dressed. We were both done by six and heard a knock on the door so we both went downstairs where Clare opened the front door and the first thing I noticed was a guy gently grab her by the waist and pull her in for a kiss my guess is Ricky. Then she introduced me to her friends Jackie, Chloe, Katie, Carly and mike who I recognized from the store, along with the guys Jack, Leo, Hayden, Aaron and Jason not going to lie the fact that she was friends with a guy named Jack triggered me a bit so I kept my distance from him. I walked over to the table where the drinks were and started taking shots to calm myself down until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I let out an unintentional scream.
End of pov
?: damn I am sorry my bad I didn't mean to scare you
Lexie: (turns around to see Mike and sighs) it's okay Mike sorry I screamed I just got taken by surprise
Mike: it's okay do you want to dance?
Lexie: I would but my stupid cast kind of stops me from really dancing
Mike: you can still move those hips though right?
Lexie: yeah...
Mike: then that's all you need come on (gently pulls her hand and they walk to the dance floor)
One hour later
Lexie's pov
We were all wasted by now and were sitting outside smoking an actual blunt because Clare's friend Jason brought the weed this was the first time I have smoked a real blunt in a minute and I can already feel the high coming on. Clare was taking shots and was sitting on Ricky's lap when she looked at us mischievously.
End of pov
Ricky: I know that look babe what are thinking?
Clare: who wants to do something crazy!
Jackie: what do you have in mind?
Clare: who wants to go to Vegas!
Katie: you have officially lost your mind (laughs)
Clare: I am serious we can take my parents jet and go!
Jason: I mean I got my car and we all fit so I am down
Hayden: wait you people are serious?
Clare: yeah I haven't done anything crazy in a while I need some fun! What do you say Lexie
Lexie: see if I was even an ounce sober I would say this is a really bad idea but I am not sober so fuck it let's go to Vegas!
Clare: yes okay girls come on let's go up to my room and pack
Lexie's pov
We all went up to Clare's room but not before grabbing a bottle of the blue raspberry vodka to drink while we were packing. I just had my clothes in my bag but I wanted to hang out with the girls. Clare was letting the other girls use her other duffle bags and her clothes since we they were pretty much the same sizes. It made me feel self conscious honestly but I tried to block out my insecurities and just took a hit from the pen when I realized something!
End of pov
Lexie: Clare!
Clare: whattt
Lexie: what about our parents and mgk
Clare: didn't think of that one... ohh I know just tell Kells that you talked to Jaden and he's letting you stay the night with me
Lexie: ooo good idea (pulls out her phone) but wait what if Justin and Selena come home early?!
Clare: oh I know! I'll just tell Justin I am staying at your house!
Lexie: good idea! Okay I'll text Kells now (pulls out her phone)
Text convo
Lexie: hey Kells I just wanted to tell you that Jaden said I can stay at Clare's house tonight
Kells: uh okay I guess but what about your bag?
Lexie: Clare's letting me borrow some of her clothes
Kells: okay have fun!
End of text convo
(Clare pulls out her phone and texts Justin)
Text convo
Clare: hey J I just wanted to tell you that I am going to stay the night at Lexie's
Justin: did jay say it was okay?
Clare: yeah
Justin: okay your mom and I will be back at the house around four in the afternoon tomorrow
Clare: okay have fun!
Justin: love you
Clare: love you too
End of text convo
Carly: soooo
Clare: we are going to mother fucking Vegas baby!!
Girls: yes!!!
Jackie: wait wait everyone has their fake right? We don't need to be getting caught in the casinos or anything like that
Clare: I got mine lex you have yours?
Lexie: I have to check... (looks through her purse) I found it!
Sarah: no offense lex but I am surprised they let you in even with a fake because of how small you are how young you look
Lexie: I just give the bouncers like a fake sob story and they fall for it every time
Carly: that's fucked up but genius at the same time
Lexie: hmm (takes a hit) I am hungry
Clare: let's go make the pizzas and then we can go!
Lexie: okay!
(The girls go downstairs to see the boys sitting on the couch drinking beers and playing beer pong)
Clare: we are making pizzas and then going to the jet
Boys: okay
Lexie's pov
Fifteen minutes later the frozen pizzas were ready and we all ate enough to get us a little bit sober, I checked my phone to see it was now twelve in the morning and I saw I had two missed calls from Jaden one was from earlier today and another was five ago shit I can't call him back otherwise he'll know I am still at Clare's but if I don't call him he'll call Kells and my cover will be blown. I decided to call him back and walk into the bathroom so he couldn't hear the music.
End of pov
Phone convo
Jaden: hey lex I was just about to call Kells how was your day with Clare?
Lexie: it was fun we just chilled at her house nothing crazy
Jaden: oh okay want to FaceTime the boys want to see you?
Lexie: I would but I literally just got out of the shower but I decided to call you back because I didn't want you to worry
Jaden: aww you didn't want your big brother to worry (teases)
Lexie: oh shut up it's not a big deal
Jaden: anyways we miss you
Lexie: I miss you too...
Jaden: i heard about last night... if you can't sleep again please tell me or go get one of them okay?
Lexie: okay
Jaden: alright I'll let you go I love you
Lexie: love you too tell the boys I love them
Jaden: I will and I'll see you tomorrow
Lexie: okay oh about that what time do you get here tomorrow?
Jaden: we have a meet and greet at a mall around twelve and our flight is at three so around fourth thirty five I guess
Lexie: okay cool love you
Jaden: love you too baby
End of phone convo
Lexie's pov
Not going to lie my heart was pounding that whole conversation but he never caught on so that's good and I think I deserve an award for those acting skills. I walked out of the bathroom and took a hit from the pen to calm my nerves, joined the rest of the group and ate a few slices of pizza before joining the rest of the group.
