A fight

By daydreyming_

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BOOK 1- A yes BOOK 2- A Fight Innana turned back to Osmian. "Before I forget. I made this for you." Innana sa... More

Chapter 1- Trigger of Emotions✅
Chapter 2- Assumptions✅
Chapter 3- A do over✅
Chapter 4- The Word Bomb
Chapter 5-Deprived
Chapter 6- Hunted past.
Chapter 7-Heartbeat
Chapter 8-Support
Chapter 9- Deadly Forest
Chapter 10- The she Devil
Chapter 11- Butterflies
Chapter 12- The big reveal.
Chapter 13- Goodbye
Chapter 14- The Demon of Death
Chapter 15- Whatever it takes, right?
Chapter 16- Future?
Chapter 17- Home is where the demon is
Chapter 18- I'm so sorry
Chapter 19-Shut me out.
Chapter 20- One Black Letter
Chapter 21- Meet the Fam
Chapter 22- Grey skies
Chapter 23- Enough is enough
Chapter 24-Lightning
Chapter 25-Omarro
Chapter 26- Regret in tears.
Chapter 27-Drip. Drip. Splash!
Chapter 28- The night
Chapter 29- Back to old habits
Chapter 30- Open your eyes
Chapter 31- Temporary arrangement
Chapter 32- East
Chapter 33- The South Castle
Chapter 34- The hate you give.
Chapter 35-Stike the date.
Chapter 36-Sealed in the air.〰️
Chapter 37-The getaway
Chapter 38-T for Tulip.
Chapter 39-Trust me?
Chapter 40-The plan.
Chapter 41- Hollow
Chapter 42-Lady
Chapter 43-How long?
Chapter 44- Bull crap.
Chapter 46- It's Karma, bitch.
Chapter 47-Suck it up
Chapter 48-Ashes to Ashes
Chapter 49-Your reign.
Chapter 50-Adari

Chapter 45-Bury the hatchet

540 27 22
By daydreyming_

Days were slow on the island. The young human watched the sun rise and set everyday. It was beautiful but she had grown tired.

Innana sighed crossing off the 6 lines of the wall. 3 weeks. 3 whole weeks. She was losing her mind. 3 weeks down? That meant it was exactly 4 weeks to her birthday.

"I'm going hunting. Could you water the garden?" Lady said. The woman still refused to give a name or a story to how she got here. So Innana still called her Lady.

"Yes sure." She said.

Lady left the hut with the wolf, which Innana found out was named Taz, then she heard the gate close. Tears welled up in her eyes. She missed home so much. She missed Era, Kit, the puppies, Koya, Suki and most of all Savvina. Her heart ached so much from being away.

She wiped her face and blew out a breath.

I need to find a way back home.

She walked out of the hut and went to the spring that was apparently behind the hut. Sometimes She would just sit by it and listen to the water.

She fetched some into a clay pot and carried it but as she got closer her, she felt a stinging pain in her abdomen and dropped the pot.

She lifted the sheep's clothing she wore and winced at the sight of her still healing bruises. The long gash below her left boob opened.

The young girl sighed and carried the pot, watering the plants. When she was done she had the chickens and went to the the spring. She lifted her dress over her head and walked into the lukewarm water.

She washed off the blood and just drifted in the water with her eyes closed. Then she opened one when she heard movement. She looked around and saw nothing. Maybe it was just in her head.

But she heard it again and stood in the water. She was getting weird vibes that someone was watching her. She turned around but found no one.

"It's nothing, Innana. You're just running mad on this island." She said to herself.

Then she saw a bush ruffle. She looked closer and a rabbit jumped out bit an arrow went threw it.

"Aah!" Innana yelled and turned to find Lady.

"Hmm. I guess it's my lucky day. 3 rabbits, 5 birds and I didn't even have to walk far away." She said picking the dead animal. "You seem to be enjoying yourself."

"My wound opened again. I just wanted to wash away the blood." Innana said.

