Lucy's Revenge(editing)

By LaraJaine04

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Lucy is kicked out of team Natsu.Lucy gets abused,tortured and treated like trash.Lucy eventually quits she s... More

1.Lucy gets kicked out
2.Reuniting with the dragons
3.Joining Sabertooth
7.The Grand Magic games team
Author's note
10.Second Origin
12.Akane Resort
13.Crocus,Fiore and the Sky Labyrinth
14.Day 1 of the GMG's
15.Day 2 of the grand magic games
16.Day 3 of the GMG's
17.Lucy heartfilia's reveal and battle!
18.Im' back!
19.Catching up
20.Home again
21.Together once more
22.Will you go on a date?
23.Natsu Dragneel
24.Alvarez Empire
25.How could you?!
26.Its all because of you!
28.Leave me be
29.Annabeth Chase
30.Asuna and Kirito
32.Will you marry me?
33.I'm Fine
37.Don't leave me!
Author's note
The end

42.Trials of Fate

271 3 4
By LaraJaine04

Lucy was the priority.At least,that was what all the mages thought.They had to get Lucy out and if she was on the floating ship beside the palace,they had to find their way out.

Black rukh enclosed itself in a large orb around he palace.They were sure that the wall of rukh would be too thick to simply penetrate through.

And if what Nagi was saying was true,then they'd have to fight their way through and fight the SSS class monster.They rushed across the deck and in through a door that would hopefully lead to the monster that awaited them.

Mages and non-mages alike looked up at the darkened sky filled with black,impure rukh.The amount of magoi pouring out from above was simply overwhelming.

Sabertooth glared up at the ship that was towering high above Fairy Tail.

Upon hearing that Fairy Tail was being wrecked by a mage,they made sure to get there as quickly as possible.And it seemed that many other guilds had come to fight as well.

Minerva's magoi radiated off of her.And though it would never compare to Lucy's.The mages around her knew what would become of the rage that was coming to a boil inside Minerva.

Sting's eyes were widened.He was sure that Lucy couldn't have simply been captured just like that.It was impossible and they knew it.They knew Lucy too well to believe in such a sickening situation.They knew she wasn't even using a percent of her power and yet,she was unbelievably strong.That a god wouldn't even compare to her.No creature could.

So how could she have just been captured.

It had to be her fear of overwhelming the mages and killing them off.It was the only reasonable explanation.

Rogue and Sting shared a look before they both nodded,magoi pouring out and scares protruding from their skin.

It wasn't just them who was showing immense amount of hatred for whoever took Lucy.

It seemed all the magic guilds that had gathered were furious with the situation.


Erza held her sword in her hand,her grip tightening on the beautiful hilt of the sword Lucy had given her not too long ago.The grip was comfortable and made especially just for her to fit her grip comfortably.The ornate cross-guard spread out tike a leaf,with expensive and rare jewels embedded in it.The balance of the sword was impeccable.The metal of the carved guard and the soft leather-bound hilt balanced the beautiful silver thin bladed sword evenly.The diamond that trailed the fuller glinted despite being enclosed in a rather dark orb of rukh.

And though the sword's blade was rather thin,the thickness being the size of the pointer finger,having tested the sword,it cut through almost anything and everything.Where one swing could cause a fatal blow for the sword itself had an impressive amount of Lucy's rukh stored in it.What most impressed Erza and any sword welder mage was the impeccably fast rate it replenished the magoi that was stored in it.

The gripped the grip tighter when she heard a faint growl in the distance.

"We're getting closer."Gray whispered.

Natsu nodded.He was determined to defeat this monster and her brother who was deranged.He was hungry for power he'd never get.He was sure that Lucy would at least put up a fight.He hoped she was doing fine.

Red scales protruded from Natsu's arms and face,his eyes turning from an onyx to a intoxicating blood red.

He let out a low and dangerous growl.

"Natsu."Erza called softly,placing a gentle and reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Hold it together.We'll get Lucy back safe and in one piece.That's a promise."Erza whispered.

