Chapter 40

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Wednesday (in the middle of the night)
(Lexie wakes up in a room with her hands tied behind her back)
Lexie: w what's g g going o on?
?: so you think that you can just tell everyone about our relationship and I wouldn't find you?
Lexie: j j Jake?
Jake: surprise baby girl
Lexie: w w where am I w w where are the boys?
Jake: oh honey you don't remember they left you, kicked you onto the streets because they don't love you anymore (caresses her cheek)
Lexie: d don't t touch me
Jake: (hits her) what have I told you about telling me what to do?!
Lexie: I am s s sorry
Jake: you better be now as I was saying the boys are gone but guess what? You have me and I'm gonna take care of you now (pecks her on the lips)
Lexie: stop it Jake, it's over (kicks him)
Jake: your gonna regret doing that
(Jake picks her up and throws her on the bed and rips her top off and Lexie keeps fighting him but has her hands behind her back)
Lexie: stop it!
Jake: no no you've been a bad girl and now your gonna pay for it (takes her jeans off) and don't worry I'll still make you feel really good after
Lexie: no! No! No! This isn't happening again you aren't real!!
Jake: are you sure about that? Because it's real and once again your mine and guess what there's no escaping me this time (takes her underwear off)
Lexie: no!!!
End of pov
Lexie's pov
My eyes opened and I looked around the room but it was dark and I was laying in a bed and felt someone next to me, was my dream actually real? Did Jake find me and take me? My mind was spinning with a million thoughts, my body was shaking and I let out a cry for help and then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I freaked out because it means Jake really did find me.
End of pov
Lexie: no stop let me go!! Don't touch me!! (Thrashes around)
Jaden: josh turn the lights on
Lexie: j j Jaden?
Jaden: yeah lex it's me shh your okay
(Josh turns the lights on and now Lexie can see that Jaden is the one holding her and she's in their room)
Lexie: w w where I I is he?
Jaden: he's not here baby your safe (runs his fingers through her hair)
Josh: was it another flashback?
Lexie: n n no h he f f found m me and he was m mad t that I t t told everyone about the r r relationship a and h he s said y you g guys k kicked m me out a and he f found me and started t touching me it felt so real (cries)
Josh: it wasn't real, your here and your safe and we love you okay?
Lexie: o o okay
Jaden: josh can you go make her a bottle she hasn't had one in a while and it'll help her calm down
Josh: yeah I'll be right back (gets off the bed and walks over to the shelf that has her bottle and walks downstairs)
Lexie: i I am s scared j j Jaden w what if he f f finds m me n now or s something
Jaden: he won't and if he ever does the boys and I will protect you he's never gonna touch you again I promise (rocks her in his arms and mumbles) maybe it was a bad idea doing the podcast
Lexie: n no I am s s still happy I d did it but the nightmare s scared me
Jaden: I know baby but your okay (kisses the top of her head)
Josh's pov
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I waited for the water to boil on the stove and let out a yawn when I heard footsteps in the kitchen and I was on high alert from lex's dream so when I heard the footsteps I grabbed the closest thing to me which was a spatula and threw it.
End of pov
?: ow! Seriously josh what the fuck
Josh: Quinton! (Turns the kitchen lights on) what the fuck dude
Quinton: me?! What do you mean your the one that threw a spatula which by the way what's a spatula gonna do if it was a real robber
Josh: I don't know I just grabbed the closest thing near me (turns the stove off) what are you doing up at this time?
Quinton: I met up with Cooper and we went to the skate park... I just got back right now
Josh: it's three in the morning
Quinton: I know (Scratches the back of his head) what are you doing awake?
Josh: lex had a nightmare so I am making her a bottle
Quinton: oh
Josh: (sighs) go upstairs and get your ass to bed it's late and Q
Quinton: yeah?
Josh: if your gonna sneak out of the house at least send a text to the chat or something
Quinton: then it's not really sneaking out is it...
josh: no but you get my point go to bed
Quinton: okay night josh
Josh: night Q
(Quinton goes upstairs and a few minutes later josh went back to the room to see lex practically shaking in Jaden's arms)
Josh: what happened?
Jaden: lex heard noises downstairs and then footsteps coming up the stairs and freaked out but Q came into the room and she calmed down, what was he doing up?
Josh: went to the skate park with Cooper (sits on the bed and hands Jaden the bottle and he puts it to her mouth and wipes her tears as she starts to suck on it and an hour later she's asleep again)
Jaden: that's like her first nightmare in a while right?
