
By MsChryssieE

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No matter how strong a union can be, challenges always presents itself. The question is... How strong is your... More



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By MsChryssieE

"I apologize for the long wait y'all. I've been sick for the past week, like half dead looking, ears clogged up, nose clogged up sick. So it had me out for a minute, but I'm back. Not one hunnit but I'm back. So I how you and comment!!!"


"Sorry to keep ya waiting like this." I apologized as I entered my office. "Its been a busy morning."

"Its no problem Mr. Alsina." We stood and shook hands. "You have a beautiful family." He nodded at the picture on my desk.

"Thanks man, they my everything."

"I could tell."

Laughing a bit, I knew he was referring to the numerous photos I had of Misty and Nai in my office.

"And I must say, your wife is amazing."

"You trying to butter me up?" I laughed.

"Nah. I was speaking from the magazines you have in here. Everyone of them has an article on her or she's on the cover."

"What can I say, I love and support my wife and like you said, she is amazing." I smirked thinking about Misty. "So let's get down to business shall we?"

"Sure." He nodded.

"So you know about the program?"

"Not much to be honest. I was just given a letter and told to be here for nine on Monday morning."

"Well basically its a paid internship program I got going with your school. What we do is, we introduce seniors like yourself to the working world outside of what you may want to show y'all that you have options."

"Ok." He nodded.

"But it also means that you are falling short somewhere in your classes because I see here your down for extra credit."

"Yea. Um." He scratched behind his head. "History, Geography and Spanish are my weak points right now and given that I have a full scholarship to Georgia Tech, I gotta get this extra credit."

Nodding, I understood where he was coming from while I read over his files.

"I'm going to let you know, this isn't an easy job and I expect you to give it your all. I see you play ball?"

"Yup. Captain of the basketball team and Quarterback of the football team"

"Good so that means you know what it takes to run a team successfully."

"I do." He nodded.

"Hea you'on stay in one spot, everyday you come hea ya most likely to be moved about so be prepared. Ion know how you gonna do this with ya practice schedule but I expect ya hea everyday at three thirty."

"Yes sir." He nodded.

"Alright well that's it basically. You got any questions?"

"Yea, um one. If I wanted to pick up hours on weekends of if I got free time, is that possible."

"Well weekends is for my family, but if you got tha free time during tha week, it ain't a problem for you to come in."

"Ok great." He nodded as we stood.

"Aight, LaJustin it is?" I extended my hand.

"Yea but you can just say LJ."

"Aight LJ well you cab come in from tomorrow. "

"Ok cool. Thanks again Mr. Alsina."

"Yea man no problem." I escorted him out.

Collecting some mail from my receptionist, I walked back into my office and sat behind my desk.

Releasing a sigh, I wiped my hands down my face and leaned back closing my eyes for a moment when my intercom went off.

"Mr. Alsina, your wife is on line two."

"Thanks Shari."

Picking up the receiver, I pressed two and soon enough my wife's voice soothed my ears.


"My sweet face." I smiled. "Wazzmin baybeh."

"I'm missing you."

"I know ma and I promise I'm coming home tonight. I'm tired of this seeing this office."

"And I'm tired of not seeing my husband and so is our daughter."

"I know and I promise I'll make it up to y'all. The merger is almost complete, I got the last meeting today to finalize everything then I'll be home and I'm gon take my wife and my daughter out to celebrate."

Aside from working on Misty's line, I've been working on a huge business move for my company for some months now and it finally pull through.

Triple A apparel was gonna be operating in Europe in connection with Balmain Paris come March next year.

"You know you've never told me what this big deal was."

"I know and I will when we go out tonight. So when you get Nai from dance, I want y'all to go shopping and get something nice to wear and all that stuff ok."

"You just spoke my language."

"Of course I did. See why I gotta make deals like this because I got two expensive females to take care off." I laughed.

"Yes you do. You have us like this. Now get to work let me go spend my husband's money." She snickered.

"Misty I ain't tell ya ass ta go wild. Don't be buying no unnecessary shit."

"Yea yea."

"Misty I'm serious."

