By CentineooLove

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[•At some point you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out rather they fit you in. L... More



16 10 6
By CentineooLove

Song of the chapter;-

I get to love you by Ruelle.



One look at you
My whole life falls in line
I prayed for you before i called you mine
Oh i can't believe it's true sometimes
Oh i can't believe it's true

I turned my head to the side as i brought my arm to touch my face. I stretched from my sleep opening my eyes to scan around the room. Oh right i was in a hotel room with Blake and his friends. I held my body up on my elbows to spot Blake on the right corner of his bedroom seated cross-legged with the twins on either side of his laps. The image of him and the girls was more of an emotion and i could not help but pick my phone to make more memories of their childhood. Feeling satisfied, i looked at the images all smiles admiring the sight before me.

I get to love you
It's the best thing that I'll ever do
I get to love you
It's a promise I'm making to you
Whatever may come your heart i will choose
Forever I'm yours, Forever I do
I get to love you
I get to love you

"How do you sleep?" He asked sighing.


"How do you get time to sleep? I could look at these sweethearts forever without feeling fatigued." The adoration in his voice warmed my heart and it was nothing compared to what i thought i would feel when i played this moment on loop months on end in my head.

"Well i did not sleep the first few days i had them. I felt the same way you are but they are a handful so eventually the fatigue wears you off," I explained sitting from my lying position. "Besides, i had help from my mother, their nanny Andrea and even Damon."

"Damon helped you with the kids?" He could not hide the surprised look etched on his face.

"Yeap," I could not help but nod along to use of the word.

"You know all i can think about is how much time I've lost with them and it breaks my heart," his voice morphed into a whisper. I could not help but walk over and squat beside him.

"Honey, come on. They are only a few months old. You have the rest of their lives to make up for that," I tried my best to comfort him and i hoped it worked. I did not like seeing him hurt. He nodded as i looked at them and they looked back sucking on their pacifiers. I bent down to kiss them reeling with happiness that they were finally in their father's arms. This was officially the best moment of my entire lifetime.

"Oh no. You had tickets in case i came with you right? What about the babies?" I ran my hands through my hair.

"Champagne relax, I already took care of it."

"I hope you did too about getting air bassinets."

"Yes of course, we were actually lucky that not many babies were travelling in that flight."

"Great. Then all we need to do is confirm when we get there," I said reaching for my babies when Blake blocked my hands.


"Don't take them. I am not done staring at their adorable faces," he whined.

"Did you stay up all night?"

"Guilty as charged." Wow his dedication was a little extra than i thought. Who could blame him? They were his daughters anyway. My heart flipped at the thought.

"I still need to change them besides you need to take a shower," I said ushering at his sweats attire.

"Freya helped with that but i did most of the changing. I already took a shower ages ago."

"You are going in sweats?" My eyes widened.

"Yeah, it's going to be a short haul flight of about five hours i might as well try something new since I'm a father now," he chuckled. I felt kind of sad because i was just so used to seeing him in suits that i had never pictured him in anything else.

"The change i am loving is the well kept stubble on your face," I said stroking the area.

"Don't be too bummed love. My usual attire will resume tomorrow," he said sensing my sadness. A smile took over my features as i raised my neck higher and he laughed at my expense. My alarm buzzed off and i knew that we had only an hour and a half before we got to the airport.

"We need to start getting ready if we want to get to Toronto Pearson International on time. You will have all the time you want with Enza and Mel." I stood to receive the call from my grumbling stomach and head to the kitchen.

"Well i am ready. I don't really have anything to pack since most of my stuff is back home and judging from your lack of suitcases you had the same thoughts too well except for the duffel bag," he stood carefully with the kids in hand and only after placing them in their carrier did he reach for the duffel bag. "What's in there?"

"Nothing just a couple of baby stuff nothing more." I rushed to grab the bag before he did. He seemed puzzled by my actions and a brow raise from him confirmed exactly that. I knew he was not letting me off the hook that easily so i shrugged deciding to be honest.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Which is?" His grey orbs searched mine with dire anticipation.

"I'll give it to you in the plane." He pouted and the little action almost made me give in. Almost.

"Stop pouting. I said I'll give it to you once we settle in the plane." Standing my ground while he pouted was quite an achievement.

"Why not now?"

"Because i said so."


"I mean it Jésus Blake. I'm going to leave this room and you are not going to touch that bag. Is that clear?"

