Chapter 81

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Lexie's pov
I was the first to wake up this morning and I decided that it's been a week since I filmed a YouTube video meaning I needed to film and upload today and I had the perfect idea for my next video, since I pranked sway last week it would only be fair if I pranked the guys here too and I know just the way to do it. I looked over at Jaden who was practically dead to the world so I leaned over him to grab his phone on the nightstand and unlocked it and scrolled through his contacts to find Isaac who was the one in charge of all of Jaden's tattoos, perfect. I got up from the bed and walked out of the room towards "mine", closed the door and grabbed my camera and turned it on.
End of pov
Lexie: what's up guys it's Lexie and welcome back to my channel, today's video is going be interesting to say the least.. I decided to prank Jaden since it's only fair since I pranked sway last week bur this prank is going to be a little different and your about to find out what it is right now
(takes out Jaden's phone and puts it on speaker and after a few rings Isaac answers)
Phone convo
Isaac: ay Jaden how are you?
Lexie: hey Isaac
Isaac: Lexie? Why do you have Jaden's phone? If this is still about you getting a tattoo you know what Jaden said the last time you tried
Lexie: what if I got a temporary one but I said it was real to prank them
Isaac: is it for a video?
Lexie: yesss sir
Isaac: okay fine but you have to come here because if I go there it's obvious
Lexie: yeah no shit I already have someone in mind I just needed to know if you would do it first
Isaac: yeah I'll do it
Lexie: thanks your the best I'll see you in about two hours?
Isaac: okay later lex
Lexie: later
End of phone convo
Lexie: okay Isaac's in now for part two of the plan (pulls out her phone and dials Landon's number)
Phone convo
Landon: hey Lexielex
Lexie: ew not that nickname
Landon: it was worth a shot what's up?
Lexie: are you busy today?
Landon: no why?
Lexie: want to help me prank Jaden and the boys?
Landon: this doesn't sound good what are you up to?
Lexie: well one I need a ride and two want to get matching tattoos?
Landon: what!? We legit just met yesterday
Lexie: not real ones obviously temporary ones and we prank the boys and their reactions will be even better because like you said we just met yesterday plus I need a ride
Landon: (laughs) okay so your using me for a ride and rewarding me with my own funeral, I am starting to regret this friendship (jokes)
Lexie: please please Landon
Landon: I never said I wouldn't do it, text me the addy and I'll be there in thirty
Lexie: okay park a little away from the house so no one suspects anything even though they are all sleeping anyway
Landon: okay let me get ready and I'll be there as soon as I can
Lexie: okay thanks byee
Landon: later
End of phone convo
Lexie: okay so now that both parts of the prank are established I am going to get ready and I'll see you guys when we are on our way to Isaacs. (Cuts the camera)
Lexie's pov
I put the camera on my nightstand and walked over to the closet and decided since I was going to be a badass today I might as well look the part so I pulled out a black pink doll skull fishnet crop top with a black skirt that went mid thigh and had a few chains dangling towards the end with some combat boots, I took a quick shower and straightened my hair and got dressed and put on a little bit of makeup just so I looked somewhat presentable. A few minutes later I got a text from Landon that he was here, so I grabbed my camera, phone and purse and quietly walked downstairs and left the house to meet up with Landon who was wearing a plain white t shirt, black leather jacket with pants and sneakers and chains around his neck along with some earrings and his hair was curly as always.
End of pov
Lexie: hey L
Landon: definitely not if I can't call call you Lexielex then you sure as hell cannot call me L
Lexie: okay fine but I need something to call you Landon is to long (gets in the car)
Landon: you could just call me babe (jokes)
Lexie: haha very funny (playfully rolls her eyes)
Landon: I am serious and before I forget to say it you look good today
Lexie: (smiles) thanks ready to go?
Landon: yeah (puts the car in drive) so lex tell me more about yourself
Lexie: I am pretty sure you know everything from the internet and my many scandals
Landon: well what's something that no one knows about you?
