Chapter 83

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Knock knock knock
Jaden: (groans and mumbles) be right there (stands up and opens the door) oh morning Mrs. Barrett
Gina: good morning Jaden and I told you yesterday call me Gina
Jaden: right sorry what's up?
Gina: I just wanted to let you know breakfast is ready and to come downstairs because we have a big day ahead of us
Jaden: okay no problem we'll be right down
Gina: okay sounds good
(Jaden closes the door and walks over to Lexie and rubs her back)
Jaden: lex time to wake up
Lexie: no bubba I tired
Jaden's pov
Great she's in little space still why does she manage to go into little space during the worst times, I sighed and decided to let her sleep a little longer and got ready myself. I took a quick shower and threw on a black t shirt with a pair of sweats for now since I am not sure what the plan is besides the wedding which is later tonight. I walked over to Lexie and rubbed her back again to get to wake up.
End of pov
Lexie: leave me lone bubba
Jaden: baby you have to wake up we need to go have breakfast
Lexie: no I sleepy
Jaden: you already slept, the sun is up
Lexie: tell sun go away (whines)
Jaden: (sighs) your not going to make this easy for me are you?
Lexie: no
(Jaden picks her up from the bed and carries her in his arms)
Lexie: bubba down I tired (hits his arm)
Jaden: ay no hitting bubba that's not nice
Lexie: it not nice you woke me fwom my sweep
Jaden: I am sorry princess but you can't sleep the whole day
Lexie: hmm (pouts and crosses her arms)
Jaden: come on let's go downstairs (starts walking out of the bedroom)
Lexie: wait fin!! (Points at the dolphin)
Jaden: you want it?
Lexie: yes pease bubba
Jaden: okay but you have to promise you'll behave when we go downstairs
Lexie: otay (makes grabby hands for it)
(Jaden picks it up and hands it to her and they walk downstairs)
Nessa: morning love (walks over to Jaden and pecks him on the lips)
Jaden: (taken back for a minute but composes himself) morning sweetheart
Drew: Jaden do you and Lexie eat eggs
Jaden: yes sir
Lexie: no I no like eggs they yucky
Nessa: did she wake up in little space?
Jaden: yeah which she hasn't done in a while, (looks at lexie) and what do you mean you eat eggs at the house all the time
Lexie: no I no want them they yucky
Gina: what's little space?
Nessa: it's a long story but it's something her therapist recommended for her since she has bad anxiety and after some time she'll randomly slip, did I explain that right honey (looks at Jaden)
Jaden: yeah that's pretty accurate for the most part (sits her in the chair and then stands up to help drew)
Gina: so hold are you Lexie?
Lexie: I no no you (points at Gina) wait why you look like da witch
Jaden: Lexie Marie what have I told you about calling nessa that (says sternly)
Lexie: I no care, I still no like her, I want dada better
Jaden: I am sorry she's still getting used to the separation
Drew: that's okay and understandable
Jaden: it's not but thank you for understanding (sits down with the food and places the eggs in front of Lexie)
Lexie: bubba I say no eggs
Jaden: and bubba is telling you to eat them now
Lexie: no I no care
Jaden: Lexie Marie eat the eggs now or your going in timeout
Lexie: no! (Picks up the plate and throws it on the floor)
Jaden: alright that's enough (picks her up from the chair) I am so sorry I'll clean it up as soon as I put her in timeout
Gina: don't worry we'll do it, you go take care of her
Jaden: no let me clean it, I feel embarrassed enough as it is, you shouldn't have to do it
Gina: it's okay really (grabs the broom)
Jaden: okay thank you so much and again I am sorry (goes upstairs with Lexie to the room) Lexie Marie hossler what were you thinking!?
Lexie: bubba no yell at me!
Jaden: (sighs) I am sorry I raised my voice but what you did downstairs was not okay you are going to stay in the corner of the room for five minutes and after your going to apologize okay?
Lexie: no! (Sticks her tongue out at him)
Jaden: why are you behaving like this Lexie?