"Love you too babe."


Before I could say anything else the line went dead. Shaking my head I just had to laugh.

"What am I going to do with you." I smiled picking up tha picture of her I had on my desk.

Putting it back, my phone rang and sure enough it was her calling me back.

"I love you too." I answered knowing that was why she called.

"I Love you too and I promise I won't go wild."

"I know ya won't. Ya ass gon buy expensive shit."

"You know me so well."

"Just know ya gon have ta put out tonight."

"I plan too."

"Good. Now gon spend Daddy's money."

"Mmm. Yes Daddy." She cooed.

"Eh hem"

Looking at the door, I was surprised."

"I'll call ya back ma."

"Ok babe. Love you."

"Love ya too."

Putting away my phone I sat up and smiled.

"What ya doing hea?"

"So I'm not going to get a hug from my uncle." Amaiya smiled.

"You know you are." I got up and hugged her.

"So what's up?"

"Before anything. Aren't you and TeeTee too old fa all'lat 'Daddy' talk." She laughed.

"Mind ya business lah girl. Ain't nobody too ole fa anything. Now watchu want and how much it's gonna cost me?"

Laughing she shook her head.

"No need to get defensive unc, I love how you and TeeTee are, its like how momma and Jay are too."

"Mhmm. Now to what do I owe this visit?"

"Its not business, its personal."

When she said that, my facial expression spoke.

"Relax uncle Aug." She laughed.

"When you say personal, watchu mean? Noonie you pregnant?"

"What? No! No! Hell No!" She shook her head. "Why would you even think that. I'm still a virgin!" She said then paused.

"Oh thank God." I exhaled. "And that's good. Keep it that way."

"I know but that's the thing."


"Jaire wants to make things official but he doesn't know that I'm you know."

"How long now y'all been dating?"

"Basically three months. From the day I handed him the contract, he asked me out and since then we've been dating."

"And that talk never came up?"

"Nope. We've spoken about every possible thing but that and I feel like now if we do make it official he would expect that."

"Ya can't say that baybeh unless y'all talk bout it."

"But how do I bring that up."

"That Ion know."

Having this talk with Maiya took me back to when I found out about Misty still being one.

"Uncle Aug?"


"You zoned out."

"Oh, I'm sorry baybeh."

"Its ok." She sighed. "But do you have any advice for me. I can't really go to momma because I already know what she would say."

"What's that?"

"If he loves you he will wait!" She mocked Chandra. "Like who talking about love here." She rolled her eyes. "And worse yet, Jay gonna be like, "Ain't no sex with my baby girl, I'm gon kill him, Cha where my gun at?" in his New York accent."

I couldn't hold back my laughter when she did that. She got them both down for real.

"Uncle Aug, its not funny." She whined but smiled.

"Aight aight." I tried to stop. Let me tell you something."

"I'm listening."

"Ya aunt was a virgin when I met ha too."


"Yea and she waited till she was ready and I mean actually ready."

"How did she tell you?"

"She didn't."

"So how you knew."

Sighing I looked at the picture of Misty and Nai behind her.

"Back when we got together, there was someone how had it out for ya aunt."

"Really? TeeTee Misty? But she is the sweetest person ever."

"Yea and that's why and well they paid off some people to attack ha and they did ha bad. It wasn't till while at the hospital the nurse came back with some results and she told me."

"Oh wow!"

"Yea and then me and ya aunt spoke and all that. So just tell him. If he really like ya, he'll understand."

"You think so."

"Yea. Ole boy seem like a cool guy and I respect the fact that he taking his time. If he goes left just let me know though."

"I will and thank you uncle Aug."

"Ya welcome baybeh. Now what's tha deal with you and ya sister?"

"Me and Kay are good. She's ready to come home for winter break." She smiled.

"Not Kayden, Noonie."

"Oh Destiny? We're good too. She's-"



"I'm talking bout Chaylin."

"What about her?" She said in this tone.

"Y'all still not talking?"

"I don't have anything to say to her."

"You wasn't raised like this Noonie."

"Neither was she but she's still selfish and conceited." She shrugged.

