Chapter 105

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Beep beep beep
(Josh groans and turns over to turn his alarm off and look at the time)
Josh: ugh it's too early
Jaden: (mumbles) what time?
Josh: eight
Jaden: what time is Lexie's appointment?
Josh: nine
Jaden: (sighs) alright we gotta get up (sits up and turns on the light by their night table)
Lexie: turn it off (whines and buries herself in the covers)
Jaden: sorry princess but you have to get up we have an appointment with Callie in an hour
Lexie: cancel it I just want to sleep
Josh: no lex remember our deal besides next week is your last session with her before tour
Lexie: so then we still have next week, cancel it so I can sleep
Jaden: nope got to get up sweetheart (pulls the sheets away from Lexie)
Lexie: hey!
Jaden: up now, go get ready please
(Lexie glares at him but gets off the bed and walks out of the room without saying a word)
Josh: should we have just let her sleep in?
Jaden: no she needs to go to therapy
Josh: do you think she'll be in the right headspace to film the music video after? You know how therapy affects her
Jaden: yeah if she isn't up for it I'll reschedule with Travis, are you able to go?
Josh: I was actually going to film tea tok with Bryce...
Jaden: your bringing tea tok back?
Josh: yeah the fans really did love it and I kind of miss doing it because I actually enjoyed it at one point so I thought why not bring it back
Jaden: okay well after therapy we have to meet Travis on the set but you can meet us there when your done if you want
Josh: yeah sounds good (pecks him on the lips and gets up from the bed) I am going to take a shower
Jaden: I should too so why don't I join you (wraps his arms around Josh's waist and kisses his neck)
Josh: fine but no sex we don't have time
Jaden: okay okay
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I decided to just throw on a matching hoodie and sweats since there was probably going to be a clothing set when we film the music video and I like to be comfortable during therapy. I finished getting dressed and just left my hair down, I brushed my teeth, grabbed my phone and purse and walked downstairs to  see griffin by the stove.
End of pov
Lexie: hey griff what you making?
Griffin: French toast with eggs and bacon, do you have time to eat before you leave?
Lexie: yeah it's only eight twenty
Griffin: okay sit down and I'll serve you and also give you your pill
Lexie: okay thanks (sits down at the table) what are you up to today?
Griffin: I have a meeting with the mayor of Miami about some investment I am looking into
Lexie: oh cool
Blake: (walks in with Amelie) good morning
Amelie: morning guys
Them: morning
Lexie: so you guys decided to sleep here last night?
Blake: yeah sway was closer than her house
Lexie: cool, what are you guys going to do today?
Amelie: we have a photo shoot with Ralph Lauren and then blake and I were talking and I think we are going to get a puppy
Lexie: are you serious!?
Blake: yeah a little wiener dog
Lexie: what are you going to name it?
Blake: we don't know yet we'll figure it out when we see him
Lexie: aww cute buddy is going to have someone to play with now
(Josh and Jaden walk downstairs and into the kitchen while griffin gives Lexie her plate)
Josh: what about buddy?
Lexie: Blake and Amelie are going to get a dog
Blake: maybe we don't know you yet
Jaden: really because josh and I were just talking about possibly getting another dog too...
Lexie: what!? You never told me that!
Josh: yeah because we literally had the conversation upstairs two seconds ago
(Kio walks in)
Kio: I think it's so weird how our brains are so in sync with each other...
(Bryce walks in)
Bryce: that's not the only thing that's in sync remember the time where all of tires went flat on the same day even though we were in separate places
(Lexie smirks after hearing that and Quinton sees her)
Quinton: don't tell me it was you
Lexie: it was for a YouTube video and I am surprised you guys never caught on
Josh: Lexie! Nessa and I waited in the car for an hour that day and I had an important meeting
Lexie: oops my bad anyways that was a long time ago so back to the subject your going to get another dog?
Griffin: three dogs in a house
Kio: no it would be four if you and I get one remember we talked about it last week
Lexie: four dogs!?!?