Lexie: because I want dada and I no want to be here da witch and da witch family
Jaden: they aren't witches and you were fine with it last night, why are you so upset now?
Lexie: las night I pay with Julian and watch Luca I no pay tension to da witch and her family
Jaden: (sighs) you have an answer for everything even when your little
Lexie: yup (claps her hands)
Jaden: (shakes his head) it doesn't matter your still going in timeout (picks her up and puts her in the corner)
Two minutes later
Lexie: bubba I bored (kicks at the wall)
Jaden: three more minutes and you can get out
Lexie: no! I go out now! (Kicks at the wall more)
Jaden: stop it Lexie or your going to get a spanking I am not kidding
Lexie: your mean I want dada!! (Cries)
Jaden: if your quiet for the last few minutes we'll call him and say good morning
Lexie: fine (crosses her arms and stays quiet)
Three minutes later
(Jaden gets up from the bed and walks over to Lexie and turns her around so he's looking at her)
Jaden: Lexie why did I put you in timeout?
Lexie: cause I threw food downstairs..
Jaden: are you going to do it again?
Lexie: no bubba
Jaden: okay come here (hugs her)
Lexie: can we call dada now?
Jaden: yeah (pulls out his phone but josh doesn't answer)
Lexie: why dada no answer
Jaden: he's probably busy, he'll call back when he can now let's go have breakfast okay?
Lexie: bottle no eggs
Jaden: fine but you have to have a better lunch deal?
Lexie: deal
(Jaden picks her back up and carries her downstairs)
Lexie: I sorry for throwing da eggs
Gina: it's okay honey do you want them now
Lexie: no tanks bubba make me bottle
Gina: oh okay feel free to use whatever you need
Jaden: thank you (starts making her the bottle and then hands it to her)
Lexie's pov
I start drinking my milk but then I realized I am drinking milk from a baby bottle in front of the bitch and her family!! I take the bottle out of my mouth as quick as possible and put it on the table.
End of pov
Lexie: how long was I in little space?
Jaden: long enough
Lexie: ugh
Jaden: well now that your back I am guessing your not going to finish the bottle so do you want something else to eat
Lexie: no thanks
Jaden: I wasn't really asking your eating regardless
Lexie: then why ask?
Jaden: it was rhetorical
Lexie: whatever I'll have a banana (stands up and grabs one and then sits back down)
Gina: okay so ness once your aunt gets here we are going to do our hair and makeup and I already told the stylist we have an extra person
Lexie: who's the extra person?
Gina: you of course
Lexie: oh no it's okay I can do my own hair and makeup it's not a big deal
Gina: nonsense it'll be a lot of fun plus it'll be a chance for us to bond
Lexie: (mumbles) I don't want to bond
Jaden: I heard that
Lexie: oh well (finishes her banana)
Nessa: lex why don't you go get ready so we can go
Lexie: nah I am good
Jaden: Lexie (says sternly)
Lexie: what?
Jaden: go upstairs I'll be right up
Lexie: fine whatever (rolls her eyes and goes upstairs)
A few minutes later
Jaden: why don't you want to go?
Lexie: because I don't know them Jaden, it's going to be super weird and uncomfortable please let me just stay with you
Jaden: they're really trying to make an effort can you please meet them halfway
Lexie: no
Jaden: a quarter
Lexie: nope
Jaden: half a centimeter
Lexie: okay now your just being ridiculous
Jaden: okay i tried being nice and patient but now I am telling you, your going and your going to be on your best behavior
Lexie's pov
I glared at him but then an idea came to mind, my purple streaks had faded a long time ago and if Jaden really wants me to get my hair and makeup done so badly then fuck it I'll do it my way.
End of pov
Lexie: fine I'll go
Jaden: seriously
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: okay why did you agree so quickly?
Lexie: didn't feel like fighting anymore
Jaden: well okay then get ready (walks out of the room)
Lexie's pov
I walked over to my duffel bag and picked out a simple black crop that wasn't that nice in case the dye got on it and put on a pair of ripped shorts and sneakers since it was hot and left my hair alone and decided why not cut it while I am it? Maybe shoulder length and have purple streaks too. I decided that's what I was going to do so I went back downstairs and I saw a woman who looked like ness's mom I am guessing this is the aunt who's wedding I am being forced to go to.
