Chapter 100

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Ring ring ring ring
(Jaden groans and rolls over and takes out his phone and answers)
Phone convo
Jaden: morning bro
Travis: did I wake up the sleeping princess (teases)
Jaden: that's sleeping beauty dumb ass and yes you did but what's up?
Travis: I was able to get you and lex some studio time for today in about an hour do you want it? It's been a while since you've recorded something new besides crack my skull and I know you've been working on a new song plus we could try and get lex in the booth after you
Jaden: uh yeah that sounds good let us get ready and we'll meet you there
Travis: alright sounds good later dude
Jaden: later
End of phone convo
Josh: (mumbles) what did Travis say?
Jaden: hmm?
Josh: I said what did Travis say? (Opens his eyes)
Jaden: oh he said that he was able to get lex and I some studio time, do you want to come with?
Josh: I would but I have a few meetings and then I have to pack for North Carolina
Jaden: oh that's right you leave today (sits up on the bed) when do you come back?
Josh: Sunday
Jaden: what time is your flight?
Josh: not till tonight why?
Jaden: after the studio do you want to go out to lunch just the two of us? I feel like we haven't gone a date forever (holds his hand)
Josh: (smiles) a lunch date sounds good (pecks him on the lips) I'll call you after my meeting with triller?
Jaden: yeah sounds good
Josh: okay (gets up from the bed) I am going to start getting ready (walks into the bathroom)
Jaden: (looks at Lexie who was still sleeping and lightly taps her on the shoulder) lex come on you got to wake up
Lexie: why (whines)
Jaden: because Travis booked us some studio time
Lexie: I haven't even finished the song yet
Jaden: that's what studio time is good for too, you can write while I am in the booth if you want, I'll go first
Lexie: okay (sits up from the bed) I'll go get ready (gets off the bed and walks out of the room)
Josh: did I just hear lex willingly get out of bed? (Peeks his head out of the bathroom with a tooth brush in his mouth)
Jaden: yeah who would have thought if it's not school or therapy she's actually morning person (jokes and stands up from the bed and walks into the bathroom) you know we could save water and just take a quick one (pecks him on the lips)
Josh: no no no because a shower with you turns into morning sex and I have a meeting (walks out of the bathroom)
Jaden: not my fault your so sexy I can't help it
Josh: that's not my fault either (puts on a white collared long sleeve button up shirt with a pair of black pants and shoes) how do I look?
Jaden: like you own your own company
Josh: good, I gotta go love you babe (pecks him on the lips)
Jaden: love you too
(Josh leaves the room and Jaden gets in the shower)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I was currently looking through my closet looking for something to wear when I decided to wear a black cold shoulder corset top from Dixie and Charli's new clothing collection and matched it with a pair of black ripped jeans and combat boots, I left my hair down and in curls and just put a little foundation, eye shadow and lip gloss on before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs to the kitchen and saw Bryce and Tana sitting at the table eating breakfast and she was laughing.
End of pov
Lexie: hey Tana (smiles)
Tana: hey cutie
Lexie: (looks at Bryce) little early to have company isn't it? Or did you sneak Tana into the house last night (smirks)
Bryce: you know what
Lexie: what? (Crosses her arms)
Bryce: you don't need to know
Lexie: hmm sure whatever you say (walks over to the fridge and opens it and pulled out some fruit and then a bowl and made herself an açaí bowl and sits at the table)
Tana: well I should probably get going because I have to record the cancelled podcast today, but I'll see you guys later (grabs her stuff) later Bryce
Bryce: bye Tana
(Tana leaves and Lexie looks at him and takes a bite out of her bowl)
Bryce: what?
Lexie: so when are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Tana
Bryce: when are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Landon?
Lexie: okay that's fair
(Jaden walks down the stairs dressed)
Jaden: lex you ready to go?
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: did you take your pill?
