Peter Parker Imagines Book

By thatgeekyemo

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Here's a bunch of random reader-insert Peter Parker/Spider-Man one shots, drabbles, and ministories because I... More

Sticky Notes
Subway Boy
These New York Streets Are Dangerous (Drabble)
An Unlikely Meeting
Be Careful With Secrets - Part One
Be Careful With Secrets - Part Two
Out At The Movies
Post-Book Troubles (Drabble)
The Cancelled Date
It's Only A Word - Part One
It's Only A Word - Part Two
It's Only A Word - Part Three
It's Only A Word - Part Four
Noticed From A Distance
It's Only A Word - Part Five
"I Swear, I Don't Have A Crush."
It's Only A Word - Part Six
It's Only A Word - Part Seven
It's Only A Word - Part Eight (Final Chapter)
The "Group Retreat"
Just Like An Old Western
Jedi, We Are
You Wish (Drabble/Mini-Chapter)
A Sleep Performace
Forever Indebted And Filled With Gramercy
I'll Be Fine...Right? (Extended Drabble)
He's A New Book
There's Always Instances In Which Being Early Isn't Good
The Spider Upstairs
His Name
It Was Always There
Straight Outta Quarantine
Road to Redemption
Super Friends
New Kid
TEASER: His Warrior Angel
Stress & Secrets
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 1
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 2
His Warrior Angel Is Here!!
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 3
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 4
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 5
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 6
The Secret of Spider-Man - Final Part 7
Super(secret hero)nanny
A/N (Important: PLEASE Read!)
6K (A/N)
Sober Thoughts
It's Spooky Time [HolidayVerse]
It Takes Two - Part 2
Promise Me
When It Comes To The Avengers, Multiple Turkeys Are Needed [HolidayVerse]
Peach Scone [SongFic]
What Are Friends For?
What Hurts The Most
Mistletoe Revelations [HolidayVerse]
All We Can Do is Wait and See [HolidayVerse]
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 1
Non Posso Crederci
Food For Thought
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 2
Dedicated Distraction
Something Just Like This
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 3
Stardust [HolidayVerse]
Hope Dangles On A String
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 4
Favorite Muse
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 5
Define Luck [HolidayVerse]
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 6
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Finale
Fool's Crown [HolidayVerse]
Warmth [HolidayVerse]
Weakness And Strength
Moments to Remember
Amaryllis - Part One
Amaryllis - Part Two
Amaryllis - Part Three
Amaryllis - Part Four
Amaryllis - Part Five
Amaryllis - Part Six
Amaryllis - Finale
Get Used To It
Correlation, Not Coincidence
The Long Summer
Sunshine And First Kisses
Cruel Irony
notice + q&a
i'm back!
At Peace
Event of the Century
Too Good To Be True
REQUESTS CHAPTER! [currently closed]

It Takes Two - Part 1

1.6K 26 35
By thatgeekyemo

A/N: look who has a laptop now and can dedicate chapters? teenwishes03, I promise I didn't forget about this request and I sure hope you didn't, because I wrote so much for this I had to split it into two parts! I know it's been a while since March, but it's finally here. Hopefully this being a two parter makes up for the wait!

Warning(s): mentions of baby making (don't worry, everyone's of age), pregnancy and fertility tests, and some light angst/comfort

You always loved eating over at Peter's Aunt May's. It didn't matter that most of the time the meals either had to be saved by you and your cooking channel expertise or if the three of you wound up eating out or ordering in. She always made it seem like a perfect family meal.

So that's why you were currently ripping the blanket off of your husband with a large grin on your face, flopping down on the bed next to him as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Come on Pete, we're gonna be late," you chastised before pressing a quick apologetic kiss to his lips.

It was nearly five on a nice breezy October Saturday afternoon, and while you were nowhere near tired yet, you knew Peter was. On his way home from work, he got sidetracked and wound up suiting up and taking on five guys in a hidden alley, saving a woman and her daughter in the process. While Spider-Man might have won the battle, the fight had definitely took it's toll on him. Like most big ones did.

