It's Elementary My Dear

Від ICrzy01

127K 2.9K 946

Our story is of a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like a... Більше

Season 1
Season 2


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Від ICrzy01

"So is it true?" Asked Veronica Lodge.

Veronica and Peter were being driven to school by Andre. Peter glanced up from his phone to the brunette next to him.

"Is what true?" He asks.

Veronica grins, "That you and Betty got back together?" She asks.

Peter gives Veronica a small smile, "Uh- um yeah. We did." He said.

Veronica kept her smile on her face, "Perfect! I am so happy!" She exclaims.

Peter placed his phone in his pocket, "What about you and Archie? Everything work out?" He asks.

Veronica had a smile on her face as she closed her eyes, "Oh yeah, we worked everything out." She said.

Peter looks at her, "I'm glad."

Andre parked the car and looked at the two teens from his rear-view mirror. The driver gets out and opens the door, Veronica gets out first. She thanks Andre as Peter got out, he turns to Andre and does the same.

The two teens began to walk up in the direction of the school. Veronica noticed Archie -- he seemed a bit upset.

"Uh, catch you later?" Veronica asks.

Peter nods.

He walks to his locker. He opens it up to find Ned walking over with Michelle, the two teens had found out about him getting back together with Betty. Technically, Ned was the first to know and then Michelle.

"Morning, man." Ned said.

Peter nods at Ned, "Hey, guys."

Michelle crosses her arms on her chest, "How's your dad?" She asks.

Peter grabbed his text book, "He left the hospital yesterday, he's gonna be staying at the Pembrooke with us."

"So does this mean your parents aren't divorcing?" Ned asks.

Peter shrugs, "I don't know, man. Adult relationships are just confusing." He said.

Michelle leans against the row of lockers, "You're telling me. When my parents split, all I heard from my mom was how bad of a man my dad is and how he's such a criminal."

Peter looks at Michelle, "Michelle,"

Ned glanced at his friend, "He's a Serpent, and besides wasn't he arrested two years ago?" He asks.

Michelle shrugs, "The charges were dropped- eventually." She said.

The two boys took the light heart humor to lightly chuckle. Then Ned looked at the time.

"Oh I better go before class starts," Ned said.

Peter eyes his friend, "And where are you off to?" He asks.

Ned grins, "Ethel has been struggling with her chemistry class and I need to return her homework that I checked for her." He said.

Michelle nudges Ned, "Look at our Ned blossom into a man." She teased.

Ned shakes his head, "Anyways, see you guys at lunch." He said.

And then Ned headed off. Peter continued to grab things from his locker and then Michelle pushed herself off the row of lockers and then leaned on the door to Peter's locker.

"Hey, Pete. I gotta be honest about something," She said, "And I know seeing as you're probably my closest friend you should hear this from me."

Peter tilts his head, "What's going on, Michelle?" He asks.

"Alright, since the Secret Santa I've been- I've been seeing Jughead Jones." She said, "And I know you have history with the whole first time with Betty thing. I made it pretty clear to him that if he were to try anything on me, not even his father can protect him."

Peter nods as he looks down for a moment, "You like him?"

Michelle gives him a smile, "Yeah. I do."

Peter gives her a smile back, "I won't ruin that for you, Michelle." He said.

Michelle keeps her soft smile on her face, she steps back allowing Peter to close his locker. As the two began to walk down the hallway in the direction of class.


In between class, Archie and Veronica seemed to have made up from whatever issue had made Archie upset. Peter assumed it had to deal with the fact that Veronica paid for Fred Andrew's hospital bills with her mother's credit card.

The group were in the lounge just socializing among each other. Peter had his arm wrapped around Betty's at the couch they were sitting at. Kevin sat on the side next to Betty, and Michelle sat on the armrest of the couch. Archie and Veronica took the last two empty seats.

Archie points at Betty and Peter, "So when did this happen?" He asks smirking.

Betty blushes and looks at Peter, "Christmas." She says smiling.

Peter had a smile on his face too.

Kevin turns to Peter, "How is your dad anyways, Peter?" He asks.

Peter gives Kevin a small smile, "Better, sure there's still some bruising but that hasn't stopped my dad."

Michelle lets out a small smile, "I can picture it now, May is lecturing your dad about staying in bed and your dad goes on a rant how he was able to form a huge company within whatever short period of time he says that time."

