Means To An End- OUAT Darling...

By WPDarlingPan

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COMPLETED ♡ Wendy is on the run from Pan. She had finally escaped Pan after many of being locked In the bamb... More

Police Station
Hide and Seek
The Meeting
Loyalty Questioned
Easily Replaced
Memories Returned
Nightmare at the Docks
The Necklace
The Cabin
Not A Update! Story Info
New Players
Lost Boys
The Savior
Not A Update!
Giving In
The Choice They Made
New Plan
Darling Siblings
Wendys Escape
The Curse
Memory Loss
Wendy Darling
Neverland Punishments
Not A Update!
Killian Jones and Wendy Darling
Not A Update!
Who are you?
Answers... but was it worth it?
Waking Up
Wendys Guardian
Adoptive Mom
Not A Update!
His Dark Side
Not A Update!
Pans Shadow Book
She is coming back
She's Back
Not A Update!
Pan's Dark Past
Not A Update!
Not A Update!
Not A Update!
Pitch's Move
Waking Up
Final Battle Part 1
Final Battle Part 2
Granny's Diner
Means To An End
Wattys 2021

Shadow Torn

656 9 6
By WPDarlingPan

Wendys POV

Once the boat had docked the others rushed off the boat. First it was Snow and David, they were greeted by everyone. Then we're followed by Emma, Hook, and Henry. They were also greeted by everyone but when Regina and Gold went down the ramp to solid ground, Gold was greeted by one person while Regina was greeted by none. It was quite sad even if she isn't the nicest. Once they were off the boat Felix and I hesitantly made our way off, his arm around my shoulder and my arm around his waist, holding onto each other protectively.
We stood back from everyone else silently observing the group until Snow came up to us.


"Hi Snow." I said with a small smile. Felix just nodded his head.

"There are some people who want to see you Wendy." She said pointing towards a couple of men. They look familiar, But I couldn't pinpoint from where. I've been on the island for a very long time so how could I?

I walked over slowly with Felix not far behind. Their smiles widened as they saw me coming over.

"Wendy!" They yelled running over and griping me into an embrace. I froze, I looked over to Felix pleading with my eyes for help. He nods and runs up to us.

"Hey! Back off!" Felix said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the group. I nod a small thanks and smooth down my clothes. 

"This is our sister! You back off!" The one with glasses retorted.

"Who are you anyways?" The short one asked Felix.

"Felix. Wendys brother and Pans right hand." He said with a smirk.

"We are her real brothers!" Glasses exclaimed.

"You couldn't be! You'd be dead!" I yelled back with tears in my eyes.

"Pan kept us alive. He needed us to do his business in this world." The shorter one said.

"How do I know it's really you?" Felix wrapped an arm around my shoulder to let me know he was there.

"Our names are John and Micheal darling, we had a dog named Nana and we lived in London before Pans shadow came and took you away from the Nursery." Glasses said.

"John?" I said turning towards the one with glasses,

"Micheal?" I questioned turning towards the short one.

They both smile and nod at me and this time I'm the one to engulf them in a hug.

"I thought you were dead!" I cried into their arms.

"We are here Wendy." John said looking me in the eye. Which is quiet weird because of our height.

"Now with Pan gone, we can go home." Micheal said.

All I could think. We just left my home. We spent so long apart things won't ever be the same. Now im the little sibling physically. I don't remember details of my old life, like if I had friends or what school I went to. It's not ever going to be home again. I have a look to Felix, they have no idea what Pan will do when he gets here. If I just leave I will feel like I cause it, the deaths will be on my hands.

"Can we stay here?" I asked "find a new place and adapt?"

They both looked at each other and shrugged.

"Sure but why?"

"I honestly can't remember much about London or you guys."I said nervously playing with my hands, it was part of the truth. "going back will be too hard. Here I can not hold onto trying to remember London."

"Of course Wendy." Micheal said engulfing me back into a tight embrace which I awkwardly returned.