Peter had come in through the bedroom window (the first three years the two of you were together, the action had scared you more than anything in the world, but now it's the new normal) and immediately collapsed onto you, playfully complaining about being sore. He had the odd couple of bruises across his chest and a nice shiner circling his left eye, but it was nothing that wouldn't fade in a couple of hours because of the superhuman healing factor he's had since he was fourteen.

So being nice, you decided to let him out of the posing he had promised to do for you and allowed him to lay down to heal up quicker. Just because May knew about his super-persona longer than you had didn't mean the both of you wanted her to worry more than she had to.

It didn't take long for Peter to con you into snuggling with him for a couple of hours, but of course you had to be the one to return the both of you to real time and not the comfortable space where time wasn't real and tell him that he needed to get dressed and the both of you needed to get walking.

"Or we could just stay here," Peter countered, grabbing your hand with a smile and tugging you back to the bed.

You knew his tactics more than most and decided to get back up before you fell for them and his puppy dog eyes.

"I'm leaving in ten minutes," you tell him, walking over to the dresser and switching one of Peter's shirts for a nice cream colored sweater. "With you, just so we're on the same page. It's up to you whether you want to be walking down Queens Boulevard in only your boxers or not."

"I'm fairly certain you wouldn't allow anyone but you seeing me like that." Peter said without a small eye roll as he sat up and caught the pair of jeans you tossed at him.

"It's getting you to get dressed, isn't it? So it doesn't matter what I think."

"Oh. So would I get your opinion if I decided not to put a shirt on?"

You snorted as you felt Peter behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his head on your shoulder as he looked at you through the mirror you were standing in front of.

"If you would somehow miraculously not die of embarrassment and purposely come outside with me shirtless, then I would say something. But I know you, and I'm sorry honey, but I know you won't." You turned your head and kissed him again, this time ruffling his hair.

"Could we stay here if I tell you I'm still sore?" He asked and you gave him a pointed look.

"And miss out on Aunt May's signature cooking? How dare you!" You pretended to gasp. "Nice try, but I can't even see this bruise anymore and it was the worst of them. So I'm just gonna go out on a whim and say you're feeling perfectly fine." You told him as you rubbed a thumb over his cheekbone before lightly patting his cheek and moving out of his embrace to sit down and slip into your boots.

"Sometimes I think I shouldn't have married someone as smart as you are." Peter grumbled and you chuckled, watching as he quickly pulled a random shirt over his head.

"Sorry, but I don't think you could have if you tried. The smart ones have always been your type."

"Ha ha." He said humorlessly, turning to sit next to you. "You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled. "Now, are you going to find socks, or is barefoot the safest way to walk in New York?"

"You are more evil than any villian I've ever faced."


Somehow, the dinner that was just supposed to be the three of you quickly transformed into four more people joining the dining table. Or more realistically, the dining couch.

It started with a random text from Ned, telling Peter about how him and Gwen were visiting from Boston. It was just to inform the two of you that everyone could meet up the next day, but May had made a comment about inviting them over to dinner and Peter had typed out the text just as fast.

Next, it was Ned making a comment about how everyone being there reminded him of the college days where everyone would be studying for finals huddled around the May's couch, and that the only people missing from the picture were MJ and Harry. So naturally, you this time, had made the call asking if they wanted to come over last minute. It took Harry a little convincing because he was in the middle of a video game level, but over the phone, you heard MJ take the controller and back out of the game. Harry's voice grumbled as he took the phone and told you they were on their way over as you laughed, but in the end, you had succeeded.

So now instead of May cooking - which was undecided whether it was a miracle or not - the group of you split the pizza and wings bill and lounged in the living room of the Queens apartment Peter grew up in. Laughing and catching up and having a good time.

It was just the normal family of two Spider-People, the newly reformed Green Goblin (Harry was seriously working on a better name), their guys in the chairs, their impulse control, and the woman who had become a second mother to them all.

You just wished it had lasted longer.