Sighing I just shook my head.

"You gave her an invitation?"


"Lah girl!"

"Uncle Aug can we not speak about her please."

"I'm speaking about you speaking to your sister."

"And I'm not so this conversation is done. Next topic."

I just stared at ha as she picked her nails uninterested. I know Amaiya was beyond stubborn and she wasn't going to say anything till Chaylin apologized.

"You ate already? I could do with an early lunch."

"You're paying so I'm definitely eating." She smiled.

"Of course you are." I snickered.

Packing up my desk, I grabbed my coat and we left. We decided on going to Houston's and just talked some more.

"So this thing with that light skinned boy."

"Jaire Uncle Aug."

"Yea him. You really into him."

"I am." She blushed. "He is the first guy to like be on my level."


"And I've met his family."


"Uh huh and so did momma and Jay, that's how I sorta knew he wanted to make things official."

"This was recently?"

"Like two weeks ago. We did a picnic in the park and just relaxed."

"Huh." I nodded.

"And they want to meet you too." She smirked while eating.

"Me? Why?"

"Jaire suggested it. He told them how important you are to me and they said they wouldn't mind meeting you."

"Ok, well next time I come out thea then."


"But what he gotta say bout you being a traveler?"

"Nothing really. He is ok with it."

"Good because I don't want anyone holding y'all back."

"I know. What about you and TeeTee, besides y'all nasty talk." She laughed.

"We good." I nodded. "Trying for another baybeh."

"Really?" she said excitedly.

"Yea but we good otherwise plus ya lah cousin happy so that means we doing something right."

"Trust me y'all are. Oh and tell Nai, I'm down for the next sleep over."

"I'll do that." I laughed as we continued our conversation.


Sitting waiting in my car, I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. Exhaling, I heard the bell went off and not too long after students began filing out of the building.

Getting our of my car, I made my way to the student car where I had spotted Jayda's car.

"Just relax Misty, just relax." I coached myself.

"Mrs. Misty?"

Slightly startled out my thoughts, I saw Jayda in front me.

"Oh hey."

"Ummm, hey." She said looking around. "Is everything ok?"

"Yea. Um no. I needed to talk to you about Thanksgiving night and what you saw."

"Mrs. Misty, its cool. Like I said I won't say anything to anyone."

"I know but I just want to explain to you what if was."

"Look. That's your business and I should have waited before entering."

I was becoming a bit frustrated but I didn't want to show it.

"Can you just come with me somewhere."

Sighing, she looked over her shoulder and paused before looking back at me.

"Ok fine."

After she agreed, I told her where to meet me and left. Getting into my car, I pulled off once I'd seen her do the same.

On my way to the lake, I checked to see how much time I had because I had to pick up Nai and get her to dance before we go to the mall.

"So, how come you chose here?" Jayda asked as we met up.

"This is my solace." I sighed looking off at the water. "Aug and I come here just to get away from everything."

"Oh." She nodded.

Sitting on the bench at the picnic table, I exhaled and so did Jayda.

"We're trying to have another baby." I came out and said while still looking out.

"Oh ok." She nodded.

"Earlier this year, to save myself from ovarian cancer, I had to remove one of my ovaries after finding a lump." I began. "My doctor told me I would be fine because many women have conceived with one ovary."

"So that's what the injection was for?"

I nodded as I wiped my eyes.

"I had a check up a couple weeks ago and my doctor told me that things slowed down a bit and prescribed the shots for a couple weeks but after the first week of taking it, it was fucking with me."

"What you mean?"

"I was having some side effects and with Aug being Aug he made me stop but"

"You've been taking it still."

"Yea." I nodded.

"First I want to apologize because I did think otherwise. I mean I know how celebrities do things so I did preconcieve the thought."

"That's why I needed to tell you. Like that kind of lifestyle is not me and my husband. We've come from that background and the last thing we will do is go down that road especially with the level of public figures we are."

"And I should have known that. Another thing." She looked at me. "You should listen to Mr. August. Those meds mess you up. I had an aunt who was in the same situation and she ended up in the hospital because of it."