"I love it when you are bossy," he giggled. My lips pressed together forming a hard line trying to keep a straight face.

"Fine fine. I'm not going to touch it Aramina," he waved his hands in the air and the use of my official name clarified his seriousness on the matter.

"Good," I said nodding while heading out the door.



"Damon please wake up," I heard someone shake me as my eyes struggled to open. It was six in the morning and i was not due to wake in about an hour. I groaned reaching for my eyes as i yawned. After several attempts to wake me i finally decided to open my eyes halfway. Andrea stood in the middle of my room looking frantic.

"What is it?" My voice was still heavy with sleep.

"I don't know how it happened... I have looked everywhere... This is all my fault... I should never have left their room..." She was on full panic mode and tears flowed from her cheeks.

"Whoa, Andrea chill. Breathe through your words and tell me what happened." She caught my attention as i sat up on my spring bed eyes fully open.

She wiped her tears and took deep breaths trying to get composure but i could tell it was to no avail as more tears replaced the previous flowing faster. I walked out of my bed putting my slippers on and she shielded her eyes at the sight of my shorts. I pulled black sweats on and a matching jacket due to the biting cold that came from the morning air. I walked over to her and rubbed her arms for relaxation.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I woke up this morning to check on the kids as usual and couldn't find them. I have looked everywhere but they aren't here..."

"What do you mean? Have you checked in Aramina's room?"

"Yes even your mother's. I did not want to worry them but now that they are not here I'm beyond worried."

"Okay let's relax, let me call Aria and ask," With furrowed brows I picked my phone to dial Aria.


"Where are you?"

"I got called in for surgery earlier in the morning and i did not want to wake you."

"Oh so you went directly to the hospital?"

"Yes i did. Why, what's the matter?"

"Nothing i just called to check on you. Have a nice day."

"Damon if there is-"

"There isn't. What, I can't call to check on my mom?" The word sounded strange rolling off my tongue. I rarely used the word since i never bonded with my own mother and it had some sort of effect on me.

I heard Aria sniffle at the end of the line then said, "You just called me mom."

"Yes mom. Now don't ruin it, I'll call you later."

"Okay son," she clearly sounded happy and i had to admit regardless of the situation at hand so was I that we had finally gotten to this stage of our relationship. I walked out of my room headed to Aramina's with Andrea tagging along. I coughed due to the strong whiff of my sister's perfume while quickly scanning the room. The curtains were still in place making the room darker than usual. Her bed was neatly spread as if it was never slept on the previous night. I called her name knocking on the bathroom and slightly opening it to confirm my suspicions. I could see her make up kit still in place but that did not clarify anything. She was never a make up kind of girl anyway. A piece of paper under the lamplight caught my eye and i walked round the bed grabbing it to read its content. She had better not be leaving us a crappy note about eloping or whatever.

Hello Batman!!

I knew you would be the one to find my letter as usual you had one of your 'bad feelings' and snooped around my room. Believe me, it was inevitable which is why I'm laughing in your face through this letter. Anyway i just wanted to let you to know that I'm okay and with Enza and Mel. Make sure mom does not worry too much. I'll call you soon but knowing you, I'm sure you are currently dialing away. Let me save you the trouble and just WAIT FOR MY CALL.

I'll be back soon. Till then brozaa!

I shook my head while crushing the letter in my hands. I noticed that she was acting weird after the ball which begged the question as to why she took the kids.

"My sister has them." I watched Andrea's features relax as she let out a huge breath. Maybe i had no right to be mad at my sister but she really brought it upon herself. What was she thinking just leaving without a word? I shook my head and decided to distract my mind by getting ready for work.



"I'm going to miss you man," Ronan said feigning cries as he patted my back into the hug.

"Don't be a pussy," I shook him off and he laughed from my utterance.

"I'll see you soon Mazekine." All these months of sharing a house with her and she had become more of family to me. She nodded in my embrace as my hand moved with the leather jacket she wore. She and Will suited each other and i was glad that they found each other.

"Well this is officially the worst birthday ever with my twin leaving today of all days."

"Taking you to the ball yesterday was a way of apologising. Besides, you could always call Damon to spend the day with you." She shifted uncomfortably on her toes while glancing at my Aramina.

"Come on Freya I don't have anything against the two of you. You don't always have to act self conscious everytime my brother is mentioned." The statement seemed to relax her.

