Laurex ~ A Cinderella Story

By mendesxaly

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"I-I recognize that bracelet, wh-where did you get it?" Alex asked. And I froze. "I-I made it. I made it mys... More

Chapter 1: What A Life I Have
Chapter 2: The Jerk
Chapter 3: Father Figure
Chapter 4: It's French Vanilla
Chapter 5: Summons
Chapter 6: Don't Worry About It
Chapter 7: You're Annoying
Chapter 8: Natasha Happened
Chapter 9: Better Left Unsaid
Chapter 10: So Fucking Beautiful
Chapter 11: Mango Margarita
Chapter 12: Note the Sarcasm
Chapter 13: Wha-What Are You Doing?
Chapter 14: You Look Half Dead
Chapter 15: Are You His Girlfriend?
Chapter 16: I'm Sorry, What?
Chapter 17: For Lauren Riihimaki
Chapter 18: Try Me, Bitch!
Chapter 19: My Beautiful Princess
Chapter 20: You Mean Your Jerk?
Chapter 21: Stop Laughing, Princess!
Chapter 22: No, By Casper
Chapter 23: What Are We?
Chapter 24: It Just Can Never Happen
Chapter 25: Like A Date?
Chapter 26: Exhale
Chapter 27: Honey
Chapter 28: I Didn't Touch His Dick
Chapter 29: The Roof?
Chapter 30: If Only
Chapter 31: Ugh, Fuck You Feelings
Chapter 32: Don't Cry, Princess
Chapter 33: I Prefer This Position Too
Chapter 34: He's In Love With Me?!
Chapter 35: Everything Hurts
Chapter 36: I Love You
Chapter 37: Two Idiots In Love
Chapter 38: My Harvard Hoodie
Chapter 39: Get Some!
Chapter 40: Do You Pinky Swear?
Chapter 41: What's The Matter, Love?
Chapter 42: Kiss Me, SeΓ±orita
Chapter 43: Anything For You, Love
Chapter 44: You're My Lobster
Chapter 46: He Always Noticed
Chapter 47: The Devil Called Too Soon
Chapter 48: Silence
Chapter 49: Get A Room
Chapter 50: A Lesson?
Chapter 51: Is He For Real?
Chapter 52: Did I Make You Blush?
Chapter 53: A Friend
Chapter 54: I'm The Ultimate Pro
Chapter 55: You're My Superstar
Chapter 56: I Beg Your Pardon
Chapter 57: Do You Trust Me?

Chapter 45: Just Stay, Ok

393 22 81
By mendesxaly

(This chapter is all in Alex's POV. And you're gonna learn something about a character that might touch a touchy subject. Just a quick warning. Remember this story, I try to depict how unfair life can be. So bare with me. Anyway enjoy the chapter!)

*New Year's Eve*

Alex's POV
Aaron is a fucking asshole. Out of all the nights he had to torture me of keeping me on a mission, it had to be on fucking NEW YEARS EVE!

Why, oh why, does my brother hate me?

As you can see it is currently 9:37 pm and it's New Year's Eve. I have less than 2 and a half hours to get out of here. I'm trying to make it back in time to celebrate the new year with my girlfriend.

"Alex!" I hear Damien call out to me.
"What's up, kid?" I reply.
"Aaron is calling you," he tells me. And now I'm madder.
"Alright, I'll go right now," I tell him. I ruffle his hair and he scowls. I let out a laugh and walk to my idiotic brother.

I walk towards the room my stupid brother is in and I knock. All I hear is a girl moaning and him groaning. Ugh.

Only he would fuck a girl on a mission.

"Aaron!" I yell as I knock loudly on his door. I continuing knocking on the door until somebody fucking opens it. And after like 4 minutes, his bitch ass finally opens the door.
"What?" he asked rudely.

His hair was all over the place. He had no shirt and he was wearing his pants low. He looked sweating and exhausted.

This is something I never wanted to see. The aftermath of my brother from sex. Gross.

"Damien said you were looking for me," I said. You can hear the annoyance in my voice. He scratches his head and speaks.
"Oh yeah, so how much have we sold tonight?" he asked me. Oh, the drugs.

Another night of drug sells. My favorite thing in the world.

I bet you can feel the sarcasm radiating off of me.

