Peter Parker Imagines Book

By thatgeekyemo

151K 3.4K 3K

Here's a bunch of random reader-insert Peter Parker/Spider-Man one shots, drabbles, and ministories because I... More

Sticky Notes
Subway Boy
These New York Streets Are Dangerous (Drabble)
An Unlikely Meeting
Be Careful With Secrets - Part One
Be Careful With Secrets - Part Two
Out At The Movies
Post-Book Troubles (Drabble)
The Cancelled Date
It's Only A Word - Part One
It's Only A Word - Part Two
It's Only A Word - Part Three
It's Only A Word - Part Four
Noticed From A Distance
It's Only A Word - Part Five
"I Swear, I Don't Have A Crush."
It's Only A Word - Part Six
It's Only A Word - Part Seven
It's Only A Word - Part Eight (Final Chapter)
The "Group Retreat"
Just Like An Old Western
Jedi, We Are
You Wish (Drabble/Mini-Chapter)
A Sleep Performace
Forever Indebted And Filled With Gramercy
I'll Be Fine...Right? (Extended Drabble)
He's A New Book
There's Always Instances In Which Being Early Isn't Good
The Spider Upstairs
His Name
It Was Always There
Straight Outta Quarantine
Road to Redemption
Super Friends
New Kid
TEASER: His Warrior Angel
Stress & Secrets
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 1
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 2
His Warrior Angel Is Here!!
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 3
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 4
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 5
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 6
The Secret of Spider-Man - Final Part 7
Super(secret hero)nanny
A/N (Important: PLEASE Read!)
6K (A/N)
Sober Thoughts
It's Spooky Time [HolidayVerse]
It Takes Two - Part 1
It Takes Two - Part 2
Promise Me
When It Comes To The Avengers, Multiple Turkeys Are Needed [HolidayVerse]
What Are Friends For?
What Hurts The Most
Mistletoe Revelations [HolidayVerse]
All We Can Do is Wait and See [HolidayVerse]
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 1
Non Posso Crederci
Food For Thought
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 2
Dedicated Distraction
Something Just Like This
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 3
Stardust [HolidayVerse]
Hope Dangles On A String
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 4
Favorite Muse
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 5
Define Luck [HolidayVerse]
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 6
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Finale
Fool's Crown [HolidayVerse]
Warmth [HolidayVerse]
Weakness And Strength
Moments to Remember
Amaryllis - Part One
Amaryllis - Part Two
Amaryllis - Part Three
Amaryllis - Part Four
Amaryllis - Part Five
Amaryllis - Part Six
Amaryllis - Finale
Get Used To It
Correlation, Not Coincidence
The Long Summer
Sunshine And First Kisses
Cruel Irony
notice + q&a
i'm back!
At Peace
Event of the Century
Too Good To Be True
REQUESTS CHAPTER! [currently closed]

Peach Scone [SongFic]

759 22 38
By thatgeekyemo

AN: Hey it's the 50th Chapter! In my book, that's a milestone. Originally, I was going to have the 50th be one of the multiple unplanned sequels, but then I didn't want it to seem any more special than any of the other ones, since I've been pretty excited about reaching 50 chapters. So instead, as the title states, I'm writing the first song fic of this book. The chapter is heavily inspired by the song Peach Scone by Hobo Johnson, although I've definitely changed a few things to accommodate the idea I had a little better. Writing song fics have been circulating in my brain for a while now, and I would love to write more because a lot of songs can tell really good stories, so be sure to either drop a song at the end of this chapter or on the Requests Chapter if you want more oneshots based off songs. I hope you all enjoy!!

Peter Parker was a big fan of believing he could learn something new every day. Because most days he did. Like how in the battle he just came from, he learned not to taunt Lizard too much because the dude would most definitely not hesitate to stab a claw through his side.

Sneaking into a hospital as Spider-Man might not have been the best idea, but Peter was trying to keep his blood inside his body where it belonged and he wouldn't be able to do that without help. While he was pretty good at hiding most injuries from his aunt May- having spent a moderate amount of time poring over her medical books in the dark-even Peter was having trouble stopping the three puncture wounds on his side from bleeding out on his own.

He did wonder whether he would have been better off at least attempting to fix himself up on his own after he nearly gave his aunt two subsequent heart attacks - the first being when he had called her in a rush telling her to find an empty room and open the widow for him without telling her why and sounding like he was on the brink of death, and the second being when she saw the damage that had been done to her nephew and the pain he was in - followed closely after by the most worried induced lecture he had ever received in his life.

