By CentineooLove

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[•At some point you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out rather they fit you in. L... More



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By CentineooLove

First of all guys I would like to thank you all for your tremendous support and allowing my book to hit 1000 reads!!!!

You guys are the best and i send my love to you all!🤗❤

To all the ghost readers out there, please please please vote for my story. It really warms my heart each time i see someone's vote and i feel even more motivated to continue updating. You are my support system so please help a writer out.

Song of the chapter - Unbreakable by Jamie Scott.



I shrugged putting off my cigar. Do you know which place has the dumbest rules ever? Hospitals that's where. I had gone to do my own little investigation regarding the death of Oliver Cole. Don't get me wrong, i wouldn't change a thing about his death just that my son was blamed for it. I ordered my men to stay around in case i needed them and walked inside St Ambrose. I asked to see a pathologist regarding the autopsy that was performed on him. Walking in along the massive corridors i finally got to a wooden door with translucent bit to its top that said, 'Head of pathology'. Being me, i clicked the knob open and barged into the room uninvited.

"Oh good grief,"I sighed rubbing my temples attempting to the rid the sight that greeted my eyes from my brain.

"Whoa! Can't you knock? I was a little busy," said the blonde lady that straddled a dark haired man with his pants down to his knees. They both wore lab coats and they were creative enough to use the stethoscopes as ropes that tied the man's arms to the window. Always into a little kink i see.

"Clearly," I said disturbed. "I would like it if you paused whatever episode of fifty shades you two are having to answer my questions."

"Who the hell are you?" She barked while they got dressed. The other doctor pecked her lips quickly and left picking his stethoscope. I rolled my eyes as he nearly tripped by the door then finally locking it.

"It doesn't matter who i am. What matters is that i get my hands on the files regarding the autopsy of Oliver Cole," I said moving towards the seat.

"What? I'm afraid that is impossible. That information is..."

"......highly classified. Yeah yeah i know the drill. Which is why i brought this," I said taking out my cheque book. I watched as her eyes widened with a glance at it. "Can i see those files now?"

"I am not allowed to do that sir-"

"I'm sure that your chief has no idea of what you spend your working hours doing," I bribed referring to the full on fifty shades thing they had going on earlier.

She sighed running her hands through her hair. "Well i guess one peek won't hurt."

She opened a drawer labelled '13B' and rummaged through the files until she got her hands on Oliver's file then slowly pulled it out. She reluctantly handed it to me and then rubbed her arms.

"Good girl," I said winking then settling down on the comfortable chair. I read in silence going through the details carefully as i asked her whether she could photocopy some of the pages for me. As i continued to read, one particular statement caught my eye.

"I bloody knew it," I smirked feeling ecstatic. "Can i just ask what made you withhold this information from the police?"

I watched as goldilocks uncomfortably ruffled through her hair. She knew more than she was letting on and the way she swallowed hard just confirmed my suspicions.

"Okay, so it looks like we are going to have to do this the hard way," I said pulling out a gun from my back. I stood abruptly from my seat and pinned her against the wall twisting her arm to her back and pointing the gun to her temples.

"You have two options here goldilocks; either you tell me the truth or i blow your brains out and trust me honey, i make good on my threats," I said arching her arm a little further making her scream in pain.

"Alright, fine! I was paid off to give a fake autopsy report to the lead doctor"

"Paid off by who?"

"I don't know! He was wearing a hat and shades and threatened to kidnap my daughter from the nursery. I had no choice," she cried.

"There is always a choice," I remarked letting go of her arm. She held it close to her heaving chest doing her best to soothe it and relive it from its pain.

"Do you remember anything else from that night?"

"The memory is a little blurry-" she started but stopped immediately i walked closer to her.

"Wait wait, i think i remember something," she started as i raised my gun aiming for her heart not before clicking the bullet in place. "He was driving the new model of toyota corolla, blue in colour and i remember its number plate."

I watched as she ripped a piece of paper from her notepad to scribble down the number plate. I raised my brow wondering how sure she was about this.

"I have a photographic memory," she blushed confirming my thoughts.

"Thanks love," I said then went awfully close to her saying, "but anyone who takes part in my son's suffering will get a taste of it too." I did not think as i drove the pocket knife deep in her gut.

"My aim was not to kill you. I just wanted you to scare you. Now if you dare breathe a word about this goldilocks i swear you will not see your daughter get to kindergarten," I snarled awkwardly patting her back then withdrew the knife while she whimpered in pain. After wiping it on her coat, i grabbed the photocopies and left straight to Rafael's lawyer.