Lexie: nope
Jaden: take it and you can finish the rest of your breakfast in the car
Lexie: no I don't want to bring this in the car (takes seven more bites, puts it in the sink and then takes her pill) I am ready
Jaden: I'll let it slide but you are eating something later
Lexie: okay
(Lexie and Jaden got in the car and he puts on the radio and starts driving to the studio)
Jaden: do you want to hear the song I wrote josh for our one year anniversary in a few weeks
Lexie: you wrote a song for him!?
Jaden: (smiles) yeah
Lexie: are you going to release it or is it just a song for the two of you?
Jaden: no it's going to be on the deluxe but I am dedicating it to him publicly
Lexie: awww that's so cute and yes I want to hear it!
(Jaden laughs and plays the song)
Song: Prince Charming couldn't look better, I just met him, I'm such a loser, swear I love him, swear I love him, i want to crack my skull to be with you, cause I am lame as fuck to lame for you, I want to crack my skull to be with you, i took this prayed for love, I want to crack my skull to be with you, be with you
A few minutes later
Jaden: what did you think?
Lexie: I love it, it's not like cheesy or romantic because it still has that JXDN touch you know, but I think it's perfect for you two
Jaden: really? (Looks at her)
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: good I just feel like after everything he's done for me including standing by me when everything was happening with ness that he deserves something that's not materialistic you know?
Lexie: yeah but regardless I love it
Jaden: thanks
Lexie: what else are you planning for your anniversary?
Jaden: I don't know yet, we are going to be on tour by then so we'll just have to see what city we are in
Lexie: oh okay
Jaden: just out of curiosity and I am not saying I am going to do it because we are still young... but
Lexie: but..
Jaden: how would you feel about me proposing to him?
Lexie: oh my gosh!? Really!!!
Jaden: don't get it excited yet I said I don't know yet but between you and I, I have been thinking about it but would that be crazy?
Lexie: I don't know do you think it would?
Jaden: I just think we are still young and I don't want to do something stupid that could ruin the relationship
Lexie: well let me ask you something, do you love him?
Jaden: yeah
Lexie: do you want a future with him?
Jaden: I can't picture myself being with anyone else
Lexie: then I think you have your answer and I'd be happy either way but if you want to wait then wait
Jaden: okay, I just wanted to know how you would feel about it that's all
Lexie: well I'd be happy because I love josh and I can't picture you being with anyone else either so...
Jaden: good to know
Lexie's pov
Twenty minutes later we arrived at the studio and I saw Travis and Landon's car parked and I couldn't help but feel a smile grow on my face when I saw that Landon would be here and I think Jaden caught on since he saw me staring at Landon's car.
End of pov
Jaden: looks like I am not the only one who's in love (teases)
Lexie: what!? No no I do not love him we aren't even together
Jaden: but you like him
(Lexie stays quiet)
Jaden: you do!?
Lexie: I don't know okay... I just know that he's the first boy I haven't hated and a part of me feels.. I don't know Comfortable with him
Jaden: (smiles) well I am glad you feel that way with him but keep it PG okay? I don't think you are ready for anything else after everything that has happened
Lexie's pov
Too late for that I thought but I nodded my head and followed Jaden into the studio where I saw Travis and Landon playing with the sound board, I said hi to Travis and was about to say hi to Landon but he pulled me into a hug first.
End of pov
Landon: hey (smiles)
Lexie: hi (smiles)
Travis: alright Landon I let you come because you promised you wouldn't distract lex from her writing
Landon: and I won't, I am just here to support
Lexie: aww that's sweet
Jaden: aww that's sweet (mocks)
Lexie: don't you have a song to record? (Looks at him)
Jaden: as a matter of fact I do (walks into the booth)
Lexie's pov
I sat at the couch that was there and took out my notebook and a pen and brought my knees up to my chest so I could place the notebook on them while Landon had just wrapped his arm around my shoulder and was scrolling through his phone with the other and I was just looking at the lyrics to see what I could come up with.
End of pov
Scene change
Sway house
(Rafy walks into the room that Bryce is in filming with J Rod when Rafy walks into the room)
Rafy: hey J rod cut the cameras real quick
J rod: okay (turns the camera off)
Bryce: did you save the footage?