End of pov
Nessa: Lexie I would like you to meet my aunt Michelle
Lexie: so your the one who's getting married
Michelle: haha yeah and who are you?
Nessa: remember I told you she's Jaden's sister
Michelle: oh right it's nice to meet you
Lexie: you too (mumbles) I guess
Gina: alright well now that Michelle is here we are going to head out, boys get the house ready for the reception later and we'll be back here to get ready
Drew: don't worry honey everything will be taken care of
Gina: I hope so otherwise I'll be planning your funeral (walks out of the house)
Lexie's pov
The car ride was... awkward to say the least I didn't like it, Gina, Michelle and ness were just in their own conversations so I just plugged in my headphones and started scrolling on what type of hairstyle I should do and I found one a purple pastel hair color with the length exactly what I was looking for so I took a screenshot and saved it for when we got to the hairdresser. Thirty five minutes later we arrived in front of a salon and got down.
End of pov
?: omg Nessa it's been forever! (A girl sees her and walks over to hug her)
Nessa: you too Layla how are you?
Layla: I am great, Michelle, Gina it's good to see you again and I don't believe we've met
Lexie: my names Lexie
Layla: well it's nice to meet you, how can I help you guys today?
Gina: I called and made an appoint with Adriana is she here today?
Layla: yes, are you guys all doing your hair?
Gina: yes Michelle's wedding is today so we are going to do hair and makeup
Layla: omg congrats chelle
Michelle: thank you
Layla: okay so Gina you'll go with Adriana, Michelle you'll go with Serena, ness you'll stay with me and Lexie you can go with Blair
(The stylists approach them and they give the girls a hug)
Blair: okay if you just follow me and you can tell me what you want to do
Lexie: okay perfect (smiles)
Lexie's pov
I looked around and the other girls were all separated and some were on the opposite side of the salon so this really is my golden opportunity to do what I want to do.
End of pov
Lexie: okay so I want to dye my hair this shade of purple (shows her the picture)
Blair: okay and do you want the cut as well?
Lexie: yes please
Two hours later
Blair: what do you think?
Lexie: I love it!!
Nessa: LEXIE WHAT DID YOU DO!? (Walks over and sees her)
Lexie: I just wanted a little change, what do you think? (Spins around)
Nessa: I think Jaden's going to kill you
Lexie: oh well (shrugs her shoulders)
Gina: oh my gosh Lexie you look so cute!
Lexie: thanks (looks at nessa) at least someone likes it
Michelle: I don't know if I would have done it for a wedding but it's cute
Lexie: thanks (smiles)
Nessa's pov
We left the salon after they did the makeup and we got back in the car and I was debating on whether or not to text Jaden and let him know about Lexie's... hairstyle or just wait till we get home either way he's not going to be happy about it. I decided to just wait till we get back to the house which took thirty five minutes because of traffic but eventually we got there and parked the car. I looked over at Lexie who casually got out of the car as if she didn't care that her brother was going to yell at her in a matter of seconds and sure enough as soon as I stepped into the house I heard him.
End of pov
Lexie: so.. I take it you don't like it
Jaden: you were supposed to do a hairstyle!!
Lexie: I did it's shorter can't you tell
Lexie: oh come on Jaden you act like you don't dye your hair every five seconds
Jaden: I am twenty!! Your fifteen
Lexie: almost sixteen!
Jaden: I don't care you don't go to a wedding with purple hair!! (Looks at nessa) did you let her do this??
Nessa: In my defense the stylists didn't sit us next to each other so I didn't know but I also didn't think she would dye her hair either and my mom and sister didn't seem to mind it
Jaden: yeah well I do, she did it without permission which is what happened last time and second of all she's supposed to be wearing a pink dress tonight, at this rate she'll look like a fairy princess!
Lexie: yay!!