Josh: yeah I think her last one was when we were back in Canada, doing the pod is what probably triggered it
Jaden: yeah that had to be it
Josh: let's go back to sleep yeah?
Jaden: yeah turn the lights off
(Josh turns the lights off and they both fall back asleep)
Two hours later
(Lexie wakes up again in the same room)
Jake: you didn't think you would be able to escape that easily did you? Aw you did that's cute how many times do I have to tell you that I own you and your mind all of you belongs to me you should know that my now (leaves kisses her on her skin)
Lexie: why are you doing this? You have to leave me alone please? Telling my story was supposed to be my way of getting rid of you (cries)
Jake: you can't get rid of me and the sooner you learn that the better) (runs his hands over her body) your so pretty you know that?
Lexie: please (tears streaming down her face)
Jake: please what? Please don't stop? Please touch me? Please make me feel good, say it baby girl
Lexie: please let me go
Jake: no that's no fun, we are gonna have some fun now okay
Lexie: no!!
End of dream
Lexie: no!!! Leave me alone!! (Screams and kicks in her sleep)
Josh's pov
I felt someone kick me in my leg but I just figured that was lex just kicking in her sleep but then I heard an ear piercing scream and I opened my eyes and turned the lights on again and saw lex kicking and screaming which woke up Jaden. She was also sweating and then before we could wake her up she opened her eyes and jumped up curling herself in a ball while her body shook. My heart broke she's never had two nightmares on the exact same night except for Canada but even then it was a few hours after the first one. I looked at the time and saw that it was now five in the morning which meant she had only been asleep for another two hours. Jaden wrapped his arms around her and started rocking her back and forth as she cried and looked up at me and he didn't need to say anything his facial expression said it all. His bright blue eyes were filled with worry and I am pretty sure mine were too.
End of pov
Lexie: I i it happened a again
Jaden: shh shh I know it did, it's okay your okay I promise
Lexie: I d d don't w w want to go back to sleep
Jaden: it's okay you don't have too don't worry I won't make you (grabs the pacifier from his nightstand and hands it to her and rocks her back and forth)
Lexie: I am s so s scared b bubba
Jaden: I know it's okay
Knock knock
Lexie: he found me!
(Lexie Buries her face in his neck and cries while josh opens the door)
Josh: baby it's just Bryce
Bryce: I heard screaming so I wanted to see if everything was okay?
Josh: this is lex is second nightmare tonight
Bryce: really?
Josh: yeah she had one earlier and now we are just trying to calm her down
Bryce: I think I can help I'll be right back (walks downstairs and turns the light on in the living room and finds tabby and Clifford on the carpet and picks them up and walks back to the room and walks over to Lexie)
Bryce: hey lex look what I have?
(Lexie looks at Bryce who is holding the stuffed animals)
Bryce: why don't you give one of them a hug?
Lexie: okay (reaches out and grabs tabby and holds it close to her chest)
Bryce: why don't you keep tabby and Clifford next to you while you sleep
Lexie: n no I d don't w want to c close m my eyes and see him...
Bryce's pov
My heart broke for the fifteen year old girl in front of me this son of a bitch traumatized her so much she doesn't even want to close her eyes because she's scared of seeing him. I looked at Jaden and josh who had hopeless expressions on their faces because they didn't know how to help her feel better and to be honest neither did I and I hate admitting that. I wish there was something I could do to make her pain go away but I don't know if any of us can and all I wanted to do was hold her and protect her from the rest of the world so she wouldn't get hurt again.
End of pov
Bryce: shh it's okay can I hold you for a minute though
(Lexie looks at Bryce but then nods her head and Bryce picks her up out of Jaden's arms and hugs her)
Jaden: I'll be right back lex, josh come with me
Lexie: n no d don't l leave me
Jaden: two minutes baby and I'll be back okay?
Lexie: o okay
Jaden: stay with Bryce
(Jaden gets off the bed and josh follows him outside to the backyard)
Josh: talk to me babe, what's going through your head right now
Jaden: honestly finding the bastard and killing him
Josh: you know you can't do that J
Jaden: then what am I supposed to do josh?!? How do I help her?! How can I take away the nightmares and the pain and the insecurities!? How do I not blame myself for this because if I had just taken her with me, I had just kept her with me she would have never met Jake!! And be going through this!!