J rod: oops
Bryce: great now we gotta record the whole bit again
J rod: (laugh) wouldn't be the first time
Bryce: true but what's up Rafy? (Looks at her)
Rafy: Kian and Jc want to FaceTime with you
Bryce: right now?
Rafy: yeah it's about reality house
Bryce: okay I'll give them a call now, thanks for letting me know (grabs his phone) I'll be right back rod
Rod: okay
(Bryce walks over to the living room and goes to kian's number and FaceTimes him)
Face time convo
Kian: you finally answered, I was starting to tell JC we were going to have to find someone else instead of you (jokes)
Bryce: haha very funny, I was filming something you two should be doing
Jc: ouch okay okay no but on a serious note we want to talk to you
Bryce: okay what's up?
Kian: So Jc and and I have been talking and we wanted to ask how would you feel if Lexie joined reality house this season?
Bryce: Lexie as in Lexie hossler she's sixteen isn't reality house for twenty one and over?
Jc: that's how we've done it in past seasons but we were looking at the challenges and technically she could do all of them and the ones with alcohol we could just replace with juice or soda
Kian: but we see her getting into the YouTube space and we thought it would be a good opportunity for her but we wanted to run it by you first
Bryce: I mean I don't have a problem with it but let me talk to lex and Jaden and see what they think, knowing Jaden he would want to talk to you guys too
Jc: yeah that's totally fine, just talk to them and let us know when can you tell us by though?
Bryce: I am leaving to North Carolina tonight but I'll see if I can talk to them before and if anything I'll just pass your number onto Jaden
Kian: alright sounds good later bro
Bryce: peace
End of face time
Bryce: j rod, ready to film again!
J rod: yeah
Scene change
Jaden: cigarettes for breakfast, 818 for lunch oh you think your famous cancelled by twenty one, nobody likes to be wrong they act like nothings their fault, dead or alive you've got no one by your side, spending money's a lie, your a social suicide dead or alive, i am better dead then alive let's fucking ruin our lives
Travis: alright that's good for today Jaden, come back and listen to it and tell me what you think
Jaden: okay (walks out of the booth)
Lexie's pov
Travis played the track back and once they edit the song and add kenji and Tom on the drums it's going to sound fire. I hadn't managed to really come up with anything new and you can thank Landon for that, he kept placing his hand on my thigh and would bring me close to him so I got distracted but I still had a good minute and a half of the song I could record.
End of pov
Travis: ready to go kid?
Lexie: yeah but last time Jaden actually was able to create the sound so can he do it? Not that I don't trust your judgment or anything it's just we already had a sound going and then you can give me feedback on what you think
Travis: yeah no problem go for it
(Travis gets up from his chair and Jaden sits down and Lexie walks inside the booth and puts the headphones on)
Jaden: lex can you hear me? (Says into the mic from the booth)
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: okay I am going to play the music and you just sing into the mic as close as you can, the more you get into it the better, just let the lyrics speak for themselves
Lexie: okay (takes a deep breath) I think I can do it
Landon: you got this lex
Lexie: (smiles) thanks
Jaden: alright I am going to play the track, give me a thumbs up if your ready
(Lexie nods her head and the melody starts playing)
Lexie: ay you you should've known better then to fuck with someone like me, ay you forever and ever your going to wish I was your wifey, don't act so innocent this was no accident you planned this in the end and now it's over...say what you want to say, you lied and I got played you threw it all away and now it's over, just face it we didn't make it you bit off more then you could chew can you taste it... ay you you should have known better than to fuck with someone like me ay you forever and ever your going to wish I was your wifey, should've held on should've treated me right I gave you one chance you don't get it twice and we'll be together never so baby you can bite me... don't hold your breath because your still choking on the words you said, those things you said might be the last ones that I heard, so come pick up your clothes from the front yard, sprinklers on burn the rest of the backyard, should've had the guts just to say goodbye, now you're going to have regrets for the rest of your life... just face it we didn't make it you bit off more than you can chew can you taste it? Ay you you should've known better than to fuck with someone like me, forever and ever you going to wish I was your wifey... should've held on, should've treated me right I gave you one chance you won't get it twice and we'll be together never so baby you can bite me
(Stops singing)
Travis: that sounds great for now! Come back in so we can run it back and whatever you want to change we'll write it down for next session
Lexie: okay (gets out of the booth and joins the others outside and Travis starts playing it and Lexie starts cringing)
Landon: what's wrong?
