Blue Eyes (bxb)

By frostiecherryxox

35.4K 1.1K 381

As a teenager, we all struggle through the path of finding ourselves. Late nights at our lovers' houses, drin... More

Eighteen and a half
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Four And A Half
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven - Part One
Forty Seven - Part Two

Forty One

401 15 0
By frostiecherryxox

"Pass the bloody beer over, we're dying over here!" I whaled to Sam, who was furiously fiddling with a bottle opener in the kitchen.

"Jesus, Zak, I'm trying! It's fucking hard opening this shit!"

There were a group of us scattered around his living room. It was like a small party, a get-together. There was me, Sam, Brandon, Jacob, Jacob's brother from the year above and I'd also managed to convince Finn to tag along. He was sat on my lap with his hands around my neck.

Sam eventually came back into the room with a handful of beers. "Music?" He said.

"Fuck, yeah," Jacob bellowed, scooping a drink up from Sam's grasp.

Sam flicked on the stereo which began blaring tunes across the room. I took a drink for Finn and I, and began slurping it down immediately.

We talked, and danced, and drank well into the night. By midnight, I was drunk off my fourth bottle of beer and was screaming slurs like FINLEY, I LURRVV YOUU and WILL YOU MARRY ME, BABYYY? The alcohol made me extremely emotional, and at one point I was literally sat in the corner crying about how happy I was. Yeah, not my best moment.

Finn only sipped at his drink, for which I couldn't blame him after noticing the state I was in. In fact, by 2am, I couldn't remember my own name. The others were exactly the same, though, so it's not like I was just the crazy drunk who just tags along for the beer.

Gingerly, I lunged over to Finn from across the room and snaked my arms around his hips. "Hellooo, my gorgeous angel boyfriend lovely sunflower!" I smiled hazily.

"Hi, babe," he smirked. I caught his lips in mine for a long kiss before releasing.

"You having fuuunn?"

"Yes, and I'm assuming you are too?"

"Mmhm, you assumed correctly! Hey, baby?"


"I luurrvv youuu!"

"I luurrrvv youu, too," he mocked playfully.

"Aww, you are legit the best boyfriend everrr, we should defo get married!"

"Maybe when you're sober, love."

"I'll take that as a yes! Hey, guys!" Everyone spun round to look at us. "Me and my baby are getting married! Woohooo!"

They all cheered, raising their glasses. I saw Finn blush out the corner of my eye, and it made me giggle between soft hiccups. He was so adorable, it made my heart flutter. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to call this kid my boyfriend. He was the most beautiful, most perfect person I'd ever met. And the fact that he felt the same way about me just blew my mind.

By 3am, I was too drunk to function. Finn thought it was best we leave, so we began our walk back to my place. Besides, Sam didn't live far from mine, so there wasn't much point in ordering a taxi.

"Hmm," I sighed, gazing up at the stars. "The sky is sooo pretty."

"I can't remember what it looks like," Finley said, and rather glumly so.

"Really? That's a bit shit, you're missing out. The stars are like little twinkly things across a big black screen of darkness!" I lulled, stumbling at every step.

"I bet that's nice to look at every night."

"Yup. Hey, one day it would be good to get your sight back."

"It would be, wouldn't it?" I could sense the sadness in his voice, but I was too intoxicated to process it.

"Yeaahh, and then you get to see how ripped I am and how big my dick is!"

"Pfft, out of everything you could have said, you chose that?"

"Uhh huhh!" Finn laughed, and the mood seemed to lighten. I didn't like it when he was sad, it made me sad.

We walked quietly for a bit, my hums of 90s songs refracting the silence. When I got to a few Britney numbers, I started dancing, too. And unbelievably so. My hands flung all over the place, as well as my legs. It's astonishing how I didn't topple over.

After that, I'd managed to convince myself that my shoes and socks were slowing me down, so I removed them. Finn told me not to, but I wouldn't listen. Instead, I strolled along the concrete barefoot, singing Hit Me Baby One More Time over and over again, now louder than ever.