Lexie: hmm I like cookie dough ice cream
Landon: (laughs out laughing) that's the best you can do
Lexie: okay fine your turn what's something no one knows about you?
Landon: the tough bad boy look is just a look inside I am a softy
Lexie: aww cute
Landon: okay your turn
Lexie: well I guess it would be the whole tough girl look is an act too, it's easy to put your walls up then be vulnerable you know
Landon: deep but yeah I know maybe we aren't so different then
Lexie: guess not, what was it like growing up in the spotlight?
Landon: I don't know i mean like you said I grew up in it so I don't know any different, I was just a kid when my dad had his first tv show so cameras have always been around me I guess, what about you how are you adjusting?
Lexie: (shrugs her shoulders) at first I hated the idea of people following you around everywhere you went wanting pictures of me just walking with the boys seemed stupid but I guess I have gotten used to it especially since all paparazzi seem to do these days is stalk Jaden and Nessa (rolls her eyes)
Landon: I take it you don't like Ness
Lexie: it's a long story
Landon: well we are Stuck in traffic so tell me
Lexie: I have a better idea let's start filming the second part of the YouTube video (turns on the camera)
Landon: your good at avoiding a subject
Lexie: yup (starts recording)
Lexie: what's up guys I am back and I am in the car with well I'll just let him introduce himself even though he doesn't really need an introduction
Landon: sup I am Landon barker aka Travis barker's son and the one who discovered Jaden
Lexie: you love taking credit for that don't you
Landon: yes sirrr okay so anyway lex tell them what we are going to be doing
Lexie: okay guys so Landon and I decided to prank the boys by getting tattoos!
Landon: temporary tattoos
Lexie: yeah but they won't know that till the end of the video
Landon: hopefully
Lexie: but with that being said we'll get back to you guys when we are with Isaac (cuts the camera)
Landon: want to play some music? (Hands her the aux cord)
Lexie: sure (takes it)
Scene change
Knock knock knock
(Jaden groans and wakes up and walks over to his bedroom door and opens it)
Jaden: you better have a good reason for waking me up Q
Quinton: did Lexie stay with you last night?
Jaden: yeah why?
Quinton: is she still sleeping?
(Jaden turns around to look at the bed and it's empty)
Jaden: no did you check the living room?
Quinton: yeah that's why I came in here
Jaden: the kitchen?
Quinton: yup
Jaden: pool?
Quinton: it's eleven in the morning why would she be in the pool?
Jaden: I don't know but maybe she wanted to get some sun (shrugs his shoulders)
Quinton: well she's not there
Jaden: I'll text her (pulls out his phone)
Scene change
(Lexie and Landon get to Isaac's tattoo parlor)
Isaac: little Hossler (pulls her in for a hug) I haven't seen you since the sway house video
Lexie: I know it's been a while how are you?
Isaac: I am good so what were you guys thinking today?
Landon: something like this
(pulls out his phone to show him a picture of a black rose that said beauty underneath and the second had claw marks with the word beast scratched up underneath but still visible)
Isaac: not going to lie that looks sick where do you guys want it?
Lexie: the shoulder that way it's very visible (she says just as her phone starts to vibrate so she pulls it out)
Jaden: Lexie Marie hossler where are you?
Lexie: chill I went to Dunkin' Donuts with Landon
Jaden: why?
Lexie: because you idiots were sleeping and I was hungry
Jaden: fine but be home in an hour and don't do anything stupid
Lexie: don't worry I won't
End of text convo
Lexie: okay so who's first? (Puts her phone in the pocket)
Landon: you can go and I'll record for you (turns on the camera and starts recording)
Lexie: okay... and we are back guys sorry we got stuck in LA traffic and for those that live here know how much it sucks but anyways we made it to Isaac's tattoo place say hi Isaac
Isaac: sup
Lexie: you may know him from the other boys YouTube videos and just because he's one of the best artists here in LA
Isaac: aw you do know how to be sweet
Lexie: shut it anyways Isaac is about to start doing the temporary tattoo on me and I am not going to tell you what it is until it's done and I'll do a big reveal after
Issac: okay sit down
Lexie's pov
I sat down and Isaac's got the stencil for the rose and the temporary black ink and started painting it onto my skin while Landon and I just tried to entertain the viewers with stupid jokes but then we decided to cut the cameras since it took Isaac forty five minutes to finish the rose and it was time for the big reveal.
