The Daughter ↬ SUNGJOY [EDITI...

By sooyoungexquisites

898K 41.7K 17K

↬ in which a fan brought a baby on a BTOB fanmeet and sungjae got a feeling ↫ More

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Special Chapter 1

➳ twenty four

13.8K 709 336
By sooyoungexquisites

It's Saturday and Dasom decided to finally take Areum to her promised amusement park date. Areum was of course super excited that she almost forgot to give her mother a goodbye kiss.

"Dasom-ah," Joy called out which made the two girls look back, "Don't even think of doing anything funny, alright? Remember that fanmeeting?" Joy raised an eyebrow which Dasom returned with a roll eye.

"I won't, Unnie. Chill out," Dasom said and the two stride out of the shop.

As for Joy, everything seems back to normal now that Dasom is back. She's most certainly at ease because she knows that her daughter is happy and the baby really adores Dasom's company.

And the fact that it's Sunday tomorrow makes her smile even more.

Speaking of which, Hanseol didn't stop by the shop this morning which made Joy sulk a little. It's very unsual for him not to come and if he did, he will text Joy.

But Joy didn't recieve anything.

She's standing behind the counter again while Jiyeon cleans the tables. There are few customers since it's past lunch time.

Her head is turned down, feeling the soreness of her feet for continuously serving the customers back and forth while wearing an uncomfortable shoes. Her shoes is a little skimpy than before and Joy doesn't have the time to buy one since she's really busy.

"Miss me already?"

Joy's head harshly snap up, seeing someone who's face is all hidden behind mask, sunglasses and a cap.

Sungjae was distracted by her face. Her hair is tied on a ponytail and some baby hairs are scattered on her forehead. They were wet from sweat and Sungjae actually watched as a bead of sweat roll down her doubtlessly beautiful face before he could talk again. It was a stupid act which he was thankful because he was wearing a sunglasses. It saved his weird ass.

"I see, you can still recognize my voice," sarcasm is overflowing Sungjae's voice as he watch Joy's aggravated expression.

"I remembered telling you not come here again," Surprisingly, Joy didn't even falter, instead her voice is stern, disapproval full in it.

It's still unbelievable, 22-year old Joy would never imagine a conversation with Sungjae, with nothing but hatred in it. Every words coming from the two's mouth are sending daggers, trying to hurt the opponent.

Sungjae's eyebrows are raised, it's incredulous how and where do Joy get all the courage to talk back to him, "Who says I want to come here again? I was forced to," said Sungjae.

Joy's eyebrows twitched, sending a questionable look as Sungjae looked around the counter area, searching for an entrance inside it. Once found, his heavy steps started heading towards the small door that almost looked like a part of the large counter.

Joy would be lying if she will say she wasn't scared. Her heart is beating so fast and it almost stopped when Sungjae already got in, "H-hey! Customers aren't allowed to enter theㅡ what the hell! Don't come near me!" She's panicking with a lowered-down scream and an intention to not get any of the customers attention, Sungjae still continues to move towards her direction anyway.

Sungjae grabbed Joy's hands and for a moment he was distracted by her familiar heat but the thought of why he was here made him snap back to reality.

Joy is angry. The contact made her even more furious so she forcefully snatched back her hand, the warmth of his touch still lingers on it and Joy was about to go crazy, "What the hell are you doing?!" Agitation is distinguished to her voice and if looks could kill, Sungjae would be doubtless lying down, dead. As well as Joy for Sungjae is sending her the same amount of furious look.

"Listen, I don't want to do this either but we need to talk," Sungjae said calmly but every words are heavy.

"We don't!" Joy argue back. They don't have anything to talk about that Joy could still remember.

"Is everything alright?" Both of them are surprised to see Jiyeon standing in front with the couter separating her from the two. Jiyeon doesn't know who the man is but seeing the angry expression on her boss' face made her feel worried.

"Yes, don't worry Jiyeon-ssi," Instead of Joy, Sungjae was the one who answered.

Jiyeon was blank because the man with weird get-up knows her.

Sungjae then turned his head back to a red-faced Joy, "Trust me, you wouldn't want us to talk in here where people could hear us," There's a seriousness in his voice and Joy knew something is up. Admit it or not, Joy knew Sungjae well enough to know that something is really going on.

But Joy couldn't help but snort on Sungjae's use of words, "Trust you?" asked Joy with a smirk.

Sungjae was about to answer her with a comeback but Joy's head turned to Jiyeon, "Jiyeon-ah, stand in the counter until I come back," Ordered Joy which Jiyeon answered with the utmost respect in her voice.

Sungjae was confused of their conversation. Is Joy some kind of the boss here or something? His thoughts vanished when Joy, full of authority looked at him again, "Follow me," She commands and Sungjae hates her bossy attitude but let her be since he doesn't want to stay there for a long time.

