It's Elementary My Dear

By ICrzy01

130K 3K 968

Our story is of a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like a... More

Season 1
Season 2


1.4K 40 15
By ICrzy01

Peter walked down the stairs the end morning. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he heard some muffled voices. He peaked into the living room -- but no one. However, Peter noticed his father's study door open.

Peter walked over to the study. He stepped closer to the door to hear a little bit better. As the young boy sneaked over, voices he heard weren't familiar -- minus one.

"The Lockhart company could be looking at a lawsuit," A male voice said, "And if we don't act fast it'll end the business."

"No worries," It was Tony's voice, "I have everything under control. We won't be going to court and we won't loose the company."

Peter seemed confused. What was going on in his father's company that he wasn't aware of. He recalled his father telling him everything -- even the boring stuff.

As Peter stepped back to leave, he accidentally hit the wall -- which caused a slight sound. The voices got silent and then Tony appeared stepping out of the office.

"I- I was uh- looking for you, dad." Peter smiles, "Just to uh- let you know I'm heading out."

Tony nods, "Alright, kid. Don't want to be late."

Peter nods and caught a glimpse of the people in his father's office. The men -- at lease three of them, were dressed in suits.

"Later," Peter said and headed out.


The morning at school started like any other morning. Classes went by, teachers caught their lesson plan, students gossiped in between classes.

Everything seemed normal until it wasn't.

Jughead was at his locker -- grabbing his text books for his next class. And then Sheriff Keller appeared with another officer there.

It didn't take Jughead long to realize why they were there.

"We need you to come to the station with us," Sheriff Keller spoke, "We have questions for you."

Jughead looks at the sheriff. He knew protesting wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. Instead he just placed his bag into his locker and shut the door.

And then the school loner began to walk in between Sheriff Keller and his deputy. As Jughead was being escorted out of the school -- students stared.

Flash and Liz were by Ned's locker with Ned, just looking from Jughead to each other in shock. Michelle was standing by Peter near her locker, the two looking just as shocked.

Peter's eyes moved to Betty -- who was a few rows away from him.

Betty's and Archie's eyes widen and were extremely shocked to see this unfold.

Jughead moved from the officers to plead to his friends, "Call my dad." He says.

Archie nods, "Yeah."

Betty nods as well with a sad look, "Of course."

And just like that -- Jughead Jones was escorted out of the building with the police.


In the interrogation room -- Jughead sat in a chair across from him was Sheriff Keller. The man put a filer on the table. Jughead's eyes darted to the file then to somewhere else in the room. Not that he was looking at anything -- just roaming.

"Forensics came back on the car. Despite the fire, we were able to pull a pair of prints off the trunk. Yours and Betty's." Sheriff Keller said.

Jughead said nothing. Eyes not even looking at the man.

"This is, of course, no surprise. But what did surprise me was this." Sheriff Keller said.

This did in fact gain Jughead's attention. The loner glanced over to look at the sheriff. He had opened the filer that was sitting on the table.

"Your prints were on file from an incident that happened six years ago, where you spent some time with the Riverdale Juvenile Delinquent Center for," Sheriff Keller paused for a split second, "Attempting to burn down Riverdale Elementary School."

Jughead looks at the man, "I was playing with matches, and that's a pretty tenuous connection for a sheriff." He says.

Sheriff Keller tilts his head, "Maybe," He then flipped some papers in the filer, "But Principal Weatherbee also allowed me to have a look at your school records. You have a long and rough history, Mr Jones."

Jughead glares, but not even looking at the sheriff.

"Bullies a lot." Sheriff Keller said.

Jughead glares at him, "Yeah, my name is Jughead."

"By the football team, in particular. I can only assume that would have included Jason Blossom." Sheriff Keller spoke, "So how about this? How about you tell me your whereabouts on the week of July 4th?"

Jughead shakes his head, "This is crazy. You think I-," He was cut off.

"Jughead, a kid like you- raised on the wrong side of the tracks by a deadbeat dad, bullied by kids like Jason Blossom. Who wouldn't want to lash out at that?" Sheriff Keller asks.