End of pov
Landon: okay Lexie's tattoo is ready and here it is
Lexie: (shows her shoulder to the camera) it's crazy how real it looks right Landon
Landon: yeah your brother is going to freak
Lexie: I know his reaction is going to be priceless, okay your turn
Isaac: alright (sits down)
Lexie's pov
Another forty five minutes later Isaac was done with Landon's tattoo and Jaden was blowing up my phone because it had been more then an hour since I left but I'll just blame it on the traffic. We thanked Isaac and left the tattoo parlor and got back in Landon's car and started driving back to the house.
End of pov
Landon: okay so how do you want to do this, because if we just walk into the house with the camera it'll be obvious it's a prank
Lexie: I know which is why when we step into the house your going to place the camera on the table we have by the door next to one of the plants and angle it in a subtle way
Landon: okay
(They pull up to the house and Lexie takes the camera out)
Lexie: okay we are back at the house now and the plan is to walk into the house as quiet as possible and place the camera where the boys won't see it and at the end we'll reveal it's a prank
Landon: couldn't have said it better myself let's go
(they get out of the car and Lexie opens the door to the house)
Jaden: (from the living room) Lexie is that you!?!
Lexie: yeah and Landon! (Signals her head to him to put the camera by the plant)
(Landon nods his head and places it as they continue to walk inside the house)
Quinton: what took so long? Jaden said you went to Dunkin
Lexie: we did
Cooper: it took over an hour to go to Dunkins?
Landon: the line took forever and traffic didn't help (shrugs his shoulder)
Cooper's pov
From the corner of my eye I noticed something on Lexie's shoulder which wasn't the sleeve of her shirt, I looked closer at it and then I noticed Landon had something similar on the same exact shoulder. They didn't did they??
End of pov
Cooper: Lexie what's on your shoulder?
Lexie: what do you mean?
(Jaden turns around from where he was standing and looks at them)
Jaden: is that what I think it is?
Lexie: I don't know what your talking about
Quinton: (walks over to them and looks at it up close) IS THAT A TATTOO!?
Jaden: WHAT!?
Lexie: yeah so what (shrugs her shoulders)
Cooper: what do you mean so what!? Your fifteen and you got a tattoo, wait a minute did both of you get tattoos!?
Landon: yeah matching ones (plays along)
Lexie: I. Got. A. Matching. Tattoo. With. Landon. Do I need to say it slower for you to understand?
Lexie: have you met me (laughs)
Quinton: this isn't funny Lexie Marie you do realize that is marked on your body forever right!? I mean out of all the stupid things you've done including sneaking off to Vegas this tops the list!!
Landon: you did what? (Looks at Lexie)
Lexie: (smirks thinking about it) it's a long story
Jaden: I don't even know what to say at this point Quinton took the words right out of my mouth and you (looks at Landon) your seventeen why didn't you talk her out of it your dad is going to kill and then me!!!
Lexie: no he's not
Jaden: not another word out of your mouth young lady, you are in so much trouble
Lexie: no I am not, I'll be right back (walks out of the living room)
Cooper: where are you going this conversions not done!!
Lexie: (grabs the camera) told you I am not going to be in trouble because it's temporary and you guys just got pranked (laughs)
Jaden: I am sorry what did you just say!?
