Chapter 47

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Wednesday (3:00 am)
(The nurse opens the door and Jaden opens his eyes from the lights out in the hallway)
Nurse: I am sorry Mr. hossler but I am going to have to check over miss hossler's vitals
Jaden: okay do you want me to move?
Nurse: that's okay I'll go on the opposite side but can you wake her up for me?
Jaden: yeah (lightly taps on Lexie)
Lexie: nooo (whines)
Jaden: lex the nurse needs to check you real quick
Lexie: no bubba I sleepy
Jaden: five minutes and then you can go back to sleep okay?
(Lexie doesn't respond and buries herself closer to Jaden's side)
Jaden: come on lex I need you to sit up for the nurse
Lexie: no bubba tell mean nurse to go away
Jaden: I know your half asleep so I'll let that slide but you have to open your eyes and sit up okay?
Lexie: nooo (whines)
Jaden's pov
Lexie wasn't having it and was whining the whole time so I had to literally pick her up and sit her up then hold her while the nurse checked her temperature and blood pressure which was normal thankfully and then the nurse walked out of the room and I placed the pacifier back in Lexie's mouth who already closed her eyes and was laying on my chest again. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes and fell asleep again.
End of pov
Three hours later (6:00 am)
(A new nurse walks into the room)
Nurse: (taps Jaden) excuse me sir I am going to need you to get up so I can check your sister's vitals
Jaden: (opens his eyes and mumbles) what time is it?
Nurse: six in the morning i am sorry it's hospital policy to check in every three hours
Jaden: no it's okay I understand but the other nurse just walked to the other side of the bed but I can get up if you want me too
Nurse: yes please it'll be easier and do you mind waking her up
Jaden: (sighs) yeah sure (lightly shakes lexie)
Lexie: leave me lone
Jaden: baby the nurse needs to check on you again
Lexie: no not again (whines) mean nurse go away I want sleep
Jaden: I am sorry she's been woken up already and she's fussy
Nurse: it's okay why don't you just stay with her and just sit her up for me
Jaden: okay
Lexie: no bubba I tired
Jaden: I know you can go back to sleep after
Lexie: no nurse going to put cold thing on my back and I no want that
Nurse: I'll be quick sweetie and then you can go back to sleep
Lexie: fine (pouts)
Lexie's pov
Five minutes later the mean nurse lady left the room and bubba gave me my binky and I fell sleep again. When I open my eyes again the sun was out and Joshy, bice and griffy were in the room, bubba was still sleeping so I made grabby hands for Joshy to pick me up. He walked over to me and I lay my head in the crook of his neck.
End of pov
Lexie: Joshy (plays with his ring)
Joshy: yeah baby
Lexie: me want home now
Josh: okay we just have to wait for the doctor to come in and tell us we can leave
Lexie: no me want home now, the mean nurse lady kept coming and I sleep and woke me up! I tired and want buddy (cries)
Jaden's pov
I heard Lexie crying and thinking she had a nightmare I quickly opened my eyes only to see her crying in Josh's arms and him trying to cheer her up by bouncing her up and down. While Bryce and griffin had the stuffed animals in their hands trying to distract her but she just grabbed it from them and threw it on the floor. I got up from the extremely uncomfortable hospital bed and stretched for a second before walking over to them.
End of pov
Jaden: what's a matter princess?
Lexie: I want home (cries)
Bryce: I can go see if Dr. Shepherd's here maybe he can discharge us first
Josh: yeah that sounds like a good idea (keeps bouncing her up and down)
Lexie: Joshy no bouncing
Josh: are you going to stop crying? (Wipes her tears)
Lexie: yeah
Josh: okay I'll stop (sits down on the chair with her in his lap)
Bryce's pov
I walked out of the room and towards the front desk where there was a lady at the computer typing. She looked busy and I didn't want to be rude so I just waited until she looked up at me.
End of pov
Receptionist: can I help you sir?
Bryce: yeah my name is Bryce hall and I was wondering if Dr. Shepherd arrived yet
Receptionist: let me take a look (types) yeah he just got here five minutes ago would you like me to page him?
Bryce: yeah can you tell him to go to room 131 please
Receptionist: no problem (pages him) he should be in the room shortly
Bryce: thank you so much
(Bryce walks back to the room)
Lexie: where doctor me want home (crosses her arms)
Griffin: he'll be here soon okay?
Lexie: ughh
Bryce: little Lexie has an attitude I see
Lexie: quiet bice I in bad mood
Jaden: Lexie Marie I need you to calm down I know your tired but that's enough unless you want to go in time out
Lexie: I sorry bubba, I sorry bice (gets off of josh and walks over to Bryce and hugs him)
Bryce: it's okay baby I know you just want to get home
Ten minutes later
(Dr shepherd walks into the room)
Dr. Shepherd: sorry it took me a little longer I had a patient who needed CPR
Griffin: is the patient okay now?