"You are fucking mental, Zak," my boyfriend chuckled.

"Mmmhhhh, I want icee creeaamm!" I pouted.

"Oh my fucking God, it's ten past three in the morning, seriously?"

"Babyyy, I neeed it nowww!"

"Well, you can't have it now!"

"But I neeeeeeed it!"

"No, you don't, my love."


"No, Zak. Come on, are we almost at your house?"

"Ummmm, yes! It is around this corner!" I marched ahead, dragging Finn behind me with my hand wrapped in his.

Once we got home, it became our mission to get upstairs undetected. Of course, that was certainly going to be a challenge considering I was drunk as shit and Finn was blind. We each tripped over at least three different items of furniture and broke five pieces of crockery, vases, etc between us. By the time we'd reached my bedroom, I'd managed to slice my ankles in two places from broken glass and aquire several quickly-forming bruises.

"That was like a motherfucking battflefield," Finn chuckled, collasping on the bed, to which I landed on top of him.

"Mmh." I was tired, unusually so. My eyelids felt like anchors and so did my muscles. I rested my head on my boyfriends chest, listening to his heart beat and soft breaths.

"Goodnight, lovely." I vaguely heard Finn whisper, before I slipped into a distant slumber.

The following night, I laid on my bed, lazily texting Skai. She was talking about prom and how excited she was. I said I, too, was looking forward to it (not), but then she said she was going to sleep. I said sweet dreams and the conversation ended.

Sighing, I reached over to my bedside table looking for my earphones. That's when I heard hushed voices coming from outside my door; two of them.

The first one sounded like a man, saying something along the lines of I had a really good time tonight. I missed doing this with you. The second one was female and responded with yeah, me too. Are we on again for next week? After that, I heard the sound of a short kiss, followed by the shuffling of feet.

Once I was sure the man had left, I jumped off my bed, snapping open the door. Steph stood there in a slim, silky night gown, her hair a mess and her makeup smeared. She stared at me, shocked that I'd caught her in the act. I grabbed her wrist and tugged her inside my room without a word, making sure I shut the door behind me.

"What the hell? Who was that you just fucked?"

"None of your business, Zak!" She went to leave but I caught her wrist again.

"Tell me, or I'll tell Dad your sneaking boys into the house!"

"Go ahead, but so are you so I can just as easily snitch on you!"

"You wouldn't," I glared.

"I beg to differ," she sterned. "But if you must know, Michael and I are trying things out again. I'm not moving back to his place just yet, we're just... messing around, I suppose. But, please, don't tell Mum or Dad, and especially not Bobby. I don't want him to get his hopes up."

"Oh, are you sure you want to get back with him after what happened last time?"

"I'm sure, Zak. I just needed a break but I'm ready to be with him again."

"Okay, as long as your happy, that's all that really matters." I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I guess that explains the condom wrapper I found in her room, as intrusive as that may sound.

We sat in my room and talked for an hour or two about nothing and everything. She said she was proud of me for accepting myself and I said I was proud of her for raising such an amazing kid. Then we started talking about boys, like the gay boy I was.

"Channing Tatum is so fit, though!" She argued.

"But have you seen Ryan Gosling? That man is a literal Greek God!" I retaliated.

"Nah, my Michael is tidier (more attractive) than him!"

"Your Michael looks like a crack-addict's, incestuous love-child. My Finn is a million times better looking!"

"Um, I don't think so. Sure, Finn's cute, but Michael has that stern-sexy look about him!"

"Oh, come on! Finn is stunning! His six pack is so nice and he legit has the biggest dick I've ever seen!"

Steph screwed up her nose. "I didn't wanna know."

We laughed on like this for some time. Steph was really so amazing and I loved her so much. I was so grateful to be lucky enough get such an incredible sister. She was one of the very few people who understood me and didn't judge me at all. It was official, I had the best sister ever.

Song: 'Crazy' by Lido

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