Cooper: it'll be five if Sab moves in eventually remember she has koda
Griffin: yeah never mind I take any statement back about dogs we are not going to have a zoo in this house on top of you guys
Amelie: the puppy can stay with me a majority of the time and then I'll bring it over when I come see Blake
Blake: yeah I guess
(Anthony walks in)
Ant: so Avani and I are the only ones who never talked about getting a dog
Griffin: good keep it that way
Kio: you literally just said last week you wanted one (wraps his arms around griffin's waist)
Griffin: that was before I knew josh and Jaden and Blake and Amelie were thinking about getting one
Jaden: if we do it'll be after tour there's no sense in buying a puppy when we are supposed to go on tour
Josh: yeah I agree
Bryce: alright well now that that's settled josh ready to film?
Josh: yeah let's go, have a good therapy session lex (kisses the top of her head)
Lexie: wait are you going to come see the video shoot?
Josh: yeah I'll try to make it okay? But even if I am not there your going to kill it
Lexie: thanks Joshy (hugs him)
Jaden: ready to go?
Lexie: yeah let me just take a few more bites (finishes her French toast and drinks her pill) alright let's go
Guys: have fun lex!!
Lexie: thanks see you later!
(Lexie and Jaden get in his car and he starts driving)
Jaden: so.. first music video later how do you feel?
Lexie: excited and nervous
Jaden: I felt that way when I first recorded comatose don't worry it just takes practice and getting used to it
Lexie: true (her phone vibrates)
Landon: hey baby I am sorry I could be there on set with you today but I know your going to kill it love you!
Lexie: thanks babe and it's okay I understand your probably busy and plus you can always make it up to me later
Landon: count on it princess 😘 where are you going now?
Lexie: therapy 🙄 how about you?
Landon: school 🙄
Lexie: ouch that sucks
Landon: just a few more months and I am done that's all I keep telling myself
Lexie: good just think about it that way
Landon: maybe you could keep me company while I study later 🥺
Lexie: yeah I'll ask Jaden if he can drop me off at your house after filming
Landon: okay sounds good, I gotta get back to studying but I'll talk to you soon
Lexie: okay byee
End of texts
(Lexie puts her phone down)
Lexie: were you saying something?
Jaden: oh no just go back to talking to your boyfriend it's not like I was trying to give you advice or anything (jokes)
Lexie: sorry it's just... he's cute and sweet
Jaden: what did he say?
Lexie: he just wanted to wish me luck on my video shoot later oh and then asked if I could go over to his house later
Jaden: why can't he just come to sway?
Lexie: because he needs to study
Jaden: then why are you going over there?
Lexie: he wants company
Jaden: yeah suree I was his age not to long ago lex I know what he's thinking
Lexie: I thought you liked Landon
Jaden: I do but that doesn't change the fact that he's a normal teenage boy and I want you to be careful
Lexie: I know don't worry
Jaden: I am your big brother I am always going to worry
Five minutes later
Lexie's pov
We pulled into the parking lot of Callie's therapy center and got out and started walking inside.
End of pov
Mariana: hey Jaden, hey lex how are you guys?
Jaden: we are doing good how are you?
Mariana: good so if you could just sign these papers here and before you see Callie, Jesus wanted me to tell you to stop by his room to talk about the meds to either refill it or up the dosage since it's been more than six months already
Jaden: okay sounds good (takes the papers and signs them and hands them back) come on lex
Lexie: I am going it's not like I am going to run I don't do that anymore (follows Jaden)
Jaden: and that in of itself is a miracle (opens the door to Jesus' office)
Jesus: hey guys how are you?
Lexie: good (sits down) so what's this about?
Jesus: well after more than six months I like to do a check in every once in a while, how's the anxiety going?
Jaden: better I mean she still has anxiety attacks every once in a while but it's usually when she doesn't take her pill
Lexie's pov
I thought about telling Jaden what happened the other day after BFF's and how I threw up from all the anxiety and hate comments I got but then Jesus will probably up the dosage and if there is one thing I don't want, it's to become dependent on those pills. So I decided against it and just said everything was fine to Jesus besides what my brother was saying to him.
End of pov
Jesus: okay and I heard from Callie you want to lower the dose on the adhd meds since she's not in school anymore right?
