The Daughter ↬ SUNGJOY [EDITI...

By sooyoungexquisites

898K 41.7K 17K

↬ in which a fan brought a baby on a BTOB fanmeet and sungjae got a feeling ↫ More

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Special Chapter 1

➳ eighteen

14.8K 814 350
By sooyoungexquisites

It's already been week since BTOB left for Canada but Sungjae and Sohyun haven't talk to each other yet. Sure Sohyun called him a couple of times but he's either in the middle of an interview, a concert, or sleeping. He could call her but he can't really do it, just not yet.

Truth be told, he felt a breathe of fresh air for being away from Sohyun. And maybe, that argument of them will bring back the old Sohyun whom he loves the most and that maybe Sohyun will reflect to her behavior.

Sungjae was about to sleep after a tiring show in Vancouver when his phone vibrated, it was his Mother. "Eomma?" He called out as soon as he put the phone to his ear.

"Sungjae-ah, I miss you," His mother's soothing voice turned Sungjae into a ball of fluff.

"I miss you too. Where's Appa?" He questioned.

"He's at your sister's house," She answered before continuing, "By the way, Sohyun called me. She said you're ignoring her calls. Is there any problem?" Her mom's worried voice lingers in his ears.

"We sure had a little argument but it's nothing we can't settle. Did you call because of that?"

"Well, She's been calling me about it so I thought it was something serious," He can hear the dismay in her mom's voice.

"It's alright mom, anyway I have to go now, I really need to rest," He said before bidding goobyes and i love yous to her. He doesn't know how to to feel with Sohyun's tactic just to get a hold of him.

Once the phone left the in-call display, his lockscreen immediately went back, making him smile a little.

He set Areum's picture as his lockscreen. Sungjae have been stressed for a long while now but everytime he sees Areum's face, he will eventually feel better.

He's still not sure about Joy's relationship with Areum. He can't say she's her mother because Areum have an older sister who's like 5 years younger than Joy.

He came with a lot of possibilities like maybe, Dasom and Areum are step-sisters but that won't do either because both her parents are of the same age. Or that maybe, Joy is just a worker there and Areum's real parents are not there. There's also this idea that maybe Joy is Areum's mother but she gave her to Dasom's parents because she can't provide for her.

There's a lot of potentiality but either way, Areum is someone special to Sungjae. She miraculously makes him happy whenever and whatever situation he is in.

As days goes by, Joy's worries about Sungjae suddenly showing up to her coffee shop again slowly diminishes. That's a good thing right? That Sungjae already doesn't have a reason to come and is not a threat for Areum and Joy's relationship anymore. There's also a decrease in possibility that Sungjae might hurt Areum.

But Joy is torn between what to feel about Sungjae's familiarity with Areum. It is a normal feeling when it comes to a father and his daughter, the connection between them which is an impend over Joy.

Joy is working alone in the coffee shop since Jiyeon is sick, with Areum staying at her office because she made Dasom ran an errand. She made her buy coffee beans in Seoul because the company's delivery can't make it by the due and she's running out of beans.

Joy can manage anyway, it's not the first time she worked alone with Areum playing inside her office.

The door clanged, signaling that there's new customers.

Five people, 4 females and a male entered the shop, the girls wearing mask, sunglasses and cap while the guy wear plain outfit.

For a moment, Joy's heart stopped beating at the sight of them, her throat went dry as she can feel her hands starting to tremble.

She couldn't be mistaken.

It's Red Velvet with their manager.


Surely, Joy wanted to cry, she wanted to embrace them, shower them with kisses and I love yous, for she missed them so much. It was nice seeing them.

But she also cannot ignore their reality.

These girls, they neglected her. They probably won't or choose not to recognize her and her heart feels like being stabbed a hundred of times as they come closer to her.

They hate her now.

She's so nervous but she stayed still. She don't know how to approach them once they reached the counter.

How should Joy act?

She mentally scolded herself for forgetting that these girls will be having their two-day concert in the town. And her coffee shop is kind of known in the place, many celebrities have come but Jiyeon is always on the counter while she works behind. People already forgot about her since she left the spotlight 4 years ago.

"Order for me, I really need to go to the CR," Their manager said, parting ways with the girls. Joy is frozen at her feet, unable to think of how to address the girls while they proceed to her direction.

"Yerim-ah, order for us," She heard Irene's voice and Joy never felt that kind of longing after hearing their leader's voice once again.

It felt comforting and Joy have to bit her lip so that she wouldn't be the weak and crybaby she is. She looked down, trying to avoid any contact with the girls that might turn her into a crying mess.

