It's Elementary My Dear

Par ICrzy01

127K 2.9K 946

Our story is of a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like a... Plus

Season 1
Season 2


1.2K 28 3
Par ICrzy01

Betty held her phone to her ear -- it was late.

Betty had returned from the party that she left early that she wanted to go straight to bed. She had sat on her bed on her laptop, until the sound of her phone rang -- with an unknown number.

This it where we are now. A confused Betty Cooper on the phone with someone she had no idea who it was.

"Hello?" Betty says.

"Hello, Betty. This is the Black Hood speaking."  The voice was raspy.

Betty sat in utter shock, "How- How do I know this is real?" She asks.

"I will strike next where it all began."  The Black Hood said.

Betty leans a bit forward in her position on her bed, "Were you there? At the Town Hall?" She asks.

"Oh, yes."  The Black Hood said.

"But you- you didn't hurt anyone?" She asks.

"Tonight was all about you."  The Black Hood says.

The way he spoke -- the way he just sounded like he knew her made Betty feel sick. As if she had a nasty taste in her mouth every time he spoke.

"What do- do you want?" Betty asks.

Betty tried to keep her composure. However, she was speaking to a murderer. This is the same man who shot Fred Andrews and even attacked Moose and Midge.

"The same as you, to set Riverdale on the righteous path again. To cleanse it of sinners- isn't that what you want?"  The Black Hood asks.

Betty rested her hand on the top of her head, "Not by killing people." Betty said.

"Only the ones who deserve it. People like- your sister. I know all about the sin she carries in her womb. I also know she's at a farm, two hours North."  The Black Hood said.

Betty's eyes widen -- how did he know that? The only ones who knew that were her family, and she mentioned that Polly was safe to her friends.

"If you try to warn her, I'll know. If you tell the police we've spoke or your mystery-loving boyfriend, I'll carve her like a Jack O'Lantern."  The Black Hood said.

Betty held onto her bed frame tightly, "Please, don't hurt her."

"Then we're at an understanding then,"  The Black Hood said, "I'll contact you soon."

And then he hung up. Betty sat there -- collecting her thoughts over what just happened. She ran her hand over her face, leaning forward on her bed.


Veronica and Peter walked together to school -- the same has they had been doing so for a few months now.

Veronica glanced at Peter, "So how is your dad?"

Peter shrugs, "He's managing." He said, "I think I'm gonna try and let him fix our relationship like he said."

Veronica had a small smile on her face.

"I know what he did was wrong but- he's still my dad at the end of the day." Peter said.

Veronica nods, "God knows I can relate with having daddy issues." She said.

Peter let out a small laugh.

Veronica glanced back at him, "Did your mom get invited to a party we're kind of having?" She asks.

Peter nods, "Mentioned its about some project your dad is doing." He said.

Veronica nods and says, "Yeah a lot of well known families will be there." She said.

Peter and Veronica cross the street and arrive at the school. From afar, Betty stood -- watching. She held her books to her chest and watched her best friend talk to her ex boyfriend.

"So you two coming?" Veronica asks, "You can bring Toni."

Peter let out a small smile, "I don't think Toni can make it but yeah, my mom and I will be there. I mean after all your family has done for us."

Veronica rested her hand on his shoulder for a moment, giving him a smile before they parted ways. Betty watched as Peter jogged up toward the school -- in the short amount of time, she felt as if she was even farther away from the boy than ever.

"Betty," It was Archie.

She jumped slightly, "Oh jeez, you scared me."

"You okay?" He asks.

Betty nods, "Yeah, yeah- just didn't get much sleep last night." She didn't lie, "Come on, we don't want to be late."

As the two of them head into the building -- Archie glanced at his friend, worry filled his eyes.

"Betty? Are you okay?" He asks.

Betty looks at him and then finds the music room empty -- so she grabs her friend's arm and dragged him inside the music room. They were alone -- and Betty shut the door.

"Okay," She said, "I'm going to tell you something, Arch, but you cannot tell anyone."

Archie looks at her confused.