Nessa: I have a silver dress she can use it's okay really Jaden calm down
Jaden: don't tell me how to act with my sister
Drew: guys I don't mean to interrupt but maybe this is a conversation that can be put on hold until after the wedding
Nessa: good idea, come on lex I'll show you the dress I was talking about (takes her hand and walks upstairs)
Lexie's pov
Did ness just save me from getting in trouble with Jaden? I have to admit I didn't see that coming considering I have been treating her horribly the past two months. She walked over to her closet and started looking while I just sat on her bed thinking.
End of pov
Lexie: thanks ness... for helping me down there
Nessa: your welcome
Lexie: I guess we can be cool now
Nessa: really?
Lexie: I am not saying I like you but I'll forgive you
Nessa: thanks lex that means a lot ( pulls out the dress) what do you think?
Lexie's pov
The dress was a silver beaded high neck dress that went just above the knee and honestly it would look really good with my hair and it was super pretty in general and ness handed me a pair heels.
End of pov
Lexie: honestly ness it's gorgeous
Nessa: really? You like it
Lexie: I love it
Nessa: try it on
Lexie's pov
I took the dress from her and put it on then looked through the mirror and as I was looking in the mirror at myself and my reflection I didn't look like a small kid and maybe it's because of the heels or maybe for the first time in a while I felt confident.
End of pov
Nessa: you look beautiful lex
Lexie: thanks ness (smiles at her)
Nessa: come on let's go downstairs we should get going
Lexie: okay
(Lexie and ness walk downstairs to see everyone waiting by the door)
Jaden: you guys look beautiful
Nessa: thanks babe (pecks his lip)
Lexie: are you still mad about the hair...
Jaden: no, I am not happy about it but you already did it so it is what it is but when we are back in LA your going back to brown
Lexie: why (whines)
Jaden: okay fine don't go back to brown but your doing a normal color, your not going to walk around LA like a fairy
Lexie: LA is the perfect place to look like a fairy though
Jaden: not for you though now let's go
Lexie's pov
I sighed and followed the rest to the car which was split in two the adults in one car and then Julian, nessa, jaden and I in the other car. Julian kept wanting to talk to me and play with my hair and I decided to just let him since I was told he was nice to me when I was in little space. The drive to where the wedding was like an hour because it was at a Ritz in New York.
End is pov
Lexie: can we go to Times Square later?!
Jaden: maybe after the wedding we'll drive through but remember we have to get to the reception
Lexie: okay
Nessa: have you ever been to New York lex?
Lexie: no but I think our dance competition is going to be here at least that's what Cassie said but I don't know for sure yet
Jaden: when is your competition?
Lexie: three weeks, right after my birthday
Jaden: okay have you thought about what you want to do yet?
Lexie: I don't know (shrugs her shoulders)
Jaden: are you sure
Lexie: yeah
Julian: how old are you turning?
Lexie: sixteen (smiles)
Julian: are you going to drive?
Lexie: I don't know yet, (looks at Jaden) am I?
Jaden: you haven't practiced for months now but if you want we can start when we are back in LA
Lexie: okay
Nessa: turn to the right and the hotel will be there (points)
Jaden: okay
Lexie's pov
We valet the car and then get down and start walking through the halls to where the wedding was. To be honest throughout the entire ceremony I felt weird, aren't wedding's supposed to be intimate and with friends and family? If that's the case what are we doing here? I don't know anyone here even if ness introduced me to her cousins who were about my age before the wedding started and they were nice enough but they were way more focused on talking to Jaden and asking for pictures so I just kind of sat there until I pulled out my phone and decided to text josh, but after a few minutes of waiting for a response I got none. I sighed even though I knew he probably didn't answer because he was with Bryce, I wish I was there instead. Eventually the wedding ended and we congratulated the happy couple and got back in the car and drove through time square and I decided to post on my story since I haven't posted this weekend. I'll admit driving through time square has been the highlight of this entire vacation and I am ready to get back home. After driving through time square it took another hour to get back to nessa's house and she dragged him around to meet family members leaving me alone until her two cousins Dylan and Danielle came up to me and yes they are twins.
