By CentineooLove

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[•At some point you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out rather they fit you in. L... More



44 14 0
By CentineooLove


"Wow you have a very beautiful house," I said to Demi as she ushered us in her mansion. It was all white with very expensive looking furniture all around the house. The floor looked spotless as we stood on the green rug that was at the doorway. The spiral stairway particularly caught my eye that was a few steps from the doorway.

"Thank you very much. I'll have Juanita take your bags," she responded as a middle aged lady greeted us kindly and took our bags upstairs.

"I think I'll first take a shower before dinner is that okay?" I asked Demi. I wouldn't want to impose on her plans and wanted to be a great guest.

"Yeah that's totally fine. I could show you to your room if you'd like"

"No it's okay. Just give me directions and I'll be on my way. Plus I'll just ask Juanita if I get lost coz she's already there"

"Okay. Well your room is the fourth door to the left. I hope you'll love it," said Demi with a smile. I nodded and walked away. The shower was sort of an excuse to leave Demi and Luther alone to talk. I knew that they had a lot to talk about plus, I felt tired and I could've used a quick shower and maybe a nap. I walked the steps two at a time and stood to look at the long corridor. I walked towards my room and found Juanita spreading the sheets on my bed.

"Ah Miss Cole, I'm done with your bed and your room is spotless. I've also unpacked your suitcase and hanged your clothes and ironed the dresses," said Juanita.

"Thank you Juanita. When is dinner going to be ready?"

"Well at times like these, Miss Lovato likes to have her meals catered so possibly at around eight"

"Oh okay."

"How are the kids doing?" she asked happily.

I looked at her confusedly, "Kids? What kids?"

"You know, with Luther."

"Oh I'm not, we're not... I'm not Luther's wife"

"Oh my God this is so embarrassing-" Juanita started.

"No it's okay. I'm just his friend"

"Oh... It's nice to meet you and I'm sorry again," she said as she scurried out of the room. Why did everyone think I was Luther's wife? Probably because you are with him at his family reunion? I shrugged and headed to the bathroom.



The awkward silence in the sitting room was painful. It felt as though you could cut the tension between my sister and I with a knife. I grabbed a green apple from the fruit basket that was laid on the table at the right corner of the room and took a bite.

"So... "

"So... " continued Demi. We clearly had issues between us.

"Well I'm-"

"I'm just-"
We began to speak simultaneously and chuckled nervously.

"You first," I said to my sister who had her back against the wall as if her life depended on it.

"I'm just really sorry. I missed you. You have always been a big part of my life and I don't actually know what was going through my mind at the time," she said breaking her eye contact and staring at her toes, a habit she obsessed over when we were younger.

"I won't pretend to be happy. I was annoyed with you. I understood your reasons at some point. I missed you too purple," I said reminiscing on the common use of her nickname 'purple' when we were younger.

"Can we put all this behind us? Because I really need my brother with me," she said walking cautiously towards me.

"I really want to. I can't guarantee it but I'd like to. I miss talking to you more than you'd ever know and I don't want to fight okay? I just want to try" I said.

"Yeah we can try. Can we try hugging?"

"Now's when you're asking when you almost made me fall over a while ago?" I chuckled.

"I missed that"

"What?" I asked getting up.

"Your laugh," she said pulling me into a hug and I returned her embrace loving every minute of it. I felt more weight added to our hug as a familiar shriek rang in my ears.

"Finally!" We both looked to see April trying to join into our hug and we laughed as she joined in.



I came from the shower which turned to an hour's long bubble bath and got ready. I got dressed in jeans and a white tank top. It was just dinner and since it'd be in the house I didn't think I needed to be dressed officially. I put on a light shade of make up and used nude lipstick. I felt refreshed and looked at the time. It was around six so I had plenty of time. I sat on my bed to open one of the cabinets and found my book in one of the drawers. Wow. Juanita really knew how to do her job. She had safely kept away my book and I opened it to chapter twenty three of the book entitled 'Out of my league'. I was a sucker for romantic novels. Yeah whatever.

With every chapter I read my mind going to Detective Blake. I knew I wasn't supposed to be thinking about him. I liked to think of ours as a forbidden romance. Oh my God what was I thinking? I hit my head using the book I held. I placed my bookmark at chapter thirty nine and closed the book placing it into the cabinet once more. Maybe if I stopped reading for a while I'd stop thinking about him. I closed my eyes to try and take my thoughts off him but I kept replaying the occurrence of that morning and what went down between Blake and I. Okay, maybe if I called him that would make me relax. Yeah and actually it's great to notify people when you arrive to your destination.

Before overthinking it I just took my phone from the dresser and dialed his number quickly. He picked up on the third ring, "Aramina"

He sounded serious. "Yeah. I just wanted to umm, I just, umm.. " This was becoming fucking retarded by the minute.

"Look Aramina, it's nice to hear your voice and all but I need to go I'll call you later," he said as the line went dead. Ouch. This was exactly the reason why I did not like this from the very beginning. I could swear I heard my subconscious say 'I told you so'. I fell back on the bed as the bouncy curls on my hair touched the floor. I heard a knock on the door and April walked in. She looked absolutely beautiful in her sky blue dress and black heels. Wait, I sat up so quick on my bed that I felt dizzy from the blood rushing from my head.

"Were we supposed to dress this beautifully?" I asked whistling as she walked to my bed.