It had been worth it though, because not only did May clean him up and give him perfect stitches, but she gave him numbing medicine which was sure as a hell lot better than when Peter propped himself up in their apartment bathroom and sewed himself back together with the emergency first aid kit needle and wire with only the bathroom mirror to aid him. Definitely saved him the majority of the winces and grimaces of pain and the trouble of having to clean up blood on the bathroom sink before May woke up and found the mess.

He definitely had to thank his superhero of an aunt once they both got back home. Maybe he'd make her something to eat too.

Peter pulled his shirt over his head after inspecting the bandage on his side. He could feel the wounds were already healing nicely courtesy of his freaky spider healing and they hurt a substantial amount less than before. He could walk around without any pain, and that was good for blending in without arousing any suspicion that someone such as himself - a dorky teenage boy - could be anyone more than that even if it was true.

He was also grateful for the emergency outfits May had stashed in her car so he wouldn't be roaming the hospital in nothing but his blue checkered boxers.

Peter collapsed into the waiting room chair with a sigh, squeezing his eyes shut for some kind of relief from the blinking white lights and he pushed his hair away from his face.

He knew he shouldn't be waiting too long. May was almost done with her shift for the night, and then they were going straight home, probably going to snack on something, then to bed since it was nearing eleven P.M. They were both exhausted for their separate reasons, and Peter knew he was looking forward to sleeping in as much as he could Sunday morning.

Opening his eyes, Peter's eyes swept the room as he tried to think of something for him to pass the time while he waited.

He spotted you standing at the check in counter, and noticed you seemed a little out of place. You looked about his age, but you were wearing a pair of scrubs. Not the light blue the rest of the nurses in the hospital wore, but in an off white-ish cream color, with the QHC badge hanging off your hip.

You were engaging in a friendly conversation with the lady behind the counter low enough for anyone to not be able to pick up on what youbwere saying. Peter leaned forward and convinced himself it was his super hearing that picked up on the words you were saying and not the fact that he sort of wanted to eavesdrop because you were really pretty and he wasn't able to take his eyes off you once you smiled and laughed at something.

It was weird, this random stranger causing him to smile just at the sight of one on their own face. That hadn't happened often in his life, and after four more seconds of staring, Peter came quickly to the conclusion that he was forming a crush on the attractive not-but-is-nurse standing a handful of feet away from him.

The sound of a kid crying is what ultimately tore his eyes away from you and toward the waiting room door. Soon enough, the door opened to reveal an upset young boy with a red face from crying, struggling to walk in the opposite direction from the adult that was holding his hand.

"Aiden honey, we need to wait right here for mommy, or else we won't be able to see her," the woman plead to her boy, crouching down.

Peter saw your eyes flicker around the room and look at how basically all of its inhabitants were paying attention to her and her crying son. The woman had tear streaks down her cheeks too, but she was a lot more strong. Peter sent her a sympathetic look, knowing that her wife was probably going through something she really needed medical attention for - maybe surgery - and they wouldn't be able to accompany her until it was over.

Peter wished he could get people to stop staring. He knew how it felt to be judged, and it was horrible. He patted his pockets, hoping that maybe his spare jeans would have some kind of cash and he could buy the boy a drink or a small toy from the vending machines to help calm him down, but he turned up empty.

A figure crossed his line of vision again, and Peter realized it was you making your way to the woman and her son. He watched intently as you crouched down to the boys level next to his mom and looked at him with a smile.

"Hello," you said softly, "my name's Y/N. What's yours?"

The boy was taking hiccuping breaths too erratic to actually answer, so his mom did for him once she spotted the badge at your hip.

"I know someone named Aiden!" You gasped, grabbing the small boys attention.

"You-you do?"

"Yeah I do. He's the most brave person I know." You grinned. "Some might call him a hero. Do you wanna know why?" The boy nodded, his sobs dying down to a soft sniffling. "The Aiden I know is a tough guy, but he's also very funny, and cares a lot about his friends and family and would do anything to help them and keep them safe."

"What did he do?" The boy asked, getting closer to being calm as his attention focused on you and your story.

At this point, his mom was smiling gratefully at the you - Y/N. "Well, once, he defeated an evil wizard from trying to take over the world with nothing but a flute."

"Really?!" He gasped.