"Yeah.We'll get her back,Natsu."Gray spoke and punched Natsu softly.

Natsu took in a sharp intake of breath and let it out shakily,nodding his head with a small smile on his face.

Erza glanced at the petite blue haired dragon slayer beside her.Wendy had kept quiet all this while and seeing Wendy being quiet was not unusual.But with her remaining dead silent all this while was too unusual.She would have at least said a word by now.

Wendy was just staring at the wooden floor of the castle,looking deep in thought.

"Wendy?"Erza called.

She flinched and looked at Erza with tears brimming in her eyes.

"It's all my fault..."Wendy choked.

"What do you mean,Wendy?"Gajeel asked.

"It's my fault Lucy was captured.It's all because of me..."She cried.

Erza gently pulled her into a hug and stroked her head comfortingly.Much like a mother would do to their crying child.

"It's not your fault."Gray said.

"But it is!If I hadn't listened to Nagi who was looking for Lucy,she wouldn't have been captured!"


"No!Natsu...I'm so sorry."she sobbed.

Natsu pulled her by the wrists and held her shoulders gently,looking into her eyes.

"It's not your fault,alright?You called Lucy because you saw the state of the guild and its members.You panicked.I'm not angry and I'm sure Lucy's not angry either.It's okay.We'll get her back."Natsu spoke.

Erza,Gray and Gajeel smiled at the pink haired pyro that had matured so much.Lucy really had a huge impact on Natsu.

"But I...What if Lucy never comes back?I can't bare with the guilt of knowing Nashi and the twins won't have a mother."

Natsu's eyes widened.As did the three other members on the floating castle.

"Nashi...she's still at the Mansion."Natsu said.

Erza's head turned to Natsu.

"What happened to the twins?"

"Lucy returned them to the Phoenix realm to live with another couple.She said they'd raise the twins better than she ever will."

Natsu shrugged.

"They'll be missed sure.but she's one can raise a Phoenix better than its own species."

"Besides...they're much safer there.Safer there than here."he finished and turned behind,looking at the small blue haired girl who was still doubting herself.

"Wendy.Listen to me."

She looked up at him,her big doe like brown eyes staring right into his.

"Stop blaming yourself.You still doubt yourself and I want you to stop.Nashi will be fine.She's her mother's daughter.She's strong and powerful.Besides,I don't think Nagi knows about her."Natsu said with a warm and reassuring smile.

Wendy's lips tugged up at the corners.She gave a faint and small nod.

"Okay."she mumbled.

Natsu looked ahead at the dark corridor.Soft growling sounds echoed at the walls.He gave a determined look and stared ahead.

"Hey.Natsu."Gajeel called.

"Since when did you get so...sentimental?It's gross."

Natsu's eye twitched.

"What'd you say?"he exclaimed,his childhood like behaviour and personality returning in a millisecond.

"Enough!"Erza yelled,slashing her sword.

"There's no time for bickering and being childish!Our top priority is to save Lucy.You're wife's life is at stake-"

Natsu let out a low growl,causing the others to take a fearful step back.

"Listen.Erza.Lucy's life is not at stake.And it never was to begin with.She's afraid of hurting those around her in fear of increasing her magoi.So whatever it is,she will put up a fight.We may be trying to save her but it's not because her life is at stake."he hissed,narrowing his blood red eyes and pointing in the direction of the floating ship beside the castle they were in.

"She's afraid of hurting others.And she's afraid of hurting her older brother.No matter how many times she refuses to admit that she isn't afraid we all know she is.She can't kill and she won't.Not unless absolutely necessary."he said then turned back to the dark corridor,facing the growling sounds.

"So whether you're with me or not.I'm going to go and kill that monster myself and save Lucy."he finished before running ahead,leaving the four standing there.

What Natsu had said was true.Lucy was well enough capable of defending and fighting for herself.But now,she had friends.Close friends and family around her.And she couldn't risk killing them by increasing her magoi.So her only choice was to let herself be captive.

If it were in the past when she hadn't joined Sabertooth and when Fairy Tail had thrown harsh words her way,she wouldn't have had second thoughts on increasing her powers to the maximum just to kill her brother off.

