Chapter 69

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Ring ring ring
Jaden's pov
I groaned and opened my eyes and noticed my phone was still at the edge of the bed since I threw it last night and Lexie was still sleeping on my chest with her arms wrapped around me I gently unwrapped them and sat up to grab my phone and saw josh was calling me. I looked over at Lexie to make sure she was still sleeping and then got off the bed and walked over to the balcony and answered it.
End of pov
Phone convo
Josh: took you long enough (jokes)
Jaden: sorry lex slept with me last night and my phone was at the edge of the bed because I threw it last night
Josh: why did you throw it?
Jaden: because Janet called last night and said I have to go away for a long weekend with Nessa so I got frustrated and threw it
Josh: who's Lexie going to stay with remember? All the boys are flying to Atlanta this weekend for the triller fight
Jaden: I am taking her with me
Josh: that's going to be fun (says sarcastically)
Jaden: oh yeah it's going to be the best weekend of my life (says back sarcastically)
Josh: well at least lex isn't mad at you anymore right? Considering she stayed with you
Jaden: she fell asleep in little space last night
Josh: that explains it
Jaden: yup how's your trip going?
Josh: good the heat won last night and I got this jersey and some new shades (stands up and shows him the fit)
Jaden: you look hot (smirks)
Josh: (blushes) thanks griffin and I are on a mission to become the ultimate Miami douche bags
Jaden: as long as you don't become a fuck boy I am good with that (laughs)
Josh: (laughs and looks at him) I miss you
Jaden: I miss you too
(They keep talking until Jaden hears someone yell)
Lexie: bubba!!! (Cries)
Jaden: looks like someone's awake want to say hi to her?
Josh: obviously plus we should tell her about you know...
Jaden: do we have to (whines)
Josh: yeah she's going to see you and Nessa kissing in public and shit
Jaden: ugh your right okay
Lexie: bubba where you are!? (Cries)
(Jaden walks into back into the room to see Lexie clutching a blanket with her pacifier In her mouth and red eyes)
Jaden: aww baby what happened (walks over to her and cradles her)
Lexie: bad dweam
Jaden: it's okay you know what will make you happy?
Lexie: what?
Jaden: say hi to dada (passes her the phone)
Josh: hey baby!
Lexie: dada!! I miss you (blows a kiss)
Josh: I miss you too, what was your dream about?
Lexie: meanie boy
Josh: it's okay it was just a dream it's over and bubba's there to protect you
Lexie: I want you too (pouts)
Josh: I'll be home soon okay, listen.. bubba and I have to tell you something
Lexie: otay...
Jaden: do you remember nessa? She's the one that I did the song with
Lexie: yeah I no like her she always tried to kiss dada
Josh: yeah well don't worry she's not going to be doing that anymore because.. Jaden you want to tell her
Jaden: oh yeah make me the bad guy (playfully rolls his eyes)
Josh: I mean..
Lexie: bubba, dada what going on? (Looks at both of them)
Jaden: (sighs) nessa and I are dating now baby but dada and I are still friends and we still love you a lot okay? And your going to see him when he's back from Miami
Lexie: is dat why we aren't home?
Jaden: yeah baby
Lexie: otay... but I still no like nessa it her fault dat you and dada are no together
Jaden: can you try and give her a chance?
Lexie: no!
Josh: hey hey there's no need to raise your voice we are just talking okay?
Lexie: (sighs) otay
Josh: I have to go now I am going on a boat today
Jaden: alright we'll talk later
Josh: okay, bye baby and be nice to bubba and nessa
Lexie: no pwomises
Josh: (laughs and looks at jaden) good luck
Jaden: thanks I'll need it
End of phone convo
Jaden: (looks at Lexie) why don't you go get dressed while I pack your stuff okay?
Lexie: where we going?
Jaden: a hotel with ness for the weekend
Lexie: ew I no want too
Jaden: you have to baby I am sorry now listen because I don't want to put you in timeout
Lexie: fine
Lexie's pov
I get off da bed and walk to da other room and saw kitty in his bed so I walk over and kiss his fur and den open my little suitcase and pulled out a pink dwess with wellow fowers and sandals. I got some hair bands and went to da kitchen where bubba had tree bags wif him, q was making beakfast and coop was kissing Sab.
End of pov
Lexie: bubba coop and Sab are kissing!
Jaden: not in front of the little one please
Quinton: oh like you and josh didn't have sex when she was in the house and in little space
Lexie: sex sex sex sex sex
Jaden: (glares at Quinton) I hate you, Lexie that's a grown up word we don't say it okay?
Lexie: otay I sowwy bubba
Jaden: it's okay now let's get going
Cooper: where are you going?
Jaden: away for the weekend Lexie and nessa which means you have the house to yourselves don't burn it down
Cooper: don't worry we'll be responsible
Jaden: (looks at Sab) are you planning on staying?
