My Personal Dancer

By SnowMegami

163K 7.1K 2.5K

Jimin just finished high school and is going to college to become a professional dancer, but what happens whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
So like...
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Oh noes!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75

Chapter 9

3.8K 140 19
By SnowMegami


Last night was fun until the ending and I got to say I never thought I see Jungkook and Yoongi look so destroyed. Yoongi did everything he could to save the announcer from last night and manage to keep it up until Hobi came to help. Everyone else seemed pretty shook and decided to stay home for a while until everything seemed ok. Luckily we're on break since things were being done to the buildings so I decided to pay a visit to all my babies. I knocked on the door and heard a voice telling me to hold a sec to see a smol Jimin.

"Oh hey hyung, come in come in," He said moving out the way.

"Hey, is he alright?"

"Yea, he's doing fine after the doctor visit last night. Just resting for now, want to see him?"


We knocked on the door and walked in to see him awake going through his phone.

"Why are you up? You should be resting," Jimin said walking over to him and taking is phone.

He groaned and slip down in his bed.

"Hi hyung...." He said.

"Yoongi you should listen to Jiminie, you literally got your ass beat you should relax," I said coming over to him to sit.

"Don't remind me, it's been a while since I've fought, but at least that girl was ok," He said softly.

"I'm glad that both of you are ok and alive," Jimin said petting him.

"Have you heard from Hoseok yet? How's Jungkook?" Yoongi asked moving the covers from his chest.

"We don't know yet. I plan visiting them after see you."

He nodded and carefully turned on his side hissing at the soreness he felt all over. I went to go and check on the others having Jimin follow as well after making sure that Yoongi was fine being alone. Once we got there the atmosphere was dense, saddening even. Taehyung wasn't his normal self after seeing Yoongi beat up, Hoseok was in his room trying to talk to Jungkook that was laying on the bed without saying a word as he has the covers on his head. I knocked on the open door gaining Hobi's attention.

"Hey hyung, Jimin, how are yall?"

"We're ok....wondering if yall are ok," Jimin said softly.

Hobi sighed and moved us to the living room where Taehyung was sitting.

"He hasn't come out of my room since we got here, I really am worried about him because this isn't the first time he's shutdown like this...." He said after looking at Tae.

"What happened?"

"We can't say, I just know that things happened and having to see me and Yoongi battered up topped it all off for him," he answered staring at the floor.

I looked at Taehyung and he looked at Jimin with hopeful eyes as he moved him to the kitchen to talk to him privately. Once they did, Hobi looked at me and tears ran down his eyes. I moved quickly and held him close to me.

"You can tell me anything you want me to know, your hyung is here for you," I said petting him.

He nodded quiets down for a bit as he heard footsteps and moved to the bathroom to clean his face. I sighed and went into his room hoping that Jungkook would at least open up to me.

"Kookie? It's Jin hyung," I started waiting for a response.


I didn't want to push him but I want to at least see his face. I walked over to the bedside and touched him causing him to flinch then relaxed. Moving the cover, he squinted his eyes and tried to take the blankets back but I moved them away enough to at least see his face. He was crying too, he looked so horrible and tired it seems. I touched his face and could see he wanted to cry some more but there wasn't much left, so I kissed his forehead and gave him back his cover, closing the door behind me.

"Is he alright?" Jimin asked.

"He seems dehydrated and needs food. I'll take care of him if it's alright for me to," I said looking at Hobi and Tae for confirmation.

Giving me the ok I went to work on making breakfast and saving some for Yoongi when I go back over to him. I walked back into the room peeling the blankets off and sat him up. I placed the food on the nightstand and went to get a cloth to clean is face then feed him. Thankfully he was willing to eat and not fight me so that was good, other than that he won't speak or show any signs of life. After taking care of them I went to give Yoongi his food and returning Jimin to his place, I went to my cafe to have a drink and process all that happened....


I was talking Jimin before the next poet came on when we noticed that Yoongi was gone too long. We walked out to hear a scuffle and rushed to see a fight happening. Hobi was fighting off the last person, as he knocked him out and stumbled to the ground as a knife was impaled in his hand. Me and Jimin rushed to them and saw Yoongi knocked out cold next to the announcer as she had his head on his lap.

"We need to get that out of your hand, Jimin hold him," I said moving towards him and Jimin acted.

We checked if Yoongi was breathing and was glad to know he was. The announcer girl moved to Hobi once Jimin took her place in laying Yoongi's head on his  the lap and hugged Hobi as she cried.

"It's alright Seolji I'm here," is all he said to her as she nodded.