"We've sold about 3 crates of them," I replied. Crates are large shipping units. As you can tell, we use them to hold our drugs. And tonight we've sold so much that 3 of the crates are empty.
"That's great. Who has the money?" Aaron asked. The only thing he cares about is money.
"Mason. He's hiding it in one of the crates in the back. Oh by the way, when we're done with the sales, can I go?" I asked.
"Oh, that's right, it's a holiday and you probably want to spend time with your girlfriend, right?" he asked me in an unreadable tone. I hate it when he talks like this.
"Yeah, I do. I promised her I'd be with her before it turns midnight so I can celebrate the new year with her," I explained.

It's 9:44 pm and I'm still here. The party is at Angela's and probably an hour away. Probably more because of the traffic. I basically need to leave already.

"Oh, yeah totally. You can totally leave us to head back to our shipment warehouse on our own with no security. So we could possibly get caught picking up illegal drugs to sell. Yeah, go for it," he said calmly. He's talking to calm. Calmer than usual.
"I can't go, huh?" I asked. This is probably when he blows.
"Are you fucking serious? Of course, you can't go! We have more to pick up at 10:30. Which is why when we leave here, we're gonna head straight over there," Aaron explained.

I don't even feel like listening to the rest of his rant. I just want to go home and hang with my Princess. That's all I want right now. My Princess in my arms.

"So, that's a no?" I asked and I could tell he was getting annoyed. But honestly, at this point, I didn't care.
"YES! How many times do I have to tell you? You aren't leaving!" he yelled once more and went to another part of the warehouse.

I wonder how easy my life would it be if I wasn't part of this stupid gang? I bet I'd be much happier.

As I was stuck in my thoughts, my phone starts vibrating. I check my phone and I see that I'm receiving a call from Lauren. Thank god! She's the only person who could make me happy right now.

I go to a quieter part of the warehouse and answer.

A- Hello
L- Hi baby!

Just the sound of her beautiful, cheerful voice makes all my worries wash away.

A- Hey love, what's up?
L- Nothing much, I was just checking up on you.
A- Well I'm still stuck here unfortunately and I miss you.
L- Miss you too, Alex. Are you going to make it in time for our midnight kiss?

Our midnight kiss. It's a tradition to always kiss your significant other at midnight for the New Year. I promised her I'd make it in time for midnight. But I don't know if that'll happen.

A- I don't know hun. I'm really trying to make it in time. But the universe is against me tonight.

I can hear her exhaling.

L- It's ok, Alex. This is probably important. Just stay, ok. I'll see you in the new year, ok baby?
A- Princess, I'm still trying to get out of here. I'm not giving up. I promise I'm not.

I hear let out a breathy chuckle. Hearing her voice is the only thing relaxing me right now.

L- It's fine, Alex. Whatever you're doing seems important to keep you away from me on New Year's Eve. Just stay and finish whatever you have to get done. I'll call you at midnight, ok?

The fact that she says it's fine, I know this is really bugging her.

A- Ok, baby. But I'm still trying to get out of here in time. So I'll see you later, bye beautiful!
L- Bye handsome

That last sentence, I can hear her smiling through her words. I hear her blow a kiss something we started doing.

L- Did you catch it?

Hearing her laughing is the most amazing sound in the world.

And no matter where I am, I'll still try to catch this imaginary kiss.

A- Of course, love. Ok for real this time, I'll see you later bye Princess
L- Ok, bye Alex!

I smile at her excitement and hang up. There's no way I'm missing our midnight kiss.

"Alex," I hear Damien call out to me. I turn around and face him. Damien looks so tired. He told me that he's been having nightmares so he can't sleep at night.
"Hey kid, you ok? You look really tired," I told him.
"Yeah, I am. I slept like an hour last night. I had another nightmare," he explained with a yawn at the end.

I honestly don't know what to do with him. I feel so bad for him, but I don't know what to do.

"Do you wanna talk about your nightmare?" I asked him. He nodded and I closed the door to the room we're in. Cutting out the noise of all the mayhem.

We sit down on a couch that Aaron put in here. It's only for him, but I don't follow the rules.

"You can start whenever," I told him. I want him to feel comfortable. I don't want to rush him into talking about it. I'm gonna let him go at his own pace.
"Ok, so I've been having the same dream every night. And it's honestly so stupid when you really think about it," he said laughing. But there was no actual intended laughter. It was more of an emotionless laugh.
"Dude, I'm not gonna laugh. I swear," I said truthfully.