End of pov
Aaron: okay so while you were in the bathroom we booked a few hotel rooms you girls are sharing a room and then us guys in the room next door
Lexie: okay
Clare: alright let's get going I want to have time to go to the casinos
Ricky: I'd rather go on the roller coasters
Lexie: there's a rollercoaster in the hotel!?
Katie: girly have you ever been to Vegas?
Lexie: nope
Mike: (smirks) this is going to be fun
Lexie's pov
We left the house and got in Jason's car and the further we got from Clare's house the more real this was becoming and I started thinking about what would happen if we get caught... I'd be dead the boys would kill me okay not kill me but they definitely would not let me out of their sight this time. My mind was spinning with thoughts when I felt a blunt being pressed against my lips and saw that Mike was the one giving it to me I inhaled and then exhaled and inhaled again but this time I kept it in my mouth and got bold and pulled Mike in for a kiss and then exhaled the smoke in his mouth and pulled away.
End of pov
Mike: damn girl you got skills
Lexie: (smirks) thank you
Lexie's pov
Twenty minutes later we arrived at this lot and let Clare lead the way to her family's jet. She just had to press an app on her phone that unlocked the jet and we all took our seats while she put it on autopilot mode and once we took off we closed our eyes because we knew as soon as we got to the hotel none of us would actually sleep. The next time I opened my eyes it was to feeling the plane start to land which woke all of us up. The plane landed in another lot that I guess Clare was familiar with because she knew exactly where we were and then ordered us an Uber to the hotel. It was about a forty minute drive so we got to the circus circus hotel around one forty but when we walked inside everything was in full swing. People were checking, others were dressed to go In the clubs and you could hear people screaming from the roller coaster inside.. yeah you heard me inside the hotel. We checked in and put our bags on the beds and decided to stay in what we were wearing and the first thing we did was the rollercoasters because why the hell not but before we pre gamed and took shots of the peach vodka because we knew it would enhance the experience plus I took a few hits from my pen which made me more then buzzed but I also made sure to keep drinking water at least to stay hydrated because the last thing I need is to end up in another hospital. We went down towards the lobby and saw the amusement park which was called adventure dome and the first ride we did was called canyon blaster it had steep drops and we screamed every single time then there was a double loop and thankfully I can hold my alcohol because if not I would have thrown up like Jackie did but thankfully we were already off the ride when she did throw up. The next one was called the inventor think of it as doctor dooms tower of terror in universal studios but much more intense because we got flipped upside down! Then it just paused in mid air which was the even crazier part because like what it literally defied gravity. The next one we did was called X treme it was a really intense sea saw ride but it was still fun! After those three we took a little break to eat a elephant ears and drink some water. As I was sitting I couldn't help but feel like I am dreaming right now one because we are in Vegas, two I haven't had anxiety today... but that's probably because I am drinking and getting high out of my mind so I haven't even really had a chance to overthink anything honestly. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard someone call my name.
End of pov
Lexie: what did you say?
Mike: I said we are going to go on the Ferris wheel and then the casinos
Lexie: ohh okay (gets off the chair)
(Lexie and Mike follow the group to the Ferris wheel and get in one of the chairs and just talk until they reach top of the Ferris wheel)
Mike: I know we literally just met today but your so pretty (moves her hair behind her ear)
Lexie: mike if you want to kiss me just do it already
Mike: happily (leans in and kisses her) you taste like blue raspberry vodka
Lexie: that's because I have been drinking it silly
(The Ferris wheel ends)
Mike: what do you say we skip the casino and go upstairs
Lexie: bet
(Lexie follows mike to the boys hotel room and he opens the door and starts kissing Lexie and running his hands over dress and pulls down the shoulder straps)
Mike: is this okay?
Lexie: hmm yeah
Lexie's pov
Mike brought my dress lower until it was just laying on the floor and then he took my bra and underwear wear off along with his own clothes and pulled us to the bed. He started just rubbing his hands over my body and kept asking if I was okay which I appreciated. Then he started leaving kisses on my skin and i let out a quiet moan and I could feel him smirk against my skin, then I decided he had been in control for a while and it was my turn so I while he was kissing me I caught him off guard and flipped us so I was on top and I started grinding myself against him until one thing lead to another until we heard a knock on our door.
End of pov
Clare: I know you two just had sex but your not about to go to sleep are you?? Come on we are going to the casinos
Lexie: ugh I am tired now (whines)
Clare: no no we only have tonight and a little bit of tomorrow we need to make the most of if so you two get dressed and meet us down or I'll have Ricky break the doors down
Lexie: you are going to have to pay for it then
Clare: ugh true but for real come on
Mike: okay okay we are going
Clare: good (walks away from the door)
Lexie: or we could just cuddle and have a round two (looks at him)
Mike: as fun as that sounds Clare will kill us so let's go
Lexie: fineeee (gets off the bed and gets dressed) can you pass me my vape
Mike: yeah here (takes a hit and then passes it to her)
Lexie: I said pass it not take a hit (smacks him in the back of the head)
Mike: okay ow
Lexie: I sorry (pouts)
Mike: your cute (pecks her on the lips)
Lexie's pov
Mike got dressed and then we walked out of the room and headed down to the casino's where we found the group playing cards with a group of college kids. We sat down and we gambled for a while, I didn't really play I mostly just took shots, ate food and vaped until six in the morning and that's when we finally called it a night or morning and went back to the rooms and crashed.
End of pov

Clare and Lexie really said when the parents are gone it's time to play 😂

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