"Ronan! Get your shit and leave. You are free to go and do yourself a favour this time, don't come back," sighed the watch guard on duty opening his cell door.

"Oh come on!" I muttered under my breath. Was this seriously happening right now? I watched as he stretched then grabbed his novel and majestically headed out.

"Raffie buddy!" He called and i stood to approach the bars. I felt crushed but i tried my very best to mask my disappointment and fight the lump that was creeping its way to my throat. "Man if it would have been any other way i would have stayed here with you. I sort of feel obliged to keep you company until your case is resolved."

"Don't worry about me Will. I'll be okay. Just try not to get yourself into trouble.... Again," I rolled my eyes and he laughed patting the back of my neck.

"I will look for you buddy," promised Will beating his chest as was our loyalty pledge back in our teen years. I smiled sadly at him as he walked down the small corridor and through the doors. I sighed walking back to my bed. I was never getting out of this place, was I? What angered me most was the despicable human of a brother was out there running the show while i suffered here paying for his crime.

When you lose your way and the fight is gone
Your heart starts to break and you need someone around now
Just close your eyes while i put my arms above you
And make you unbreakable
She stands in the rain
Just to hide it all
If you ever turn around i won't let you fall now
I swear I'll find your smile and put my arms above you.

Several hours into my daydream, i thought i fell asleep. I thought i heard the sound of keys jingling hard against my cell. The sound came again only this time louder than before which had me opening my eyes.

"Don't you want to get out of here or what?" The watch guard asked wearing a puzzled look on their face. I sat up from my bed and raised my brow.

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what i said five minutes ago, you have been released," said the watch guard opening the door wide enough for me to go through. I felt as if some sick joke was being played on me. Okay, don't get me wrong, i desperately wanted to leave the place but i did not expect it to be this soon.

I was ushered into a room where my clothes were handed to me and after getting comfortable in my clothes, i headed out towards the entrance of the place where i found my lawyer Justin, father, Will and his girl Mazekine. To be honest i was feeling as confused as ever.

"My boy!" Father exclaimed pulling me into a profound hug while patting my back repeatedly. "You are finally out!" He exclaimed cupping my face then hugging me once more.

Surprise took over my whole body the whole time as Justin shook my hand and Will jumped on me excitedly. The realization began to catch up with me in the middle of Will's warm hug as i hugged him back laughing.

"I thought you left," I referred to him excitedly.

"Well i almost did when Mayse here came for me then i met daddy dearest outside and well we got to a little catching up while he told me how he planned to get you out of here."

I looked gratefully towards my father who smiled then ushered us in the limo. Justin preferred to be heading along his way while we decided to celebrate with booze and drugs of which father was a fan of. The thick smell of smoke violently hit my nostrils making me cough momentarily. I saw my father smirk and sighed. To think all these years with an active smoker would make you get used to the smell. It didn't. Ronan and his girl looked comfortable and judging from Mazekine's looks and knowing Will, i had assumed that they had already gotten used to the drugs. Oh well.

"How did you manage to get me out?" I asked fighting the suffocating feeling once we had settled in and father lit his cigar. I wasted no time in opening the window halfway and Ronan smiled at my little action. He knew how i was about smoking. I never joined him and Shepherd whenever they did.

"I talked to your lawyer to plead your case to the judge and turns out the bullets found in Oliver's body do not match the gun at the scene and get this, he died of a heart attack before he was shot!"

"That sounded as if it came from an autopsy report. How did you get your hands on one?" I asked baffled by his findings while Ronan poured the drinks for us. I deserved a celebration.

"Well it's nothing a good threat can't fix," he said casually taking another whiff of his cigar and i patted his back lovingly.

"Look at us bonding on the best way to get things done," we laughed as i took a sip of the Bourbon liquor. I was never much of a drinker, i actually did not drink at all but today's events begged for a celebration. Ronan and Mazekine lighted each others cigarettes and drinks. My father's limo was more like a drug mobile.

"How did you know all that stuff about the bullets?" Mayse asked. I was rather surprised by how comfortable she had gotten.

"If there is one thing i understand perfectly is how guns work. Trust me honey, i have been chanting these things since birth," remarked father raising his head proudly.

Mazekine tilted her head to the side in acceptance as she finished off her drink.

"So what's going to happen to the case now that i have been released?"