He let out another laugh. This one sounded shaky. As if he were nervous.

"I know you wouldn't but I'm telling you. That's how stupid and unnecessary of how this dream is," he said. He started fiddling with his fingers. Something he only does when he's nervous.
"Damien, relax. Just take a deep breath and relax," I told him. He did as I told him. And it seemed like he visibly relaxed. I hope he mentally relaxed as well. "Do you feel better?"

He nodded and let out one more shaky breath. He had stopped fiddling with his fingers. He faced me and spoke.

"I'm good. I swear," he said reassuring me. I believed him, but I'm still gonna keep a watchful eye on him.
"Ok, you can start talking whenever you feel ready. I'm all ears, kid," I told him. He nodded and it looked like he was fighting back tears.
"So remember how I told you that my mom has been sick for a while now?" he asked trying to pull himself together.

Oh no. Please don't be about his mom.

"Yeah," I responded.
"Well, she told me that she's been battling cancer. She's been having it for a while. She just never wanted to worry me so she never mentioned it," he said looking down. I pat him on the back in a brotherly way.

I have no idea what this kid is going through. I don't even know what to say.

"Damien, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say," I said. He waved a hand and made a hand gesture saying to let it go.
"It's fine. I've been just trying to deal with it. But there's more. My dad is in town. And he gives no fucks about my mom. He has a ton more money than we do and he won't even share for my mom's treatments," Damien said, sounding defeated.
"What? Did your mom ask for help and your dad told her no?" I asked him and he shook his head.

Damien took in a sharp breath.

"I asked him. I told my dad that my mom needs help. We don't have a lot of money and treatments are very expensive. All he said was that she looks fine and she's probably making up the whole cancer story. He said that he rather spend money on a woman who actually wants to be with him," he said angrily.

What the fuck?

"I don't want to sound rude, but what is wrong with your dad?" I asked him.
"He's never gotten over my mom. My mom is the one who left him. They didn't have the best relationship. My dad cheated on my mom but he swore he was madly in love with her. My mom couldn't take it anymore and she broke it off with him. She took me with her because she knew my dad wouldn't want me there with him when he found out I was gay," he said.
"Because your mom loves you unconditionally unlike him," I said and he nodded.

He got up from his seat and started pacing.

"Yeah, he probably never did. I was never close to my dad. My mom and I have always been closer. I am a momma's boy after all," he said letting out of a shaky laugh.
"So your dad won't help your mom out?" I asked one last time. He shook his head.
"He said he won't help someone who won't be with him. He's being petty. Petty to the point where he doesn't care what happens to her," he said.
"I can't imagine your dad being that insensitive towards your mother," I said.
"Well you haven't met my dad," he muttered.

The poor kid. He now needs the money more than ever.

"So what happens in your dream?" I asked him.
"My subconscious likes to fuck with me. In my dream, I just see my mom in the hospital just hooked up to all those tubes. Just seeing her hold my hand as she tries to hang on to dear life is enough of a nightmare already. Just the image of that makes me sad. I wake up before I see anything else," he explains.
"I'm sorry, kid. I don't know what to tell you," I said.
"It's ok, Alex. Just don't tell anyone. I don't need anyone else worrying about me. Got that?" Damien asked and I nodded.

I was going to say something else, but one of the other guys came in saying that we're needed. Damien and I got up and headed over there.

*10:07 pm*

"Alex," Damien says as I finished loading the vans.
"Yeah," I responded.
"My mom just texted me. She wants me home. She wants to at least see me tonight," Damien said.
"Alright, I'll try to get us out of here," I said.

I walk away from him and walk towards Aaron. Once I find his drunk ass, I see a huge flask in his hand. I tap him on the shoulder and he lazily turns around. He sends me a drunken smile and spoke.

"What do you want Alex?" he asked. I'm surprised I understood what he was saying. He was slurring his speech.
"Damien needs to get home. His mom is asking for him. I'm gonna take him home. And while I'm gone, I'm gonna go meet up with my girlfriend," I told him. He took another sip of from his flask.

I don't understand how he hasn't passed out already.