Lexie: it's temporary
Quinton: oh thank god (breathes a sigh of relief)
Cooper: your too? (Looks at Landon)
Landon: yeah
Jaden: I swear to god Lexie I am either going to have gray hair or be bald by the time I am thirty because of you (shakes his head)
Lexie: it's worth it if I keep getting these kinds of reactions anyways that's it for today's video and I'll see you guys next week, stay happy, stay positive and remember live your life the way you want bye everyone (cuts the camera)
Jaden: how long does it last?
Lexie: two days, three at most
Jaden: at least it's not real (shakes his head)
Lexie: did I scare you bubba (says in a baby voice)
Jaden: yes I thought you actually lost your mind for a minute
Landon: I'd never let her get a real one bro
Jaden: don't call me that when you helped her (playfully glares at him)
Landon: who can say no to her
Quinton: he has a point
Landon: anyways this has been fun but I have a photoshoot to get to however I'll see you guys tonight for your release Jae
Jaden: alright later bro
Lexie: thanks for helping Landon (walks over and hugs him)
Landon: no problem I'll see you tonight (kisses her on the cheek and leaves the house while Lexie blushes)
Cooper: (gasps) is Lexie hossler actually blushing
Lexie: shut up, I am going upstairs to edit
Jaden: okay don't forget people are coming at six!
Lexie: yeah yeah I know (walks upstairs)
Ring ring ring
(Jaden takes his phone out of his pocket and sees ness calling him)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey ness what's up?
Nessa: Jaden I need a favor and since we are still technically dating for at least another week you have to say yes
Jaden: what's up?
Nessa: I got wrapped into going to my uncle's wedding in jersey this weekend and my mom knows we are publicly dating and wants to meet you
Jaden: no way tell her it was a publicity stunt
Nessa: I can't Jaden plus my aunt told my little cousins who are fans of you and texted me saying they couldn't wait to meet you
Jaden: what about Lexie? I can't leave her (runs his fingers through his hair)
Nessa: she can come please Jaden
Jaden: and what happens when we "break up" is your family going to come for my throat
Nessa: no I promise I'll tell them it was mutual or something
Jaden: ughhh when do we leave?
Nessa: tomorrow
Jaden: tomorrow!? Jesus ness you couldn't have given me more of a warning
Nessa: I am sorry I wasn't supposed to go until my mom called today and asked me to be in the wedding as my aunt's bridesmaid
Jaden: (rolls his eyes) you know lex is about to make this hell for us
Nessa: I don't care I'll deal with it just please say you'll come
Jaden: you know what fine but I am telling josh and I don't need you fighting with Lexie deal?
Nessa: deal thanks Jaden, I'll see you tonight for the live stream and release
Jaden: okay also what time do we have to leave for the airport?
Nessa: in the morning
Jaden: alright just pack and stay the night here
Nessa: are you sure?
Jaden: It makes the most sense
Nessa: okay thanks again see you later
Jaden: later
End of phone convo
Jaden's pov
I nearly groaned in frustration for agreeing but it's too late to back out now, I decided to tell josh so he wouldn't be blindsided by anything and after a couple rings he picked up.
End of pov
Josh: hey J we just landed in Miami for the fight can I call you when we get to the hotel?
Jaden: that's right it's fight week I forgot how's Miami?
Josh: sunny like always how are you? Congrats on the release by the way are you announcing the album too?
Jaden: yeah we are doing a livestream, Shannon, Bree, ness, Travis and Landon are coming over
Josh: okay well that's good at least you have people to celebrate with you
Jaden: yeah hey listen I need to tell you something and I don't want you to get upset
Josh: I don't like where this is going but tell me
Jaden: ness invited me to New York this weekend to meet her family and since we are publicly dating...
Josh: it wouldn't make sense if you weren't there, are you taking Lexie?
Jaden: yeah
Josh: good luck with that (jokes)
Jaden: are you mad?
Josh: I mean I am not happy about it and a little uncomfortable but it's fine I get it
Jaden: thanks babe I love you
Josh: you too, I am getting in an Uber with Bryce so I'll call you later
Jaden: okay bye babe
End of phone convo
Jaden's pov
I hate making josh upset but it's just one more week and then I can focus on rebuilding my relationship with josh. That has to be my next priority after my album is out that and a family vacation for Lexie's birthday.