"Nobody," Betty said, "Not Veronica, not Jughead, not your dad, no one. Promise me."

Archie nods, "Yeah, sure, I promise." He said.

Betty sighs, "The Black Hood called me." She said.

All color left Archie's face for a single moment -- it felt as if the world slowed down for a moment as he heard the words leaving Betty's lips.

"What?" He asks.

Betty nods.

"Wait- the Black Hood called you?" He asks.

Betty nods again, "Yes. It's risky for me to even be telling you, but we're best friends and we live right next door to each other. With us walking to school together it looks normal- normal to anyone who is watching."

"You think he's watching us?" Archie asks, "As we walk to school? At school?"

Betty shrugs, "I don't know, he could be. I know it sounds crazy, but it was him." She said.

"Betty, you have to tell the police. Even if it's not him." Archie said.

Betty shakes her head, "It is him. And he told me if I went to the police or even told Jughead he'd-," She takes in a deep breathe.

"Betty?" Archie asks.

"He knows where Polly is, Arch. He says hes going to contact again, I have to answer." Betty said.

Archie placed his arms on her shoulders, "I'm not going to let you handle this alone."

"Archie," Betty said, "You don't have to."

Archie nods, "Yes I do," He says, "We've been through so much together."

Betty nods. And then Archie pulled his long time friend into a hug. A hug to let her know that he is here for her. He is willing to do anything to protect her. And in that short moment -- that hug made Betty feel like no one could get. That hug felt like she was protected from anyone and anything. But Betty knew the truth -- and the truth was the Black Hood wants Betty's attention, and he has it.


Peter got out from his history class and was walking down the hallway, he noticed a certain blonde detective and quickly turned to avoid her.

Betty was by her locker -- looked up and noticed the brunette literally avoid her in the hall. She wasn't surprised though, she did start an argument at his own birthday.

Peter reached his locker and then felt a tap on his shoulder -- glancing over he sees Cheryl. So Peter opened the locker and kept his glance on her.

"And what do I owe the pleasure, Cheryl?" He asks with a smirk.

Cheryl couldn't help but smile, "Where did this charming Peter come from?" She asks.

Peter shrugs, "Maybe he was here the entire time, and decided he didn't want to be timid and quiet anymore." He said.

Cheryl kept the smile on her face, "If you were always like this, we could've been an item." She said.

Peter gives her a look.

"Fine, but you know what I mean." She said.

Peter placed some books in his bag and then looks back at her, "So what can I do for you?"

Cheryl has the smile still on her face, "Well Veronica's friend from New York is in town-."

Peter nods, "Nick, right? Nick something?"

"St Clair," Cheryl said, "I may have been eavesdropping when he was watching the Pussycats performed and mentioned a party, wanna tag along?"

Peter shuts his locker, "Cheryl,"

"Come on, Pete. You're one of my best friends and honestly is one of few people who actually likes me." Cheryl said.

Some of Cheryl's red hair fell in her face -- so being Peter, the kind and gentle Peter, he brushed it out of her face.

"When and where?" He asks.


Cheryl had picked Peter up that evening to head to Nick's hotel -- Veronica told Nick that Peter was coming along with, and Nick was chill with it.

Peter had sent Toni some texts telling her that he'd be hanging with friends tonight, in case she wanted to get a hold of him, but she told him that she was helping Jughead with some things. Normally, Peter would get worried, but he trusts Toni.

At Nick's hotel room at the Five Seasons were some of the students from Riverdale -- Kevin, the Pussycats, Veronica, Archie, Reggie, Betty, and now Cheryl and Peter.

Cheryl smiles, "You didn't start without us?"

Cheryl just owned where ever she was, the way she entered a room and walked in. Nick had greeted the two teens at the door. Nick kept glancing at the redhead and then turned to Peter.

"Nice to meet you," Nick said, "Peter, right?"

Peter nods accepting the handshake from Nick, "Yeah, and thanks for letting me come by."

Nick had a smile on his face, "The more the merrier." He says.

The music was playing low and there were alcoholic drinks being offered, Nick noticed Veronica had handed Cheryl a drink -- Nick had grabbed a glass, which contained whiskey in it and then turns to Peter.