Soon, the sun had set and people had to be places. MJ worked in the morning, so her and Harry were leaving. Ned promised he would spend the night at his parents, so there went him and Gwen. It was still comfortable as you stayed pressed into Peter's side and May across from you as the three of you continued to chat, but you instantly found yourself missing your friends.

"Is anything going on with you guys?" May asked as you were taking a sip of your soda. You shook your head before turning to Peter, in case he had something to add.

"I don't think so." Peter laughed. "We pretty much covered everything earlier."

"So do you think the both of you would have time to raise a kid one of these days?" May asked with a sly smirk.

Your eyes widened from surprise, but what got you laughing was the way Peter absolutely froze.

"What?" The both of you squeaked out at the same time.

May just rolled her eyes as if she was stating the obvious. Well, she was. "I'm getting older, guys. I want some grandkids - well, great-kids. You know what I mean - before I won't be able to take them out and spoil them with ice cream and candy at the park."

"I...I don't think we've ever talked about kids." You admitted softly, sitting up slightly and shifting.

"I mean," Peter began. "In theory we have."

"Right." You agreed, this topic more concerning than any other of the night. You were just talking to Peter at this point, barely acknowledging the fact that May was still in the room. "I know we said that we wanted at least one. And a dog."

"Can't forget the dog."

"But I never realized..."

"It's been so long. We've been together so long..."

"It's not like I'm pressuring you guys or anything," May spoke and your attention snapped back to her. Her easy smile was gone and replaced with a worried look. "I want you two to start expand your family whenever you feel comfortable. And only when you do."

"We know that May," Peter said gratefully, but you could see the question behind his eyes. You weren't doubting May could see it either. The question of when.

You never expected the question of having kids to completely take over your mind. You could tell it was doing the same to Peter too, the both of you not really talking as you walked back to your small apartment, thinking about the what if.

"Do you?" Peter finally asked after the both of you were getting ready for bed. "Want kids, I mean."

You took a second before answering, crossing your leg underneath you as you sat down on your side of the bed in your room, waiting until after you felt yourself sink down into the mattress.

"I do." You told him, a smile briefly crossing your face before you spoke again. "Do you?"

You didn't know why you were afraid of the possibility of Peter saying no. In the seconds it took Peter to reply, you were suddenly filled with the fear that this might be a factor the two of you would have to take more time to settle on in your relationship.

But then you remembered the last time you and Peter had talked about children. You had only been dating about five years at that point, and were both still in college, but something had brought the topic up. The both of you had stayed up all night, Peter nearly going into a panic attack as the thought of becoming a parent meant he would have someone else to make sure he would have to keep from danger.

It had put a minor rift in your relationship, as well as setting off an over-protective period where Peter had doubled up on Spider-Manning and barely let you out of his sight when he wasn't on patrol or in classes, but together, the both of you had worked it out, agreeing that you wouldn't have any kids until you had less stress in your life.

You'd assured Peter then that whenever - if - you'd have kids, that there wasn't any way they wouldn't be safe. Not only would their father be a superhero, but so would their aunt and uncle, and a fair amount of other people they were close too. Kate, Harley and Cassie to name a few, not naming all of the original Avengers who would be ecstatic to have a kid to look after. Especially Tony and Morgan.

"I really do," Peter murmered as he reached over to you and pulled you close to him, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "More than almost anything right now."

"You know you could have said something beforehand, right?" You questioned softly, nuzzling into his shoulder as he pulled your legs over his lap as the both of you leaned into the headboard of the bed.

"I wasn't sure when you were ready," then he hesitated, "And I wasn't sure if I was either."

"Well then, I think we should make sure we are." You stated firmly, leaning back to look at Peter's face. "Because I want to do this. I want to start a family with you."

"Me too."

You barely caught a glimpse of Peter's large grin before his lips crashed onto yours. You laughed and pulled away from the kiss for a moment after enjoying the gesture.

"I thought we were going to think about it for a bit," you giggled as Peter's arm snaked around your back and placed you on the mattress so that he was hovering just above you.

"We are. But that doesn't mean we can't practice."


