My Crazy Life

By j_jessi_18

9.5K 112 3

Previously called trying to fix the broken pieces Alejandra Gonzales. Who is 17, suffered a great loss when... More

The beginning.
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
dresses and suits
authors note
chapter 5
chapter 6
chaptet 7
chapter 8
authors note
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
flasheback to when she first came to her fathers mansion.
chapter 25
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
Ali's house
chapter 53
cbapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75

chapter 35

92 0 0
By j_jessi_18

"Ahhh! " I scream as I'm pushed into the pool by Dustin. Yes Dustin. I am having a pool party and most of my cousins are here. Even some of Tatianas friends.
"DUSTIN!! " I yelled. He was on the floor rolling around laughing. I am being lifted. I am thrown into the pool again.
"I come up and see Alex sitting on the edge of the pool.
"I PICK ALI! " Dustin yelled.
"I PICK TATIANA!! " Alex yelled.
"Don't we need noodles? "Tatiana asked.
" No, are we five? "She laughed.
I got on Dustins shoulders and Tatiana got on Alex's.
" Three , two, one! "Lucas yelled. Tatiana pushed me but I held on. We were holding hands and trying to push each other off. Finally she is falling back. I push her the rest of the way and when she falls in I throw my hands in the air.
" YES!! "Me and Dustin shriek.

I got out of the pool and went to grab  another beer.
" I think you had enough. You have school tomorrow. "Eddie said.
" Are you my dad. No your not I'm not gunna stop drinking until I'm wasted. I haven't gotten hammered for a long time. "I said and chugged my beer. I grabbed a random amount of shot glasses and poured fireball in all of them.
" I will give everyone 20 bucks a shot. Eddie you first. I stood behind the bar and watched him drink 3.i grabbed my purse and took out 60 bucks and gave it to him.
"Next." By time everyone was done I had given away roughly 600.i took three shots. I wasn't drunk but a little tipsy. I took about three more shots and that's when I blacked out. Shit I'm hammered.
Damn. What the hell. I woke up in my bathroom. I'm in the bathtub. I see Tessa in the shower and Alex sitting in front of the toilet. I groan and get out. I walk into my bedroom and see everyone else sprawled all over except for one person. Dustin is missing. I walk around the third floor and no sign of him. I walk down to the second floor and no sign if him. I walk back to the pool. He is sprawled all over the floor. One of his hands I'd in the pool. I shaket head and walk into the kitchen to get a bottle water. I grab my laptop off if the counter and walk into the living room. When I walk in everyone is there. Well my friends and Blake. They look at me when they notice me in the doorway.
"What are you doing here? " I say quietly.
"What happened last night? " Hanna said. It sounded like she was screaming.
"Shh. Not too loud. " I say as I sit down and take some aspirin.
"You have a headache? " Blake asked.
"No I have a hangover. " I said.
"You go and get hammered the second I tell you I need space. I wonder how you would act if we broke up. " Ha snapped.
"The plan was to hang out with my cousins. I didn't plan to get hammered. Dustin brought the beer. "
"And I told you to stop because you have school but school was canceled for the next two weeks because of the shooting. "
"I was already drunk when you told me to stop. "
"I kept telling you the whole time to stop. I don't want nothing happening to my family. With how much you drank you could've gotten alcohol poisoning. "
"Is everyone else up. I need Dustin to clean my pool. Did you see him? "
"No. Is he still down there? "
"He was about ad drunk as me. He's still down there. " I said and for up. I followed Eddie down to the pool to see Dustin nearly in the pool. He was about to fall in but me and Eddie run and grab him before he could fall in.
"What the hell. DUSTIN WAKE UP. "
"I'm up damn it. Stop yelling. " I drop him and walk off. I'm not gunna help him. He brought this on himself. He can get better by himself. I walk all the way to my closet to look for some clothes when Blake walks in. He comes and hugs me from behind. He puts his chin on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry. " He said.
"For what? "
'For snapping at you. I love you and I don't want anything happening to you. "
"I'll be ok. She's in  jail. She will be for a while. "
"I'm never leaving you side for a long time. "
"Well you have to because I have to get ready. I have to babysit Ciara today. Marcella has to go 2 hours away for a doctors appointment. She doesn't want Ciara sitting in a car for that long. "
"So what are we going to do today. "
"I don't know. "I say as I finish putting my shirt on.

" Here. "Blake sayds and poops a hat on my head. I go and look in the full length mirror.
" Not bad. "I say. Blake nods. I walk out of the closet and see everyone in the dining room. All of my cousins and friends.
" So what are we doing today? "Dustin asks.
" Your ass is going home. I have to babysit Ciara today. "
"Why do I have to go home but they don't. " He whined.
"Because they're not a 25 year old dumbass who still lives with their mom. "
"Hey I went to college. And she missed me to much. "
"Why are you babysitting her anyway. Didn't Marcella put her in daycare. "
"She has a doctors appointment 2 hours away from here. "
"Sam get your arm off of me before I rip it off. " Tatiana threatens
"Sam leave her alone. "
"Not until she agrees to go out with me. " Tatiana blushes.
"You're a trouble some boy. Leave my great niece alone. " My mom says when she walks in with plates of food.
"No can do mom. " Sam said.
"I love it when you all call me mom. "
"We only do it because your the closest thing we have to a mom. " Hanna says. This makes me sad. It's true. All of their parents are never home. My mom chose to stay home. She really is a great mom and I know I take that for granted.

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