"Really." You said with a large smile that made Peter shake his head with a light chuckle and in a tone that even made him almost believe you. "He even went to outer space and fought back aliens before they could attack Earth!"

"Does he have an X-Wing?" Aiden asked excitedly, sitting on the edge of his seat and waiting impatiently for an answer.

"Lemme tell you a secret," you whispered, making the boy eagerly lean closer. "He's a part of The Resistance."

"No way!" Aiden clamped a hand over his mouth, failing to hide a giggle. "How do you know that?"

"Because I am too." You told him, and the shine in his eyes brightened from something other than drying tears. "You can't tell anyone though!" You said, your voice still lowered. "They're working on a very very top secret mission right now. A way to take down The Empire from the inside."

"I promise!"

"Y/N?" Peter turned his head just as you did when a new voice called your name. You said a quick goodbye to Aiden, and hurried over to the doctor that wanted your attention.

Peter still had a small smile on his face as he told himself to stop staring and instead looked down at his hands. His heart had swelled from what he'd just seen, you distracting Aiden from the news that was breaking his young heart when you could have just as easily ignored him like everyone else was and let his mom try to get him to calm down herself.

There just wasn't many good-hearted people like that that Peter ran into. Especially not ones his age that worked st the same hospital his aunt did. If that wasn't a sign telling him something, he wasn't sure what was.

Yeah. He definitely had a crush.

Perfectly normal.


Peter suddenly heard his thoughts in his head telling him to go up and talk to you, watching as you said 'thank you' to that doctor and began to look at the clipboard he handed you, leaning up against the wall. But since Peter knew his brain because was his brain, he also knew that he wasn't the best with words or getting anyone he was interested in. So it was a real struggle trying to figure out the best way to introduce himself to you without completely embarrassing himself.

Five minutes passed, and Peter was afraid your job would have you leave the waiting room. The longer he waited, the more chance either you would leave or Aunt May would clock out and he would leave.

What would Spider-Man do? Was a question Peter asked himself, ultimately getting no answer. Spider-Man was confident, but even that version of himself didn't try to flirt with people.

Maybe he was looking at this all wrong. He wasn't trying to flirt with you, he was just trying to introduce himself. Maybe if he thought about this as trying to make a new friend - which he technically was - then hypothetically it could be easier.

Whenever he became friends with someone, he found a common interest and started talking that way. So what common interest did he have with you?

He thought back to just a couple minutes ago when you was talking to Aiden. Star Wars was definitely the angle to play here. He loved Star Wars.

Before Peter's brain could throw more doubt into his head, he pushed himself up and with every step he found himself nearing you, nervous butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.

He to himself it wasn't a big deal. She's just a pretty girl.

"H-hi." Wow. Peter's voice was so soft even he could barely hear himself. He didn't want to clear his throat, especially because he was only standing an arms length away from you, who hadn't yet noticed him yet, so he tried again. "Hi." Okay, this time he was audible. You looked up. "I'm-I'm Peter." He gulped, holding out his hand.

"Hi Peter," you tilted her head and stared at him curiously. What did he look like? Was he pale? Probably. He'd lost a decent amount of blood earlier, and now he was facing someone that could potentially be the one of his dreams. "I'm Y/N."

"I know that." He blurted, his eyes widening and immediately wishing he could take it back because it did not sound the way he meant it too. "I mean- your badge! It has your name." At least he didn't accidently spill that he could hear you say it because of the radioactive venom coursing through his veins that gave him superpowers. That would have been horrible.

"You know what?" Peter said in a small voice after you just stared at him without saying anything, just a small, perhaps amused, perfect smile on your lips.

Peter did not need to be caught staring at your lips.

"I'm sorry? I'll just - I'll just go." He pointed behind him back to the seat he was sitting in.

"No, no. It's fine." You laughed lightly. "I'm not good with talking to people either. Did you need something?"

"Oh. No. I just...I wanted to say that I thought it was pretty awesome how you helped Aiden and his mom like that." Your smile widened and Peter found himself unable to control the words coming out of his mouth. "And-and that you're also real-really pretty...too."

So much for embarrassing himself. Peter went silent, realizing that his opening conversation, his introduction, he called you pretty. Way to go. Was it too late to blame it on the numbing medication?

"Thank you." You chuckled shyly while Peter stood, thinking that he had already messed up and you were about to label him a creep. So when he heard you laugh, it gave him a little hope that maybe he hadn't entirely messed up. "My boyfriend thinks so too. Not 100% sure I agree though," you said casually, glancing at the sheet of paper back to Peter.