"Can Felix come with us to our new house?" I asked not really taking no for an answer.

"I guess." John said grimly while Micheal nodded.

"Micheal and I will go look for houses while You and Felix go to Granny's for some food. It's a diner like place and it will say Granny's on a huge sign, okay?" John asked.

"Yep, do you need a specific currency?" I asked, I wasn't exactly sure what is the same and what's not from the time I had escaped.

"Oh yes!" Micheal said reaching into his pocket which had a weird square shaped box in it. He pulled out a couple of green papers and handed them to me.

"This should be enough for Granny's, we have a lot of this because of our jobs, so don't worry about spending it." Micheal explained as he saw the perplexed look on my face.

They say a quick see you later and make there way to find a house while Felix and I head to the diner.

Pans POV
I made it to Storybrooke and stuck to the shadows and the sky. No one would know I was here until I want them to. I scoped out the town. Until I saw the Blue Fairy, I watched her extra closely, she would get in the way of things if she was kept around. I followed her until she got to a place near a diner. It was a large building I assume to be an office of sorts. Then I examined the diner, I saw Felix and My Darling at a table, I'm proud. They knew better than to get attached to this town and it's people. Because they would be back soon enough. I sent my shadow to go under the table, sticking the shadow of it so I can hear what they are saying.

"I'm scared Felix. I don't want to be but I am." I bet she is talking about me, she remembers what I did to get to her all those years ago.

"Even I can see Pan cares for you, if not loves you. He will be here and he will bring us back whether you want to or not. Pan never fails.
Good job Felix I thought to myself. His loyalty throughout the years is what made him my right hand and honestly my best friend. He knows how I work and I know he can contribute to Wendys well-being when she comes back to Neverland, since her brother cannot come as they are adults. And they'd try to take her from me. My Wendy-bird is mine and only mine.

"I know Felix. I might forgive him in time but everything he's lied about courses through my head. And the sad thing is I could still love him."
I love you too My Wendy-bird. We will be together soon enough. But I gotta play a game with this town first. I said to myself, the people in this town will pay for taking what is mine. I commanded my shadow to return and sent it to start tearing shadows, starting with the Blue Fairy.

Wendys POV

Felix and I finished our meals and headed out the door but we heard screaming nearby. We followed the noise and we ended up in front of a office like building. I watched Emma run in with her gun or whatever it's called and David not far behind. Felix and I followed after, him with his blade ready. We had arrived to see Emma checking for a pulse and David standing over the body holding a note. It's The Blue Fairy. I covered my mouth to stifle a gasp and Felix held his blade to his side.

"What happened?" Emma asked

"I don't see a entry wound, Blood, or anything to go off of." She questioned to David.

Felix and I gave each other a knowing look.

" I know." I quietly said making Emma and David turn around quickly.

"When did you get here?" David asked us

"We ran in after you after we heard the scream" Felix said shrugging like hits the most obvious thing.

"What did you mean by 'I know' Wendy?" David asked me, not harshly but sternly.

"She has no outer wounds right?"
They both nodded

"Her shadow was torn from her." I said grimly.

"Her shadow?" Emma questioned, still getting used to magic.

"Yes. You can tell since she doesn't have any out wounds at the fact that she is not casting one now."

"But Gold took off his shadow, that's how he was able to get into the cave."

"His was cut free by his own will, and he was in charge of it, making it apart of him still. Same with me, Pan took my shadow off but I can still control it. But her shadow was ripped forcefully from her body and taken or else she would still be alive. What's on the note?"

"You took whats mine. Time to pay the price. I'm coming for you My Bird." David repeated the card. Felix and I gave each other a knowing look but I decided it would be best not to bring it up, they believe that Pan won't come here anymore. It's not easy getting people to believe something they desperately don't want to be true.

"Felix and I should get going my brothers have been looking for a house here. I bet they'd found one by now" I said trying to not seem suspicious.