Jaden: yeah but she still has to stay focused so we don't want to take her completely off of it
Jesus: okay so ninety milligrams should be enough and if you have any problems just give me a call (writes the prescription) you can go see Callie now
Lexie: okay sounds good bye Jesus
Jesus: bye lex
(They walk out of Jesus' office and into Callie's room)
Jaden: do you want me to stay or wait outside?
Lexie: you can wait outside
Jaden: okay have Callie call me if anything happens okay?
Lexie: hmm (nods her head)
(Jaden walks out of the room and Lexie sits on the couch)
Callie: so how have you been Lexie?
Lexie: I don't know honestly.. like I am not sad but I don't know if I am happy either...
Callie: that's understandable but why do you think that is?
Lexie: I have been really busy with finishing the song and the photoshoot and the interviews I haven't really had time to process anything but I think I prefer that because then I don't have to think about the you know incident
Callie: so your avoiding on processing it
Lexie: I wouldn't say avoiding just not paying attention to it
Callie: are you still having nightmares?
Lexie: sometimes but not every night
Callie: okay that's good are you still doing age therapy?
Lexie: yeah I was little yesterday
Callie: good I want you to keep it up especially with how busy you are, you need to remember to unwind and be little to reduce stress, how's your eating?
Lexie: fine
Callie: good is there anything you want to talk about? How are you feeling about tour?
Lexie: no not really... and I am excited but nervous
Callie: why are you nervous?
Lexie: it's one thing when fans type hate comments through a computer but it's another thing when the fans hate you in person
Callie: are you worried that you are going to start fighting again?
Lexie: maybe, I need to stand up for myself somehow
Callie: I agree but you don't need to use your hands to stand up for yourself, you can stand up by just being the bigger person and walking away
Lexie: there's no way I am doing that
Callie: so you are just going to fight every single hater that says something?
Lexie: well when you put it that way maybe not everyone but a majority sure
Callie: (sighs) lex you've made a lot of progress since I have met you, you just talking to me right now is progress but it's time to take a step forward and that starts with no fighting, people are going to say really offensive things and when that happens you need to breathe and just walk away don't let the situation escalate so can you try that next time?
Lexie: I guess...
Callie: good now if there's nothing else you want to talk about I think we are done for today, but I do want to see you one more time before you go on tour and talk to Jaden for a minute
Lexie: okay
(Callie tells Mariana to get Jaden and he walks into the room and sits down on the chair)
Jaden: so how did today's session go?
Callie: good she's opening up a lot more now than she was in the beginning and that's great, but I want to keep it up so maybe when you guys are on tour we can schedule video meetings that way she can stay on track
Jaden: yeah that sounds good to me, should I just reach out a few days in advance to schedule?
Callie: yeah and it could be the days where you are guys are on the bus so it's easier
Jaden: okay sounds good what do you think lex?
Lexie: sure why not
Callie: and one more thing I was telling lex that she should keep up with the age play therapy it'll be helpful for the stress now that she's more busy and things are going to get stressful it's very important to make sure she still has that time to unwind and be little
Jaden: noted don't worry Callie we are going to try our best to give her a routine even when we are on the road
Callie: good that's important, so if you guys don't have any questions then I think we are done for today
Lexie: okay bye Callie (stands up from the chair)
Jaden: bye have a good day
Lexie's pov
We walked out of Callie's office and said bye to Mariana and walked outside to get in Jaden's car and start driving to the house that we are going to shoot bite me. On the way there I was trying to not think about the nerves that were slowly making their way inside my brain because this is my first music video and I honestly have no clue what's about to happen.
End of pov
Jaden: (looks at lex bouncing her knee and puts his hand on it) you good lex?
Lexie: hmm what? (Looks at him)
Jaden: you were bouncing your knee and you haven't done that in a while are you nervous?
Lexie: a little I have just never done this before and don't know what to expect..
Jaden: don't worry i was nervous when I did comatose and I look back and think about the newer videos and I cringe (jokes)
Lexie: that doesn't make me feel better
Jaden: my point is that it's not going to be perfect and that's okay, just have fun with it pretend like the cameras not even there unless you have a cue to look at the camera okay?