End of pov
Lexie's pov
I was upstairs in my room editing the video and I was cutting out any parts I thought were boring and left the rest of the video alone. I did a simple but cute Into and added some graphics in the background and when I was finished I uploaded it to YouTube. I posted a pic promoting it on my Insta and did a not so appropriate TikTok but since the boys have been busy lately they haven't been monitoring my social media as much so I am taking advantage of it haha. I put my phone down and looked in the mirror and thought about changing or just keeping this on so I walked over to Jaden's room to ask him.
End of pov
Lexie: hey bro should I change or stay in this?
Jaden: (looks at her outfit) have you been wearing that this whole day?
Lexie: yeah... you didn't notice it before?
Jaden: no I was to busy noticing the tattoo on your shoulder change out of that and while your at it burn it your not wearing that ever again
Lexie: a simple change would have sufficed (walks out of the room)
Lexie's pov
No way in hell was I actually going to throw this outfit away so instead I just put it in the back of the closet where it was before and would stay hidden until I needed it again. I threw on Jaden's pink hoodie from his Valentine's Day collection because I thought why not promo the big bro with a pair of gray sweats since pink and gray match. I left my hair down and walked downstairs and just chilled on the couch watching tv until there was a knock on the door so I got up to open it.
End of pov
Lexie: oh it's you
Nessa: nice to see you too Lexie (pulls her in for a hug)
Lexie: I didn't say you could hug me (pulls away from her)
Bree: someone still not used to her new family
Lexie: bite me
Jaden: (walks into the room) that's enough lex, how are you Bree
Bree: I am good how are you
Nessa: hey babe (walks over and pecks him on the lips)
Jaden: hey mamas (wraps his arms around her waist)
Cooper: how long till the live starts?
Shannon: ten minutes
Quinton: okay let's get the computer set up (starts turning on the computer)
Jaden: thank Q
Quinton: your welcome
Lexie's pov
Ten minutes later I was sitting on the couch next to cooper who was sitting next to Jaden and he started the live steam and I started reading the comments. A lot of them were about the YouTube video which made me happy because the hate comments were barely there I mean there still was but I didn't pay much attention to them.
End of pov
Jaden: come here mama (looks over at ness and waves her over)
Lexie: I think I am going to be sick (playfully gagging) you guys are gross
Jaden: come here, now I just look weird
Lexie: yeah no kidding
Jaden: you hush (pulls her closer to the camera)
Lexie: hi peopleee!
Jaden: this is crazy I haven't been live in a minute and the funny thing is I used to go live all the time
Lexie: (playfully coughs) at the sway house
Cooper: (looks at her) was that comment really necessary?
Lexie: yes
Nessa: anyway the video is so good okay
Jaden: the video is so good
Comment: bro I haven't seen either of you in three years
Jaden: yeah bro it's because y'all forced us off the internet how do you feel! I am just kidding (laughs)
Nessa: (let's out a squeak and starts laughing and then stops) I guess that's mt fault
Lexie: yes it isss
(Jaden looks at Lexie and is about to respond to her when there's a knock on the door)
Jaden: lex go see who that is
Lexie: finee
(gets off the couch opens the door to see Travis and Landon)
Travis: hey lex did jaden start streaming yet?
Lexie: yeah come on in
Landon: you look cute in that hoodie (hugs her)
Lexie: thank you I like the one your wearing too
Landon: maybe I'll let you keep it one day
Lexie: stop before you make me blush
(They walk over to the living room area)
Back to the live stream
Jaden: it's fine I realized that social media's not my place y'all don't like me here so I am going to stick to making music you know so that's why I am really excited about this drop
Shannon: it's almost time are we ready
Jaden: yeah okay guys the song drops in two minutes so before we go I just want to say TELL ME ABOUT TOMORROW DROPS IN 5 days!!