"I thought I told you, you can't leave?" he asked stumbling a bit.
"Well, who said I was gonna listen? And besides, I promised Lauren I would make it back in time for midnight. And Damien really wants to go check on his mom," I explained. He took another sip.
"Ugh, I can't believe I'm doing this, but fine. Take Damien home. You come back later tonight for a drink at The Luxe," he said waving.
"Nah, I think I'll drink with my girl and I'm pretty sure you had enough drinks. But have fun tonight, I guess," I said.

I went looking for Damien and we went to my car. We both got in and we drove to his apartment complex.

*11:28 pm*

"Alright, take care kid. Tell your mom I said hi," I told Damien as he got out of my car.
"Yeah of course. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Happy New Years Alex!" he tells me.
"Happy New Years kid," I said. We quickly did our handshake and I watched him go inside.

I drove to Angela's house. When I pulled up to her house it was 11:49 pm. The traffic is so bad today. And parking is much worse. I start circling around the area, searching for parking.

When I finally find parking I check my phone and it's 11:54. I get out of my car and start walking towards her house. As fast as I can. When I finally arrived in front of Angela's house, I could not be happier...and out of breath.

But I'm finally at her house and I'm steps away from my beautiful girlfriend.

I pull out my phone one last time and it's 11:58. I then noticed Lauren had texted me a lot.

Today 11:42 pm

My Princess ❤️:
>> Hey baby
>> It's almost midnight, just checking if you're coming

Today 11:50 pm

My Princess ❤️:
>> I'm probably very annoying but 10 minutes till midnight
>> I'm getting ready to call you at midnight

Today 11:55 pm

My Princess ❤️:
>> 5 till midnight
>> I'm about to enter a new year with you

Today 11:57 pm

My Princess ❤️:
>> I feel so bad for blowing up your phone
>> I swear these are the last ones
>> It's about to be midnight
>> It doesn't look like your coming which I'm fine with but I'm getting ready to call you
>> Ok I'm done
>> Bye baby!!!

I smile as I read her texts. She makes me so happy. God, I love this girl. So fucking much.

Today 11:58 pm

<< Princess, I don't mind the numerous texts
<< They all make me smile
<< They're so cute and adorable like you
<< I'm gonna call you rn ok

As I was about to call her, my phone rings and it's my Princess calling.

A- Hello
L- Hi baby!

Hearing the excitement in her voice was the highlight of my life.

A- Hey love, I saw your messages.
L- Oh my god! I'm so embarrassed! I probably sounded so clingy.
A- You sounded adorable. You shouldn't be embarrassed baby girl.
L- You're so sweet. The countdown is starting for midnight to strike.

I hear people in the background begin to countdown from 30.

A- I know, I heard. Where are you exactly?
L- I'm in the living room with everyone watching the ball drop. I wish you were here.

If only you knew I was on the other side of the door.

A- Me too baby
L- Do you want to do the countdown with me?
A- Of course baby, but can you do me a quick favor?
L- What is it?
A- Open the front door at midnight.
L- Ok
A&L- 5 4 3 2 1

Then I see the door opening and I see my beautiful girlfriend in her dress. I hung up the phone and grasp her in my arms. I hold her face in my hands and bring her closer to me.

"Happy New Year Princess!" I whispered to her. She smiled brightly and spoke.
"Happy New Years baby!" she whispered excitedly. I connected my lips to hers and it felt as if time froze.

We didn't care how cold it was outside, we had each other. I pulled her closer to me and my arms were securely around her waist. Her hands were connected around my neck. We just stayed in our position melting into each other.

When we did pull away, we were both gasping for air.

"I'm glad you came, even though you missed most of the party. But nevertheless, I appreciate the fact that you're here," she whispers in my ear. Then she lightly bites my ear lobe.
"I told you I'd come. No matter what," I told her.

I kissed her cheek and I wrapped my right arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. We closed the door behind us and we walked more into the party. And at that point, she wrapped her left arm around my waist.

The rest of the party was fun. I had a good time partying and watching my girlfriend get a little drunk. Lauren got drunk to the point where she couldn't stand properly and she was saying the stupidest shit.

Thank god I'm the one taking her home. Some other dip shit would try to take advantage of her and I would never do that to her.

*3:47 am*

But seriously, the funniest was when we were going home. That's probably my favorite part of this whole night, well besides our kiss.