Erza sighed.

"He's right.Lucy isn't just some weak mage.She's been around on the earth longer than any of ever have been.It's wrong to doubt her safety with that much power she holds."Gray spoke.

"Yeah.If anything,blondie will be able to fight for herself."Gajeel said,leaning against the wall.

"Though I'm sure Natsu can handle the monster all by himself,we should still help Natsu.He needs to save all his energy for when he comes face to face with Nagi."Erza said.

She then turned to the blue haired girl.

"Yeah!Let's go get Lucy back!"Wendy cheered with a grin.


Lucy sat on a stool in the corner of the room with her legs crossed and her eyes narrowed,staring daggers at her older brother who gave her a senile smirk.

The look in his eyes were nothing of good intention.She wasn't surprised if he meant what he said to drain her of all her magoi it would be impossible to reincarnate.

Lucy stood up and sighed,aegis already surrounding her.

"What exactly do you want,Nagi?Why are so desperate for power?"Nagi scoffed and took a few steps towards his sister.

"You ask me why I'm so desperate for power?Unbelieveable."Lucy shook her head,her large brown and gold flecked eyes filled with pity.

"What is there you can gain with the power I have?What are you trying to prove,Nagi?"

"I Am Trying To Prove That Power Gives Us The Power Do To Anything We Want."He yelled,his brown orbs that were identical to hers were burning with rage.

"To prove that mother was wrong.Power is everything."Nagi growled.

"And you."He said,pointing at her.

"Are wasting the power given to you.You hold so much power yet do nothing with it.All you do is help mages we've created.They're just toys,Lucy.Toys!And you fell in live with one.Could you be any more pathetic?"He shouted.

Lucy narrowed her eyes.It was one thing to mock her.But it was another to mock the humans that lived on this earth and her mother.

"That's where you're wrong,Nagi."she hissed,unclipping one of her heart shaped earrings,one that helped her maintain that 0.001% of magoi from overwhelming those around her.

She unclipped the other earring and a burst of magoi flowed out,her brown irises turning gold and her shirt and pants turning into a long white dress that reached her ankles.

"You don't know what it feels like to love because you've never been loved.You had always been obsessed with power that our parents had to lock your magic away.Now that they're dead."she scoffed and smirked.

"There's no way to bring it back."

Nagi's eyes widened,backing away towards the wall.She radiates nothing but power.And as much as he didn't want to admit it,he was scared.No.He was beyond scared.There was no saying how much power his sister had considering she still had a few bracelets and 3 rings.

"Oh Nagi.I pity you.If only I didn't love anyone and didn't have a husband,I would have raised my magic and killed you off."

Nagi backed away from her ever single step she took forward,he took one back.And he was fearful enough to say that he was running out of space.He'd either fall off the edge or hit a wall any time soon and he'd dread when it came.

There was the small sliver of hope that she'd break and he'd gain the opportunity to overpower her.But it was unlikely.

With the power she currently possessed,there was no telling how powerful she could be if she raised her power any more.

"What are you?"Nagi stuttered.

"Me?I'm mother's child just like you are.Just more powerful."she grinned.

"But've wasted the power of creation.Why do you waste the power we've been given on destruction,Nagi?Why are you so cruel-"

"Because!"he yelled,recomposing himself.

"You've always had the attention.The love.The power.I was always the outcast.No one loved me,Lucy.No one!"He yelled.

Lucy shook her head and took another step forward.

"That's not true,Nagi."she said softly.Nagi narrowed his eyes.

"How would you know?You have always been the star child."he yelled.

"Because I loved you,Nagi!You were mu brother.I've always loved you."She yelled,cutting him off.

Nagi's eyes softened.

"What?"he whispered.

Lucy smiled.

"I have always loved you.The old you.I miss you,Nagi."she said softly.

"But I'm afraid you've done enough."she whispered,raising her arms,her golden eyes glowing brighter and her hair floating up,a bright golden circle forming around his feet.

"W-what are you doing?!"he yelled.

