It's Elementary My Dear

By ICrzy01

130K 3K 967

Our story is of a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like a... More

Season 1
Season 2


1.1K 29 6
By ICrzy01

Peter was at home hanging out with Ned. The two were playing video games -- Peter's mom was out, so it gave Peter some bro time.

"So you and Toni, huh?" Ned asks.

Peter nods, "Mmm-hmm,"

Ned glanced at his friend, "You okay?"

Peter nods again, "Yeah. I talked to her after school." He said.

Ned paused the game, "Really?" Ned asks lowering the controller.

Peter rubbed the back of her neck, "Well she just wanted to make sure I was okay, which I am. And we just talked about wanting to stay connected, you know."

"Peter, you've never been friends with your exs?" Ned asks.

"I've only ever dated her and Betty." Peter protested.

Ned nods, "Exactly!" Ned said, "Like you and Betty have been back and forth with figuring out how you both stand. Either friends or not."

Peter shrugs, "I guess, but look- it's different with Toni and I." He said.

"How so?" Ned asks.

"Well for starters, she didn't cheat on me." Peter said, "And two despite the fact we broke up, we don't hate each other. We still care about each other."

"Then why did you break up?" Ned asks.

Peter didn't answer, instead he hit the start button and the game began. Ned protested as Peter took the lead in Mario Kart.

As the two were playing the door had opened -- just without a knock. It was Veronica.

"Hey," Veronica said, "How is my favorite dorks?"

Ned looks up, "That's usually Cheryl's line."

Veronica made a face.

Peter paused the game and looked at her, "What's up?"

"Look, I know we kind of started binge watching Friends on Netflix- but I'm staying the night at Kevin's house." Veronica said.

Peter pretended to look hurt, "Veronica, on Friends night? I'm hurt."

Veronica grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at home, "Oh shut up."

Peter let out a laugh, "Alright. Fine." He said, "Have fun."

Veronica gives him a look, "Yeah, yeah. Later." She said.

And then Veronica Lodge was out. When she left -- Peter noticed his pal just staring at him. Peter gives Ned a confused expression.

"What?" Peter asks.

Ned shakes his head in disbelief, "Dude! You don't see what I see?"

"What exactly do you see, Ned?" Peter let out a small laugh.

Ned then exclaims, "Um- you dated Betty Cooper, first girl you loved. Then dated bad girl Serpent, Toni Topaz-."

"She wasn't a bad girl," Peter added.

"And Cheryl Blossom is always around you and you've both said nothing has ever happened," Ned said, "And now- now Veronica Lodge comes over unannounced and you have binge nights?"

Peter sighs, "Okay first of all, only dated the first two. Nothing got super heated- almost with Toni but well-,"

"Wait- you almost had sex with Toni?" Ned asks, "Dude, why didn't you tell me?"

Peter was holding his hands up, "Nothing really happened. We kissed and got a little heated and then my mom came home- so yeah." Peter then adds, "Also back to your comment, Cheryl and I never had a thing. Ever."

"What about you and Veronica? You've been pretty close?" Ned asks.

"Just friends, man. She has a boyfriend and I wouldn't want to be a relationship wrecker." Peter said.

Ned watched Peter continue the game -- the two boys continued to play the game. Though, Ned still had a few things to say.

"You are such a lady magnet." Ned said.

Peter shakes his head with smirking, "Can we just play?"

"Whatever, man." Ned grins.


It was late and Veronica was over at Kevin's house -- like she had said. She was hanging out in his room, where he was explaining a board game.

"And if you roll a six, you can take over the Kingdom of Theodora." He said.

"Interesting," Veronica said clearly bored.

Then her phone was vibrating -- she glanced over and saw it was Betty.

"Um- I'm gonna get a bevvy. Do you want anything?" Veronica asks.

Kevin nods, "A glass of milk would be great." He smiles.

Veronica didn't answer the phone until she got far enough away from Kevin's room. She reached the stairs when she put her phone to her ear.

"Betty?" Veronica asks.

"You're having a sleepover at Kevin's? Without me? In the middle of an investigation."  Betty said.

"This isn't an investigation, okay. This is me helping a friend deal with his father's infidelities." Veronica said.

"Oh, so you're there snooping to prove that Sheriff Keller's having an affair?"  Betty asks.

Veronica is walking down the stairs, "Why else would I leave the comforts of the Pembrooke?" Veronica asks.

"Can you please add looking for evidence that suggest Sheriff Keller's the Black Hood to your to-do list?"  Betty asks.

At this point -- Veronica was downstairs. One hand holding her phone to her ear and the other one crossed around her chest.

"I'd start in the home office."  Betty said.

Veronica walked over to the office door -- she reached for the handle and turned it. No luck.

"It's locked." Veronica answered, "And no, I don't have any bobby pins."