"Unnies, what do you guys want?" Yeri asked, and because they are in an unfamiliar coffee shop which they have no idea what kind of food it offers, the four went straight to the counter to look for what they like.

With trembling lips and shaking knees, Joy calmed herself by continuously breathing in and out. Her hands are also getting clammy from two much nervousness but Joy trusts herself, and mostly when it comes to pretending. "Hi! Welcome to Aroma! May I take your order?" Even Joy is shocked at how normal she sounds. No hint of pain and fear in it.

The four girls turned their heads to the woman behind the counter, sensing too much familiarity in her voice.

There, they saw their former member, Park Sooyoung, still the same beautiful girl but now a grown up woman, though her smile still makes her shine, and her aura is as bright as the sun.

And it seems like Joy is unaware that it's them.

There's a moment of silence between them, Joy looking at them, waiting for their order while the girls are preventing themselves to cry. Their eyes are all filled with liquids which they refused to let loose and they thanked all Gods that they are wearing a sunglasses to hide their teary eyes and a mask to hide their quivering lips.

They missed Joy.

But they made a mistake.

They abandoned her.

4 years ago, Joy tried calling them but they ignored her, they hated her. They hated how she behave and how much of a reckless girl she is. None of them wanted to talk to her for their feelings are blocked with too much anger, and consideration are nowhere to be found. But within days, they also realized that Joy is their sister, and that even if she made a mistake, they should've supported her and also make her think of her wrongdoings, not turning their back on her.

They tried calling her but it seems like she changed numbers and when they went to Joy's family's house in Jeju, they found out that Joy was kicked out by her parents. They felt so guilty and they tried looking for her but she was nowhere to be found.

They were so wrong about their treatment to her and they will surely blame themselves if anything bad happen to her.

But she's here, healthy and she looks fine. They felt so small in front of her, they couldn't face her without feeling sorry.

"5 iced americano," Wendy's voice cracked and Joy felt her heart slicing into pieces again. Soon she heard sniffing coming from them but she stayed still, stoning her heart from emotions. She still cant think of a reason why they are crying but she will continue her show. She will ask as if she don't know them.

That will be better right?

She can't break down, she can't let her emotions take over because she will surely be the one left all alone in the end. "Here, if the light turned green, it means your order is ready," She handed them a small device and Seulgi's shaky hands get it, their fingers brushed each other and Joy is quick to retreat her hands.

Seulgi's touch still feels the same. That soft and caring touch she always feel from her whenever she's tired or sleepy and Seulgi will massage her head to make her sleep comfortably.

Joy is thankful that she can't see their faces, she doesn't know how she will take it if she saw them crying, "You can wait on one of the seats there," She pointed an empty table but the girls aren't moving making Joy look at them with confusion but she retreated and started making their coffee.

She went to a part where the girls can't see her anymore. She felt herself falling on the floor, her mind still unable to process what just happened.

She should be crying right now but she can't feel anything.

All Joy could think of was that she was able to face them like they are just normal people who does not have anything to do with her. She was able to face them without breaking down, making herself look weak and pathetic in front of the girls who she loves with all her heart but doesn't want her.

Soon their manager came back, seeing the girls stoned to their feet infront of the counter, "Hey is everything alright?" No one answered him that's why he lead them to an empty table, waiting for someone to talk.

Soon the girls removed their masks and sunglasses, their make-ups are smudged, and the all look in pain.

It is impossible for Joy to not recognize them but she acted like it.

They couldn't accept it.

Joy, she pretended not to know them. She showed them a genuine smile but it hurts, she talked to them normally as if they are a bunch of girls Joy has nothing to do with and even if they hates it that way, they understand.

But still, it hurts.

"What happened?" Their manager asked while watching them with worried eyes.

Seulgi bursts out in a quiet sob together with Yeri. Wendy is also crying silently while Irene couldn't cry. She felt as if she's not entitled to do so.

The light turned green and Irene stood up, quickly making her way to the counter. The drinks are ready and Joy has her back on her. She wanted to call Joy but her attention is snatched when the door next to the way to the kitchen opened, revealing a small baby girl, looking exactly like Joy, making her way to the small playset in the corner of the shop.

Joy didn't see Areum walking out since she pretended to be busy on other stuff.

Irene's eyes widen, she's surprised and at the same time, her heart is jumping. The baby looks so delicate and lovable, And Irene knew it already.

She's Joy's daughter.

Irene was startled when Areum turned her head to her side and offered the sweetest smile ever.

It made her cry.


this is shiteu. 😭

by the way I am reading the comments and noticed a lot of theories about this story 😊

Eheeeee u guys are curious aren't chu? 😏

10k reads ALEADY? BINCH.

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