Joy started walking towards her office with Sungjae a few steps behind her. Sungjae was too preoccupied of Joy's fiery attitude and thinking of ways on how to intimidate her.

Joy opened the door and a huge portrait of her and Areum welcomed her.


She shut the door and turned around quickly. She's even more surprised when Sungjae's body is towering over her and it seems like Sungjae hasn't realized that Joy already stopped.

She was about to say something but it's already too late, both their bodies already collided, trapping Joy between the closed door and Sungjae's build body.

They were both frozen by their tracks, both their eyes are bulging out of its sockets.

They didn't know how long they stayed like that. Just casually admiring and hating each other at the same time until Joy finally decided to push him away and made her way towards the kitchen.

Her heart is racing, filled with different emotions while she's subconsciously scolding herself for letting him come near her and letting him stay like that.

Sungjae is just as confused and mentally blank about what happened. It caught him off-guard and he can't stop but fess up the fast beatings of his heart which is maybe due to the surprise from the incident.

This time, Sungjae made sure to center his attention to Joy and not think of other things so the hateful incidence won't happen again.

So that he won't feel Joy's beautiful body, which seems to be perfect of a hug.

When she finally stopped in front of a long metal table filled with different baking tools, he stopped too with a few steps far from her.

Joy knew her face is red but she could care less. She just wanted him to leave and stop doing things that is really irritating. She turned around and Sungjae is already staring at her. Joy's insides are trembling but nonetheless, she managed to speak, "So what do you want to talk about?" And she didn't stutter too.

Way to go Park Sooyoung.

Sungjae cleared his throat, he's kind of annoyed that Joy looks so flustered and it's really contagious, makes him want to turn into bright tomato too, "Are you the owner of this coffee shop?" He started which made Joy roll her eyes in disbelief.

"Seriously?! You went all the way here just to ask that?! You could've asked that earlier!" She yelled, but not too loud.

"If not you, then who?" He ignored her complains and proceeded to his main aim, "I'm not sure if you are aware or not but the public and my fans wants me to apologize to whoever owns this coffee shop,"

"There's a video of me going around the internet where I threw the cake to the trash and people are hating me for that,"

Joy made her arms crossed around her chest, a sudden good feeling creeping inside her, "Karma surely is a bitch, isn't it?" She stated with a taunting smile on her lips and Sungjae glared at her but she ignores it, "So that explains why a lot of people come here, leaving letters and gifts for apology, they do that for you," She informed. "Aren't you too lucky?" She teased but sarcasm can be heard too.

"Seriously, I don't care about whatever you want to say. That don't mean anything to me," He said and Joy, even if she doesn't care about him too anymore, felt a pang on her chest. Her smile almost left her face but she managed to let it stay there. "Just tell me if you are the owner or not!" He half yelled and Joy doesn't like that attitude.

"So what if it's me? Are you willing to apologize to me? " She challenged and for moment Sungjae's expression dims.

A smile almost made it's way to Joy's lips but then Sungjae is quick to reply, "Yes," He answered, "Yes, of course I can. I mean, I just need to bring the media in here and let them shoot our little dramaㅡ" He was cut off by strong slap, his left cheek is stinging.

"Fuck you," Joy mumbled, she's shaking from too much anger, "I see you're still an asshole," Her lips are trembling and she wanted to explode. "You know what? Just tell them that you already apologized and that the owner said it's fine! That it's all settled!" She shouted, "Do you need like a cake or something from me to post on your pathetic SNS account?" She taunted, all she can see is black.

"I'm sure they will believe that as an evidence! Because just like you, your stupid management and fans will surely believe on whatever news or pictures posted on the internet wether it is real on not!" She screamed, she felt wrathful and those words are what she just wanted to say all these time.

Sungjae got annoyed and walked towards Joy, he's panthing because just like Joy, he also reached his limits, "You know me, Sooyoung," His words are heated and his glares are sharp, "I made sure to check things out first, to make sure if it is real or not because I don't want to lose something that is worth fighting for,"

"Do you ever wonder why I let you go?" He grabbed her arm and hold it tightly, "Maybe because you're not worth fighting for," He said and removed his grip.

Joy couldn't believe what she just heard and it's still processing inside her.

His words never failed to hurt her. She turned her head sidewards anf blinked rapidly, "Get out," She said, her voice is weak and she's so close to breaking down.

Sungjae gulped, even him is shocked by his words but he's also angry. Joy made him like that! It's Joy's fault!

He turned around and started making his way out of the shop.

Word count: 1891

I will update soon. omg I'm super excited to share the future events!

leave a lot of comments! Lots of love 💙

(Bad Boy's english version is on 🔥)

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