Lucy smiled sadly but didn't stop from continuing her hand movements.

"I'm sealing your powers away.You'll become like any original mage.One with limited magoi."she said.

"I'm sorry,Nagi."she said softly.

"No!You can't!"he begged

"Lucy!"a familiar voice called.

She stopped her movements,her hair falling back to her sides and her arms paused mid-air.She turned behind with wide eyes.


She stopped,her eyes widening as she stared down at her stomach,blood coming out of her mouth.

Her golden eyes turned brown while she stares at the sword that protruded from her stomach.The blade was pulled out from the back and she dropped to her knees.

"LUCY!"Natsu yelled,rushing forward only to be stopped by a force field.

Lucy weakly smiled at him with her hands raised from placing a shield.Once more cutting Natsu off from protecting her.

She weakly turned to Nagi and smiled softly.

"You used the family heirloom huh."she laughed dryly.

He smirked.

"The only one that can kill an immortal like us."they both said.

"I guess...I only have an hour more to live before I die."she laughed then weakly smiled and turned her head in Natsu's direction.

She noticed that Erza,Gray Gajeel and Wendy were standing behind him.

Her eyes landed on her husband who was kneeling down,hands on the shield and crying,red glimmering scales still evident on his tanned skin.

"Lucy..."he trailed off.

She ignored Natsu and faced Nagi.

She placed a few extra barriers that would hopefully contain as much magoi as possible.

Different magic circles appeared on the deck of the ship.

Having Lucy's power finally weaken allowed the gates to be forcefully opened by all the different creatures.

They glared at the forcefields Lucy put up and felt rage bubble in them.Rage for their queen's stupidity.

"You even brought your people."Nagi commented.

Lucy stared at them,feeling their glares burn through her and smiled softly.

"Power increase...50 percent."she mumbled.

Nagi held onto the railings of the boat but made sure not to show that he was feeling nauseous.He held his ground and chuckled.

"I see you still have power in you."

Lucy forced herself to stand and face Nagi eye to eye.

"I'm sorry."she said.

The other beings' eyes widened.

"LUCY NO!"Zeus yelled as did the other beings when she raised her hands up high above her head.Her head tilted up to the sky and her eyes closed,a large golden circle underneath her and hundreds of  other coloured magic circles above her.

"Beloved rukh that grants power to all...I offer myself to you...bring back what once was...gather to bloom and grow...bearing fruits that nurtures us all.I harness this power to defeat thy enemy...The one who taints rukh...I offer myself powerless...withdrawing myself for this test...To protect all I hold dead..."she finished with a soft smile despite having a lone tear escape the wells of her eyes.

A red orb surrounded Nagi,his eyes filled with fear.

"What is this?!"he yelled.

One by one,the magic circles below and above Lucy faded,rukh fluttering around her instead,forming an orb of golden rukh that glowed a faded gold.

"LUCY!"Zeus yelled,pounding on the shield.

"DON'T BE SO STUPID.LET US HELP YOU!"Rafaela,queen of angels yelled.

Natsu just knelt there,keeping silent,emotionless.He slowly craned his neck to look at the divine beings.

"What's happening...?"he choked.

Zeus looked at him and ruffled his whitened hair.

"She activated an ancient that erases all traces of mahic from the person.Turning the said person into any normal human.It wouldn't be fatal if the opponent weren't as powerful."Zeus paused

"The more powerful the person,the more magoi the person uses.Which then causes them to near death.An opponent as strong as Nagi..."Zeus continued and trailed off,unable to meet Natsu's eyes.

"Will cause the user of the spell death."Athena finished with a whisper.

Their eyes widened and Natsu continued pounding on the shield.

"Re-write the shield!Please!It's just a rune,right!"He desperately yelled.

Script,the script dragon,shook his head.

"It's not that simple.Lucy is way above any of us in this magic.This's too powerful.She's the only one who can undo it."he said solemnly.

Natsu pounded harder on the shield,the others only able to watch him try desperately to get to his wife.