Lexie: okay
Thirty minutes later
Lexie: isn't the house you filmed better off dead? (Looks at the house)
Jaden: yup Travis probably thought it would be an iconic moment or something (gets out of the car and starts walking inside with Lexie following)
Travis: hey guys what do you think?
Jaden: we filmed at this house before haven't we?
Travis: yup and now lex is going to do the same so how are you feeling lex? (Looks at her)
Lexie: nervous
Travis: that's okay we are going to take it one scene at a time so the first scene is a prop bus that's going to be here in just a few minutes and you are going to come off the bus super upset with a back pack that has people's hate comments on sticky notes
Lexie: okay what am I wearing..
Travis: i have a friend who's going to do your hair and makeup, Avril are you ready for her?
Avril: yup she's going to be turned into my twin (smiles) hey Jaden
Jaden: hey Avril, how are you?
Avril: good, but I have to steal your sister away for a bit so we'll catch you later
Jaden: okay go for it
Lexie's pov
I followed Avril to one of the bedrooms that was in the prop house and she pulled out a white school girl crop top with a pink and black skirt with fishnet stockings, long white socks and black combat boots, and a bunch of accessories it looked a lot like what she wore in her girlfriend music video.
End of pov
Lexie: will people think I am trying to copy you?
Avril: maybe but there's always people that are going to say something and behind all the clothes and the makeup you are still Lexie hossler, you have your own story to tell and technically you are going to be your generations Avril Lavigne because even when I start making music again I won't have the same connection with your fans because my fans are older does that make sense? It's like Jaden being mentored right now by Kells
Lexie: so you are going to be my mentor?
Avril: exactly (smiles)
Lexie: thanks Avril.. I appreciate it
Avril: your welcome now get changed and we'll do your hair
Lexie's pov
I got dressed in the outfit and not going to lie if it weren't for the shirt being white I would have felt like my old self considering I used to wear stuff like this all the time minus the fish nets I would never but looking in the mirror I don't hate it. I walked back out to see Avril had a hair curler and she started curling my hair but only parted it to one side so my right side had more hair than my left and then she sprayed a bunch of hair spray to make it stick. When she was done she did my makeup which wasn't too much considering I am still a high school kid in the music video. When she was done we walked back outside and I saw josh had arrived and was talking with Jaden and Travis.
End of pov
Avril: so what do you guys think? (Smirks)
Travis: it's like looking at a better version of you (jokes)
Avril: rude (glares)
Travis: you know I am kidding, anyways bud is here so we are going to shoot the first scene
?: wait don't start yet (walks behind Lexie and wraps his arms around her waist) surprise
Lexie: Landon! You scared me for a minute, but I am happy you came, what happened with school though?
Landon: I finished early and there was no way I wasn't going to surprise my girlfriend at her first music video shoot, also these are for you (hands her a few roses)
Lexie: aww thanks babe (pecks him on the lips)
Landon: your welcome (looks at her outfit) have I told you how beautiful you look yet
Josh: good choice of works barker
Lexie: (rolls her eyes) no you didn't but thank you
Landon: your welcome
Travis: okay now are we ready to make a music video?
Lexie: yes (smiles)
Travis: great once your on the bus we'll start rolling the camera
Lexie: okay (walks over to the bus and sits down)
Travis: and action
Lexie's pov
I grabbed the back pack that was sitting on the chair that was next to me and got off the bus looking upset like I had the worst day ever which wasn't that hard considering all I needed to channel was how I felt coming home from school everyday back in Tennessee. I walked through the "grass" and into the house and into the room that was on the opposite side of the one where I got dressed and opened the book bag and sure enough there were sticky notes of all the hate comments. That's when I heard the track start playing and started singing the first few verses.
End of pov
Travis: alright cut that was great now let's jump to the next scene where we have our extra Dylan on set who's playing your ex so Dylan get into place and... action
Lexie's pov
The song stopped playing because there was a "knock" on my door so I got up and walked through the house and opened the front door to see Dylan standing there with a bouquet of flowers and a sign saying I am sorry, I just channeled my anger and grabbed the flowers and sign and threw it on the ground and started singing the next few verses. Then I looked to my right and saw a hose, now this part wasn't really scripted but I feel like it would be more authentic if I grabbed the hose and turned it on, I sprayed it at him till he "ran off."
