Chapter 61

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Beep beep beep
Lexie's pov
I groaned and waited for one of the boys to turn off the alarm but it kept beeping so I opened my eyes and realized I was the only one in the room so I turned off my alarm and pulled the sheets over my head and closed my eyes again.
End of pov
Blake: Lexie wake up your going to be late for school! (Yells from downstairs)
Five minutes later
Griffin: Lexie Marie hossler get your ass out of bed! (Yells from the kitchen)
Another five minutes later
(Bryce comes into the room with a cup of water and pours it on Lexie)
Lexie: what the fuck!! (Opens her eyes and sits up on the covers to see Bryce and a camera man)
Bryce: good your up, get ready and come downstairs you have to eat and go to dance
Lexie: ughh fine
(Bryce and the camera man leave the room and go back downstairs)
Lexie's pov
I got out of bed and started walking to my room and pulled out a pair of black short leggings with a pink crop top and some sneakers, put my hair in a high ponytail, grabbed my bag and walked downstairs to see multiple camera men inside the house filming the boys in different areas. Blake was doing an interview about Amelie, Josh was talking to Noah about his production company with mark walberg and Bryce already almost broke one of the cameras not surprised... and Jaden was no where to be found.
End of pov
Lexie: where's Jaden?
Griffin: had to go to the studio early
Lexie: oh who's taking me to school then?
Kio: griffin and I
Lexie: that works
Josh: we already apologized for being late
Lexie: don't care you and Bryce are never taking me again
Bryce: yeah we will
Lexie: I'd rather walk then get in a car with you two ever again (jokes)
Griffin: anyway eat and then we gotta go (looks at the other boys) when Kio and I get back be ready because we have to do the obstacle course today and it's about an hour drive
Noah: yes dad (mocks)
Lexie's pov
I walked into the kitchen where there were more camera men filming along with Rafy who was sitting on the counter eating and I knew I was going to have to eat something so I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk, a bowl and some cereal and poured what I thought I could eat and sat on the counter.
End of pov
Scene change
Jaden's pov
I was at the studio with Quinton and Nessa... not my idea but our managers loved the response to La DI Die and then thought it would be a good idea for the three of us to do a song together. Obviously they don't know the drama that happened between Ness and I and I want to keep it that way so we are just ignoring the tension and I am staying by Q since I know she won't say anything with him here. We were in the process of just free styling when I remembered lex was going back to school today and I needed to text Justin to tell Clare to make sure lex eats.
End of pov
Jaden: hey guys I am going to take five I'll be right back
Quinton: okay
(Jaden grabs his phone and walks out of the room and dials Justin's number)
Phone convo
Justin: hey Jaden what's up?
Jaden: hey I was wondering if you could tell Clare something for me
Justin: yeah sure tell me
Jaden: Lexie relapsed in her eating disorder so now she has to be monitored when she eats I don't want to alarm Clare or anything but since we can't be at school with her can you tell Clare to watch out for her?
Justin: yeah of course and I am sorry to hear that she relapsed is she doing a little better now?
Jaden: we'll see the doctor warned her if she doesn't start eating she would need a feed tube which scared her so she's been doing a little better
Justin: that's good oh hey I was going to tell you that I have a song in mind for the two of us to I'll send you the lyrics and you let me know what you think
Jaden: okay sounds good thanks bro
Justin: no problem talk to you soon
(Jaden hangs up and walks back into the studio)
Scene change
Justin: Clare are you ready to go!
Selena: Justin drew Bieber I swear if you wake up faith after I just put her to sleep I won't have sex with you the rest of the week
(Just as she says that the baby starts crying, Selena smacks him upside the head and Clare walks downstairs)
Clare: okay I am ready
Justin: great let's go
(They walk out of the house and Justin gets in the car with Clare and starts driving)
Justin: oh I was going to tell you that Jaden called me
Clare: what did he say? Is Lexie coming back to school today?
Justin: yes but there's something you need to know and I don't want you to worry too much okay?
Clare: okay...
Justin: lex has been relapsing with her eating so do you think you can make sure she eats lunch from now on?
Clare: yeah of course.. (looks out of the window)
Justin: what are you thinking about?
Clare: (looks at Justin) do you remember when I first got diagnosed with it?
Justin: yeah you nearly scared the shit out of your mother and I even though you were with your dad we still got the call you were in the hospital and your mom practically had a panic attack why?
Clare: it's been almost a year since that happened and I am just trying to think why haven't I relapsed yet?