Sab: yeah
Jaden: good make sure they don't burn the house down (walks over and picks up Lexie) say bye
Lexie: bye bye (waves)
Sab: bye cutie (smiles)
Quinton: have fun (kisses the top of her head)
Cooper: bye sweetie
Jaden's pov
I left the spare key with Sabrina in case anything were to happen and put the bags in the trunk and then put Lexie in the back and clipped her seatbelt and started driving to nessa's. About thirty minutes later I pulled into her driveway and pulled out my phone to call her.
End of pov
Phone convo
Nessa: hey Jaden what's up?
Jaden: I am here are you ready?
Nessa: yeah let me just put baby and blaze in their cages and I'll be right out
Jaden: okay also fair warning Lexie's in little space right now which you've only seen once right?
Nessa: yeah but why are you telling me?
Jaden: because you should know not say anything to piss her or me off
Nessa: noted I'll be right down
Jaden: okay
End of phone convo
Lexie's pov
I was watching Barbie on my phone when I heard the car door open and I saw witch number two sit next to bubba and said hi to him and then she turned to look at me.
End of pov
Nessa: hi Lexie
(Lexie ignores her)
Nessa: okay then (turns back to the front) this should be fun
Jaden: don't you just love our managers (says sarcastically)
Nessa: oh yeah definitely
(Jaden puts the radio on and they start driving to Santa Monica)
Lexie's pov
I got bored watching Barbie and looked in front of me to see that the witch and bubba were talking and she was smiling at him, I didn't like it so I kicked her seat. She didn't stop so I kicked it again and again and again and again until finally she stopped talking to bubba and looked at me.
End of pov
Nessa: Lexie can you please stop kicking my seat?
Lexie: no (kicks it again)
Nessa: I am asking nicely please stop kicking my seat
Lexie: no! (Kicks it again)
Nessa: Jaden will you tell her to stop
Jaden: (looks at the rear view mirror) Lexie Marie stop kicking her chair
Lexie: I don't wanna! (Kicks nessa's chair again)
Jaden: enough or I am taking the phone and you won't have it the rest of the car ride
Lexie: meanie!
Jaden: are you going to listen or do I take the phone?
Lexie: fine I'll stop (pouts and crosses her arms)
Jaden: thank you
Fifteen minutes later
(Lexie starts kicking nessa's chair again)
Nessa: alright listen you little brat (turns to look at her)
Jaden: hey! Nessa don't call my sister a brat you have no right and second of all Lexie give me the phone (puts his hand out)
Lexie: no mine
Jaden: you didn't listen to me the first time so now give me the phone
Lexie: no no no no!!! (Kicks his chair)
Jaden: enough Lexie Marie Hossler I am driving and if you keep it up I will pull over and punish you is that what you want?
Lexie: no!!!!
Jaden: then stop it (looks back at the radio)
Lexie's pov
Bubba mad at me and it's all the witch's fault... I looked around and saw my bag next to me and opened it and I looked for my stuffy and found doggy so I picked it up and looked at.
End of pov
Lexie: I sorry puppy for what I am about to do
(Lexie throws the stuffed animal at nessa but instead it hits Jaden)
Jaden: Lexie Marie!
Lexie: dat wasn't meant fo you
Jaden: I don't care stop it! (hands her the stuffy back) I am driving
Lexie: otay otay I stop (goes back on her phone)
Fifteen minutes later
Lexie's pov
The witch was talking to bubba again and I got annoyed cearwy she didn't learn fwom me kicking her chair da first time so I am going to have to do it again... but bubba gonna get mad again... I no care he welled at me too so I start kicking her chair again.
End of pov
Nessa: little brat I swear if you don't stop right now! (Turns to look at her)
Lexie: what are you going to do about it witch! (Sticks her tongue out at her)
Nessa: Jaden are you not going to do anything she's being disrespectful!
Jaden: I am driving I'll deal with it when we get to the hotel and I already told you stop calling my sister a brat
Nessa: tell her to stop kicking my chair
Lexie: he already did I do what I want!
(Jaden leans over and grabs Lexie's phone and puts it in the cup holder in the front)
Lexie: give me da phone it's mine!!!
Jaden: and you decided you didn't want to listen I told you what would happen if you kept on and you did now you don't get the phone
Lexie: I no like you!
Jaden's pov
I sighed In frustration and looked at the gps to see we still had another thirty minutes and I swear those thirty minutes turned out to be the longest thirty minutes in my life. Lexie wouldn't stop screaming, nessa kept arguing with her and I was about to lose it on both of them. Thankfully we pulled up to the hotel and I parked the car and they were still arguing.
