It's Elementary My Dear

By ICrzy01

130K 3K 967

Our story is of a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like a... More

Season 1
Season 2


1.9K 44 13
By ICrzy01

Betty was in her room the following night. She was putting on lipstick -- red, which is unlike he usual pink glow.

"Seduce Scarlet doesn't suit you, dear." Alice spoke by Betty's door way.

Betty looks at her mom through the mirror, "It's Polly's. I'm borrowing it." She said.

Alice stepped into the room. She stood behind her daughter, looking at her in the mirror.

"Polly grew up too fast. I don't want you to make the same mistake." Alice said.

Alice reached over for a makeup remover wipe.

"Well, I like it. It makes me feel- powerful." Betty said.

But then Alice removed the lipstick from her daughter's mouth. Alice seemed to like Betty a lot better without the red lipstick.

"You coming with us to the Mayor's shindig?" Alice asks.

Betty shakes her head, "No. I'm going to to Veronica's to study for a test." She said.

Alice frowns, "I don't want you associating with a girl like that." Alice said.

"A bad girl, you mean? Get use to it, mom." Betty said, "She's my friend."

Alice reached over and grabbed a lipstick -- pink, to hand to her daughter. Both of them only making eye contact through the mirror.

"Here," Alice said, "Pink Perfection. It's more you."

And with that said Alice left Betty alone sitting in front of her vanity. Betty still had the lipstick in her hands and just looked at her reflection.


Betty entered Pop's Diner, she saw some people in there but one person that she was after was sitting alone at a booth. She was wearing a green tight skirt, a blue crop top, and the red lipstick -- the one her mom was so against.

Betty walked over, "Hey, Chuck." She says, "Can I sit?"

He looks at her, "Not if you wanna discuss Veronica."

She sits down, "Only insofar as, I've been thinking lately, how I wanna be more- like her." She said.

Chuck eyes her, "You wanna be a bad girl?" He asks.

Betty smiles, "Maybe." She said.

"Like your sister, Polly, was?" Chuck asks.

Betty looked at him more confused when he said that.

"Oh yeah, Jason told us all about Polly. You know prissy prude by day, freak in the sheets by night. Bad girls have more fun, right?" Chuck said.

Betty rested her arms on the table, "Maybe you can show me." She said.

Chuck smiles, "Yes. Yes, I- I can do that." He said, "Um- when?"

"Tonight," She said.

"Uh- your place or mine?" Chuck asks.

"Ethel's. She and her parents will be out. She'll leave us a key." Betty said.

Now Chuck is the one who is confused. She tilt her head to look at him as he gave her a confused expression.

"We're friends," Betty said, "And she has a pool- and a hot tub."

Chuck raised his eyebrows, "I'll be there." He said, "Definitely."

Betty tries to hide her disgust of Chuck -- but she was really good at playing the actress.

"Um, hey and don't worry. I'll be gentle." Chuck said.

Betty smiles, "Can't wait."

Chuck then got up and headed out. Betty sat there in the booth for a moment -- until she sent Veronica a text message confirming it. Then she got up to see none other than Peter and his dad -- Tony Lockhart in the diner.

Betty and Peter made eye contact. He eyes Betty, a bit confused on why she was dressed up like that, but said nothing of the sorts. But, Tony noticed Betty.

"Oh my," Tony said turning to look at Betty, "Elizabeth Cooper, is that you?"

Betty smiles and walks over, "It's Betty, sir."

He shakes his head, "Sure, sure. It's just wow, you've grown up a lot since the last time I saw you."

Peter was clearly embarrassed, "Dad,"

Tony ignores Peter, "Last time I saw you, you had to have been twelve." He said, "I've been wondering what you had been up to. Seeing as Peter never told me or his mother why he stopped hanging out with you and Archie."

Betty's eyes shift to Peter -- after all this time, he never told his parents that Archie and Betty ditched him. The only ones who knew was the students at school.

"So uh- picking up dinner?" Betty asks.

Tony nods laughing, "Oh yes." He turns to Peter, "I'll go pick up the meal, I'll leave you to your friend."

Peter nods.

"It was nice seeing you again," Tony said.

Betty smiles, "You too, Mr Lockhart."

"Tony," Tony said, "Please."

Betty and Peter walked out of the diner as Tony went to pay and pick up their meal. Betty had found out that his mom wanted to cook and in doing so ruined their meal -- so Tony decided to order from Pop's.

Peter looks at Betty, "So what are you doing here, Betty?"

"I- uh am planning to get back at Chuck for what he did to the other girls." She said.

Peter nods and awkwardly looks away, "Just don't do something you'll regret, okay."

She looks at him, "Don't worry, Pete."

He looks at her, "I'm serious, Betty. I care about you, and I don't want this jerk to be the reason you get hurt or harm someone else."

Betty smiles softly at Peter, "I appreciate you being concerned but don't be, I'll have Veronica with me." She said.

Betty waves bye to Peter and heads onward in the direction she was going in, within a few seconds coming out was Peter's dad -- Tony.

"Ready, Underoos?" Tony asks.

Peter sighs shaking his head, "Dad," He said.


Chuck arrived at Ethel's house at the exact time that Betty had told him. He approached the door -- knocked on it since that's what Betty said. Opening the door was not Betty instead was Veronica. She was wearing a black bathing suit and a cardigan over top.

"You're not Betty." Chuck said.

"Betty and I talked it over," Veronica said, "And we decided it's time to stop fighting over Archie, and start learning to share."

She walked off inside the building, and Chuck followed behind -- shutting the door behind him.

"Nice," Chuck said.

"Isn't it? It gets very, very hot." She takes off the cardigan.

She walks over to the hot tub, kicking off her heels. Chuck just eyes the brunette in front of him.

"Come on. Let's get wet." Veronica said.

"Uh, should we wait for Betty to get here first?" Chuck asks.

At that moment the doors opened, revealing Betty but not the usual blonde Betty. This Betty was wearing a black wig, black skirt, black bralette, heels, and red lipstick. Not only was Chuck shocked -- but Veronica was just as shocked.

"Betty couldn't make it," She said, "So she sent me instead."


At the Taste of Riverdale event, there were a lot of people there. Including students from Riverdale High being accompanied by their parents.

Peter arrived with his parents -- Tony Lockhart and May Lockhart. Tony and May were stopped by some adults, saying hi to them.

Peter noticed Archie, so he deiced to squeeze by his parents to go over to at least talk to someone he knew.

"Hey," Peter approached Archie.

Archie glanced at Peter, "Hi, man." He noticed Peter's parents, "Your parents drag you here too?"

Peter nods, "First public outing as a family since the summer." He said.

From the stage they hear, "Welcome all, to the first annual Taste of Riverdale." Spoke Mayor McCoy, "As a lead-up to our seventy-fiftth anniversary jubilee, this event proves that Riverdale truly is a town that, when tragedy knocks us down, we get right back up!"

People began clapping. Some cheering to the words spoken by their mayor.

Across the room, Fred Andrews was speaking to Veronica's mom -- Hermione Lodge. But also, Ms Grundy. Archie noticed this and excused himself over. Peter just moved along back to his parents.

"Cliff," Tony had walked over to Clifford and Penelope Blossom, "I am so sorry about Jason."

Clifford nods, "I appreciate, Tony. I really do." He said.

Clifford and Tony shook hands, as May placed a comfort hand on Penelope's shoulder. This is when Peter came over to the four of them.

Penelope looks at May, "Your son- Peter, he's been such a good friend to Cheryl in her time of need." She said.

May turns to Peter. She placed a hand on her son's face, with a soft smile on the women's face before turning back to Penelope.

"I'd like to think he learned that from me." May said.

Peter smiles at his mom.

Just then Mayor McCoy came over. Sheriff Keller was right behind the mayor. The women had decided to interrupt the conversation between Tony and Clifford.

"Penelope? Clifford?" Mayor McCoy spoke, "How are you holding up?"

Penelope turns from May's attention to Mayor McCoy, "How do you think? My son is dead, and neither of you have done anything to catch his killer, except, of course, harass my daughter." She said.

Penelope was referring to Sheriff Keller standing behind the mayor. Peter felt completely uncomfortable standing there, he felt his dad pull him away from possible chaos. However, Tony had noticed Alice Cooper coming over.

"Penelope Blossom," Alice spoke, "I thought I might run into you. Would you like to give me a quote regarding the-."

Before Alice could finish her question -- Penelope slapped Alice across the face. May took a few steps back and was next to her husband and son. Sheriff Keller came over to split the two up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Alright." Sheriff Keller said.

"How dare you, Alice Cooper!" Penelope yells, "Printing my son's autopsy? He was tortured and shot, and thrown in the river like a piece of garbage!"

"Hey, hey, hey. Leave it, leave it." Cliff said to his wife.

From the stage -- Josie noticed the slight chaos. So she grabbed a microphone to draw the attention away from the two women.

"Hey, Riverdale. We're Josie and the Pussycats! Are you ready to rock?" Josie spoke.

Music starts playing, Peter's gaze turns to see Archie. The redhead made eye contact with Peter briefly before heading off to the balcony. Peter isn't one to get into other people's business, so the teen just remain where he was -- with his parents near the Blossoms.


Veronica saw her mom trying to call her on her phone -- so she declined it. She turns to Betty, still trying to get use to seeing Betty like this.

"What is that?" She asks.

Betty had poured some substance in a glass of alcohol. Betty's eyes meet Veronica's.

"Muscle relaxer." Betty said, "Mix it with booze and it lowers your inhibitions. Hello, truth serum."

"Maybe we should slow it down a little?" Veronica said looking worried at Betty.

Betty turns to Chuck, "It's fine. Right, Chuck?" She asks, "You don't want to slow down, do you?"

Chuck smiles, "Oh, I'm 2 Fast 2 Furious, baby." He says.

"Good. Good boy, Chuck." Betty said smirking.

After some time -- Chuck had passed out due to the drug affecting his body mixed with alcohol. Betty put some music on the gramophone, and that is when Chuck woke up. He woke up realizing he was still in the hot tub but handcuffed in it. He was trapped.

"What? What the hell?" Chuck asks.

"Start recording," Betty said to Veronica.

Betty stood behind Chuck's head, and Veronica was on the other side recording the two of them.

"Hey, guys. It's really hot in here." Chuck said.

"And getting hotter by the minute," Betty said, "Time to squeal, pig."

Betty was holding the remote for the hot tub in her hand, she was making it hotter and hotter.

"Tell the truth about what happened between you and Veronica." She said.

Chuck casually smiles, "We had a good time. She had a good time."

"The truth, Chuck, or so help me, I will boil you alive." Betty said glaring at him.

"What?" Chuck asks in a near panic, "We made out."

"And then?" Betty asks holding the remote tightly in her grasp.

"And then I took her home! And I didn't give her a Sticky Maple!" Chuck yells.

"This is all you had to say, you ass. And now, everyone will know." Veronica said.

Betty steps her foot on his head, "You like shaming people, Chuck?" She asks.

"Whoa, hey-!" Chuck yells.

"You like dehumanizing them?" Betty asks coldly.

Veronica begins to worry. At this moment Ethel enters her head into the room -- and smirks.

"Prissy prude by day, freak int he sheets by night?" Betty said.

"No!" Chuck said.

Betty got angry, "Apologize."

"Hey- get this-!" Chuck began to plea to Veronica.

Veronica stepped over, "Calm down," She said to Betty but was ignored.

Betty pushed harder, "Say you're sorry!" Betty yells.

"Okay!" Chuck yells, "Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for all of it!"

"Good job, pig." Betty said removing her foot from his head.

Ethel shut the door. Betty turns to grab something -- Veronica wasn't even sure what.

"Now, time for your reward," Betty said, "A Sticky Maple of your own."

"Wait? What! What!" Chuck yells.

"Apologize for ruining Polly!" Betty yells holding the syrup in her hands.

Chuck looks shocked, "What the hell?"

Then Betty began to pour the syrup all over Chuck's head. He began to freak out.

"Oh- my god!" Chuck yells.

"Do it, Jason!" Betty screams, "Say you're sorry for destroying me!"

Veronica stood at awe -- shock was a better word. She was so surprised to see Betty like this. And also to see how terrified Chuck was.

"Apologize for what you did to me!" Betty yells.

"Look, I'm not Jason!" Chuck yells, "I'm not Jason!"

He was thrashing around, panicking in the hot tub. That is when finally Veronica snapped out of her daze and stepped forward.

"Stop, it's over!" Veronica said to Betty, "We did it. You did it.

Betty stopped and then looked up at Veronica. Chuck was still slightly thrashing around in the hot tub.

"You're crazy!" Chuck yells, "Oh my god! You're crazy as hell!"

Betty stood there frozen. Then suddenly words from Peter came back in her head. Asking her not to harm something or do something she'd regret. She had just tortured a person -- and she wasn't even herself during it.

"Betty?" Veronica asks.

Betty looks at her friend, "I'm fine." She began to walk out, "We're done here.

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