Lexie: my voice sounds so weird now that I am actually listening to myself
Jaden: that happens the first time, I was weirded out too, but do you like it?
Lexie: I like it... it's just what if I am not good enough for it?
Travis: trust me lex you could be the Avril Lavigne of your generation
Lexie: don't compare to that queen when I am no where near her level
Travis: not yet but you could be
Landon: he's right lex you have talent, you just have to stop doubting yourself
Lexie: are you sure?
Landon: a hundred percent
Lexie: okay... I'll trust you guys
Travis: great next session make sure you have the rest of the lyrics so we can record it, edit and then talk about the music video
Lexie: music video??
Travis: yeah this is your first song ever it needs a music video
Lexie: I guess...
Travis: this is your next chapter kid and it's only the beginning
Lexie: let's just take baby steps though okay?
Travis: yeah don't worry we'll go at your pace
Lexie: okay thanks
Jaden: alright we'll we got to go because I still have to drop lex off at the house and then meet up with josh for lunch
Landon: I can take her if you want
Jaden: you sure?
Landon: yeah I don't have anything else to do today plus it'll give lex and I a chance to hang out only if you want too though (looks at Lexie)
Lexie: yeah I'd like that (smiles)
Jaden: okay but have her home by eight the latest
Landon: don't worry we'll probably grab a bite to eat and then head over there
Jaden: okay have fun, bye kiddo (kisses the top of Lexie's head) later Travis (daps him up)
Travis: later
Lexie's pov
Jaden left and then we said bye to Travis and I followed Landon to his car and got in the passenger seat while he got in the drivers seat and put the car in drive.
End of pov
Lexie: where are we going?
Landon: you'll see, but first we'll grab lunch where do you want to eat?
Lexie: something fast only because I want to avoid paparazzi
Landon: (laughs) yeah I saw the video yesterday you really gave fletcher a hard time
Lexie: in my defense he was crossing the line
Landon: yeah I know but still I wasn't expecting you to do that
Lexie: oh trust me there's a whole other side of me you haven't seen yet
Landon: well when do I get to see that side of you?
Lexie: I don't maybe it's sooner then you think (shrugs her shoulders)
Landon: how soon?
Lexie: why don't we eat and then go back to the house and you can find out (puts his hand on his thigh)
Landon: Lexie (whines)
Lexie: what? Consider it payback for earlier
Landon: you know I don't want to be just another hook up for you (looks at her)
Lexie: if you think you are just another hook up Landon barker then I am officially offended
Landon: can you blame me? You have a history and you know... everything with Jake I just don't want to do something your going to regret later
Lexie: you saying that right there proves to me your not like every other guy I have been with and even though I am new to this whole expressing my feelings thing I promise that you aren't going to be just another hook up for me (grabs his hand and starts playing with his ring)
Landon: are you sure?
Lexie: yeah
Landon: then I guess we better get something to eat and fast and get back to the house before your brother gets home (smirks)
Lexie's pov
I felt my cheeks heat up after he said that and we decided to just get tropical smoothie since it was a healthier option I got the chicken capresee sandwich with a mango smoothie and Landon got a chicken sandwich with a strawberry smoothie and we decided to eat there since it didn't look that crowded. We talked and laughed while we ate and as we were walking out of the smoothie place we saw Kevin Wong walking up to us... ugh I haven't liked him since I found he practically stalked Jaden while he was driving, but I put a fake smile on my face and decided to let Landon do most of the talking.
End of pov
Kevin: Lexie how are you?
Lexie: I am good, how are you?
Kevin: I am good, so are you and Landon having a date?
Landon: no we are just friends
Kevin: oh just friends okay I get well when are you guys going to go public?