"You a whiskey drinking fellow?" He asks.

The others were socializing among themselves, Nick and Peter were standing by the bar. Peter rubbed the back of his neck.

"To be honest man, only been a cheap beer kind of guy." Peter said as a joke.

Which it exactly how Nick takes it. The rich New Yorker chuckles at Peter's remark and pours the boy a glass.

"Well tonight, you drink like the best." Nick offers.

Peter shrugs and then accepts the drink. Peter takes a sip -- the alcohol burned his throat at first and he almost wanted to cough the liquid out.

Nick turns to Peter, "So, Veronica mentioned how you have been staying at the Pembrooke for a bit."

Peter nods, "Yeah, just temporary." He said.

Nick held his glass up, "Well here's to good fortune in your future." Nick said.

Peter nods and cheers with him, "Yeah, thanks." Peter said.

Nick gave Peter a grin and then heads over to the others, Peter takes another sip of the whiskey -- did not get easier the second time. He held the glass in one hand and rested his other hand in his pocket. He glanced at Betty, noticing her looking at him briefly before turning away.

Nick walk telling the others some story -- relating to some adventure in New York with Veronica, who was getting embarrassed by the story. Peter toned out the story and then glanced at the window -- in the window reflection, he saw himself. But in that image, he saw his father.

He shook his head and walked over to the group.

"And then, we walked into the Gilded Lily, and there's Gal! Again!" Nick exclaims.

"Gal?" Archie was confused.

"Gadot," Nick says, "Keep up, Archie."

Veronica then hands Archie her empty glass, "Archiekins. A refill s'il vous plait?" She asks.

"Forgot the drink totally," Nick said, "Let's move on to something with a little more kick."

And then Nick pulled some drugs out from his jacket -- the colorful drugs filled in sticks. These were exactly what some thought -- Jingle Jangle.

"Is that-?" Cheryl asks.

Nick nods, "Jingle Jangle? Why, yes. It is." He said.

Reggie took pride, "I hooked him up." Reggie said.

"Tasters?" Nick held out the sticks, "Who's up first?"

Archie crosses his arms on his chest, "Dude, we told you, we're not-."

Nick turns to Archie, "Archie, don't take this the wrong way, but you're an epic buzzkill." He said.

No one seemed to speak or move for a moment. Archie kept a glare on Nick, whereas Nick just wanted to party and have fun -- you know the typical rich kid attitude.

"Come on, Vee. Like back in the day. Aren't you supposed to be showing me a good time? Per Daddy's orders?" Nick asks.

Veronica looks at him, "Down, Nicky, I'm just getting going. And now that you mention it, I in fact, wouldn't mind a little sugar to spice up this party." She said.

Nick chuckles. Betty shakes her head in disappointment. Peter just stood near Cheryl -- after all, she was the reason he was at the party. When Veronica takes the stick from Nick, she sees Archie giving her a disapproved look.

"What? Every other night it's burgers and milkshakes. Can't we just cut loose and pretend we're normal, for once?" Veronica asks.

"I'm in," Cheryl chimes in.

"Me, too." Reggie asks.

Kevin raises his hand, "I'm also in."

Cheryl glanced at Peter, "Peter?" She asks.

"Uh-," Peter said.

He didn't have the chance to really answer, because Nick handed Cheryl a stick to hand to Peter. He just held the drug in his hands -- the first drug he had ever touched that wasn't given to him by a doctor or his parents.

"Pussycats, care to partake?" Nick asks.

The girls nod and accepted the drugs from Nick. Veronica then turns to look at her best friend.

"Betty?" Veronica asks.

"No, thanks." Betty said.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Veronica tried to convince.

Betty shakes her head, "I said no, Vee." She said.

"Okay, relax, Betty, this is strictly voluntary." Veronica said.

Betty glanced at Peter, if it was volunteer, she knew the Peter she knew months ago would've awkwardly put the drugs down and walked himself out. But, this was a different Peter. He was drinking, which was something she had never seen him do before.