(Josh walks over to him and wraps his arms around him and Jaden breaks down in tears)
Josh: listen to me I know you blame yourself and I know you would do anything to go back in time and change things but you can't, we can't go back in time so the only thing we can do is be there for her now, take care of her now and do our best to help her move on from it, and give her the love she deserves and you need to stop blaming yourself because it's not gonna do you any good babe
Jaden: (wipes his tears) your right (takes a deep breath)
Josh: are you feeling better?
Jaden: yeah let's go back inside
(Jaden and josh walk back to their room to see Bryce holding a sleeping Lexie sucking on her pacifier and holding tabby)
Josh: how did you get her back to sleep?
Bryce: I just kept rocking her and eventually she closed her eyes
Jaden: thanks Bryce I really appreciate it
Bryce: of course you think she'll be okay now?
Jaden: I hope so, it's six in the morning now you can get back to sleep if you want
Bryce: yeah okay (hands Lexie to him) keep her in your arms maybe she'll sleep the rest of the night
Jaden: yeah I'll do that
(Bryce leaves the room and josh turns the lights off while Jaden lays down with Lexie laying on his chest and his arms wrapped around her while josh lays next to him so the three of them fall asleep cuddling each other)
Hours later 11:30
(The boys are downstairs in the kitchen talking and drinking protein shakes)
Blake: so lex had two nightmares last night
Bryce: yeah you should have seen her guys she was terrified I could see it in her eyes
Griffin: she's already in therapy and taking pills I don't know what else we can do
Noah: unfortunately I don't think there's anything we can do except let time pass and let the ptsd fade eventually
Ant: and until then just keep hearing her cries in the middle of the night even though it's painful for her and us?
Kio: yeah Noah's right the only thing that's going to heal it is time and even then I don't think it's ever really gonna go go away, yeah she might get better but those two years are going to haunt her for who knows how long
Quinton: that really sucks for her
(Josh walks into the kitchen)
Josh: morning guys
Them: morning
Anthony: where's Jaden?
Josh: lex is still sleeping and he doesn't want to leave her alone until she wakes up
Blake: we heard about the nightmares last night
Josh: yeah it was pretty bad this time.. (walks over to pour a protein shake in a cup)
A little while later In the boys room
Ring ring ring
(Jaden groans and he answers the phone)
Phone convo
Jaden: hello...
Travis: hey Jaden I just spoke to Kells and he wants us to meet up with the cast for the movie we aren't going to film just yet but he wants to do a dry run on the set so how long do you think till you can get there?
Jaden: uh lex has therapy today but one of the other boys can take her I guess so I'll get ready and be there in an hour
Travis: okay sounds good see you in a bit
Jaden: later trav
End of convo
Jaden's pov
I put my phone down and looked down at lex who was still sleeping in my arms and I didn't want to wake her up but I had to get ready so I sat up and went to lay her on the bed but I guess she sensed that I was putting her down because she clung onto my shoulder and didn't want to let go of me.
End of pov
Jaden: baby I have to meet up with trav so I have to put you down now
Lexie: (mumbles) no don't leave me alone
Jaden: (sighs) do you want me to bring you down the stairs and you can sleep on the couch
Lexie: hmm
Jaden: okay
(Jaden gets off the bed with her in his arms and carries her downstairs and goes to lay her on the couch but she still clings onto him)
Jaden: baby I need you to let me go
Lexie: no don't leave me alone
Jaden: your not gonna be alone you have the boys
Lexie: no I don't want them (whines)
Jaden: Lexie I would love to stay with you but I have to work today so I need you to let go and you can fall back asleep okay
Lexie: no
(Lexie grips onto him and Anthony walks into the room)
Ant: need some help?
Jaden: yeah can you hold lex for me
Ant: yeah I got you (walks over to Jaden and lex)
Jaden: lex I need you to let go, I have to get ready
Lexie: no
Jaden: lex please
Lexie: no
(Jaden sighs and Ant tries to pry her off of him and eventually Ant's holding her)
Lexie: no I want Jaden
Jaden: baby I have to get ready (kisses the top of her head and walks into the kitchen) I have to meet up with Trav, kells and the rest of the cast so can one of you take lex to therapy today?
Josh: I would babe but I have business calls all throughout the day today and a meeting with triller that I can't miss
Griffin: I have a meeting with Michael about an investment
Bryce: Blake and I can take her
Jaden: are you sure?