"LUCY!LET US HELP YOU...Please...think about me...about Nashi."he sobbed,resting his forehead on the shield and his fists that pounded got weaker.

Lucy turned her head to look at him and smiled.

"I can't,Natsu.Once the first few words have been said...there's no turning back...there's no other way..."she whispered.

The force fields flickered and Lucy fell on her knees,clutching her heart.

"I demand you to let us in!"Igneel yelled.

Lucy's forehead wrinkled as she furrowed her eyebrows,focusing to keep the forcefield up.

Those under the ship stared up.There was nothing they could no.They were absolutely powerless.

The shields finally faded and they rushed forward.

"Move aside!"a soft feminine voice commanded.

Everyone turned to the voice o find Mavis seating there,her bare feet padding on the floor softly.The other beings bowed.

"Lady Mavis."Zeus said.

"Zeref..."Natsu whispered.

Zeref who was following behind Mavis turned to Natsu with a sorrowful look.

"I'm sorry."he mumbled and continued following behind Mavis.

Mavis crouched in front of Lucy and stared her straight in the eye,her head lowered and her eyes focused on the floor.

She looked at Lucy through her bangs and slapped her.Causing a loud slap to sound in the air.They flinched and Zeref looked away,standing behind Mavis.

Lucy placed a hand on her reddened cheek.

"You idiot."she mumbled.Then she looked at Nagi who was on the floor,now surrounded by golden rukh.

She walked over to him and towered above him.Her eyes were narrowed to slits as she stared long and hard at her grandson.

"You."she hissed and bend down before him.His brown eyes looked into her green ones,showing nothing but fear.

"You deserve to die.But in the process of doing caused so much casualties and the fading of your sister."she mumbled.

"Why couldn't you contented with what you have?The reason you think no one loved you is because you pushed everyone who cared about you away,Nagi.We've always loved you and still do.So why do you have to go to such lengths?"she asked him softly.

"Do you really want to be reckoned with?Is this really the way to go?Do you want to be known as a killer?This isn't the way to earn love,Nagi.All this will do is cause more hatred towards you."Mavis said then turned her head in Lucy's direction.

Lucy lay in Natsu's arms,her hands and feet slowly fading in golden particles flowing up to the sky.

Nagi looked at his little sister then at Mavis.

"I'm so sorry..."he mumbled,with tears in his eyes.

Lucy weakly turned her neck towards Nagi and smiled softly.She laughed,her melodic laughter ringing in the air.

"It's alright..."she said.

"No!It's not!Stop this,Lucy.Live in for us.For me.For Nashi!"Natsu yelled.

"That's right...Nashi...take care of her for me,won't you,Natsu?Love her and tell her that her mama loves her very much and that she's sorry she couldn't be there for her."Lucy mumbled.

"You can tell that to our daughter yourself!Please,Lucy!Don't leave..."Natsu begged,streams of tears falling from his face.

"It's too late now,Natsu."she laughed.

"I'm fading away."she mumbled.

Nagi's eyes widened,noticing the gold band on her right ring finger.


"I have a daughter..."she finished with a sad smile.

She watched as her feet dissolved into golden particles.

"See what you've caused,Nagi?"Mavis whispered.

"Your sister did this...because she loved you and wanted you to keep living in hoped that you can live and love someone as much as they love you."

Nagi shook his head and forced himself up he looked at those around him and hung his head low in shame.

"Why?"he croaked.

"I love you,Nagi.You're my brother.I wouldn't have it any other way."

By now,half of her body was gone and the rest of her was slowly fading.

"Natsu."she called weakly.

"Take care of Nashi and don't hate Nagi,please.Tell Sabertooth I'll miss them and tell Fairy Tail I love them."

"And Mavis...take care of them for me."she finished with a smile as the last bits of her faded into golden particles,lost in the wind.

"I love you..."she whispered

And goodbye...

Okay.So...I decided the previous ending was a little too abrupt and too much of a cliffhanger.So here I am with the final chapter of this book.

Yes.There will still be a book 2 though I'm not too sure about a book 3.We'll see how it goes.

Thank you for reading!

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