Peter lightly chuckles when Michelle did. The two look at each other, giving each other smiles. Betty looks at Peter and Michelle -- they are good friends and yet, Betty doesn't know anything about her.

"So uh- Michelle are you seeing someone?" Betty asks.

Michelle's eyes dart from Betty to Peter, "Uh- yeah."

Veronica smiles, "New love, I wanna hear all the details." She said.

Michelle kept her eyes on Peter, "Just some guy-,"

Peter placed a hand on her knee, "Michelle, it's fine. You can be honest with who your dating." He said giving her a smile.

The others seemed a bit confused. Michelle groans and then stands up from the edge of the couch and collapsed in the seat next to that couch.

"I'm kinda- sorta- I'm dating Jughead Jones." She said.

Betty's eyes widen, "Oh." There was a pause, "Really?"

Kevin leans in to look at Michelle, "You know what, I can see you two being well for each other."

Betty almost whipped her head around to demand clarification but stopped herself, Jughead and Peter are two important people to her but now she was with Peter -- so that part of her who was with Jughead needs to accept things and move on.

Archie gives Michelle a smile, "Well I'm happy for the two of you." He said.

Peter glanced over, "I cannot wait until your mom meets Jughead," He let out a chuckle.

Michelle groans and nearly face palms, "Oh god no," She said.

Kevin looks at Peter, "Is her mom like- like Betty's mom?"

Betty turns to Kevin. She gives him a look and Kevin held his hands up for surrender. Peter still smiling turns to Kevin.

"No it's just- uh- Ms Jackson-," His eyes turn to Michelle.

Michelle looks at them, "My mom tends to disapprove of the Southside." She said.

Veronica then speaks up, "Well maybe when she sees you two together, she can't be angry. Love is love after all." Veronica said.

Michelle shrugs.

Before anything else could be said -- the sound of the PA gained the students attention.

"Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking. E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down."  Principale Weatherbee said.

The students all had different reactions. Michelle then suddenly realized something -- her eyes widen and then glanced up to Peter. His eyes met hers.

"And it's students will be transferred to other schools in the district, including this one."  Principal Weatherbee said.

"Oh my god," Kevin said, "This is- wow."

Peter nods and kept his eyes on Michelle -- who looked like she was gonna throw up. Betty seemed to noticed the girl get pale.

"Okay, guys, let's not overreact." Veronica spoke.

"We will address your concerns and theirs. You should be receiving it shortly. I'm sure you have many questions."  Principal Weatherbee said.

The voices of other students began to chatter over the announcement, but in a whisper. People were already concerned for this choice.

"But it goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts, and arms."  Weatherbee said.

Voice chattered more and then that is when Peter noticed Cheryl -- she had stood up, hands on her hips and glaring at the speaker with Liz next to her.

"Cheryl?" Peter spoke up.

Michelle glanced at Cheryl and Liz.

"Hell no! My home life is a Dickensian nightmare. I won't have school turn into one too." Cheryl says angrily.

"Course schedules or locker assignment,"  Weatherbee was cut off by the voices, "Thank you. That is all."

And then more chaos broke out. Everyone was shocked -- and didn't seem to know what was gonna happen.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Archie asks.

Kevin then says, "It means Jughead's coming back." He said.

Betty nods, "Yeah and new students." She said.

Archie ran his hand through his hair, "But why is this happening now?" He asks.

Before Veronica could speak -- Peter turns his gaze from Michelle to the redhead. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Who knows really." Peter said.

"It's probably some bizarre, Byzantine town ordinance we couldn't possibly understand." Veronica said, "And in the meantime, let's receive these exiles as if they were our own flesh and blood."

Everyone looks at Veronica.

"Who's in?" She asks.

Before anyone could say anything, Michelle got up and bolted out. Peter got up and went to chase after her -- which got Betty to follow.


Betty found Peter leaning his back against the wall next to a girl's bathroom. Betty walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You know it's the girls bathroom." She said.

He nods sighing, "Michelle ran in here."

"Is she okay?" She asks.

Peter rubbed the bridge of his nose, "No- uh yes- uh-um I don't know." He said.

Betty rubs his shoulder, "Southside shutting down is really affecting her." She said.

He nods, "Look uh- can you go in there and check on her for me?"

Betty nods with a smile, "Of course."

