The Daughter ↬ SUNGJOY [EDITI...

By sooyoungexquisites

893K 41.7K 17K

↬ in which a fan brought a baby on a BTOB fanmeet and sungjae got a feeling ↫ More

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Special Chapter 1

➳ thirty one

13.9K 686 435
By sooyoungexquisites

"Bye bye Unnie," Areum's shaking lips and tearful eyes made Dasom drop her luggage and take Areum from Joy.

"Princess, don't cry," Dasom cooed even though her eyes are already misty, "Unnie will always visit. I promised didn't I?" She said, hugging the little girl tight.

She felt Areum nod and then after a some time, Dasom's taxi came picking her up.

Joy also bid her goodbyes, she didn't cry which is a good thing because Areum cried nonstop. Telling Joy that the two of them should just come with Dasom.

Even Dasom felt so sorry of how much Areum cried but she promised that she will visit from time to time. Dasom's just a bit worried of how Areum will react everytime she leaves.

Now Areum understands why the Mothers who visited Joy choose to leave when Areum is already asleep even though it's already late that night. Because Areum gets attached too quick and it's hard for the little girl to let go.

Joy stared at Areum's sleeping face. The poor girl fell asleep while crying and Joy felt the baby's pain. Again, the walls of protection are activated.

The next day, Joy did not come to the coffee shop because she wanted to spend more time with Areum. Jiyeon knows what she should do anyway. Joy and Areum will go out today and buy her school stuffs.

They are both dressed and the two of them are already on their way to Joy's car and suddenly, a familiar car caught Joy's attention. It wasn't that near to them but when Joy stared at it for some time, the car speed off.

It was fishy and Joy couldn't remember where she saw that. Or maybe she was just over-reacting since there are obviously lots of cars like that.

Joy choose to just shrug that off and the two of them continued their date.

They were able to buy all the stuffs needed and they somehow ended at an amusement park. Areum's little body is so thirsty for extreme ride. The girl actually whined for an hour when the crew didn't let the baby ride the roller coaster. Joy already told Areum that earlier but Areum said she will use aegyo but still, they weren't allowed. And Joy wouldn't allow it either, she said yes that they should try asking because she knows that the crew will say no anyway.

Joy found it funny so they tried the extreme rides for Areum's age. Unfortunately for little Areum, she found them really boring.

They ate out and the two of them are worn off once they reached home.

The next day, the two of them did their daily routine and was ready to work for the day when Joy noticed the car again.

Maybe they have a new neighbor?

She didn't bother herself anymore and the two of them still proceeded to the coffee shop.

The following days came and when it was already Friday Joy and Areum did the usual things the do during work time. On Monday, Areum will start going to school. Joy could tell how excited Areum is because during enrollment, she already met some kids and Areum said they are really nice.

Areum was busy watching some disney movie on the couch of her office so Joy decided to go out and throw the trashes.

Again, the car is at it's usual place. She can't even see if anyone is inside because the windows are tinted.

She settled by the thought that they really have a new neighbor since almost everyday, the car is always there.

Monday came Joy woke up extra early to prepare everything that Areum will need to her first day of school. Joy does not know but she also feel a little excited and the fact that another thing will be added on her daily routine excites her even more.

Joy prepared a lunch box and nutricious snacks for Areum, and made more so Areum can share them to her classmates.

School starts at 8 am and ends at 4 pm.

Areum was used to waking up early so Joy did not have a difficulty on her waking the little girl up. Surprisingly, the car is not there today.

Joy drove her to the school but before they got out of the car, she talked to her first, "Areum-ah, you must tell Eomma everything okay? Make a lot of friends and don't involve yourself in a fight. If someone is fraying on you, don't hesitate to tell them to your teacher okay? Be a good girl,"

Areum nodded her head all the time with a kind smile on her face. It's just that Joy is a little worried of how Areum will react since it will be her first time being with so many kids of her age. Joy caged her during her four years of life and she know that Areum will probably have a difficulty in adjusting.

But she trusts Areum.

"I love you,"

"I love you Eomma,"

Joy waited anxiously outside the building. There are a few other mothers and fathers and she could feel some of them staring at her but she could care less.

She wanted to know how Areum's day went by.

Soon, kids are running and rushing out of the building. There are different emotions everywhere, some are happy, some are sad and some even looked like they just finished crying.

It increased Joy's worry because Areum hasn't come out yet.

Her eyes then landed on a pair of little girls, holding each other's hands while giggling to each other. All of Joy's worry vanished.

Just like what Joy thought. Areum did well.

As soon as Areum spotted her Mom, she quickly said goodbye to her newly acquired friend and run to her mom, "EOMMA!!" The little girl screamed as she run with her arms wide open. Joy lowered down her upper body so she could hug Areum and carry her.

"How was your day? You are smiling brightly!" Joy giggled and Areum's laughed.

"It was amazing! I can't wait to see my friends again!" Areum exclaimed, clearly her energy hasn't run off yet.

"Really? That's great!" Joy kissed the girl on the cheek, "What about assignment?"

"Teacher said she won't give assigments until next week," Areum answered.

The two drove back to their home. Unfortunately for Joy, her office works are piling up so Areum must rest on her office. Areum have a little bed there so if ever Areum is tired, she could sleep there.

The two went down and Joy had to be behind the counter first since there are a lot of customers ordering drinks. Jiyeon is making them as Joy takes their orders.

