My Personal Dancer

By SnowMegami

163K 7.1K 2.5K

Jimin just finished high school and is going to college to become a professional dancer, but what happens whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
So like...
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Oh noes!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75

Chapter 23

1.9K 103 89
By SnowMegami

Jimin POV

I woke up early this morning to get myself together for this midterm. After what happened yesterday I did nothing but battled with myself that I enjoyed the moment but had my dreams to tend to. As much as I wanted to be loved and swooned by him, I can't imagine getting to this school to only not get to my dreams because love seemed better at that moment.

I took a shower tuning out my old thoughts and getting my mind ready for the day.....this is for the best. I texted my mom since I know that she's up at this ungodly hour for work telling her that I love her and that I miss her, then proceeded to go to the dance room to go over the dance before heading to one of my classes for it's midterm. There wasn't a lot of people but more than I thought was out here. Once I got there, thankfully no one thought to get up to take this room, so I went in and did my thing of warming up and stretching then starting going over the dance. As I went through it, moments of me and Jungkook played in my head and the feelings arose deep within my chest. As I finished, I tried to catch my breath, laying on the floor sad that this is really happening to much as I want to balance two things at once, I can't trust it....I can't see myself making another mistake again. My stomach growl, telling me to end my practice now and I gather my things and headed to the cafe seeing Jin opening up.

"Oh hey hyung, opening today?"

"Huh? Oh hey Jiminie, I am. Since my classes are later I thought I should get my hours in when I can then set them back to normal."

"I see, that's good."

"What about you? You look like something's bothering you."

Is it really that obvious? I mean I am a bit worn out and hungry but does my face really read out I need someone to talk to? I followed him in seeing one of his coworkers coming from the back and looked at the both of us.

"What's he doing here?'

"He saw me, and he needs someone to talk to. Don't worry he's not trouble," Jin said.

"Hope not, cute people have done things in my life so I can't trust them," He said with a smile.

He got ready and took me to the back to get it all out.

"Alright spill it," he said.

"It's about me and Jungkook," I started.

"I know go on."

"Wait how? I've never said anything about it."

"Doesn't mean I don't watch you two love," he said with a smile.

"Well, we were playing around and we accidentally kissed and it turned to a mini make out session but had to stop because I didn't want to fall for him and jeopardize my future...not again."

"Again? What happened before?"

"I use to date someone that also loves dancing and he enjoyed it as much as I did so I didn't think it'll get in the way of my dream. But as it went on, he would ask me to skip out on practices and spend the night which I promised my mother that I would go no matter if I was in relationship or not but....of course when you're in love your willing to make passes to be with someone you care for but it messed up my opportunities that I had worked for for so long to only be wasted because he wanted to hang out that day after school. I cried for hours locking myself in my room and only talked to my mom, Yoongi hyung, and my older brother since they were to closest people I had at the time. I decided to break it off and he didn't take it to well trying to ruin me but luckily no one believed him seeing that I was kind of an idol student and president of my class. He moved and I never seen him again so I promised myself to not fall in love with no one because I can't allow myself to miss out on my dream again."

He nodded his head in agreement, seeming to be taking it all in. I sighed and sipped the smoothie I was given by his coworker that was good as fuck.

"Ya know, if Jungkook allowed you to live your dream then what? What if he wasn't in the way and supported you through it?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to take the chance with that......people are different when they're in love and it's almost scary how they act when denied something with strong feelings attached. I've turned down so many people telling them that it's an infatuation and I rather not hurt them along the way because I have things I want to do first before I decide to suck myself into love."

"Never know, but hey if that's how you feel about it and it's right for you, do what you have to do then."

I nodded and went to have some breakfast. After leaving the cafe, I met up with Hobi hyung and Jungkook to practice.

"Hey hey hey what's up?"

"You're in a good mood hyung," I said.

"I mean yea, I'm excited to perform this dance today since this is being done at the auditorium with special guest."

"Oh? Why haven't I heard of that?" I said looking about.

"Because you were a bit late that day, but yea he's someone that works with our teacher on the performances they do across the world. Maybe to see how we do with this," he said with a smile.

I couldn't help but to smile at the fact that this is something that could catapult me into success. Jungkook walked in looking at his phone then put his stuff down to come over to us. He didn't seem like himself maybe didn't get any sleep but I know he'll come around.

"Hey kookie," I greeted poking his arm.

He looked at me then away seeming to not want to talk.

