Blue Eyes (bxb)

Von frostiecherryxox

35.5K 1.1K 381

As a teenager, we all struggle through the path of finding ourselves. Late nights at our lovers' houses, drin... Mehr

Eighteen and a half
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Four And A Half
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven - Part One
Forty Seven - Part Two

Twenty Eight

516 14 2
Von frostiecherryxox

Friday. 6pm. I was chasing a ball up a field, alongside some of my closest friends in front of a crowd of 750. The opposing team currently had possession over the football, but that soon changed as Sam discreetly came up the inside and snatched it away from a blond, tanned, fucktard. He looked pissed, but who could blame him? I would be too, if I were him. Sam smirked to himself, now kicking the ball in the other direction towards our goal. I was quick on his heels, a matter of metres away. A member from the other team tried to block him, but Sam caught my eye and kicked it over to me.

I ran like the wind. My heels hit the grass with such force I dag holes in the soil. Skai could be heard squealing from the benches. I glanced over at her. She was wearing a green jersey with the number 7 printed on it and Peters on the back. My spare shirt, may I add. She snuck into the locker room prior to the game and stole it. I mean, good on her for being so supportive, but how the hell did she get the key to get in? Our coach has it hidden in the drawers of his desk, one where he always sits. Oh, well.

I expected to see Finn in the crowd, but then I remembered our conversation this morning. I offered for him to come, though he passed it up, mainly for his own safety and the fact that he wouldn't be able to watch it anyway. Still, the company would've been nice.

I was still staring at the benches, the ball somehow managing to stay in my domain. Georgie, Jack and Ellie were shrieking my name hysterically, too. They were sat a couple rows behind Skai. Georgie had a banner made earlier this week reading YOU CAN DO IT, ZAKKY!! printed in silver sequins. I chuckled to myself, finally directing my attention back ahead, only by this point an opposing player was stood adjacent to me. I saw his foot shoot out first, then the word fag echoed in my ear, before I fell, face flat, in the mud.

It took a moment for me to realize what happened. I heard the ref's whistle violently hiss and a lot of commotion all around. I was on my back now. I tasted blood, lots of it. "Zak, baby!" I heard a girl squeal. Skai. Peeling open my eyes, I looked up at her sitting beside me close to tears.

"Huh?" I groaned.

"Aw, my sugarpop, you poor thing?" She cooed. "Has anyone got some tissues?!"

Someone appeared with one and promptly dabbed it to my nose. It was drenched in blood. "It's swollen pretty nasty, like," Sam hollered.

"You don't think I can see that, dipshit?" Skai hissed.

"Soz. How come you fell, dude?"

"Uh... a lad tripped me..." I said, hazily.

"Who? Nixon? The one beside you?" Sam asked, flabogasted.

"I don't know, I think." Everyone turned to a lad with ginger hair and freckles. He looked short and skinny with piercing green eyes.

"Yeah, it was me," he shrugged.

"You fucking dick, Nixon! Have you seen the state of him?" Sam barked.

"Yep, that's what a fag like him deserves," Nixon spat. Now that pissed me off. So I did the only rational thing in my mind at that point in time; fight him.

I sprung to my feet and lurched at the red-head, arms outstretched. He went to swing at me, but I grabbed his wrist and kicked him in the gut. He gasped and hurled over in pain, giving me the chance to knee and punch his face. He fell to the floor. Blood now poured from his nose, too. Spectators were screaming, some were filming. However, Sam and Matt soon got a hold of us. Matt had me pulled in at the waist, gnawing a seething into the air; Sam the same for Nixon.

"Fag! Fag! Fag!" He chanted.

"Shut up, you cunt! I'm not a fucking faggot! Just 'coz you're jealous I got a fit (attractive) as shit girlfriend that I have sex with every night when you're out FUCKING YOU'RE GODDAMN COUSIN!" A few people laughed at that one. Nixon turned the colour of his hair.



"You sick motherfucker, I'm gonna get you, ya' know that! I'll fucking kill you and your boyfriend!" He cursed.

"Yeah, except for the fact that I don't have a boyfriend and I am straight, unlike you're fucking sister who's a lesbian hooker downtown!"


"YEAH, AND THE MOTHER OF YOUR FUCKING KIDS, BASTARD!" I admit, it was getting petty, but my god was it funny to rile him up.

He eventually was dragged away by Sam, but not before flipping me off one last time. I returned the favour and smiled. Matt whacked me over the back of the head. "The fuck was that, Peters?" He cackled.

"A fucking retard tryna fuck me up, geez dude, what an absolute freak!" I laughed.

"Why was he calling you a faggot, Zakky?" Skai looked genuinely upset. Her eyes were wide and teary and her bottom lip quivered.

"Don't listen to him, babe. He's an idiot on another planet. How 'bout we go back to mine and cuddle on the couch? I don't think I can carry on playing after that."

She nodded silently, so I tucked her under my shoulder and guided her back to my car that Dad had finally trusted me enough to give back.

No one was in when we got home, so I ordered a pizza for dinner, as my cooking skills were definitely questionable. The food arrived twenty minutes later; a plain cheese and a pepperoni. Skai switched Netflix on the TV and we began watching Mean Girls, one of mine and her favourites (gay, I know). She curled up on my lap, stuffing her face with food and spitting it out whenever she laughed.

Skai wasn't a bitch, I know that now. She wasn't how I had her planned out in my head. Sure, she's confidently homophobic and cringey as hell, but she did no wrong to me. She helped me when I needed her today, and has even come over to comfort me. I'm the shitty one in this relationship. I'm using her, like Finn said, just to upkeep a social status. I'm cheating on her with a sixteen-year-old boy, though I haven't had sex with him. I'm a liar and I'm pathetic.

Her head was fell back against my chest, and I found myself subconsiously stroking the blonde hair. "Mmh, this is my happy place, Zak," she hummed.


"Yup. What's yours?" I thought for a moment. There was one I knew for certain - sitting on a bus stop bench in the pouring rain with a silver-haired boy right beside you - however that answer was obviously insulting and utterly inappropriate.

"Laying on the grass on a hot day." This was my second choice, and by far more safe to respond with.

"Ooh, yeah, that sounds nice." We focused back on the film. I reached for a slice of pizza from the coffee table, claiming I was being too fidgety for comfort. So instead I had to basically eye rape the pepperoni, rather than taste it first hand. Damn my stupid occassional gentlemanly manner.

The movie finished at 9pm. Skai looked over at me, smiling. "Babyyy, could I pleeeaaasseee stay the night? I can't be bothered going home," she pouted, eyes wide.

"Um, I guess there's no reason why you can't," I replied. She twisted herself round on my lap, now face-to-face with me.

"Thank you so much, honey!" She exclaimed, planting a short kiss on my lips. But she wasn't done, after breaking off, she gave me the look, as I call it. Basically, when a girl wants sex, she gives you the look. It's like lust and adoration and thirst and obssession all mixed together into one daring blink of an eye. It was almost impossible to resist, especially as a closeted gay male.

You can probably predict what happened next. I slammed her body against the wall, like a hungry lion. The kiss was sloppy and careless, unlike the ones me and Finn shared. They were soft and cautious, this was just crude. But, after getting all hot and sweaty, my dick was starting to get affected, and I suppose it would be a shame to waste such an occassion on personal preference.

I managed an "up" then a "stairs" between kisses, and Skai must've got the message as she marched up to my room, practically dragging me along.

Okay, Zak, you can do this, just breathe. And I shut the door behind me...

Song: 'Bad Things' by Machine Gun Kelly and Camila Gabello (this song doesn't exactly relate but idc it's a tune and a half)


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