Travis: and cut that was awesome good idea with the hose
Lexie: you think?
Jaden: yeah you just went with what you felt your character would do so good job
Lexie: thanks
Travis: alright now I am going to let Hunter take over so I can get on the drums while you grab the notes and flowers that are on the ground so we can do the next scene
Lexie: okay
A few minutes later
(Travis is sitting at the drum set)
Travis: okay this next part is where all the pent up anger and everything you have felt up to this moment releases
Lexie: are you talking about me or my character
Travis: you this is where I want you to be the most authentic show the haters that they have no power over you because you took it back
Lexie: okay...
Hunter: good now action
Lexie's pov
I "ran" back to the bedroom and grabbed the book bag and then "ran" to the backyard where a small fire had started on the "grass" I grabbed the sticky notes and ripped them in half while looking at the camera and then threw them into the fire along with the roses and last but not least flipped off the camera.
End of pov
Hunter: perfect shot
Lexie: really?
Hunter: yeah now all that's left is to edit and we can release it next week
Lexie: awesome!
Josh: proud of you bud it's going to be sick
Lexie: thanks (smiles)
Avril: you did good kid
(Lexie smiles and Jaden pulls her in for a hug)
Jaden: see there was no reason to be nervous you were a natural
Lexie: (smiles and blushes) stop
Landon: he's right you killed that shit!
Travis: I knew you would
Lexie: thanks really thanks for believing in me when I don't believe in myself
Travis: well duh that's what you have us for
Landon: well if you guys are done for today can I steal my girlfriend for the rest of it?
Jaden: yeah but don't drop her off to late she still has to pack
Lexie: yeah yeah don't worry we'll be fine
Landon: I'll have her home by ten (grabs her hand)
Josh: you better!
Lexie: (laughs) bye guys
Them: bye
Lexie's pov
I walked back to the bedroom and changed back into my original outfit and then followed Landon to his car. I sat in the passenger while he drove and put his hand on my thigh.
End of pov
Landon: so where do you want to go?
Lexie: you know I never thought I would say this but I am actually hungry
Landon: never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth but I am glad (smiles) where do you want to eat?
Lexie: saddle? I want their chicken tenders and fries
Landon: (laughs) whatever my princess wants
Lexie: stop (blushes)
Landon: you are cute when you blush
Lexie: (blushes even more) your the only guy that can affect me this much you know that
Landon: good
Lexie: really?
Landon: what?
Lexie: I just said something really cute and all you say is good? (Laughs) your such a guy
Landon: well what do you want me to say? I should be the only one that has an effect on you
Lexie: point taken
Forty minutes later
(Landon parks the car and opens the door for Lexie and they start walking to saddle)
?: Lexie, Landon good to see you two again
Lexie: (fake smiles) fletcher always a pleasure
Fletcher: yeah I know we keep running into each other
Lexie: (mumbles) maybe it's because you stalk people for a living
Landon: Lexie (tries not to laugh) sorry fletch she was joking
Fletcher: it's alright I get it but before you guys go can I ask what your reaction to what Mads said on Twitter
Lexie: oh no what did she say?
Fletcher: something about how Jaden is her forever home
Landon: doesn't she have a boyfriend?
Fletcher: apparently they are broken up
Lexie: well she's not getting back with Jaden I can promise you that and if she's listening she better get that message loud and clear
Landon: I think she got the message so we are going to get going bye fletcher
Fletcher: bye
(Lexie and Landon walk into saddle and a few minutes later get seated and order)
Lexie: I can't believe Mads had the audacity to tweet that and then say it wasn't real when she clearly is still obsessed
Landon: why does it bother you so much?
Lexie: because if you knew half the shit she did to me you would know why I hate her
Landon: what did she do?
Lexie: aside from assault me in my own driveway, constantly insulting me when she had a chance and now she's still obsessing over Jaden enough's enough
Landon: so why don't you expose her?
Lexie: no one would believe me remember she's the princess of LA
Landon: that's true but if she keeps going I don't blame you if you wanted to expose her
Lexie: I'll let this one go for now I wrapped my first music shoot, I am happy and with my boyfriend I don't want to let Barbie ruin that for me
Landon: good you shouldn't
(Waitress walks up to them)
Waitress: here are your chicken tenders and fries is there anything else I can get for you?
