Peter Parker Imagines Book

By thatgeekyemo

152K 3.4K 3K

Here's a bunch of random reader-insert Peter Parker/Spider-Man one shots, drabbles, and ministories because I... More

Sticky Notes
Subway Boy
These New York Streets Are Dangerous (Drabble)
An Unlikely Meeting
Be Careful With Secrets - Part One
Be Careful With Secrets - Part Two
Out At The Movies
Post-Book Troubles (Drabble)
The Cancelled Date
It's Only A Word - Part One
It's Only A Word - Part Two
It's Only A Word - Part Three
It's Only A Word - Part Four
Noticed From A Distance
It's Only A Word - Part Five
"I Swear, I Don't Have A Crush."
It's Only A Word - Part Six
It's Only A Word - Part Seven
It's Only A Word - Part Eight (Final Chapter)
The "Group Retreat"
Just Like An Old Western
You Wish (Drabble/Mini-Chapter)
A Sleep Performace
Forever Indebted And Filled With Gramercy
I'll Be Fine...Right? (Extended Drabble)
He's A New Book
There's Always Instances In Which Being Early Isn't Good
The Spider Upstairs
His Name
It Was Always There
Straight Outta Quarantine
Road to Redemption
Super Friends
New Kid
TEASER: His Warrior Angel
Stress & Secrets
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 1
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 2
His Warrior Angel Is Here!!
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 3
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 4
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 5
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 6
The Secret of Spider-Man - Final Part 7
Super(secret hero)nanny
A/N (Important: PLEASE Read!)
6K (A/N)
Sober Thoughts
It's Spooky Time [HolidayVerse]
It Takes Two - Part 1
It Takes Two - Part 2
Promise Me
When It Comes To The Avengers, Multiple Turkeys Are Needed [HolidayVerse]
Peach Scone [SongFic]
What Are Friends For?
What Hurts The Most
Mistletoe Revelations [HolidayVerse]
All We Can Do is Wait and See [HolidayVerse]
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 1
Non Posso Crederci
Food For Thought
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 2
Dedicated Distraction
Something Just Like This
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 3
Stardust [HolidayVerse]
Hope Dangles On A String
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 4
Favorite Muse
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 5
Define Luck [HolidayVerse]
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 6
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Finale
Fool's Crown [HolidayVerse]
Warmth [HolidayVerse]
Weakness And Strength
Moments to Remember
Amaryllis - Part One
Amaryllis - Part Two
Amaryllis - Part Three
Amaryllis - Part Four
Amaryllis - Part Five
Amaryllis - Part Six
Amaryllis - Finale
Get Used To It
Correlation, Not Coincidence
The Long Summer
Sunshine And First Kisses
Cruel Irony
notice + q&a
i'm back!
At Peace
Event of the Century
Too Good To Be True
REQUESTS CHAPTER! [currently closed]

Jedi, We Are

1.6K 39 47
By thatgeekyemo

A/N: It's Star Wars day! May the fourth be with you! In celebration, I wrote a Star Wars themed chapter a couple weeks ago and was saving it for today. I'm not sure about you, but I'm pushing today's homework until tomorrow and binge-watching the entire Star Wars saga, including Solo and Rogue One. I already started watching last night. I've always been a really big Star Wars geek. Besides, how perfect is it that Peter is too?
(I have a small announcement in the A/N at the end of this. I would love it if I could hear anyone's opinions to make my decision a little easier)

"Wow Tony, I can't believe you did that." You said, your eyes widening a little but not leaving the monitor screen.

"Excuse me, what did I do now?"

"That Spider guy you went to Queens to get last year?" You looked up, meeting Tony's eyes as he waited for you to finish speaking. "He was only fourteen?" You laughed.

"So? He has potential. I kept him out of any real trouble." He spun back around to his table before slowly turning to you again. "Wait, how do you know that?"

"Oh, this random kid showed up on the cameras. He came in with Happy, so I'm assuming he's here for you, but since I didn't really recognize him, I looked him up."

"Y/N, three questions: why the hell are you looking at the cameras? Don't you have something better to do? And why did you run facial recognition on a fifteen year old kid?" Before he could get any answers, F.R.I.D.A.Y. piped up,

"Happy Hogan and Peter Parker have just entered the private elevator and are heading to this floor, Boss,"

"Thanks, I figured as much," Tony frowned, answering the A.I, the thought of him teaching you too much, an example being you being quick enough to run facial that you knew who exactly Peter Parker was before he even got the alert from his own security system, running through his head. You couldn't have waited two more minutes to meet the kid face to face?

"I got nothing better to do, you didn't want me in the lab today." You responded to his questions, being met with a sigh.

"Shut that down." Tony told you. "I want to see social interaction."

