The Daughter ↬ SUNGJOY [EDITI...

By sooyoungexquisites

898K 41.7K 17K

↬ in which a fan brought a baby on a BTOB fanmeet and sungjae got a feeling ↫ More

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Special Chapter 1

➳ fifty-eight

16.6K 771 519
By sooyoungexquisites

To say that Joy is nervous is such an understatement. If possible, she would rather collapse than go down to the shop with Areum.

There's this mix of anxiety and excitement in her blood, rushing all over her body with such speed. Where are these feelings coming from? Is this how it feels to completely overcome your fear?

Two days ago, Joy almost made a decision not to continue what she initially planned and just vanish from the town along with Areum, find a new place and start a new life. But seeing Areum sitting next to her, telling her stories about the people she recently met made her rethink things. She might be Areum's mother but she's not in the place to take away the things that was supposed to be given to Areum.

Joy is worried. That's for sure but as a mother, that is natural. She came to accept that this will always be a part of her everyday emotion. The only difference is that she's worried for deeper reasons because of their situation. She's worried the most about Areum's thoughts once the night ends.

Will Areum still look at her the same way? Or, God forbids, will Areum hate her by the end of the night? No idea.

Strength is all she's got and the only thing she's holding on to. Thank God for giving her so much strength both physically and mentally. Joy's been using it well ever since day 1 in all life aspects.

Looking back, the Joy 6? 7? months ago will never agree to this but here they are, walking their way down to the shop, with Joy helping Areum in her princess attire.

Joy and Areum have come a long way.

As they are holding hands while walking down, Joy felt a squeeze from Areum, "Are you nervous, Eomma? Your hand is shaking," Areum stated, bringing her mother's hand to her lips and left a small kiss before talking again, "It's okay. You're okay," She comforts and Joy giggled.

Areum probably heard that a lot from Joy that she started saying it too. Joy visibly relaxed with the contact as they took their final step on the stairs. Well, that made her ease a little.

"How are you feeling, baby?" The mother asked and Areum made a high pitched sound meaning she's excited to answer her mother's question.

"Happy~~! I get to have two birthday parties in one day!" Then Areum stopped walking so Joy stopped too. Areum motioned Joy to crouch down so even if she's wearing a formal dress herself, she still do what the little girl asked for. Areum suddenly hugged her with so much force but good thing Joy's balance made so much improvement from the past years so they didn't tumble down. "Thank you, Eomma~ You always make me happy," The little girl's soft voice plus the sincerity in it made Joy tear up but she forced them back. Now's not the right time.

It's true, Areum had her first party at lunch with her classmates at school. Their homeroom teacher let Joy to celebrate Areum's birthday inside the classroom, with so many foods and games, a mini party.

Joy watched Areum socialize with her classmates, always bragging her beautiful Eomma to them and just casually joining the games. Areum is indeed a star, a sweetheart because everyone inside seems to love Areum, seems to be close to her and adores her so much.

Areum pretty much had a blast earlier and Joy is sure because Areum talked about it a lot when it's time to go home. Her favorite was when her and Yuna partnered for a game and won gifts.

Joy sighed in the hug, wrapping her own arms around Areum's little waist. They stayed like that for some moment, and Areum can feel the loud beats of her Eomma's heart. Although she don't understand where these anxious feelings are coming from, she knew that hugging her Eomma will make the older feel relaxed.

Second party is tonight, with the people Joy chose. Joy's going to introduce them to Areum formally tonight and she prays that all will go well.

Sungjae received a message from his mother that they're near to the venue already so he didn't waste time. He drove to Joy's coffee shop, wearing his newly tailored suit. He made sure to make himself look presentable because it seems to him that tonight will be an important night.

There's no need to feel nervous because this is just a birthday party but the thought of meeting the people that is important to both Areum and Joy worries him. For sure, they know about him and Joy, specially the mothers'. He's not even sure who will he meet at the birthday party but that doesn't matter. He will make sure to not ruin Areum's night so if the reaction of his arrival will be bad, he will leave.

Parking his own car, he took his time, calming his nerves through breathing. It's strange because he's  suddenly feeling nervous for no apparent reason.