Dr. Shepherd: yes thankfully now how are we feeling this morning Lexie?
Lexie: I tired and want home now
Jaden: I don't know if you read her files doctor shepherd but her doctor
Dr. Shepherd: recommended age play therapy I am assuming she's in little space right now
Jaden: yeah and she's fussy
Dr. Shepherd: that's okay we'll make it quick I just want to look at her stitches, did she have any pain last night?
Jaden: no not that she mentioned
Dr. Shepherd: okay lex you can stay on Bryce's lap I just need you to turn around so I can check your head okay?
Lexie: okay (turns around)
Dr. Shepherd: everything looks good to me just make sure that she doesn't wet her hair for a couple days to make sure the stitches heal and we'll see her back in a couple of days, also I am sure the doctor mentioned it but make sure her cast doesn't get wet my recommendation for the time being is baths and at least make sure someone is by the bathroom in case she might need help with anything
Jaden: okay thank you so much Dr. Shepherd
Dr. Shepherd: no problem just sign the discharge papers and your free to go (hands him the papers) bye Lexie
Lexie: bye bye (waves at him and then turns to Bryce) home now?
Bryce: yeah let's get you home little one (Bryce picks her up and they walk out of the hospital and puts her in the backseat with Jaden and griffin while he gets in the drivers seat and josh in the passenger)
Griffin: (looks at Jaden) dude you look exhausted
Jaden: I am those nurses kept waking us up every three hours and those beds aren't exactly comfortable
Josh: go upstairs and sleep when we get home then babe we'll take care of Lex
Griffin: she's probably going to be sleeping anyway she's past out right now
Bryce: (looks at her through the rearview) aww
Ring ring ring
Jaden: sorry that's mine I thought it was on silent (takes out his phone and answers it)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey kells what's up?
Kells: can you film today? I know we weren't supposed to but I think I want to set a record for filming this in four days
Jaden: bro I totally would but I have been at the hospital all night with lex and I am exhausted
Kells: the hospital? Again? What happened?
Jaden: long story short lex fell in the shower, ambulance came, she had to get stitches and we had to stay overnight
Kells: oh shit I had no idea don't even worry about it then we'll just film with chase and tomorrow we'll get your scenes done
Jaden: okay thanks for understanding bro
Kells: if it was Cassie I would be in the same position your in right now tell the kid I said feel better
Jaden: thanks Kells
End of convo
Jaden's pov
We finally made it to the house and I didn't bother saying hi to the rest of the guys before going upstairs and pulling off my shirt from last night and getting under the covers and going to sleep.
End of pov
An hour later
Lexie's pov
I woke up and the first thing I noticed was I was laying on the couch with sheets on top of me and I was back home. My stomach made some kind of noise and I realized I was actually hungry so I got up from the couch and saw the boys making pancakes except for Jaden.
End of pov
Lexie: where's Jaden?
Noah: he's upstairs how are you feeling?
Lexie: I am okay does anyone know where my phone is? I was supposed to text Clare back yesterday and I never did so I feel bad.. can she come over?
Griffin: I don't know lex you just got out of the hospital you should rest today and have her over tomorrow
Lexie: what if we just did like a girls movie day and we'll be on the couch that way there's no reason to climb the stairs
Griffin: (looks at josh) what do you think?
Josh: only if it's a movie day lex I mean it I don't want you exerting energy today
Lexie: okay can charli come too pretty pleaseee
Josh: fine but that's it okay? And you need to eat something
Lexie: deal who has my phone?
Josh: it's upstairs in our room by the nightstand
Lexie: okay (is about to walk out of the kitchen but stops herself) can you get it?
Josh: yeah I'll be right back
Josh's pov
I went upstairs and saw Jaden fast asleep he looked so cute buried under the covers like that. I went to grab her phone and then bent down to give him a quick kiss on the lips and he opened his eyes.
End of pov
Jaden: hey beautiful boy
Josh: I think you mean hot
Jaden: hmm sure what time is it?
Josh: twelve but you can sleep more if you want I just came up to get lex's phone and couldn't not kiss you
Jaden: aww I love you
Josh: I love you too oh and I told lex she could have Clare and Charli over for a movie day
Jaden: okay that would probably be good for her
Josh: yeah I thought so too come down whenever you want
Jaden: okay
(Josh walks downstairs and into the kitchen to see lex eating a cinnamon roll with orange juice and hands her her phone)
Lexie: thanks Joshy (takes her phone and texts Clare first)
Text convo
Lexie: hey Clare I am so sorry I didn't text you back yesterday to keep a long story short I was in the hospital again but I wanted to know if you wanted to have a movie day with Charli and I
Clare: hey lex! No worries I know you wouldn't ignore me on purpose plus I saw tiktok room but anyway yeah I'd love to have a movie day so when should I come over?
Lexie: whenever you want honestly
Clare: okay let me just get ready and I'll head over
Lexie: perfect see you soon
(Ends the text with Clare and then texts Charli)
Text convo
Lexie: hey char! Are you busy?