End of pov
Danielle: what are you doing all by yourself
Lexie: what does it look like?
Danielle: okay listen I know you have like this badass reputation or whatever but drop it for now yeah?
Lexie: no thanks
Dylan: why not?
Lexie: because I don't want to anymore questions
Danielle: okay but we are going to be outside smoking a blunt if you want to join us (starts walking away)
Lexie: wait what did you just say?
Dylan: a blunt do you smoke?
Lexie: (looks around the house for Jaden but doesn't see him) you know what fuck it yeah I smoke but let me get a drink first
Danielle: now that's more like it, sounds good I'll see you in a minute
Lexie's pov
I walked up to the bar and started making myself a mojito and met Danielle and Dylan outside who were sitting in the trunk of Dylan's truck and music playing in the background. I joined them and sat down and Dylan passed me a blunt and I started smoking it.
End of pov
Jaden's pov
I am pretty sure I met all of ness's family by now and she was talking to her aunts and I didn't see Lexie anywhere in the backyard so I decided to check inside and see if she was there.
End of pov
Jaden: hey babe I'll be right back, I am going to look for lex
Nessa: okay she's probably with my cousins
Jaden: good point (walks inside the house)
Jaden's pov
She wasn't in the living room, or upstairs in any of the bedrooms or the kitchen but when I looked out of the window I spotted Lexie and Nessa's cousins in the truck with music playing so I decided to just leave them and walk back to the backyard and join ness to play the part of the good boyfriend. I wrapped my arms around her waist and bent down so my head was laying in the crook of her neck as she was just catching up with her family.
End of pov
Lexie's pov
I smoked the blunt and got a few more drinks and from the corner of my eye I saw Jaden cuddled up with ness and it made me mad, i hate seeing them together it's just a constant reminder that my family broke apart because of them so I decided to walk over to them and give them a piece of my mind but before I could walk over I felt someone gently pull my hand back.
End of pov
Danielle: what are you doing?
Lexie: (slurring) goingggg to talk to my brotheer and his bitchhh of a girlfrrinsss
Dylan: your drunk and stoned why don't you go upstairs and lay down
Lexie: nooo (stumbles over over to them) Jaden hosslerrrr!!!!
Jaden: Lexie Marie are you drunk!?
Lexie: that's not the pointt I came over hereee to telll you I am mad at youuu
Jaden: why are you mad?
Lexie: because youuu and your bitchhh broke up our familllyyy anddd I am mad
Jaden's pov
You have got to be kidding me of all the times she decides to get drunk in front of all her family. I have never been more embarrassed, I walked over to her and picked her up before she could say anything else and apologized on her behalf before taking her upstairs to the room.
End is pov
Jaden: what the hell where you thinking!!?
Lexie: I am maddd at youuuu
Jaden: Lexie I don't know how many times I have to say I am sorry okay! I am sorry that I turned your life upside down! But it wasn't my fault!!
Lexie: w w what do you mean it's not your faultttt
Jaden: it was the record label okay!? It was Janet and Shannon that wanted ness and I to be together!!!
Lexie's pov
After Jaden said those three little sentences it was like the alcohol and high disappeared and I had a moment of clarity.
End of pov
Lexie: w what?
Jaden: the record label's manager of the company at the time forced me to date ness or they would have dropped me from the label and I had to sign a contract that I couldn't tell anyone but I kind of broke that rule...
Lexie: what do you mean you broke that rule? Are you saying that I am not the only one you told it was fake? Who else knows!?!!
Jaden: josh... and the boys... and obviously Nessa
Lexie: so I am the only that didn't know
Jaden: no it was you, cooper and Quinton
Lexie: so you and josh have been lying to me this whole time!!! Did you two even break up!?
Jaden: we've been dating behind the scenes
Lexie: so in other words both of you have been lying to me!? You tell me I have to earn your trust all the time when you've been lying to me for two months!! Both of you!!