Those 2.5 seconds of hope? Squashed. Like a spider under a newspaper.

Peter wasn't just embarrassed, he was mortified. Of course you would have a boyfriend. If someone like you didn't, it would be a crime.

He shouldn't have gotten up to talk to you. May would yell at him about tearing his stitches if she found him up and walking about.

He felt so stupid. Figures, the first person he felt himself crushing on for the first time in a long time would be taken, and he would make himself just seem like a desperate teenage boy. Well, maybe he didn't look exactly desperate. Yet.

He really should have just walked away.

"O-oh!" Peter stammered, continuing to talk instead of ending the conversation. "Well, he seems very lucky. You seem really cool. Only really cool people like Star Wars. That's the reason I came over to talk anyway. About Star Wars."

"Really?" You raised an eyebrow at his excuse of a reason and Peter couldn't tell if you bought it or not. He wouldn't have.

"Yeah, of course!" He shrugged, trying to summon up some of his Spider-Man confidence to convince you he was telling the truth. "I mean Star Wars is awesome, so you must be awesome and I wanted to talk about that awesomeness...together?"

Why the hell was he still trying? Peter didn't know. He knew he was being stupid. There was no point in trying to be friends with someone he had a crush on. Not when she was already dating someone else. Chances were it would only end in heartbreak.

"I could always use a Star Wars buddy." You tucked your clipboard under your arm and stared at Peter, a friendly smile still on your face.

That was a surprise. "What?" Peter asked, sounding small again.

"I'm really the only person I know who has an interest in it." You chuckled. "It would be nice to talk to someone face to face about what happens in canon."

Peter was functioning on zero brain cells.

"What about - what about your boyfriend?"

"He's not all that into science fiction," you shrugged, obviously not realizing that wasn't what Peter was asking. He wanted to know if your boyfriend was the jealous type and if he should just leave you alone so he wouldn't potentially ruin a relationship even by accident. "Hey man, it's okay," you laughed, and Peter realized that his worry was probably showing on his face. "We don't have to be friends. But I'm just saying, you were the one to come up to me."

" want to be friends?"

"Like you said: only awesome people watch Star Wars. I need more awesome people in my life."

"I..." Peter was unsure at first, but then a grin broke out on his face. "Y-yeah. Let's be friends."

▪︎ ■ □ ■ □ ■ ▪︎

Peter's phone buzzed on his bed next to him, making him nearly stab his hand with the tweezers he was using to mess with the wiring in his suit.

But when he saw it was a message from you, he immediately forgot everything and picked it up to answer back.

(1) New Message: My Best Girl ❤

He seriously needed to change your contact before someone thought the two of you were dating.

Maybe later.

How many Avengers does it take to change a light bulb?

Oh, so we're doing this again

Answer the question dork

Isn't this supposed to be a joke?

Yeah, and you're ruining it!

Okay, okay

I don't know

How many?


Because do you really think there's a single light bulb in that insane tower?
I mean, Tony freaking Stark owns the place and probably designed everything in it

I hate to break it to ya

But that's not that funny

Excuse me???

That's the pinnacle of hilarity!

You just ruined the punchline, man

Did I though??


Okay it's not that funny

I'm sleep deprived Peter, you can't blame me

Why are you sending me poorly thought out jokes when you're sleep deprived then?

I totally can blame you

Get some sleep, Y/N

In my defense, 3 am me thought it was absolutely shucking hilarious

Stop being so mean I thought you loved me Peter

If Peter wasn't alone, he would have no excuse as to why he suddenly held his breath after letting out a definitely manly squeak while his heart pounded in his chest.

He was reading way too much into that word.

You didn't mean it.

Not in the way he would have.

Him and you were friends. And he supported her still going relationship with Connor. They were friends.

Luckily, he only froze for a couple of seconds before he gathered his bearings again, going back to the conversation like he just hadn't had his heart prepared to jump out of his chest at one probably thoughtlessly typed out word.

I do but idk why you think you can outdork me

Who says I can't try?

You're talking to the person who literally EMBODIES the meaning of a dork

And with stupid jokes, no less

There are more where that came from.

And they only get worse from here.

Let em at me

I thought they were stupid

Nothing coming from you is stupid


Only in meaning, okay? That joke was horrible

And I thought you were complimenting me!