He got out of his cars and started walking to the main door. The usual transparent glass walls were covered by blinds from the inside so he's still unsure of how the place looks like and who are already there.

He tried asking Joy again if he can help with anything that concerns the party but Joy insisted that his presence is the only thing she needed from him.

He also tries to know who are the people she invited but Joy only gave him sly smile and that wasn't so helpful at all. It only added to the bundle of worry he has.

He was able to get a glimpse of the people and sighed in relief when he spotted Minhyuk together with Irene chatting with Changsub and Eunkwang. Seeing that Joy invited their members made him feel at ease. He opened the door and of course, the bell on top of it clanged and everyone inside is suddenly looking at him.

He was supposed to be used by a lot of eyes watching him but looking around, these pairs of eyes weren't the ones that usually follows him. They're all, if not unfamiliar, then the ones he used to have contact before.

There aren't so many of them.

Just Joy's members, his members, the girl he once saw during a fanmeet, five old ladies and Joy's family.

He just wanted to leave. Suddenly, all the forgotten guilt and self-blame appeared again and they're stronger than before.

What the hell am I doing here. After all the things I've done? I still had the guts to come and make myself feel like I deserve to be here.

His thoughts has always been too much but they're always right. He feels so embarrassed of himself that he quickly looked away and turn around.

He's not supposed to be there.

Red Velvet members, BTOB members, Joy's own family. They all turned their back on Joy all because of him.

Joy experienced all those pain because of him.

This is not his placeㅡ but before he even got to take his first step, he was stopped by a strong grip on his arm, it was Dasom.

"They've been waiting for you," said the woman once he finally had the urge to look back.

Dasom was pertaining to Joy's family. He didn't know what to do, what's the right thing to do? Can he really talk to them? Does he even deserve to be near them?

Dasom probably saw him hesitating because she started pulling him, "Stop thinking of other things. They've been wanting to talk to you for so long now,"

Truth be told, he doesn't have the energy to protest. His mind is clouded by thoughts of how to apologize to them, how to greet or even look at them. He's too embarrassed of what he did to their daughter, to their family. He basically ruined them with his mistake and that's too unforgivable.

He was looking down, aware of how the noise earlier went down.

They stopped and he's guessing that they're already infront of Joy's family but he couldn't bring himself to look up, to face them.

He's a horrible person.

"Son, why are you looking down?"

That very familiar voice made Sungjae shot his head up immediately. The voice was too soft and small that he's sure not everyone heard it.

Joy's mother, she called him son.

Sungjae's eyes is already brimming with tears. Joy's parents are sitting next to each other while Joy's sisters and Dasom decided to give them space.

It's not because he lose his strength, he just really wanted to kneel infront of them, back to looking down because his crying face is not a view to look forward to.

"No, Sungjae stand up," Joy's father talked this time. The old man's voice changed so much. He sounded frail, his talks slow too. What happened to him?

Sungjae refused to stand up, "I'm sorry," he whispers but he knew they heard him because he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, we're no saints. We wronged Joy too and we're her family. You don't need to kneel down to us because we're sinners too. Son, please get up," Mrs.Park sounded genuinely sad and worried of Sungjae's state. She's also tapping a lot on Sungjae's arm, encouraging him to stand up already.

Sungjae took Mrs.Park's hand and held it tightly, "It's my fault. Iㅡ why is it so easy for you to forgive me?" He bursted into silent sobs,  "I'm so sorry but it's all my fault. Joy did nothing wrong. W-why? You should be mad at me,"

"Like what I've said, all of us made our mistakes. Don't blame it all to yourself," Mrs.Park's voice quivered, "We're Joy's parents but we are selfish. We should've listen but we didn't. We're not the ones you should be asking for apology. No one in here deserves an apology," The older woman sighed, "Only Sooyoung and Areum,"

"Sungjae, stand up now. Even ourselves deserve nothing but penance. But Sooyoung, my Sooyoung, she's too kind. She invited all of us here. All of us who caused great pain to her," It was his first time to hear Mr.Park in such emotional state, "She's going to let her Areum see us. She's brave, my Sooyoung,"

Sungjae understands where the two are coming from. They're right, they're all on the same page. All they are after was Joy's forgiveness.

