My Personal Dancer

By SnowMegami

163K 7.1K 2.5K

Jimin just finished high school and is going to college to become a professional dancer, but what happens whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
So like...
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Oh noes!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75

Chapter 15

2.5K 112 31
By SnowMegami

Jungkook POV

I woke up the next morning looking at my ceiling replaying everything that happened. My life has been a trip since I've met Jimin and for some reason he's all that I've been thinking about lately. Besides Yoongi hyung and Tae's thing they got going on, I've been checking up on Jimin since he's excused from class for a week while things get cleared up and he gets checked up again. I took a shower, ate breakfast and was leaving the door before I realized what I was doing until I was in front of his dorm once more. This has been going on since we all hung out together after the hospital trip and I don't find this weird.....I feel the need to do this and I don't try to find an explanation to my actions. I haven't had sex in three weeks, last drank any alcohol in five, and didn't touch my vape or cigarettes in one. The door opens seeing Yoongi shirtless with bed hair after I knocked on the door. He looked fine just not my type I guess...

"He's up just cuddled up in my bed," He said with a raspy voice pointing to his room.

All my thoughts ceased after hearing what he said. Why would he be in his bed? He has his own....

"Why is he in your bed?" I asked.

"He cuddled up onto you right?"

I was silent for a second but didn't get the chance to answer since he came back with a cup of coffee in his hand and sits down with a notepad that was already on the table.

"He's like this when he's uncomfortable or feels the need for someone else touch when he's been through "things"," he says air quoting.

"What is he to you hyung," I asked right off the bat.

He looks up at me and yawns then looks down at his notepad.

"A brother, my sexy adorable little brother that has no problem with me groping his ass because he said I can, why?"

My eye twitched a bit but I didn't know how to react to it but to simply sit down and relax before checking up on him.

"Have you two every dated?"

"Where are you going with this? I know we don't talk like that and I get it but if you're asking curiously what we are to each other, I was serious....He's like a little brother to me. We cuddle because he finds it helpful when he doesn't like to be alone, we're both gay as fuck but we don't fuck because we're not each others type," he says in one breath.

"That's hard to believe, I mean..."

"Calling me attractive?" He chuckled

I stopped myself and sighed realizing what I was saying.

"Are you even awake?" He asked once more

"I don't even know anymore hyung, I've been so worried about Jimin that my body is on automatic making sure that he's safe."

"He is, even though I don't like the amount of people that come through this dorm, I do appreciate you caring for him although it's unlike you to do so. I mean don't you have someone to attend a dick appointment or booty call?"

"I haven't fucked in a while and it has been bothering me but since Jimin passing out in class I can't help but want to make sure he's alright," I admitted.

Hyung's arm tensed up then released as he sighed. He sat back and looked at me putting his arm behind his head.

"Since when did you all of a sudden care? You like him or something? Because last time I remember you were the one that made him had a panic attack."

Which is true. I don't know why all of a sudden I'm wanting to be with him when I saw him as a single fuck which he still is but if feels like something more than that.

"Don't bother falling in love with him, you're still a fuckboy with this same agenda even if you're nice and do good deeds all of a sudden. That dick of yours won't hesitate to want to get in them cheeks."

"Why? Are you sure you don't love him?"

"Did you not hear me? I'm sure that I don't love him like that hell I got no one interesting to love hell I don't even love myself but Jimin makes me feel special enough to keep going so thanks to him I keep going....but for you to come out of nowhere to be his superman is annoying. Sure you saved him from being raped and possibly broken again but I don't want to see Jimin with another person that doesn't have his shit together and hurts him again."

"I have a heart too ya know. And even if I wanted to be with him, I won't because I don't want to be in a relationship. What I got right now is enough for me to manage."

"You mean fucking around keeping your one night stand king status? And bullshit you haven't fucked in a while like you said. I think someone took that title by now," He chuckled drinking the last of his coffee.

"What do you have against me?"

"You're existence, you're some punk kid that feels they can do what they want and not have no one tell them what to do but can't deal with their emotions when it really calls for it. If someone needed emotional support, you would be the wrong guy to do the job."

"Are you here to be an ass?"

"Just getting it all out before I can really say that I can be comfortable to be in the same room as you."

I pushed my tongue against my cheek and smiled. Since he wants to be an ass two can play at the game.

" how's you and Tae then? I saw how you looked at him."