The woman looked at her intently. "Hmm...let me see."

The young girl blushed. "Now?" She said looking around.

The woman rolled her eyes. "We are the only people on this island, Unless you're scared of animals jumping out to shag y-?"

The woman stopped and looked at Innana, tilting her head to the side. Innana didn't like it. It was almost as if she was looking at her neck so the young girl covered her body.

Innana didn't want to be naked in the presence of the woman. The person she really wanted to be naked in from of wasn't here and-

"Hey girl!"


"I said get dressed and meet me inside to check it."

"Sure." Innana said and watched the woman's retreating figure disappear.

The curly haired girl got out and put on her clothes before walking towards the hut. On the outside Lady has already started with dinner. Two rabbits were being roasted over a fire.

Once she stepped In the hut a spear was put to her throat by the lady. The young girl  gasped.

"Who are You?"


Bea and Lilya had been going through old news papers for over an hour...and still turned up empty handed.

"I'm tired." The now strawberry coloured hair said rubbing her eyes.

Liliya chuckled. "This task is impossible."

"Tell me about it. Over the past months the only thing I've come up with is that on the day of your mother's mysterious outing; she left for 2 hours but she could have gone anywhere."

Liliya sat up quickly. "Yes but no."




"No. East focus. When she left that day, she didn't use the portal."

Bea pulled out a map and opens it up. "Two hours to leave and return."

"Lets say she uses 20 minutes to get to her destination and back."

Bea used a compass to estimate th3 distance. She shook her head. "It won't work. Every distance 20 minutes away from the castle are just dead ends."

Liliya frowned. "How about we try 30 minutes?"

Bea shrugged. "We can try." She looked down at the map again and shook her head. "Nope, another dead end."

Liliya got off the bed and went to the map. "Where could she have gone?" The brit asked.

Liliya looked down at the map. Her eyes squinting as if the answers were on it. Maybe it was. Her eyes widened and went scrambling through the news papers.

"Lulu?" Bea called.

"The answer is right here." She said digging through the papers.

"Here?" Bea asked looking around her room.

"Not in the room, silly. While we were going through old news papers I saw one that was published the day after her outing-bingo!" The blonde said pulling out the papers.

Bea walked over to her and read the headline out loud. "Book keeper replaced after mysterious death."

"Mysterious death? More like murder." Liliya said morw to herself than Bea.

"Today our long time beloved book keeper, friend, husband, father-of our zone was found dead in his place of work. Burns, laaerations and bruises found-"

"That's my mom alright." Liliya blew out pacing the room.

"Lulu are you ok?"

"I mean I knew she was a heartless bitch but to kill in cold blood?"

Bea rubbed the princesses back. "Well we have the first part of thia mystery down."

"The question is why?"

"I think I can shed a little light on that part. I think she was trying to hide something and she tore out the page from the book of life."

"What could she possibly be hidding?"

"You tell me? It was your family's page ahe tore out."

Liliya shrugged. "Maybe she wantedto keep  my father's scandal a secret."

Bea shook her head. "Nope. I though about that though but that wouldn't make sense."


"If she eventually told the council don't you think the book of life would have been solid evidence to just execute your father?"

Liliya seemed to think over it. "That makes sense."

"Of course it dose! I'm a beast!" The two laughed.

"Ok so what now?"

"Now we need to search your mother's room."

Liliya shook her head before the Brit finished. "No way. I don't even go in there. With the way her and Cirun fuck; is hate to walk in on them mistakenly. Eww." She said with a shudder.

Bea groaned. "Ughhh! You're half witch; Can't you just do a spell and become invisible or replay the past or something?"

"Yes I am but I somt practice. Plus, I would need my demon side for that."

"Your point?"

"I'm not really in touch with my demon side." She said shyly.

"Huh?" Bea said not understanding.

The princess sighed. "Unlike other demon a that feed off grieve, sorrow, anger-basically emotions; I can't."