Areum is busy playing on the small playground on the corner and time by time Joy would check on her. By the time everyone they are finished, there were only a few customers inside since most orders were for take-out.

Joy was about to go to her office but stopped when the bell ringed again. Jiyeon is still not done packing drinks and orders so she looked at the new customers and greet them.

"Hellㅡ" It's as if Joy's tongue was cut off as she saw the people who just came. Even though she's really nervous and she felt like she will pass out anytime soon, with a shaky breath, Joy continued the greeting, "Hello... Welㅡcome to Aroma..."

It might sound a little breathy but that's all Joy could ever make. The older female gave her a smile. The woman looks beautiful and elegant as ever and her presence seems to overpower the whole coffee shop.

Joy was confused. Why? Why are they here?

Why is she smiling at me? She's not mad? I'm sure she hates me.

Joy returned the smile even hers might have turned a little bit like forced.

She's scared! And uneasy too, the situation is one of those you will never imagine even on your wildest dreams.

Why does things like this happens to her?!

"Eomma, you can go choose a seat and I'll order for us," Sohyun turned to Mrs.Yook, Sungjae's mother.

Once Mrs.Yook already found a seat she likes. Suddenly, Joy felt a little pressured. Does her shop looks okay? What if they weren't able to clean that table earlier? It would be really embarrassing.

Joy's eyes then turned to Sohyun who's already staring at her with an evident dislike on her face. Joy gulped down, feeling a bit conscious by how she looks right now.

Yes Joy knows she's utterly beautiful but how she looks like now is nothing to how Sohyun looks. She's wearing a dress that shows her curves, her hair is done nicely and so as her make-up and her presence is that of a real star. It's kind of intimidating.

Still Joy choose to be professional. "What's your order, Ma'am?"

There's a funny smile on Sohyun's face as she reads what Joy's coffee shop offers. Joy felt a little irritated but stayed still.

"Can I have two half chocolate, half vanilla drink. Make sure that the division is done perfectly. I want them to split vertically, chocolate on left and vanilla on right. And please put a lot of marshmallows," Sohyun's smug smile made Joy to ball her fist.

Sohyun's making fun of her and Joy is not taking it, "I'm sorry but we don't serve spectacular drinks such as that, please choose on what our menu offers," Joy said, trying her best to hide the fact that she only have a little amount of calmness in her.

Sohyun's mocking expression turned into a bitch that she is, "Seriously? You can't even do simple things like that?" There's something in the way she's said it that triggered Joy and made her lose the temper she usually hide so well.

"If it's that easy then why don't you do it yourself? I'll even lend you my kitchen," Joy snapped. It's only the two of them anyway.

Sohyun looked taken back. Then she chuckled with her lips twitching, Sohyun didn't answer Joy's remark and said the first drink she saw on the menu, "Two Iced Americanoㅡ"

"Mrs.Yook does not like Iced Americanoㅡ" Joy said.

"They're both for me!" Sohyun cut her off and her voice may have been really loud that everyone stopped what they're doing to look at them. Even Mrs.Yook who's busy talking with the little girl she saw playing on a small playground in the corner of the coffee shop looked at them.

Joy's eyes widen at the scene but her attention was stolen by the stuck-up bitch in front of her, "Two iced Amercano, one iced choco and two cheesecakes!" Sohyun said, as she get her wallet from her bag.

Sohyun's face is red because how could such low class girl humiliate her like that?!

Joy told her the price and she gave her a huge amount saying, "You can have the change, I feel like you need it so much," Sohyun commented while judging the place, "Gosh look at that paint," The girl said making sure that Joy can hear her.

Joy rolled her eyes, not even caring to what Sohyun said.

"And here I am wondering what's so nice about this place that Sungjae kept on coming here but I see nothing but trash," What Sohyun said ringed a bell on Joy's head and she might have snapped back too harshly.

"Yeah, wanna work here? I need someone to clean the comfort rooms," Before Sohyun could even say a word, Joy went to Jiyeon and gave her the order.

Jiyeon's eyes widens, "Do we have enough coffee beans?"

Joy nodded and went to where Areum is not minding the glares Sohyun is giving her.

"Baby let's go, I told you not to bother customers, didn't I?" She told Areum who's sitting on the table where Sungjae's Mother is. "I'm really sorry," Joy apologized politely but Mrs.Yook stopped her.

"Sooyoung, it's really fine. I don't mind. She's such a kind young girl. And she's really pretty too," Mrs.Yook said with adoration on her expression.

Joy looked at Sohyun who's already on her way to the table. Mrs.Yook also looked at Sohyun before looking back at Joy, "I'm really sorry but I don't think Areum should be here," Joy said.

"I understand," Mrs.Yook answered before turning to Areum, "Let's see each other again sometime, bye Areum-ah," She said raising a hand which Areum appears on while nodding.

"Bye Grandma!" Areum said and then goes down from the table running towards Joy's office.

Joy is yet again, confused.

But above all she said something again, "And I will say sorry again, in advance," Joy said and followed Areum to the office.

Mrs.Yook did not understand why Joy was apologizing but later she did when the waitress started giving their orders.

An Iced Choco, two cheesecake, and a hundred and fifty-two Iced Americano which created an annoyed Sohyun.

Mrs.Yook could only chuckle.

And that's a long ass ride .

I hope you enjoyed.


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