Blake: yeah we aren't doing anything too important today what time is her appointment?
Jaden: two
Griffin: is she gonna do school today?
Jaden: no i already told Rafy she's probably not going to be in the right mind set and I want her to sleep for as long as she can
Griffin: okay
Jaden: alright I am gonna get ready (walks upstairs to get ready)
Lexie: I still want Jaden (crosses her arms)
Ant: I know baby but he's busy today do you want to go back to sleep?
Lexie: no I don't want to have another nightmare
Ant: okay well how about some breakfast
Lexie: not hungry
Ant: you need to eat something
Lexie: not right now
Ant: fine in an hour
Lexie: okay whatever
(Thirty minutes later Jaden walks downstairs and into the living room)
Jaden: alright I have to go now and Bryce and Blake are gonna take you to therapy today
Lexie: what!? No I don't want to go to therapy and I don't want to go with them
Jaden: josh and I are busy today so we can't take you and you need to go to therapy today especially after having the nightmares last night
Lexie: but I hate therapy
Jaden: I know but you gotta go, I love you and make sure you eat breakfast
(Jaden kisses the top of her head and Lexie holds onto his neck)
Lexie: no don't leave and let me come with you
Jaden: not today but I'll let you come to set one of these days I promise
Lexie: no today
Jaden: no and I need you to let go of me
Lexie: no
Jaden: (sighs) guys I am gonna need a little help
Lexie: no (clings onto him more)
Jaden: little koala let go
Lexie: nope
(Bryce walks over to them and unwraps Lexie's arms from Jaden's neck and takes her off of him)
Bryce: go on we've got her before your late
Jaden: alright later guys, love you lex
Lexie: Jaden please please don't go
Jaden's pov
I looked into Lexie's eyes and I could clearly see how worried she was still, I guess that nightmare really freaked her out and now she's attached to me again, but I can't cancel on Trav and Kells so I kissed the top of her head and started driving to the set.
End of pov
Scene change
Bryce: alright how about we get you something to eat now
Lexie: I don't want to
Bryce: too bad (sits her at the table) cereal sound good?
Lexie: whatever
(Bryce pours her a bowl of cereal and hands it to her and sits next to her)
Lexie: aren't you going to go work out or call addy?
Bryce: nope I am gonna sit here and make sure you eat the cereal before it gets soggy
Lexie's pov
I glared at Bryce but took a bite of the cereal anyway and I kept eating until I finished the bowl and I did a ping pong match with Q because I wasn't "allowed to go upstairs until thirty minutes after I eat" I rolled my eyes at the rule but they wanted to make sure I wouldn't relapse so I had to hang out downstairs. I was beating Quinton by three points but he was slowly catching up and I missed it which gave him an extra point.
End of pov
Lexie: no fair (whines)
Quinton: focus if you want to win
Lexie: yeah yeah I am (hits the ball) see I hit that time
Quinton: good point
Lexie: so why did you go to the skatepark last night?
Quinton: just wanted to see cooper since we hadn't hung out in a while
Lexie: no fair you get to sneak off until three in the morning and you don't even get grounded
Quinton: I am seventeen and it's not like I got High
Lexie: I don't believe you but whatever you say
(Noah walks into the game room)
Noah: lex go get ready so the boys can take you to therapy
Lexie: I don't want to go (whines)
Noah: Lexie now
Lexie: hmm let me think no
Noah: go upstairs and get ready now
Lexie: nope
(Noah walks over to Lexie and picks her up and takes her to her room)
Noah: I want you downstairs in fifteen minutes
Lexie: fine whatever
Lexie's pov
Noah walked out of my room and I looked through my closet and found my black ripped jeans and put those on with a yellow crop top and my hair in a high ponytail and walked back downstairs.
End of pov
Bryce: ready to go kiddo?
Lexie: no
Blake: too bad let's go
Lexie: I hate you guys (pouts and crosses her arms)
Bryce: love you too now come on
Lexie: no
(Bryce walks over to her and picks her up)
(Josh is on the phone and hears lex screaming and walks over to them)
Josh: Lexie Marie that's enough your going to therapy and that's that now go and don't give them a hard time
Lexie: fine (glares at him and walks out of the door with Bryce and Blake following)
Josh: Bryce
Bryce: yeah?
Josh: keep an eye on her she's sneaky
Bryce: (laughs) don't worry we got this
(Bryce leaves the house and gets in his Tesla and they start driving to therapy)
Scene change
Kells: alright listen up everyone I am so excited to work with you guys and let's make fucking history sound good!?!