"Are you sure you don't need me there?" Freya asks walking towards me.

"I will be with Aramina and the kids. We'll be fine dear sister," I convinced pulling her into a warm embrace.

"Okay. Don't be a stranger," she emphasized staring into my eyes and i assured her i won't.

"Since he hogged the kids all night i hope to get another chance to spend more time with them," begged my sister to my wife. My wife. I don't think i would ever get used to the fact that she was my wife. She was mine. I could not help but feel proud at the sight of her rings glittering marvelously on her finger. I smiled selfishly to myself.

"Of course Freya. We'll be back sooner than you know it." She comforted brushing Freya's dark hair down.

"Ronan who knows by the time i get back you might be having one of these," Aramina teased with a wink. I was glad that she was becoming comfortable around my friends. Mazekine laughed at Will's frantic reaction.

He shook both his hands and head saying, "Not a chance."

Mazekine threw an arm around his shoulder and he reciprocated the action by holding on to her waist. Knowing Will he had probably shit himself at the thought and Mayse too. They were the craziest couple i had seen. It was oddly funny how they both wanted the same things out of life. Lucky bastards.

"Bye peeps," Aramina and I waved at them.

"Bye. HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY MAN!" yelled Ronan throughout the airport. I shot him daggers in warning. He loved to make a scene i would give him that. Besides after all this time i did not want Champagne feeling guilty for not getting me a present yet birthdays were her thing.

I was glad when we walked gracefully to the reception as our flight's number was called through the speakers. After confirming if the air bassinets were available we boarded the plane lucky enough to get seats next to each other. Once the fasten our seatbelts signs went off, the air stewardess laid a table for us and attached the air bassinets to each of our sides. I watched Champagne gently kiss Enza and Mel placing them in the grey coloured bassinets. We thanked the air stewardess and she headed to get us water.

"We are finally in the plane now where is my surprise?"I rubbed my hands together.

"Eager I see," she laughed pulling out folders from her bag. My brows furrowed in curiosity as she cheekily handed them to me.

The stewardess was back in a jiffy with our water handing us each a bottle and left. Normally i would rip the envelope and get to its contents faster due to impatience but i was feeling overjoyed that day and practised on a little patience.

"What is this?" I asked staring at the imprint on the orange card.

'Happy thirtieth birthday Love'

I glanced at Champagne who smiled satisfactorily with her eyes closed reclining to the seat. I knew she was faking it and my lips formed a hard line feigning anger.

Maybe i was being hyperbolic but my heart literally cried at the sight in my hands. There were several medical reports regarding Aramina's pregnancy and copies of every ultrasound that she had done. The envelope still felt heavier and i turned it upside down and a familiar phone fell from it. On switching it on i saw why it was so familiar. It was Aramina's old phone whose previous red cover was switched to orange. How sweet. The wallpaper was of us in bed with me fast asleep lying on her chest and her eyes were closed. She had always been a fan of pictures and i felt as though it was starting to rub off on me too. I took my black earphones out and hooked them to the phone and my ears to listen. It was a video of her having an ultrasound done with her family in the room. I dabbed at the corners of my eyes as i heard the babies strong heartbeats when it was focused on the monitor.

The way that you love
It changes who I am
I am undone
I thank God once again
Oh i can't believe it's true sometimes
Oh i can't believe it's true

I get to love you
I get to love you
I get to love you
I get to love you

Engrossed in my sentimentality during the whole plane ride, I did not realise when we landed. Champagne turned to me as her eyelids fluttered open. I honestly did not mind her sleeping throughout i was too preoccupied with her present to care.

"Thank you so much baby. All along i thought i was lucky to have one baby but two... It's nothing short of a miracle and i love you for that." I raised both of her hands to my face kissing each knuckle in thanksgiving and admiration.

"I wish i could have done more-" I silenced her with my finger on her lips while shaking my head.

"It is by far the best birthday ever," I said pecking her lips as we took the twins to alight. Her babies. My babies. Our babies.


And they say love is a journey
I promise that I'll never leave
When it's too heavy to carry
Remember this moment with me

I get to love you
It's the best thing that I'll ever do
I get to love you
It's a promise I'm making to you
Whatever may come your heart i will choose
Forever I'm yours, Forever I do
I get to love you
I get to love you.


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