Our Love Story |Dej Loaf and...

By myzbrown

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Single parent, musicians, both desperate for love, that will never die. Been searching round' the whole world... More



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By myzbrown

2 weeks later

It's actually been two weeks since I last seen Jacquees. The kids are with their fathers. I'm alone just reflecting on really what I want to do. Almost like I'm used to this feeling.

Being in my home, reminds me of how strong I was on my own. How I didn't need any man to make me feel good about myself and everything I was doing.

I haven't cancelled the wedding or anything. I haven't talked to Que at all actually. I've just been going to the studio and working that's all. Taking things slow.

Jacquees has always had an alcohol problem. It began to get worse soon after the twins were born. I fear for him. If I'm not there to stop him, one day he's unconsciously drink so much he won't know where he is or who he is. It's really mind boggling because at the beginning of our relationship he didn't drink at all. I don't even know if he was putting up a front or what.

My doorbell began ringing like stupid, and of course I already had a good idea of who it would be.

I opened it to this.

Sorry ass dude bro.

"Jacquees I seriously don't wan—"

"Give it a chance, can I come inside?" He asked cutting me off

"Fine" I huffed.

"What the fuck you got on" I mumbled, this dude just puts anything on that look like it match and call it a fit. Like please.

Letting him in I locked the door behind him.

"Who's watching the kids?" I asked right off the bat.

"My mom, she got them" He placed the bouquet of flowers on my coffee table

We sat down on the couch opposite of each other.

"DeJa please come back home, please" He basically begged

"Jacquees this isn't the first time you've slipped up, we both know this" I sighed

"Your alcohol problem is the source all of this, unfortunately if you can't quit drinking then..you know what"

"That's not happening and we both know it, we gonna fix this" It easier to say than it is to do nigga.

"Jacquees it's not going to be that easy, we have babies not just ten year olds; they depending on us you can't be fucking drunk all the time and expect me to see you the same" No fucking way.

"Alcohol in itself is fucking nasty Jacquees" I rolled my eyes. "Like it taste like sewer"

"DeJa I know and I'm willing to go to rehab or whatever it takes babe just please, please come back home" I keep saying this but it's not that freaking easy man.

"I refuse! Because we both know damn fucking well you all talk but once I kiss your ass you slip up again" I shook my head

"I don't know who that shawty is, I don't know the type of relationship y'all have and if it's something more than what we have then you might as well get to steppin' because I'm not gonna waste any more of my time" Periodt Pooh.

"DeJa you so fucking dramatic, I told you I don't even know who she is I just happened to be drunk and she happened to be next to me, I don't know what else I should tell you DeJa, I fucking love you with all my damn heart and I can't loose you to some bullshit I did whiles I was drunk, and you know I love you and I will continue to love you as long as I can" He started to sniffle and that was where I knew he was being serious.

"Jacquees" I tried not to breakdown myself seeing him break down. I got up and went to console him. Damn he really do love me

"I just want to be perfect for you DeJa I really want to" I kissed all in his neck.

"I love you baby, this was just a phase we gonna get through it" He turned to me hugging me right

"Love you too DeJa," He kissed me and to my surprise I didn't taste no liquor or nothing. Considering he dependent on liquor.


"I honestly do think though, I wouldn't mind televising it but I may have to speak to my fiancé about it, it's just a really big step" Jacquees was on the phone with some business people and honestly it sounded like a big opportunity that he was discussing. If his dumbass would ever put his calls on speaker.

We been in the room chilling with the twins since I got home. Laziness take over at times.

"We have five kids, and I don't really know how it's finna work having to balance all that shit out if were being honest, but I do like the idea"

"I don't know if we gonna have any more kids so I can't guarantee that type of stuff," No more kids , five is enough for us. Niggas can barely take care of themselves out hea'

"If we wanna talk about who busy the most is probably me, DeJa work at night but again I am free to manipulate my schedule" That's really all I can do because I take care of the kids during the day.

"Alright boss, we'll talk about it later" He hung up the phone just like that.

"What was that about?" I asked him

"They want to televise our wedding, before it and after it too"

"Babe, cmon you really think we could handle all them cameras in our face? Like truly?" I know we may not be able too because we reckless, dramatic, and attached to each other.

