Lover|| h.s (Discontinued)

By Tleven

220K 4.6K 739

Aliyah Moore is a wealthy young college student pursuing a degree in business. When one of her classes requir... More

|1. Harry who?|
|2. Job hunters|
|3. Interview time..|
|4. Waffle house junkies|
|5. First day jitters|
|6. Thumbs|
|7. Tedious work|
|8. Orders|
•|9.Wet Dreamz|
|10. Appetizing|
•|11. Tipsy Timer|
|12. 'Sick' day|
•|13. Hmph|
|14. Big brothers|
|16. A gentleman|
|17. Bitter sweet|
•|18. Back seat shenanigans|
•|19. A woman's needs|
|20. While Im Young|
|21. Never question. Just enjoy.|
|22. Let's dance|
|24. Us|
|25. Walk of shame|
|26. Tough Juggle|
|27. Gucci|
|28. Best friends|
|29. Precise|
•|Precise-pt 2|
|30. A tour|
-|31. Thoughts|
|32. Give in|
|33. Shots|
•|34. Good girl|
|35. The media|
|36. A break|
|37. Second home|
|38. Anger|
|39. Myself|
|40. Heat|
•|heat pt.2|
|41. J |
|42. Certain|
•|43. Mile High Club|
|44. Effortless|
|45. Don't ever|
•|46. Black out|
|47. Missed call|
|49. Wary|
|50. Missin'|
|51. Takes 2|
|52. Lucifer|
|53. Trapped|
|54. Smooth Criminal|
|55. Lost for now|
|56. Flee|
|57. Deceived|
•|58. His Reservoir|

|48. Skepticism|

2.1K 47 2
By Tleven


I sat in my car in the parking garage for at least thirty minutes. I spent the first ten in thought as I absorbed the vibrations of the running vehicle. My clammy grasp held my phone timidly as I stared at Emanuels contact.

The next ten was our call. I had finally willed myself to press the contact and the phone rang out over Bluetooth.

Three rings.

Three rings was all it took for him to pick up my call. All I heard was a husky "hello?." Then silence fell between us, and all that could be heard was our ragged breathing.

"H-hi, Emanuel," I finally spit out.

"Aliyah, I'm so glad you um- you called back," he reluctantly breathed with an airy chuckle.

"Yeah.." I awkwardly replied as I began slightly picking at my nails.

"I just wanted to call and apologize again Aliyah. That was a dick move of me and you didn't deserve that. I should've respected your space."

My jaw slowly dropped as I stared into the distance in shock. The tender heart in my chest was too pure to reject a sincere apology. I could tell Emanuel was sincere, but I still didn't trust him. Sadly though, there was no point in holding a grudge against him. I had Harry.

I got what I wanted.

"I- Um, I accept your apology Emanuel... but that doesn't gain my trust. I still want minimum contact with you, and us to remain .. 'civil'," I coldly laid out.

There was silence again. I sensed his shock as he lowly chuckled to himself.

"Alright... fine princess," he agreed.

"Goodbye, Emanuel."

"Talk to you soon Aliyah."

The line went dead as my music started playing again. I stared at the phone with a scrunched face in shock.

Then the last ten minutes were me wallowing in regret. If Harry even had a clue about this call, he'd make me suffer with the silent treatment.

I shook my head and left the building for good, rushing home to prepare for Harry and I's sleepover later.


"Well shit, I should just spend the night with Josh," Liz commented.

She was sitting on her bed watching me pack my bag for the night. Gordon was expected to arrive in the next twenty minutes, and I did everything but pack.

"I'm sorry girl. Hell I didn't even know I was staying over until a few hours ago," I huffed, sliding the red lingerie up my legs.

The matching lacy bra was already hidden under my grey sweatshirt. The sweatpants followed my panties, trapping warmth around my limbs. I tugged on some white socks and matching nike air forces.

"Oh the classic dick appointment clothes under sweats move," Liz shook her head.

I bit my lip as I continued to throw things in the bag. Now that I was getting used to having sex, I began craving it. The addiction wasn't taking long to develop, and I couldn't stop reminiscing today's moments.

"What's got you so flirty hot ass?" Liz giggled.

"I blacked out today Liz."

"Shit, I knew the lunch incident was bad but not that bad.."

"Liz- no, I mean like blacked out after sex with Harry."

Liz' jaw hit the ground as she stared at me in disbelief. Her shoulders slumped back as she hit the wall with a thud.

"You're fucking shitting me..."

I shook my head and bit my lip. Liz stuck her hand out and began clapping me up. Bouncing up and down like a child on Christmas morning. By the time she was finally calm, and my things were all packed, Gordon was close to arrival time.

"Please please please.. share
some details when you get back," Liz begged, hands locked into one big fist as she pleaded.

"Of course babe."

With my bag flung over my shoulders and door knob in hand, I finally got the notification that Gordon was downstairs. I said my final goodbye for the night to Liz, and off I went.