"Perhaps we should decamp to the bedroom, so as not to corrupt the country mice." Nick said.

Archie downs his drink, "You know what? I changed my mind. I'm in." He said.

Nick claps his hands, "Bravo, Archie Andrews!" He says, "There's that good, strong Riverdale stock I've been jonesing for!"


As time went on -- everyone minus Betty had taken the drug. Peter had taken it -- which to his surprise, he didn't feel anything at first.

Music played. People danced. The close up and personal grinding turned to making out on some cases -- that case being Reggie and Josie.

Nick comes over to Betty with a drink, "Come on, Betty. Don't be such a wallflower. You're boyfriendless for a night, have some fun."

Betty looks at him, giving him a look.

"Like you, you mean? I was gonna say you're making a fool of yourself. Acting like some privileged, shallow, airhead party girl." Betty said.

That seemed to gain some attention from the party -- as Peter was dancing with Cheryl, his button down shirt unbuttoned. He looks from Cheryl to Betty -- he may be still under the influence of the drug, but it didn't stop him from looking over like everyone else.

Veronica forced a laugh, "Excuse me?" Veronica asks.

"Yeah. I mean, it's all recycled banter and plunging necklines and throwing shade to distract us all from the fact that there's really nothing going on underneath-," Betty was cut off.

"Betty, what the hell are you saying?" Peter asks.

Betty looks at him for a split second, "What we're all thinking." She insists, "That the only reason Veronica hangs out with us is circumstance. She's not our friend. The minute someone from her trashy past shows up, she starts using us for drugs or music or distraction, and why should we be surprised?"

Everyone was in utter shock as Betty spoke -- but no one was more shocked than Veronica. This was her best friend, saying such awful things.

"Like father, like daughter, right?" Betty added.

"You better shut it down, Betty." Veronica said crossing her arms on her chest.

Betty looks at Veronica, "Or what, Veronica? You'll have your dad put a hit on me? Or maybe you'll do it yourself, because you may have fooled all of them, but not me. Try to reform all you want, but you're a person, Veronica."

Veronica looked like she had been hit by a truck with the words Betty spoke of -- the venom eating the insides of Veronica, and yet the brunette refused to let her composure fall.

"You'll always be a bad person." Betty said.

"Why don't you just go, then, if I'm such a monster?" Veronica said.

Betty wasted no time and walked out of the hotel room. Leaving everyone speechless for a moment. No one dared to speak.

Archie glanced at his girlfriend, "Veronica."

"I'm fine. Obviously, she's not." Veronica said.

Archie gives his girlfriend a concerned look. Veronica looks at Archie -- a bit shocked but it was to be expected, she was always going to have to share Archie with Betty.

"What? You wanna go after her, be my guest. But I'll be damned if I'm chasing Betty down after that-," Veronica said, "Whatever it was."

Everyone continued to stay where they were. Veronica grabbed a glass she had been drinking that she had set down prior to her outburst with Betty, she then downed it.

"In fact, Reggie?" Veronica turns to the football player, "Turn up the music, will you?"

(EDIT NOTE: I don't know if I say it in the story or not but obviously Peter is no longer wearing a cast on his arm. His hand is no longer broken. I wasn't sure if I had explained it in the story or not!!! -ICrzy)

(A/N: The first part of episode five! I wanted to make sure I included some Black Hood stuff to make sure the plot of the Black Hood remain in the story. Also, I liked the idea of Peter being at that party and seeing the outburst as well as being a teenager partying.

I am not going to spoil but Peter seemed to like Nick in this chapter, but that mutual feeling may not last that long going forward, because Nick is a scumbag!

I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Classes start tomorrow, and I already have assignments to do and what not. So like mentioned prior the updates may be slow or take longer than usual. But I'll try to keep a day meant for updating the story. Probably the weekends or maybe Wednesday. Heck, if I get a lot of work done I may squeeze an update during the week.

Anyways, I really appreciate all the love and support of this chapter! I cannot wait for you guys to read chapter 52 and so on! Until next time! -ICrzy)

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