She brushed my whistle off as she plopped onto my bed lying across it.

"No actually, I was seeing a friend," she said trying to mask the crimson colour on her cheeks.

"A friend you say," I said pointing at her body noticing how high the split on her dress was.

"Okay, well not exactly a friend but he sort of is. We've been talking for some time and since I was around his home town we decided to meet."

"So it's been long distance for a while?"

"Not really. We met at the online dating site 'Trebbor' and he lived in California then. His family moved because of some issues and he had to move here."

"How comes your date ended so early yet you've not seen each other for a long time?" I asked winking at her.

"Well, a situation occured and I had to leave," she said which earned an eyebrow raise from me. "A bloody situation."

My mouth formed a slight o as I giggled at her. "No!" I exclaimed now bursting into laughter as I joined her on the bed.

"Don't laugh! It was unexpected and sort of depressing," she said hugging my pillow.

"Yeah I know. I'm really sorry but it's a little funny," I said brushing some hair off of her face. "So there will be no shagging tonight?"

"You're disgusting," she said laughing as she rose from my bed. I joined her in laughter. I liked her. We were becoming close friends.

"Oh by the way, Demi told me to get you. Dinner's ready. And don't worry about the dressing. It's casual," she reassured me before walking out the door.


When I walked towards the dining table later that evening, I felt the welcome feeling that was around and didn't miss the way Demi held Luther's hand casually as she talked to him. Finally. I smiled slowly as I sat across from, wait, Oliver?

"Why do you sound so surprised?" he asked. Wait, did I say his name out loud?

"Nothing really," I said as getting comfortable in my seat.

"Demi and I are more like family so I have a place in this table," he explained and I raised my arms halfway in surrender. I certainly didn't mean it like that, or maybe I did so what?

Dinner was served as we engaged in quite an interesting topic  about music and I actually loved it. Turns out the awards would be the day after tomorrow.

"If anyone would love to go shopping with me I'd be glad to," offered Demi.

"I'd like to," I said April nodding too as she took a bite of her chicken.

I had thought of wearing the dress from my birthday party but I thought otherwise. I'd love to own a yellow dress or a rose gold coloured dress. I had started having a thing for those colours.

"Oliver will ride with us. Luther can go to the golf course he's always wanted play."

"I'm going to play golf alone? Come on Demi"

"You won't be alone. I called in a favour," she smiled squeezing his hand.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll be playing with Tiger Woods and Montez Ford."

"Wait, what? I can't believe you did that for me. That's so huge!" He exclaimed. "Funny how Tiger woods and I have the same last name"

"Now don't get too cocky before the match," said April sipping some water from her glass.

"Of course I did it for you. You think I'd forget your favourite sport was wrestling and golf when we were younger? Turns out you never changed," she said ruffling his hair using her hand.

"I love wrestling too!" Trish chipped in from across April on the table. For a moment I had forgotten she was around. Demi laughed and asked if she was going to join Luther and she agreed. Wow. She had really bonded with them. I looked up to her especially when she asked Juanita to join us at the table.

"It's past your bedtime sweetheart," said Luther as he touched Trish's head. She had started to fall asleep anyway.

"I'll tuck her in," I offered standing from my seat. I was done with my food and wanted to check if I had any messages from Blake.

"I'll turn in too. Thank you for the wonderful dinner," said April clutching at her stomach as she walked away. I put in a mental note to grab her meds before she went to sleep. Fuck cramps.

I held Trish's hand as we walked up the stairs and took her to sleep. I ended up reading a bedtime story for her and stopped halfway as she slept right through the whole thing. I smiled at her and tiptoed out of her room closing the door lightly. I swiftly grabbed the meds for April and knocked at her door. When she didn't open I walked in to find her lying in bed in her dinner clothes with her hands to her stomach. I placed the meds on her dresser and as I walked out, I decided to at least cover her with a blanket. I took off her shoes and took a blanket lying on the blue covered couch near her window taking the brown blanket from there and covering her with it. I switched off the lights and walked out heading towards my room.

I got ready for bed and checked my phone. There were no calls or texts from Blake. Yet here you were thinking about him like an idiot through dinner. Honestly, I felt stupid. Should I text him? No I shouldn't. I would probably sound needy and desperate. Ugh. Remind me why I'm thinking about this again?

I set my phone on the dresser and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. On getting in the sheets, I heard my phone's notification tune play. I rushed to take it and it fell on the floor causing the screen to crack. I cursed under my breath as I picked the phone to examine how badly it was affected. I saw a text from Blake saying:
*Sorry Love. I had a rough day. Up for a phone call?*

Great. Just when Blake decided to call. I touched the screen and realized that it had cracked from the inside. The outside was perfectly intact. The phone's pretty useless now. I stared at it for a while before deciding that there was nothing I could do other than buy a new phone.

"How juvenile," I said to my phone and switched off the lamplight.



I'm really sorry guys I haven't been able to write. I had stuff I had to deal with and I'm not consistent in updating but I'll do my best from now on. Thank you for reading. If you have any ideas for the story you can comment here or message me from my gram account @_arub.mayn_

The ideas come with the credit of course. Plus I'd like to know what you're thinking. Talk to me!

And for all the wrestling fans, did you watch backlash? If you did celebrate Drew McIntyre's win with me!😎
#iamamcintyre ❤

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