"It's a good opportunity for us to build our brand and our names though DeJa I truly think we could do it" He picked both the twins up from the bed

"Where you taking them?" I asked a little confused it's a little early for the  to be going to bed

"I'm taking them up to Nay room, we got business to handle" He smirked. Just like that I knew he was finna come get some of this pussy.

He walked out the room leaving me by myself.

Our door busted wide open and it was his mom. Again. This old shawty really needs to knock bro.

We grown as fuck so we ain't even move

"Jacquees," His mom cleared her throat

"Yeah I'll be out," He waved her off

She closed the door and made me loose all interest.

"You tryna finish?" He asked

"Nawl I'm good" I wiped my mouth putting my clothes back on

"You still got a fuckin thing against my mom?" He spat

"I never said I had anything against your mom babe, I'm just not in the mood anymore point blank period, stop blowing shit out of proportion acting like if ya mom walked in on you you wouldn't go soft, babe please" He gets me mad sometimes.

He huffed and pulled his pants up.

"Loose the fuckin' attitude" He mumbled walked out the room.

"Right back atchu"

He is so petty at times. Reminding me of a lil girl.

I got out of the room and followed behind him.

"Marriage is a big step Rodriquez and you know it too, I'm telling you now if your not ready just take the ring back people do that"

"She'll get over her self, honestly speaking I really do think she not ready she act like a bitch about things still"

"Not ready for what?" I barged in

"Babe not now"

"No Jacquees if you don't want to marry me tell me, and I'll leave period . Don't waste my time or beat around the bush because I don't have time for that" This man and his mom act the same.

"DeJa, stop"

"No Jacquees it's not DeJa stop, we just got threw this we talked this out now you and your mom talking about making me take a ring off? What? Im really second guessing everything because you make me feel so w-w-worth—" I held in my tears. "Like what in the fuck, how come everytime we doing well you let some shit like this kill it?l

I been holding these tears in for a while now. I can't burst now

"I worked my ass off to provide for my kids when I was single and I still do just to make sure everything set for my kids, and I'm tired of having your family constantly disrespect me in different ways Jacquees your mom just call me out of my name and you ain't even say nothing, but if roles were reversed I'd be jumping over tables for you"

I went up the stairs into our room and slammed the door shut.

I'm not wrong though am I? His family been disrespecting me and my hustle from the jump, they still do. He just expect me to sit down and deal with it ? Hell fucking nah I'm a woman of my word and I will stand up for myself whatever it takes. The hell I look like letting a grown ass women who probably post menopause treat me like a child. She ain't my momma.

She a grown ass woman and she always trying to start stuff with me and it's honestly annoying and excuse me to say weird. She like some bitter ass baby mamma and it's stupid. You a whole grown ass woman you don't got a lot to loose like I fucking do.

Let me spill some tea. Her daughter is messed up in the head honestly. She faked a whole pregnancy to get money from her brother, from the church, from all types of people. She still not in for fraud and it's crazy. Simply because her mom like to lie. That's exactly what she did lie to everybody about what happen. Telling everybody it was a miscarriage when truly it was nothing. She ordered fake silicone bellies off amazon and I swear I seen the box I seen it with my own two eyes. Like what the fuck is going on in your noggin, like I said weird.

They just so shady and it's like I love her son to death, I love him he's the father of two of my children and I can't change that. I have to deal with them for the rest of my life but these ladies have problems. It's unfortunate though, they the closest thing I have to family; since my family decides to run when things get bad.

I don't want my kids to be around energy like that. It's not good for them. But then again I'm always the bad guy so imma just be myself and stay out they way.

"DeJa" Que opened the door quietly

I just ignored him.

"DeJa what have I been telling you about my mom? Don't feed into the bullshit just let it be" jUSt lEt iT bE

Continued to ignore him.

"Because she not part of our relationship she don't and won't have any say in this marriage," Sure does seem like she does

"You constantly make it seem like she does, why do you let her disrespect me like that every time she's in the house that's all she does! You let her throw you around and shit" How you supposed to be my man and you can't even stick up for me in front of your mom.

"I hope you realize I gave up a lot for you, I risked a lot to be where we are now Jacquees and it could all be gone like that" I snapped

"Your taking me for granted Jacquees I can take my shit my kids shit and my kids themselves and leave I've done it before and you know it"

Then the room went silent. Nobody said a thing.

I just left it alone. He walked out of the room going back downstairs I'm guessing.