Cast: yeah!
Chase: hey Jaden can I talk to you for a minute? (Walks over to him)
Jaden: (sighs) yeah sure
(Jaden and chase walk away from the cast)
Chase: I know that night you didn't want me to apologize but I feel like we can't move forward and do this project together without tension unless I say I am sorry first
Jaden: okay go ahead
Chase: I am sorry for everything that went down that night, I am sorry for fucking up our friendship and exposing your sister i shouldn't have done it and I am really trying to turn over a new leaf and be better you know
Jaden: yeah I know and I accept your apology (hugs him)
Chase: how has Lexie been by the way? I see all the drama lately and it's brutal
Jaden: yeah it is and she's okay... do you want to see her?
Chase: really?
Jaden: yeah I think it's time we move past all the drama, we are all content creators in the same space and we need to be examples for our fans and unite instead of divided it's childish
Chase: I agree
Jaden: do you want to come to sway tomorrow?
Chase: is Bryce gonna beat me up (jokes)
Jaden: no (shakes his head) don't worry about that
Chase: okay, can I bring Thomas?
Jaden: yeah let's just get rid of this rivalry once and for all
Chase: sounds good
Travis: boys come over here!
Chase: let's go
Jaden: yeah let's go
Scene change
Lexie's pov
We pulled into the parking lot of the therapy center and I looked at Bryce and Blake who were talking and then I looked at the building and thought about how I really really don't want to go to therapy today so.. as soon as Bryce parked the car I quickly unlocked the door and bolted out of the car and started running and before you ask am I crazy? I think we all know the answer to that. I kept running even though I heard footsteps behind me so I know the boys figured it out by now but I just kept running. Don't know where but as long as It's away from the building I don't really care.
End of pov
Bryce: Lexie get back here!!
Lexie: no I don't want to go to therapy!! (Keeps running but Bryce catches her)
Lexie: put me down!!! (Kicking)
Bryce: that's enough before you start causing a scene!!
(Lexie doesn't stop and eventually she kicks Bryce in the stomach and he drops her so she takes off running again until Blake catches her)
Blake: stop it right now Lexie Marie and apologize to Bryce for kicking him!
(Lexie glares at Blake)
Blake: I am not afraid to give you a full punishment right here in the parking lot if you don't stop
Lexie: fine (looks at Bryce) I am sorry for kicking you
Bryce: hmm I'll believe you once you get your ass in the building and stop causing trouble
Lexie's pov
I sighed and followed Bryce and Blake into the office where I help Bryce fill out the paper work since he didn't know all the information and five minutes later Mariana calls me into the office and I stays glued to my chair until Blake smacked my thigh and I glared at him but got up and followed her into Callie's office and sat on the couch with my arms crossed.
End of pov
Callie: hey Lexie (smiles) it's been a while how was your Christmas and New Years
Lexie: fine
Callie: yeah? Jaden told me you guys went to Canada was it fun?
Lexie: hmm
Callie: he also told me your doctor recommended age play therapy how are you doing with that?
Lexie: hate it
Callie: why? I think it's a good way to escape reality for a bit
Lexie: I don't care still hate it
Callie: how are the nightmares? Are you sleeping by yourself yet?
Lexie: nope
Callie: so If your not sleeping by yourself I am guessing your still having nightmares do you want to talk about it?
Lexie: no
Callie: Lexie what have I told you? The more you fight this the longer the process takes, how are you coping with your anxiety?
Lexie: stress balls and age play
Callie: is it helping
Lexie: sometimes
Callie: okay that's better then a no, have you become aware of your triggers?
Lexie: being alone and the nightmares... sometimes I overthink things too but I think the pills have helped with that
Callie: okay that's good to hear what about your mental health and your eating how has that been?
Lexie: fine
Callie: what did you do in Miami?
Lexie: not much just spent time with the boys
Callie: okay so I can tell that's the only little bit of progress we are gonna make today did you bring the boys with you?
Lexie: I brought Bryce and Blake.. they are the other guys that live with us, Jaden and josh were busy today
Callie: oh how did you feel about coming to therapy without them this time?