"Okay, check the basement."  Betty says.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's where he keeps all his spare hoods." Veronica said as she began to walk to the basement door.

Veronica reached the door and opened it. The door creaks -- Veronica pokes her head in and quickly pulls her head back. The basement looked far too spooky for her.

"No way. I am not going down there." Veronica said.

"Please. Just check to see if something jumps out at you."  Betty said.

Veronica sighs, "Okay, fine."

Veronica walked down the stairs and heard some grunting -- a man grunting. As she got down the stairs further, the sounds got louder. As she reached the bottom of the stairs -- she saw Sheriff Keller lifting weights.

"Hey, Vee-."  Betty said.

Sheriff Keller heard and Veronica quickly hung up -- the man turns and sees Veronica. He was a bit confused to why she was down there.

"Oh, Veronica. What can I do for you?" He asks.

"I was just- looking for juice or diet soda or something." Veronica stammered, "The fridge in the kitchen is empty and I'm parched."

The man didn't see anything wrong in that, "Well, there's some here. I think." He walked to the fridge.

He opens the fridge and pulls out a glass bottle of soda, he even opens it for her.

"There you are." He said.

Veronica smiles, "Thanks." She said and took a sip, "I didn't know you worked out so much, Mr Keller."

Veronica let out a small giggle.

"I mean, Archie Andrews, watch your back." She said.

Sheriff Keller scoffs, "I don't do it for vanity. I do it for discipline, and to push my limits." He said.

"And I'm sure it comes in handy on the job." Veronica said.

"Yeah." He says.

"Kevin mentioned things have been stressful lately, with the Black Hood and everything. It must get super hard. With all the pressure, without Mrs Keller." Veronica said, "Where is she stationed, again?"

Sheriff Keller eyes the teen, "Bahrain. Uh, some Naval Base there."

Veronica nods, "That can't be easy. How do you- cope?"

Before the man could answer -- coming downstairs was Kevin. He stepped into sight. Kevin was holding a glass of milk in his hands.

"Veronica? What are you doing down here?" Kevin asks.

Veronica's mouth was open -- unable to say anything. Although, that didn't stop his father.

"Hey, pal." Sheriff Keller said.


Peter woke up that morning and headed into the kitchen. He noticed on the back of the couch was a man's jacket. This was something he didn't notice before he went to bed. He walked out from the kitchen and then to the couch.

The jacket was new. It looked barely worn. Peter went to reach for it but heard the sound of his mom's door open. He ducked away behind the kitchen counter to avoid being seen. He heard muffled voices -- his mom and a man's.

"Sh," May spoke, "Peter is probably sleeping."

Peter was shocked -- was his mom seeing another man? Peter almost wanted to expose his mom right then and there but halted.

"May," It was Tony's voice, "He should know."

Peter heard the sound of his mom and dad kissing. But then the sound of someone pulling back -- chances are it was his mom.

"Tony," May's voice said, "I'm not ready to fully forgive you."

"Then what was last night?" Tony asks.

"A momentary weakness." May said.

Nothing else was said. Peter heard his dad grab his jacket and keys, then the door shut. Afterwards he heard his mom head into the bathroom -- and the sound of the shower was all Peter heard. Peter just sat there -- his parents were sleeping together and yet his mom didn't want to do anything with their relationship.


Veronica had returned home from the sleepover -- and instead of going to her place, she went to the Lockhart's instead. When she opened the door, she found Peter doing some physics homework.

"Hey," Veronica said, "No hard feelings for missing our binge night?"

Peter let out a laugh, "All is forgiven." He said.

Veronica walked over and sat down on the couch, "So I ran into Smithers and he made a comment about your dad being here. So what's going on?"

Peter sighs and closes his book, "Apparently my mom and dad are you know- fooling around." He said.

"What?" She asks.

Peter nods.

"Let me get this correct. So your dad has an affair, they don't divorce, they want to work on things, he lives in a motel while you and her live here, and they're just fooling around?" Veronica asks.

Peter nods, "Pretty much."

Veronica shakes her head, "Adults are weird."

"You're telling me," Peter said, "Want a drink?"

Veronica smiles, "Yes, I would like-,"

Peter cuts her off, "I know, I know." He gets up.

Just then Veronica's phone rang. Peter was in the other room -- he had heard the phone ring but didn't say anything. Veronica saw it was Betty.

"Betty?" Veronica said.

"We need to follow Sheriff Keller,"  Betty said.

"What?" Veronica asks.

"I know you think I'm crazy, Vee, but you yourself saw him sneaking out."  Betty said, "He's hiding something."

"Okay, Bee. I'm in, for Kevin's sake. And also to keep you in check." Veronica.

Veronica looked up and saw Peter coming back -- with two fizzy sodas in his hands.

"Just text me when you want to head out," Veronica said and hung up.

Peter hands Veronica a drink -- she thanks him and then Peter sits down. He took a sip of his drink before he says anything.