"Stand up now, I know you finally know what we want to say," Mr.Park said and Sungjae compel. He then made a deep bow of respect.

"I'm still very sorry. And even though you already said it, I want you to know that I'm still going to pay for what I've caused to your family. I'm still after your forgiveness," He said, tears already drying on his cheeks. What made him feel at ease is that he can feel the genuineness. He know they didn't say that just to make him feel better.

"We understand," both Mr. And Mrs.Park replied.

"Thank you," he bowed again before deciding to look around. He saw that his parents already arrived and has been watching all along.

He's too old to run to his parents for comfort but at that moment, he really don't care.

Meeting Joy's parents made him feel a roller coaster ride and he just want to hug his mother. Mrs.Yook already knew because the moment she saw him running, she already had her arms wide open.

When they finally hugged, Mrs.Yook whispered to his son, "I'm so proud of you. You know that right?"

Sungjae nodded his head.

After the hug, his father tapped him on the back then motioned to the five old ladies sitting on one table, already looking to where he is.

Again, his chest feels like being punched with so much force.

Joy's real life guardian angels, the mothers who took care of Joy when all of them was too irrational to care. He owes them a lot of making Joy and Areum safe, for being with Joy when all of them refused. They must be not blood-related to Joy but Sungjae is aware of how important these people are to Joy.

He nodded to his parents who went to Joy's parents for some catching up and probably exhange of apologies.

He walked to the table where the mothers are and stopped to face them bravely. He didn't forget to bow first, "Hello, my name is Yook Sungjae," he introduced himself, a shaky breath escaped right after. He doesn't know what to say anymore.

"We know," The woman with a short hair answered, "We've heard from Sooyoung," she continued, "She tells us everything,"

Sungjae's blood ran cold. Of course, just like what he expected. Again, he was speechless. How's he supposed to answer that.

"I'm sorry," was all that he could say. Although he have so much to say, it's  hard to think at that moment. Apology always comes first anyway. If he wanted to continue talking to them, then he should start with letting them know that he's aware of his mistake and he's regretting it.

"Like what we've said, Sooyoung tells us everything," Another woman replied, she has this kind aura in her and even though she's not fully smiling, Sungjae can tell that she's  not angry. Her eyes says it. "We also know the reason why you're here. The reason why you deserve to be here. By the way, my name is Minseo,"

"I'm Eungyung,"




He bowed to each one of them. His heart can't contain it. The last sentence Minseo said makes him want to just shout in delight.

They're too kind for someone like him.

"Thank you," He bowed again, "Thank you for always being there for Areum and Joy. All of you took so much care of them and you all are so kind. Thank you so much, I have no words. I'm just so thankful," He knows he's blabbering at that moment but he couldn't stop himself. All he want to do is to let them see how grateful he is to them.

"There's no need to thank us. We wanted to it, we wanted to protect them," Jinhee answered and Sungjae can only make a huge smile.

He was then called by his members so he had to say goodbye to them but not without thanking them again before leaving.

"I'm so happy for you," Eunkwang man-hugged him and the rest of his members before deciding to tease him for crying earlier.

Even the Red Velvet members are giving him thumbs up for doing a great job earlier. He wanted  to protest because what he did was the right thing to do but he decided not to ruin their fun by him being sappy and all.

He's now convinced that what he did was right because there's no reason for these people to fake their welcoming arms to Sungjae. He knew that these people can just straight-up be angry at him but they didn't.

There was some catch up between the two groups until the bell from the front door clanged again, signaling of an entrance.

All of them looked to the direction of the door and instantly smiled upon the presence of the star of the night.

Sungjae on the other hand have more of a nervous yet proud smile. For him, it's not just Areum's night. There are two stars in his eyes, the two beautiful ladies walking inside, one with bright and enthusiastic smile and the other with rather small yet genuine curve of lips.

It felt like everything, as cliché as it may sound, became slow motion. He could only focus on Joy's sweet-looking lips, sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks. Joy's wearing a velvety blue dress, letting her snow white skin to shine even more. She looks dashing.