Liliya shrugged. "My mother wouldn't tell me since I was a child. I tried getting the maids to teach me but it didn't really work."

"Okay. That idea is out the window." Bea said.


"Can I do something?" Liliya asked walking close to her.

Bea's heart started to beat loudly as the princess stepped into her personal space.


The princess looked in her eyes and leaned in. Bea cringed inwardly and closed her eyes waiting for it.

"Why are you making rhat face? I just wanted to as you of we could go see Savaira?" She asked.

Bea blushed and looked away. "Oh. Yeah I can take you to her."

Liliya smiled. "Good 'cause I already asked mother to leave tomorrow morning."

"Oh. You should have told me earlier. I would have sent word ro them of my arrival."

"Oh well. I guess we juat have to crash the party."

"More like search party." Bea said

Liliya sighed and looked away. "Yeah. Do you think she'll let me help?"

Bea shrugged. "I really don't know bit o hope noyh of you can make us and bury the hatchet forever."

"Me too."


The demon has spent the last 30 minutes falling daggers at her new house guest. One much to her dislike. She took a sip of warm blood from her mug.

"Hey vee?" Illumina called. The brunette had her arms around her fiancé's waist and her hard in the crook of the blonds neck.

Von giggled. "Just ignore her."

Savvina was losing her mind. Von just giggled-like a fucking school girl!

"I'll be back. I need to get something from my bags."

"Alright." Von said and smiled when Illumina kissed her cheek before leaving the kitchen.

"Who are You and what have you done to my best friend?"

Von rolled her eyes. "Oh shit up. Just be happy for me."

"I am but I'm also scared for you. It's my job to worry about you. My demon senses are going haywire-and What about Bea!?"

Von rolled her eyes. "So now you're spider man? And For the 6th time today: I have a plan."

There was a knock on the door. "Who's that?" Von asked going to open it.

"Probably Era and Kit."

The demon looked down at the world map laid out on the kitchen island. She crosses off the places they had checked.

After a while Von came inro the kitchen with wide eyes. The demon frowned.


Von was silent for a while. "Its Bea and..."

"And Forest?"

The vampire shook her head. "Dojr feak out."

"Juat talk you dumb shit." Savinna said rolling her eyes.

"It's Liliya."

Savvina clenched her jaw and her fist. The demon stormed to the door but Von stopped her. "Calm down. She says she comes in peace, so please be reasonable and let's hear her out."

"There's nothing to hear."

"Savinna." Von warned.

The demon closed her eyes and took in a few breaths and let it out. "Fine. Ok? I'm good. I won't burn her to ashes." ...till after she talks.

"I hope." Von said under her breath as they walked to the living room.

The blonde half demon was visibly nervous. She was fidgeting with her fingers  and bouncing her legs. Savvina could feel it around her in waves.

The demon cleared her throat. Her half-sister looked up with timid eyes. Savvina kept searching the blue orbs for the hateful fire that usually burned in them...but she couldn't find it. The girl looking at her looked like a child.

"Yes? Came to spy on me for mother?" Savvina spat and her half-sister shuddered.

Bea stepped in. "Look before anyone starts blowing up anyone to bits; Savvina hear her out. She comes in peace."

"Why should I listen to you when you and your mother took away the only thing that makes happy."

"Ok ouch. I'll take it as you're really upset and let it slide this time. " Von said walking over to Bea.

Liliya put her hand over her chest. "Believe me. I regret it. I regret it so much and I wish I could take it back but I can't."

Savvina wasn't amused by this. "Whatever Liliya. You put on a good act. Tell Iris I'm still miserable if she's wondering. You'll  finally get what you always wanted: Me gone." She said and turned to leave.

"No! Gosh Saviara! I'm sorry ok? I came to make things right-"

"After how many years?" Von scoffed and Bea hit her chest making her wince.

"Save it Liliya." Savvina said.

The blond looked around winding what do ro make her stay and listen. Then she got an idea and began to remove her jacket and lift her shirt.