"No way!" You gasped, closing out the surveillance cameras and pushing off the table in your chair to roll over to the man. "You didn't!"

"I didn't what? I don't speak fluent teenager yet." He deadpanned, glancing in your direction before starting to put away the tools he was using on a small project.

"You're not trying to get me to make friends, are you?" You questioned accusingly. "It's not a coincidence you made me cancel all my plans and hang out all day with you." You then said playfully.

"First of all, ow," Tony rolled his eyes. "Secondly, you didn't have plans, you were in your room blaring music, eating chips, and reading a book."

"Uh, plans." You exaggerated the word. "And I was gonna to go out with Wanda later. You know she's leaving soon." You pouted for a second before cracking a smile. You couldn't really be sad, or mad, you knew Tony has wanted you to meet Peter for a while, since Germany, but you never really had the time. You either were strengthening your powers to reduce mental strain with Wanda, or you were building something. Any free time you had, you spent relaxing, not really wanting any human interaction. That's just how you've been since your family, basically, split up.

"You'll have a chance later, you got a little while longer." He stood up and turned off the monster, ignoring your small protest. "You'll like him, promise."

"I don't know man, maybe I will. But not a lot of people like me."

Before Tony could say something, the two of you heard the elevator ding and your heads turned to face the two humans who just walked in.

"Hi Mr. Stark!"

"I don't know how much more babysitting I can take." Happy groaned. He made sure Peter was situated; the boy was smiling in amazement at the place he's only barely seen once before, before turning around and hurriedly heading back to the elevator before he got another assignment below his pay grade.

You snickered to yourself a little as you watched Peter with a curious eye. He hadn't noticed you yet, too caught up in the room in all it's greatness.

"Hey kid," Tony's voice made Peter turn away from where he was staring the small living space just around the corner, and he straightened out, putting his full attention on the man, and in the process, seeing you for the first time.

"Hi?" He waved confusedly, a nervous smile playing on his lips and you returned the action minus the greeting.

"Now that we have your attention, you'll have plenty of time to explore later, Peter, this is Y/N. Y/N, you already know Peter. You two'll have more time to chat later too, I just want to clear up some things real quick."

"Actually Mr. Stark," Peter started, walking forward and tugging at his book bag straps, glancing at you. "I was just about to ask why I'm here anyway." You didn't say anything, waiting for clarification as well, and you began to occasionally spin in your chair, ignoring the temptation to turn on the monitor again and to do something.

"Well, other than meeting my other responsibility, I wanted to offer you an internship here." Tony shrugged casually before catching Peters wide eyes. "A "real" internship."

"You're kidding," Peter breathed, a wide smile making its way onto his face. "Work here?"

"I figured you might want some training from the best engineer in the world." Tony said with his normal Stark ego speaking. "I could use another apprentice. This one basically knows just about everything I do and then some. She actually likes learning." He teased and you rolled your eyes, turning around to hide an embarrassed smile.

"Woah! That would be amazing!" Peter was practically ready to start already, bouncing anxiously on his heels. "I can be like your Padawan!"

"Here we go again with the movie references," Tony sighed, shaking his head. "Sure. Whatever floats your boat." No one really noticed the weird look on your face. You kind of got the reference, but weren't entirely sure what movie it was from. You were never able to watch many movies before you started living with the Avengers.

"When- when do I start?" Peter asked excitedly.

"Now?" Tony glanced at you, who just shrugged. "Yeah, today. Today'll work. Will today work for you Mr. Parker?"

"Yeah. Yeah! Today's perfect!"

Tony grinned, clapping his hands, and there was a silence. You broke it.

"Well, I don't want to be disrupting," you stood up, grabbing your phone from where it was powered off on the desk. "I'll just get going and leave you two be."

"Y/N/N," Tony said almost whine-like, giving you a look asking you to stay, but you just smiled weakly and started to leave.

"I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." You told them. You couldn't kid yourself, you were feeling pretty awkward, as if you would ruin their dynamic. You weren't really a social person and didn't really handle people you didn't know very well.

"At least come out for dinner?"

"Since when did Tony Stark eat dinner?" You chuckled. "Just send a text or something." You waved goodbye, and left the room.

You'd spent the time at the other end of the base with Wanda actually, rather than going to your room. The two of you really didn't have much to do, and you wanted to spend as much time as you could with her and Vision before they both left for Scotland; they decided.

Wanda had been telling you to give Peter a chance. That he'll listen to you and in return, you should listen to him. She said that you guys could be great friends, and that information made you even more silent then you normally were during dinner.

Pepper seemed happy that Tony was happy, and you watched as she enjoyed talking with and finding out more about Peter. You were pretty distracted, barely saying a word. Besides, the conversation wasn't involving you. At least, at the time it wasn't.