Areum is wearing a pink long gown, a small tiara on top of her head and the biggest smile on her face. She looks so much like her mother, younger and more cheerful version. The little girl changes her smile everytime she see a different person inside, from the mothers to Dasom. Areum raised her hands and waved it happily to Red Velvet and BTOB's side.

Areum also saw Sungjae's parents with people she don't know. She made a quick bow to their direction before the two of them continued to walk to the main part of the shop.

There's a specially designed chair in the middle for Areum to sit and beside it is a massive amount of gifts from all of the people there.

Areum excitedly ran towards the middle to occupy her seat, "Eomma~! This is beautiful!" She said loudly as she make herself comfortable on the seat, everyone heard it and caused people to smile with how appreciative and thankful Areum looks.

Joy only responded with a smile, she's nervous and Sungjae can see it. It's strange for Joy to be surrounded by the people she once ran away from.

Sungjae stayed behind Peniel. He couldn't bring himself to walk to them, to greet Areum and Joy. He's too overwhelmed by their presence, the two's beauty are undeniable, they're gorgeous and it makes him weak on his knees.

"Our birthday girl have arrived," Dasom was suddenly holding a mic, acting as the host of the party. Her face is flustered, hiding so many emotion there but she managed to make everyone settle on their seats.

Sungjae chose to seat with BTOB members. He's still a little terrified. He don't even want to do any action thinking that it will trigger to something bad.

Joy sat next to Areum and the party proceed. Dasom did the honour of introducing Areum to every single one inside.

Sungjae's seat is just a few chairs away from Joy and Areum so he can freely watch them. He's not even listening to Dasom, he's eyes are directed to Joy, he can see that her shoulders are tensed and he just want to help her relax but that's a thing he can't do now.

He saw Joy's head move around, as if she's searching for something and when they eyes met, he saw how Joy visibly relaxed upon seeing him. She also smiled, for the first time since her and Areum's arrival.

Well did he just make her feel at ease? That was new.

Joy then turned back to Dasom, more relaxed and comfortable.

Joy hired a few people to serve their food tonight. Only a few since it's exclusive and private.

Areum's cake was huge. It was a figure of Snow White which is Areum's favorite princess. Joy was proud when she saw how Areum's eyes light up in happiness, she made the cake all by herself and she put all the effort and love she got in it.

Everyone sang Areum a happy birthday as Areum happily swayed her head on the beat of the song.

Sungjae couldn't help but giggle at how adorable his daughter was, "Alright Areum, make a wish before blowing the candle," Dasom announced in her mic.

They all watched as the little girl closed her eyes for some seconds before blowing on it fully. They all would love to know what Areum's little self wished for but like the myths said, if you tell, it won't come true.

They started digging up the food.

Dasom went to Joy and Joy asked about her gift for Areum and Dasom nodded with a very happy smile, "You can do it. It's the highlight of the party. We'll do it after eating. Are you ready?"

Joy's breath is shaking, "Even if I say I'm not, we're all here already," Joy then took a glance at Areum who's busy eating the flower candy from her cake, "And it's for the better anyway,"

The allotted time for eating passed like bliss and soon enough, Dasom was calling Joy's name to the front. Joy felt a little dizzy but followed anyway.

This is it.

She took the mic from Dasom and hold it. The familiar feeling seeps through her system. When was the last time she held a mic infront of people again?

She looked around, catched the soothing smiles from the mothers and the anticipating ones from the people inside. No knew, aside from Joy because it's her present for Areum.

"Thank you so much for coming," Was her first sentence and it did not pass their ears how Joy's soft  voice is shaking, "You don't know how much this means to me," She continued. "If you didn't come then I don't have a gift for my daughter," She joked but it's half meant and everyone gave her a confused yet glad smile.

"Areum-ah, my lovely baby, happy birthday," She greeted Areum and the little girl giggled loudly. She's very excited. "You know I love you right?"

"And I love you too, Eomma!" Areum screamed making everyone laugh.

"I hope you will still love me after tonight," There's a hint of fear in her voice but she made it sound like a joke. "You will, am I correct?"

"I will love you everyday!" Areum responded cheekily and then sent a flying kiss to her Eomma which she returned gladly.