Okay, anyway

That was supposed to segway into asking whether we can move our sleepover to your place

How is that in any way Avengers related?



Oh! Yeah that should be fine

I'll just double check with May and get back to you

Is something wrong?

Peter didn't like that it took a little bit for you to answer back. That means you hesitated. That means he was right.

I just don't want to bother my dad.

He's gonna be working a late shift and knowing us, we'll probably be awake by the time he gets back

I doubt us laughing and being loud will help him sleep.

Oh okay

Like I said it should be fine. May loves you

Even more so than you, I've heard


From whom?

Your lovely aunt herself 😁

We work together, remember?

You'd think after 5 months I'd remember that

But no

I'm hurt, Y/N

You hurt me

You're fine you big baby

Just get the movies ready

Cuz I'm coming ready to marathon

And the popcorn

I only have chips :(

Since your aunt loves me more, I'll suffer for you

How thoughtful

Ikr I'm the best

I'll see you tomorrow Pete

You going to sleep?

At 9?

Ha! You're the funny one tonight


I'll see you tomorrow!

Peter sighed, smiling down at the screen and shaking his head.

See you soon

The screen went dark and Peter put his phone down and picked up the tweezers again. He wanted to finish up and go to sleep, because there was no way he was going to waste any time alone he could get with you. Your spare time? That was all him.

It was all he could get, anyway.

▪︎ ■ □ ■ □ ■ ▪︎

One look from May, and Peter knew he got up way too fast when he heard the knock on the front door- having nearly vaulted over the couch.

He took a deep breath to calm himself, but his grin stayed. Walking normally to the door, he flung it open without checking who was on the other side, already knowing who it was.

What he wasn't expecting however was for you to not be prepared to meet him. You were standing on the other side of the door, bookbag on your back filled with clothes and toothbrush and other things you needed no doubt, but you were staring at the elevator at the ends of the hall with a look on your face that Peter was fast to recognize as uncertainty before you quickly turned your head to Peter and smiled widely.

"Hey!" You greeted with what would be your normal enthusiasm, but it sounded off to Peter.

"Hey," he smiled back, stepping back to let you in. "Something on your mind?"

"Hm?" Your smile dipped but not for long. "Nothing other than the fact that you better have my favorite chips for the lack of popcorn."

"What about you suffering for me?" Peter gasped, placing a dramatic hand over his heart.

"You're the one who doesn't have popcorn on a movie night. I think that's a federal crime." You turned to May, who was sitting on the couch reading a book. "Right?"

"Y/N's got a point," May shrugged, pushing up her glasses. "I told you you should have ran to the corner store for kernels, Pete."

"So it's really true." Peter frowned, pretending to cry as you walked to the couch and kissed May's cheek before taking the spot next to her. "You really do love her more!"

"Who said that?" May laughed, sending an accomplice-like wink in your direction, making you laugh.

Peter just grinned. It didn't matter if you were joking, which you probably were, but Peter agreed. He liked you more than he did himself too.

"How about I let you guys get started? I'll finish up with Stephen King and then join in." May stood up, showing how little of her book she had left and gesturing to her room.

"Sounds good." You smiled and Peter nervously nodded his head.

While he jumped at any chance to be alone with you, Peter hated that it was only him and you in the same room. That greatly added to the chances that he might let something slip. Something he wouldn't be able to take back.

"We should get the movies started, right?" You said quickly, hopping up and crouching down in front of the movie shelf.

"I mean, we could always watch something else," Peter offered.

"Nah, it's been a while since I did a full Star Wars marathon." You sent him a smile, but Peter couldn't help but to feel something about it was forced. Something was wrong, he could feel it.

It didn't take long for one of the most iconic theme songs to fill the room, but a silence also fell over that was far from comfortable.

Peter tried to convince himself that he was thinking too much into it. Maybe you were just having a bad day. Then it would be his job to make it better, right? But the thought of 'what if it was more than that?' refused to go away.

But when you started a conversation, Peter felt his concern fading away. He loved it when it was like this. Just the two of you, talking and watching a movie. He felt so natural. He let his guard down, let you have full control of his attention. He completely melted when it came to you. He would do anything for you.

And soon enough, Peter found himself watching you more than the movie itself.

"You've been looking at me the past ten minutes," You grinned, laughing a little. "Is there something you wanna tell me, Pete?"

Yes! Peter's brain screamed. A million things!