"How was your day, Y/N?" Peppers voice made you look up from your plate where you were repeatedly stabbing a piece of chicken.

"Little boring," you smiled a little. "I watched surveillance videos all day."

"Before you can pin that on me, that was of her own free will. I offered to have her help work on Mark-" he stopped himself. "Not another suit, I swear, just a little side project. Fixing up something old. But yeah, she chose not to help me."

"To be fair," you countered. "I'm still working on the whole working with Tony Stark thing." You laughed dryly. "I was already a little annoyed before we started."

"It was worth it though, right?" Tony sighed, correcting himself. "I mean, it totally could've been worth it. It's still up to you."

"What are you two talking about?" Pepper asked the question, Peter's face portraying the confusion.

"Oh, nothing." Tony shrugged, and while to Peter it might've sounded like the end of a conversation, people who've been around him long enough, people like you and Pepper, knew better.

The room fell into silence again, and for the first time that evening, it started to get a little tense and awkward. You frowned for a moment before thinking of a way to break it.

"What's a Padawan?" You asked out of the blue, and you swore Peter's head shot up faster than the speed of light.

"You don't know Star Wars?" He asked incredulously, his brown eyes large and staring right at you.

"Ah, right," you said softly. Star Wars sounded familiar. Obviously, it was everywhere. "I've never really watched it, no, but that makes sense now."

"Do you not like it, or have you just not seen it before? Because if you haven't seen it before, you really need to watch them all. They just reignited the saga, and the eighth movie just came out earlier this year and it was super cool! B-but if you just don't like it, that's cool too." You watched the boy go from being really excited to really hesitant in a matter of seconds. Your eyes glanced around the room; everyone was waiting for you to respond.

"Oh, well, it's not that I don't like it, I've just never watched them before." You admitted quietly, shrugging. "Never really had the time."

"That's crazy." Peter shook his head and laughed. "You should watch them ASAP. You don't have to though, I mean, I'm not telling you you should, just a suggestion..." This time you actually cracked a smile.

"I'll check them out," you told him. You should have more free time soon. Should.

"Okay." Peter replied, his nerves from talking to you settling. You felt the two adults gaze on you and you quickly met their eyes, amusement in both sets.

Days passed, and you noticed Peter was coming over to the Compound more frequently. Every time, Tony would invite you to work with them, on whatever they were working on, but you would turn him down. Wanda and Vision were only staying for a few more days, and you wanted to spend as much time with your best friend as you could. You could take a break from mechanics and technology.

But eventually, that day did come, and they did leave. It was a Friday, and you had been pretty down in the dumps, wallowing in your room, when the idea of binge watching Star Wars didn't sound too bad at the moment.

It took you a little while to decide which order to watch them in, you found there was a whole debate either to watch them in Episode order or release order, but you had figured it out.

What you weren't expecting though, was to flail in love with the saga and it's characters, although it was only your first watch-through. The new world was one you knew you immediately would love to live in. From the iconic theme song you've only heard once or twice before in passing to the very last Ewok to the very existence of midichlorians. Midichlorians, and the Force, in fact, intrigued you a lot. As well as the weapon of a Jedi. And you knew right away what you were going to do next.

"I hate that these words are coming out of my mouth," You barely heard Tony's voice, but you turned around when you did. "But the AC/DC needs to be turned down a tiny bit."

You read his lips because his words weren't entirely audible, and got the memo, turning down the volume of Thunderstruck by half.

"What's up?" You asked with a smile on your face, taking a deep breath before turning back to the metal you were soldering in front of you.

"Have you slept?"

You rolled your eyes. "Of course I have."

"Well, you haven't left this place in over twenty-four hours. You know this isn't important, you could take a break, right?"

"Eh, I just slept in here," you waved your hand. "And it's necessary for me to do. Besides, I already finished one."

"You're making another?" Tony asked, his voice laced disbelief. "Wait, no, rewind." He stepped towards you, looking over your shoulder. "You already made one? One that works?"

"Fully functional." You beamed, placing down the soldering iron and taking off your gloves and goggles. "I need at least one more, it'll be no fun without a second. Plus, the colors are really pretty."

"You're crazier than I am."

"I'm nowhere as crazy as you." You scoff, turning to face him, crossing your arms. "But I will accept cooler."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that." Tony pouted, backing up back towards the door and making eye contact with you. "You have Peter to thank for this, you know," you shrugged.

"Don't worry, I was going to tell him."

"You need to eat something. I'm gonna make lunch, meet me and Peter upstairs?"

"Where's Pep?"

"Shopping." Tony smiled and you nodded your head.

"No spoiling!" You warned him as he walked out, and the man sent back a thumbs up as he walked out of the door.