Justin: because you have the strength that Lexie might not have yet
Clare: yeah I guess
(Justin Pulls up to the parking lot of the school)
Justin: be good I'll pick you up after play?
Clare: actually dad texted me saying that he and uncle joe are picking me up and I am staying with them this week
Justin: oh okay then I'll see you next week love you
Clare: love you too
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I had gotten dropped off about twenty minutes ago and I was just texting Mike on my phone because we both wanted to hook up again but he has soccer practice today so that was out of the question. The bell was just about to ring to go to Miss Cassie's class when the doors opened and Dani, Amy and Clare walked into the building.
End of pov
Lexie: finally I have been bored (whines)
Dani: sorry someone took to long trying to look cute for the new kid
Clare: who's the new kid?
Amy: his name is Ricky Underwood
Clare: please tell me your joking
Dani: no why? Do you know him?
(Just then hands wrap around Clare's waist and she turns around)
Clare: you have got to be kidding me!
Amy: am I missing something?
Lexie: Dani, Amy this is Ricky Clare's... whatever they are at this point (laughs)
Clare: what are you doing here?
Ricky: I auditioned in the summer but didn't get in because the spot was filled remember?
Clare: yeah still doesn't explain why your here (takes his hands off her waist)
Ricky: apparently some kid got expelled and the open slot was mine next
Lexie: I hope it was Odalie
Odalie: did someone say my name
Dani: oh look talking about the wicked bitch makes her appear now
Odalie: what did you just say to me slut?
Dani: oh I am the slut? That's a funny joke considering you've slept with half the school
(Odalie is about to respond when Cassie interrupts them and tells them to walk into class)
Cassie: you must be our new student Ricky?
Ricky: yup
Cassie: excuse me? In my class we do not use words such as yup you can say yes miss or yes miss Cassie
Ricky: okay sorry it won't happen again
Cassie: good now today we are doing partner work and I will be picking your partners for our first competition in two weeks, Clare you will be with Ricky, Lexie you will be with James, and Amy you will be with Kendall partner up and start talking about ideas also it can be any dance style you want it to be get to work
Lexie's pov
I think this is the first time where Miss Cassie isn't being a complete bitch and I am here for it. James walked up to me now let me describe James for you he's a few inches taller then me, with brown hair that resembles old Justin Bieber and the definition of a fuck boy but he's a good dancer so it's fine.
End of pov
James: so do you have any ideas?
Lexie: how good are you at contemporary?
James: it's not my favorite but I'll do it what do you have in mind?
Lexie: I don't have a choreo yet but I have the song what If we do unsteady by the ambassadors
James: okay what's the story?
Lexie: we start off on opposite sides of the stage I am sitting on the ground swaying and then your standing and you walk over to me and I fall to the ground like in a laying down position while you grab my hand and pick me up and spin me four times but staying close to me
James: so I am spinning you in place basically
Lexie: yeah
James: okay let's try it
One hour later
Cassie: okay class your done for today practice your routines please I won't have you embarrass me the first competition of the season!
James: hey lex can I get your number?
Lexie: yeah pass me your phone and you yours in (they exchange numbers and Lexie walks over to the girls)
Amy: alright let's eat before we have class with moose, Camille, Luke and Natalie
Dani: do you think Luke is going to kick our asses because I am so not in the mood to work out today
Amy: I hope not
Clare: guys I was thinking since we have an our for lunch instead of chick fil la let's go to subway yeah?
Them: okay
Lexie's pov
We got in the car and drove to subway where I got a ham and cheese foot long with a lemonade and some chips. I forced myself to eat at least half of it and I could feel Clare looking at me while I was eating and it made me self conscious I know she wasn't doing it on purpose but it still got to me. I drank a few sips of my lemonade and just put the chips in my bag for later and we headed back to the school. Dani, Amy and Clare went to the bathroom while I was sitting on the bench scrolling through my phone when I heard Oadlie's voice... Lord give me the strength to restrain myself because today I don't have the patience to deal with her comments.
End of pov
Oadlie: oh Lexie
Lexie: what do you want? (Looks at her)
Oadlie: I just wanted to say I hope you didn't eat anything for lunch you don't need to put on extra pounds especially if your going be dancing with James
Lexie: what does that have to do with anything?