It was almost involuntary as he opened his mouth, words ready and willing to spill. "I love-" it wasn't until he said that he realized he couldn't say that. He couldn't tell her. Then he would lose her forever. You were already dating someone. He knew that. He shouldn't have continued to get to know you. He shouldn't have fallen for you. "Star Wars!" He blurted instead.

"I think that's pretty well established," you looked at him a little suspiciously, a small smile on your lips.

"Well yeah, but I mean, it's crazy." He thought quickly to lie, sitting up and holding his arm out to the television, trying to fight back the blush he felt was coming with the rush of his blood under his skin. "Star Wars has been around so long, and has gotten so popular. It's like the staple of the Science-Fiction-Space-Fantasy genre, and so many people loved it that it became this huge thing! I mean, ten years after Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars got rebooted! Suddenly, there's this new trilogy of movies, and it brought even more people into the already super big fan base.

"And-and they're still going! Because Rogue One was a spinoff movie. A spinoff! And another one is rumored to be coming out about Han Solo! And that's not counting all of the TV shows, like The Clone Wars and Rebels that had come out before the new movies, and the ones that are supposed to come out in the future!"

Peter chuckled. "I mean, Connor is seriously missing out by not getting into Star Wars, seriously, come on," it wasn't until Peter had stopped talking that he realized your face had fell at the mention of your boyfriend. Suddenly, the pieces started to click in his brain; why you seemed off when you got there. Why you seemed so eager to start watching pretty much right away. You wanted to distract herself from him.

"He just doesn't like it." You said stiffly, turning away from Peter and back towards the screen. He paused, trying to debate if bringing it up was really a topic he should talk about with you.

But then he realized that you're one of his closest friends, and he cared about you, and he cared if you got hurt. Your boyfriend was obviously causing you pain, and he needed to figure out why.

"What's going on?"


"Between you and him. Something happened. What did he do?"

"He didn't do anything," you said after a moment. "Not really. It's fine."

"No, you're not yourself today. It's not fine."

You sighed. "We just had a small argument. It's okay, really. All couples do. It's just the first time we've ever disagreed on something. We just need a little bit of time to cool off, then we'll talk it out."

"Oh." Peter didn't know what else to say. Y/N obviously didn't want to talk about it. Did that mean it was serious or the complete opposite? Did he overstep? Should he have pried?

"Let's just- oh shoot, I'm missing my favorite part!"

You turned back to the television, your eyes wide as you payed attention to the movie.

Peter just let it go. He would wait. If you got worse though, he would figure out exactly what you argued with Connor about. Because he didn't want you to change. Especially if it was making you hide things from him. You were always so open with him.

Eyes finding the TV, Peter decided on just making you have the best movie night of your life. And that included him running out to buy some popcorn.

▪︎ ■ □ ■ □ ■ ▪︎

Feet landing on his bedroom floor, Peter grinned to himself as he was finally home after a pretty productive Spider-Man patrol, if he could say so himself.

Normally he would go and rant to May about everything he did, but since he had gotten really sidetracked and it was nearing one in the morning, he decided that he would fill in his aunt later. If he didn't get lectured about being out that late and worrying her. Again.

"Night Karen," Peter said to the A.I. before pulling his mask off and flicking on his desk lamp light.

Unhooking his phone from his belt, he tossed it on his bed along with his mask as he pressed the spider emblem on his chest and let his suit fall down before making his way to his dresser.

He nearly slammed his hand in a drawer when his phone suddenly went off, making him jump. He figured to let it ring out because it was most likely spam - who would call at 1:00 in the morning? - but when he glanced at the screen anyway, he realized that it wasn't spam at all.

His screen shone with his contact picture for you - a picture of you caught off guard from when you were studying for your internship test with various medical books and highlighters spread around you. Your hair had been a mess and you were wearing one of his sweatshirts because you had misjudged the weather that day, but it was Peter's favorite picture of you.

Peter forgot about clothes as he scrambled to answer the call. You've never called him this late. It had to be important.


He heard a small sniffle from the other end of the line before you answered. "I'm sorry for calling so late, Peter," you spoke, and Peter could feel his heart break from hearing that you had obviously been crying.

"No. No, it's fine. I was up anyway."

"Can you just stay on the phone until I fall asleep? I just...I just want to know you're there."

"I'll always be here for you," Peter promised, a small smile creeping onto his face.