(Everyone starts screaming and confetti gets thrown)
Nessa: go get, pre order, save it whatever you have to do but make sure you buy it!!
Jaden: okay we are about to get off because the song drops in one minute I love you guys and stay tuned for more announcements this week!!
End of stream
Lexie's pov
Think about me started playing one minute later and we were all celebrating well not everyone because the boys weren't here... I miss them the last time Jaden dropped a song we were all at the sway house and Jaden pulled josh in for a kiss and they couldn't stop smiling at each other that entire night but this time it's ness who pulled him in for a kiss and the boys weren't here. I felt mad at myself for sounding so selfish this is supposed to be Jaden's night and here I am upset because the people that are actually supposed to be here aka his real family aren't here but regardless I walked over and I hugged him.
End of pov
Lexie: I am proud of you bubba
Jaden: thanks baby (kisses the top of her head and then looks at her) you okay?
Lexie: yeah I think I am just going to get a piece of the cake
pulls away from Jaden and walks away and walks towards the kitchen and pulls out her phone)
Text convo
Lexie: I miss you 😢
Joshy: I miss you too, what's wrong?
Lexie: nothing I just wish you guys were here
Joshy: it's okay lex I know this is still something your getting used to but at least try and look like your having a good time
Lexie: okayy
Joshy: good I'll call you tomorrow okay?
Lexie: okay love you
Joshy: love you too
End of text convo
Landon: I thought you said you were going to get a piece of cake (walks into the kitchen)
Lexie: you scared me! (Jumps and turns around) and I changed my mind
Landon: so what was the real reason you decided to walk away?
Lexie: I couldn't be around Jaden and Nessa anymore
Landon: am I ever going to know the real reason you don't like her
Lexie: maybe one day but right now it's because she took away my family
Landon: you mean josh and the boys (sits down)
Lexie: yeah
Landon: you know I get it, separated families suck but it's not always bad, maybe you should give ness a chance, maybe you'll like her and besides Jaden seems happy so isn't that what's important
Lexie: he was happier with josh I can tell
Landon: (sighs) if that's true he'll figure it out and they'll get back together
Lexie: I hope so
Landon: don't hope just have faith, hoping could lead you to disappointment
Lexie: I guess...
Landon: now I refuse to let you sit here and mope let's go back out there and have some fun
Lexie: okay let's go (stands up and walks over to him and they walk into the living room)
A little while later
Travis: so it seems Landon and Lexie seem to be getting along (signals his head to the two teens who were cuddling on the couch)
Jaden: yeah no offense but I don't know how I feel about it man
Travis: Landon's a good kid, dresses like a bad boy but he really isn't
Jaden: I know that it's just hard seeing her grow up, I want her to stay my baby sister you know
Travis: yeah I don't like the idea of Bama growing up either but what can I do (shrugs his shoulders)
Jaden: so you would be okay if Lexie and Landon...
Travis: they just met yesterday Jaden let's not get ahead of ourselves
Jaden: true
Landon's pov
Lex and I were just cuddling on the couch sharing headphones and listening to music until I felt a weight on my shoulder, I looked down and saw Lexie's head on my shoulder and her eyes were closed, she fell asleep. I took the headphone out of her ear and moved my phone away so that I could pick her up with both hands and walked over to Jaden.
End of pov
Landon: she fell asleep where should I put her?
Jaden: my room go down the hall and it's your second door on the right
Landon: okay
Jaden: thanks bro
Landon: no problem
Jaden's pov
A few minutes later Landon came back and Travis said it was getting late and they were going to get going and eventually everyone left except ness. I showed her the guest room and walked over to mine and saw lex sleeping so I took a quick shower and threw on some sweats, got under the covers and it's like she sensed I was there because she turned around in her sleep and wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest.
End of pov
Lexie: (mumbles) night bubba I love you
Jaden: (whispers) I love you too baby (kisses the top of her head and closes his eyes)

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