Lexie: yeah can I have a strawberry lemonade margarita
Landon: lex what are you
Waitress: do you have an ID with you?
Lexie: yeah here you go (hands it to her)
Waitress: (looks at it) okay I'll have it right out thank you (walks away)
Landon: since when do you have a fake ID?
Lexie: always, well I had two but Jaden took it away a few months ago, but little does he know I had a back up
Landon: lex I don't know if that's such a good idea...
Lexie: babe it's one drink to celebrate my music video it's not that big of a deal (takes a bite of her chicken tenders)
Landon's pov
I watched the waitress bring lex the margarita and was this close to telling her to take it back but I wanted to trust lex that it was only one drink and it was until halfway through her fries she ordered another one and then another one until she was drunk.
End of pov
Landon: alright I think that's enough celebrating for today love
Lexie: can't I just have one more sip
Landon: oh no you've had plenty of sips you don't need anymore
Lexie: but landonnnn (whines)
Landon: lex your brother is going to kill me for even letting you drink
Lexie: then keep it a secret shhhh (laughs)
Landon: (shakes his head) alright it's getting late and we should probably get you home
Lexie: can't we have some fun first (wraps her arms around his waist)
Landon: nope
Lexie: why? I am tipsy not drunk
Landon: I don't care what you are we aren't doing anything when you've been drinking
Lexie: I don't see why you care.. Jake never did
Landon: well I am not him, come on let's go (picks her up and pays the bill)
Lexie: I don't deserve you.. I am just going to screw up this relationship one way or another
Landon: (sits Lexie down in the car) lex I love you but please stop talking because it's nonsense
Lexie: no it's not it's true I don't deserve you, I am not good enough, I am damaged goods
Landon: (starts driving) where is all this coming from?
Lexie: you said you wouldn't do anything with me because I drank and I said that it didn't matter because Jake never did and you said you weren't one of those guys
Landon: so what's your point?
Lexie: you deserve to be with a girl who's worthy and deserving of you not someone who has trauma
(Landon parks the car in front of the sway house and pulls lex onto his lap and moves a strand of hair behind her ear)
Landon: lex I know what I was getting myself into when I wanted to be with you, I know you have trauma you don't like to talk about and I don't care because you aren't damaged goods, your strong and a fighter and I love you for that okay (looks her in the eyes)
Lexie: okay
Landon: good now let's go before Jaden kills me when he finds out you are drunk (gets out of the car with her in his arms and knocks the door and Bryce opens the door and takes one look at her)
Bryce: what happened?
Landon: let's just say she took celebrating a little to far...
Noah: and you let her!?!
Lexie: shh no screaming I have a headache
Noah: unbelievable (shakes his head)
Landon: should I put her upstairs to bed or...
Bryce: no it's okay you can lay her on the couch one of us will put her upstairs
Landon: okay (walks inside the house and lays her on the couch just as Jaden walks over)
Jaden: what the hell happened?
Landon: she may have had to much to drink tonight
Jaden: yeah no shit my question is how? Did you buy them for her?
Landon: no let's just say she gave the waitress a really interesting story and she believed her, I tried to stop her but you know how she can be
Jaden: (sighs) yeah at least you brought her home and she's safe although I am going to have to talk to her tomorrow and don't be surprised if she doesn't answer her phone
Landon: got it
Jaden: oh and Landon if you let this happen again I am telling Travis
Landon: yeah no don't need to worry she'll never drink with me again
Jaden: good
Landon: I should probably get going to though
Bryce: good idea
(Landon says bye one last time and kisses Lexie on the cheek and leaves the house while Jaden picks up lex and takes her upstairs)
Lexie: hmm
Jaden: shh just go to sleep we'll talk in the morning
Lexie: hmm okay (cuddles up to josh who was scrolling on his phone
Josh: why does she smell like alcohol?
Jaden: long story catch you up in the morning but for now let's go to bed (turns the lights off)
Josh: okay (pecks him on the lips and closes his eyes)

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