"Remember when I told you about the gifts I'll give you tonight?" She asked and the little girl nodded with so much enthusiasm, "Good. But Areum, the gifts won't be things. They're people, is that okay?"

Areum most probably didn't understand but since she's too happy to think like an adult, Areum just nodded.

Joy and Dasom shared knowing glances before the two of them went to the side. There's a white board behind and then two crews set up a projector in front of it.

"Areum-ah, before anybody else, I'd like to introduce myself to you," Areum mirrored her mother's smile, "I'm Park Sooyoung but you hear people call me Joy a lot, right? Well it's because I was also Red Velvet's Joy," Joy motioned for her members to stand up.

All of the girls are teary-eyed already. They finally understan what's going to happen. The four went to stand up next Joy, emotional and touched. "They're my members Areum-ah," Joy introduced.

"This is Irene-unnie, Seulgi-Unnie, Wendy-unnie and Yeri-ah," As she said the names, she pointed to each member who waved at Areum.

Areum though, still don't have idea why these ladies are crying, "I know you're still confused but here. This video was so long ago,"

The projector light up and then it shows a very nostalgic video from Joy's past. It was her last comeback before she was forced out of Red Velvet; Power Up by Red Velvet.

It's kind of funny because the song was upbeat but everyone was so tensed. Areum was the only one who smiled when the video started.

"EOMMA!?" the shocked little girl pointed to the video when Joy's part came out, "Eomma! Youㅡ Sheㅡ," Areum can't even formulate the right question. She's ogling at the young lady which also happened to be her mother, singing and dancing. Her small lips are agape.

The video finishes, it was full of Areum gasping everytime her mother appears on the video and soon enough everyone are laughing and waiting for Areum's cute reaction.

"Eomma! You were in an idol group!" Areum relayed the information with so much energy, her eyes are wide and excited, "With them!" She then pointed to the girls next to Joy. "Daebak,"

The room was filled yet again with laughter because of Areum's amazed musing.

"Are you surprised?" Joy giggled. Glad of Areum's reaction.

"Yes!" Areum beamed.

"They're my first gift to you baby, they're Joohyun-imo, Seulgi-imo, Seungwan-imo and Yerim-imo to you now," Joy pushed Yeri to Areum's direction and the rest of the girls followed. They all surrounded the little girl, giving her light little pecks on the cheeks. They arw stopping themselves from crying so the little girl won't be weirded out by their crying faces.

It's their first real and official meeting and their hearts feels lighter than usual. Areum was uncharacteristically shy as the girls took turns on giving Areum their greeting, hugs and kisses.

"By the way, Areum-ah. Those guys over there," She pointed BTOB's table and had an unnecessary eye-contact with Sungjae. She can see the way his eyeballs shook but she ignored it for the meantime.

Areum's head followed where her mother is pointing and saw a bunch of guys, "They're all your samcheon," Joy addresses and then suddenly the men are loud, six of them making their way to Areum.

Sungjae stayed on his seat because his knees are jelly.

"Even Policeman-ahjussi?" Areum questions with a happy smile.

Everyone was waiting for Joy's answer, even Sungjae who's close to passing out, "No. Not him. He's different," Joy said. Areum looked sad so Joy quickly think of something so console Areum, "Oh no baby, don't be sad. He's part of my gift, don't worry," Joy even winked so that Areum will feel better.

She doesn't even know where these bravery are coming from but she figured it's because of Areum.

After BTOB's time with Areum, Joy continues her series of gift. "Are you ready for more?" She asked and Areum seemed to have gained more energy, giggling as she nod her little head.

Joy then turned her head to Sungjae's parents, "Please come forward," she said and the old couple looked surprised.

They didn't expect to be part of this. They thought they're just going to come and watch but Joy is calling them so the two, even though a little slow, walked their way to the front.

"Halmeoni! Harabeoji!" Areum called, pleased to see them. The old couple greeted Areum back.

"Oh, you already know them," Joy commented, "They're you're grandparents Areum," Joy introduced. Mrs.Yook gave her a smile, eyes already brimming with tears as she held Joy's hands before muttering a small thank you. Even Mr.Yook sent her a grateful smile before the two went to Areum.

