Means To An End- OUAT Darling...

By WPDarlingPan

21.8K 302 129

COMPLETED ♡ Wendy is on the run from Pan. She had finally escaped Pan after many of being locked In the bamb... More

Police Station
Hide and Seek
Loyalty Questioned
Easily Replaced
Memories Returned
Shadow Torn
Nightmare at the Docks
The Necklace
The Cabin
Not A Update! Story Info
New Players
Lost Boys
The Savior
Not A Update!
Giving In
The Choice They Made
New Plan
Darling Siblings
Wendys Escape
The Curse
Memory Loss
Wendy Darling
Neverland Punishments
Not A Update!
Killian Jones and Wendy Darling
Not A Update!
Who are you?
Answers... but was it worth it?
Waking Up
Wendys Guardian
Adoptive Mom
Not A Update!
His Dark Side
Not A Update!
Pans Shadow Book
She is coming back
She's Back
Not A Update!
Pan's Dark Past
Not A Update!
Not A Update!
Not A Update!
Pitch's Move
Waking Up
Final Battle Part 1
Final Battle Part 2
Granny's Diner
Means To An End
Wattys 2021

The Meeting

993 17 2
By WPDarlingPan

Years went by and Pan and I grew closer, I stopped fighting because i accepted that I wasn't going to leave, and Pan is the only on who hasn't left me. I still missed some people I once knew sometimes, but Pan said they left me. So why should I miss them? Everything was going great according to Pan, all his plans were falling in to place.

A new boy came to the island and I was overjoyed to meet someone new. Pan and went to get him and we all sat at the camp waiting to see the new boy. Felix and I were talking about random poppycock when Pan flew in with the boy.
"Lost boys! And Lost Girl!" He says winking at me, I turn my head away to hide the blush.

"This is Henry! He's going to save magic!" He said smirking. I gasp, I remember Felix and Pan talking about magic a couple days ago but I hadn't heard enough to know that it was in danger.

I wonder why he didn't tell me. All the boys started to cheer and I clapped and smiled towards the boy, if Pan is excited to see him here why shouldn't I be?

"How about we play a game?" Pan said knowing full well nobody's going to say no

"What kind of game?" Henry asked, He seemed very cautious around Pan, it's very peculiar. Most boys who come here immediately warm up because they have no where else they want to be, so why do I have a feeling it's different?

"How about Capture the Flag? Whoever loses gets punished"

All the boys and I erupted into cheers other than Henry. Wouldn't he like to play games?

"Now wha should we use as flags?" Pan asked the group.

"How about people?" Felix suggested shrugging.

"Great idea, now who should it be?"

"Wendy!" "Wendy-Bird" "Girl!" The boys shouted,

"I guess I'm a flag" I said chuckling to my self.
"Who else?" Pan asked when Henry spoke up.

"I will." He said excitedly shooting his hand up, I guess he does like games, I smiled at his eagerness.

Pan smirked and explained the rules.
"No harming the other teams flag aka person and I want no deaths! Do I make myself clear!" He said emphasizing the last part, everyone wasn't scared they knew how to injure each other without killing. Luckily I didn't have to worry about that.

We all split into teams that Pan has assigned. He is in the other team and Felix is with me with the lost boys split in between them.

"Go to your places!" Pan announced and he flew towards the other half of the island and we went the opposite way.

"Wendy we are going to have you hide in a small bush in the center of our half since they would expect you to hide in the trees like usual, okay?"

"That's good Felix"

They wonder around to find a small bush and she hides while the boys cover her with other leaves and sticks to make it blend in more and make her completely camouflaged. A few minutes later she heard him signal the game has begun. This is one of the first times since I've arrived where I've been completely alone. And when I'm alone I think of everything. How I begged the shadow to take me here all those years ago, John and Micheal, and... him. I miss them all terribly, but Pan makes me forget them when I am with him. It's been years I doubt any of them would come for me. I don't even know if John and Micheals age magic was lifted or not when Pan sent them away they day before I left.

I heard footsteps run right by me, they were probably checking the trees first, but what they didn't see was a few sticks and leaves and fell from the top of the bush leaving a space that could only be seen from a large height, and Pan was flying over them when he saw a small space with a different color poking out from the rest, he quietly flew down and yelled


Wendy jumped and faced towards him as he grabbed onto her wrist, picking her up and carried/flew her over the crowd below in order to make it back to his side base to win the game. They had arrived back on the ground and Pan used his pipe to signal the game is over. Pan quickly left and retrieved Henry from the tallest tree in Neverland. Of course nobody found him! Wendy said laughing as Pan came back with the boy who held onto him for dear life, I bet he is not a fan of heights. Just as he set him down Pan felt someone entering the island.

"Can you lead him back to camp?" Pan asked me as I was the only one nearby.

"Of course, is something wrong?"

"No I just got to check something." He said with a smirk and flew away.

"Hello" Henry said walking next to her

"Hello Henry! My name is Wendy." I said smiling at him.

"Wendy? Wendy Darling?" I stopped

"How do you know my name?" I asked scared.

"Back in my home, Peter Pan is a movie and book."

"What's a movie?"

"It's like moving pictures" my mouth drops

"That sounds incredible!"

"It is!" We both stare at each other before we both break out laughing at our excitement.

We arrived back at camp a short while later and I take him to my favorite log.

"I wonder what the punishment is for the loosing team?" Henry asked

"I'm sure it mustn't too bad, maybe just sleeping on the dirt or get tied to a tree for the night, it's not that bad." I shrugged, I didn't really care, I've lost before.

"Thats not bad?" Henry asked

"Well it could be worse, like what happened a few years ago."

"What happened"

"We are not allowed to speak of it."

"Please Wendy?"

"Fine I'll say one word. Exile." I get up to go talk to Felix

"Wait! Who?"

"I cannot say." I whispered dreadfully.
Just as I walk away Pan arrives back at camp, I smile at the fact.

"Winning team go get ready for dinner! Losers come with me." I waved bye to Henry and follow Pan for losing. He ties everyone to tree sitting down but when it gets to me he picks me up and puts me in a tree house in the tallest tree with no way down. I try to squirm out of his grasp but he holds me tighter.

"This is where you'll be my Wendy-Bird. You cannot leave this tree until I come get you. Understand?"

I nod my head, I may not like the idea but I don't feel like angering him. It's not like this was bad anyways, there's a bed and a bowl of water with a mirror and a night stands. I may be on his good side most of the time but I don't want to be on his bad side unless necessary. He then set me down and told me to get ready for bed. Then left through the window of sort in the tree house just to come back 5 mins later to me on the bed curled under the sheets.

"Goodnight My Wendy-Bird."

"Goodnight Pan."

3rd Person POV
Once she was completely asleep he kissed her forehead and fell asleep himself.

The night went by fairly quickly and Pan left once Wendy woke up. She was fine in the treehouse for a couple days because she was brought food, but she didn't know he had just put her up there because he wanted her away from his business with Henry, she would interfere if he hadn't, he knew that for a fact. On the 3rd day, some people had found the camp looking for a Henry. But they didn't find him.

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