Jughead shakes his head with tears forming in his eyes, "I'm not talking to you anymore. I want a lawyer." He spoke.


Archie, Betty, and Peter were in the sheriff station. Archie had called FP as well as his own dad. Peter had called for his own dad as well -- despite hating to ask for favors, he wanted to help out his own friend.

Sheriff Keller came out.

"He didn't do it," Betty spoke.

Sheriff Keller looks at the teens, "Shouldn't you three be in school?"

Peter looks at him, "Free period." He crossed his arms on his chest.

"Sheriff Keller, you have to believe us. Jughead did nothing wrong." Archie said.

Sheriff Keller shakes his head, "His finger prints were on the vehicle."

"Because we were the ones who found it, Sheriff Keller. We even told you." Betty said.

This was new to Peter, however he wasn't going to bring it up now. Sheriff Keller shakes his head again.

"He has a known history for playing with fire," Sheriff Keller said.

Then Peter knew what the sheriff was referring to. The fire that was caused at the elementary school when they were ten.

"You know it wasn't Jughead involved with that fire?" Peter spoke.

All eyes shift to him.

"Jughead took the entire blame for it when we were ten, but I was there. I was playing with the matches too." Peter said.

Sheriff Keller didn't say anything.

"We were nosy kids," Peter said, "I bet when you were a kid you play with matches because you were curious."

"That isn't the same." Sheriff Keller said.

Peter glares at the man, "He isn't the killer."

Betty looks from Peter to Sheriff Keller, "I want to talk to him."

"Go at it," He says, "He already demanded a lawyer."

At that moment -- Fred Andrews and Tony Lockhart had arrived at the station. Betty looks from her boyfriend then headed into the room where Jughead was being kept.


"I didn't do it, Betty. You have to believe me." Jughead said.

Betty held onto his hand, "Of course. I was with you and I know who you are." She says.

Betty sits in the chair once sat in by Sheriff Keller. Jughead hung his head low for a split second before lifting it back up again.

"Those Paradise Lost kids went to death row because they wore black and they listened to Metallica. I don't want to be a scapegoat.

Betty held onto his hand tighter, "I'm not gonna let that happen." She then sighs, "All the evidence against you is circumstantial. We're gonna get you out of here."

Jughead wiped the tears sliding down his cheek, "Is my dad here yet?"

Betty frowns, "Archie is here with his dad- so is Peter and his dad." She says, "They're probably talking to Sheriff Keller. No one knows where your dad is."

Jughead hung his head low again. Shaking his head. But he heard Betty get up -- she moved over and hugged the loner.


"Jughead isn't helping himself in there. I asked him for an alibi and he just gave me the lip." Sheriff Keller said.

Tony looks at the sheriff, "Well he is a scared kid. He's being questioned for a murder with evidence that wouldn't pass a jury. And you're hammering at a minor."

"I want the truth, Tony." Sheriff Keller said.

"Don't we all." Tony said.

Fred then speaks up, "He was working for me. Yeah, the week of July 4th, was it?"

Sheriff Keller nods.

"I had him tear down some drywall for me." Fred went on adding.

"You can provide me with documentation to support that?" Sheriff Keller asks.

Fred nods, "I have to check my times cards."

Tony then turns to Sheriff Keller, "Well then there is no sense to keep the boy locked up."

Sheriff Keller looks from the adult males then to their sons. Then they watched the sheriff walk off.


Jughead was led out of the room, with Betty next to him. When he entered the station lobby, Archie reached over and hugged his friend. A friend who had just been harassed by the local law enforcement by labeling him a killer due to his background.

After Archie hugged Jughead, Peter did the same. Jughead felt like it was wrong -- seeing as he had kissed Betty and neither of them had told Peter yet.

As they were heading out all six of them -- Tony placed a hand on Jughead's shoulder. Which gained the loner's attention.

"If you ever find yourself in a situation like this again," He hands Jughead a business card, "I'd like to be your first phone call."

Jughead accepts the card.

"You know before I created by company I was a lawyer." Tony said and grins.

Fred grins, "Passed the BAR only to create his own business." He chuckles lightly.