It's Areum's first time to get introduced to her own grandparents so she still don't how to it works or how they are related. All she knows is that grandparents are the old people in the household.

"Loving your gifts?" Joy teased while Areum enjoyed being hugged by her very own grandfather.

"Yes! I have another halmeoni and my first harabeoji!" Areum laughed bouyantly.

"So, do you want another halmeoni and harabeoji?" Joy asked, nervous and happy. Areum made sure everyone will hear her loud, "YES EOMMA PLEASE," as if by doing that, it will happen.

And Areum's not wrong.

After that Mr.&Mrs.Yook's time, Joy's hands started to shake. This has been one of her greatest fear and was once the hatest part of her own being. But right now, watching them looking at her with such anticipation and longing, Joy knew they've been paying for their wrongdoings for so long now. She can see the hope in their eyes and the want to just go there and be finally introduced to the youngest, most precious member of their family.

"Appa, Eomma, Jiyoung-ah, Minji-ah. Come here please," Joy called them and her two sisters helped their father to move forward.

Joy heard about her father's illness and it's not because of pity that's why she decided to invite them. It's because she loves them and they're her family.

Areum turned her head to the four people walking to the front. Eyes big and curious, following the every movement of the people infront of her.

"Areum-ah, these are my sisters, Jiyeong-imo and Minji-imo," She said and Areum automatically opened her arms for the two. They excitedly went to the little girl, finally being able to hold their niece. It felt really good that Joy's youngest sister started tearing up. Minji was able to supress it earlier but looking at Areum's face closely makes her feel really emotional.

"Areum-ah," Joy talked again, catching Areum's attention from her sisters, "This is my very own Eomma," Joy said with a proud smile, she wasn't able to stop a tear from falling down. Her mother hugged her tightly first, sobbing a little on her chest before going to Areum.

Her father was left alone with Joy, she can see how his knees are shaking a little because of the loss of support from her sisters and mother. Joy, unable to stop her emotions ran to his father to help him to stand up.

She hugged him so tight, just like before as the old man rested a little on her for support, "I'm sorry, Sooyoung," He mused in the hug and Joy shook her head.

"Rather than 'I'm sorry', I want you to tell me you missed me because I missed you so much, Appa," She replied, burrying her crying face to her father's chest.

"I missed you so much, my Sooyoung-ah," He tapped on her back and then Joy was back to reality and Areum asked if she's okay.

Joy wiped her face on her father's shirt, like she always do before, and then turned to Areum to smile, "Areum-ah, my Appa," she said and helped her father to walk to Areum's little throne.

"Harabeoji, hi," Areum greeted and the old man, although considered weak, was able to lift Areum. He got his strength from the little girl.

It wasn't just Areum's birthday but their family's reunion too. It lasted for another minute before Joy went back to the front.

"Baby, remember your first fight with Yuna?" Joy asked pertaining to that one incident between Areum and her bestfriend. "She teased you because you don't have an Appa, right?"

Areum frowned because why is her Eomma bringing back the past?

"I already introduced you my own you want to know who is yours?" Joy asked.

Sungjae felt light jabs on his back because Changsub can't contain his feelings anymore, "Bro, don't fuck this up. Time to shine,"

But Sungjae could only focus on Areum and the quickening pace of his heartbeat. Is this really happening?

Areum jumped out from her seat, screaming with her high pitched. "Yes! Yes! My Appa!" She began searching around for possible clue. Areum's eyes are hopeful and excited as she glance at different parts of the shop, "Eomma! My Appa? Where is he?" She asked impatient and climbed back to her seat, stand up from it and shouted using her little voice, "Appa! Come out now!"

Joy smiled yet her crybaby nature came out. This, really, is it.

"Areum's Appa, your daughter is calling you. Come out now," Joy announced.

It was Sungjae's cue but he's too emotional to stand. When Areum started shouting the word Appa, he couldn't stop himself the rush of emotion dawning to him. Excitement, fear, happiness and all.

"Hey, Areum's looking for you. Stand up now," Minhyuk squeezed his arms but he heard Minyuk's shaking voice.