Oadlie: James is one of the school's best dancers and how can I put this for you to understand... you suck and your just going to embarrass him
Lexie: listen oadlie I honestly have no idea what your problem is with but you've been coming after me since day one and I have just about had it so if you don't want to get your ass beat I suggest you walk away
Odalie: you wouldn't touch me (crosses her arms)
Lexie: you want to bet (stands up)
Odalie: your not going to touch me because you know that you could get expelled and I can go on social media and expose you in an instant
Lexie: fuck social media getting exposed is nothing new for me and technically I have three strikes before getting kicked out and I haven't even gotten one so I don't mind knocking some sense into you for the first strike
Odalie: hit me then I dare you if you do your just going to prove to the boys that your once again a disappointment in the family
Lexie's pov
That was the last straw I looked around the hallways and didn't see anyone, the girls were probably still in the bathroom so I swung my hand and gave her a slap on the cheek and I have to admit it felt great to finally fucking do that. She looked shocked but then pushed me to the floor but I grabbed her wrist and took her down with me. I started slapping her across the face while she was screaming and trying to hit me back but I dodged it and punched her in the nose and she let out a scream and a few seconds later I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me off of her while someone was holding her back.
End of pov
?: ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU! Now what the hell happened?
Odalie: I was just walking in the hallway and she tackled me luke she's crazy!
Lexie: liar! (Starts thrashing in the persons grip)
?: stop it Lexie go calm down now (Lexie finally turns around and sees moose)
Lexie: fine whatever take her side I don't care anymore (gets out of his grip and walks away)
Luke: calm down and meet us down at the principles office
Lexie: fine whatever (walks away)
Lexie's pov
I went to the bathroom and I wiped my face with water when I heard the bathroom door open and I looked up to see the girls.
End of pov
Amy: can I just say you finally gave Odalie what she deserved
Dani: for real girl do you know how long I have wanted to smack some sense into her
Clare: are you okay though?
Lexie: i am fine it's not my first fight that I have been in
Clare: I know that I was talking about how pissed your brother is going to be (jokes)
Lexie: not the first time that happens either, but I better go to the principal's office.. normally I would just make a run for it but that would probably get me in worse trouble and I am trying to somewhat turn over a new leaf
Amy: says the girl who legit just got into a first (laughs)
Dani: good luck text us if you can
Lexie: I'll probably get my phone taken but yeah I'll do that whenever I can (leaves the bathroom and walks into the office)
Principal Morrison: Lexie nice of you to finally join us
Lexie: yeah well I needed to "calm down" how's your nose Oadlie?
Oadlie: bitch
Principal Morrison: enough girls now Lexie, Oadlie told me you hit her is that correct?
Lexie: yes but she provoked me and she's been provoking me since I got here
Principal Morrison: but you got physical first yes?
Lexie: yeah (rolls her eyes)
Principal Morrison: and you are aware of our no no tolerance policy correct?
Lexie: hmm
Principal Morrison: then I am sorry but I am going to have to call your guardians and you are suspended and Odalie you have a week of detention for provoking her
Odalie: yes sir it won't happen again (stands up and leaves the office while the principal calls Jaden but he doesn't answer so he calls josh)
Scene change
Josh's pov
We were currently at a military obstacle course filming while griffin is laying on the ground from behind overheated and dehydrated when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw Lexie's school calling me... this can't be good, I walked away from the boys and answered the call.
End of pov
Phone convo
Principal: hi this is principal Morrison calling from high water and I am looking to speak with josh Richards
Josh: this is him may I ask if everything is okay?
Principal: your daughter got into a fight and has been suspended the rest of the week and we you to come pick her up
Josh: (sighs frustratedly) may I speak with her?
Principal: yeah one moment (passes the phone to Lexie)
Lexie: hello...
Josh: Lexie Marie Hossler a fight really!!
Lexie: she provoked me and I stood up for myself!
Josh: I don't care how many times have we told you, you know what we'll talk about this at home I'll pick you up in an hour because we are far right now and don't get in anymore trouble understand?
Lexie: yes sir...
josh: good (he hangs up the call and looks at the boys) we are done now right?
Boys: yeah
Noah: why what happened?
Josh: Lexie's school called she got in a fight and now suspended
Griffin: this is a prank right?
Josh: no
Kio: alright then let's go pick her up
(They say bye to the owners of the course and get in the car and start driving)
Thirty minutes later
Scene change
Travis: that was awesome guys I think this song is going be a hit
Nessa: me too it's a little more sexual but I like it
Quinton: me too
Jaden: agreed (picks up his phone and looks at it) sorry guys Lexie's school called I gotta take this but are we done for the day?
Travis: yeah you and Quinton are free to go
Quinton: okay later T
Travis: bye guys
(Jaden and Q walk out of the studio and start walking to the car and Jaden calls the school back)
Phone convo
Principal: hello this is principal Morrison from high water how may I help you?