As they step outside, they see a truck halt by the side of the building and then stepping out was FP.

"Jughead!" FP came over, "I'm sorry. I came as soon as I got your messages. My phone- the friggin' battery. I forgot to plug it in last night."

No one dared say a word.

"What the hell happened?" FP asks angrily.

"Nothing," Jughead said sounding exhausted, "It's fine now. Mr Andrews took care of it."

FP wasn't having it, "What jacked up crap did they accuse you of in there, huh? Those bastards trying to throw you in jail like they did your old man?" FP nearly screams.

Betty steps close to Jughead -- to which Peter noticed. His eyes darted to Betty. His girlfriend was comforting Jughead. He thought it was because they were friends, and Jughead had been through a lot -- but another thought kept creeping in his mind.

"Well, screw that. I will rip Keller a new one for trying to pull that." FP said.

"FP," Tony said, "Calm down."

Settle down," Fred said.

Tony and Fred tried to calm the angry father. But that wasn't going to work. FP pulls back from Tony and then shoves Fred back.

"Hey! Hey!" Fred yells.

"This is my son, he is my son, Fred!" FP yells, "You and Tony would do the same for your boy."

Jughead moved pass Betty to his dad -- pulling him off to the side. It wasn't until now that the three teens realized Jughead's background. They knew the loner lived on the wrong side of the tracks. They knew his mom left his dad with his sister. They knew his dad wasn't always there. But they didn't know what they were witnessing.

"Dad," Jughead said, "Don't make things worse. Please."

FP nods, "Yeah, yeah. Alright, then. You-uh coming home with me?"

Archie frowns. He knew that Jughead would accept the offer to go home, but for how long? Jughead might stay back at the trailer for a few nights maybe less before he goes looking for another place to crash.

"He can stay with us, Mr Jones. We already offered." Archie said.

FP looks at his boy, "Is that what you want?"

Jughead looks down.

"Maybe that's for the best. If you don't mind, Fred." FP said.

"Whatever you want, FP. It's between the two of you." Fred said.

Jughead sniffs back his emotions. He shakes his head. The teens as well as the other two adults knew Jughead had been through a lot. An emotional roller coaster in the last hour or more.

"I'll go with you, dad." Jughead said.

FP sighs, "Son, listen to me. I'm gonna do what you want, get my act together. I'm gonna get your mom and Jellybean home so we're all under the same roof. I promise. But I- I just need a little time to do that."

FP placed his hand on his son's face. Looking at Jughead's face, FP saw all the emotions in his face. The emotions that Jughead was locking up.

"You- You believe that, don't you?" FP asks.

Jughead nods, "I believe you, dad."


Tony had Happy drive him back home -- he had work to do. Which didn't stop Peter from questioning if it related to what he overheard this morning. Fred took Archie and Jughead back to the Andrew's house. Which only left Peter and Betty.

"Walk me home?" Betty asks.

Peter nods.

The two teens began to head in the direction of home -- which the Cooper home. It was silent for the two of them at first. Which seemed odd. For the longest time, they always talked.

"Uh- Betty, I uh- need to confess something." Peter said.

Betty's eyes shift to him, "Yeah?"

Peter sighs, "Yesterday I uh- I wasn't completely honest with you."

Betty watched Peter's head hang low. He frowns as he then rubbed the back of his head. He finally lifts his head up to meet Betty's eyes.

"Uh- things aren't good at home." Peter said, "It's not good."

Betty frowns, "What do you mean?"

"My dad had an affair and my mom found out," Peter frowns as he began to reveal this, "They started marriage counseling to see if they could fix things but uh- um my mom left to go to Cleveland. She's staying with my aunt for a while."

Betty reached over and grabbed his hand. The two stopped walking, Betty placed her other hand on his face. She looked at his face and kept the frown but forced a supportive smile.

"Things have a way of working out," She says, "I'm sure your parents will figure things out."

Peter smiles softly, "Thanks, Betty." He says.

The two began walking again. Peter and Betty holding hands like usual. Like the couple they are -- however, now Betty felt guilty.