Jaden: Lexie you have to understand I couldn't tell you
Lexie: no you could have, but you chose not too! I can't believe you!! I don't want to see or talk to you right now, I am sleeping in Nessa's room (walks out of their room and across to Nessa's room and locks the door)
Jaden's pov
FUCK!! What did I just do? I mean does it really matter it's literally just a few more days it shouldn't be that big of a deal plus Kells did say that the manager of the label was fired so I think I should be fine. I was in the middle of pacing back and forth and decided to call josh but of course once again he doesn't answer.
End of pov
Jaden: damnit!!
(The door opens and nessa walks in)
Nessa: what happened? Your lucky the music is loud downstairs I only knew you were arguing because I came up here
Jaden: Lexie knows and she's pissed
Nessa: knows what?
Jaden: what do you think ness
Nessa: you told her!?
Jaden: I didn't mean to, It slipped I was just so fed up with her constantly being mad at me and taking her anger out when it wasn't even my fault in the first place but now she feels like I lied to her so...
Nessa: she'll get over it Jaden we'll explain everything to her tomorrow if you want okay?
Jaden: okay... it's late do you think your family would mind if I went to bed?
Nessa: no I'll just tell them we have an early flight tomorrow
Jaden: okay
(Nessa walks out of the room and closes the door while Jaden pulls out his phone and texts josh)
Scene change
Josh's pov
I was in the arena watching Vinnie destroy DDG with this girl that Briana introduced me to and I was going to politely decline but I didn't want to be rude and technically in the public eye I am single, the round was a minute from ending when I felt a vibration in my pocket so I took out my phone and saw a missed call from Lexie two hours ago and five missed calls from Jaden and a text.
End of pov
Text convo
Jaden: look I know you've been busy today but she knows the truth and she's pissed please call me
End of text convo
I was confused by Jaden's text but I did know it wasn't anything good so I looked over at the girl who's name was Julie.
End of pov
Josh: hey Julie I have to make a call I am sorry I'll be right back
Julie: okay (smiles at him)
(Josh stands up and walks out of the arena and towards the bathroom and calls Jaden)
Phone convo
Jaden: now you call me back
Josh: sorry I have been trying to keep Bryce and Taylor in check so they don't start fighting before it's actually time, but I saw your text what's going on?
Jaden: Lexie knows the truth about us and about ness and I
Josh: how did she find out?
Jaden: I told her, I didn't mean to but she got drunk and was about to go off on me in front of her family so I took her upstairs and it turned into a screaming match until I couldn't take it anymore and I told her the truth
Josh: how did she take it?
Jaden: she feels like we lied to her behind her back and then locked herself in ness's room
Josh: shit okay look you land tomorrow morning so don't bother going home just come straight to the sway house, I'll get the rest of the boys to be there so we can all sit down and talk okay?
Jaden: (sighs) okay, josh do you think we made a mistake by not telling her?
Josh: no we both knew what would happen, we made the right call so just give her some space and we'll deal with it in the morning
Jaden: okay I love you
Josh: I love you too I'll see you tomorrow
Jaden: okay night babe
Josh: night
End of phone convo
(Josh walks back over to the room with Julie and the rest of the boys)
Blake: everything okay?
Josh: Lexie knows
Blake: you mean she knows...
Josh: yeah
Blake: uh oh
Josh: yeah I told Jaden to just come to sway when they land tomorrow we'll sort it out together
Blake: good call
Scene change
(Jaden walks out of the room and knocks on nessa's bedroom door)
Jaden: lex open up please
Lexie: go away Jaden!
Jaden: please let's just talk about this
Lexie: no you and josh have been lying to me this entire time!! (Cries)
Jaden: okay your right and If you want your space I'll give it to you but if you get scared tonight promise you'll come to the room
Lexie: no
Jaden: (sighs) okay
Jaden's pov
I walked back into the room and decided to just change out of the suit and into a pair of sweats, I felt mentally and physically exhausted after the fight and I was worried she would stay mad for a long time again. I can't keep dealing with her lashing out, it's worse then when she first came to LA and has lasted longer too. I love her but I just want my baby sister back again and with that last thought I fell asleep.
End of pov

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