(Lexie just shrugs her shoulders)
Callie: (sighs) okay I'll tell Mariana to bring them in
Lexie: go ahead
(Mariana calls the boys in and they walk into the room to see lex playing with her fingers and looking down)
Callie: so lex told me that she's still not sleeping on her own which I think is something we should start working on as soon as possible
Bryce: yeah but here's thing she gets these really bad nightmares in the middle of the night and the only way she doesn't is if she's in little space
Blake: and the last time lex slept by herself it backfired
Callie: okay so your saying that if she falls asleep in little space she doesn't usually have nightmares?
Blake: yeah
Callie: okay so once she's in little space, put her In her room and see how that works out
Lexie: what no! Listen Callie I know I hardly talk about my nightmares but I can't sleep alone... I had two nightmares last night in the span of two hours I can't do it (starts breathing heavy)
Blake: hey lex it's okay just breathe
Lexie: I don't want to sleep by myself
Bryce: with all due respect Callie there has to be another solution...
Callie: okay well I can see the nightmares really do affect her with the PTSD as well so what if you try moving her bed into the room with whoever she sleeps with and when she's asleep put her in the bed but she still has the boys in the room we can start with that and see how it goes
Blake: okay we can do that, does that sound good lex?
Lexie: I guess...
Callie: alright that's it for this session and I hope next time lex you tell me more about these nightmares I can't help you unless you open up to me okay?
Lexie: okay... bye Callie
Callie: (smiles) bye Lexie and it was nice meeting you Bryce and Blake
Them: you too
Bryce: come on kiddo
Lexie's pov
We left the therapy center and stopped at Burger King to get food for all the boys and when we pulled into the driveway of the house I saw Jaden's car parked so I knew he was home. I got out of the car and ran inside and saw him talking with Kio and griffin on the couch so I jumped onto his lap and hugged him.
End of pov
Jaden: hey baby how was therapy?
Lexie: horrible.. she suggested I sleep by myself again, but Bryce and Blake told her no and instead we have to move my bed into your room
Jaden: okay that doesn't sound too bad
Lexie: I don't want to sleep by myself bubba
Jaden: you aren't by yourself though, your still in the room with us it's okay
Lexie: okay.. where's buddy I need to give her a walk?
Jaden: I think she's with josh in the office just go in quietly in case he's on the phone
Lexie: okay
(Lexie gets off the couch and walks to
The office to see josh on the phone but he waves her inside and gave her a quick hug and lex picks up buddy and attaches her leash and walks out of the office)
Quinton: you want me to go with you lex?
Lexie: if you want (shrugs her shoulders)
Quinton: sure let's go
(Quinton and Lexie walk out of the house and Bryce and Blake walk into the living room as josh is coming downstairs and sits next to Jaden and pecks him on his lips)
Jaden: done for today?
Josh: yeah how about you?
Jaden: yeah which reminds me I need to talk to everyone
Boys: okay
Jaden: I invited chase and Thomas to come over tomorrow it's time we end this rivalry don't you think?
Bryce: I guess
Josh: as long as he doesn't try to kiss you I am fine with it (jokes)
Jaden: really (looks at him)
Josh: yeah I am over the drama
Jaden: good I am happy to hear that (kisses him)
Kio: alright love birds we get it, but I want to know how therapy with lex went?
Blake: well getting her out of the door was hard and then when we got there she ran around the parking lot and we had to chase her until Bryce caught her
Bryce: and then she kicked me and started running again until Blake spanked her and she stopped misbehaving, never ask us to take her to therapy again (jokes)
Josh: did you say she ran around the parking lot? (Laughs)
Blake: yeah
Jaden: (laughs) what are we gonna do with her?
(Just as Anthony is about to respond the door opens and Quinton and Lexie walk back inside and lex let's go of the leash)
Griffin: so we heard about your game of tag in the parking lot
Lexie: oops are you mad?
Jaden: no but baby if josh and I can't take you it doesn't mean you can give the other boys a hard time okay?
Lexie: okay I am gonna go shower
Jaden: okay
Lexie's pov
I took my shower and before you ask yes I am still using really hot water.. I don't know the pain from the heat distracts me from my thoughts in the shower so it doesn't give me anything else to focus on. When I got out of the shower I put on Jaden's black hoodie with some sweats and grabbed tabby and walked downstairs to see the boys watching a movie so I walked over to Jaden and laid on his lap while holding tabby while josh had his arm around Jaden's shoulder so we were all kind of cuddling. I tried paying attention to the movie but it bored me so I just played with tabby on my lap until my eyes drifted off to sleep.
End of pov

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