"Hey sleepy head at least greet everyone," Hobi hyung said ruffling his hair.

"Well I'm here aren't I? I want to sleep than be here," he said moving hyung's hand away from him.

"What were you doing last night that kept you up? I know you couldn't have been studying unless you were hardcore into it," I said.

"Yea let's go with that," was all he said before the teacher came in telling us to head to the auditorium and to get ready. Before I got out of the building, an intercom announcement was made calling for me to head to the dean's office which is rare.

"Did you do something Ji?" Hobi hyung asked.

"No? I don't recall doing anything or hearing anything requiring me to appear there. I'm sure it's nothing so go on ahead, I'm sure it won't take long."

The both nodded and continued out as I went the other way heading towards the main building. Once I got there I see some people from the party looking at me getting silent as I walked inside seeing a woman on her phone and Ten....then the dean looking at me with an assuring smile.

"Park Jimin, it's nice to see you," he started standing up.

"It's nice to see you too sir, is there something the matter?"

I looked over to the woman who looked pissed but rather composed. Ten was sitting next to her staring at the ground not paying me no mind but also seeming to be pissed as well. I couldn't gather what could have happened before I got here but all I know is that the incident was mentioned and they needed me.

"Please have a seat," He said as I did as he said.

He then gets up and goes to the couches that we were sitting on and sat on the single chairs on the side as he placed his papers on the table.

"Alrighty, now Jimin I've called you in here because there was an incident that of course had to do with you and Ten couple weeks ago. Before I get into it, how are you?"

"I'm ok, I'm better now from before....thank you for asking," I said carefully looking at the bitch duo.

The mother was eyeing me as if she waiting for me to say something so she can tear me apart. I swallowed and continue the conversation with the dean.

"Now, if it's alright. I would like for you to tell me what happened that night."

I sat straight facing the other two and looked at the table ready to speak. Just as I opened my mouth I was interrupted.

"Do I have to hear what he has to say? I mean my son wouldn't have done something like that and I refuse to hear some piss poor excuse of how he allowed my son to have sex with him. Probably just mad because he didn't get what he wanted."

I looked at her with the "I know you didn't" face because last time I fucking checked she doesn't know what her son has done. I took a deep breath because all my emotions are starting to rise and I wasn't going to go down for knocking some bitch out because she can't control her kid.

"The reason I brought him here in the first place is because I want to hear the other side of the story. In order to rule out how this is going to go I need to hear and see all sides of the story. Please give him the same amount of respect. Go on Jimin."

"I was invited by one of my classmates saying it was a party for the performing arts and it was going to be fun since we've been dancing our lives away and need to let the stress go before midterms. So I agreed since I don't get out often and went. Two of my classmates were there and he saved me from some guys that wouldn't leave me alone and we decided to dance and have fun. We were tired and went to get water for the both of us and was stopped by Yugyeom."

"Yugyeom, Ten you are friends with him right?"

He looked at him then me.

"I am...but not anymore," he answered.

"Go on then," the dean said.

"He told me that my friend went upstairs to rest because he had a headache so I went up to check on him going to a room that was opened at the end of the hall."

"And this friend is?"

"Jeon Jungkook..."

"Go on."

"It was dark and all I saw was a body laying on the bed so I didn't think anything of it and asked him why didn't he call or text me but it turned out to be Ten. He pinned my on the bed saying that he was going to take what's his and started kissing me and touching me. I tried fighting him off and screaming but he hit me a few times making me weak.......I wanted to scream some more but I didn't want to get hit again.....he then ripped my pants and underwear showing my butt......and he pushed himself into me causing me to scream out again. He tried moving some more, but Jungkook came in and got him off of me. All I hear is yelling from him, Yugyeom, and my other hyung Hoseok. I was carried to my dorm afterwards.....," I said softly.

The dean was taking notes then looked at me.

"Well I'm glad that you're ok," he said with a smile.

"Are you fucking serious? You're going to believe this slut and just kick my son out? Do you know who I am?"

"I'm sure I know well of who you are. But he's treated like every student on this campus if they committed something like this. Ma'am I don't know why you think getting him out of something like this because he hurt a student...mentally, physically and emotionally and you don't care about that at all? Your son is putting people at risk for his behavior and getting away with a slap on the wrist isn't going to cut it. He's expelled not only for the count of rape but for other things that people have stood up about. Damage school property, causing fights, and the list goes on. I understand that he's great at what he does, but that behavior is not acceptable in this campus and he's hurting the image of this prestigious school. You can't bribe your way out of it or call anyone to help you because I also have connections. Park Jimin is a victim and he doesn't feel safe here when your son could possible come back for him endangering his life.....and I won't lose my job because someone feels that their son is an angel when you don't even spend time with him."

"So we're getting personal now? Heh, everyone always want my kid to go under because they're either jealous of how successful he is or they can't have what he has. This slut is some nobody that magically got into this school through sheer chance and now because he didn't get his way with my son he's going to cry about it?"

"What do you mean by that? You mean I spent a week in my dorm trying to pull myself together and not try to lose myself through depression because I couldn't let my stress out through dance for nothing? I couldn't walk correctly being forced by your son and had to wear makeup so that others wouldn't see what he had done to me..... And you thing I did all of this because I wanted attention and it was all an act! I now have people looking at me like I'm disgusting and sometimes I try not to think about offing myself because this isn't the first time this has happened to me!!!!"

I was now standing up enraged that this bitch was saying that all that happened that night was a lie. I looked at Ten and he look at me dead in my eyes as if he was fucking sure that he was getting his way out of it again.

"I would sit down and mind your manners boy, it's ok that you lost like everyone else," she said with a smile.

I sat down wishing that my eyes could catch her on fire. Ten on the other hand was sitting comfortably waiting for the dean to send him back into the school.

"How can you let this happen? You're the reason your letting your poor excuse of a son ruin people's life because people so called want your riches? He seems like he's trying to be relevant and you're backing him up so he could feel some sort of love that you lack to give're the sad excuse of a parent," I said seething with hate.

Within seconds I was slapped in the face almost tipping my glass of whoop ass. I turned my head as this woman his wiping her hand with a handkerchief and goes to sip her tea seeming content with her actions.

"You should expel him, sure you have connections but I can shut this school down due to your lack of compliance Mr. Bang. Besides who would dare give you all this information?"

"Yugyeom himself," he said.

"What?! That bitched ratted me out? But he wanted to do the same as well," he said.

"He also told me that even though his thoughts were impure, he never approached Jimin in anyway knowing that Ten has and was upset that Jimin turned him down. He did admit that he was going to try to approach him but Jungkook got in the way and didn't want to cross him of all people."

"I wouldn't bother with either of them even if they begged.....," I said.

"Oh? So you're too good to just sleep with whomever was willing to offer themselves to you? Maybe you did deserve to be raped."

I was done.

"I didn't want this, I never wanted to have the attention by anyone first of all! Second, this was never the first time a man had put their hands on me in a way that made me feel less than a human so don't you dare deny my experiences unlike you who never felt as if something precious was taken away from you countless times.....feeling like a hollow shell because some man's pride was hurt and want to justify it to feel whole again....."

Everyone was silent, tears were streaming down my eyes and I had enough looking at these sad excuses of humans. I calmed down and composed myself as the dean took over the meeting.

"I've received videos from students who witnessed it with Yugyeom knowing of this to have them send them to me. Jimin you don't have to watch but ma'am you need to," he said pulling out his tablet and started the video. I sat there listening to the yelling as if I was reliving that moment. I looked at the mother surprised that she's shocked by what she's watching. Mr. Bang told me to take my leave since I do still have to take my midterms and I excused myself out of the office and into a bathroom to calm myself down.

Author POV

Mr. Bang puts his papers back into his manila folder and leaned back into his chair. The mother sat there shocked with what she saw and didn't utter a word. Ten on the other hand looked like a ghost, afraid of what his mother is going to do with the information that was given to her.

"This can't be...."

"I wanted to keep quiet but his actions has done enough to harm my school and the students. Such a talented boy with a horrid mind and behavior going around doing whatever isn't going to fly with me. So I'll give him a week to get his things if he left them and he's already been contacted by the police today about the matter so I'll let you figure out the rest."

The mother looked at the dean then sat up and grabbed her things proceeding to walk out. Ten sat there scared to follow her to only be called as his mother waits for him at the door.

"Go on now, Ten," Mr. Bang said.

He then got up and walked to the door passing his mother feeling the heavy atmosphere as he passed her and walked out. The moment she closed the door and she called him once more, he stood there frozen.

"Ten, why aren't you facing me. It's rude to not face someone that called out to you," she said softly.

He then turned around and was punched in the face. He stumbled to the floor shocked of what she's done.

"Get up and head to the car, I wonder what your father has to say to all of this when he sees all that you've done...." She says watching him look back at her with fear.