"You guys are really trying, aren't you?" You smiled at Gwen's question, glancing over at her face on the video call before going back to organizing the line of DVDs you had just pulled out of the box they were packed in.

"What gave you that impression? The fact that we moved to a two bedroom apartment, started doubling up on saving, or because I ranted to you about the inevitability of having to buy new clothes for the first time since high school a week ago?"

"Actually, it was Peter leaving you exhausted enough for me to tell when you guys do it the day after." Gwen grinned as she teased and you shot her a glare through the screen. "Seriously though, I'm so happy for you guys. Almost as happy as I was being a bridesmaid at your wedding."

"Almost?" You questioned, going back to organizing, grabbing every Star Wars movie to line them all up together under the TV stand.

"I will be just as happy as long as you let me teach her to play the drums."

"Have you even thought that through, Gwen? Teaching a kid to make as much noise as humanly possible?" You chuckled as you turned your full attention to her.

"It's the perfect thing actually," she countered. "Get all the noise out making music rather than screaming. You'll be thanking me, just watch."

"I'll hold you to that." You shook your head, shoving the empty cardboard box in the direction of the kitchen where the rest of the pile was.

"Hold who to what?" Peter emerged from the hallway, rounding the corner carrying three empty boxes. "Bedrooms almost done. Nearly have the bedframe up." He leaned down and quickly kissed the top of your head before chucking the boxes with the rest in the kitchen.

"The old one? Or was it too damaged?"

"Oh come on, not you too!" Peter glanced at the screen as he groaned. "Did Harry put you up to this? Because he won't cut me any slack either." Instead of helping unpack, you just shook your head as Peter took a seat on the floor next to you. "We aren't- you know what?"

Peter stood up even though he was barely sitting more than a couple of seconds, and you had to try your hardest to stop yourself from laughing. Even with the feeling of your face heating up and the blush that was most likely going to be visible any moment.

"I don't have to talk about our sex life with you." You directed towards Gwen, trying to bring the conversation to a close. You could hear Ned laughing in the background, and your eyes trailed Peter as he got up and grabbed a cup of iced tea from the fridge. "I don't know why I trust MJ with keeping a secret anymore." He wondered to himself loud enough that Gwen heard.

"She's a lawyer and master manipulator, what'd you expect? You know she's the main source for Harry's gossip." You just rolled your eyes, knowing that MJ probably just accidentally let whatever Peter told her slip. Your main concern - if you could even call it that - was finding out what he had even said in the first place.

"I think you guys just knocked yourselves down on the godparent ranking scale." Peter shouted from the kitchen.

"Doesn't matter, we already know who you guys are picking. What does matter though, is you knocking Y/N up!"

You couldn't help but to aim finger guns at the screen, the blonde mirroring your actions right back at you as Ned whooped in the background.

"I'm working on it!" Peter shouted back with a cheeky grin and you stuck your tongue out at him.

Yeah. This was definitely going to be the father of your child.


One line.

You thought the disappointment that filled you as yet another test came back negative couldn't get any worse, but as you stared at the one tiny line, it hit twice as hard as the last negative test did. Or would it be six times as hard? Since you've dealt with not testing positive five other times before now.

Groaning, you just tossed the stick into the trash and hugged your legs to your chest, your head on your knees.

You didn't understand what was wrong. Why you couldn't concieve. You and Peter were still in the prime of your lives, young and healthy - one more than most.

You and Peter were trying your hardest to stay hopeful, but the more you tried and the longer you waited, the more you started to worry.

You picked up your phone and thought of texting someone, but you stopped when you couldn't decide who to contact. You were home alone, everything you needed for work done, and just pretty much waiting for Peter to come home so he could have a hot meal instead of leftovers from the fridge.

You knew everyone in your contacts would offer different advice, and it was up to you what you wanted to hear. May would tell you it was okay, and that not everyone could have children of their own like her. Gwen would probably drive down despite her job and try and distract you with movies and food. Same with Harry. Ned would tell you to keep your chin up, and MJ would say something along the lines of going to get some professional help since you and Peter were serious on starting a family.

You couldn't think about what Peter would say. You would find out soon enough anyway.

Everyone has just been nothing but supportive up to this point, and the last thing you wanted was for them to think all their support would be for nothing.

You wound up never texting anyone, but instead picking up your work book and getting a head start on the next week's project. You didn't want to let your mind wander and let the negative thoughts in, so you figured it would be best to distract it. So that you did.

The sound of your bedroom window sliding open and the cold air entering the room turned your attention from the storyboard in front of you and to Peter, closing the window behind him in the Spider-Man suit.

"Sorry," he said quickly as he saw you shiver in your chair at your desk from the winter wind. It didn't take him long to take off his mask and grin at you.

You felt your mood lift just from seeing Peter smiling at you, but it immediately came crashing down when he knelt besides you, his arms crossed on your lap as he stared up at you.

"So?" He asked eagerly, and the thought of you already having a dog flashed through your head before you realized just what news he was so excited to hear.

You couldn't make your mouth form the word, so you reluctantly settled for a small shake of your head.

"Oh." The mood shift in the room was almost too much for you to handle, and you were certain Peter was thinking the exact way you were just starting to. "Really?" He asked even quieter. "I just thought...for sure this time."

"I know." You told him, your voice just as soft. "I did too."

Peter just layed his head down in your lap, sighing, before standing up and bringing you with him.

"Come on, let's go to bed. It's late." he said and you frowned.

"We haven't had dinner." You told him. If it wasn't your reasoning for staying up, you would have happily layed down next to him. Peter had always been your favorite pillow.

"Did you cook?"


"Then we can just grab something real quick. You must be exhausted."

"Like you aren't."

You stopped arguing after that. You knew Peter just wanted to make you feel better, putting you before himself like he always did. While a lot of times, his stubbornness aggravated you, he must have somehow sensed that you weren't letting everything you were feeling show at once. So instead, the both of you just ate some leftover noodles and sauce and then headed to bed.

"Why do you think it isn't working?"

You could tell the question took some strain to come out of Peter's mouth even without looking at him. The both of you were laying down in the dark, your back to Peter's chest. His arm around you tightened as if he was preparing himself for what you might say.

"I don't know, Pete."

"You're just as bad of a liar as I am." He sighed, his breath raising goosebumps on your skin, and that confirmed exactly what his thought process had been.

It was quiet for a little bit, and you reached to squeeze his hand.

"Do you you think we should figure out what's wrong?"

"What?" You tried to resist the urge to turn around and face him, but you ultimately failed, twisting around under his arm and straining to see his face through the darkness of the room.

"I just mean," He stopped for a second, no doubt rewording his thoughts. "Maybe there's something stopping us. Stopping you from getting pregnant."

You were instantly brought back to what you were thinking about earlier. "You mean... do you think we should go to a fertility clinic, Pete?"

"Yeah." He stated. "Yeah, I think we should."

Once the third test came back negative, the thought of going to a clinic had been dwelling in the depths of your mind.

"It's just, we want this so much, and-and we've been trying for so long, and I want to know what I'm doing wrong!"

"Peter, I don't think you're doing anything wrong," you tried to assure him, but he just shook his head. You hated to see the fact that he already cemented it in that he was the problem. "It could be me too. Or it could be neither of us! We wouldn't be able to know for sure unless we go."

"Then we go." You felt his warm palm come up to your cheek. "We make an appointment, and we go."

"Okay." You nodded, agreeing.

With a kiss to your forehead, you fell asleep with the means of finding a solution on your mind.


Side note: whenever I mention Harry, you can bet he's mentally played by Harrison Osterfield because 1. I love Haz and 2. so we can continue to get the pure Holy Trinity content we deserve.

Make sure to read Part 2 next week!

Random real life stuff: Guys I seriously need help. I have a huge crush on one of my friends and every time we play Among Us as a group I always make myself seem sus because I stay completely silent just to hear their voice and it's getting me ejected nearly every game. It's horrible 😂😂

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