When Sungjae stood up, all eyes are trained on him. He was looking down at first, trying to stop his tears by brushing it away.

When he finally decided to look up, Areum is looking at him with wide, tearful eyes. Little Areum was about to cry for the first time tonight.

"Appa?" Areum asked, her small lips are shaking. Sungjae nodded before bursting to another wave of cry, running to where Areum is when the little girl opened her welcoming arms to him.

Everyone at that point is crying.

Sungjae hugged Areum's body like it's the first time. Well, it really is their first hug as an official father and daughter.

Areum cried louder, hiding her face on the crook of Sungjae'e neck. "Ssshhh, stop crying. I'm sorry," he said, consoling Areum when he can't even calm himself.

Areum faced him, eyes full of snot and tears making Sungjae laugh but he wipe them away with his hands, "I'm sorry baby, stop crying now," he said but his own tears continues on falling.

Areum mirrored what her Appa did, her small hands are wiping Sungjae's tears away and it was to no help because he only cried even harder.

"Stop crying, Appa. Are you not happy?" She asked, the way the word Appa came out so natural made him want to explode to another crying mess but he hold it in.

"My favorite person is my daughter, is there a reason for me to not be happy?" He asked and Areum shook her head, "You cried too. Maybe you're the one who's not happy?"

"Because I want it to be you! But you are not standing earlier!" Areum probably had flashbacks of what happened because she started crying again and Sungjae's feels like he's floating.

Being able to hold your own blood, the love of your life, freely infront of the important people for you is indeed very overwhelming. But with the way Areum responds to his hug makes him feel even more happy. They're finally official to each other and that's all that matters.

"I'm sorry. Really sorry," he hummed, hugging Areum again. They stayed like that for a while, Sungjae was tapping on Areum's back to stop the little girl from crying.

When she's finally calm, she jolted upwards, gave Sungjae a kiss on the lips and turned to her Eomma who's quietly crying on the side. Areum motioned for Sungjae to put her down and then ran to where Joy is.

"Eomma! Youㅡ!" Areum screamed and Joy got nervous. Is Areum mad? Does she hate her now?

"I love your gifts but you are still the best! And Appa too!" She beamed excitedly, asking for her Eomma to carry her and Joy did.

All the worries and fear are gone, replaced with relief and sheer gladness. "Eomma, thank you. I love you so much. So much. So much. So muㅡch!!" Areum screamed with so much conviction earning a giggle from Joy.

"And I love you,"

The hug didn't last long because Areum wiggled out from the hug so Joy put her down. She ran back to where her father was, who was watching them share their love to each other.

"Appa!!" She called so Sungjae automatically crouched down to recieve Areum's running figure. He lifted her up and was surprised with a sudden attack of small kisses all over his face, "You too! I love you so much. So much. So much. So muㅡch!!"

"I love you too,"

The party ended with Areum falling asleep on Sungjae's arms. After the two's introduction, she never left her Appa's side. A mere sign of being a daddy's girl but no one's complaining.

Everyone already left, not without making them cry or laugh.

Sungjae settled Areum on the bed while Joy was looking for something for Areum to change. She'sㅡ actually, Sungjae will changed Areum while the baby is sleeping. His daddy duties will start now.

After giving the new set of clean clothes, Joy went to the kitchen for some tea for her and Sungjae. She figured the two of them won't be able to sleep early after the happenings earlier.

It will forever be engraved in Joy's memory, the way Areum smiled when she found out that Sungjae is indeed her Appa. It's magical.

She put the two cups on the table and waited for Sungjae to finish. It took him long, he's probably overdoing himself by trying not to wake their kid.

A figure then appeared on the doorway by the kitched and Joy smiled at Sungjae's exhausted face.

"Done? Still asleep?" She asked as she stood up to give Sungjae his tea but before Joy could even take it, Sungjae was already hugging her tightly.

One arm on the back of her head while the other are wrapped protectively on her back.

No one is talking verbally because it was the beats of their own hearts doing ir for them.

Joy can feel the erratic beating of Sungjae's heart and Sungjae can feel Joy's.

No words are exchanged. Just feelings for their past, present and hopefully a bright future together.

An open-ended

Thank you 💙❤

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