Peter gives her a smile, and watched his girlfriend step into the bathroom. When Betty got in there, she noticed it was empty. Minus two black boots she was from a bathroom stall.

Betty walked over and knocked on the door, "Michelle,"

There was nothing but some sobs. Betty knocked again.

"Michelle," Betty said, "Are you okay?"

"Just leave me alone, Betty!" Michelle yelled back.

Betty was taken back by this, "Peter's worried- I'm worried. Are you okay?"

Michelle opens the stall door, revealing her eyes to be red and puffy. She walks over to the sink and turns on the water.

"What do you think? Do I look okay?" She asks.

Michelle splashes some water on her face -- trying to hide the red and puffy eyes she has from crying.

"What's going on?" Betty asks.

Michelle rested her hands on the rim of the sink, "Why do you care, Betty? Like seriously, why do you even care?"

"Because- Because Peter's your friend and- and you mean a lot to me," Betty said, "Plus I am actually concerned."

Michelle looks up and noticed Betty held some paper towels in her hands, offering them to Michelle. Michelle sighed and then grabbed the paper towels, she rubbed the water dripping from her face off and then threw them in the trash.

"We aren't friends," Michelle said.

Betty gives her a small smile, "I'd like us to be friends." She said.

Michelle looks at the blonde as she rests her back against the wall, sighing as she looks up at the ceiling.

"My world is falling apart," Michelle said, "That's what's wrong."

"I don't understand," Betty said.

Michelle looks at Betty, "Peter mentioned that you and the rest of the Scooby gang knows about the fact my dad and brother are Serpents- and even I am."

Betty nods.

"Don't you see Betty, everyone here will know. I had been trying my damn best to keep those two parts of my life separate." Betty said.

Betty watched as Michelle shakes her head in frustration. Betty takes a step forward looking at her.

"No one is going to care," Betty said, "Peter won't and neither will I."

"Tell that to Liz- or even Cheryl." Michelle said.

"If they don't accept you, and that includes being a Serpent then they aren't your real friends." Betty said.

Michelle frowns and looks away. Betty looks down and then back to Michelle.

"Look, Michelle, you'll have Peter, myself, Ned, Archie, Veronica, and Kevin in your corner." Betty said, "Oh and Jughead, of course."

Michelle nods and rubs her eyes again, "Yeah- Yeah," She looks at Betty, "I hope it doesn't get awkward that I'm dating your ex."

Betty gives a small smile, "Chances are we may run into my boyfriend's ex and hopefully it won't be awkward as well." She said.

Michelle shakes her head, "Nah, Toni is chill about it. Besides, I think Toni was crushing on someone else- but she doesn't tell me everything like she does with Peter."

Betty looks at Michelle.

"I don't understand him sometimes," Michelle gives a smile, "Somehow able to be friends with his ex. I know I couldn't."

Betty has a small smile, "He's a great guy."

Michelle nods, "He is."

And then both Michelle and Betty headed out of the bathroom -- when they stepped out, Peter had stopped pacing and turns to the girls.

"Michelle?" Peter asks.

Michelle gives him a smirk, "You dork," She said.

Then Michelle walked over and gave Peter a hug, he looks from the brunette to the blonde. He was confused -- he had no idea what happened. Betty gives him a small smile and a nod.

Peter nods and then wraps his arms around Michelle, "It's gonna be okay. I got your back, Michelle."

Michelle smiles in Peter's embrace, "I know, Pete."

(A/N: This chapter was in honor of Coy Luther "Luke" Perry, born on October 11th, 1966 and passed away March 4th, 2019. Not only was he such a big deal on Riverdale but on the other shows/movies he was in. Besides portraying Fred Andrews on Riverdale, his biggest role was in Beverly Hills, 90201 from 1990 to 1995 portraying the character Dylan McKay. Everywhere are morning his loss, mostly his family and close friends. So my thoughts are directed at the family, I know times like these are really hard.

On another note, it's Spring Break for me. I am going to be away which is why I updated this chapter. I'll be back home on Thursday but may update either Thursday night or Friday, not quite sure. I am going away for a few days with my man and just relaxing. Not doing anything, which is something I need because of some of my stress from my classes.

I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I am looking forward to building Michelle more with the fact that Serpents are now coming to Riverdale High and she can no longer keep the "Hannah Montana" like secret. Michelle is gonna have to take off the wig and come clean, and face how her friends will react. Until next time. -ICrzy)

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