The Boy with Bad Habits

Par blackcatbri

441K 15.3K 2.2K

[Warning: this book contains SEXUAL content, crude language, drug use & abusive scenarios. If you aren't matu... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Author's Note


6K 172 50
Par blackcatbri

Six years. Six years have gone by and an endless number of kisses have been given to me since. Given to me by my lovely wife of course.

Her head lay gently on my shoulder while I count the number of times her chest rises and lowers during a light nap. Mrs. Valentino's long tresses spiral onto my forearm almost reaching my lap, it has gotten so lengthy over the years. Of course due to my pleading of her never to get more than two inches chopped off.

The subway is quiet, but my thoughts are speaking  volumes since I'm eager to see Nonna. After I graduated high school and attended my first year in college studying criminology, she had won the lottery! Investing in a wide range of profiting organizations to keep the money flow consistent. She had called as soon as the numbers matched with the ones on the television screen. Both Nonna and I took it upon ourselves to move back to the big apple.

Virginia was nice and all, though our hearts were not content in a state that hardly offered exceptional opportunities. My wife and I moved in together in long island prior to me proposing and Nonna resided in upstate New York. We have decided to wait when it comes to children, our lives are just starting out and a child would dial up the situation.

I never thought I could accomplish such feats. However my failures are behind me now and the fact of the matter is, I made it. This is my life and I couldn't be more satisfied. My childhood and teenage struggles molded me into an adult I'm proud of. To say the least, I don't regret any of it. Finishing up college and becoming firmly grounded in my work as a criminal psychologist, receiving benefits and returning home at a decent enough hour. 

We would have taken my SUV but it had broken down a few days ago. I'm pretty confident it's repaired given my extensive handy work and knowledge but of course my lady disagreed.

Her head is perched up now and I'm wondering if she's soon to awaken or her red hair is just in the way of me seeing those stunning eyes. We're almost fifteen minutes away from our stop and I don't have the heart to interrupt her deep slumber.

Figures I'm mush when it comes to such. Reminds me of Tony. Him and Alyssa are not married but have a kid together. They both claimed it was entirely accidental. They're broken up but can't seem to part from one another. Both of them are living proof there's a fine line between love and hate. Life for them has been quite the roller coaster also. Each attending a different college in a different state. Him in New Mexico and her in Colorado yet visited each other every month. Tony was hesitant to move on until finally he did... to Colorado of course.

Daniel and Dean are now on a television series, go figure. I lost track of Geena, rumor has it she's a head master at an all girls school and married to one of the top ten billionaires under age fifty. My mistake for thinking anything less. Leo bid me farewell the day I moved and, from what I collect, still resides there with his wife and children. From time to time I'll call him to ask how he's doing.

Rachel and I never spoke again since that day. Obviously I have triumphantly dove over that pitfall and could only thank one person for that.

"Sweetheart," I whisper softly into her ear, simultaneously blowing the auburn hair out of the way. She just had to dye it and ruin its natural color. Either way she wasn't any less breath taking.

"Hm," she mumbles in response. My fingers trail up her inflated cheeks which are squeezed together as I stroke her soothingly.

"We're almost here, you gotta wake up or we'll miss our stop," I chuckled to myself at how endearing this moment felt. Both of us at the age of twenty four, our souls are as old as time.

Snuggling even further into my side, she was resisting my coos. "Oh love," I sympathized. "I know you're tired, but you gotta get up eventually."

Groaning while finally being swayed by my protest, her head lazily ascends upward. Long locks of hair showering down her face and I make a quick effort to push them aside so she's less reluctant to calibrate after nearly a thirty minute nap.

"One of these days, you're gonna get tired of waking me up and leave me on here," she snickered. There they were, those enchanting set of eyes, filled with pure adoration. I'd never grow tired of how out-of-this-world she made me feel.

Rolling my eyes teasingly at the ridiculous statement, "Patience is a virtue."

Playfully swatting at my shoulder, "Oh whatever ya goofball, you only get one Willow." She winks at me and I can't help but admire her. 

Gauging in my reaction, "There happens to be an abundance of Willows in China." I state matter-of-factly.

Crossing her arms huffing, "Well this Willow doesn't have a tree trunk, nor is she in China."

"One of a kind I suppose," I address nonchalantly then embrace her wholeheartedly, pressing a protective forehead kiss. "All mine too," I mumble privately.

Shooing me away after an onset of giggles, her initial defiance sprouts back. Shaking my head and amused all at the same time, I turn my attention to the interior of the subway while Willow touches up her lipstick since I'm the reason it's ruined at the moment.

There are very few on given the many stops it has taken so far with the constant departure of people left and right. One thing I notice in particular though, is a man sitting directly in front of us. His head is tilted downward, wearing a fedora and trench coat that consists of a large collar, his face is a total mystery to me. For some reason, I openly stare as if attempting to piece together what this man's appearance is.

Willow nudges me, "Do you know him?" she asks quietly while following my line of vision.

I shake my head.

"Staring is rude," I'm given a pointed look. Nevertheless, as I scrutinize him, it's apparent he's completely still. 

"I don't know," studying him just a few seconds longer, "He seems lifeless."

Putting away her cherry red lipstick, it invites me into a blissful scent of strawberry I can only recognize as home. Brushing off my previous thoughts, "I suppose our stop is close by now..."

Not even five minutes after me saying this, we arrive at our destination and the oddly frozen man is shocked back to life. Willow and I stand to leave until an overwhelming sensation pulls me. The man's movements are too quick, so his hat falls to the ground and a crumpled Ace of Spades card escapes directly from his pocket.

I'm taken back a few when I re-encounter the meaning behind my name. It is true my father named me Ace because as long as he carried that card around with him, he received good luck.

Taking it upon myself to pick it up for him, he scuffles to save his fedora from the unsanitary subway floor.

"Here ya go sir," I say, yet to see his face and picking up his wrinkled and deteriorating card without a deck.

When I give it to him and he stands to his full impressive height which surprisingly matches my own. Willow gasps behind me. I evaluate the man's features little by little, my eyes widening in the process because I know damn well I've seen him before. Deep chestnut colored eyes and unruly black hair added on to a few silver patches near the front. The corners of his eyes have crows feet, answering the question that he's experienced years of laughter. Something so profound about this man that the gut wrenching feeling in my stomach could only perceive.

She speaks up behind me, "Ace is that your-"


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