"Thank you." You told him softly, sniffing up again.

"No problem. Just let me get some clothes on real quick." Peter held his phone ear to shoulder as he went back to his dresser.

"Are you seriously naked right now?"

Peter nearly dropped his phone on his foot, only catching it at the last minute. "Not like that-I was changing!" He spluttered into the speaker, hearing your laugh over the line.

"At one a.m.? What did you say you were up doing again?"

"Come on," Peter let out a soft exasperated sigh, pulling his legs through a pair of pajama pants and grabbing the first shirt out of his top drawer, trying his hardest to put it on without pulling his phone from his ear.

"I'm just teasing," he heard you shift on your bed over the line. "Tell me about something. Anything."

"Hm, let me think." Peter sat down on his bed. His exhaustion could wait. "Did I tell you about how Abe really has the best humor out of all of us on the entire Decathlon team?"

▪︎ ■ □ ■ □ ■ ▪︎

Was Peter making a mistake? Probably.

Was he going to stop? Probably not.

Up to this point, Peter had only done stake outs as Spider-Man. So maybe him standing outside of the library on Midtown Tech's campus as just Peter Parker should have been the first red flag to what he was doing.

But when things came to you, did he really think about the consequences?

Peter was going over things to say in his head as he waited for Connor to leave the building. Each variant fueled with even more anger than the last.

He still didn't know exactly why you were upset to the point you were crying last night, but between laughing and Peter going through all the stops to distract you like you had asked him to do, you had dropped enough hints it was Connors fault.


That was all Peter needed to act.

He was trying hard to keep himself calm though. He didn't want to be aggressive, that just wasn't him. He just wanted answers. Because Connor was hurting you, and that was not okay.

Peter heard footsteps descend the stairs he had his back turned too, but he was too caught up in trying to figure out the best thing to say to really notice.

"Hey man," Peter just barely caught himself from flinching in surprise. "You're Peter Parker, right?"

Peter turned at the sound of someone addressing him. Which didn't happen often. His eyes gave away his shock though, when he saw he was staring right at Connor.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah." He confirmed. "Hi. Connor, right?" That came out a little more harsh than he wanted it to be.

Luckily, Connor didn't seem to notice. "That's me, yeah. I'm actually really happy I ran into you."

"What?" Peter blinked.

"I'd really like your advice. Because you're one of Y/N's best friends, and I really want to make sure I haven't messed things up with her."

"What?" Peter dumbly asked again before shaking him out of it. "I mean, what's- what is it?"

"Mind if we sit?" Connor asked, glancing at Peter as he sat down on the library's front steps. Cautiously, Peter sat down next to him. "Look man, I'm so scared." Connor sighed, staring down at his feet as he pushed his hair back anxiously. "I don't know if she told you, but we've kind of had our first fight the other day."

"I might have - I might have heard about that, yeah." Was Peter playing that a little too casually? It didn't matter. Things were straying a little bit left of the plan and Peter was trying to keep his cool. He came for answers, not to blow up on his best friends boyfriend.

"You don't need to act like you didn't," Connor laughed dryly. "It's okay. She isn't the type of person to hide what she feels. We both know that."

"Yeah." Peter answered truthfully this time, watching Connor carefully.

"I just feel really bad," he said in a soft voice, shaking his head slightly, and to his surprise, Peter believed him. "I never should have asked her to cut down some of her internship hours."

Woah. So that's what had happened? Peter understood why you were so upset now. You had worked your butt off for that internship. You studied and waited years before you got accepted. And if you did good work there, the hospital would give you a letter of recommendation for your collage and grad schools when the time came. Your internship was your everything. Very similarly to how Peter's "internship" was to him.

"I just-" Connor sighed. "I never should have. There's no excuse. I've known from the start of our relationship that I would have to work our dates around the days she goes. She made me promise, because this was so important to her. It was the least I could do, because she's so special and deserves it." Yeah she is. "So when I asked if she could ditch so we could go out...I'm just trying to find a way to apologize. I don't feel like sorry is enough."

Peter instantly felt bad. He came with the intent to ambush Connor and to force him (if it got to that point) to apologize to you. But that isn't what happened at all.

Instead, Connor was the one to come up to him. He was already going to apologize. He was so heartbroken and genuine asking Peter what he should do to fix it.

Connor loved you.

And as much as he hated to admit it, you loved Connor.

Peter closed his eyes and smiled sadly. Maybe this was the moment of realization he needed.