Jimin was crying softly as he pets Suga's hair, whispering that it's alright. Then Jungkook and Taehyung came running in and everything was sad....Tae put Jungkook in the car then helped me put Yoongi in mine as Jimin got into my car. Tae, Hoseok, and Seolji was in Hobi's and we all rode to the hospital to make sure that Hoseok and Yoongi was alright. We were there until one in the morning and was able to take Yoongi home since he was awake but drowsy from the medicine they gave him. Hoseok was patched up and comforted everyone even Jungkook who was trembling and asking his hyung if he was really ok and apologizing to him for some reason. We all went back to the campus and made sure everyone was safe getting back to their dorms then I went to mine and had a drink because wow......I don't know what really started all this but these kids are really something....

~flashback over~

I seemed to finished my drink and went to order another smoothie, then went to sit back down to my seat but I realized it was taken by the blonde guy from before and his friend. They both looked at me making me nervous and decided to sit somewhere else. I really need to clear my head right now, but I don't know who to talk to...

Taehyung POV

"Is he alright?"

"Yes Tae he's doing fine, why don't you come and see him?"

I hesitated and walked into their dorm and looked around. It's nice and homey between the two of the them. I was hoping that Jimin would tell me what happened but he was just as lost as I was when I saw him last night when I pulled him to the kitchen.

~moment ago~

"What's wrong"

"I'm worried about Yoongi hyung," I said softly.

"Don't worry, he's doing well after the visit last night, If you want to see him you can when I head back," he offered.

"N-no that's ok.....I just wondered," he said looking down.

"It's weird that you of all people are worried about him since all you do is tease him. But I glad to know that you care about his well being."

I hugged him, holding him as I cried. I don't know what it is but seeing him made me feel like I was part of the blame of him getting like that. I want to hold him and take care of him but I don't think I could do that.....I don't think that's something I could do for him. After hyung and Jimin left, I went to check on Jungkook and saw him talking to Hobi a bit then he hugged him suddenly crying out loud. Hoseok started crying as well making me come in and join them. We've been through so much seeing Jungkook like this again hurts me to the core, and for once I felt like I should've done something because I wasn't really good at taking matters into my own hands unless I was in complete control of it....All I hear is Jungkook repeating himself saying "I'm sorry" with Hobi hyung saying "It's ok" and hushing him. After a while he was sleep leaving me and Hobi to continue to digest this.

"Thank you for being there for him when I was away Tae," Hobi says breaking the silence as we sat in the kitchen drinking tea.

"I'm his's what I'm suppose to do hyung....I just hate to see him like this hurts," I admitted setting my cup down.

"Same....It'll take him a while to recover from it- ow~" He said as he fanned his hand in pain.

"Please be careful hyung, do I have to help you around?"

"Maybe....I'll forget that I hurt my hand since I already took my meds for it to stop the throbbing," he smiled like the sun coming out of the clouds.

After last night, I doubt things will be easy since Jungkook finally stood up to Chen. It's really a big step since he was willing to do anything he asked , to what he told us "Keep us safe". That brat taking such a burden for all of us and we told him to never do it again, he should let us take care of him as well. At least he was ok enough to operate on his own before all of this happened but it was still tough on him, just hope he truthfully learned from this...


I was sitting in the living room waiting on Jimin to give me the ok to visit Yoongi....I know he probably wouldn't understand why I'm here but I just want to see him at least....after this I'll go back to my old ways and forget that it all happened....I hope.

"Ok he'll see you now," He said moving out of the way.

I walked in to see his room. It was black and white but it was nice in a sense. I went to sit down on his chair scooted up.

"Funny to see you here, Mister Flirt," He started.

"I just wanted to know if you're ok is all," I spoke softly.

"Seriously what are you truly here for? I'm not up to games as you can see," He said pointed to his head that was bruised.

"I'm serious hyung. I apologized for you getting into this mess and I know that my boss will speak to one of us today about it. I'm glad that you're alive," I smiled.

He scoffed and shook his head which made me question his thinking.

"Look I get that you're worried but you're the last person I think that would be worried about me since you like to play around with people," He said staring at me coldly.

He's right, I did nothing but mess with him but right now it's not the time. He really could've died last night and....I don't know what I'll do if that were to happen.

"I's ok that you dislike me that much....I'll leave since you're alright," I said getting up.

I left without saying a word and just felt like the chance I had to do something....that I've always wanted I wasted it....there's no point in trying this so I should just leave him's for the best.

Author POV

During the break, the boys have taken the time to recuperate and stay close, check up on each other making sure everyone is healing nicely. Taehyung when back to normal after some time while Hoseok stayed to take care of Jungkook alongside Jin. Jimin made sure Yoongi wasn't over exerting himself and came over to check up on Jungkook and his hyung, but was more concerned for Jungkook seeing him in this condition. He didn't try to talk to him but to say hi and poke his head in every now and again then talk with his hyungs and Tae about him then about themselves and such.

Jimin POV

I woke up early this morning to walk about and take in the morning mist. I've been doing this for a while and it's been doing me some good, being able to process things before I start the day. After my walk I went to visit the Jeon brothers dorm and saw that Taehyung was leaving.

"Oh hey Jimin, Jungkook is in the kitchen inside eating food, if you wanna stay with him that's fine. I was leaving to see someone," he said.

"Yea I am," I replied.

"Have fun, see ya," he left.

I called Jungkook and heard him hum in response, so I moved to the kitchen as I put my stuff in the living room. It's weird that I'm in here alone with him, seeing that he was the cause of my panic attack a month ago. He got up and gave me a bowl a cereal and sat back down having a second bowl.

"I see that you're feeling well and moving about, also thank you," I said smiling.

He nodded and starting eating. I started to do the same and stopped.

"Still not ready to talk?"

"I can," He replied quickly.

"Wanna get out of here?"

He looked at me with a questionable look. I know it's out of the ordinary but being cooped up all day doesn't do you some good.

"Why would you want to hang out with me?"

"Why would you coop yourself in here? You need fresh air and everyone is busy but me so why not?"

He finished his bowl and put it away then went to get ready. I went to finish mine and we set out to the mall. I took him to the arcade and started to play games. He was a bit reluctant at first but once we got to a fighting game he let loose. He beat me twice as I only one once.

"Geez Jimin you should try harder," he smiled.

"I was trying, you just wanted to cheat," I pouted.

"You can't cheat on  a arcade game! Just admit your lost," he said nudging me.

"I refuse, I'll get you good and make you regret your words," I said nudging him back.

 We continued to play and laugh then got hungry so we went to the food court to grab some food and sit down.

"Why are you doing this?"

I looked at him as he bares a serious expression. I smiled down at my food then looked at him straightening my posture.

"I'm worried about you, I know that we're not friends at all and we only know each other through Hobi hyung but seeing you like this hurts and I wanted to help, I'm more surprised that you were willing to come with me."

He looked down for a moment. I'm guessing that he might have something he want to say or just want to eat his food but I started to eat waiting for whatever he has to say.

"Jimin....I wanna apologize for before," he says suddenly.

"You should," I looked at him coldly.

He looked sad, and I couldn't help but to drop the act. I'm such a meanie face.

"I'm joking it's alright," I then said.

"How? You were crying and everything," he says looking worried.

"I hate when it happens but I was also stressed out before that time so I guess when you scared me that's what set it all off. At least you weren't out for my ass...which makes me question how haven't you tried to do something to me?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know to be honest."

"Am I ugly?"

"No, just not interested in guys right now. Plus I doubt I'll be messing with anyone for a while...." He said softly.

"I see, you don't have to tell me everything. But I'm glad that you're getting yourself together." I smiled.

"What not interested?"

"Really it's up to you, and do you really want to tell someone that's not close to you?"

He looked at me for a moment then nodded as I done the same. We went back to see Hobi hyung and Tae inside looking a bit scared until they looked at us.

"Oh god there you are, why didn't you tell me that you left? And you left your phone," Hobi hyung said going up to him and shaking him a bit.

Jungkook smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks for worrying about me, but I'm fine. I was with Jimin and he was making me feel better," he said after pulling from him.

Everyone looked at me making me feel nervous and I just waved.

"I'm glad that you're getting fresh air, now after saving that disaster that was about to commence we need to talk Kook," Hobi hyung said.

He nodded and walked to couch and plopped down. I stood there for a moment unsure if I should stay or go.

"Should I leave? I mean I bet this is important," I said backing up.

"No it's alright you can stay," Tae said grabbing me and sitting me on his lap.

I was strangely comfortable and decided to stay there as I listened to what was going on.

"I apologize for the harsh words that I said that night," he started looking at him with guilt.

"What?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows seemed confused with the words that came out of his mouth.

"You heard me right, I know that you'll say that it's ok but really it irked me that you may slip out of my hands that everything that I was feeling came out."

"But I rather you say how you feel that to give me an apology. Hyung you did so much for me and Tae that you have every right to be mad at all the things I've done because you were always looking out for me, for us" Jungkook explained .

"But I shouldn't be throwing my anger at you because you won't listen. Just why do you have to be so thick headed when it could cost you your life?"

"Because I didn't want to be ordered around anymore after leaving that bastard years ago that I just felt I can be free.....or so I thought....hyung I don't know what to do with myself and I'm scared to try to start over again."

"Jungkook, it's ok to be scared," I piped up.

The all looked at me again making me me nervous. Geez a room with three guys that I saw dancing seductive is hard to deal with.

"You all saw how scared I was when I had my panic attack. You'll never know what will happen and not all the time you'll be in control of it all. But whatever you are in control of act on it and don't be afraid to ask for help. Although I can't say for sure if it'll work, but trying something out is a start," I finished.

The all nodded and talked some more. Once I got up to leave, Jungkook grabbed my wrist stopping me from leaving.

"Jungkooook come oooon," I said pulling from him.

But his gripped was strong. I stopped pulling so I won't hurt myself and turned to face him.

"Hey, thank you for today. I doubt that we'll get close but I appreciate you for taking care of me," he said.

"No problem Kookie, I enjoyed being with you for once and wouldn't mind hanging out again. But it's up to you, don't be a stranger.....OH uhm...yea....nice uhm performance you did that night," I said as the heat in my face raised.

"Oh....uh thanks. Don't tell anyone about that. I don't want unnecessary people knowing where I work and popping up to stalk me," he said moving outside to look around seeing if anyone was around.

"No problem, welp bye," I said leaving.

Having the school be off for a week sounds like a trap but it was needed. I need to get to finishing this routine and just go over it since I have two week left then that Friday is when the test will happen. I walked into my dorm to a Yoongi looking at me. He was still wearing his house clothes and walked to sit down in front of Ravi. I greeted them both walking to my room to plop down and finally rest from all the running around I've done all week. I need to relieve my stress but I don't have a boyfriend and I finish that book I was reading that have to return. I sighed loudly and looked at my phone to Hobi and Jin hyung texting me, even though I want to answer my eyes got heavy letting the sleepiness take over me.

Jungkook POV

After the talk I feel vulnerable. I still stayed over with my brothers' because I don't think I should be alone right now, but I know that they'll kick me out soon. We all headed down to the Magic Shop since the boss called us to come over and discuss what all went down that night after Seolji told him what happened and seeing the mess in the back room. When we walked in, boss and Seolji was sitting down and the other staff were there looking at us. Once we sat down they started the discussion.

"So, I heard from Seolji what to tell me how it went down?" he asked.

I knew that I needed to say something, but before I could, Hobi hyung spoke first.

"We had an issue with Chen, Seolji got involved and things got hectic."

"Hectic how? Some of the staff heard a scuffle and a scream but didn't want to go to it afraid they'll get caught up in whatever was in that alley. Be more specific."

"Chen wanted something from us and he decided to be annoying so Jungkook hit him twice, the second one knocking him out. I went to help Seolji and a friend out that protected her till I got there which I was glad I made in time because he was knocked out once I got there. I got stabbed in the hand, everyone was going to the hospital to make sure me and my friend was ok."

The boss nodded and he looked at me with a worried look. I looked down trying to calm myself down from the wave of emotions that was trying to topple me over but Tae held my hand through it all.

"Well I'm glad that the three of you are ok, I would be devastated that you three were badly injured. Thank you for saving my daughter, it means to world to me and Jungkook, it's alright you did good," he said.

Tears rushed out as I sobbed. I felt hugs from Hobi and Taehyung as they calmed me down as I wiped my eyes.

"I'll be sure that he doesn't come around here anymore.....I doubt he'll do anything against my word so you guys can rest up and let me know when you feel ok to come back right? Hoseok I know you're still healing and I see that Jungkook is still going through it," he said then looked at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at him then shrugged.

Today again was a blur but I decided to walk around a bit to take my mind of things. I walked by the performing arts building and saw Mona with someone eating each others face off. I sighed and kept walking, there's no point in being around her anymore since I haven't been out and about. She even stopped texting me recently since I didn't know what a phone was for a while, so seeing her like that didn't bother me at all. I sat on a bench and looked up at the tree to see...... Jimin?


"Huh? Oh god you scared me. How did you find me?"

"I wasn't looking for you really, I just happened to look up at the tree to see you here? Why are you up there?"

"Reading, but since I've been found I guess I should leave...."

"I guess?" I shrugged.

"Oh did you ever finished that dance project?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh yea it's done just wasn't up for going over for it because of ya know" I said looking away.

"Ya know it's weird that you're talking to me this're not so bad," He said out of nowhere.

"Don't get use to it alright?

He laughed and I looked at him seeing his smile causing me to smile....I don't know what it is with him but....being with him is fun. I walked back to my dorm and saw how dirty it's been a while since I've been in here...I put my stuff in the kitchen and cleaned until my stomach was trying to eat itself. I looked around seeing that I finished in time for dinner so I went to the fridge and sadly there's nothing in there but then I didn't go out to get food since I went out or ate at my brothers dorm. I checked the time and decided to head out for food. When I came back I started fixing some noodles with veggies and meat that I really liked. I don't know what else I could possible be doing after I ate but it was so normal that it felt weird....being alone for once at night was a new experience for me since I was always with someone. I laid in bed and closed my eyes in hopes that I'll have something worth doing tomorrow.

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