Char: hey lex no I am actually bored haha
Lexie: do you want to come over and do a movie day with Clare (jonas) and I?
Charli: sure I'll have dix take me and then she'll probably want to stay because Noah's there
Lexie: haha good point and okay come whenever
Charli: okay I'll head out in like fifteen
Lexie: alright sounds good
End of text convo
Lexie's pov
I really wanted to take a shower excuse me bath before they got here because I smell like hospital and can't stand it but I also knew I wasn't going to be able to do it by myself... maybe Addy or Avani can come over if they aren't too busy.
End of pov
Lexie: hey ant or Bryce
Ant: yeah
Bryce: what's up?
Lexie: are Avani or Addy busy I really want to take a bath but I know I won't be able to do it without help...
Ant: sorry lex but she's at a photo shoot today
Bryce: and Addy's on set
Lexie: ugh now what am I going to do?
Bryce: I can carry you upstairs and you can shower in my bathroom obviously close the door but I'll in the room in case I hear anything
Lexie: okay..
Lexie's pov
Bryce carried me up the stairs but we had to stop in my room so I could grab a pair of sweats and a long sleeve. When we got to my room i walked over to my dresser well limped but then I looked to my side and I saw my bathroom door open and I looked at the shower and saw that the door was gone because it broke, and then without wanting it to happen i started thinking about yesterday and how I fell... I don't want to fall again I know I am not taking a shower but what if I lose my balance and slip on the floor and hit my head against something and my stitches open up but this time it's too late? What if I am in the bath and I go to stand up but I just slip again and hit my head against the faucet? My brain was going through twenty unrealistic scenarios but my anxiety was too triggered to determine what was realistic and what wasn't. I was trapped in my own mind again and next thing I know is my chest is tightening up and my breathing is heavy, my minds racing and it won't stop, god why won't it stop. I could tell Bryce was talking to me but I couldn't process what he was saying.
End of pov
Bryce's pov
I was waiting for Lexie to get her clothes but after taking a few minutes I walked into the room and I saw her looking at the bathroom door and five seconds later her breathing increased. Shit she's having a panic attack, I quickly shut the bathroom door so she wouldn't have to look at it then gently sat her on her bed and I tried to practice some techniques Callie told us to do when she was triggered.
End of pov
Bryce: Lexie I know your anxiety is triggered right now but can you tell me what you see in the room
Lexie: b b Bryce I i c can't
Bryce: I know just focus on my voice and tell me what you see in your room
Lexie: a b b bed
Bryce: good what else
Lexie: n nightstand
Bryce: one more
Lexie: you
Bryce: okay good now close your eyes and breathe for a few seconds
(Lexie does what Bryce says and when she opens them back up she's better)
Bryce: feeling better?
Lexie: yeah thanks Bryce (hugs him)
Bryce: your welcome now do you still want to take a bath or do you want to wait till Addy comes home later?
Lexie: w w wait for Addy
Bryce: okay then just get changed and call me when your done so I can take you back downstairs
Lexie: okay
Bryce's pov
After making sure Lexie was feeling a bit better I went out in the hallway and bumped into josh.
End of pov
Josh: hey is everything okay? I was just going to check up on lex
Bryce: lex just had a panic attack after looking at the bathroom door but she's calm now and she's changing
Josh: (sighs) okay well at least she's better
Bryce: do you think this is going to be another thing that triggers her anxiety on top of the other many things that trigger her?
Josh: I really hope not but time will tell I guess
Bryce: yeah your right
Lexie: Bryce I am ready to go downstairs!
Bryce: okay coming (looks at josh) you coming?
Josh: I have to take a call and then I'll meet you guys down there
Bryce: okay
Lexie's pov
Bryce walked back into the room and we went downstairs where I was sat in the couch and given the remote. I scrolled through Netflix and found absolutely nothing, then went to Amazon and watched teen wolf until I heard a knock on the door. Griffin went to open it and a few minutes later I was pulled into a hug by Clare and then we continued watching teen wolf till Charli came who was fine with marathoning teen wolf. We kept on talking about hot Scott and stiles were but all agreed stiles carried the show at the end of the day with his humor. For lunch Noah ordered pizza and then him and Dixie joined us on the couch, eventually everyone in the house was watching tv including Jaden who had woken up when the pizza got here. The girls had to leave around nine because their parents wanted them home which was fine because next time we agreed to have a sleepover. Addy was home by now and she coaxed me into showering in their bathroom with her promising she was going to be right by the door if anything happened after helping me figure out the plastic bag over the cast. Around ten we decided to eat chicken and rice because it was the "healthier option" and then we called it a night. Jaden insisted on giving me the bottle of milk after hearing about my panic attack earlier that day and the last thing I doing was sucking on the bottle as my eyes were closing and I fell asleep.
End of pov

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