End of pov
(Lexie and nessa go quiet and look at him)
Jaden: you have done nothing but argue for an hour straight knock it off!! Now we are going to get out of this car and I don't want to hear another word from either of you understand?
(They stay quiet)
Jaden: I said understand!?
Lexie: otay bubba
Nessa: okay...
Jaden: thank you (opens the car door)
Lexie's pov
Bubba grabbed our bags and a guy with a cart came over to us and helped put the bags on it and I got on it because I wanted to wide it so I held onto da bars while bubba was checking in and da witch was standing next to him.
End of pov
Nessa: Jaden (whispers)
Jaden: yeah (hands the lady at the front desk a card)
Nessa: there's paparazzi to your left
(Jaden looks and sees the paparazzi so he pulls her closer to him while she wraps her arms around his lower waist and he kisses the top of her head)
Lexie's pov
I no like da way da witch is holding bubba so I get off da cart and I walk over to them.
End of pov
Lexie: let go of my bubba you witch!
(Paparazzi keeps filming)
Jaden: (looks down at her) Lexie we are in public don't make a scene
Lexie: den tell da witch to let go of you
Nessa: fine I'll wait for you inside (let's go of Jaden and walks inside the resort)
Lady: your all set have a great weekend
Jaden: thank you so much (grabs onto Lexie's hand and walks away while paparazzi keeps filming)
Lexie's pov
We got to da woom and bubba sat me down on one of da beds while da witch grab da bags and put dem inside da woom and tip da guy who walked away and she closed da door.
End of pov
Jaden: nessa can I talk to you outside for a minute?
Nessa: yeah (walks towards the balcony)
Jaden: you stay here (looks at Lexie)
(Lexie sticks her tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes but walks outside with nessa)
Nessa: I think your talking to the wrong person (crosses her arms)
Jaden: no because your the one that was arguing with someone who right now has the mental age of a two/three year old maybe four but that's pushing it
Nessa: she's actually fifteen though
Jaden: not right now and I get it she was bothering you in the car but you kept giving her a reaction
Nessa: so what was I supposed to do? Just let her
Jaden: yeah eventually she'll tire herself out because she's not getting the reaction she wants, but you arguing her definitely wasn't helping the situation
Nessa: your right, I am sorry I'll try not to argue with her again
Jaden: thank you (opens the sliding glass door and looks at Lexie) missy your turn come here
(Lexie gets off the bed and walks out to the balcony with him and he sits her down on her lap)
Jaden: Lexie you know that what you did in the car wasn't okay right?
Lexie: yes bubba (looks down)
Jaden: (gently lifts her chin) I am going to let it slide this once but I want you to apologize to nessa and behave the rest of the day okay?
Lexie: but I don't wike her (whines)
Jaden: it doesn't matter I have taught you to be respectful so go inside and apologize to nessa
Lexie: otay bubba... (walks inside) I am sowwy witch
Jaden: Lexie Marie!
Lexie: (sighs) I sowwy nessa
Nessa: it's okay (hugs her and looks at Jaden) what should we do now?
Jaden: unpack and go to the pool?
Lexie: I hungry
Jaden: okay we can get chicken tenders at the pool go put your swimsuit on
Lexie: okay
One hour later
Lexie's pov
I was sitting outside with bubba and da witch eating my chicken tenders while they were sitting on a chair she was sitting on his lap and he had his arms wrapped around her I no like it. I need to do something but I promise bubba I behave... ugh I want dada...
end of pov
Lexie: bubba
Jaden: yeah? (Looks at her)
Lexie: can I have phone?
Jaden: you don't want to go in the water?
Lexie: no I call dada
Jaden: okay go ahead (passes her the phone)
Lexie: can I talk him by da pool?
Jaden: yeah just be careful not to drop it
Lexie: otay... (gets off the chair and walks over to the pool and calls josh)
Phone convo
Josh: hey baby I am on a boat right now can I call you when I back at the hotel?
Lexie: no (pouts)
Josh: what's wrong?
Lexie: I no want be here with bubba and da witch.. I mean nessa
Josh: why not? Did something happen?
Lexie: bubba no pay attention to me and yell at me in da car
Josh: why was he yelling at you?
Lexie: I kick da witch's chair... I mean nessa and den I start to fight with her and bubba took her side
Josh: aww baby I am sure that's not true, bubba's always going to be on your side but kicking nessa's chair wasn't very nice either
Lexie: I no care, I no like her (crosses her arms)
Josh: (sighs) I know princess but why don't you just let bubba and nessa do there thing and you play in the water okay?
Lexie: otay... dada
Josh: yeah
Lexie: I miss you
Josh: I miss you too and I love you (blows a kiss) tell bubba to call me later okay?
Lexie: otay bye dada
Josh: bye baby
End of phone convo
(Lexie gets off the phone and passes it back to Jaden)
Lexie: I go in da water now
Jaden: okay stay by the shallow
Lexie: otay
Scene change
Griffin: how's Lexie holding up?