Jaden: hi my name is Jaden hossler and I got a call from the school is everything okay?
Principal: your related to Lexie Hossler right?
Jaden: yes sir
Principal: well I already talked to your partner but your daughter got into a fight and is now suspended the rest of the week
Jaden: (sighs) okay can you tell her I'll pick her up I am on my way
Principal: no problem
End of phone convo
Jaden: Q text josh and tell him we'll pick up Lexie since we are closer (puts the car in drive)
Quinton: okay what happened though? Doesn't she get out at three or something
Jaden: she's been suspended
Quinton: not surprised (pulls out his phone to text josh)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
When principal Morrison told me Jaden was now picking me up all I could think about was fuck because if josh was the one picking me up then I could at least explain myself but I wouldn't be surprised if Jaden was pissed and spanked me inside the car. Shit what if they are filming and have the cameras in the car? Well they did say that if they were to punish me they would make sure the cameras were turned off... but still I am so dead. Ten minutes later the office door opened and I looked up to see Jaden who gave the look that said "you are in so much trouble" he signed me out and then grabbed me by my arm and practically dragged me to the car.
End of pov
Lexie: sup Quinton
Quinton: hey lex got suspended?
Lexie: yup
Jaden: one week Lexie you can't go one week with being in school or getting in some kind of trouble! Maybe we should just pull you out again if your going to be getting into fights again
Lexie: please don't I actually like going there! Except for the bitch that provoked me okay? She's been picking on me since day one and today I snapped I am sorry
Quinton: what did she say to you?
Lexie: that I was fat, an embarrassment for my partner and a disappointment to the family
Jaden: (sighs) lex you know how I feel about you fighting... regardless of what people say
Lexie: so your saying I should have just taken it
Jaden: no but you could have walked away
Lexie: walking away is for pussies
Jaden: language
Lexie: whatever take her side (crosses her arms)
Jaden: I am not taking her side lex... I am on your side always but that doesn't make you fighting acceptable so when we get home I want you upstairs in your room and give me your phone
Lexie: fine (hands it to her him)
(Ten minutes later they pull up to the house and she goes upstairs to her room and slams the door while Jaden and Quinton wait for the boys to get home)
Fifteen minutes later
Blake: we are back!
Jaden: hey guys
Josh: hey babe (walks over to him and wraps his arms around his waist and kisses him) where's our little trouble maker
Jaden: upstairs in her room
Kio: did she tell you what happened?
Jaden: yeah (tells them everything)
Josh: well on one hand I am proud she stood up for herself but on the other hand I am upset she got physical again after we repeatedly told her that's not the answer
Jaden: exactly I am conflicted
Bryce: can I be honest?
Jaden: yeah
Bryce: I say fifteen spankings with the hand and no phone for a week and I'll be the one to do it because I am the one that has gotten into the most fights in this house and I understand the consequences of it maybe I can knock some sense into her
Jaden: by all means go for it
(Bryce walks upstairs to Lexie's room and knocks on the door but doesn't get a response so he walks inside to see Lexie crying and he sighs)
Bryce: why are you crying kiddo?
Lexie: because no matter how hard I fucking try trouble seems to follow me around everywhere I go
Bryce: tell that to someone who's not the most hates person on the internet
Lexie: people don't hate you
Bryce: yeah they do are you kidding, do you know I was out the other night with Taylor and someone provoked me to fight them
Lexie: fine maybe you do get it but I don't care let me wallow in self pity
Bryce: no because your not the only one that goes through it lex and I understand how frustrating it is to want to punch someone but you can't
Lexie: then what am I supposed to do Bryce?
Bryce: walk away, remove yourself from the situation it's that simple
Lexie: she said some really rude things I am not going to just let it slide (crosses her arms)
Bryce: you are so stubborn you know that (sits on her bed) look lex the way I see it is you can keep getting in trouble for fighting or let this be the last time and learn from it
Lexie: no
Bryce: okay then keep finding yourself in this position (picks her up and lays her over his lap and starts)
(Lexie's crying and Bryce pulls her up and hugs her and runs his hands through her soothing her)
Bryce: shh shh it's okay baby
Lexie: I am sorry I'll t try n not to g get in a another fight
Bryce: good now what do you say we go downstairs with the boys
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
When we walked back downstairs the camera crew just got back and started filming again. Noah and blake were playing pool while josh was talking more about his company with Mark Wahlberg and I was cuddling with Jaden on the couch until I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
End of pov

Forced to live with Sway LA Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora