His Desire || Odell Beckham x...


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Odell Beckham Jr. wasn't like any other football player who chase women for lust and lust only. He had eyes f... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
Chapter LVII
Chapter LVIII
Chapter LIX
Chapter LX
Chapter LXI
Chapter LXII
Chapter LXIII
Chapter LXIV
Chapter LXV
Chapter LXVI
Chapter LXVII
Chapter LXVIII
Chapter LXIX
Chapter LXX
Chapter LXXI
Chapter LXXII
Chapter LXXIII
Chapter LXXIV
Chapter LXXV
Chapter LXXVI
Chapter LXXVII
Chapter LXXIX
Chapter LXXXI
Chapter LXXXII
Chapter LXXXIV
Chapter LXXXV
Chapter LXXXVI
Chapter LXXXIX
Chapter XC
Chapter XCI
Chapter XCII
Chapter XCIII
Chapter XCIV
Chapter XCV
Chapter XCVI
Chapter XCVII
Chapter XCVIII
Chapter XCIX
Chapter C
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Chapter LXXX

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O d e l l

Once again I was laid up in this small ass jail cell for the second time this year. I was over everything leading up to this because nothing seems to be changing. I'm out here making a fool out of myself now. I don't feel like myself at all because I usually don't do shit like this, the media about to have a field day with the news that got exposed last night and I'm sure my coaches gone be calling me.

I'm the one who needs a break now.

I saw a guard come up to the cell and unhooked his keys to let me out "You know what time it is" He said like he wasn't happy to set me free. I got up from the stale bed and slowly walked out of the gate to be escorted to the main entrance. After giving me my personal belongings that they took last night, they let me out of the double doors.

I just knew my mama was about to snap because this is unlike me.

Walking around the front corner I saw Aaliyah sitting there waiting on me. I raised my brows cause I didn't even think she would wanna be in my presence anymore.

She got up from the bench and walked over to me "Are you okay?" She asked surprisingly worried. I just looked down and nodded "Good" She said.

Out of nowhere she brought her hand up and slapped me right across my face.

I'll admit I deserved that.

I held my face and felt a few pair of eyes just staring at us with they nosy asses. She came closer and I glanced over still holding my cheek "I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you but I don't like it!" She let me know "You need to get your shit together right now! I'm not gone keep coming up here bailing you out of jail every damn month for acting like a reckless ass little boy cause your feelings got hurt"


She cut me off "I just had to pull $800 out of my pocket to get your black ass out of jail ONCE AGAIN because you wanna go around vandalizing everybody property without a care in a world" She continued to yell and I sighed feeling embarrassed "You just don't care anymore huh? You don't think you just do and that's gone get your yellow ass in a world of trouble"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't in my right state of mind and--"

She cut me off once again and held her hand up in my face "I don't care I'm sick of this shit with you! You better hope you don't get sued either cause that's all on you, this is why the media is out to get you now because your showing out!" She said lastly before walking away and I followed her out of the double doors.

I didn't say anything yet as I followed her to her car and got situated inside. I didn't want her to slap me again for opening my mouth but I had to get my side out.

"Do you even know why I got arrested last night?"

"For vandalism and possession of marijuana" She answered like she was already tired of me talking "And like I said before you need to get your shit together because now your becoming a shitty individual all around, and I don't have time for it"

"My bad for taking my anger out on the woman that fucked up our relationship" I mumbled and looked out of the window.

"Oh now you wanna deal with her? You should've came at her like that months ago and you wouldn't be in this situation"

I was so tired of her bringing this up now, she gone forever hold that over my head.

The whole car ride to my house we didn't say anything else to each other. I had a lot of shit on my mind though and I'm sure she did too. We can't even communicate like we use to because Aaliyah doesn't believe anything that comes outta my mouth anymore. She don't trust me at all and doesn't even look at me the same.

I don't blame her being what she's been through but I think she shouldn't continue to hold a grudge against me. It's time for us to talk again.

When we pulled up in front of my house she put the car in park and leaned back against her seat but kept staring out the window, I'm surprised she hasn't forced me out of the car yet.

Seconds later I glanced over at her and saw a tear sliding down her face "What's the matter?" I asked worried.

She wiped her tear and sighed "It's just too much on me"

"What's going on?"

"Everything! From me and you arguing last night to me finding out that Rick is married with kids" She said and my eyebrows raised at this sudden crazy news "I'm just so tired of running into men who does foul shit like that, who don't really give a fuck about they partners and lie about everything!!" Another tear slid down and she shook her head.

Honestly I felt bad for her, I would never know how she feels being that she puts up with all this bullshit. I'm part of the the problem so I have no room to rant about how fucked up Rick is but I am tired of seeing her this way.

She doesn't deserve any of this and it's bogus that it's gotten to this point.

I was suppose to give her the world but now here she is crying over what not only me, but another man done fucked up with her. She probably don't have any hope for anything now, I wouldn't be surprised if she just packed up everything and disappeared with Aiden forever.

I wouldn't want her to do that though.

Though she strongly dislikes me now, I'm still gone be here for her.

I reached over behind her and rubbed her back in circles while she sniffled "I'm sorry for all of this" I said truthfully "If I would've never made that mistake months ago we would've been raising our son together and getting ready for our wedding" I was ready for her to roll her eyes and cut me off but she just looked over at me with puffy eyes waiting for me to continue "You deserve better than what you been through these past months and since I'm the reason for that I have to say I'm deeply sorry for making you feel the need to take this route"

She sniffled once again and wiped her eyes "I'm sorry for going out to entertain Dakota while we was on break, I should've been worried about trying to win you back instead of making it a competition so I wouldn't look hurt" I looked down and sighed "I know me saying all of this doesn't mean shit to you but I felt like you needed to hear it"

She still never broke contact and just by me staring in her eyes was enough to make me breakdown because I know she's been hurt one too many times.

"Once again I'm sorry for causing all of this and because of that.... I'm willing to let you go" I said and now my eyes were getting watery "I love you so much Aaliyah but I don't deserve you so I have to set you free, hopefully you find the right man to treat you the right way and accept you for you--"

"I don't wanna let you go Odell"

"Huh?" I asked as if I was deaf but I was taken back.

She sighed and looked down to play with her fingers "Though you did me so dirty I'll admit I'm tired of pretending like I hate you, it would be right for me to move on and look for somebody else but I just can't seem to break away from you" She admitted and another tear rolled down her cheek "I wanted things to work out with us so bad so I don't know what I called myself doing this past month"

"What about Rick? What was that all about before you found out everything?"

"I was only entertaining Rick since I saw you coming around with Dakota, which was completely childish because I had other shit I had to worry about" She shrugged.

"So now what should we do? I mean you just admitted you didn't wanna let me go so what are we suppose to do now?" I asked hoping she would say she was ready to give me another chance after all these months.

She shook her head "How would you feel if I say we both still need a break? At least two more weeks or more to figure out what we gone do" Before I could say anything she said "By that I mean actually working on our relationship and not arguing about simple shit"

"I don't have a problem with that" I said truthfully.

"That goes for Dakota too, if you really wanna be with me again then you have to tell her how you really feel" She put me on the spot "But if you feel like things would be better off if you got with her then I'll just have to accept that, just stop lying to me and being a hypocrite! Don't tell me over and over again that you want to make things right but go out trying to put Dakota first, you already got my head spinning"

She don't wanna let me go but she doesn't want me to feel stuck with her either. I don't want her to feel like she has to settle for me after what I did but if she loves me that much to take me back then that's up to her, we really love each other.

"I got you" I said and she just nodded like that's all she had to say at this point "So we good now? You ain't gone be cursing me out no more?"

She chuckled "We cool" After she said that I gently pulled her over into a warm hug with her showing off her dimples. I'm glad we settled everything now, that's what I been waiting for.

I rubbed her back and gave her a kiss on the head "I love you Aaliyah"

"I love you too Odell" She said with no hesitation.

Since we somewhat on good terms now I'm gone do everything in my power to show her how much I really love her and how I don't ever wanna lose her. I'm gone do right by her and don't ever make her feel like I'm out to hurt her again.

I gotta earn her trust back though, I'm down to do whatever it takes too.

R o b y n

"Excuse me? Please tell me you making this up?" I asked Aaliyah in complete shock.

"You heard exactly what I said Robyn don't make me repeat it, I'm still embarrassed by it" She rolled her eyes while playing with her nails.

I shook my head at the fact that Rick handsome ass played my best friend. This asshole was married with kids the entire time and never brought it up. He had the nerve to be out and about with Aaliyah like it was nothing as if he was single but little did she know this nigga had a whole family.

That's foul as hell and my girl don't need to be looked at as a mistress.

"Okay so wait, how did all of this unfold? Did he just slip up and tell you?"

"No girl his wife ended up calling his phone and I was curious as hell so I answered and she was going off about how he needed to get home and she's tired of him staying out late working and all kind of shit" We both shook our heads "I just feel like a complete fool now because I tried so hard to get even with Odell that I ended up fucking somebody's else husband, I'm disgusted with myself"

"Girl it ain't your fault, you didn't know his ass was married! If anything he should feel disgusted for cheating on his wife and lying about it" I rolled my eyes as if I was the one who was in the mix "I knew it was too good to be true, all men are dogs"

"I'm just wondering what's suppose to happen with my career now, we had such a good deal but now I found out he's trash and told him to lose my number and everything"

"I know a few girls who fucked they boss before, don't walk away from your opportunities so quick sis just forget that it happened" We both knew it would still be awkward but she just nodded agreeing anyway "But Anyhoo! Where's lil man? I haven't seen him in a minute"

She chuckled and playfully rolled her eyes "Girl he's with heather thank god! I mean I love my baby but I needed a break"

"When's the last time you had him?"

"All this week he's been back and forth between Odell and heather's houses"

I slowly nodded "When you plan on getting him?"

Only reason I'm asking all these questions is because for the past two weeks I noticed how Aaliyah would be so quick to past Aiden over to a relative almost every week. She would spend all day with him like a mother should but would always call somebody sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

Not too long ago she was about to pop off on Cassie because she tried to help her out but it's like she didn't want Aiden going anywhere without her at the same time. She'll pick and choose when she wants to be around him and I don't think that's a good thing to do.

I don't want her to be a dead beat.

"Tomorrow, almost every day I'm getting a phone call about how he's been crying too much" She shook her head "He don't whine that much with me" She said sounding all cocky.

"Awwwww! Let me find out Aiden already a mamas boy!" I cooed.

"I guess you can say that"

I sighed getting ready to change the topic and she could tell because of the face I was making "Soooo? Did you hear about Odell last night?" I asked raising a brow because it's not looking too good for him, this fool got arrested last night again.

She rolled her eyes "Girl I'm the one that went to bail him out, I was so mad that I had to slap some sense into him" She shook her head.

I laughed a little "What the fuck did he do?"

"He drove all the way out to queens and broke into that bitch kaila's house and vandalized her shit which she deserved but it wasn't the perfect time for all of that" She said first and I covered my mouth trying not to laugh "And then the police found weed in his damn car! I told his ass he needs to get it together"

"Damn he's really been losing it lately" I mumbled and she just nodded agreeing "Did yawl talk afterwards or was he still salty that you slapped him?" I side eyed her.

She chuckled hitting my leg "We actually did talk without it turning into a screaming match" She admitted and I was kinda shocked "We both got a few things off our chest and I'm glad we on good terms now"

"So your done holding a grudge against him?"

She slowly nodded "Yeah because honestly it was becoming a waste of time and I was tired of arguing with him and just wanted to go back to the old days, I'm not ready to let him go Robyn and I wouldn't mind giving him another chance"

"Are you sure about all of this? Or is it because things with Rick didn't work out?"

I could tell she was taken back by the look on her face but I was just trying to make sure she was making the right decision. It's not my business if she decides to stay with Odell after all of this but I hope that's what she really wants.

To be honest it just seems like she's so use to being hurt that it's gotten to the point where she's settling for less. It's like she'll never learn but she's also tired of looking for a man to treat her the right way without him doing her dirty.

At the end of the day it's their relationship and it depends on how much they love each other. If they willing to start fresh then let it be, I know it's hard to just stop loving and caring about somebody.

I just hope everything turns out alright because though she's sitting up here with a half smile I know my good sis is going through it. She don't need no more unnecessary bullshit unfolding between her and Odell. They've been arguing 25/8 as if they don't have a son to be taking care of.

Aiden don't need to be around that negative energy this early.


New chapter!! Honestly I think the beginning was a bit sloppy but yawl get the point, they made up. I got a few more ideas coming so stay tuned! Do yawl think Aaliyah & Odell should try to work it out or move on? What did yawl think of this chapter?
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