"I was planning on making it up to her with a movie night when she was free this weekend, but since you and her just had a marathon I figured I should do something else."

Peter thought about it. "How are you with Global Studies?"

Connor looked at him on the verge of asking a question why right before Peter watched as he understood what he meant. "Her test is this week. She's been studying like crazy, thinking she's going to fail it because it's her weakest subject."

"Yup." Peter nodded his head. "A study date doesn't sound too bad." He proposed. "As long as you guys are studying." He couldn't stop himself from adding.

Connor laughed. "I wouldn't dare," he replied. "You think that would be enough?"

"Well you would have to talk to her, obviously." Peter shrugged. "Just tell her what you told me. The truth. Y/N will understand. She really wants the two of you to work. She's happy with you."

"I'm happy with her too." Connor said softly.

The entire conversation was sorely bittersweet, but Peter had the feeling that it had to happen. Connor wasn't a bad person. Peter shouldn't have been trying to compete with him. He understood that now.

"Hey, like you said: this is your first fight. It's perfectly normal. All couples argue. The best thing for you to do is to talk it out. Admit what the both of you did wrong, and find a solution together." Peter sighed. "You two will work it out. I'm sure."

Connor smiled gratefully. "Thanks man."

"Yeah, it's no problem."

"No, I'm serious. Thank you for being Y/N's friend. She talks about you a lot, and she really cares about you. I really appreciate you being in her corner. Being there for her."

"Oh." Peter smiled. "Yeah. Yeah of course."

Connor nodded before standing up and Peter watched as he walked away. It seemed like there were new terms he was going to have to accept.

▪︎ ■ □ ■ □ ■ ▪︎

Peter had thought he was in love.

And maybe he was.

It took him a little bit longer than he should have, but soon, it became clear that what Peter was feeling for you was not the love he thought it was.

He loved you; yes. There was no denying that. But only as the amazing friend you were. Just as you felt for him.

It hurt. Of course. It took a while for Peter to sort out his feelings. May was right there for him to confide in, and she really was the best aunt in the world as if Peter needed any more proof.

You were an important person in his life. Still are. Everyone needs a person to make them feel things they hadn't before. Give an experience to learn from. Maybe at the beginning, Peter truly had really liked you more than a friend, but as time passed, he mistaked the comfortableness and security he felt around you with love.

May had told him it was a fine line. That there was no way he could have actually been for sure. But she had assured Peter that he made the right decision. Because he loved you, he had to let you go.

Peter didn't regret it. He still kept you in his life; you, Ned and him becoming a trio to be reckoned with. You were still one of his best friends. And you were still happy with Connor. That's all Peter ever wanted. For you to be happy.

The decathlon team was meeting in the library today. Since the competition was edging nearer, MJ, now the captain, had proposed that they should change up their study sessions a little bit. Everyone had been assigned a certain topic, and after a little bit, they would help quiz each other all around.

MJ was a great leader. She was smart, and assertive when she needed to be. She knew what the team needed to be pushed just the right amount, and Peter was absolutely sure they would get another win with her this year. She was amazing.

Sitting down in the chair next to Ned, Peter grabbed his study book and opened it up.

"Dude," Peter heard Ned whisper to him, nudging his shoulder a couple minutes into the study session, after attendance and instructions.

"Yeah?" Peter asked, his eyes not leaving his page. He needed to commit organic compounds to his memory because even though he's supposed to be the one to teach MJ, she's definitely going to be the one to teach him.

"Michelle's been staring at you for like, I dunno man, thirty seconds?"

"What?" Peter's head shot up and sure enough, MJ had been looking in his direction. Of course she was much more natural in making it look like she wasn't. He never would have thought she was, if this hadn't been the fourth time he'd "caught" her.

Peter bit back a smile as he tried to go back to studying. The heat rising to his face however made it hard to ignore the urge to pay more attention to MJ. He had made it that far without getting distracted by her, which was a feat all in it's own.

"I don't think you should wait until summer to tell her," Ned continued whispering, glancing up at MJ. "Y/N agrees with me too. You should just go for it!"

"I told you," Peter smiled, unable to resist looking up at MJ from across the table. "I have a plan. I'm doing this right. I have a good feeling about this."

If anyone wants other oneshots based on/inspired by a song, feel free to suggest some in the comments! I'll give them a listen if I don't already know it, and hopefully it'll stir up some ideas!

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