"I'm sorry for not being honest with you," He says, "I know that's what couples do, be honest and truthful."

Betty smiles, "It's okay."

"No- it's not. Betty, I don't want to keep any secrets between us. I want you to know you can trust me and I can trust with anything." He says.

Now the guilt was hitting Betty harder than before. As Peter went on, Betty stopped walking and then Peter noticed. He noticed when his hand slipped out of Betty's grasp. He stopped and turned around. He noticed her expression.

"Betty? Is everything okay?" He asks.

Betty looks at him, "I- I wasn't honest with you."

Peter looks at her puzzled, "What- What do you mean?" He asks.

Betty frowns, "During our investigation- Jughead was there for me. He was there as a friend to comfort me during those super emotional moments."

Peter nods, "Yeah, you mentioned that already."

She shakes her head, "After we had left the facility where Polly was- I was so emotional- I was such a wreck-,"

"Betty?" Peter asks.

Betty frowns, "We kissed. Jughead and I."

Peter stood in utter shock. His eyes widen. He looked like he had been punched in the stomach. Betty could feel the tears sliding down her face.

"It- It meant nothing." Betty said, "It was just- I was so sad about Polly and everything I-."

Peter shakes his head, "I- I don't think it was just nothing, Betty."

"Yes it was," Betty said.

"If it was nothing, you would've came out and told me." He said.

Betty cries, "I wanted to but- I didn't know how?"

"Just be honest with me!" Peter screams, "I- I would've heard you out!"

Betty felt hurt. Hurt by Peter's outburst. The skinny boy never screams. He never raises his voice really.

"You were always with Cheryl," She said, "There was never the time."

Peter shakes his head, "Don't turn this around on me, Betty. You know that Cheryl and I are only friends. And besides, I wasn't the one who started their own investigation on Jason's murder."

"I thought you agreed with the idea," Betty said, "You wanted answers."

"I do!" Peter screams, "I do. I just- you can't go saying I was too busy with Cheryl when you were always sneaking off with Jughead or spending hours after school working on the paper or the investigation."

Betty bit her lip. Tears sliding down her face. Whereas, Peter had watery eyes but not a single tear slid down his face. He turned around to face away from her, he ran a hand through his hair with frustration.

"I was warned not to date you," Peter said, "Was I wrong? Was this a mistake?"

Peter finally turned back to her. Betty was beside herself. She knew that she in fact did the wrong thing. She had hurt Peter. She had understood that. But it didn't mean that Betty didn't stop loving him. She loves him.

"No- No." Betty said, "The kiss was a mistake."

Peter frowns, "We both know it wasn't."

Betty went to argue some more but Peter just stopped her.

"I think- I think it would be good for us to just uh- spend some time apart." He said, "Maybe for a while, so we figure out what we want."

"But I want you," Betty said.

Peter shrugs his shoulders, "But you also deeply care about Jughead." He says, "I saw the way you've been looking at him."

Betty was crying, "But I love you, Peter."

Peter stepped over and grabbed her hands, "We rushed this whole relationship so soon. We hadn't been friends long since we reconnected- let's try being friends again and see if there is more."

"Peter," Betty said.

"You wouldn't have kept kissing Jughead a secret if you didn't have feelings for him. And I think you need some time to think about who you want." Peter said.

He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. At this point the two were standing in front of the Cooper home. Peter gave her a small smile and then walked off.

But the rich teen did notice Jughead and Archie sitting on the porch of the Andrews' house. Peter glanced over, both teens waved at him only for Peter to nod. He didn't say hi, or wave. He just wanted to leave -- leave before he punched Jughead in the face.

Once Peter was gone, Jughead and Archie waled over.

"What's up with Peter?" Archie asks.

Betty was wiping her tears away. And that is when the boys noticed she had been crying.

"Betty?" Jughead asks, "Is everything okay?"

"We- We broke up," Betty said.

"What?" Archie asks angrily.

Betty shakes her head, "I told him about the kiss- he needs time and so do I apparently." She said.

Jughead reached over and hugged her, "Sorry, Betty. This is my fault." He said.

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