Lexie: didn't he just tell you we are friends
Kevin: yeah but everyone in this industry knows that no one is just friends
Lexie: well Landon and I are and if you'll excuse us we really need to go (gets to Landon's car and opens the door)
Kevin: wait one more question Lexie, how are you coping after what happened in New York?
Landon: seriously dude she just said we needed to go, sorry dude but have a nice day (opens the door and gets it and looks at lex) you okay?
Lexie: yeah let's just go
Landon: we don't have to do anything now after you know..
Lexie: Landon if you think one stupid paparazzi is going to turn my mood around then your wrong, now If we leave now I think we would have an hour before the boys get home
Landon: then we better go
Lexie: good idea
Lexie's pov
We got to the house and noticed that the driveway was empty which meant we had the house to ourselves, I opened the door and told Landon to stay downstairs because I wanted to get dressed into something... a little more sexy. I walked upstairs and opened my closet and went to the drawer that had all my lingerie and decided on a black lace push up strapless bra with a matching thong and a garter belt to match with a pair of heels, brushed my teeth and walked downstairs.
End of pov
Landon's pov
I turned around when I heard the sound of a heel on the ground and when I saw Lexie was halfway down the stairs my breath stopped. She was wearing black lace and a garter belt and looked Sexy as hell, I walked over to her and helped her down the stairs before pinning her to the wall and trailing my hands over the lace and kissed her for a few minutes before we pulled away to breathe.
End of pov
Landon: is this the side you wanted to show me princess? (Whispers in her ear)
Lexie: not yet (wraps her arms around his waist and turns him around so his back was against the wall) last time you were in charge and now it's my turn
Landon: (groans) Lexie just do something
Lexie: uh uh patience baby (takes off his belt and then his jeans and boxers and then strokes him with her hand)
Landon: damnit Lexie stop teasing (says through gritted teeth)
Lexie: or what? (Smirks and kisses his shaft)
Landon: alright you know what I am taking control again (pulls in her hair and shoves himself in her mouth)
Lexie's pov
I was sucking on him as hard as It was a lolly pop while he kept moaning my name over and over, I decided to be a little tease though and stopped every few seconds just to tease him, but he didn't like that very much because he would pull on my hair until I started sucking again.
End of pov
Landon: shit lex I am going to cum and your going to swallow it got it?
Lexie: hmm (nods her head)
(Just as Landon is about to cum the door front door opens)
?: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK (covers his eyes)
Jaden: josh why are you (looks in front of him) you have got to be kidding!? (Turns around) Lexie Marie hossler go get dressed, and Landon you better pull your pants up before I turn around again and actually kill you!
Lexie's pov
I quickly stood up and looked at Landon who's cheeks looked flushed and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed myself because josh and Jaden just walked in on me giving Landon a blow job, are they going to kill the both of us? Yeah probably, I quickly ran upstairs and changed into a pair of sweat pants and a crop top, washed my face and then walked downstairs with my head looking at the ground because I didn't want to face them and I could tell Landon didn't either since he was sitting on the couch now looking at the floor too while the boys were just staring at us with their arms crossed.
End of pov
Jaden: alright who's idea was it to just have a blow job by the stairs right in front of the door where anyone could have walked in
Lexie: (let's out an awkward laugh) yeah that probably wasn't the smartest idea was it
Josh: stop laughing it isn't funny, and I thought we had rules about this sort of thing, Jesus Lexie what were you thinking!
Landon: it wasn't just her fault we both kind of got caught up in the moment and then yeah... (scratches the back of his neck)
Josh: (glares at him) you are so lucky that you are Travis's kid or you would have been out of here the second you were dressed
Landon: it wasn't our intention honestly
Jaden: whether it was your intention or not still doesn't make it okay, and Lexie we literally just talked about this, in the morning
Lexie: (looks down) sorry Jaden I forgot
Jaden: (scoffs) yeah obviously or you wouldn't have been giving him a blow job by the stairs!!
Lexie: ew it sounds weird when you say it
Jaden: good it should be because it was!