"You and Betty playing detective?" Peter asks.

Veronica gives him a smile, "I'm just keeping an eye on her, just making sure she doesn't do anything reckless."

Peter nods, "Good- good, that you're gonna keep an eye on her." He said.

"So what has Riverdale's newly Bachelor been up to?" Veronica asks.

Peter grins, "Well despite finding out my parents have been sleeping together but not fixed their marriage, I've gotten a lot of physics done."

"So nothing," Veronica said.

"I'll have you know that I was up til two in the morning playing Call of Duty." Peter said.

Veronica shakes her head, "Of course you were," She teased.

Peter kept the grin on his face, "Actually, I'm meeting up with some friends at Pop's later."

Veronica had a smile on her face, "Sounds nice." She said.

Peter nods, "It is gonna be fun to hang out with them again, we haven't had much time for each other since well- since the school year started." Peter said.

"Look on the bright side about this year," Veronica said, "You got to meet me."

Peter let out a laugh, "Oh yes, I am honored." He teased back.


There wasn't many people at Pop's that evening. Peter was sitting at a table with Ned, Flash, Liz, and Michelle -- for whatever reason Cheryl bailed on them.

"And when Flash met my mom and dad," Liz was in the middle of telling a story, "He completely froze and got all nervous."

Both Peter and Ned laughed. Michelle was smirking. Flash was smiling -- keeping himself seem find despite his pride being hurt. Liz had a sweet smile on her face.

The gang sat in a booth. They had since finished eating and were just socializing at this point.

"I am not surprised, Liz's dad is quite intimidating." Michelle said.

"Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks that." Flash said.

Everyone let out a small laugh -- at that moment, the door opened revealing Josie with Cheryl. Josie looked sad and Cheryl was comforting her.

"I wonder what that was about?" Ned asks.

Michelle shrugs, "Maybe the jingle-jangle situation."

All eyes shift to Peter. To which Peter awkwardly looked away from his friends as he took a drink.

"Come on, Peter." Ned said, "You never told us what happened."

Peter shrugged his shoulders, "What's to tell? I was at a party because Cheryl wanted me there, the guy who threw the party handed out drinks and drugs- we partied hard, I barely remember much of it. And then the following night that dickhead tried to do things to Cheryl's barely conscious body."

Liz shakes her head, "What a prick." She said.

"He got what he deserved from what I heard," Michelle said, "That you and the girls laid his ass out."

Peter shrugs, "Yeah, I guess."

Flash points at Peter, "You're always such a great guy, man." He said.

Just then the door opened again -- this time it was Betty and Veronica. The two make their way away from the other two who groups in the diner.

Betty and Veronica sat in a booth -- both sitting across from each other.

"I just can't believe this. I'm in shock." Betty said.

Veronica nods, "Me too, my women's intuition told me Sheriff Keller was having an affair, but with Mayor McCoy?" She spoke.

Betty shakes her head, "Oh, God. Riverdale's list of sinners keeps expanding."

Just then in came Archie and Jughead.

"Hey look, it's the boys." Veronica said, "Shell we ask them to join?"

After she said that and both her and Betty looking, the boys head into a booth a bit away from them.

"On second thought, it looks like they're having an intense broment." Veronica said.

Betty turns back to Veronica, "Veronica, "how are we gonna tell Kevin about this?" She asks.

"I don't think we do. I think this is one of those secrets we keep. For Kevin's sake. Let him keep thinking his dad's a good guy." Veronica said.

Josie held onto her neck, whereas Cheryl comforted her by rubbing her back. Cheryl glanced over at the table that housed her friends. Peter glanced over at Cheryl -- the two make eye contact. Despite Peter being out of the loop, she nods at him and he understands that she is helping Josie.

Just then a phone rings -- it was Pop's phone in the diner. The older man picks up the phone. None of the teenagers thought much of it, because people order from Pop's all the time.

Pop Tate got off the phone, he lowered the phone and was shocked -- unable to expression any sort of emotions. He stepped out from behind the counter and stood near the door.

"That was him on the phone," Pop Tate said, "The Black Hood."

All eyes begin to shift in the diner. Eyes from Peter's table moved to Archie and Jugead -- heck even to the girls in the other booths.

"He says that we've failed his test. That we're all sinners. That the reckoning is upon us." Pop Tate said.

(A/N: Hey guys! I don't have class tomorrow so I decided since the weather being SUPER cold, like negative twelve, that I can update another chapter. Also think I may be getting sick or it's just the weather messing with me. My ear is getting all muffled and I've had it flushed out and things were clear but I am still getting muffled every now and then.

So yes, episode 7 is done! Time to move along to episode 8! I don't think I have a lot to say in this Author's Note, since my last one I spent a lot of it rambling on and on. So I just hope you love the chapter and cannot wait for you to read more. Until next time. -ICrzy)

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