"Son, i don't want you to worry about that. The important thing is that you are out of prison and clear of all charges. Leave the rest to me," he released a huge cloud of smoke then eyed me curiously. "What?"

"Nothing." I knew my father and when he talked about 'taking care of things' I knew there was going to be blood and guns involved. I just prayed that he would not do anything stupid that would lead us to going back to square one.

Relief washed over me when the familiar suburbs came to view. The car halted to a stop seconds later and i presumed we had arrived to my mansion. My father bid me goodbye and i alighted shocked later to see Ronan and Mazekine alight with me.

"We are sort of in between places-"

I smiled walking towards them, "Will, you are my buddy. You don't even have to ask," I did our pledge sign and he laughed. Mazekine relaxed beside him and we walked through the gate. Finally, home sweet home.

The porch light flickered on and i had never felt more relieved to see my sister open the door and welcome me with a warm hug.

"I'm sorry for intruding but I wanted to be here when you arrived home but if you-"

"Come on people! Do i even have to remind you that you are welcome here? Trust me, after spending all those nights in a jail cell I'm kind of honoured to have my support system around me," I smiled throwing an arm over my sister's shoulder as we entered the massive house.

"Mayse?" Freya asked shocked to see Ronan's girl.

"Freya? Oh wow. This is your brother? Okay now i feel like we were best friends in another life," said Mayse as they hugged.

"How do you two-" I started.

"Oh we met at bar when she was crying about-"

Freya quickly cupped the mouth of Mazekine while she laughed uncomfortably. "My brother doesn't need to know the details."

I gave Freya the 'we are going to talk about this later' look before i addressed the lovely aroma that filled my nostrils. "What smells so good?"

"I made dinner," squealed Freya walking into the dining room with my guests following. I excused myself and headed upstairs to my room to get a decent shower. I reeked of prison air, ugh. I painfully opened the door to my room and the whiff of my wife's perfume struck me to my throat making me cough for a moment.

My eyes scanned the awfully clean room slowly. To be honest, i had no idea of what i was looking for, it's not like i expected to find Champagne here after everything that happened but i still clung on to a little hope. Pessimism was never a part of me and was determined to keep it that way at whatever cost. I won't deny the fact that when the door was opened i hoped to see Aramina's face waiting for me to come back. How fucked up was that? Hell yeah i knew that i was being selfish but when it came to her i was ready to do just about anything. I mean, it's her... My heart literally beats for that lady.

Cause she's the one that i needed
She's the heart that i wanted bad
The song that i heard on the radio
That made me stop and think of her
And I can't, I can't
I can't concentrate anymore
And I need, I need
I need to show her what her heart is for
It's been mistreated badly
Now her world has started falling apart
Falling apart

After laying on the bed for several minutes enjoying the sweet smell of Aramina's perfume, i stood lazily and walked towards the dresser. A bit of relief flooded through me when i spotted her clothes still on the hamper. Call me a pervert or whatever to check if her underwear was still in its drawer of which it was. Maybe there was still hope for us. Maybe she had not given up on me. I felt like it was too soon to call her but knowing myself, I would probably sleep-dial her in the middle of the night. I could almost swear that i never had control of my actions when she was around or in my thoughts.

Taking off my clothes, i walked into the bathroom to put them in the laundry basket then took a long shower scrubbing as hard as i could on my skin trying to get rid off everything that happened since i was arrested as if the memories were plastered on my skin. Only when my skin felt agitated did i declare myself clean wrapping the towel around my waist. Normally i would wrap it low enough to show off my V line just to taunt Champagne and watch her fight every nerve in her body that craved for me. I chuckled a bit feeling nostalgic from the memory.

When you lose your way and the fight is gone
Your heart starts to break
And you need someone around now
Just close your eyes while i put my arms above you
And make you unbreakable
She stands in the rain
Just to hide it all
If you ever turn around
I won't let you fall down now
I swear I'll find your smile and put my arms above you
And make you unbreakable
I'll make you unbreakable

"Ah!" I exclaimed on stepping on something hard beneath my right foot. I leaned against the sink to maintain my balance while i examined my foot. I looked around to seek what caused the ache and saw what looked like a weird stick. All that vapour in the shower had totally messed with my vision. I picked and observed it finally noticing that it was a pregnancy test. A vague plus sign showed on it and i shook my head blinking hard. Was i seeing what i thought i was seeing? Aramina was pregnant with my child; her child, our child.


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