"Good evening Ms. Moore. I'm afraid Mr. Styles is not here with us, or home, but he wanted me to inform you that he will be back very shortly. And to make yourself at home when we arrive," gordon explained as he opened the door for me, taking my bag in the process.

"Oh.. okay."

I tried to hide the skeptical look on my face until he closed the door. Before contacting Harry, I wanted to do some snooping of my own.

"Where is he, Gordon?" I asked.

My eyes were locked on his in the rear view. Even with his eyes focused on the road, I still caught glimpses of panic flashing in them. He also cleared his throat before answering.

"He didn't inform me of that Ms. Moore. All I know is that something 'came up', and he'll be back - in his words- 'hopefully soon'."

I nodded my head and decided to drop the conversation. Gordon was sweet, and didn't deserve my paranoid haggling.

I slumped back in the seat as I focused my attention on the streetlights. The usual hustle and bustle of the city circulated around us, and all I could think of was Harry possibly being in one of those cars.

Why have I not been necessary for some meetings?

What was the 'something' that came up?

No good thoughts began running rampant through my mind. It scared me because Harry and I's relationship was fresh. I tried not to think about it too much, but just like every thing else even that was difficult.

So I requested for Gordon to play a couple of songs I liked. Anything to ease my wandering mind.


After finally making it to Harry's house I put my things in his bed room. Gordon had returned home for the night, leaving me and the scattered guards in Harry's home.

I noticed the prepared dinner for me on the counter on the way in, so I padded back down stairs to see what it was.

Under the aluminum foil was a hearty home cooked meal. Next to it sat a pink sticky note with Harry's handwriting.

Sorry I couldn't enjoy dinner with you love:(. Enjoy <3-

I smiled faintly and reheated the meal before digging in. I carried my steaming plate and glass of apple juice all the way to the movie room. Where I sat by myself and rewatched one of my favorite movies.

Once done with dinner and my movie was almost over, there were still no signs of Harry. He hadn't texted me once so far, and I was far too scared to text him.

I texted Liz asking what I should do, but it dawned on me that she was fast asleep. It was nearing midnight, and she had to be up bright and early the next day for a make up quiz.

I huffed and finally gave in to the thought that had been on my mind the entire night.

I went on my own house tour.

The first place I snuck up to was the third floor. There was a long, translucent, plastic tarp hanging from the ceiling at the top of the stair case. There was no banister, or anything else that revealed details of the third floor either. I was reluctant that Harry's guards didn't pass the first level for security and privacy reasons.

As quietly as I could I carefully peeled the tarp back and stepped into the archway. I had worn my shoes just in case there was debris from 'remodeling', but when the automatic lights flickered on, the ground was empty.

There wasn't a single sign of construction, no smell of fresh paint, not even a ladder.

In puzzlement, I approached the first set of double doors I laid eyes on.

There were six.

On opposite ends of the hallway facing each other were identical black double doors. As I got closer to one, I noticed the thumb print lock.

"Well, no use in trying that.." I mumbled to myself in defeat.

Instead I focused on the other four doors. There were two on each side of the hallway, perfectly lateral to each other. The four were missing thumb locks, but when I tried to turn the handle I was struck with defeat again.

They were all locked.

As I stood in the middle of the hallway debating what to do next, my phone began buzzing in my hand.

"H-hello?" I answered Harry.

"Hi love, I'm sorry I'm not home right now," He apologized.

I slowly began making my way back down the hallway. I didn't have access to a single room up, leaving no point in me just standing around.

"It's fine, I understand. What came up?"

That taunting slice fell between us, and the only thing I could hear was the road running beneath the car on his end.

"Some accounting mistakes at work that I had to clean up. Don't want my building with out utilities," he chuckled trying to convince me.

Hell maybe even himself, but I wasn't buying it.

"This late at night?" I questioned, carefully slipping past the plastic.

"I'm sorry beautiful," he apologized, still not giving me the truth.

"Whats all that noise?" He now questioned.

I silently face palmed myself. Not realizing the plastic was louder than I thought.

"Tossing this bag of chips I ate while watching a movie by myself..." I smoothly played off.

"Mhmm..." Harry deeply hummed then chuckled.

"Are you on the way home Harry? I mean it's not a sleepover with one person..." I pouted.

Even with all the shady energy going on between us, I still craved his presence, and always would.

"I'm... I'm getting there princess."

My stomach flopped with those uneasy butterflies as I began removing my sweats. I clicked speaker before tossing my phone on Harry's bed.

"Just, be safe okay?" I decided not to push with anymore questions and just go to sleep.

"I love you," he huskily assured.

My knees buckled as I removed the lingerie before placing one of his dress shirts over my naked body.

"I love you."

That was the end of our call before the line went dead, and I was left feeling nothing but uncertainty as I dozed off in his empty bed.

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