He eyed me like he wanted to fight. I tilted my head lifting my eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"I mean I see that when you undress, he wanted to eat you up," I continued.

"Please, he'll fuck anyone with a dick a size of a horse and will walk fine with no problem," he said looking away.

"It's not nice to say such things when you were doing the same. You're not good at hiding your actions hyung."

Just as he was about to say something, the door opened and Jimin comes out with only shorts on and walks over to Yoongi kissing forehead head then looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?"

"I was here to check up on you, but I was in an interesting conversation with hyung," I said looking back at him smiling as he tenses up again.

"I didn't think you two would even bother looking at each other since you two don't have a reason to talk other than me...I guess," he said walking to the kitchen.

I watched him till he was out of sight then back at an irritated Yoongi. Even though Jimin was right, I really didn't expect Yoongi hyung to come at me this way....maybe as a threat? Who knows what his intentions are nor do I know about mine but I'm irritated enough to go find someone later on to take my mind of all this stress that has been pent up for some time now. Jimin came back with a cup and sat on Yoongi's side of the couch and lean into him.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating?"

"Hm? No why would I do that? I mean he is fine and all but he's a brother to me. I wouldn't ask for a better brother other than my blood related one."

"Told you, Now stop asking" Yoongi chimed in.

"What have you two been talking about while I was in the room?"

"Nothing important just asking about your well being and catching up," I said watching hyung making expressions implying I should shut up.

"You two? Catching up? That's a sight, you two don't have a reason to even be alone unless you two were drunk and fucked magically or it has something to do with me which I understand. Jungkook, I might be clingy for a while until I feel better. I've been having nightmares and tend to try to stay up but if I don't get sleep I mess up my circadian cycle, which I don't want. I'm glad that you're checking up on me and not getting into a fight with hyung because I would beat both of you for messing up the living room."

"Is he always like that?" I asked pointing at hyung.

"Yes I'm always like this what of it? I can't help being protective of him, and only me," he says.

"Don't mind him, besides was there anything else you wanted while you were here?"

"Just wondering how you were and such....How's the pain?"

"Subsiding. I tried going into splits and found that I can't do that yet, but I can sit without the donut just have to be easy when sitting down," he answered sipping his drink.

I nodded and sighed. Once I left I went to hang out with some friends that didn't do a whole lot and try to calm my nerves.

Jimin POV

After Jungkook left, I looked at Yoongi pouting at him. He pays me no mind and starting writing until I nudged him.

"I'm not apologizing."

"You're the reason I'm single," I said.

He look shocked. Even though I don't have feelings for Jungkook, seeing his face was hilarious.

"You would date that horny bastard?!"

"No, but if I wanted to date someone I would be single forever since they seem to always need to go through you other than our mothers."

"It's not that I don't want you to date, just every guy that claims to want to protect you always hurt what's the point?"

"Then again dating Jungkook doesn't sound so bad," I said giving it some thought.

"So you can get tossed away the next day? Your mom didn't raise no bitch Jimin, that I know for sure. But why him of all people?"

"Because I've slept with him and he didn't try anything. Besides you're not always the only person I have to go to when I'm my moments or problems."

He was silent. It wasn't that good kind of silent because just as I was going to say something he got up and went into his room. He's mad. He doesn't like me doing things that can get me hurt and such, yet I do things like that and even though Jungkook has a record, for once I did felt comfort sleeping next to him other than Yoongi hyung. Which is quite rare but I didn't think about how it would affect hyung saying what I said sense he's always there for me but because of our major and such, we don't see each other as much nor hang out because of the times we get back to the dorm or whatever we have planned for the day doesn't match up with each others'. Which we don't mind I mean at least we have our mornings at times just not like before. Just sometimes I don't understand why he does this.....I know that I'm prone to stuff like this it's just when he's not there what am I to do? Sure calling him is a thing but he isn't the only person I can rely on....but can't help but love him caring for me as I do the same just wish he doesn't act like a little brat.

I went back to my room and texted Jin hyung and Tae wondering what they were up to since I don't feel like leaving the door but I need fresh air so I guess I'll be with someone until I feel comfortable being with someone....As easy going as I am right now, the feeling of someone foreign around me makes me want to hide and never come out......being...raped.....isn't the easiest thing to come from and for the fact that it was stopped before I was left like a hollow shell was a blessing....recovery will be easier but I can't trust no one like always.....

"Park Jimin, are you here?"

I got up and opened my bedroom door to have Tae and Jin hug me as they drag me to the bed. I balled up because it felt....disgusting sadly enough.

"Oh sorry, I bet you don't want to be touched right now," Jin said moving away from me as Tae does the same.

"Sorry, so far I only was able to be around Jungkook and Yoongi hyung," I said looking down at my knees that were pushed against my chest once I got back to my bed. I hissed a bit at the sharp pained but it eased after staying in the position.

"Are you wearing makeup?"

I nodded and Jin came up to me carefully and took a wipe from my bathroom and wiped off all the makeup I carefully put on this morning showing the nasty bruises on my face and hickeys on my neck. I shivered feeling exposed, usually I wouldn't allow this but I know that they are trying to help.

"Oh sweetie....why hide it? You're not going outside."

"I thought about going out as long as I have you guys....but then again I have to interact with others if it ever happens...."

"Ji....don't pressure yourself to do something you're not ready to do," Tae said.

"I know," I nodded.

"Have you eaten?"

"N-no, I was going to but Jungkook came over and checked up on me then talked with Yoongi, got him upset and now I'm here. Although I think they don't' like each other. But it's expected."

"Make it sound like they were fighting over who should take care of you," Jin chuckled

"Yea I felt the same way but at the same time I didn't pay too much attention to it but when I told hyung that he's not the only person that I can go to when I'm going through things, he left the living room pissed off.," I explained.

"But he's not dating you, he need stop playing games and get with Tae so Tae can stop looking sad all his life," Jin outed.

Tae's face reddens. I guess Tae is serious about this but then again when it comes to the younger Jeon brothers you never know what goes on in their head.

"Oh don't act like that, Jimin what did Tae do when he tried the clothes on him?"

I looked at Tae, and Tae looked at me pleading for me not to expose him but I can't help but to tell hyung.

"He looked at him like he was a meal from his own clothes to boxers to the clothes he tried on."

Tae whined and puts his head face first into one of my pillows. I felt bad but at the same time, they need to stop with these games and meet each other halfway.

"Look I admit that I want to be with him just.....I'm scared."

"Of what? I mean he thinks that he's not good enough for no one," I said.

"I know that, just the idea to be claimed by someone is scary. I've never had that in a while and the want to be claimed...marked....fucked by someone I love drives me up the wall and I feel that Yoongi is the guy just....he doesn't feel the same.... He only sees me as someone that wants to fuck him and toy with him which was my initial plan turned to something more," he said softly.

Me and Jin smiled and cooed at him that he feels that way and wanted to bring them together but Jin decided that it should happen naturally. After picking at Tae, we went into the kitchen to talk about other things to have Yoongi again shirtless walking in.

"How the fuck did you get in here and Jimin why did you take your makeup off? Thought you didn't want to see yourself....." He stops for a moment.

"One I have a extra key, and two I knew that he didn't want to go out because when we hugged up he seems put off by it so I decided to make him more comfortable and take his makeup off to see how it is and make him food. Wants some?"

"Sure, I haven't eaten either," he said sitting next to me.

"You're not mad at me anymore?"

"A little but we'll talk about it later," he said sighing.

"Why don't we talk about it now? I mean why not get to know each other," Jin said not turning his back.

I looked at Tae who was for once not on his phone but looking a bit lost. Yoongi sighed and leaned back on the chair.

"You know that I appreciate you in everything that you've done for me, but don't be that kind of brother..... And you shouldn't lock yourself either's not healthy," I started.

"I know just, not use to not being the one you run to and I'm not the one that saves you all the time when I use to be right there no matter what. You for once accepted for who I am and didn't judge me so I couldn't help but feel the need to protect you if you protected me," He admitted.

"What if there was someone out there that wanted to do the same for you Yoongs? What if there's someone that needed you to protect them and more...more than what you do for me?" I asked.

"In what world would anyone would want me.....Jimin you remember what watched it....," he sighed.

He was silent for a bit and got up again leaving the kitchen. I was about to get up and go after him but Tae beat me to it and chased after him. Jin hyung put the plates down and sat down to eat once he got the orange juice out.

"Is he really going to talk to him?"

"Who knows, but I do know that he's going to tell us after it all happens to it's best if we stay out of it."

Is Tae going to do the thing? Will Yoongi let him in?

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