"Alex, why do dogs like putting their head out of the window so much?" she asked, slurring a bit.
"Because they like the feeling of the wind in their fur," I replied. I drank at the party, but not as much as she did.
"I wanna see what the big fuss is about," she slurred.
"Babe, I wouldn't. You'll throw up with the air hitting you," I told her.
"Fine," she replied. "I'm hungry! I want some McDonald's!"
"Why right now?" I asked her.
"Because I do!" she yelled.

I didn't know how much fucking energy she gets when she's drunk. She's acting like the energizer bunny.

"How much you wanna bet I could lick my toe?" she asked me.
"I don't know babe," I told her.
"C'mon! Don't be a wuss! Are you afraid to lose against your girlfriend?" she asked taunting.
"Fine. I bet you 5 bucks you can't do it," I told her. She stuck her tongue out.
"I have a 10 that says I can," she exclaimed.
"Alright, we're betting 10 bucks," I responded and she nodded.

She unbuckled her seat belt, oh god, and grabbed her foot. She took off her heel and lifted it to her face. She stretched it so much she actually licked her toe.

"I did it! Pay up!" she exclaimed and I laughed.
"At your house," I told her.
"Fine but I'm not gonna forget," she said.

The rest of the way home, she kept looking for my stash of candy in my car. Once she found it and started eating it all. But as I said before, my girl has a lot of energy.

Once we arrived at her house. I park the car in the driveway and unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Alright, love, let's get you inside," I tell her. I go to her side and trying carrying her inside but she runs, barefoot. "Princess! What are you doing?"
"Running inside! Ooh! Let me try doing a cartwheel!" she exclaimed. She then did numerous cartwheels.

I locked my car and ran after her. I'm carrying her purse, phone, and heels. Once she unlocked the door she sprinted into her house. I walk in and lock the door behind us.

"I never realized how much space we had in this house," she said. She just ran around and fell. "I'm ok!" She yelled after she jumped back on her feet.
"You ok?" I asked her.
"Yup!" she exclaimed. She then ran upstairs.

I started walking behind her. She ran even faster and start squealing. Once she ran in her room, I was right on her tail and I grabbed her by the waist. We fell on her bed, her shrieking in my arms.

"Alex! Let me go!" she yelled.
"Why should I?" I asked her. She turns around in my arms and faces me.
"Because you love me," she said smiling. I kissed her forehead and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"I do love you. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you go," I told her.
"Are you ever gonna let me go?" she whispered in my ear.
"I don't think so," I told her, smirking.
"Well you better because I need to use the restroom," she tells me and I let her go.

She rushes to the restroom and I laugh to myself. I sit up on her bed and I take off my jacket and shoes. I pull off my shirt and grab a pair of grey sweat pants from my drawer.

Lauren designated a drawer for my stuff whenever I stay over and I have 2 drawers of her stuff at my house.

When I put on my sweatpants, my girlfriend waltzes out of the restroom. Acting like there isn't a care in the world.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna drink a glass of water so I don't wake up tomorrow with a hangover," she tells me and I nod my head.

She walks out of the room and I go to her restroom. I brush my teeth and then I climb into bed. I check my phone and it's 4:22 am.

God, we need to get some sleep.

I wait for her to come back and when she does, she climbs into bed. We both get comfortable under the covers into our sleeping positions. Me laying on my back. Lauren laying on her side and her head on my chest. My left arm around her waist. Both of her arms around my abdomen.

"Goodnight Alex!" she yelled. I forgot she's still a bit energized even though you can tell she's tired. I smile to her little antics and close my eyes.
"Goodnight beautiful," I say. I kiss the top of her head and I fall into my slumber.

Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter. This chapter was a lot. No one has a perfect life even if it seems like it. Damien is one of them. I'm putting a part of myself in Damien because one I'm bisexual and he's gay. My mom had cancer when I was little and now I've written that his mom has cancer. I know it's sad and trust me, it hurts to write, but life isn't fair. Shit happens. You just have to deal with it. And the ending of this chapter was Lauren acting funny while drunk. I got that idea of how my sister was acting when we got home from my quince. And don't worry, my sister is over 21. Also, thank you for 13k reads! Y'all are amazing! Anyway if you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote, I'd really appreciate it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I hope to see you in the next chapter. Love you guys ❤️! mKay Bye!

— Citlaly

(Word Count: 4,137)

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