Taken Over

By MCSMGamerGirl

22.9K 712 901

(This story takes place after Episode 8 and before Season 2 with some changes to the original story line) A... More

Before the Prologue
Getting Information
Cursed Knowledge
The Truth?
Unveiled Secrets
Bad Memories
Face Off
More Secrets?
Secret Meeting
Normal?/More Secrets!?/Hidden Feelings
Getting Help
Quick AN
Old Friends
Portal Hopping/Hostage
OC's Needed
Not an Update
New Allies/Experiment
The Temple
Implantment/Finding the Order
Not a Chapter Sorry
Sneaking In-Part 1
I need some help (NAC)
Sneaking In- Part 2
Sneaking In Part 3
Fighting Back Part 1
Fighting Back Part 2
Into the Unknown Part 1
I got Tagged
Tagged Again
Into the Unknown Part 2
The Final Showdown Part 1
The Final Showdown Part 2
The Final Showdown Part 3
Come back...
One Year Anniversary of Taken Over
The Aftermath

Back Home?

364 12 1
By MCSMGamerGirl


"Is everyone OK?" I asked the other as we were spit back out from the End Portal in the mountains.

"I think so.." Olivia answered next to Reuben from on top of Axel.

"I'm not..." he groaned.

"I think I landed on Eve's tail spines but I'm good." Lukas winced painfully and Eve growled, annoyed.

"How are we going to deal with Jesse now and what are we going to do about the portal?" Petra asked who, apparently, woke up after being spit back out and started helping me up, after she got off of me.

"I got this." I replied as I prepared a large, growing ball of light in the palm of my hand. When it reached a size that satisfied me, I cocked my arm back and threw it like a ball back towards the portal, completely destroying it.

"Awww man I wanted to help with the exploding." Axel whined while helping Olivia up after he accidentally tossed her off when he stood up.

"Sorry pal.." I said while smiling embarrassingly, "Maybe next time."

"Let's just hope that that 'next time' isn't when you have to fight Jesse." Lukas commented.

"If we're going to beat my sister while she's possessed, we'll need to recruit some major help to do it."

"What about the town? How are the people going to be safe?" Olivia asked worriedly.

"We'll evacuate the citizens to the underground bunker where they'll have enough supplies to last them awhile. Meanwhile, we'll go to Crown Mesa, what's left of Sky City, and the Games to go ask for help."

"Then we should get started right away!" Lukas exclaimed.

Time Skip To After The Evacuation

"Now that everyone is safe, we should head out again for the temple so we can make it to the Portal Hall." Petra suggested.

"I'll run to the treasure room to grab the Atlas and the flint and steel." Lukas called out to us as he began to race towards the treasure room with Eve perched on his shoulder.

"We should get Harper first since Ivor is, most likely, still with her." I suggested to Petra, Axel, and Olivia. 

"Good idea, but we better hurry before Herobrine figures out what we're up to." I cautioned everyone.

Another Time Skip To The Portal Hallway

"I'm drawing a blank, which portal leads to Crown Mesa again?" I asked embarrassed.

"It's the Redstone framed portal with a red center." Lukas replied after looking through his and Jesse's cataloging of the portals. 

"How could you forget when I said that 'Redstone means smart people'?" Petra reminded me.

"Sorry I just prefer not to think about what went down the last time we were down here." J admitted.

"Yeah... me neither." Petra replied.

"What exactly happened that was so bad?" Olivia asked.

"I'm curious to know too." Axel agreed with Olivia.

"Weeelll..." I hesitated.


"I marked that one down as 'Fire World'" Lukas declared as he and Jesse marked down the portal's name and appearance.

"Wow, how'd you come up with that gem of a name." Petra commented sarcastically.

"Okay did I miss something here?" 

"Yeah what's up with you?"  I asked.

"What's up with me, what's up? I'm tired of all this useless portal hopping, trying to find the way home." Petra griped, "What's on the other side of that portal? A lake of fire and netherrack? Awesome! Let's go there!"

"We can't just give up, we're the Order of the Stone!" Jesse tried to assure Petra.

"Uuuhh I know you love your pep talks and all Jesse but they don't exactly get us any closer to home now do they?" Petra retorted as the two glared angrily at each other.

"Lukas you're on fire again!" I alerted Lukas as he tried to pat the fire out, again.

"See this is what I'm talking about! We're stuck in a rut- go through a portal, avoid dying long enough to get back to this stupid hallway..."

"Wash, rinse, repeat... Yes. It would be nice if whoever made these left some sort of signs. Guideposts." Ivor interrupted.

"Well so far all the portals we've gone through have had different appearances depending on what and where they lead to." Jesse reasoned while flipping back through her journal.


"Petra, where are you going?" Ivor asked.

"There may not be guideposts, but someone must be able to tell us how to navigate these stupid portals." she groaned, "Okay, this one's Redstone. Redstone means smart people. Hopefully smart enough to help us find the way home. At the very least it's got to be better than 'Fire World.'"

"Petra, we'll find the way back home I promise." Jesse chimed in.

"It's either that or die trying right?"

"What are you saying here huh? That you've made up your mind? You're just going through this portal and that's it?"

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm just saying that I'm tired of Jesse calling the shots Every. Single. Time."