"Thanks for your input." Emma nodded and did a small smile which I returned.

"Glad I could help." I grabbed Felix's wrist and brought him out of the building.

"You could have exposed that Pan was here. And that he is here for you. Why didn't you?" He said smugly. He already knew the answer, He may consider Wendy a type of family but Pan was who he'd be forever loyal to.

"We can't stop whats coming. Not until he wants it known. He's here and we can't do anything or else people would accuse us. Pan never fails." I said shrugging my shoulders. I've never been quite fond of the fairy since she had been the one to banish Tinkerbell but she didn't deserve to die.

"Damn right Wendy." Felix said putting an arm on her shoulder protectively. He knew Pan would want him to keep her safe. And he wanted her safe too so that's what he will do.

3rd Person POV

They made their way around town searching for John and Micheal and they found them at an older house with a for sale sign being taken out. Wendy and Felix grew close and she waved to Micheal who was carrying a couple things of luggage into the house. He smiled back and quickly set the luggage inside and yelled to John who was upstairs who had come and they both went out to greet their sister.

"How was Granny's?" John asked the pair.

"It was delicious! I like the... milk-shake!" Wendy said giddily while momentarily allowing herself to what's happened. But once she did she calmed down but displayed a small smile so her brothers weren't suspicious.

"I'm glad, let's go to the furniture store and get beds and other furniture." Micheal suggested.

"Okay!" Wendy said running into the car with Felix close behind. Micheal and John took the front seats and Felix and Wendy in the back.

They shopped until sundown all finding a bed that they had shipped to the new house and John payed the cashier. The arrived at the new house to see the moving truck with the beds. John, Micheal, and Even Felix helped carried them inside. As soon as all the beds were put into their respective rooms everyone got ready for bed. Johns room was two to her right, Micheal was next to her on her right and Felix was in the room on her left. Wendy changed into her night gown, still fearful of what Pan has done to her memories she makes sure to close the window and put the latch on. Then Wendy laid down and tried to get some sleep.

She had just fallen asleep when the latch on her Window was lifted and Pan crept into her roo, careful not to wake her. He walked over and placed a small kiss on her head, pulled the covers up to cover her completely

"I love you My Wendy-bird, soon we will had back home" he whispered into her ear making her shiver but remain asleep. He walked back over to the window and left, but not before leaving a note on the window sill.

Soon there after Wendy woke up screaming from a nightmare and started to have a panic attack. Felix burst into her room knife ready but put it away when he saw her state.

"Breathe Wendy, in 1...2...3 and out 1...2...3" he said trying his best to calm her.

She steadied her breathing and she layer back down fearfully. Not even seeing the note yet. Felix saw the note but figured who it was from, who else flies in windows.

"Thank you Felix." She said grimly. Why didn't her brothers come check on her? Surely they heard the scream.

"No problem." He said shrugging it really wasn't a big  deal, he was used to it all. He himself experienced it time to time.

"I had a nightmare that Neverland had been destroyed, set to flames because Pan wasn't there to stop it." She said never moving.

"Neverland is fine Wendy. Pan had to have left someone in charge while he's gone since you and I are here, and I'm sure they can handle it."

She nodded understandingly. He turned around to leave but was stopped.
"I'm terribly sorry but can you stay for a little bit Felix?" She whispered barely audible.

"Sure." He said positioning himself on the big, round Grey leather chair Wendy and got for her room. He knew he couldn't even dare think about staying on the bed, no matter if he thought of her has a sister or not, Pan would have his head.

He later down and tried to get some sleep when he heard the familiar pipes play the lullaby's tune he used to get the young Lost Boys to sleep quicker. Both Wendy and Felix looked at each other to the music but Wendy let out a small smile recognizing the tune. They both fell asleep almost instantly and Pan watched and smiled at the sight of both of their breathing steadied because of the tune.

"Goodnight My Darling." He whispered to himself, waiting for the point where she wakes up and sees the note.

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