"Then your mom started sneaking me into her room when her parents were sleeping or not home " Daddy was telling us the long story of him and Mommas relationship, but more details

"I remeber one of the last times I ever was in her room was the day she told me we were having y'all, and I flipped and lost my mind"

"Daddy why didn't you want us?" I asked 

"To make it clear, I love y'all with all my heart at the time I just felt like I didn't need to be having such responsibilities at 16 or so" I wouldn't either but I'm a lady so it's different.

"I really wanted to graduate with your mom, go to college and eventually get married..." He paused for sometime

"It didn't workout"

"Anyways after she told me we were pregnant I didn't leave right away, I guess it wasn't as bad yet because her belly wasn't that big, your grandparents on her side disowned her and threw her out the house" God forbid, I know I'm only ten and a half years old but if I ever get pregnant like mommy I hope she won't throw me out the house.

"My parents, I told them about it they didn't get upset but I must say they was dissapointed in me, which is what I will be in you if you get pregnant young...anyways my parents gifted me a house that they used to live in, I later gave that house to your mom and that was the house y'all grew up in" I miss that house, I must say it's different living in like a mansion now. With all my toys.

"Wait Dad why did you and mommy break up then? Why didn't you just move in with her?" Kahari asked, it would've made more sense though.

"Your mom and I's relationship was starting to fade away, it was harder for us to communicate and most of that my fault because I was always so harsh about stuff and always brought up you guys in a negative way, plus I was trying to finish school at least have a degree, Daddy wanted to be a doctor....at that same time my career was taking off and it was like I ain't have no time to see her and eventually y'all after you were born" That's why him spending time with us is so important. To him and mommy.

"So then when did you start having us like you do now?" I asked

"Your mom ain't let me have y'all without her until y'all was like 5 years old, she ain't trust me at all and she ain't think I was capable of taking care of the beings that I ma—and when I did have y'all she was dead on my ass about everything"

"That's why she got so mad about you know what" Kahari smirked at Poppa

"I ain't even gonna lie I overreacted ...but you had no business talking to me like that"

"I mean I guess" Kahari smirked causing us all to laugh.



Everybody in the house was either asleep or out the house. It was just me and DeJa awake. I kept having urges to drink. Just one shot, it was tearing me apart real shit.

DeJa upstairs still pressed after our lil' exchange of words. That girl really mess with me sometimes bro. But I love her what can I say. She just hardheaded as fuck.

The front door busted wide open and in came Boakie, Durante, and Tevin.

"Wassup bitch" Tevin slurred as he dapped me up

"Where the fuck y'all coming from? All drunk and shit?" These niggas are so stupid.

"First off, only this nigga is drunk" Durante laughed pointing to Tevin who was struggling to get up the stairs

I sighed laughing "Where y'all go?" I asked once more

"We went to some lil' club scene shit was garbage" Boakie spat

"It wasn't trash nigga just didn't get no pussy that's all" Durante clowned, I could help myself but laugh shit was funny.

"Nigga I'ah beat yo' ass" He bucked at him

"Wassup then bitch" Durante laughed

"Both y'all nigga stupid but come here" I beckoned them

"Nigga you gay tryna' kiss us and shit tha fuck nigga"

"Alright get out! Go" I pushed them away

"No funny shit though, go check if DeJa asleep and if she not tell her to come downstairs"

"All right so if I go up there and I see tittys it ain't my fault cuh' you asked me to be in there" They left going upstairs.

They're so stupid.

I sat at the island staring at the wide selection of booze. I can't do it.

Just as I was about to get up DeJa came down the stairs.

"You know better then to send them idiots up there" She chuckled slightly

"I mean," I trailed off

"What's wrong?" She asked staring at me hard.

"Ion' know I just like feel like drinking" I scratched my head

"Drinking? Alcohol?"

"DeJa what else? Yes alcohol"

She sighed looking at me with them sad eyes.

I rubbed my hand down my face.

"Don't look at me like that, you gonna make me feel bad about it" I sighed

"That's the whole point Jacquees"
"Fuck it" I got up grabbing a bottle

"Jacquees if you dare take a sip of that shit" She yelled,

I opened the top of the half empty Hennessy bottle, and downed the rest of it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" She charged pushing me.

I couldn't even answer her. I don't know what's wrong with me.



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