Jimin POV

I went to the auditorium after calming myself down meeting up with my group watching the performance that was going on.

"Oh welcome back Ji, how did it go?" Hobi hyung whispered moving himself to the side to let me into the middle of him and Jungkook.

"I'll tell you later about it, when is our turn?" I asked.

"We're surprisingly last thanks to Jungkook," He said pointing at him.

I looked at him as he did the same then shrugged. I looked at the performance getting lost in it and getting into the mood of the atmosphere. Glad that I'm going to dance soon because otherwise I would be a wreck after all of that happened.

"Alright! Last group of this midterm: The Js! Take you places!" She announced.

We were already at the back shaking our nervousness to the side as we walked up and did as we were told. Once the music came on our bodies moved in sync. I happened to look at Jungkook and he smiled at me warming my body since it's been a moment since I've seen him smile. Once the song was over, we got off the stage and I decided to go out to get some air. Once I got out I saw Yugyeom staring off into space, which sadly my anxiety was hitting my like a truck causing me to be frozen.

"Jimin....wait," he said softly.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to get this off my chest first before we officially part ways."

"Go on....I already know what you've done with Ten...What else could you possible have to say?"

He took step closer causing me to step back keeping the distance that was established when we locked eyes. He sighed and looked at the ground seeming to be gathering his thoughts before speaking.

"Since you already know that I was the one to turn him in, I want to apologize on my part for not stopping him. I didn't think he would full on rape you....I thought he was going to get rejected like everyone else and you would leave but..."

"You deceived me by telling me it was Jungkook," I said.

"I wouldn't go up there willingly if I told you it was Ten...."

"What about what Ten said about you taking pictures of me in the bathroom? Thought I wouldn't remember that?"

He looked as if he was in pain with what I told him.

"Here....if you want to see them be my guest. I won't do anything to you and I'm not tricking you alright," He said extending his arm out with his phone in his hand.

I took a deep breath and walked over to him keeping eye contact with him as I took the phone and went through the pictures, hands trembling with anticipation to only have the opposite feeling. All the pictures he took were me clothed with friends or by myself in the dance room.....that I thought I was alone in the building other than the custodians. I keeping looking some more and it was the end. I returned it and back up a bit.

"Even though he was right about you taking pictures of me, at least he lied about the other know you could've asked like everyone else. I don't bite," I said softly.

"Yea but you know that everyone don't have the confidence to ask their crush in fear of getting rejected. And I know that I don't have a chance because really I'm just here to have closure and move on."

I nodded. Thanks to him, Ten's mother was able to see what his son has done and he won't be back no time soon. We parted ways saying our farewells and I returned back to the Jeon brothers who seemed to be looking around for me?

"Oh god Jimin where the fuck were you?! You coulda told us where you went so I wouldn't lose my mind," Hobi hyung said shaking me.

All I could do was laugh and nod. Once class was over, I was pulled over by the teacher and was introduced to the person who was the special guest who was....TAEMIN?!

"Oh well looka here, didn't expect to see you again so soon," He said ruffling my hair.

"You know him?" She said.

"Well of course, he's my favorite human in the whole wide world," Taemin said happily.

"Hyung, why didn't you tell me that you were going back? I thought you had other things to take care of?"

"Yea well they wound up resolving itself so I'm back and ready to take in more people, and I got to say you're doing alright so far."

"Thanks hyung," I said blushing.

"So did you hear from the boss of the dates of when we'll start recruiting?" The teacher asked.

"Once we get all the information of all that are chosen then we'll go ahead, which really we're just waiting on you love."

"Of course you are, alright then I'll do my best then expect it in two days then," she said.

"Thanks Mina~"

I watched him leave and she looked at me.

"I don't know how you deal with him all your life but you're a trooper," she said shaking her head.

"Well he does love me a lot so I don't see what others see when I'm away. I guess you're more of a trooper than I am."

Once everything was wrapped up, we left and I decided to take a shower and study some more before going to my next class.

So like THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR THE 1K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm very grateful that you all take the time to read my first ever book that I've finally got the guts to publish thanks to some awesome friends that are also authors here on wattpad so I wanna say thank you to those people that inspired me to publish it here:





and of course all my beautiful readers ~

I wanted to double update but my life is telling me other wise but it will happen when life isn't being a bitch to me so until next time LOVE YOUR FACES!!!!💗💗💗💞💞💖💖💖💕💕💓💓💓💓💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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