"What are you doing?" Von asked. "Holy shit!"

Savvina stopped in her tracks. "If you won't listen and accept my apology at least help me save the alternate world."

"The alternate world did nothing but take away everyone I love and cared for me, so why should I help them when they have you; their savour?"

Liliya sighed looking at Bea with defeat.

"Just please turn around, Savvina. Please."

The demon sighed and turned. Her eyes went wide when she saw the dark patches of skin on her half sister. "W-w-h. How?" Savinna asked walking closer.

"Iris." Bea said. "She's trying to turn me into what I'm not and it's killing me. I can't save anyone Viara. I can barely save myself." Liliya said shuting her eyes and putting on her shirt.

"Even if I did want to help you Liliya. I don't know how to. You may not be the chosen one but neither am I. So either way the alternate world falls."

"I know but...I really wanted to bury the hatchet and I need help taking down my mother before she kills me or any more people."

"Bury the hatchet?" Savinna said with a chuckle. "So you'll just waltz in her and ask for forgiveness and I'm supposed to agree. Well then I'm sorry Liliya that won't happen."

The blonde half demon groaned in frustration. "Why do you think I did all those things-despised you so much?"

The demon shrugged. "I didn't-and don't hate you for being you Saviara. No not at all. In fact I looked up to you. The way you tried to hard to prove everyone wrong about who you were."

I hated you because after you joined the family father never payed attention to me anymore. I used to be his girl but once you came he couldn't even stand to look at me. It was like I was gum under his shoe. Your mother, father and you always looked so happy; So loved by one another. He was all I had till you came." She said tearing up.  "I tried so hard to get his attention but he wouldn't give it to me and the worst part was that he died for you, Saviara! You! I didn't get a chance to mend my relationship with him because of you!"

The blonde half demon sighed. "I spent years filled with anger and hate...but I grew tired of it...and someone special showed me how easy it is to be kind to people and forgive." She said looking at Bea. Von noticed the small smile they passed to each another and frowned.

"So I forgive you Viara. I forgive father too. I just want to know I have at least one family member that actually cares for me."

There was silence.

Savvina sighed. "I'm sorry about father. I never meant to do that to you." She said. There was silence, almost as if the demon was thinking. "I'll try to forgive you. I will but it'll take time."

"I don't mind. I spend almost 200 years hating you. Why should your forgiveness be any less?" Liliya said. Savinna gave a slight nod.

"Also Bea, you might want to call Stephen." Savvina said.

"Might? The boy thinks I kidnapped you." Von said throwing her hands up in frustration. Bea chuckled.

Then Illumina walked out of Von's room. Savinna cringed. It was almost as if the demon saw the disaster happen before it took place. Yep, her demon senses were tingling again.

The brunette came out dressed in black jeans and a yellow polo t-shirt with her phone and car keys in her hand. "Hey, babe? I'll be back later I have some errands to run." She said and pecked the blonde on the lips. She didn't notice Bea until after the kiss.

The room feel quiet. Von's eyes widened and so did Illumina's.

The brit laughed. Now Von was scared. When she was done her face morphed into anger.

"Happy married life Vee." She said storing out the door.

Von ran after her and so did Illumina. Leaving the two demons to themselves.

Liliya rocked on her feet awkwardly. "Nice place." She said referring to the house.

Savvina just hummed.

"Yeah...umm, So could I pop by once in a while when I want to get away from ho-"

"Don't push it." Savinna said.

"Ok." Liliya said and sat on the couch.

Ok so I think I have impulsive publishing disorder😂. I so did not go over this chapter. I just typed as the words came to my head.😐

I'm not even sure that's how I wanted the first part to go.🤷🏾‍♀️

😴😴oh well.

I hope you enjoyed it 'cause this chapter was fucking long and relatively hard to write. O k is I said I was going to publish yesterday but I was having writers block.

At this point I'm like 'fuck it. If I write and they like it🤷🏾‍♀️. I'll edit the whole story later'

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