"Woah..." Lukas whispered.

"Yes woah." Ivor gaped.

"Petra, I know we have our differences on how to deal with situations. Me with my knowledge, and you with your instincts and-" Jesse was cut off as Petra snatched away her journal and held it above her head.

"Hey! Give that back!" Jesse tried to reach for it, but she was both the youngest and the shortest of the group.

"Listen to yourself! Without this book you're basically useless in helping us find the way home." she snapped.

"Well if you feel that way maybe I should just leave!"

"Maybe you should!"

Burning brighter than her hair clip, Jesse ran, with streaming tears, through the Redstone Portal and left the others behind.

Flashback End

"I can't believe you yelled at Jesse for depending on her journal too much and that you left Ruben in this spooky place while you faced that evil computer thingie." Axel pointed out and Reuben frowned.

"I still couldn't believe she gave herself up so that J, Ivor, and I could escape from PAMA." Petra remembered, "Even when she's mad at us, she does whatever it takes to protect us."

"That's why Gabriel made her the leader, because she puts other's needs before her own." I said as we stood in front of the Redstone portal.

"I just hope we can save her like she always saves us." Lukas sighed and Eve's head drooped a little.

"Well then let's get Ivor and Harper, if anyone's bound to know about Herobrine, it's them." I declared and walked through the portal."

In Crown Mesa 

"Man this place has undergone some serious repairs since we were here last." Petra gawked at all the new buildings and how where PAMA once was, there was nothing but a mesa mountainside.

"Aw man. These buildings are even more awesome than the last ones." Lukas breathed as he began to sketch in his notebook as Eve eyed Reuben, who was glaring at her suspiciously.

"Hey there!"

We all looked to our right, where we saw Harry beaming and waving us over to him and Lukas hid Eve in the saddle bag he had at his side.

"Never thought I'd see you folks around here again so soon. Whatcha need?"

"It's extremely urgent that we find Harper and Ivor, have you seen them around?" Olivia pleaded.

"Sure thing, they should be refilling the well, if I remember correctly."

"Great. Thanks!" and we all ran off, waving to Harry as we left.

After a few minutes of running, we finally found Ivor working with Harper to dump water buckets into the well. Apparently, Axel decided to do one of his signature pranks as he snuck up behind an unsuspecting Ivor and yelled in his ear, causing him to fall backwards with a bucket on his head.

"What the?!?"

"Aw man you totally freaked out!" Axel chuckled as Ivor looked annoyed at his from beneath the brim of the bucket.

"Hey there! Been awhile since you decided to drop in on us." Harper laughed as Ivor began to blush, "You here to check on your friend Ivor?"

"Actually, we came here to ask for your help." Olivia stated.

"What kind of help?" Harper asked suspiciously.

"Is there anywhere we could talk in private?" I glanced around at all the citizens, minding their own business.

"Sure we could either head to my lab or to my new house."


"Lab!" we all glanced at Olivia as she stuttered,

"I really want to see all the Redstone inventions you three have been telling me about." Olivia begged while looking directly at me, Petra, and Lukas.

"We can get to that later, we should head to my house, it's closer."

"And less crazy..." Petra muttered under her breath.

"I heard that!" 

"Tell me I'm wrong."

"Can we go now?" Axel moaned.

"Fine..." Petra muttered.

Yet Another Time Skip

"Sorry about the mess, I usually don't get company." Harper admitted while stashing some blueprints in a chest.

"It's fine, my sister's usually the one nagging me about organization yet she leaves some of her stuff lying around our tree house." I told Harper while helping her to close the overfilled chest.

"Speaking of whom, where is she?"

"She's been taken by our uncle Herobrine."

"Herobrine. The Herobrine?"

"How could he have escaped from the command block!?" Ivor slightly yelled.

"Wait, you knew about him being imprisoned in the command block?" Lukas asked.

"Soren told me about how, supposedly, Notch trapped him using it, but I never thought it was true."

"Well it is true and what's worse is that Notch and Herobrine are J and Jesse's uncles." Olivia stated, "and Jesse is friends with the Enderdragon that Soren supposedly blinked out of existence."

"What do you mean she's friends with it!"

"That's her to you, sir." and Eve stuck her head of Lukas' bag.

"Gah!!" Ivor fell back and stuttered,

"You can talk?!"

"Of course I can."

"Why are you so afraid of Ivor it's just a hatchling?" Harper held out her hand and Eve allowed Harper to stroke her head.  

"How do you know that?" I asked curiously.

"I once read a book on Enderdragon myths and legends and it said that the Enderdragon could switch between ages and grow older and younger with ease."

"That is true."

"Wait. So if you and your sister are the niece and nephew of Herobrine then that means that you two are the son and daughter of Steve and Alex, whom I've known and met before."


1840 Words

AN- Sorry you all had to wait awhile for this chapter but I've been busy with school since final exams are in three weeks, but the good news is that my computer finally got fixed and I should be able to type the chapters faster than on my phone screen like I normally do. Hoped you all liked this chapter and please comment to give feedback or suggestions for what happens next and all comments are valued and appreciated. Bye!

PS I had to republish this chapter but I had to fix some plot errors sorry 😥

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