After a couple of minutes, you turned your music back up, the next song on your playlist making it's entrance, and you got back to work.

It hadn't been been a half hour before your music abruptly cut off, the sound of F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s filling the room, telling you of Peter's arrival before you music resuming on full blast. You turned it down though, to a normal-ish level. If you hadn't, you wouldn't have heard the knock on the door.

"It's open," you told him, glancing in the direction, focusing back down on what was in front of you after you saw the door open.

"Hey," Peter said hesitantly after stepping in. "Mr. Stark's just taking a little longer than I thought he would. Did you know he actually cooks?" He laughed a little. "Anyway, I hope it's okay if I hang out in here." You turned your head to face the boy again when you heard his voice get softer. "I just didn't really want to be alone."

"Nah, it's all cool." You told him, a smile on your face.

"What are you working on?" You heard Peter walk across the room and towards you. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Another lightsaber," the words rolled so casually off your tongue, and you watched his reaction.

"Another- wha-what? Did you just say another lightsaber?" Peter stopped dead in his tracks, his voice raising from excitement and disbelief.

"Another one. Yeah." You shrugged, wondering how much longer you could keep up the calm act. "I finally watched Star Wars. Wanna see?" You picked up the hilt in front of you, the metal was now cool, and you were just adding some finishing touches. Mainly just for show.

"Uh- what? Y-yeah!" Peter bounced towards you as you turned around, eagerness in his eyes. "It works?" He asked quietly, his voice not able to go any higher from excitement.

"Turn it on and find out." You told him, leaning against the table as he took a step back. "For the disappointing lack of the Force in real life, I added sensors that connect to both a heartbeat and your brain, so you could turn it on and off at will, and if it goes skidding out of your hands, it'll immediately shut off." You started to tell him, silencing your music.

You wished you were recording, because if you were, you could've rewound to the very moment where Peter's brain exploded and he lost all function for a moment as he turned on the saber for the first time, the light shooting up and almost causing the boy to drop the weapon. The happiness and disbelief on his face being highlighted by the light of the green saber. The quiet hum filling the room.

"I had to make maybe not so obvious modifications." You began again, standing up and circling the boy as he started to move again, slowly waving the lightsaber through the air, staring at it in awe. "Like the actual blade itself? Tony said me messing with gamma radiation, which would've been the closest to canon, would be too dangerous for me to attempt on my own, so instead of pure light, I had to settle for a laser emitted by a very powerful miniature accelerator. Kyber crystals sadly aren't real either, so I had to find another stabilizing agent that could also be used to change the color of the blade. I'd say I did fairly well."

"Fairly well? That's an understatement!" Peter laughed, meeting your eyes and then grinning. "This- this is so cool! I don't have to pretend to make the noises anymore!" He turned away from you and pointed the weapon horizontally in front of him.

"Careful where you put that thing." You threw an apple at him, and you knew between his sixth sense Tony told you he had, and the childishness the two of you both shared, he'd go for it with the lightsaber, which he did, successfully slicing it in half in mid-air, him gasping out loud again. "It can do some serious damage. Flip the safety switch. I also added that, so it's kinda like a training saber and a real one in one. It's the small gray lever." After composing himself, Peter followed your directions.

"You said you had another one?" He asked after a minute, still staring at the before only fictional weapon in his hand until he turned it off, giving his full attention to you, and you can see in his eyes what he wanted to do. It's what you wanted to do too.

"Do you wanna have a lightsaber battle?" You asked mischievously, seeing his entire face brighten and Peter rapidly nod his head. "Come on, follow me." You gestured with your hand for him to follow you out of the room, and the two of you quickly cleared the living space, pushing all the furniture against the walls so you had an open floor.

"Where's yours?" Peter asked after the two of you had finished. He was standing on one end of the room, lightsaber in hand, ready for battle, and you on the other. Defenseless.

"I wanted a more dramatic entrance, you can't blame me." You smirked up at him, widening your stance and holding your arm out to your side. And in a matter of seconds, as if you were summoning Mjolnir, your lightsaber came flying to your hand, and just like you had practiced, it turned on immediately, a pretty imperial topaz (you thought the name was ironic) bordering garnet color blade illuminating the side of your face and top of your arm. Telekinesis was your main power after all.

"Ooh that is you're so awesome!" You and Peter both shared a grin and he turned on his lightsaber.

There was a moment of where the only sound was your lightsabers hum filling the room, the playful tension quickly spreading before the two of you charged.

A/N: Ah, I'm sorry for another one, but I have a quick question.
So, I had an idea the other week about a post- Far From Home chapter/potential series, where (I don't really want to get too much into it; spoilers) Peter has, let's say, major trust issues. It's pretty angsty, but on the flip side, you have powers. Is anyone interested?

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