Josh: she's been in little space today and she's not to happy with Jaden and nessa right now
Dave: so is the rest of the internet I don't blame her
Josh: not helping
Dave: I don't care and I don't understand why your not more pissed
Briana: seriously josh if I were you I would go to war
Dave: yeah fuck them
Josh: guys I appreciate you having my back but your not helping the situation at all (looks at Michael) neither are you stop going and tweeting things
Griffin: hey josh you might want to check this out (passes him the phone)
Josh: what is it?
Griffin: just look
TikTok room post (pic and video)
#jadenhossler and #nessabarett were seen together today checking into a hotel resort while #lexiehossler threw a tantrum, guessing she's not the only one upset abt Jaden and nessa's betrayal
End of TikTok room post
Brianna: Damn I guess Lexie's doing the work for us
Dave: for real we should get her on the pod
Josh: not gonna happen we don't need her publicly bashing them (walks to the other side of the boat)
Josh's pov
I watched the video again without worrying about other people's input on it and it wasn't him kissing her on the head that bothered me it was the fact that Lexie threw a show in public. I know for a fact Jaden must have been pissed and punished her or something which is why Lexie's mad at him. I sighed this whole situation is just messed up as it but I guess we can blame their managers for that. I was broken out of my thoughts because the boat stopped and we had docked at star island and got off.
End of pov
Scene change
Jaden: Lexie come on time to get out it's getting dark which means the water is getting cold
Lexie: no I having fun (swims around)
Jaden: we are going to be here all weekend so you'll have plenty of time to swim tomorrow
Lexie: no I keep swimming now
Jaden: Lexie Marie I have given you more then enough chances today and my patience is wearing thin little girl get out of the pool
Lexie: make me (crosses her arms)
(Jaden has enough and walks over to Lexie and picks her up from the water and turns her around)
Jaden: when we go up to the room your going in timeout for three minutes understood?
Lexie: your mean I no like you anymore
(Jaden ignores her and picks her up then the three of them walk to their hotel room)
Nessa: I am going to shower
Jaden: okay (places Lexie in a corner of them room) you are going to sit here five minutes and when the time is done your going to apologize for your behavior
Lexie: no! (Stomps her foot)
(Jaden puts her in the corner and walks out to the balcony and facetimes josh)
Phone convo
Josh: I was wondering when I'd get to see your pretty face... you looked stressed
Jaden: you would not believe the day that I have had first the drive to Santa Monica was literally the car ride from hell
Josh: yeah lex told me you yelled at her
Jaden: because she wouldn't listen and I got fed up
Josh: I figured but babe you can't lose your temper... you have to remember that literally her whole life went completely upside down in less than a week, give her some time to adjust baby
Jaden: (sighs) you think I am being too harsh on her?
Josh: I think your patience has been wearing thin these last couple of days and your snapping so just try and be more patient that's all
Jaden: I'll try... by the way have you talked to any of the guys?
Josh: yeah they are all in Atlanta right now getting ready to do a basketball charity game with Justin, turns out he was asked to go too
Jaden: what about Selena and Clare?
Josh: stayed back with the baby
Jaden: oh okay anyways I have to go let our little troublemaker out of timeout and if I don't get a chance to call you tonight I love you
Josh: I love you too
End of phone convo
(Jaden takes a deep breathe and walks back into the room to see nessa in a towel)
Lexie: put some cothes on witch
Jaden: enough is enough Lexie unless you want to keep being in timeout
Lexie: no bubba I sowwy...
Jaden: good and ness seriously put some clothes on
Nessa: I am going hold up (grabs her stuff and walks back into the bathroom)
Jaden: (turns his attention back to Lexie and picks her up and sits her down on the bed) Lexie how many times are we going to have this conversation today?
Lexie: no more
Jaden: are you going to stop rude and start listening to me?
Lexie: yeah (wraps her arms around his neck) I sorry bubba
Jaden: it's okay I still love you (kisses her cheek) and I want you to know that even though I am dating nessa your still my favorite little girl okay?
Lexie: pwomise?
Jaden: yes
Lexie: okay
Jaden: you want to cuddle and watch some tv?
Lexie: otay...
Jaden's pov
We watched some tv for a bit while nessa was getting ready and then Lexie went to shower and got dressed into pajamas because we were just planning on eating room service tonight. I was to mentally and physically exhausted to go anywhere tonight and deal with paparazzi or nessa and Lexie arguing so it was easier to just stay in the room. Order the food and watch movies. I was on one bed with Lexie in my arms while nessa was in the other bed across and I was glad that she had enough respect to not try and replace josh by cuddling with the two of us and around eleven we all fell asleep.
End of pov

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