Landon: wait, what talk did he have with you Lexie? (Looks at her)
Lexie: you know it was so early I must have
Jaden: I told her I didn't want her to do anything related to sex after everything that happened because she might not be ready for that but of course she completely by passes that which shows me I was right you aren't ready to anything related to sex
Lexie: how does that make any sense!? I am fine, I told him I wanted it just because I have trauma doesn't mean I can't do anything!
Josh: do you even hear yourself right now Lexie? Just because you think you might not be ready doesn't mean that you are
Lexie: you guys are making a big deal out of nothing (rolls her eyes)
Jaden: (sighs and looks at Landon) look no offense but this is a conversation we want to have with lex so maybe you should go and Lex will call you later
Lexie: really Jaden!
Jaden: yeah really
Landon: it's okay really I understand, I'll call you later lex because there's some stuff we should talk about too (gets up from the couch and walks to the front foot and leaves)
Lexie: well I hope your happy you probably just scared him off!!
Josh: stop yelling at us when you know what you did wasn't okay
Lexie: god I am fine! Why can't you guys just take my word for it! I wanted to do it so I don't see why you guys are making such a big deal!
Jaden: because whether you think you are okay or not doesn't mean you actually are, there are some things that you just don't understand
Lexie: like what??
Jaden: like some people use sex as a way to distract themselves from their trauma and I am not saying that's what you did today but I don't want you to get to a point where that's what you use it for because it's not a coping technique, I am just trying to protect you and avoid problems in the future
Lexie's pov
I sighed and took a deep breath because I can't argue with that logic, i had heard about the different coping techniques in psychology YouTube videos so I understood where he was coming from so there was no point in arguing with him.
End of pov
Lexie: I am sorry Jaden, your right I should have thought about it before doing it
Josh: wait really?
Lexie: yeah... I have seen videos of people using different coping techniques and even though I don't think that's what I was doing I could be wrong (shrugs her shoulders)
Jaden: just wait a few months yeah? Just to make sure that any after math that's affecting you won't have anything to do with you and Landon's friendship or relationship, I am just trying to make sure you don't make the same mistakes I did
Lexie: you made that mistake?
Jaden: yeah with Mads
Lexie: oh
Jaden: yeah so can you just trust me on this one?
Lexie: yeah I guess (hugs him) I am sorry you both had to see that
Josh: apology still not accepted now I am going to have to bleach my eyes (jokes and pulls her into a hug)
Lexie: well I should probably go shower
Josh: and I still have to pack, Jaden want to help me?
Jaden: sure but only because I want to spend time with you
Lexie's pov
I took a quick shower and then got dressed into sweats and cropped hoodie and walked downstairs to see that all the boys were back now and were just chilling around the house except for Bryce and josh who had their suitcases and Jaden who had his arms wrapped around josh until I gently pushed him aside and hugged him.
End of pov
Lexie: when are you coming back?
Josh: Sunday
Lexie: okay (mumbles)
Josh: hey it's okay it's just three days and you'll probably be so busy you won't even realize
Lexie: I guess
Bryce: oh and when we got back I have to talk to you and Jaden about something?
Them: what?
Bryce: creepy but Kian and Jc want you to be in reality house season 3 with me, I don't have time to get into details but think about the idea and we'll talk later tomorrow
Jaden: okay but give me their number so I can call them
Bryce: okay I'll text it to you
Rafy: guys you have to get going or your going to be late
Josh: alright I'll see you guys on Sunday, I love you (kisses Jaden) and I love you (kisses the top of Lexie's head) even though you scarred me for life today
Lexie: I said I was sorry (whines)
Josh: yeah yeah anyways we gotta go bye
Everyone: bye
Lexie's pov
After Josh and Bryce left I went back upstairs and called Landon to clear the air and we both agreed to keep things PG for a little while at least and get to know each other more... but no promises once we are on tour and are spending a lot of time together, I make no promises at that point. After that griffin called me down for dinner because they made tacos and after we decided to call it a night because even though it was kind of early we also woke up early and I didn't realize how tired I was until my head hit the pillow.
End of pov

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