"Yea. You and your family are blessed, just trust in God."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"We're all out here trying to live, young and old."

"That's so true and I'm sorry for ambushing you at school."

"Uh huh. Now I'm gonna be getting a bunch of questions."

"I'm sorry." I hugged her as we laughed.

"You been good though? Sarah says you're amazing at the shelter."

"I actually love it there. Working with the children. I'm thinking bout doing a course in child care or something."

"Really? What colleges you applied for?"

"Oh ummm."

As she was about to speak, both our phones rang.

"Shit!" We both said.

"Nai!" I showed her my phone.

"Dajah." She showed me hers.

"Let's get going."

"Yup. But just remember, just trust God."

"I will hun." We hugged before leaving.


"Momma are you sure daddy's coming home tonight?"

Fixing Nai's hair, I sighed at her question. Aug been working so hard these days and him not being home was bothering her.

Yes he would come home, shower grab something to eat and go, but she wouldn't be around when he did and she missed him.

"Yes sweet pea I'm sure. Now go out on your shoes and let's go."

In true August style, he sent over a car to pick us up. I had no idea where we were meeting him and he refused to say.

"I'm ready momma."

Grabbing my clutch, we left out and approached the car.

"Mrs. Alsina, Ms. Alsina."

"John." We both said and smiled as we go in.

"You ladies look lovely tonight."

"Thank you." We said together again.


"Yes. Ms. Naima?"

"Are you going to tell us what daddy has up his sleeve? I know you know."

"All I know is that I'm suppose to bring you two to a specific location."

"So you're not going to say?"

"Have I ever?" He looked at us in the mirror with a smirk.


Huffing, Nai folded her arms acrossed her chest and sat back.

"You're so spoilt." I laughed as did John.

As we continued the drive, John turned on some light music. Nai was still pouting and I knew this was because she was missing her father.

"I know you're missing him babe." I pulled her into me but she didn't say anything. "Shit I'm missing him too but we're going to see him now."

Soon as I said that she began to cry. It was no secret that she was a daddy's girl and all I could do was let her get it out.

As the car came to a stop, I looked out and smiled when I saw where we were.

"C'mon sweet pea." I raised her up.

Wiping her face for her, John opened the door and helped us out.

"You ok Ms. Naima?"

"Mhmm." She nodded as I hugged her.


Looking up, Aug stood there smiling till he saw Nai.

"What's wrong?" His frowned deepened as he approached us.

"She misses you."

Looking at me heartbroken, he took her from me.

"Sweet pea I'm sorry." He hugged her. "I promise I'll be home from now on ok."

Nodding her head, he raised it and kissed her forehead before kissing me.

Walking into Houston's we were escorted to a secluded area set up just for us.

"Order anything yall want." He smiled.

Looking over the menu, I knew what I wanted already. We placed our orders and just talked while we waited.

"Momma can I get some?"


Passing my wine glass, Nai took some.

"So. Myself along with my daughter would like to know why the man of our house hasn't been there." We both sat back with our arms folded.

"Damn so y'all ganging up on a nigga."

"Yes!" We both spoke.

"Hmmm." He pulled on his beard.

Getting up, he walked over to a counter and came back with an envelop and handed it to me.

Opening it, I took out a photo and some papers.

"What's this?" I looked at him

"That's our new house in France." He smirked.

"France!" Nai said snatching it out of my hands.


"Yea babe." He smiled.

"You're joking right?"


"Aug we don't need a house in France. How much did this cost?"

"We do after closing a deal with Balmain." He took a sip in his drink.

"Come again?"

"I've been working on a deal with them for months now and its done." He smiled. "Triple A is gonna be in Europe as a sub section for Balmain."

"Oh my God August!" I jumped up, hugging him. "Babe congratulations."

"Thank ya sweet face especially fa being patient with me on this."

"You're welcome." I kissed him.

"Naima Melody?" He called. "You still mad at ya pops?"

"Nope." She smiled looking at the picture.

It wasn't too long after that our food came. We sat eating and just enjoying each others company as we caught up on everything.

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